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Consecration Of The Skelmersdale Lodge (No. 1658).
ON Friday , tho 9 th iust ., tho above Lodgo was consecrated at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , S . E ., by Bro . Johu Horvey , Grand Secretary , assisted by tho Rev . R . J . Simpson , Rector of St . Clement Danes , P . G . Chap , of England , and by Bio . U . J . Buss P . J . G . W . of Middlesex . Bro . Mark S . Larlhatn W . M . 1216 ' P . M . 1539 occupied ti e Senior Warden ' s chair , while that of Junior Warden was
taken by liro . David Rose W . M . 16 ^ 2 , both brethren being widely known throughout the district us able and esteemed Preceptors in tho Craft . The beautiful aud imposing ceremony was admirably performed by the Consecrating Officers iu presence of a distinguished assemblage of guests and visitors ; aud tho Graud Secretary , iu his address , gave much sound aud excellent counsel to tho brethren with
regard to their duties aud privileges as Masons . Ho told thetn that groan caro aud caution ougtit to be used in the selection of candidates for admission to tue Order , as it was too much to ho feared that mauy Bought the privileges of Freemasonry for other purposes , and iu pursuit of other objects than thoso which the Institution recognises aud approves . For this reason ho could hardly look upon tho rapid
increase iu the number of Lodges as an nu mixed good , aud said that au additional responsibility rested upon members of the Craft ou that account . Ho strongly deprecated , however , the practice , which has become too common , of members striving to exclude candidates , of Whom they may know nothing whatever , iu order to grat fy private aud personal teeliugs of pique against their proposers . Suub conduct
was reprehensible in tho last degree , antagonistic to the very spirit of Masonry , aud could not be tuo strongly condemned . He moreover regretted the tendency now-a-days to give publicity to all that goes on in Masonic Lodges . He could well remember the time wheu this was not so , whou Masons were content to " do good by stealth aud blush to find it fame , " but now every charitable voto was published
abroad to be seen aud read of all mon . Tho Grand Chaplain delivered a magnificent oration upon the principles which should gu . de Masonic life , aud the relation which ought , to subsist between brethren within the Lodge and without it . Ho remarked that there was sometimes a tendency on the part of brethren in office to stand too much upon their rights aud privileges , and this he thought ought
to be strongly discouraged . There was also a disposition on Che part of mauy to consider too much the differences of social position which might exist between them and others of their brethren in Freemasonry , and to adhere too rigidly to class distinctions and the prejudices of caste . This was wrong , for all such matters ought to be laid aside and forgotten in Lodge , where all brethren met ou terms
of perfect equality . The brethren of the new L jdge were exnorted by the Chaplain to remember the high and honourable namo which he was sure they were proud to bear , and ho expressed his conviction that they would so act in the future that the M . W . Deputy Grand Master wonld never have reason to regret having stood as their " Godfather , " and allowed their Lodge to be called by his name . The Grand Secretary thereafter installed Bro . S . J . Harvey as 1 st W . M ., and he in turn invested his officers . Bros . T . Edmoudstou as S . W ., W . H . Cass J . W . , and J . Daviu P . M . 72 Secretary . Several brethren wero proposed as joining members , and tho names of five candidates for initiation were announced . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren afterwards dined together in tho banqueting hall .
In giving tho health of the M . W . Deputy Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale , the W . M . alluded in felicitous terms to the gracious aud ready consent which his lordship had given to their Lodge bearing his name , and echoed the sentiments of the Rev . Bro . Simpson in hoping that tho brethren connected with the Skelmersdale Lodgo would ever bear in mind tho duty which devolved upou them in keeping that name free from all stain or blemish in so far as related to themselves .
Tho Rev . It . J . Simpson , in reply ing to the toast of Past and Present Officers of Grand Lodge , congratulated tho W . M . on the very favourable auspices under which the new Lodge was started on its way ; and , alluding to the W . Master's name , said that there was only the difference of oue vowel between it and that of his old and valued friend , the V . W . Grand Secretary . He trusted that the
difference between them iu other respects might be found to be equally slight , and in thafc case he augured a brilliant . career for the Skelmersdale Lodge while under its present Master ' s direction . The V . W . Graud Secretary , in replying to the toast of tho Consecrating Officers , complimented the W . M . on the way in which ho and his officers had performed their part of the work ; he expressed his strong
conviction that the Skelmersdale Lodge would attain a foremost place in the ranks of the Craft . To tho toast of the Visitors , Bro . tho Rev . P . M . Holden P . G . O . Middlesex responded ; that of the Masonic Charities was replied to by Bro . H . A . Dubois P . G . S . D . Middlesex , a member of tho House Committee of the Masonic School for Girls , Bro . Past Muster Larlhatn , in replying to the toast of Preceptors in
tho Craft , wished to bear testimony to the zeal and efficiency of the officers of the Skelmersdale Lodge , as exemplified by the assiduous attendance and very excellent working at the Lodges of Instruction , with which he was connected . He warmly congratulated the W . M ., who is also one of his people , upou having secured their assistance and co-operation . To the toast of the Officers tho S . W . Bro .
Edmundston replied ; aud giving a free translation of the motto ot the House of Skelmersdale , said that it might be read as meaning , " Peaot within onr gates . " He trusted that such might ever be , in spirit a * in tact , the motto of the Skelmersdale Lodge , and then their course , whether prospeious or the reverse , would at least be in accoiaauct
with the principles of their Masonry . Among the guests present a the ceremony uud the subsequent banquet ttiere wore , in audition i . thoso already mentioned , Bros . G . Earncy Hi 7 , iJr . . ti . Pinder 7 , J . 1-1 Hastie l . P . iU . 1216 , J . ISnnn P . M . It , Nowiugton Bridges P . M . 121 b C T . Danford 121 ti , W . S . Cackett W . M . 15-J 8 , F . G . B . Welis loa ' j J . Newton W . M , 1607 , F . W . Koch P . M . & J 9 , E , Dodson P . M , Ti , Dv
Consecration Of The Skelmersdale Lodge (No. 1658).
H . M . Simmonds ISO , J . Allsopp P . M . 1475 , G . F . Harris 1511 , E . W . Devereux J . W . 1423 , A . Middlemasa S . W . 16 U , W . S . Daniel J . D 1511 , J . W . T . Chapman 1 U 22 , S . M . Redmond 72 , W . Pormewan 1329 , F . G . Longley S . W . 1261 , E . G . Webster 72 , and T . L . Green S . W . 1539 .
Consecration Of The Croydon Mark Masters' Lodge. No. 198.
AN important addition to tho numbjr of Lolges ou the roll of the Graud Mark Lodgo of England was made ou Friday , the 9 ch inst ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . Ou the strong rocommeu . dation of the R . VV . Provincial Grand Mark Master for Middlesex and Surrey , Bro . Col . Francis B irdett , a Charter or Warrant was granted to several members of the Macdonald Mark Lodge No . 104 , waose
residences areiu the locality of Croydon , and the V . vV . Bro . Frederick tiiuekes P . G . W ., Graud Mirk Secretary , & o . was appjinted by the M . W . G . M . M . to consecrate the new Lodge . Au ludueuciai garnering of distinguished members of tho Order , attended to supp ir „ the consecrating officer , amongst whom were the V . W . Bros . Frederick Davison Dep . Prov . G . M . M ., i'homas Meggy P . G . M . O . and P . M . 101 , i \ -mi
Stevens P . G . J . D ., P . M . 101 and 139 , S . C . Diodin P . G . O ., W . H . Binclios , Assist . Graud Secretary , W . Spencer , Poore , aud F . Cozens , G . Yixley , J . Close , J . K . Pitc , and G . Lilley ; Past a ; id Present Grand Officers— Bros . Sueadd , Nicholls , Brown , Griffith * , Legg , Pocook , Purvis , Loug , LaKe , Haddock and others . Tue uretureu having assembled in the Lodge-room , Bro . Biuokes , as VY . M .,
appointed Bro . Maggy as S . W . aud Bro . Stevens as J . W ., and then proceeded to open a Mxck Masters' L . iJge , calling upon the Assistant Grand Secretary to read the new Warrant , and inform the brethren as to the proceedings taken in respect of tue formation of the Lodge . Tne pi \ neipal officers designate having been approved of by those present , iiro .
Binckes , iu his customary effective style , performed the fall ceremony of Consecration , and completed his work by formally dedicating and constituting tho " Croydon " Lodge to the purposes of Mark Masonry . Bro . F . H . Cozens , Grand Organist , then played the concluding ( " Hallelujah" ) chorus . After a brief interval , tue ceremony of Installation was commenced , aud Bros . George Yaxley , the W . M . designate , was
duly installed into the chair of A . by Bro . Binckes . The S . W . designate , John Close , and J . * V . designate , Bro . J . K . Pitt , were severally invested , and the offices of Overseers and Deacons were filled . Bro . Thomas Meggy assisted the Installing Master iu tho delivery of the addresses to the officers . A list of thirteen candidates was placed on the snmmous , of whom nine brethren wero in attendance , and these
wero introduced , and at the request of the W . M . advanced to the honourable degree by Bro . James Stevens , with full ceremonial aud musical accompaniment . The whole of the impressive business of the Consecration , Installation , and Advancement , was carried out with all that perfection which the well-known working ability of Bros . Binckes , Meggy , Stevens , Pooro , and Dibdin would ensure , and the
satisfaction ot the brethren of tho new Lodge was noc only heartily expressed in words , but was confirmed by the unanimous election of thoso brethren as honorary members . Tno presence of the Deputy Prov . G . M . M . was suitably acknowledged , aud Bro . Davison received a cordial Masonic salute . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to Bro . H . W . Binckes for his services as Acting Secretary . Several
propositions for advancement wero received , and after some few matters of routine business had boon disposed of , the brethren adjourned to partake of banquet . Under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Yaxley , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a very agreeable evening spent by the numerous brethren who had the good fortune to be present on this auspicious
occasion . The increase of Lodges connected with the order of Mark Masonry has been , under the genial sway of several noble and emi . neiit Grand Masters , very great during the past few years ; and from the zeal and etlicieuoy of the Master and Wardens of the " Croydon " Lodge , we augur that the new addition to the strength of the Order , though the last on the muster-roll , will not be the least in poinu of importance to the degree .
Polish National Lodge, No, 434
THE regular meeting was held on the 8 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , W . C . Bros . Rath W . M ., J . H . Cammiug S . W ., J . F . Ebner J . W ., W . Paas Sec , John Boyd Tteas ., J . Aspiuall S . D ., J . S . Taylor J . D ., Dr . G . E . C . Jackson D . C , Dr . A . V . Jagielski I . G . Visitors—Bros . J . Blum , M . Blum , Dr . Wills , H . Prico , J . C . Cox , T . A . Thompson , & c , & c . Business—The preliminaries having been disposed of , Mr .
J . J . Eiintz was initiated , after which a motion by Bro . Dr . Jagielski was carried unanimously . Tho W . M .., Treasurer , Tyler and Audit Committee were severally elected for tho coming year , the present S . W . being chosen to fill the chair . During thoeveuingtheW . il ., Bro . Hath , who is a Steward for the appruacuing festival of the Girl's
School , appealed most forcibly on behalf ul that Chanty . The object for which he addressed the Lodge , he said , was one of the most difficult a man could possibly bring torwaid . He was not exaotly engaged on a begging expedition , but as it must needs be a tax ou tna oeuevoleuoeof those around him , he felt ho must awaken them toascuse
of its importance . He considered he had a powerful aliy . tmd that « us no sex of those for whom he asked support . HuU any 01 tho brutli " . o-n taken the trouble to go to Battersea and see how tueir ou Idien
¦ vera getting ou ? Although they couiu not appeal tor thein = eivea i « considered it was not necessary to go that distance , for we ited only look into the face of auy little orphan we mcei in the ¦ street to arouse our sympathy , He must come to what ho cuiwiuwud
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Skelmersdale Lodge (No. 1658).
ON Friday , tho 9 th iust ., tho above Lodgo was consecrated at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , S . E ., by Bro . Johu Horvey , Grand Secretary , assisted by tho Rev . R . J . Simpson , Rector of St . Clement Danes , P . G . Chap , of England , and by Bio . U . J . Buss P . J . G . W . of Middlesex . Bro . Mark S . Larlhatn W . M . 1216 ' P . M . 1539 occupied ti e Senior Warden ' s chair , while that of Junior Warden was
taken by liro . David Rose W . M . 16 ^ 2 , both brethren being widely known throughout the district us able and esteemed Preceptors in tho Craft . The beautiful aud imposing ceremony was admirably performed by the Consecrating Officers iu presence of a distinguished assemblage of guests and visitors ; aud tho Graud Secretary , iu his address , gave much sound aud excellent counsel to tho brethren with
regard to their duties aud privileges as Masons . Ho told thetn that groan caro aud caution ougtit to be used in the selection of candidates for admission to tue Order , as it was too much to ho feared that mauy Bought the privileges of Freemasonry for other purposes , and iu pursuit of other objects than thoso which the Institution recognises aud approves . For this reason ho could hardly look upon tho rapid
increase iu the number of Lodges as an nu mixed good , aud said that au additional responsibility rested upon members of the Craft ou that account . Ho strongly deprecated , however , the practice , which has become too common , of members striving to exclude candidates , of Whom they may know nothing whatever , iu order to grat fy private aud personal teeliugs of pique against their proposers . Suub conduct
was reprehensible in tho last degree , antagonistic to the very spirit of Masonry , aud could not be tuo strongly condemned . He moreover regretted the tendency now-a-days to give publicity to all that goes on in Masonic Lodges . He could well remember the time wheu this was not so , whou Masons were content to " do good by stealth aud blush to find it fame , " but now every charitable voto was published
abroad to be seen aud read of all mon . Tho Grand Chaplain delivered a magnificent oration upon the principles which should gu . de Masonic life , aud the relation which ought , to subsist between brethren within the Lodge and without it . Ho remarked that there was sometimes a tendency on the part of brethren in office to stand too much upon their rights aud privileges , and this he thought ought
to be strongly discouraged . There was also a disposition on Che part of mauy to consider too much the differences of social position which might exist between them and others of their brethren in Freemasonry , and to adhere too rigidly to class distinctions and the prejudices of caste . This was wrong , for all such matters ought to be laid aside and forgotten in Lodge , where all brethren met ou terms
of perfect equality . The brethren of the new L jdge were exnorted by the Chaplain to remember the high and honourable namo which he was sure they were proud to bear , and ho expressed his conviction that they would so act in the future that the M . W . Deputy Grand Master wonld never have reason to regret having stood as their " Godfather , " and allowed their Lodge to be called by his name . The Grand Secretary thereafter installed Bro . S . J . Harvey as 1 st W . M ., and he in turn invested his officers . Bros . T . Edmoudstou as S . W ., W . H . Cass J . W . , and J . Daviu P . M . 72 Secretary . Several brethren wero proposed as joining members , and tho names of five candidates for initiation were announced . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren afterwards dined together in tho banqueting hall .
In giving tho health of the M . W . Deputy Grand Master , Lord Skelmersdale , the W . M . alluded in felicitous terms to the gracious aud ready consent which his lordship had given to their Lodge bearing his name , and echoed the sentiments of the Rev . Bro . Simpson in hoping that tho brethren connected with the Skelmersdale Lodgo would ever bear in mind tho duty which devolved upou them in keeping that name free from all stain or blemish in so far as related to themselves .
Tho Rev . It . J . Simpson , in reply ing to the toast of Past and Present Officers of Grand Lodge , congratulated tho W . M . on the very favourable auspices under which the new Lodge was started on its way ; and , alluding to the W . Master's name , said that there was only the difference of oue vowel between it and that of his old and valued friend , the V . W . Grand Secretary . He trusted that the
difference between them iu other respects might be found to be equally slight , and in thafc case he augured a brilliant . career for the Skelmersdale Lodge while under its present Master ' s direction . The V . W . Graud Secretary , in replying to the toast of tho Consecrating Officers , complimented the W . M . on the way in which ho and his officers had performed their part of the work ; he expressed his strong
conviction that the Skelmersdale Lodge would attain a foremost place in the ranks of the Craft . To tho toast of the Visitors , Bro . tho Rev . P . M . Holden P . G . O . Middlesex responded ; that of the Masonic Charities was replied to by Bro . H . A . Dubois P . G . S . D . Middlesex , a member of tho House Committee of the Masonic School for Girls , Bro . Past Muster Larlhatn , in replying to the toast of Preceptors in
tho Craft , wished to bear testimony to the zeal and efficiency of the officers of the Skelmersdale Lodge , as exemplified by the assiduous attendance and very excellent working at the Lodges of Instruction , with which he was connected . He warmly congratulated the W . M ., who is also one of his people , upou having secured their assistance and co-operation . To the toast of the Officers tho S . W . Bro .
Edmundston replied ; aud giving a free translation of the motto ot the House of Skelmersdale , said that it might be read as meaning , " Peaot within onr gates . " He trusted that such might ever be , in spirit a * in tact , the motto of the Skelmersdale Lodge , and then their course , whether prospeious or the reverse , would at least be in accoiaauct
with the principles of their Masonry . Among the guests present a the ceremony uud the subsequent banquet ttiere wore , in audition i . thoso already mentioned , Bros . G . Earncy Hi 7 , iJr . . ti . Pinder 7 , J . 1-1 Hastie l . P . iU . 1216 , J . ISnnn P . M . It , Nowiugton Bridges P . M . 121 b C T . Danford 121 ti , W . S . Cackett W . M . 15-J 8 , F . G . B . Welis loa ' j J . Newton W . M , 1607 , F . W . Koch P . M . & J 9 , E , Dodson P . M , Ti , Dv
Consecration Of The Skelmersdale Lodge (No. 1658).
H . M . Simmonds ISO , J . Allsopp P . M . 1475 , G . F . Harris 1511 , E . W . Devereux J . W . 1423 , A . Middlemasa S . W . 16 U , W . S . Daniel J . D 1511 , J . W . T . Chapman 1 U 22 , S . M . Redmond 72 , W . Pormewan 1329 , F . G . Longley S . W . 1261 , E . G . Webster 72 , and T . L . Green S . W . 1539 .
Consecration Of The Croydon Mark Masters' Lodge. No. 198.
AN important addition to tho numbjr of Lolges ou the roll of the Graud Mark Lodgo of England was made ou Friday , the 9 ch inst ., at the Greyhound Hotel , Croydon . Ou the strong rocommeu . dation of the R . VV . Provincial Grand Mark Master for Middlesex and Surrey , Bro . Col . Francis B irdett , a Charter or Warrant was granted to several members of the Macdonald Mark Lodge No . 104 , waose
residences areiu the locality of Croydon , and the V . vV . Bro . Frederick tiiuekes P . G . W ., Graud Mirk Secretary , & o . was appjinted by the M . W . G . M . M . to consecrate the new Lodge . Au ludueuciai garnering of distinguished members of tho Order , attended to supp ir „ the consecrating officer , amongst whom were the V . W . Bros . Frederick Davison Dep . Prov . G . M . M ., i'homas Meggy P . G . M . O . and P . M . 101 , i \ -mi
Stevens P . G . J . D ., P . M . 101 and 139 , S . C . Diodin P . G . O ., W . H . Binclios , Assist . Graud Secretary , W . Spencer , Poore , aud F . Cozens , G . Yixley , J . Close , J . K . Pitc , and G . Lilley ; Past a ; id Present Grand Officers— Bros . Sueadd , Nicholls , Brown , Griffith * , Legg , Pocook , Purvis , Loug , LaKe , Haddock and others . Tue uretureu having assembled in the Lodge-room , Bro . Biuokes , as VY . M .,
appointed Bro . Maggy as S . W . aud Bro . Stevens as J . W ., and then proceeded to open a Mxck Masters' L . iJge , calling upon the Assistant Grand Secretary to read the new Warrant , and inform the brethren as to the proceedings taken in respect of tue formation of the Lodge . Tne pi \ neipal officers designate having been approved of by those present , iiro .
Binckes , iu his customary effective style , performed the fall ceremony of Consecration , and completed his work by formally dedicating and constituting tho " Croydon " Lodge to the purposes of Mark Masonry . Bro . F . H . Cozens , Grand Organist , then played the concluding ( " Hallelujah" ) chorus . After a brief interval , tue ceremony of Installation was commenced , aud Bros . George Yaxley , the W . M . designate , was
duly installed into the chair of A . by Bro . Binckes . The S . W . designate , John Close , and J . * V . designate , Bro . J . K . Pitt , were severally invested , and the offices of Overseers and Deacons were filled . Bro . Thomas Meggy assisted the Installing Master iu tho delivery of the addresses to the officers . A list of thirteen candidates was placed on the snmmous , of whom nine brethren wero in attendance , and these
wero introduced , and at the request of the W . M . advanced to the honourable degree by Bro . James Stevens , with full ceremonial aud musical accompaniment . The whole of the impressive business of the Consecration , Installation , and Advancement , was carried out with all that perfection which the well-known working ability of Bros . Binckes , Meggy , Stevens , Pooro , and Dibdin would ensure , and the
satisfaction ot the brethren of tho new Lodge was noc only heartily expressed in words , but was confirmed by the unanimous election of thoso brethren as honorary members . Tno presence of the Deputy Prov . G . M . M . was suitably acknowledged , aud Bro . Davison received a cordial Masonic salute . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to Bro . H . W . Binckes for his services as Acting Secretary . Several
propositions for advancement wero received , and after some few matters of routine business had boon disposed of , the brethren adjourned to partake of banquet . Under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . Yaxley , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and a very agreeable evening spent by the numerous brethren who had the good fortune to be present on this auspicious
occasion . The increase of Lodges connected with the order of Mark Masonry has been , under the genial sway of several noble and emi . neiit Grand Masters , very great during the past few years ; and from the zeal and etlicieuoy of the Master and Wardens of the " Croydon " Lodge , we augur that the new addition to the strength of the Order , though the last on the muster-roll , will not be the least in poinu of importance to the degree .
Polish National Lodge, No, 434
THE regular meeting was held on the 8 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , W . C . Bros . Rath W . M ., J . H . Cammiug S . W ., J . F . Ebner J . W ., W . Paas Sec , John Boyd Tteas ., J . Aspiuall S . D ., J . S . Taylor J . D ., Dr . G . E . C . Jackson D . C , Dr . A . V . Jagielski I . G . Visitors—Bros . J . Blum , M . Blum , Dr . Wills , H . Prico , J . C . Cox , T . A . Thompson , & c , & c . Business—The preliminaries having been disposed of , Mr .
J . J . Eiintz was initiated , after which a motion by Bro . Dr . Jagielski was carried unanimously . Tho W . M .., Treasurer , Tyler and Audit Committee were severally elected for tho coming year , the present S . W . being chosen to fill the chair . During thoeveuingtheW . il ., Bro . Hath , who is a Steward for the appruacuing festival of the Girl's
School , appealed most forcibly on behalf ul that Chanty . The object for which he addressed the Lodge , he said , was one of the most difficult a man could possibly bring torwaid . He was not exaotly engaged on a begging expedition , but as it must needs be a tax ou tna oeuevoleuoeof those around him , he felt ho must awaken them toascuse
of its importance . He considered he had a powerful aliy . tmd that « us no sex of those for whom he asked support . HuU any 01 tho brutli " . o-n taken the trouble to go to Battersea and see how tueir ou Idien
¦ vera getting ou ? Although they couiu not appeal tor thein = eivea i « considered it was not necessary to go that distance , for we ited only look into the face of auy little orphan we mcei in the ¦ street to arouse our sympathy , He must come to what ho cuiwiuwud