Article ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Old Warrants Page 1 of 1
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Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
but wo each think our own should be practised uniformly throughout the world . This is very far from being the first time , Bro . Carlowitz , the idea of a Supreme Grand Lodge for the whole of the United States has been
mooted . You deserve great credit for the force with which you advocate it in the present instance , but we do not think you Avill live to see your idea realised . However , we tender you our hearty good wishes for your success .
The Keystone announces that the Grand Council of Royal , Super-Excellent and Select Masters , Pennsylvania , met on the evening of the 21 st ult ., in the hall of Lebanon Lodge , Lebanon , Pa ., the attendance being far greater than on any previous occasion in this jurisdiction . The proposal to
change the title of tho Grand Council was rejected . 1 he following were elected officers for the ensuing year- —namely , 111 . Comps . Peter C . Shidle , M . P . G . M ., M . Richard Muckle R . P . D . G . M ., William J . Fordney L . G . M ., H . Stanley Goodwin G . P . C . of W ., James Brown G . T ., and Charles
E . Meyer Grand Recorder . These were all installed by P . G . M . 111 . Comp . Christian F . Knapp , and duly proclaimed . The next annual assembly will be held in Allighany city . 111 . Comp . Will . F . McCully , of Philadelp hia , Council No . 11 , the retiring Master , was presented with a Past T . P . G . M .
jewel . In the same estimable journal is an article by Bro . Hughan , entitled " Freemasonry in America early last Century . " Bro . Hughan discusses the constitution of sundry Lodges in various of the now United States , which held under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and of others
warranted by Mother Kilwinning , then acting apart from the Scottish Grand Lodge . Among the former is included " No . 177 , St . John ' s , Philadelphia , " which , on the
authority of our worthy brother , must have been established in 1774 . Respecting this , Bro . Hughan is anxious to obtain further information from our Philadelphia brethren , as no mention of or allusion to it is made in the Memorial
volume , in the Keystone , or elsewhere . He believes it quite possible that an examination into this may open up a fresh link with the past history of Freemasonry in the premier Masonic City of America . "
We wish to direct the attention of those of our brethren who are enrolled under the banner of Mark Masonry , to the meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Middlesex and Surrey , which will be held on Wednesday next , at the Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street , W . C ,
when we hope to see a strong muster ot the brethren to do honour to their respected Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at six o ' clock , and the Grosvenor Lodge ( for the advancement ot brethren , & c . ) at lour .
We are informed that the next Meeting of the Members of the Pan-Anglican Club will take place this day , Saturday , at the Freemasons' Tavern , to determine upon the future location ot the Club . The President will take the Chair at 2 p . m .
We make it a rule to show no favours to the various candidates for the benefits of our Institutions , but at the earnest solicitation of Bro . Lacey P . M . of 174 1327 and 1241 , havo so far departed from it as to speciallym ention the case of Maria Gertrude Goddin , who is a candidate
for the Girl ' s School . She is one of a family of seven who are left entirely dependent on the exertions oi their mother , and if any of our friends have not yet promised their votes we would ask them to support Bro . Lacey .
HOLI . OWAA- ' Ois-tMCST . s > -n Pn / Ls . — Pisorrter of the Throat ami Chest . —Who cv r has once muds trial of these invaluable remedies ran trutlil ' ully be ir testimony to i lit-ii- iH-t .- iiiiliir , g cQUac . v , tiic-ir euro tit e aud prater , iitive potvor . against the ninny ma ' adie . ; ,. { ui ; : t ,: v . The Ointment , rubbed on the clie » t ace * most IjeutlieiaU y mimenhi ™ mlliravmation . irritation , congestion , nnd ni
pectoral complaints . In ulcerated sore throat , diphtheria , mumps , quinsey anil umilar ailments , the Ointment should lie well rubbed upon the throat , urn . summit ot the chest at Icy-i , twice a day , while tho Pills are taken internally according to ihe piaml . y printed directions . Holloway ' s remedies constitute it themselves a perfect safeguard against most diseases dependent upon change able or inclement weather . They counteract the sources of disease .
Old Warrants
Old Warrants
— : o : — No . 59 . No . 222 , " Ancients ; " No . 279 at tho " Union A . D . 1813 , " No . 197 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 168 from A . D . 1863 . ANTRIM GRAND MASTER .
So all tubom it imnj toman . WE , the Grand Lodge of tho moat Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free & Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nino hundred twenty & six , and in the year of
Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful , Most Potent & Puissant Lord , Tho Right Honourable Wil . iam Randell , Earl of Antrim , Lord Viscount Dumbica , Knight Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Governor of Antrim , & o ., & c , & c , Grand Master
of Masons , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful James Read , Esq ., Senior Grand Warden , & the Right YVorshipful Peter Fehr Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London aud West .
minster ) , Do hereby authorize and impowor our Trusty & No . 222 well beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful Robert Mitchell , one of onr Master Masons , The Worshipful John Nelson , his Senior Warden , & the Worshipful Peter Arive , hia Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free & Accepted
Masons aforesaid , at the sign of the Royal George , in Saint Peter s Port , or elsewhere , in the Island of Guernsey , on the Second & Fourth Wednesday in every Calendar Month , & on all seasonable Times & lawful Occasions , & according to the most Ancient & Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all ages & nations throughout the
known World . And we do hereby farther authorize & impotver our said Trusty & well beloved Brethren , Robert Mitchell , John Nelson , & Peter Arive ( with the consent of the members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chase , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , & invest them with their Powers & Dignities as
Free Masons , *& o . And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , chuse , & install their Successors , & o . & c . & c . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' DAV , during the continuance of this Lodge for ever . Providing the above named Brethren & all their Successors always pay due Respect to ttiis
Right Worshipful Graud Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force or Virtue . ( Jiveii under our Hands & the Seal of our Grand Lodge in Loudon , this Ninth day of March , in the Year of Our Lord Uno Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Four , & iu the Year of Masonry Five Thousand iSeven Hundred & Eighty Four ,
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered ) in tho Grand Lod ^ e , Vol . 8 , V Letter H . J
[ SEAL . ] [ SEAL . ] The present title , No ., & o . are , The Mariners' Lodge , No . 168 , Guernsey .
MASONS AND THE DECLARATION or INDEPENDENCE . —On the second day of the late session of the Grand Lodge of WisconBin , a fraternal reunion was held at the Court House , Milwaukie , at which addresses were delivered by Mayor A . R . R . Butler aud Rev . Bro . Samuel Fallows . The latter took for his subject the * ' Tree of Masonry , " and showed the character and sxtent of its roots . Tho following is
interesting and suggestive : — " In that city of brotherly love , where onr grand Centennial Exhibition is now being held , in that celebrated Hall where once sat the men ' who pledged their lives , their fortunes aud their sacred honour , ' to maintain the glorious principles of the Declaration of Independence , there is yet to be seen the chair in which John Hancock sat when he presided over that immortal baud ,
and signed his name so that Johu Bull could read it without spectacles . That chair has on it , marked so boldly that it arrests urst the visitor's attention , tho Masonic symbol of the All-Seeing Eye . Eow many of this heroic nnmber of patriots , ' who , in the days that iried men ' s souls , ' ventured their all for their country's welfare—how many , I ask , wero Masons ? Our children know tho number of
signers ; thoy are familiar with the facsimile of thoir signatures . They know that fifty-six perilled their lives iu putting down thoir names . Fifty out of the titty-six were members of the Masonio fraternity , aud ho who is familiar with Masonic thoughts , scuiiinouts j , iid language , hwivs that the favour , tho spirit , nay , thu very eroit
. •;(< yt ; of that magnificent protect aghast tyranny , and assertion of -ho just , inalienable righis of man , are thoroughly Masonic . These vero tho men who , banded together , in 'the upper room , ' had learned . he meaning of true liberty and equality , aud knew how to give aud / indicate these precious truths to the world . "—Bro . Rev . Samuel Fallows , of Wisconsin , ' - 'Keystone .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution.
but wo each think our own should be practised uniformly throughout the world . This is very far from being the first time , Bro . Carlowitz , the idea of a Supreme Grand Lodge for the whole of the United States has been
mooted . You deserve great credit for the force with which you advocate it in the present instance , but we do not think you Avill live to see your idea realised . However , we tender you our hearty good wishes for your success .
The Keystone announces that the Grand Council of Royal , Super-Excellent and Select Masters , Pennsylvania , met on the evening of the 21 st ult ., in the hall of Lebanon Lodge , Lebanon , Pa ., the attendance being far greater than on any previous occasion in this jurisdiction . The proposal to
change the title of tho Grand Council was rejected . 1 he following were elected officers for the ensuing year- —namely , 111 . Comps . Peter C . Shidle , M . P . G . M ., M . Richard Muckle R . P . D . G . M ., William J . Fordney L . G . M ., H . Stanley Goodwin G . P . C . of W ., James Brown G . T ., and Charles
E . Meyer Grand Recorder . These were all installed by P . G . M . 111 . Comp . Christian F . Knapp , and duly proclaimed . The next annual assembly will be held in Allighany city . 111 . Comp . Will . F . McCully , of Philadelp hia , Council No . 11 , the retiring Master , was presented with a Past T . P . G . M .
jewel . In the same estimable journal is an article by Bro . Hughan , entitled " Freemasonry in America early last Century . " Bro . Hughan discusses the constitution of sundry Lodges in various of the now United States , which held under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , and of others
warranted by Mother Kilwinning , then acting apart from the Scottish Grand Lodge . Among the former is included " No . 177 , St . John ' s , Philadelphia , " which , on the
authority of our worthy brother , must have been established in 1774 . Respecting this , Bro . Hughan is anxious to obtain further information from our Philadelphia brethren , as no mention of or allusion to it is made in the Memorial
volume , in the Keystone , or elsewhere . He believes it quite possible that an examination into this may open up a fresh link with the past history of Freemasonry in the premier Masonic City of America . "
We wish to direct the attention of those of our brethren who are enrolled under the banner of Mark Masonry , to the meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of Middlesex and Surrey , which will be held on Wednesday next , at the Masonic Hall , Air-street , Regent-street , W . C ,
when we hope to see a strong muster ot the brethren to do honour to their respected Prov . G . M ., Bro . Col . Burdett . The Provincial Grand Lodge will be opened at six o ' clock , and the Grosvenor Lodge ( for the advancement ot brethren , & c . ) at lour .
We are informed that the next Meeting of the Members of the Pan-Anglican Club will take place this day , Saturday , at the Freemasons' Tavern , to determine upon the future location ot the Club . The President will take the Chair at 2 p . m .
We make it a rule to show no favours to the various candidates for the benefits of our Institutions , but at the earnest solicitation of Bro . Lacey P . M . of 174 1327 and 1241 , havo so far departed from it as to speciallym ention the case of Maria Gertrude Goddin , who is a candidate
for the Girl ' s School . She is one of a family of seven who are left entirely dependent on the exertions oi their mother , and if any of our friends have not yet promised their votes we would ask them to support Bro . Lacey .
HOLI . OWAA- ' Ois-tMCST . s > -n Pn / Ls . — Pisorrter of the Throat ami Chest . —Who cv r has once muds trial of these invaluable remedies ran trutlil ' ully be ir testimony to i lit-ii- iH-t .- iiiiliir , g cQUac . v , tiic-ir euro tit e aud prater , iitive potvor . against the ninny ma ' adie . ; ,. { ui ; : t ,: v . The Ointment , rubbed on the clie » t ace * most IjeutlieiaU y mimenhi ™ mlliravmation . irritation , congestion , nnd ni
pectoral complaints . In ulcerated sore throat , diphtheria , mumps , quinsey anil umilar ailments , the Ointment should lie well rubbed upon the throat , urn . summit ot the chest at Icy-i , twice a day , while tho Pills are taken internally according to ihe piaml . y printed directions . Holloway ' s remedies constitute it themselves a perfect safeguard against most diseases dependent upon change able or inclement weather . They counteract the sources of disease .
Old Warrants
Old Warrants
— : o : — No . 59 . No . 222 , " Ancients ; " No . 279 at tho " Union A . D . 1813 , " No . 197 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 168 from A . D . 1863 . ANTRIM GRAND MASTER .
So all tubom it imnj toman . WE , the Grand Lodge of tho moat Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free & Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitutions granted by His Royal Highness Prince EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nino hundred twenty & six , and in the year of
Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample Form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful , Most Potent & Puissant Lord , Tho Right Honourable Wil . iam Randell , Earl of Antrim , Lord Viscount Dumbica , Knight Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath , Governor of Antrim , & o ., & c , & c , Grand Master
of Masons , The Right Worshipful Laurence Dermott , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful James Read , Esq ., Senior Grand Warden , & the Right YVorshipful Peter Fehr Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London aud West .
minster ) , Do hereby authorize and impowor our Trusty & No . 222 well beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful Robert Mitchell , one of onr Master Masons , The Worshipful John Nelson , his Senior Warden , & the Worshipful Peter Arive , hia Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodge of Free & Accepted
Masons aforesaid , at the sign of the Royal George , in Saint Peter s Port , or elsewhere , in the Island of Guernsey , on the Second & Fourth Wednesday in every Calendar Month , & on all seasonable Times & lawful Occasions , & according to the most Ancient & Honorable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all ages & nations throughout the
known World . And we do hereby farther authorize & impotver our said Trusty & well beloved Brethren , Robert Mitchell , John Nelson , & Peter Arive ( with the consent of the members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chase , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , & invest them with their Powers & Dignities as
Free Masons , *& o . And such Successors shall in like Manner nominate , chuse , & install their Successors , & o . & c . & c . Such Installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' DAV , during the continuance of this Lodge for ever . Providing the above named Brethren & all their Successors always pay due Respect to ttiis
Right Worshipful Graud Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force or Virtue . ( Jiveii under our Hands & the Seal of our Grand Lodge in Loudon , this Ninth day of March , in the Year of Our Lord Uno Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Four , & iu the Year of Masonry Five Thousand iSeven Hundred & Eighty Four ,
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered ) in tho Grand Lod ^ e , Vol . 8 , V Letter H . J
[ SEAL . ] [ SEAL . ] The present title , No ., & o . are , The Mariners' Lodge , No . 168 , Guernsey .
MASONS AND THE DECLARATION or INDEPENDENCE . —On the second day of the late session of the Grand Lodge of WisconBin , a fraternal reunion was held at the Court House , Milwaukie , at which addresses were delivered by Mayor A . R . R . Butler aud Rev . Bro . Samuel Fallows . The latter took for his subject the * ' Tree of Masonry , " and showed the character and sxtent of its roots . Tho following is
interesting and suggestive : — " In that city of brotherly love , where onr grand Centennial Exhibition is now being held , in that celebrated Hall where once sat the men ' who pledged their lives , their fortunes aud their sacred honour , ' to maintain the glorious principles of the Declaration of Independence , there is yet to be seen the chair in which John Hancock sat when he presided over that immortal baud ,
and signed his name so that Johu Bull could read it without spectacles . That chair has on it , marked so boldly that it arrests urst the visitor's attention , tho Masonic symbol of the All-Seeing Eye . Eow many of this heroic nnmber of patriots , ' who , in the days that iried men ' s souls , ' ventured their all for their country's welfare—how many , I ask , wero Masons ? Our children know tho number of
signers ; thoy are familiar with the facsimile of thoir signatures . They know that fifty-six perilled their lives iu putting down thoir names . Fifty out of the titty-six were members of the Masonio fraternity , aud ho who is familiar with Masonic thoughts , scuiiinouts j , iid language , hwivs that the favour , tho spirit , nay , thu very eroit
. •;(< yt ; of that magnificent protect aghast tyranny , and assertion of -ho just , inalienable righis of man , are thoroughly Masonic . These vero tho men who , banded together , in 'the upper room , ' had learned . he meaning of true liberty and equality , aud knew how to give aud / indicate these precious truths to the world . "—Bro . Rev . Samuel Fallows , of Wisconsin , ' - 'Keystone .