Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction . No . 27 . - This Lodge met as nsual on Thursday evening , 15 th March , at Bro . Maidwell's , the Bemiles , Leadenhall-street . Present—Bros . Hewlett W . M ., Powell S . W ., Wharman J . W ., Grammer Sec , Atkins P . M . Treasurer , Hilliartl S . D ., Peunell J . D ., Lipscombe I . G ., aud several other brethren . The ceremony of the 1 st degreo was rehearsed , Bro . W . Lipscomb acting as candidate . The ceremony of the 3 rd was rehearsed , Bro . Maidwell
acting as candidate . Tho 1 st section of the lecture was worked by the W . M ., assisted by tho brethren . The Lodge was then closed in the 3 rd and 2 nd decrees , and the 1 st section of the lecture wns worked by Bro . Grammer , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Walker 429 and W . Lipscombe 15 were elected members . Tho Lodge was then closed . The annual supper will be held on Thursday evening , 12 th April , and the number is limited to twentv .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held at the Old Bodney ' s Head , Old-street , Goswell-road , on Monday , the 12 th inst . Bros . Halford W . M ., Powell S . W ., Bead J . W ., Bobison S . D ., Moseley J . D ., B . Pearcy Acting Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Christopher I . G ., Millward , W . W . Morgan , jnn ., Weedon , Isaac , Stock . Lodge opened , minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Millward having answered
the necessary questions , was entrusted . Lodgo opened in the 2 nd degreo . The ceremony of passing was very ably rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Millward acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed to the 1 st degree . Bro . Pearcy worked tho 4 th section of the 1 st lecture , assisted by tho brethren . It was proposed by Bro . A . W . Fenner , and seconded by Bro . E . Pearcy , that Bro . W . W .
Morgan , jnn ., of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , become honorary member of the Lodge , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Powell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed and adjourned . We are requested to state , for the information of those members of the Lodge who have not attended regularly , that the room now used by the Lodge has every convenience for a Masonic meeting , and the Executive hope to have a good muster at their future meetings , which take place every Monday evening at 8 o ' clock .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 13 th inst . Bro . Wharman W . M ., Maidwell S . W ., Haller J . W ., Powell S . D ., Posner J . D ., Hollands Sec , Eudderforth Preceptor , Hewlett Cand ., and Bros . Webb , "West , Cambridge , Baxter . Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Hewlett answered the questions
leading to the 2 nd , and was entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Hewlett duly passed . The Lodge was resumed to the 1 st . The Ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Wharman Tacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hewlett . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Bro . Powoll answered the question leading to the 3 rd , and was entrusted . Tho Lodge was opened in the
3 rd , and Bro . Powell duly raised . Bro . Wharman resumed the chair , and closed down to the 1 st degree . Bro . Maidwell was elected as W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . It was carried unanimously that the votes at the disposal of this Lodge of Instruction shonld be placed on the list of tho Preceptor , Bro . Eudderforth . Nothing further offering , the Lodge was closed .
Thistle and Hose Lodge , No . 73 , Glasgow . —Celebrated their 119 th anniversary , by a supper and ball , at the Star Hall , on Friday , 2 nd March , Bro . J . Kinnaird E . W . M . presiding , with his Wardens , Bros . A . McLeod and W . J . Kay , as Croupiers . He was supported by Bros . G . McDonald I . P . M ., J . Stewart P . M ., J . Banner , man D . M ., J . S . Ampleford T ., E . Bichards Sec , F . Smith Chaplain
and the rest of his officers . Amongst the visitors Ave noticed Bros . J . Kyle E . W . M . 3 J , J . Sniilio P . M . 3 . V , J . McNairn Sec 4 , W . B . Pattison 27 , J . Booth E . W . M . 87 , Wm . Boag and J . Aitkin , of Partick 117 A . Mickles , of St . Mircus , Paisley , J . Block , of Bnsby , St . John ' s ,, W . H . Bickerton P . G . S ., J . Martin E . W . M ., and J . Morgan I . P . M . 219 P . G . D ., G . Innis S . W . 292 Eothesay , and John Innis E . W . M . 403 .
A most excellent repast was furnished by Bro . Galloway , after which the Chairman gave " The Qneen aud tho Craft , " " The Princo of Wales and tho rest of the Boyal Family . " He thon called on Bro . G . W . Wheeler to respond for the " Three Grand Lodges . " Bro . Wheeler dwelt on the humanising influences of the Craft , as furnishing a common ground on which those who held diverging views on theology or
politics could meet in harmony , and learu to respect those whom otherwise they might havo regarded as adversaries or opponents . Ho also showed what had been done for the cause of benevolence , urging the Scotch brethren to try to emulate tho English Masons in this respect . Bro . A . McLeod gave "Tho P . G . Lodge , " which was ably responded to by J . Morgan P . G . Deacon . He stated thev were doing their best ,
by constant visitation of the 29 Lodges m the Province , to urge them en iu the good path ; and though they could not boast of giving away thousands , as their English friends did , still thoy gavo double what they did a few yenrs since . They had now about £ 700 in the bank , and hoped soon to make it np to £ 1 , 000 , when it would form the nucleus for some good object . Bro . Ampleford proposed " The Lord
Provost and Magistrates , " suitably acknowledged by Bro . J . Bannerman D . M . W . B . Patterson gave " Tho Army , Kavy and Volunteers , " showing thnt the blessings we now enjoy were largely owing to their efforts in the past . Bro . Smilio P . M . St . John replied . The old bpiiit was si . il ! tho saint ) j our Navy was aliil as ready fur service , for war , or for humanity ; witness the trip to rescue the shipwrecked
foreigners from the barren shores of St . Kilda . Bro . Kyle E . W . M . St . John ' s felt honoured at being allowed topropose the toast of the evening — " Prosperity to Thistle and Itose 73 . " She had prospered in the past , and ho was sure she would continue to do so under her new Master , whom he had known nearly all his life , they having been schoolmates together j he was sure he was the right man in the right place . Bro . Kinnaird , in reply , gave a synopsia of the history of the Lodge
Notices Of Meetings
for the past 119 years , causing considerable amusement by giving extracts from some of the old Lodge minutes . The inference he drew was that their Lodge , along with the Cralt in Scotland at large , was progressing , not only numerically but socially , aud he hoped to be able to assist in the good work till the time might come when there would no longer be any need for secrecy or mystery , and the keystone be withdrawn : when " man to man the wide world o ' er shall brothers
be and a that . ( Cheers ) . P . M . T . Steward gave tho Sister Lodges . Bro . G . Innis said he was pleased to respond for tho sister Lodge in a sister isle . There had always been a great friendshi p between the brethren in the Island of Bute and the Thistle and Eose , aud he hoped shortly to have the pleasure of welcoming a deputation from them to Bothsay St . Johu . Bro . Bickerton P . G . S . briefly proposed the Ladies .
Bro . Bichards replied for them . P . M . G . McDonald proposed the Strangers . It was pleasant to seo some gentlemen there without aprons ; they would be able to seo , at any rate , that Masons were not such very terrible fellows as their adversaries sometimes represented them to be . Dr . Cameron was glad that he had accepted tho invitation to be present , for he felt that he was no longer a stranger . A
meeting like this was calculated to dispel prejudice and disperse illusions . He had often thought of joining , but circumstances had hitherto caused him to delay . J . M . Wheeler could endorse all that Dr . Cameron had said . He thought these occasional social meetings of use , not that he had any of the absurd prejudices spoken of to re . move , for he was tho son of a Mason , nay , the grandson , and , he was
glad to add , the great grandson of a Mason , yet ho was only a visitor to-night . He could scarcely call himsolf a stranger , yet he thanked them for their hospitality and good wishes . The Chairman gave the Masonic Press . Bro . G . W . Wheeler , FREEMASONS' CIIKOXICLE , re . plied . Thanks to the Chair , Croupiers , and Committee concluded this part of the entertainment , it having been agreeably interspersed with songs from two ladies , sisters of Masons , and Bros . McLeod , Mclunis ,
Ampleford , Meigle , McNair , Peiston , and Peribur jun ., only nine years of age , a little prodigy . Dancing was then commenced , and continued till the morning light showed the happy couples tho way home . The officers congratulated themselves on the success of this festival , as there were five other Masonic Festivals the same night in the city and suburbs--viz ., Shamrock and Thistle , 275 , St . George , 333 , St . John , 347 , St . Clair , 3 ti 2 , and Kenmuir , 571 , all of which wero well attended by members and friends .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory of K- T . No . 101 . —This Preceptory held its regular meeting on Tuesday last , when Sir Knt . T . B . Whytehead was installed as E . P . for the ensuing year , the V . E . Sir Knt . J . F . Holden , Sub . Prior ( N . and E . Yorkshire ) assisted by tho V . E . Sir Knt . W . lteynolds P . G . aid de comp . officiating on the occasion .
Elias Ashmole Chapter , No . 148 . —The Annual Couvooation of this Chapter was held at Warrington on Monday last . The Chapter was opened by the Principals—E . Comps . W . Sharp Z ., P . J . Edelsteu H ., and E . Brierley J ., after whieh tho Companions were admitted , numbering amongst them Comps . John Bowes P . Z ., & c , D . W . Finney P . Z ., & c , Charles Crosier S . E . and J . elect , James
Jackson J ., L . Wilson , Thos . Tunstall , E . Galloway , Jno . Armstrong , W . Woods , James Hannah , VV . S . Hawkins P . Z ., Knight , Joseph Pickthall , W . Bead , VV . Barlow , T . C . Pierpoint , and Thos . Domvillo Janitor . The minutes of the last Convocation were read and confirmed , when the M . E . Z . invited E . Comp . John Bowes to take tho chair as Installing Principal . B . Comps . P . J . Edelston , E . Brierley ,
and Charles Crosier were then installed as Z ., H . and J . respectively , iu ample form , after which thoy were greeted , saluted , and proclaimed accordiug to ancient custom . The other officers having been invested , a vote of thanks to Comp . Bowes was ordered to bo recorded on the minute ' , and , there being no further bnsiness , tho Chapter was closed . The Comps . adjourned to the banquoting-room , whore ,
under the presidency of the newly installed Principals , an excellent dinner was justly dealt with . The Loyal aud Masonic Toasts were fully honoured , and the Installing Principal camo in for a largo share of compliments . Tho evening was enlivened by some excellent singing , in which Comps . Tunstall , Woods , Brierley , and T . C . Pierpoint took part .
Polloekshaws' Eoyal Arch Lodge , No . 153 . —This Lodge celebrated their Festival in the School . room , Bro . W . M . G . Adam E . W . M . presiding , supported by Bros . L . McKallan H . M . 1 V . 512 , E . VV . Grant E . W . M ., Bnsby St . John , and the Eov . Wm . Dutilop . There was a largo attendance of the brethren . The principal interest of tho evening consisted in the presentation of a service of
silver plato to Bro . J . Potora the I . P . M ., for services rendered to the Lodgo for tho past three years . Bro . Hart S . W ., in making it , dwelt on the many excellent qualities of Bro . Peters , both as a man and Mason . Tho recipient gracefully acknowledged the gift , which ; though not deserved , would be nevertheless prized as marking their approbation of his conduct towards the Lodge .
Domatio Lodge , No . 177 . —A very numerous assemblage of the brethren of this flourishing Lodgo met on Friday , the 9 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bros . J . Willing jnn . W . M ., W . Palmer S . W ., Btiscall J . W ., J . Smith P . G . P . Treasurer , T . Williams Secretary , Pin trey Asst . Secretary , White S . D ., Spink J . D ., W . Harris I . G ., McLean D . C , and P . M . 's T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., Tread .
well , G . Everett , J . E . Walford and W . J . Ferguson ; Bros . J . Abram , G . Plnmmer , Pierpoint , Scard , White , Jones , J . II . Plummor , 0 . Sargeant , H . Potter , Hunt , & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bros . Cohen and Piper wero raised to the 3 rd degree . Pursuant to a notice of motion by Bro . W . Palmer S . W ., seconded b y Bro . Buscall J . W ., a sum of five guineas was voted from tho Lodgo to tho testimonial about to bo presented to Bro . W . Smith
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction . No . 27 . - This Lodge met as nsual on Thursday evening , 15 th March , at Bro . Maidwell's , the Bemiles , Leadenhall-street . Present—Bros . Hewlett W . M ., Powell S . W ., Wharman J . W ., Grammer Sec , Atkins P . M . Treasurer , Hilliartl S . D ., Peunell J . D ., Lipscombe I . G ., aud several other brethren . The ceremony of the 1 st degreo was rehearsed , Bro . W . Lipscomb acting as candidate . The ceremony of the 3 rd was rehearsed , Bro . Maidwell
acting as candidate . Tho 1 st section of the lecture was worked by the W . M ., assisted by tho brethren . The Lodge was then closed in the 3 rd and 2 nd decrees , and the 1 st section of the lecture wns worked by Bro . Grammer , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Walker 429 and W . Lipscombe 15 were elected members . Tho Lodge was then closed . The annual supper will be held on Thursday evening , 12 th April , and the number is limited to twentv .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Held at the Old Bodney ' s Head , Old-street , Goswell-road , on Monday , the 12 th inst . Bros . Halford W . M ., Powell S . W ., Bead J . W ., Bobison S . D ., Moseley J . D ., B . Pearcy Acting Preceptor , Fenner Sec , Christopher I . G ., Millward , W . W . Morgan , jnn ., Weedon , Isaac , Stock . Lodge opened , minutes read and confirmed . Bro . Millward having answered
the necessary questions , was entrusted . Lodgo opened in the 2 nd degreo . The ceremony of passing was very ably rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Millward acting as candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge resumed to the 1 st degree . Bro . Pearcy worked tho 4 th section of the 1 st lecture , assisted by tho brethren . It was proposed by Bro . A . W . Fenner , and seconded by Bro . E . Pearcy , that Bro . W . W .
Morgan , jnn ., of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , become honorary member of the Lodge , which was carried unanimously . Bro . Powell was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed and adjourned . We are requested to state , for the information of those members of the Lodge who have not attended regularly , that the room now used by the Lodge has every convenience for a Masonic meeting , and the Executive hope to have a good muster at their future meetings , which take place every Monday evening at 8 o ' clock .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65 . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 13 th inst . Bro . Wharman W . M ., Maidwell S . W ., Haller J . W ., Powell S . D ., Posner J . D ., Hollands Sec , Eudderforth Preceptor , Hewlett Cand ., and Bros . Webb , "West , Cambridge , Baxter . Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Hewlett answered the questions
leading to the 2 nd , and was entrusted . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bro . Hewlett duly passed . The Lodge was resumed to the 1 st . The Ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed . Bro . Wharman Tacated the chair in favour of Bro . Hewlett . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Bro . Powoll answered the question leading to the 3 rd , and was entrusted . Tho Lodge was opened in the
3 rd , and Bro . Powell duly raised . Bro . Wharman resumed the chair , and closed down to the 1 st degree . Bro . Maidwell was elected as W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . It was carried unanimously that the votes at the disposal of this Lodge of Instruction shonld be placed on the list of tho Preceptor , Bro . Eudderforth . Nothing further offering , the Lodge was closed .
Thistle and Hose Lodge , No . 73 , Glasgow . —Celebrated their 119 th anniversary , by a supper and ball , at the Star Hall , on Friday , 2 nd March , Bro . J . Kinnaird E . W . M . presiding , with his Wardens , Bros . A . McLeod and W . J . Kay , as Croupiers . He was supported by Bros . G . McDonald I . P . M ., J . Stewart P . M ., J . Banner , man D . M ., J . S . Ampleford T ., E . Bichards Sec , F . Smith Chaplain
and the rest of his officers . Amongst the visitors Ave noticed Bros . J . Kyle E . W . M . 3 J , J . Sniilio P . M . 3 . V , J . McNairn Sec 4 , W . B . Pattison 27 , J . Booth E . W . M . 87 , Wm . Boag and J . Aitkin , of Partick 117 A . Mickles , of St . Mircus , Paisley , J . Block , of Bnsby , St . John ' s ,, W . H . Bickerton P . G . S ., J . Martin E . W . M ., and J . Morgan I . P . M . 219 P . G . D ., G . Innis S . W . 292 Eothesay , and John Innis E . W . M . 403 .
A most excellent repast was furnished by Bro . Galloway , after which the Chairman gave " The Qneen aud tho Craft , " " The Princo of Wales and tho rest of the Boyal Family . " He thon called on Bro . G . W . Wheeler to respond for the " Three Grand Lodges . " Bro . Wheeler dwelt on the humanising influences of the Craft , as furnishing a common ground on which those who held diverging views on theology or
politics could meet in harmony , and learu to respect those whom otherwise they might havo regarded as adversaries or opponents . Ho also showed what had been done for the cause of benevolence , urging the Scotch brethren to try to emulate tho English Masons in this respect . Bro . A . McLeod gave "Tho P . G . Lodge , " which was ably responded to by J . Morgan P . G . Deacon . He stated thev were doing their best ,
by constant visitation of the 29 Lodges m the Province , to urge them en iu the good path ; and though they could not boast of giving away thousands , as their English friends did , still thoy gavo double what they did a few yenrs since . They had now about £ 700 in the bank , and hoped soon to make it np to £ 1 , 000 , when it would form the nucleus for some good object . Bro . Ampleford proposed " The Lord
Provost and Magistrates , " suitably acknowledged by Bro . J . Bannerman D . M . W . B . Patterson gave " Tho Army , Kavy and Volunteers , " showing thnt the blessings we now enjoy were largely owing to their efforts in the past . Bro . Smilio P . M . St . John replied . The old bpiiit was si . il ! tho saint ) j our Navy was aliil as ready fur service , for war , or for humanity ; witness the trip to rescue the shipwrecked
foreigners from the barren shores of St . Kilda . Bro . Kyle E . W . M . St . John ' s felt honoured at being allowed topropose the toast of the evening — " Prosperity to Thistle and Itose 73 . " She had prospered in the past , and ho was sure she would continue to do so under her new Master , whom he had known nearly all his life , they having been schoolmates together j he was sure he was the right man in the right place . Bro . Kinnaird , in reply , gave a synopsia of the history of the Lodge
Notices Of Meetings
for the past 119 years , causing considerable amusement by giving extracts from some of the old Lodge minutes . The inference he drew was that their Lodge , along with the Cralt in Scotland at large , was progressing , not only numerically but socially , aud he hoped to be able to assist in the good work till the time might come when there would no longer be any need for secrecy or mystery , and the keystone be withdrawn : when " man to man the wide world o ' er shall brothers
be and a that . ( Cheers ) . P . M . T . Steward gave tho Sister Lodges . Bro . G . Innis said he was pleased to respond for tho sister Lodge in a sister isle . There had always been a great friendshi p between the brethren in the Island of Bute and the Thistle and Eose , aud he hoped shortly to have the pleasure of welcoming a deputation from them to Bothsay St . Johu . Bro . Bickerton P . G . S . briefly proposed the Ladies .
Bro . Bichards replied for them . P . M . G . McDonald proposed the Strangers . It was pleasant to seo some gentlemen there without aprons ; they would be able to seo , at any rate , that Masons were not such very terrible fellows as their adversaries sometimes represented them to be . Dr . Cameron was glad that he had accepted tho invitation to be present , for he felt that he was no longer a stranger . A
meeting like this was calculated to dispel prejudice and disperse illusions . He had often thought of joining , but circumstances had hitherto caused him to delay . J . M . Wheeler could endorse all that Dr . Cameron had said . He thought these occasional social meetings of use , not that he had any of the absurd prejudices spoken of to re . move , for he was tho son of a Mason , nay , the grandson , and , he was
glad to add , the great grandson of a Mason , yet ho was only a visitor to-night . He could scarcely call himsolf a stranger , yet he thanked them for their hospitality and good wishes . The Chairman gave the Masonic Press . Bro . G . W . Wheeler , FREEMASONS' CIIKOXICLE , re . plied . Thanks to the Chair , Croupiers , and Committee concluded this part of the entertainment , it having been agreeably interspersed with songs from two ladies , sisters of Masons , and Bros . McLeod , Mclunis ,
Ampleford , Meigle , McNair , Peiston , and Peribur jun ., only nine years of age , a little prodigy . Dancing was then commenced , and continued till the morning light showed the happy couples tho way home . The officers congratulated themselves on the success of this festival , as there were five other Masonic Festivals the same night in the city and suburbs--viz ., Shamrock and Thistle , 275 , St . George , 333 , St . John , 347 , St . Clair , 3 ti 2 , and Kenmuir , 571 , all of which wero well attended by members and friends .
Ancient Ebor Preceptory of K- T . No . 101 . —This Preceptory held its regular meeting on Tuesday last , when Sir Knt . T . B . Whytehead was installed as E . P . for the ensuing year , the V . E . Sir Knt . J . F . Holden , Sub . Prior ( N . and E . Yorkshire ) assisted by tho V . E . Sir Knt . W . lteynolds P . G . aid de comp . officiating on the occasion .
Elias Ashmole Chapter , No . 148 . —The Annual Couvooation of this Chapter was held at Warrington on Monday last . The Chapter was opened by the Principals—E . Comps . W . Sharp Z ., P . J . Edelsteu H ., and E . Brierley J ., after whieh tho Companions were admitted , numbering amongst them Comps . John Bowes P . Z ., & c , D . W . Finney P . Z ., & c , Charles Crosier S . E . and J . elect , James
Jackson J ., L . Wilson , Thos . Tunstall , E . Galloway , Jno . Armstrong , W . Woods , James Hannah , VV . S . Hawkins P . Z ., Knight , Joseph Pickthall , W . Bead , VV . Barlow , T . C . Pierpoint , and Thos . Domvillo Janitor . The minutes of the last Convocation were read and confirmed , when the M . E . Z . invited E . Comp . John Bowes to take tho chair as Installing Principal . B . Comps . P . J . Edelston , E . Brierley ,
and Charles Crosier were then installed as Z ., H . and J . respectively , iu ample form , after which thoy were greeted , saluted , and proclaimed accordiug to ancient custom . The other officers having been invested , a vote of thanks to Comp . Bowes was ordered to bo recorded on the minute ' , and , there being no further bnsiness , tho Chapter was closed . The Comps . adjourned to the banquoting-room , whore ,
under the presidency of the newly installed Principals , an excellent dinner was justly dealt with . The Loyal aud Masonic Toasts were fully honoured , and the Installing Principal camo in for a largo share of compliments . Tho evening was enlivened by some excellent singing , in which Comps . Tunstall , Woods , Brierley , and T . C . Pierpoint took part .
Polloekshaws' Eoyal Arch Lodge , No . 153 . —This Lodge celebrated their Festival in the School . room , Bro . W . M . G . Adam E . W . M . presiding , supported by Bros . L . McKallan H . M . 1 V . 512 , E . VV . Grant E . W . M ., Bnsby St . John , and the Eov . Wm . Dutilop . There was a largo attendance of the brethren . The principal interest of tho evening consisted in the presentation of a service of
silver plato to Bro . J . Potora the I . P . M ., for services rendered to the Lodgo for tho past three years . Bro . Hart S . W ., in making it , dwelt on the many excellent qualities of Bro . Peters , both as a man and Mason . Tho recipient gracefully acknowledged the gift , which ; though not deserved , would be nevertheless prized as marking their approbation of his conduct towards the Lodge .
Domatio Lodge , No . 177 . —A very numerous assemblage of the brethren of this flourishing Lodgo met on Friday , the 9 th inst ., at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street . Bros . J . Willing jnn . W . M ., W . Palmer S . W ., Btiscall J . W ., J . Smith P . G . P . Treasurer , T . Williams Secretary , Pin trey Asst . Secretary , White S . D ., Spink J . D ., W . Harris I . G ., McLean D . C , and P . M . 's T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., Tread .
well , G . Everett , J . E . Walford and W . J . Ferguson ; Bros . J . Abram , G . Plnmmer , Pierpoint , Scard , White , Jones , J . II . Plummor , 0 . Sargeant , H . Potter , Hunt , & c . The Lodge was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bros . Cohen and Piper wero raised to the 3 rd degree . Pursuant to a notice of motion by Bro . W . Palmer S . W ., seconded b y Bro . Buscall J . W ., a sum of five guineas was voted from tho Lodgo to tho testimonial about to bo presented to Bro . W . Smith