Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article INDIA. Page 1 of 1 Article PRESENTATION TO BRO. JAMES HANNAH, OF WARRINGTON. Page 1 of 1 Article CONFIDENCE LODGE OF INSTRUCTION, No. 193 Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We learn from the Masonic Record of Western India that an Emergent Meeting of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab was held at Freemasons' Hall , Lahore , on St . John tho Evangelist ' s Dav , the 27 th December last . Bro . Major W . H . Mackesy , Depnty D . G . M ., presided , and tho different Lodges in the district were fairly represented . The Lodge having been opened , a procession was
formed , and tho brethren , to the number of between forty and fifty , attended Divine service in the parish ohnrch of Lahore , where a sermon on the bnilding cf the Walls of Jerusalem , was delivered by the Rev . W . Hooker . After service , the procession was reformed , and the brethren marched back to the Hall , when the District Grand Lodge was closed . In the evening , onr Lahore brethren and their
guests dined together in the banquet hall , to the number of forty-two . The nsual Loyal and Masonio toasts wore proposed and responded to , and the evening passed off most agreeably . A Quarterly Communication of the same District Grand Lodge was held at the same Hall on the 13 th January last . Bro . Major Mackesy presided ns Grand Master . Thei-e were present Bros . A . Stewart as
Dep . D . G . M ., C . A . Goodman D . G . S . Warden , W . Bath as D G . J . W ., C . H . Chetham D . G . Treasurer , George Davis D . G . Secretary , and other District Grand or acting D . G . Officers , together with several representatives of Lodges . Before the minutes of the previous Regular Communication , held on the 30 th October last , were put for confirmation , a remonstrance was read from Lodge Mooltnn against
the voto of 200 rupees towards the Lahore New Church , on the usual ground of Denominationalism ; the funds being collected from men of all creeds shonld not be expended for the benefit of one creed . In the course of the discussion thafc followed , Bros . Major Gorham and Chetham , in supporting the vote , expressed their willingness to support a grant , if one were proposed , towards the erection ' of
a Mosque , or any similar institution which conferred blessings npon suffering humanity . The proposition that the minutes be confirmed was then put to the vote and carried nem . con . The minutes of the Emergent Meeting on the 27 th December having been likewise confirmed , the D . D . G . M . addressed the D . Grand Lodge . He announced the approaching retnrn to India of the D . G . M . Major
Mnrmadnke Ramsay , who wonld therefore bo able to preside afc the next Quarterly Communication . He also said that Masonry in the District was prosperous , and that most of the Lodges continued to make their returns with commendable regularity . He alludpd in feeling terms to the premature death of W . Bro . Captain W . 0 . Clayton , of the 9 fch Lancers , who was accidentally killed by a fall
from his pony , when playing polo afc Delhi . Having announced his own reappointment for the current year as Deo . D . G . M ., Bro . Major Maokesv , appointed the following as his officers , the position of D . G . S . W . being kept open , at the request of Major Ramsay , in order to be filled by a worthy brother , whose arrival from England is shortly expected , Bro . Chalmers temporarily taking the office . Bro . Chatham
having been unanimously re-elected G . Treasurer , the nnmps of the new appointees were read out . Bro . J . W . Goldnev D . G . J . W ., Bro . Rev . W . J . Hunt , D . Grand Chaplain , Bro . G . Dan ' s , D . G . Secretary , Bro . L . W . Taylor , D . Grand Registrar ; Bros . W . Freeman and Capt . H . J . Brownrigge D . Senior nnd Junior Grand Deacons respectively j Bro . R . Blake D . G . Snp . of Works , Bros . Dhanjibhoy D . G . D . of 0 .
and W . 0 . Wilson Ass . ditto ; Bro . H . W . Whymps D . G . S . B , E . Gillson D . G . Organist , Sinder Bikrame Singh D . G . Pars ., and Lord Ossnlstone , Garrioch . Dinehaw Hesjee , T . J . Symonds , B . T . Hill , and R . Kerr D . G . Stewards . Those of the foregoing who were present were then invested . An estimate of mpeea 1 , 000 was then sanctioned towards enlarging the Hall bnilding , and ifc was agreed
to invite the bodies using it to contribute rupees 500 . The report of the Fund of Benevolence , recommending the grant of 25 rnpees per annnm to the widow of a deceased brother , was submitted and confirmed . The proceedings of the Board of General Purposes was next submitted , and confirmed ; and several resolutions , among which was one recommending the loan of 500 rupees from the D . G . L .
Fund , free of-interest , to the Freemasons Hall Fund , —adopted . The D . G . Lodge was then closed in the nsnal manner , at 10 p . m . The Standard contains an interesting account of the celebration of St . John the Evangelist ' s day in Lodge St . Andrew No . 800 , Bro . Hodgson W . M . presiding . Bros . Robertson , Jefferson , and Jenkins were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was then
adjourned during a short period for refreshment , after which Bro . Conor was passed . Bro . Cnrfcois S . W . and W . M . elect , was then duly installed in the chair of K . S . The board of installed Masters com . prising W . Bros . Louth , Hodgson , Etty and Easdon . W . Bro . Cnrtois then appointed and invested the following officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Hodgson I . P . M ., Vicary S . W ., Thayte J . W .,
Ross S . D ., Amos J . D . and Treasurer , Jefferson Secretary , Etty Chaplain , Mitchell M . C ., Robertson S . and Howes Tyler . Bro . Hodgson then recapitulated the chief events thafc had marked his term of office , pointing with justifiable pride , to the improved state of the finances , there having been in tho preceding December , on his appointment to the Mastership , a cash balance in hand of a little
over 40 rupees , with outstanding debts amounting to over 143 rnpees . The latter had all been cleared off in the interim . Moreover , the property of the Lodgo had been increased by the purchase of a new harmonium for 135 Rs ., and a new banner for 105 Rs . 150 Rs . had been expending on improving the premises , the present estimated value of which , allowing for deterioration was 2 , 456 Rs . The cash balance in hand was 300 Rs . During the year'there had been nine
initiations , eight passings , seven raisings , seven affiliations and only two resignations ; both caused by the brethren being called away through the exigencies of the service . Lectures had also been given not only on the different Tracing Boards , but likewise on subjects of interest to the Craft . Having expressed his thanks to the brethren who had , as officers , supported him during his year of office and to whose zeal and ability he acknowledged himself deeply indebted , Bro . Hodgson resumed hia seat , amid the congratulations of all present .
Several brethren wero then proposed for affiliation , and on the motion of Bro . Amos , seconded by the W . M ., ifc was unanimously agreed to havo a largo-sized photograph taken of the I . P . M . Bro . Hodgson , one copy of which should be presented to him , and another hung np in tho Lodge-room , as a memorial of the eminent services he
had rendered to the Lodgo . Having further resolved , on tho motion of Bro . Amns , seconded by Bro . Hodgson , that the sermon prparhed by the Rev . Bro . Etty during the day at Christ ' s Chnreh , should be printed and published at the expense of the Lodgo , the Lodge was closed with the usual formalities .
Presentation To Bro. James Hannah, Of Warrington.
ON Friday the 9 th an interesting meeting nf thp Freemasons of W * r . rington was held afc the Lion Hotel . The chair was ocnoipd by Bro . John Bowes P . M . P . Z . P . J . GiW . of Cumberland and Wpstmnro . land . The following brethren , forming the Testimonial Committee , were present : —Bros . Thomas Tunstall W . M . No . 148 , Charles Crns « r W . M . No . 1250 , W . S . Hawkins P . M .. W . Richardson P . M .. B . W .
Finnev P . M . P . Z ., W . Woods P . M ., R . Bri ° rlev P . M ., Josenh PiMr . thall S . W . 148 , John Armstrong S . W . 1250 . J . R . Young J . W . 148 , Gallowav S . D . 1250 , Thos . Sutton Treas . 1250 , S . E . Johnson ; and James Hannah . After a substantial tea . the Loyal and Masonio to < istg were dnly honoured , after which Bro . Bowes made the presentation ,
in doing which be said : —Brethren , T am charged with a verv pleasurable duty this pyoning . I believe I hive received the compliment on the ground that I am the nldpsfc Ma = on nre « ent . In anv rase , and whatever mnv be the rpasnn of the selection , T verv willin ^ y undertake the task . We have in onr midst to . niehfc a brother whom
we one and all wish to honour . Trne , thafc brother is not of rank and opulence , but . he is a brother who has done his dnfcv , and WP wish to prove to him that in the eyes of Masons there aro occasions whpn nil are equal if thev deserve to be so . Acting for the then W . M . ( Bro . Henherd ) , well do I remember admitting our friend , James Hannah
to Masonic light . In dne conrse I passed and raised him , and from that time to the nre ° ent he has dpsprvrd WPII afc onr hands . Fiithfully and zpfilonslv he served us in the humble , but highly important capacity of Onter Guard nnd Janitor , nnd now when his ordinary avocations press so heavilv npon him thafc he feels ho can no longer
serve ns with oredit to himself , like a good man and true hp resigns into the hands of the rulers of the Craft his emblem of offioe . As a man and as a Mason . Bro . Hannah has won the good opinion of ng nil , and we determined therefore that , he should not spvpr his official con . neotion with ns without somo mark—some snhsi-n , nt : n , l mark—of onr
sincere esteem . The fppling is spontanponsand gpnoral , and dopo not emanate from inn'ividnn . l « , hnfc rolWhVe'v from hr ^ thron in a corporat e capacity . Bro . Hannah , T know von will be'i ° ve nv- WVIPP T < , nv it affords mo extremp cratification to bo tbo m nthpipco of tho hrothren
on this occasion , and also the me'linm of hand ' ng to you this handsome gold watch , which bears the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . James Hannah by the Freemasons of War . rington , in recognition of many years faithful service as Tyler and Janitor .
WM . SJTAUP Z . 148 . W . H . ROBINSON W . M . 148 CHAS . CROSIER W . M . 1250 . " May you long be spared to wear ifc and when time with ns shall be no more , mav we all meet together in the Grand Lodge above , wlvre
tho world ' s Great Architect , lives and reigns for ever!—The ohair . man's remarks were endorsed and echoed bv the gentlpmen present , they one and all warmly testify ing to Bro . Hannah ' s obliging manners and gentlemanly bearing . Bro . Hannah , with evident emotion , acknowledged the handsome testimonial at length , and most feelingly .
He assured the brethren that he was deeply grateful for the many kindnesses he had experienced afc their hands . He had always striven to do his duty , and was trul y thankful thafc in his endeavours he had met with the approbation of the brethren seated round the table . Some of those present had come some distance to take part in the
proceedings of the evening , and however much he tried , he shonld utterly fail to express in words his deep and heartfelt gratitude to them . Ifc wonld be invidious to mention friends individually , when he had so many , but he knew they would exonse him if he singled out
the chairman . He thanked them , and in the heartiest possible manner , for the handsome and costly gift they had that night pre . sented to him . He sat down amidst general cheering . After a number of personal toasts had been proposed and duly honoured , the brethren separated in harmony .
Confidence Lodge Of Instruction, No. 193
THIS Lodge appears to be undergoing transition , it is nofc long since we reported the removal from the Mason ' s Hall Tavern to the Bine Anchor Tavern in Coleman-street , where we hoped ifc would have enjoyed a long uninterrupted existence ; bnt Lodges of Instruction like human beings , are things of circumstance . Upon tho meeting being convened on Wednesday last , the brethren were informed by the host thafc unless each member agreed to pay thirteen
pencereceiving in return refreshments to the amount of sixpence—he could not permit the Lodge to meet again under his roof . A committee was immediately organized , and quarters have been secured at the Whittington , Moor . lane , Fore-street , where Bro . Edwards is the host . We hope ifc may be long hence ere we have to record another removal . Tho Lodge will meet at its new abode on Wednesday next at 7 p . m . presided over by Bro . J . T . Miller S . W . 188 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We learn from the Masonic Record of Western India that an Emergent Meeting of the District Grand Lodge of the Punjab was held at Freemasons' Hall , Lahore , on St . John tho Evangelist ' s Dav , the 27 th December last . Bro . Major W . H . Mackesy , Depnty D . G . M ., presided , and tho different Lodges in the district were fairly represented . The Lodge having been opened , a procession was
formed , and tho brethren , to the number of between forty and fifty , attended Divine service in the parish ohnrch of Lahore , where a sermon on the bnilding cf the Walls of Jerusalem , was delivered by the Rev . W . Hooker . After service , the procession was reformed , and the brethren marched back to the Hall , when the District Grand Lodge was closed . In the evening , onr Lahore brethren and their
guests dined together in the banquet hall , to the number of forty-two . The nsual Loyal and Masonio toasts wore proposed and responded to , and the evening passed off most agreeably . A Quarterly Communication of the same District Grand Lodge was held at the same Hall on the 13 th January last . Bro . Major Mackesy presided ns Grand Master . Thei-e were present Bros . A . Stewart as
Dep . D . G . M ., C . A . Goodman D . G . S . Warden , W . Bath as D G . J . W ., C . H . Chetham D . G . Treasurer , George Davis D . G . Secretary , and other District Grand or acting D . G . Officers , together with several representatives of Lodges . Before the minutes of the previous Regular Communication , held on the 30 th October last , were put for confirmation , a remonstrance was read from Lodge Mooltnn against
the voto of 200 rupees towards the Lahore New Church , on the usual ground of Denominationalism ; the funds being collected from men of all creeds shonld not be expended for the benefit of one creed . In the course of the discussion thafc followed , Bros . Major Gorham and Chetham , in supporting the vote , expressed their willingness to support a grant , if one were proposed , towards the erection ' of
a Mosque , or any similar institution which conferred blessings npon suffering humanity . The proposition that the minutes be confirmed was then put to the vote and carried nem . con . The minutes of the Emergent Meeting on the 27 th December having been likewise confirmed , the D . D . G . M . addressed the D . Grand Lodge . He announced the approaching retnrn to India of the D . G . M . Major
Mnrmadnke Ramsay , who wonld therefore bo able to preside afc the next Quarterly Communication . He also said that Masonry in the District was prosperous , and that most of the Lodges continued to make their returns with commendable regularity . He alludpd in feeling terms to the premature death of W . Bro . Captain W . 0 . Clayton , of the 9 fch Lancers , who was accidentally killed by a fall
from his pony , when playing polo afc Delhi . Having announced his own reappointment for the current year as Deo . D . G . M ., Bro . Major Maokesv , appointed the following as his officers , the position of D . G . S . W . being kept open , at the request of Major Ramsay , in order to be filled by a worthy brother , whose arrival from England is shortly expected , Bro . Chalmers temporarily taking the office . Bro . Chatham
having been unanimously re-elected G . Treasurer , the nnmps of the new appointees were read out . Bro . J . W . Goldnev D . G . J . W ., Bro . Rev . W . J . Hunt , D . Grand Chaplain , Bro . G . Dan ' s , D . G . Secretary , Bro . L . W . Taylor , D . Grand Registrar ; Bros . W . Freeman and Capt . H . J . Brownrigge D . Senior nnd Junior Grand Deacons respectively j Bro . R . Blake D . G . Snp . of Works , Bros . Dhanjibhoy D . G . D . of 0 .
and W . 0 . Wilson Ass . ditto ; Bro . H . W . Whymps D . G . S . B , E . Gillson D . G . Organist , Sinder Bikrame Singh D . G . Pars ., and Lord Ossnlstone , Garrioch . Dinehaw Hesjee , T . J . Symonds , B . T . Hill , and R . Kerr D . G . Stewards . Those of the foregoing who were present were then invested . An estimate of mpeea 1 , 000 was then sanctioned towards enlarging the Hall bnilding , and ifc was agreed
to invite the bodies using it to contribute rupees 500 . The report of the Fund of Benevolence , recommending the grant of 25 rnpees per annnm to the widow of a deceased brother , was submitted and confirmed . The proceedings of the Board of General Purposes was next submitted , and confirmed ; and several resolutions , among which was one recommending the loan of 500 rupees from the D . G . L .
Fund , free of-interest , to the Freemasons Hall Fund , —adopted . The D . G . Lodge was then closed in the nsnal manner , at 10 p . m . The Standard contains an interesting account of the celebration of St . John the Evangelist ' s day in Lodge St . Andrew No . 800 , Bro . Hodgson W . M . presiding . Bros . Robertson , Jefferson , and Jenkins were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The Lodge was then
adjourned during a short period for refreshment , after which Bro . Conor was passed . Bro . Cnrfcois S . W . and W . M . elect , was then duly installed in the chair of K . S . The board of installed Masters com . prising W . Bros . Louth , Hodgson , Etty and Easdon . W . Bro . Cnrtois then appointed and invested the following officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Hodgson I . P . M ., Vicary S . W ., Thayte J . W .,
Ross S . D ., Amos J . D . and Treasurer , Jefferson Secretary , Etty Chaplain , Mitchell M . C ., Robertson S . and Howes Tyler . Bro . Hodgson then recapitulated the chief events thafc had marked his term of office , pointing with justifiable pride , to the improved state of the finances , there having been in tho preceding December , on his appointment to the Mastership , a cash balance in hand of a little
over 40 rupees , with outstanding debts amounting to over 143 rnpees . The latter had all been cleared off in the interim . Moreover , the property of the Lodgo had been increased by the purchase of a new harmonium for 135 Rs ., and a new banner for 105 Rs . 150 Rs . had been expending on improving the premises , the present estimated value of which , allowing for deterioration was 2 , 456 Rs . The cash balance in hand was 300 Rs . During the year'there had been nine
initiations , eight passings , seven raisings , seven affiliations and only two resignations ; both caused by the brethren being called away through the exigencies of the service . Lectures had also been given not only on the different Tracing Boards , but likewise on subjects of interest to the Craft . Having expressed his thanks to the brethren who had , as officers , supported him during his year of office and to whose zeal and ability he acknowledged himself deeply indebted , Bro . Hodgson resumed hia seat , amid the congratulations of all present .
Several brethren wero then proposed for affiliation , and on the motion of Bro . Amos , seconded by the W . M ., ifc was unanimously agreed to havo a largo-sized photograph taken of the I . P . M . Bro . Hodgson , one copy of which should be presented to him , and another hung np in tho Lodge-room , as a memorial of the eminent services he
had rendered to the Lodgo . Having further resolved , on tho motion of Bro . Amns , seconded by Bro . Hodgson , that the sermon prparhed by the Rev . Bro . Etty during the day at Christ ' s Chnreh , should be printed and published at the expense of the Lodgo , the Lodge was closed with the usual formalities .
Presentation To Bro. James Hannah, Of Warrington.
ON Friday the 9 th an interesting meeting nf thp Freemasons of W * r . rington was held afc the Lion Hotel . The chair was ocnoipd by Bro . John Bowes P . M . P . Z . P . J . GiW . of Cumberland and Wpstmnro . land . The following brethren , forming the Testimonial Committee , were present : —Bros . Thomas Tunstall W . M . No . 148 , Charles Crns « r W . M . No . 1250 , W . S . Hawkins P . M .. W . Richardson P . M .. B . W .
Finnev P . M . P . Z ., W . Woods P . M ., R . Bri ° rlev P . M ., Josenh PiMr . thall S . W . 148 , John Armstrong S . W . 1250 . J . R . Young J . W . 148 , Gallowav S . D . 1250 , Thos . Sutton Treas . 1250 , S . E . Johnson ; and James Hannah . After a substantial tea . the Loyal and Masonio to < istg were dnly honoured , after which Bro . Bowes made the presentation ,
in doing which be said : —Brethren , T am charged with a verv pleasurable duty this pyoning . I believe I hive received the compliment on the ground that I am the nldpsfc Ma = on nre « ent . In anv rase , and whatever mnv be the rpasnn of the selection , T verv willin ^ y undertake the task . We have in onr midst to . niehfc a brother whom
we one and all wish to honour . Trne , thafc brother is not of rank and opulence , but . he is a brother who has done his dnfcv , and WP wish to prove to him that in the eyes of Masons there aro occasions whpn nil are equal if thev deserve to be so . Acting for the then W . M . ( Bro . Henherd ) , well do I remember admitting our friend , James Hannah
to Masonic light . In dne conrse I passed and raised him , and from that time to the nre ° ent he has dpsprvrd WPII afc onr hands . Fiithfully and zpfilonslv he served us in the humble , but highly important capacity of Onter Guard nnd Janitor , nnd now when his ordinary avocations press so heavilv npon him thafc he feels ho can no longer
serve ns with oredit to himself , like a good man and true hp resigns into the hands of the rulers of the Craft his emblem of offioe . As a man and as a Mason . Bro . Hannah has won the good opinion of ng nil , and we determined therefore that , he should not spvpr his official con . neotion with ns without somo mark—some snhsi-n , nt : n , l mark—of onr
sincere esteem . The fppling is spontanponsand gpnoral , and dopo not emanate from inn'ividnn . l « , hnfc rolWhVe'v from hr ^ thron in a corporat e capacity . Bro . Hannah , T know von will be'i ° ve nv- WVIPP T < , nv it affords mo extremp cratification to bo tbo m nthpipco of tho hrothren
on this occasion , and also the me'linm of hand ' ng to you this handsome gold watch , which bears the following inscription : — " Presented to Bro . James Hannah by the Freemasons of War . rington , in recognition of many years faithful service as Tyler and Janitor .
WM . SJTAUP Z . 148 . W . H . ROBINSON W . M . 148 CHAS . CROSIER W . M . 1250 . " May you long be spared to wear ifc and when time with ns shall be no more , mav we all meet together in the Grand Lodge above , wlvre
tho world ' s Great Architect , lives and reigns for ever!—The ohair . man's remarks were endorsed and echoed bv the gentlpmen present , they one and all warmly testify ing to Bro . Hannah ' s obliging manners and gentlemanly bearing . Bro . Hannah , with evident emotion , acknowledged the handsome testimonial at length , and most feelingly .
He assured the brethren that he was deeply grateful for the many kindnesses he had experienced afc their hands . He had always striven to do his duty , and was trul y thankful thafc in his endeavours he had met with the approbation of the brethren seated round the table . Some of those present had come some distance to take part in the
proceedings of the evening , and however much he tried , he shonld utterly fail to express in words his deep and heartfelt gratitude to them . Ifc wonld be invidious to mention friends individually , when he had so many , but he knew they would exonse him if he singled out
the chairman . He thanked them , and in the heartiest possible manner , for the handsome and costly gift they had that night pre . sented to him . He sat down amidst general cheering . After a number of personal toasts had been proposed and duly honoured , the brethren separated in harmony .
Confidence Lodge Of Instruction, No. 193
THIS Lodge appears to be undergoing transition , it is nofc long since we reported the removal from the Mason ' s Hall Tavern to the Bine Anchor Tavern in Coleman-street , where we hoped ifc would have enjoyed a long uninterrupted existence ; bnt Lodges of Instruction like human beings , are things of circumstance . Upon tho meeting being convened on Wednesday last , the brethren were informed by the host thafc unless each member agreed to pay thirteen
pencereceiving in return refreshments to the amount of sixpence—he could not permit the Lodge to meet again under his roof . A committee was immediately organized , and quarters have been secured at the Whittington , Moor . lane , Fore-street , where Bro . Edwards is the host . We hope ifc may be long hence ere we have to record another removal . Tho Lodge will meet at its new abode on Wednesday next at 7 p . m . presided over by Bro . J . T . Miller S . W . 188 .