Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings
head waiter at Anderton ' s Hotel . A committee was appointed tr arrange for the Summer Festival . The W . M . proposnd two » entl «» mpn for initiation . A sum of ten guineas was voted to head tho list of t hf > W . M ., who ia Steward at the next Anniversary Festival for the Boys School . The Lndsre was thon closed , and tho brethren , 89 in number , sat down to a very excellent brmqnet , which was supnlierl
by Bro . Cltnnow at a very short notice . Bro . W . Smith superintended , and every brother and visitor was made comfortble . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . pave the usnal Loyal and Masonio toasts . In proposing that of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of trie Grand Officers , be was pleased to see two brethren of the Lodge . Grand Officers , present ; be
regretted the absence of Bro . Jas . Brett P . G . P ., but they had a very able representative present in Bro . J . Smith P . G . P . The toast was appropriately responded to . Bro . Treadwell I . P . M . then rose . He was very pleased to have the honour of proposing the health of the W . M . ; he ia of world-wide fame , he had gained their good opinions in every respect ; he is a thorough good Mason , and be hoped they
would drink his health with the enthusiasm it merited . ( Cheers ) . Bro . Foxcroft then sang the " Stirrup Cup . " The W . M . in reply said that every brother who occupied the chair bad passed a very severe ordeal . Ho thanked them for their kind expressions . He then proposed the Visitors ; there wore many among them whom they were all pleased to see . The Visitors severally returned thanks in
excellent speeches , and all complimented the W . M . on his ex . cellent working . The W . M . then proposed tho Past Masters ; they are always present to render any assistance required of them ; they had many among them . Bro . J . Smith P . G . P . has such experience ; thflv know how his valuable assistance is always appreciated . Bro . Walford was a CO . of the City of London . Tkey all look upon
these P . M . ' s with respect . Bro . Palmer S . W . then sang a capital song . Bro . Treadwell the T . P . M . responded to the toast , and spoko of the Past Masters in a very humourous way . Bro . G . Everett followed , and said he was pleased to perform any duties required of him . Tho toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , also that of the
Wardens and Officers wevo given , and duly responded to , and after passing a very agreeable evpning tho brethren separated . The visitors were : —A . C . Gnle , 715 , S . Brooks , 1608 , J . Walters , 188 , G . Wilson P . M . 173 , C . W . Hudson J . W ., 315 , G . Goodley 1608 , J . Lane 180 , G . W . Knight 1507 , E . A . Euss 538 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road . Present : — Bros . A . W . Fenner W . M ., Gordo S . W ., Boss J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Anshell S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Staloy I . G . The Lodgo was opened in
regular ordpr , and the minutes confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hewlett acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st , and Bro . Hewlett the 2 nd , 3 rd , and oth sections of the 2 nd lecture . Bros . C . K . Crouch 1278 , and M . L . W . Albrocht 861 were elected members , and Bro . Goode was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge , No . 275 . —This Lodge held their annnal Festival in their own Hall on Friday the 2 nd March , Bro . D . Eonald E . W . M . presiding . He was well supported by the brethren and their friends . The usual loyal and Masonic sentiment ! were fully responded to , the principal speaker , Bro . the Eev . E . Thomson , of Ladywell Church , eloquently explaining the principles of the Order .
St . George ' s , No . 333 , Glasgow . —Held their Festival on the 2 nd inst . It was attended by the members and their lady friends . Bro . J . Findley was well supported by the whole of his officebearers , and also by several of the Past Masters . The toast of the Provincial Grand Lodge was ably responded to by Bro . G . Cronshaw P . G . S . Bro . Findley responded to that of Prosperity of St .
George , expressing his determination to uphold the present high prestige of the Lodge . He afterwards presented , on behalf of the members , a handsome service of silver plr . te to Bro . A . Thompson I . P . M . Bro . Findley remarked he had known him some years , and had always found him a worthy Mason . There were many widows and orphans of Masons who could testify to his goodness of heart . Charity with him had been more than a name—it was a living ,
active principle ; while in Lodge matters he had , for four years aa Treasurer , and since for two years as Master , laboured incessantly for the good of the Lodge . Bro . Thompson thanked tho brethren for the unexpected bnt valuable proof of their regard ; it would stimulate him , if possible , to do more in tke future . The proceedings , whioh were highly enjoyable , wound up with a ball , which was also very successful .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , the 8 th of March , at tho Union Tavern , Air-street , Eegent-street W . Present—Bros . Cornelisaon W . M ., Wray S . W ., T . O . Davis J . W ., T . Cull Secretary , G . Davis S . D ., Farwig J . D ., Belfrage I . G . ; also Bros . Docker , Tolmie , Lloyd , Solomons , Iruith , Knight , Pearce , Eeddie , Collens , and Mander ( Preceptor ) . The Lodge was opened in due form , and minutes confirmed . Bro .
Lloyd having answered the usual questions , the Lodgo was opened in the 2 nd degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The 1 st section was worked by Bro . Farwig , the 2 nd by Bro . G . Davia , 3 rd by Bro . Mander , 4 th by Bro . Tolmie , and 5 th by Bro . Cull . The Lodge being resumed , Bro . Wray was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A vote of thanks having been given to the W . M . for performing tho duties of the chair so efficiently for the first time , the Lodge was closed .
Notices Of Meetings
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 437 , Rutherglen . —This Lodge celebrated their annual Festival soiree and concert in the Town Flail , at which above 300 were present . Bro . Smart was supported bvB . J . Cunningham I . P . M . and every officer of the Lodge , and the proceedings were of a highly satisfactory nature ; they terminated with a ball , thus affording tho fair sex an opportunity of thoroughly enjoying themselves with their Masonic friends .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — This Lodge held its meeting on Friday , the 9 th of Mai'oh , at tho Feathers' Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware . road . Present—Bros . Tate W . M ., Nichols S . W ., Evans J . W ., Hawkins Secretary pro tern , Eudderforth Preceptor , Hayes S . D ., Godden J . D ., Tribbol I . G . ; also Bros . West , Reddie , Parsons , Ridley , Jackson , Kinuard , Chinnory ,
Beid , and Thompson . Visitors—Bros . Tolmie and Fowler . Business —The Lodge was opened in due form , minutes read and confirmed . Ceremony of initiation worked , Bro . Hawkins as candidate . Tha questions for passing were then answered by Bros . Eoid and Thomp . son . Bro . Eudderforth , assisted by the brethren , worked the 1 st
section of the lecture , tha W . M . the 2 nd , aud Bro . Tolmie the 3 rd . Bro . Nichols was elected W . M . for tha ensuing week . This being the first time that Bro . Tate has occupied the ohair in this Lodge of Instruction , a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for his efficient performance of the duties annexed thereto . The Lodge waa then closed iu due form .
Lily Lodge , No . 820 . —This Lodgo held its meeting on Wednesday , tho 14 th March , at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . Present—Bros . James Bateman C . E . W . M ., Thomas Weaver S . W ., Charles Hubbard J . W ., William F . Reynolds Sec , Thomas Giles P . M ., Treasurer , Edwin Wells S . D ., Thomas Lamb J . D ., W . H . Myers P . M . D . C , Louis Conrlander Steward , Henry Kyezor I . G ., Gilbert Tyler .
Past Masters—Bros . E . Perkins , F . W . Koch , J . Jones , J . Tolley , Bros . Pnttick , Brown , Thomes , Phillips , Newman , Wood , Gray , Deane , Summer , Palmer , Samson , Young , Ingram , & c . Visitors—Bros . F . Buckland P . M . 889 , Hopwood P . M . 144 , Stiles P . M . 889 , Maoaulay P . M . 462 , Barham W . M . 751 , Littlewood P . M . 780 , Phillips S . W . 975 , Porter J . W . 889 , and several others . Business—Messrs . 0 . P . Deane
J . Summer , D . Gray aud F . Samson , were initiated . Bros . E . J . Ingram was passed and Joseph Brown raised . The ceremonies were ably performed by the W . M ., who obligated tho candidates for initiation singly . It was proposed by the W . M ., seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously , that this Lodge begs to express its sincere sympathy with Bro . Henry Kyezor in the severe loss he has
sustained in the early death of his son ( tho late Bro . Henry James Kyezor ) , and that this vote of condolence be recorded on the minutes . The music was under the direction of Bvo . Tolley of Windsor Castle , musical director to the "Lily" Lodge ; an excellent banquet followed the proceedings , served in Bro . Palmer ' s excellent manner , to which forty . two brethren sat down .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting on the 13 th inst ., at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . W . J . Smith W . M ., Saunders S . W ., Perrin J . W ., E . T . Wors ' ey Secretary , Johnson S . D ., Perry J . D ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor , Weige I . G . , Past Master Bro . Wright , and Bros . Appleby , Wright , Christian , Wardell , Maoklin , Barker ,
Lovelock , Ould , Watkins , Bonner , Crouch , & c Bnsiness—The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Appleby having answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Preceptor worked the installation ceremony , and invested the above officers with their respective collars : he was listened to very attentively by all
rendering the ceremonies in a perfect manner , and was applauded afc the finish . The W . M . worked the 1 st section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed to the 1 st degree , when Bro . Woraley worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections . Bro . Christian 860 waa unanimously elected a member of the Lodge , and Bro . Saunders
W . M . for the ensuing week ; Jhe appointed his officers in rotation . There being no other business , the Lodge was closed in due form . We would remind brethren that the annual supper of this Lodge of Instruction takes place next Tuesday week , the 27 th inst ., at 7 | o ' clock precisely . Brothers wishing to be present will please forward their names to tho Secretary ;
Grey Friars Lodge No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wedaesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Edwd . Margrett W . M ., A . Welch S . W ., W . G . Flanagan J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Sec , J . T . Stransom Treasurer , J . Early Dauks S . D ., W . Ferguson J . D ., T . Newman Steward , E . J . Blaokwell I . G ., W , Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Hurley , Weightman , Hewlett ,
Hilder , Pulley , Rose , Hunt , Cottrell , Barnicoat , Hawkes , Bailey , Phillips , Bobins on , T . Simonds , Creed . Visitors—Bros . Martin 414 , Herbert P . M . 574 . The minutes of the last regular Lodgo were read and confirmed . Tho ballot waa taken for Bro . B . E . Jones 442 , Peterborough , as a joining member , and he was declared to be elected . The Treasurer's accounts as audited by tho permanent committee
were duly passed , upon the motion of Bro . Hurley P . M ., seconded by Bro . Banks S . D ., who complimented the Treasurer on the satisfactory balance sheet . The Tracing Board in the first degree having been placed on the Lewis support , the W . M . delivered the Lecture in a most correct and impressive manner , for which a vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes . It was proposed that the Lodge co-operate
with No . 1017 , with respect to the Jewish question , and an interesting discussion on the subject followed between the W . M ., and some of the members , resulting in a unanimous voto . Bro . Weightman P . M ., announced that it was his intention to attend the festival of the R . M . J . B . as Steward , principally to assist in securing the election of the son of the founder of the Wycombe Lodge , tha lata Bro . Owns ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
head waiter at Anderton ' s Hotel . A committee was appointed tr arrange for the Summer Festival . The W . M . proposnd two » entl «» mpn for initiation . A sum of ten guineas was voted to head tho list of t hf > W . M ., who ia Steward at the next Anniversary Festival for the Boys School . The Lndsre was thon closed , and tho brethren , 89 in number , sat down to a very excellent brmqnet , which was supnlierl
by Bro . Cltnnow at a very short notice . Bro . W . Smith superintended , and every brother and visitor was made comfortble . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . pave the usnal Loyal and Masonio toasts . In proposing that of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the rest of trie Grand Officers , be was pleased to see two brethren of the Lodge . Grand Officers , present ; be
regretted the absence of Bro . Jas . Brett P . G . P ., but they had a very able representative present in Bro . J . Smith P . G . P . The toast was appropriately responded to . Bro . Treadwell I . P . M . then rose . He was very pleased to have the honour of proposing the health of the W . M . ; he ia of world-wide fame , he had gained their good opinions in every respect ; he is a thorough good Mason , and be hoped they
would drink his health with the enthusiasm it merited . ( Cheers ) . Bro . Foxcroft then sang the " Stirrup Cup . " The W . M . in reply said that every brother who occupied the chair bad passed a very severe ordeal . Ho thanked them for their kind expressions . He then proposed the Visitors ; there wore many among them whom they were all pleased to see . The Visitors severally returned thanks in
excellent speeches , and all complimented the W . M . on his ex . cellent working . The W . M . then proposed tho Past Masters ; they are always present to render any assistance required of them ; they had many among them . Bro . J . Smith P . G . P . has such experience ; thflv know how his valuable assistance is always appreciated . Bro . Walford was a CO . of the City of London . Tkey all look upon
these P . M . ' s with respect . Bro . Palmer S . W . then sang a capital song . Bro . Treadwell the T . P . M . responded to the toast , and spoko of the Past Masters in a very humourous way . Bro . G . Everett followed , and said he was pleased to perform any duties required of him . Tho toast of the Treasurer and Secretary , also that of the
Wardens and Officers wevo given , and duly responded to , and after passing a very agreeable evpning tho brethren separated . The visitors were : —A . C . Gnle , 715 , S . Brooks , 1608 , J . Walters , 188 , G . Wilson P . M . 173 , C . W . Hudson J . W ., 315 , G . Goodley 1608 , J . Lane 180 , G . W . Knight 1507 , E . A . Euss 538 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road . Present : — Bros . A . W . Fenner W . M ., Gordo S . W ., Boss J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Anshell S . D ., Brasted J . D ., Staloy I . G . The Lodgo was opened in
regular ordpr , and the minutes confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Hewlett acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st , and Bro . Hewlett the 2 nd , 3 rd , and oth sections of the 2 nd lecture . Bros . C . K . Crouch 1278 , and M . L . W . Albrocht 861 were elected members , and Bro . Goode was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Shamrock and Thistle Lodge , No . 275 . —This Lodge held their annnal Festival in their own Hall on Friday the 2 nd March , Bro . D . Eonald E . W . M . presiding . He was well supported by the brethren and their friends . The usual loyal and Masonic sentiment ! were fully responded to , the principal speaker , Bro . the Eev . E . Thomson , of Ladywell Church , eloquently explaining the principles of the Order .
St . George ' s , No . 333 , Glasgow . —Held their Festival on the 2 nd inst . It was attended by the members and their lady friends . Bro . J . Findley was well supported by the whole of his officebearers , and also by several of the Past Masters . The toast of the Provincial Grand Lodge was ably responded to by Bro . G . Cronshaw P . G . S . Bro . Findley responded to that of Prosperity of St .
George , expressing his determination to uphold the present high prestige of the Lodge . He afterwards presented , on behalf of the members , a handsome service of silver plr . te to Bro . A . Thompson I . P . M . Bro . Findley remarked he had known him some years , and had always found him a worthy Mason . There were many widows and orphans of Masons who could testify to his goodness of heart . Charity with him had been more than a name—it was a living ,
active principle ; while in Lodge matters he had , for four years aa Treasurer , and since for two years as Master , laboured incessantly for the good of the Lodge . Bro . Thompson thanked tho brethren for the unexpected bnt valuable proof of their regard ; it would stimulate him , if possible , to do more in tke future . The proceedings , whioh were highly enjoyable , wound up with a ball , which was also very successful .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Thursday , the 8 th of March , at tho Union Tavern , Air-street , Eegent-street W . Present—Bros . Cornelisaon W . M ., Wray S . W ., T . O . Davis J . W ., T . Cull Secretary , G . Davis S . D ., Farwig J . D ., Belfrage I . G . ; also Bros . Docker , Tolmie , Lloyd , Solomons , Iruith , Knight , Pearce , Eeddie , Collens , and Mander ( Preceptor ) . The Lodge was opened in due form , and minutes confirmed . Bro .
Lloyd having answered the usual questions , the Lodgo was opened in the 2 nd degree , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed . The 1 st section was worked by Bro . Farwig , the 2 nd by Bro . G . Davia , 3 rd by Bro . Mander , 4 th by Bro . Tolmie , and 5 th by Bro . Cull . The Lodge being resumed , Bro . Wray was elected W . M . for the next meeting . A vote of thanks having been given to the W . M . for performing tho duties of the chair so efficiently for the first time , the Lodge was closed .
Notices Of Meetings
St . John ' s Lodge , No . 437 , Rutherglen . —This Lodge celebrated their annual Festival soiree and concert in the Town Flail , at which above 300 were present . Bro . Smart was supported bvB . J . Cunningham I . P . M . and every officer of the Lodge , and the proceedings were of a highly satisfactory nature ; they terminated with a ball , thus affording tho fair sex an opportunity of thoroughly enjoying themselves with their Masonic friends .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — This Lodge held its meeting on Friday , the 9 th of Mai'oh , at tho Feathers' Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware . road . Present—Bros . Tate W . M ., Nichols S . W ., Evans J . W ., Hawkins Secretary pro tern , Eudderforth Preceptor , Hayes S . D ., Godden J . D ., Tribbol I . G . ; also Bros . West , Reddie , Parsons , Ridley , Jackson , Kinuard , Chinnory ,
Beid , and Thompson . Visitors—Bros . Tolmie and Fowler . Business —The Lodge was opened in due form , minutes read and confirmed . Ceremony of initiation worked , Bro . Hawkins as candidate . Tha questions for passing were then answered by Bros . Eoid and Thomp . son . Bro . Eudderforth , assisted by the brethren , worked the 1 st
section of the lecture , tha W . M . the 2 nd , aud Bro . Tolmie the 3 rd . Bro . Nichols was elected W . M . for tha ensuing week . This being the first time that Bro . Tate has occupied the ohair in this Lodge of Instruction , a vote of thanks was unanimously accorded him for his efficient performance of the duties annexed thereto . The Lodge waa then closed iu due form .
Lily Lodge , No . 820 . —This Lodgo held its meeting on Wednesday , tho 14 th March , at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . Present—Bros . James Bateman C . E . W . M ., Thomas Weaver S . W ., Charles Hubbard J . W ., William F . Reynolds Sec , Thomas Giles P . M ., Treasurer , Edwin Wells S . D ., Thomas Lamb J . D ., W . H . Myers P . M . D . C , Louis Conrlander Steward , Henry Kyezor I . G ., Gilbert Tyler .
Past Masters—Bros . E . Perkins , F . W . Koch , J . Jones , J . Tolley , Bros . Pnttick , Brown , Thomes , Phillips , Newman , Wood , Gray , Deane , Summer , Palmer , Samson , Young , Ingram , & c . Visitors—Bros . F . Buckland P . M . 889 , Hopwood P . M . 144 , Stiles P . M . 889 , Maoaulay P . M . 462 , Barham W . M . 751 , Littlewood P . M . 780 , Phillips S . W . 975 , Porter J . W . 889 , and several others . Business—Messrs . 0 . P . Deane
J . Summer , D . Gray aud F . Samson , were initiated . Bros . E . J . Ingram was passed and Joseph Brown raised . The ceremonies were ably performed by the W . M ., who obligated tho candidates for initiation singly . It was proposed by the W . M ., seconded by the S . W ., and carried unanimously , that this Lodge begs to express its sincere sympathy with Bro . Henry Kyezor in the severe loss he has
sustained in the early death of his son ( tho late Bro . Henry James Kyezor ) , and that this vote of condolence be recorded on the minutes . The music was under the direction of Bvo . Tolley of Windsor Castle , musical director to the "Lily" Lodge ; an excellent banquet followed the proceedings , served in Bro . Palmer ' s excellent manner , to which forty . two brethren sat down .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —Held its weekly meeting on the 13 th inst ., at Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . W . J . Smith W . M ., Saunders S . W ., Perrin J . W ., E . T . Wors ' ey Secretary , Johnson S . D ., Perry J . D ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor , Weige I . G . , Past Master Bro . Wright , and Bros . Appleby , Wright , Christian , Wardell , Maoklin , Barker ,
Lovelock , Ould , Watkins , Bonner , Crouch , & c Bnsiness—The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Appleby having answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was opened in the 3 rd degree , when the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Preceptor worked the installation ceremony , and invested the above officers with their respective collars : he was listened to very attentively by all
rendering the ceremonies in a perfect manner , and was applauded afc the finish . The W . M . worked the 1 st section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed to the 1 st degree , when Bro . Woraley worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections . Bro . Christian 860 waa unanimously elected a member of the Lodge , and Bro . Saunders
W . M . for the ensuing week ; Jhe appointed his officers in rotation . There being no other business , the Lodge was closed in due form . We would remind brethren that the annual supper of this Lodge of Instruction takes place next Tuesday week , the 27 th inst ., at 7 | o ' clock precisely . Brothers wishing to be present will please forward their names to tho Secretary ;
Grey Friars Lodge No . 1101 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Wedaesday , the 14 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Reading . Present—Bros . Edwd . Margrett W . M ., A . Welch S . W ., W . G . Flanagan J . W ., W . P . Ivey P . M . Sec , J . T . Stransom Treasurer , J . Early Dauks S . D ., W . Ferguson J . D ., T . Newman Steward , E . J . Blaokwell I . G ., W , Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Hurley , Weightman , Hewlett ,
Hilder , Pulley , Rose , Hunt , Cottrell , Barnicoat , Hawkes , Bailey , Phillips , Bobins on , T . Simonds , Creed . Visitors—Bros . Martin 414 , Herbert P . M . 574 . The minutes of the last regular Lodgo were read and confirmed . Tho ballot waa taken for Bro . B . E . Jones 442 , Peterborough , as a joining member , and he was declared to be elected . The Treasurer's accounts as audited by tho permanent committee
were duly passed , upon the motion of Bro . Hurley P . M ., seconded by Bro . Banks S . D ., who complimented the Treasurer on the satisfactory balance sheet . The Tracing Board in the first degree having been placed on the Lewis support , the W . M . delivered the Lecture in a most correct and impressive manner , for which a vote of thanks was recorded on the minutes . It was proposed that the Lodge co-operate
with No . 1017 , with respect to the Jewish question , and an interesting discussion on the subject followed between the W . M ., and some of the members , resulting in a unanimous voto . Bro . Weightman P . M ., announced that it was his intention to attend the festival of the R . M . J . B . as Steward , principally to assist in securing the election of the son of the founder of the Wycombe Lodge , tha lata Bro . Owns ,