Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Bro . Bailey proposed and the Chaplain seconded , " that the sum of five gninetis from the funds of the Lodge be added to Bro . Weightman ' s list , — carried unanimously . Bro . Weightman returned thanks for this unexpected kindness . A letter of congratulation to tho I . P . M .
of 414 . Bro . Yetts on his recovery from dangerous illness , was ordered to bo sent by the Secretary . The labours of tho evening bm ' ng ended , the Lodge was closed according to ancient form . Tho brethren retired for refreshment to Bro . Robinson ' s , the Broad Face Hotel , when a very agreeable evening was spent .
Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Friday , the 9 th inst . Bros . E . J . Harty W . M ., A . E . Taylor S . W ., G . Saul J . W ., Mander P . M . Treasurer , Barber Secretary , Lee S . D ., Dobbin J . D ., G . Moss I . G ., Higgs P . M . Organist , Pochin D . C , Dr . Lloyd W . S . The Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . A ballot
was taken for the admission of Mr . T . J . Hamp , of 218 High Holborn . Bro . Dr . Pearce was raised to the 3 rd degree . Bros . Aasalon and Madell were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . A sum of ten guineas was voted on the list of Bro . Barber Secretary , who is a Steward for the " Boys " iu June next . The Lodge was then alosed , and the brethren were entertained at the Holborn Restaurant , where
a sumptuous banquet and dessert was provided by Bro . Gordon , and superintended by Bro . T . J . Hamp , the viands and winea being of first-rate quality . After the regular toasts had been honoured , the W . M . rose and said he had much pleasure in proposing the Initiate . He was one whom they were all pleased to see , he being so instrumental in looking after their creature comforts . He informed the
Initiate he was on the threshold of universal religion that knew no distinction ; it binds all by one universal bond . As he progresses so he would appreciate it . He hoped they would drink that toast as it deserved . Bro . Hamp returned thanks for the toast , and said he was fully impressed with the words so beautifully spoken by the W . M . ; he hoped sincerely to be among them for many years . Bro . H .
Watts I . P . M ., then said he had to propose the health of the W . M . During an experience of 23 years ho never saw one who had so admirably discharged the duties . It is barely four years since their W . M . had been initiated ; ho is a credit to Freemasonry , and ho hoped they would give the toast a hearty welcome . Bro . Watts I . P . M . then sang a very excellent song . Tho W . M ., in rep l y , said the
positiou he occupied was very onerous ; theory was one thing and practice was another ; he had done the work to the best of his abilities . It is generally at tho conclusion of the W . M . 's year of office that he is nearest perfection ; he hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , to havo the same sentiments uttered ; he would do his utmost to give them satisfaction . There would bo a Lodge of
Emergency in May , and he hoped that the change in the arrangements made would meet with their approbation . He thanked them for their kind expressions , and then proposed the Visitors ; he was pleased to see they had nearly 20 present . Many had left , but those that remained they were pleased to see . He would couple with tha toast the names of
the Rev . Bro . Gordon , and Bros . Taylor and Shepherd . The Rev . Bro . Gordon rose : —For seventeen years he had been connected with tke Fraternity . He was pleased to respond to tho call of kind and fraternal hearts . He responded with much pleasure . The W . M . then proposed the P . M . 's . Whatever the W . M . may require , tho Past Masters are all ready to render their assistance . There were two of
these brethren present . As for Bro . Watts , they had seen how ably he had installed him into the chair . They know also what Bro . Mander has done in Freemasonry , for many brethren had received the benefit of Masonic instruction at his hands , himself among the number Bro . H . Watts returned thanks for the toast of the Past Masters . Bro . Mander had set a , very good example , which all would be pleased
to follow . A loving cup was handed round , that was presented to Bro . T . J . Hamp , the new initiate . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary of tha Lodge , he said that since the former Bro . bad occupied the position of Treasurer , he had conducted those duties to their satisfaction , and he was sure that in conjunction with the worthy Secretary , a satisfactory account would be shown them . Bro . Mander P . M . and Treasurer responded ; he
said , we are now in a very efficient state ; we have given to the Masonic Charities , and hope we may do so in the future . Bro . Barber followed , and said he thanked them for their kind expressions , and also for the £ 10 10 s placed on his list ; he hoped that he would be able to put more on his account than Bro . Watt" . The W . M . then said it was his intention to act as Steward for the Boys' Festival , but his engagement on the picture of the " Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., " would take up most of his time . Before
Notices Of Meetings
leaving his chair he would be pleased to act as Steward for the three Charities . ( Cheers ) . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the Officers ; he stated they were all qualified to fill any office required of them ; he would also mention the names of Bro . Higgs Organist . This having been responded to , the Tylor ' s toast concluded ^ very harmonious and fraternal meeting . The Visitors were Bros . J . Norton
W . M . 969 , Dr . J . F . Stains GO , P . Robinson 201 , B . Taylor W . M . 1273 , R . II . Burnham 1 R 24 , Blackie 1426 , E . Tavlor 379 , R . Gordon 186 , P . J . Ireton 1318 , J . Henderson 352 , H . Godfrey W . M . 1261 , T . White 428 , Shepherd 27 , T . II . Sims 1351 , AVilson 1330 , H . T . Hooper 435 , S . Botibol 188 , and II . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 9 th instant . Present—Bros . Crouch W . M ., Oldroyd S . W ., R . W . Poarcy J . W ., A . W . Smith S . D ., Cooper J . D . Lane I . G ., Fenner , Townsend , Bolton , Andrews , Kent , Crellin . Lodge opened and minutes confirmed . Lodge opened in 2 nd degree . Bro . Smith answered the necessary
questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in 3 rd . Ceremony of raising was impressively rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . A . W . Smith acting as candidate . The 1 st section of the lecture was worked by Bro . A . W . Fenner , assisted by the Brethren . Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree , when Bro . Oldroyd was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Friday , the 9 th of March , afc the Castle Tavern , Holloway-road , N . Present—Bros . Hall W . M ., Simpson S . W ., Eldridge J . W ., Hunter S . D ., Passingham J . D ., Humphreys I . G . Past Masters : —Bros . T . Cull ( Preceptor ) , Wright , Yeomans , Shackle , and several other brethren . The Lodge being opened in due form , the mmutes of the last meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . Yeomans having been interrogated and entrusted , the Lodgo was opened in the 2 nd degreo , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Yeomans acting as candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th sections were then worked by Bro . Cull . The Lodge was closed down , ' and Bro . Simpson S . W . unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks having been accorded to the W . M . for so ahly carrying out the duties of the chair for the first time , the Lodge was closed in due form .
Loyalty Lodge , No . 1607 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at the Alexandra Palace , Muswell-hill . The W . M . Bro . John Newton , supported by his officers , opened the Lodge punctually at 3 o ' clock . Tho business consisted of passing Bro . Jones , and a proposition for initiation . Tho Lod"e was
then closed , and the brethren proceeded to tho private residence of the Treasurer , Bro . Leggc , at Finsbury-park , who had invited the wives and lady friends of the members there to join them . A delightful evening was spent , and all separated , highly pleased with the hospitality and truly Masonic spirit displayed by the worth y host and his amiable wife .
Earl Of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 . —The regular meeting of this newly . consecrated Lodge was held on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., afc Ladbrooke-hall , Ladbrooke-grove , Notting-hill . Present—Bros . W . J . Murlis W . M ., W . Grist 1489 asS . W ., Parkhonse J . W ., W . Stephens P . M . Treas ., J . Pushman Sec , Clench J . D ., Lander I . G ., Smout D . C , Smont jun . W . S , & c . Tho Lodge was oppnod , and the minutes con .
firmed . The business consisted of initiating Messrs . W . Hawes F . Crabb , W . Bartle , W . H . Woods , and N . G . Collett , and the passing of Bros . Swift , Lvnscotfc , J . Bartle , Woodmnson , Hook and Buckland , the ceremonies being excellently rendered . Bro . E . J . Cave was elncted a joining member . The Lodge was thrm closed , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet . The W . M . proposed
the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . E . P . Albert G . P . rpsponding to that of the Grand' Officers . Tho toast of the W . M . was proposed , and very appropriately responded to . Several of the Initiates returned thanks . The Visitors , Treasurer , Secretary , Wardens , and Officers were given , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a verv harmonious evening to a close .
In our report of the Panmnre Mark Lodgo last week , Bro . James Salmon , of the Earl of Chester Lodge , No . 196 , Chester , present as a visitor , was incorrectly described as Bro . James Sutmore .
Patronized by H . R . H . tho PEINCE of WAXES . THE THIRT Y-T HIRD EDITION . Now ready , price ls ; post free ls id . JOHN LILLVWHITE'S "CKICKETERS ' COMPANION A GUIDE TO CRICKETERS . " Containing Special Articles , entitled , " Cricket anil Cricketers in 1 S 7 B . " " Cricket Faults and Fallacies , " "Old Fashions v . New , " "Public Schoo Cricket , Wandering Cricket , Sc . " With lull Reviews of all First-class Cricket of 187 ( 5 ; the Averages ; Highest Innings ; Mr . W . G . Grace ' s Doings , Ac . ; and Critiques on the Universities , Public Schools , Colleges , and Clubs , Sec , & c . JOHN LILLYWHITE , 10 , 8 BTMOCB STBKBT , KBSTOSf SQ . CARE , LONDOJf , S . W .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Building * , Lnthbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . I Death by accident . 0 , HARDING , Manager ,
There should be a better reason for the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOR ' S GUAnDIAS . TOMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . J-J a = i Lombarrt-street , City ; and 27 " and 279 Regentstreet , \ V . Established 18 U 9 , receives Deposits . Or . Demand , 5 per cent . Subject t Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensure * a hlph Mte of interest with perfect security . The Directors have never re-discounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . T OMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , - *— ' 3 . "> Lombard . street . City : and 277 and 279 Repentstreet . \ V . Established 18159 . Incorporated under the New Act , 1874 . TO INVESTORS—Deposits received nt liberal Interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & c . New and Special Feature . —The Society will bnl ! d Houses , etc .. In any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of thebuilrlingat 5 percent „ repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying ; or givini security for the first 5 sears' lnsteret . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions ( ret . A « tlv « Al «» U mntvd . JAMES VRYOR , M » nag « r .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Leyton , London , EMANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . OO . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer » f Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Bro . Bailey proposed and the Chaplain seconded , " that the sum of five gninetis from the funds of the Lodge be added to Bro . Weightman ' s list , — carried unanimously . Bro . Weightman returned thanks for this unexpected kindness . A letter of congratulation to tho I . P . M .
of 414 . Bro . Yetts on his recovery from dangerous illness , was ordered to bo sent by the Secretary . The labours of tho evening bm ' ng ended , the Lodge was closed according to ancient form . Tho brethren retired for refreshment to Bro . Robinson ' s , the Broad Face Hotel , when a very agreeable evening was spent .
Eclectic Lodge , No . 1201 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Friday , the 9 th inst . Bros . E . J . Harty W . M ., A . E . Taylor S . W ., G . Saul J . W ., Mander P . M . Treasurer , Barber Secretary , Lee S . D ., Dobbin J . D ., G . Moss I . G ., Higgs P . M . Organist , Pochin D . C , Dr . Lloyd W . S . The Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . A ballot
was taken for the admission of Mr . T . J . Hamp , of 218 High Holborn . Bro . Dr . Pearce was raised to the 3 rd degree . Bros . Aasalon and Madell were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . A sum of ten guineas was voted on the list of Bro . Barber Secretary , who is a Steward for the " Boys " iu June next . The Lodge was then alosed , and the brethren were entertained at the Holborn Restaurant , where
a sumptuous banquet and dessert was provided by Bro . Gordon , and superintended by Bro . T . J . Hamp , the viands and winea being of first-rate quality . After the regular toasts had been honoured , the W . M . rose and said he had much pleasure in proposing the Initiate . He was one whom they were all pleased to see , he being so instrumental in looking after their creature comforts . He informed the
Initiate he was on the threshold of universal religion that knew no distinction ; it binds all by one universal bond . As he progresses so he would appreciate it . He hoped they would drink that toast as it deserved . Bro . Hamp returned thanks for the toast , and said he was fully impressed with the words so beautifully spoken by the W . M . ; he hoped sincerely to be among them for many years . Bro . H .
Watts I . P . M ., then said he had to propose the health of the W . M . During an experience of 23 years ho never saw one who had so admirably discharged the duties . It is barely four years since their W . M . had been initiated ; ho is a credit to Freemasonry , and ho hoped they would give the toast a hearty welcome . Bro . Watts I . P . M . then sang a very excellent song . Tho W . M ., in rep l y , said the
positiou he occupied was very onerous ; theory was one thing and practice was another ; he had done the work to the best of his abilities . It is generally at tho conclusion of the W . M . 's year of office that he is nearest perfection ; he hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , to havo the same sentiments uttered ; he would do his utmost to give them satisfaction . There would bo a Lodge of
Emergency in May , and he hoped that the change in the arrangements made would meet with their approbation . He thanked them for their kind expressions , and then proposed the Visitors ; he was pleased to see they had nearly 20 present . Many had left , but those that remained they were pleased to see . He would couple with tha toast the names of
the Rev . Bro . Gordon , and Bros . Taylor and Shepherd . The Rev . Bro . Gordon rose : —For seventeen years he had been connected with tke Fraternity . He was pleased to respond to tho call of kind and fraternal hearts . He responded with much pleasure . The W . M . then proposed the P . M . 's . Whatever the W . M . may require , tho Past Masters are all ready to render their assistance . There were two of
these brethren present . As for Bro . Watts , they had seen how ably he had installed him into the chair . They know also what Bro . Mander has done in Freemasonry , for many brethren had received the benefit of Masonic instruction at his hands , himself among the number Bro . H . Watts returned thanks for the toast of the Past Masters . Bro . Mander had set a , very good example , which all would be pleased
to follow . A loving cup was handed round , that was presented to Bro . T . J . Hamp , the new initiate . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Treasurer and Secretary of tha Lodge , he said that since the former Bro . bad occupied the position of Treasurer , he had conducted those duties to their satisfaction , and he was sure that in conjunction with the worthy Secretary , a satisfactory account would be shown them . Bro . Mander P . M . and Treasurer responded ; he
said , we are now in a very efficient state ; we have given to the Masonic Charities , and hope we may do so in the future . Bro . Barber followed , and said he thanked them for their kind expressions , and also for the £ 10 10 s placed on his list ; he hoped that he would be able to put more on his account than Bro . Watt" . The W . M . then said it was his intention to act as Steward for the Boys' Festival , but his engagement on the picture of the " Installation of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales M . W . G . M ., " would take up most of his time . Before
Notices Of Meetings
leaving his chair he would be pleased to act as Steward for the three Charities . ( Cheers ) . Tho W . M . then proposed the toast of the Officers ; he stated they were all qualified to fill any office required of them ; he would also mention the names of Bro . Higgs Organist . This having been responded to , the Tylor ' s toast concluded ^ very harmonious and fraternal meeting . The Visitors were Bros . J . Norton
W . M . 969 , Dr . J . F . Stains GO , P . Robinson 201 , B . Taylor W . M . 1273 , R . II . Burnham 1 R 24 , Blackie 1426 , E . Tavlor 379 , R . Gordon 186 , P . J . Ireton 1318 , J . Henderson 352 , H . Godfrey W . M . 1261 , T . White 428 , Shepherd 27 , T . II . Sims 1351 , AVilson 1330 , H . T . Hooper 435 , S . Botibol 188 , and II . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 9 th instant . Present—Bros . Crouch W . M ., Oldroyd S . W ., R . W . Poarcy J . W ., A . W . Smith S . D ., Cooper J . D . Lane I . G ., Fenner , Townsend , Bolton , Andrews , Kent , Crellin . Lodge opened and minutes confirmed . Lodge opened in 2 nd degree . Bro . Smith answered the necessary
questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in 3 rd . Ceremony of raising was impressively rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . A . W . Smith acting as candidate . The 1 st section of the lecture was worked by Bro . A . W . Fenner , assisted by the Brethren . Lodge was resumed to 1 st degree , when Bro . Oldroyd was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Royal Standard Lodge of Instruction , No . 1298 . — This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Friday , the 9 th of March , afc the Castle Tavern , Holloway-road , N . Present—Bros . Hall W . M ., Simpson S . W ., Eldridge J . W ., Hunter S . D ., Passingham J . D ., Humphreys I . G . Past Masters : —Bros . T . Cull ( Preceptor ) , Wright , Yeomans , Shackle , and several other brethren . The Lodge being opened in due form , the mmutes of the last meeting were read and
confirmed . Bro . Yeomans having been interrogated and entrusted , the Lodgo was opened in the 2 nd degreo , and the ceremony of passing rehearsed , Bro . Yeomans acting as candidate . The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th sections were then worked by Bro . Cull . The Lodge was closed down , ' and Bro . Simpson S . W . unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks having been accorded to the W . M . for so ahly carrying out the duties of the chair for the first time , the Lodge was closed in due form .
Loyalty Lodge , No . 1607 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting on Saturday , the 10 th inst ., at the Alexandra Palace , Muswell-hill . The W . M . Bro . John Newton , supported by his officers , opened the Lodge punctually at 3 o ' clock . Tho business consisted of passing Bro . Jones , and a proposition for initiation . Tho Lod"e was
then closed , and the brethren proceeded to tho private residence of the Treasurer , Bro . Leggc , at Finsbury-park , who had invited the wives and lady friends of the members there to join them . A delightful evening was spent , and all separated , highly pleased with the hospitality and truly Masonic spirit displayed by the worth y host and his amiable wife .
Earl Of Carnarvon Lodge , No . 1642 . —The regular meeting of this newly . consecrated Lodge was held on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., afc Ladbrooke-hall , Ladbrooke-grove , Notting-hill . Present—Bros . W . J . Murlis W . M ., W . Grist 1489 asS . W ., Parkhonse J . W ., W . Stephens P . M . Treas ., J . Pushman Sec , Clench J . D ., Lander I . G ., Smout D . C , Smont jun . W . S , & c . Tho Lodge was oppnod , and the minutes con .
firmed . The business consisted of initiating Messrs . W . Hawes F . Crabb , W . Bartle , W . H . Woods , and N . G . Collett , and the passing of Bros . Swift , Lvnscotfc , J . Bartle , Woodmnson , Hook and Buckland , the ceremonies being excellently rendered . Bro . E . J . Cave was elncted a joining member . The Lodge was thrm closed , and the brethren partook of a very excellent banquet . The W . M . proposed
the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . E . P . Albert G . P . rpsponding to that of the Grand' Officers . Tho toast of the W . M . was proposed , and very appropriately responded to . Several of the Initiates returned thanks . The Visitors , Treasurer , Secretary , Wardens , and Officers were given , and the Tyler ' s toast brought a verv harmonious evening to a close .
In our report of the Panmnre Mark Lodgo last week , Bro . James Salmon , of the Earl of Chester Lodge , No . 196 , Chester , present as a visitor , was incorrectly described as Bro . James Sutmore .
Patronized by H . R . H . tho PEINCE of WAXES . THE THIRT Y-T HIRD EDITION . Now ready , price ls ; post free ls id . JOHN LILLVWHITE'S "CKICKETERS ' COMPANION A GUIDE TO CRICKETERS . " Containing Special Articles , entitled , " Cricket anil Cricketers in 1 S 7 B . " " Cricket Faults and Fallacies , " "Old Fashions v . New , " "Public Schoo Cricket , Wandering Cricket , Sc . " With lull Reviews of all First-class Cricket of 187 ( 5 ; the Averages ; Highest Innings ; Mr . W . G . Grace ' s Doings , Ac . ; and Critiques on the Universities , Public Schools , Colleges , and Clubs , Sec , & c . JOHN LILLYWHITE , 10 , 8 BTMOCB STBKBT , KBSTOSf SQ . CARE , LONDOJf , S . W .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Building * , Lnthbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents . I Death by accident . 0 , HARDING , Manager ,
There should be a better reason for the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOR ' S GUAnDIAS . TOMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . J-J a = i Lombarrt-street , City ; and 27 " and 279 Regentstreet , \ V . Established 18 U 9 , receives Deposits . Or . Demand , 5 per cent . Subject t Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensure * a hlph Mte of interest with perfect security . The Directors have never re-discounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . T OMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , - *— ' 3 . "> Lombard . street . City : and 277 and 279 Repentstreet . \ V . Established 18159 . Incorporated under the New Act , 1874 . TO INVESTORS—Deposits received nt liberal Interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & c . New and Special Feature . —The Society will bnl ! d Houses , etc .. In any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of thebuilrlingat 5 percent „ repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying ; or givini security for the first 5 sears' lnsteret . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions ( ret . A « tlv « Al «» U mntvd . JAMES VRYOR , M » nag « r .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Leyton , London , EMANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . OO . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer » f Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , E .