Article MASONIC APPLAUSE. Page 1 of 1 Article NEW TEMPLE IN SUSSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article DEVONSHIRE. Page 1 of 1 Article BOYS SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST LANCASHIRE CHARITY. Page 1 of 1 Article OUTSIDE CHARITY. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Applause.
TT 7 E think a word may well be said now that we are * ^ starting on another Masonic season , in regard to the applause given to Brethren . and others who endeavour to add to the enjoyment of their fellows , after the more important business of our Lodge meetings is disposed of ,
by contributing songs , recitations , & c , for the entertainment of the company of which they form a part . The Masonic principle of equality is quite as applicable here as in any other section of our proceedings , and that being
so there are many who urge there should be no difference in the applause , given at our Lodge gatherings to the efforts of different performers . The old principle of one knock for Masonic applause is no doubt a splendid idea ,
as it must tend to lessen the heartburnings that often follow a particular outburst in favour of some talented individual , and a strict observance of the rule would
prevent many of the jealousies that occur when preferences are shown in so marked a way as seems to be now taking the place of the one knock so generally adopted in Freemasonry up to within the last few years .
On the other hand it may be urged that Masonic Brethren are as much justified in showing their preferences as any other section of the community , and it would be a great misfortune if Masonic applause—not only after
efforts in the promotion of harmony , but at the Lodge meetings also—were to be kept within strict bounds , as i t would then in all probability degenerate into mere formality and meaningless show , but in spite of this
objection we believe there are few who really like the departure from the time honoured system in favour of the more boisterous mode of expressing approval , which has grown of late to such an extent as to really make
some of our meetings excessively annoying to those who can best appreciate quiet enjoyment . By adhering to the old rule there can be no fear of offending , when it again becomes recognized that one knock is the correct form of Masonic Applause .
New Temple In Sussex.
AS will be seen from a report elsewhere in this issue the members of the Sackville Lodge , No . 1619 , have had the good fortune to receive a gift of a piece of land for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Temple , the donor , Bro . Budd-Budd , also heading the building fund with a handsome donation . We tender our congratulations to the Lodge .
SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTE , Bart ., C . B ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Mark Master has ordered the annual meeting of his Provincial Grand Lodge to take place on Tuesday , the 21 st inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Exeter , at 4 . 30 p . m . There are twenty active Mark Lodges in the Province , with a total of five hundred members .
Boys School.
SINCE the Voting Papers for the October election were printed another extraordinary vacancy has occurred , which has been filled by the Board of Management , who have admitted to the benefits of the Institution Arthur
Douglas Eales , No . 7 on the List of Candidates for the coming election . The Candidates are therefore now reduced to forty-seven , from whom fifteen will be elected on Friday , 8 th October .
West Lancashire Charity.
ON Friday , 10 th inst ., in the Masonic-hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , a meeting was held for the purpose of receiving a report as to the position and progress of the West Lancashire Victoria Fund of Benevolence , instituted to
commemorate the 60 years reign of her Majesty the Queen . There was a large attendance of members of the Craft , and the Province was influentially represented . Brother Robert Wyllie P . G . D . D . P . G . M . was voted to the chair . Bro . W . Goodacre P . G . Sword Bearer and Provincial
Grand Secretary , reported that up to the present time he had received upwards of £ 1 , 100 towards the fund , the object of which was to relieve poor and distressed Freemasons , their relatives , or other persons who may have been dependent upon , or closely connected with them , and for whom the
existing Masonic Institutions did not provide assistance . Numerous promises of contributions had also been received from Lodges and individuals . About fifty Lodges had not yet subscribed , but this was in all probability due to the fact that no meetings had been held during the summer vacation . He had no doubt the fund would receive generous support .
Brother Wyllie said it must be very satisfactory to the Brethren to find that the fund had met with so large a measure of success . He was strongly of opinion that when
all the subscriptions came in the fund would exceed £ 2 , 000 . Officers were then appointed as follow : —President : the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , G . C . B ., Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . Patron :
the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale P . G . W . P . P . G . W . West Lancashire . Trustees : Bro . W . Goodacre , Bro . R . Wyllie , and Bro . S . G . Sinclair P . G . D . England P . P . G . W .
Treasurer : Bro . T . Banner Newton Provincial Grand Treasurer . Secretary : Bro . W . Goodacre . Auditors : Bro . G . A . Harradon P . P . G . Tr . and Bro . J . Piatt P . P . G . D . Solicitor : Bro . J . J . Lambert P . P . G . R .
Rules and regulations bearing upon the management and administration of the charity were next considered . Subsequently a meeting of the Benevolence and Charity Committee was held , and several petitions in favour of
widows and deceased Brethren were considered and approved . It was intimated that the Bootle Wilbraham Lodge , No . 2463 , will hold a church festival on Sunday , 3 rd October , at St . John's Church , Knotty Ash , when the entire offertorywill go towards the Victoria Fund .
Outside Charity.
REFERRING to the sum collected in Devonshire for the Indian Famine Fund , as recorded in our last issue , we now learn that all but five of the Lodges sent contributions , as did also some of the Chapters and Mark and Ark Lodges . Of course , this was in addition to individual donations , which were numerous , given in other channels , ancl in one case , that of Bro . John Chapman P . P . G . D ., of Torquay , reached the handsome sum of £ 50 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Applause.
TT 7 E think a word may well be said now that we are * ^ starting on another Masonic season , in regard to the applause given to Brethren . and others who endeavour to add to the enjoyment of their fellows , after the more important business of our Lodge meetings is disposed of ,
by contributing songs , recitations , & c , for the entertainment of the company of which they form a part . The Masonic principle of equality is quite as applicable here as in any other section of our proceedings , and that being
so there are many who urge there should be no difference in the applause , given at our Lodge gatherings to the efforts of different performers . The old principle of one knock for Masonic applause is no doubt a splendid idea ,
as it must tend to lessen the heartburnings that often follow a particular outburst in favour of some talented individual , and a strict observance of the rule would
prevent many of the jealousies that occur when preferences are shown in so marked a way as seems to be now taking the place of the one knock so generally adopted in Freemasonry up to within the last few years .
On the other hand it may be urged that Masonic Brethren are as much justified in showing their preferences as any other section of the community , and it would be a great misfortune if Masonic applause—not only after
efforts in the promotion of harmony , but at the Lodge meetings also—were to be kept within strict bounds , as i t would then in all probability degenerate into mere formality and meaningless show , but in spite of this
objection we believe there are few who really like the departure from the time honoured system in favour of the more boisterous mode of expressing approval , which has grown of late to such an extent as to really make
some of our meetings excessively annoying to those who can best appreciate quiet enjoyment . By adhering to the old rule there can be no fear of offending , when it again becomes recognized that one knock is the correct form of Masonic Applause .
New Temple In Sussex.
AS will be seen from a report elsewhere in this issue the members of the Sackville Lodge , No . 1619 , have had the good fortune to receive a gift of a piece of land for the purpose of erecting a Masonic Temple , the donor , Bro . Budd-Budd , also heading the building fund with a handsome donation . We tender our congratulations to the Lodge .
SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTE , Bart ., C . B ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Mark Master has ordered the annual meeting of his Provincial Grand Lodge to take place on Tuesday , the 21 st inst ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Exeter , at 4 . 30 p . m . There are twenty active Mark Lodges in the Province , with a total of five hundred members .
Boys School.
SINCE the Voting Papers for the October election were printed another extraordinary vacancy has occurred , which has been filled by the Board of Management , who have admitted to the benefits of the Institution Arthur
Douglas Eales , No . 7 on the List of Candidates for the coming election . The Candidates are therefore now reduced to forty-seven , from whom fifteen will be elected on Friday , 8 th October .
West Lancashire Charity.
ON Friday , 10 th inst ., in the Masonic-hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , a meeting was held for the purpose of receiving a report as to the position and progress of the West Lancashire Victoria Fund of Benevolence , instituted to
commemorate the 60 years reign of her Majesty the Queen . There was a large attendance of members of the Craft , and the Province was influentially represented . Brother Robert Wyllie P . G . D . D . P . G . M . was voted to the chair . Bro . W . Goodacre P . G . Sword Bearer and Provincial
Grand Secretary , reported that up to the present time he had received upwards of £ 1 , 100 towards the fund , the object of which was to relieve poor and distressed Freemasons , their relatives , or other persons who may have been dependent upon , or closely connected with them , and for whom the
existing Masonic Institutions did not provide assistance . Numerous promises of contributions had also been received from Lodges and individuals . About fifty Lodges had not yet subscribed , but this was in all probability due to the fact that no meetings had been held during the summer vacation . He had no doubt the fund would receive generous support .
Brother Wyllie said it must be very satisfactory to the Brethren to find that the fund had met with so large a measure of success . He was strongly of opinion that when
all the subscriptions came in the fund would exceed £ 2 , 000 . Officers were then appointed as follow : —President : the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , G . C . B ., Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master Prov . G . M . West Lancashire . Patron :
the Right Hon . Lord Skelmersdale P . G . W . P . P . G . W . West Lancashire . Trustees : Bro . W . Goodacre , Bro . R . Wyllie , and Bro . S . G . Sinclair P . G . D . England P . P . G . W .
Treasurer : Bro . T . Banner Newton Provincial Grand Treasurer . Secretary : Bro . W . Goodacre . Auditors : Bro . G . A . Harradon P . P . G . Tr . and Bro . J . Piatt P . P . G . D . Solicitor : Bro . J . J . Lambert P . P . G . R .
Rules and regulations bearing upon the management and administration of the charity were next considered . Subsequently a meeting of the Benevolence and Charity Committee was held , and several petitions in favour of
widows and deceased Brethren were considered and approved . It was intimated that the Bootle Wilbraham Lodge , No . 2463 , will hold a church festival on Sunday , 3 rd October , at St . John's Church , Knotty Ash , when the entire offertorywill go towards the Victoria Fund .
Outside Charity.
REFERRING to the sum collected in Devonshire for the Indian Famine Fund , as recorded in our last issue , we now learn that all but five of the Lodges sent contributions , as did also some of the Chapters and Mark and Ark Lodges . Of course , this was in addition to individual donations , which were numerous , given in other channels , ancl in one case , that of Bro . John Chapman P . P . G . D ., of Torquay , reached the handsome sum of £ 50 .