Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 3 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 3 Article VIVE JUGLA! Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Meetings.
P . BL Sec , Percy Gray Deputy Sec , J . F . Perrins S . D ., C . J . Davison P . M . J . D ., Flolick I . G ., G . Stevenson , F . Eobertson , Ashby , C . H . Knuth , J , Vincent Jull , , W . J . Carroll , 0 . B . Cutchey P . BL , J . Wynman , J . D . Myers , W- Harris .
Alter prelhmnaries Bxo . JnU offered himself as candidate for fche second degree and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Preceptor Brother Walter Blartin , with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . The Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bro . Heinekey S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for next Monday .
TERRIERS LODGE , No . 2184 . ON Wednesday , at three o ' clock , a meeting was held at the Sir Sidney Smith , Chester Street , Kennington , Bro . 0 . H . Eandall W . M ., C . Wetton W . Bl . 2087 S . W .. B . Cohen J . W ., A . Darch P . M . Preceptor , J . Holding Treasurer acting S . D ., E . Sinclair Secretary acting J . D ., G . Douglas I . G ., Charles Castle , Jesse Burton , T . Holland , J . Wynman , and others .
The Lodge being duly formed the minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Castle candidate . The _ W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . C . Wetton , who opened the Lodge in the second degree , and intimated to the Brethren his intention of rehearsing the ceremony of raising , for which Bro . J . Holland offered himself as candidate . He was examined and entrusted , and the Lodge being opened in the third degreethe ceremony of raising was rehearsed .
, Bro . Bandall resumed his chair and in due course Bro . 0 . Wetton W . M . 2087 was elected W . Bl . for next meeting . It was proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to Bro . 0 . H . Bandall for his kindness in having the working tools done up in such a beautiful manner , to whioh Bro . Bandall suitably responded .
HUGH OWEN LODGE , No . 2593 . rriHE usual weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held at the X Bestaurant Frascati , Oxford Street , on Friday , 10 th inst ., when the following were present : Bros . Jas . Barnett W . M ., Bidgway S . W ., Webster J . W ., Bfarks S . D ., Boberts J . D ., Bamsbottom I . G ., Holland P . M . Preceptor , Nicholls Treasurer , Schrader Organist , H . T . Kobelt acting Secretary , and Frith .
The Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., with great satisfaction . The Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees . The Lodge was resumed to the first , when Bros . Edward Cooper Steward 1158 and T . Anderson Marks 1681 were unanimously elected members . Bro . Bidgway was elected to occupy the chair at the next meeting , and appointed his Officers in rotation .
ST . LUKE LODGE , No . 225 . A T the meeting held at the Masonio Hall , Soane Street , Ipswich , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., Bro . W . H . Cook P . A . G . Pi Suffolk was the recipient of a handsome jewel and illuminated address on the occasion of
his marriage . The W . M ., in making the presentation , spoke in very high terms of the worth of Bro . Cook , and of the deep love and interest he had taken in Masonry , and also how he had endeared himself to the Brethren by his genial disposition .
Bro . Cook , in response , thanked the Brethren for the high compliment they had paid him , and assured them that ifc would ever be his aim to do his utmost for Freemasonry , and to merit the continued esteem of the Brethren .
\ * w ARCHITECT LODGE , No . 1375 . THE regular meeting was held afc the Masonic Hall , Chorlton-cum-Hardy , on Friday , 3 rd inst . In the absence of Bro . T . A . Holland W . M . who , it was incidentally stated , was travelling in China , the principal chair was occupied by Bro . Alfred Pickford P . M ., who conducted the business of the evening . The attendance was not very large , owing to a variety of causes ,
bufc at the festive board , which followed the Lodge proceedings , a very enjoyable time was spent , the following being contributaries to the harmony , viz ., Bros . W . T . Hesketh P . M . Secretary , C . H . Beever P . M ., " William Bushton Organist , Charles Klindworth , ( who gave a laughable and remarkable exhibition of " thought reading " ) , J . Coupland , Councillor James J . Lambert P . BL P . G . D . England , and others .
ZION LODGE , No . 1798 . rTI'HE regular meeting was held at the Grand Hotel , Manchester , on I Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., Bro . Joseph Gershon W . Bl . The principal business of the evening was that of raising Bro . Jacques Higham Phillips to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Geo . Board P . M . P . P . G . D .
At the festive board which followed , Bros . Harry Norris , J . H . Phillips , and Edward Boberts P . M . 1459 , contributed to the entertainment , a pleasant evening being spent . We may mention thafc amongst the various toasts was one by the
W . M . in honour of Bro . Mark Hart , who is about to proceed to South Africa . Bro . Gershon , after reverting to his past services to the Lodge , expressed a hope thafc Bro . Hart would have a pleasant and successful journey , carrying with him as he did the best wishes of every member .
WHITWORTH LODGE , No . 1932 . ON thc 8 th inst . the annual meeting took place in the Masonic Hall Spennymoor , there being a large attendance of members and visiting Brethren . The principal business was the installation of Bro . Wm . Cowley S . W . as W . M . for the ensuing year , and the appointment and investiture of Officers . Bro . Cowley was presented by Bro . Brown P . BL to the retiring W . BL Bro ,
Reports Of Meetings.
J . Butter , who performed the ceremony of installation impressively . Bro . Cowley afterwards invested fche Officers . The annual banquet was held in the Town Hall , the new W . M . presiding , and Bro . F . Baine occupying the vice-chair . After dinner the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , the proceedings being pleasantly varied by musical contributions from the choir ( Bros . Eossland , Chilton , and Bramley ) and other Brethren .
BLACKWATER LODGE , No . 1977 . THE annual installation festival took place at the Blue Boar Hotel , Maldon , on Monday , 13 th inst ., under the presidency' of Bro . T . J . Grant P . P . G . Std . W . M . The ceremony of installing Bro . Ernest E . Eve S . W . into the chair of K . S . was most impressively performed by Bro . T . J . Balling P . M . P . A . G . D . C . Eng . Prov . G . Secretary .
Bro . Wm . Eudrum , on behalf of the Lodge , presented Bro . T . J . Grant with a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in commemoration of Her Majesty ' s Jubilee . The jewel contained an enamel portrait of the Queen and bore a suitable inscription .
t > u o DUKE OF YORK LODGE , No . 2449 . THE regular meeting was held at the Palatine Hotel , Manchester , on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., Bro . Clement John Hall W . M ., there being a very good attendance . After the reading and confirmation of minutes , Brol George Sawyer was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . William T . Schofield P . M . P . P . J . G . D .
Lodge business over , the Brethren adjourned to the social board , where a very pleasant evening was spent , the services of most of the Brethren being brought into requisition . Among the distinguished visitors present was Bro . Councillor Joseph Selby P . B 1 . 1083 Prov . G . D . C We may note that the Palatine Hotel has undergone a marked change since the last meeting of the Lodge , Mr . B . 0 . G . Bourner having succeeded to the management .
o o o HADRIAN LODGE , No . 2483 . THE annual installation meeting was held at the Devonshire Hotel , Bexhill , on Wednesday , 8 th inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . W . B . Griffin , who was well supported . The chief business of the meeting was the installation of Bro . James Wood as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Griffin . The new W . M . was elected Charity Steward for the year .
Before the Lodge was closed the W . M . presented Bro . Griffin with an elegant Pasfc Master ' s jewel , for services rendered during his year of office , which was suitably acknowledged . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M . The customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
WARRANT OFFICERS CHAPTER , No . 2346 . THE annual meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street ' W . C , on Monday , 13 th inst ., when the Officers were invested for the ensuing year . Comp . W . A . Greene installed Comps . Williamson and Howe into the chair of J . in a very able manner , Comp . Malony installed Comps . Greene and Howe into the chair of H ., the latter by dispensation from the M . E . the Grand Z .
Comp . Pugh then installed Comp . Greene in the chair of Z ., also by dispensation , he not having previously served the office of H . After the installation , the M . E . Z . presented Comp . Pugh with a P . Z . jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him by the Companions , for his services as First Principal of the Chapter during his year of offico . Comp . Pugh thanked the Companions for this token of their esteem ' and regard .
It was afterwards proposed that a ' hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes in favour of Comp . Jennings P . Z ., for his valuable services to the Chapter , he having acted as its Treasurer from the foundation , and also that a Treasurer ' s jewel be presented him . _ Also a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Installing Officers for their services to the Chapter that evening . ' '
The Chapter was then closed and fche Companions adjourned to an excellent banquet at the Freemasons' Tavern . The following is a full list of Officers for 1897-8 : —Comp . W . A . Greene M . E . Z ., H . A . Howe H ., A . J . Williamson J ., A . Molony P . Z . Treas ., M A Mclnerny P . Z . Scribe E ., J . P . Newsham Scribe N ., A . Edis P . S ., W E * Bailey 1 st Assist ., J . A . Walter 2 nd Assist ., A . Fraser D . C , J . Lackland Janitor . Amongst others present were Comps . Befcts , Copsey , Benstead , and Dent with Comp . H . Smith , of the James Terry Chapter , as a Visitor . '
Vive Jugla!
IN tbe west-end of great London , in a street called Coventry , At number 24 you'll find a far-famed giovery ; The maker of those famous gloves , A . Jugla is by name , And 'tis more than- half a century since ho first to England came . In this his adopted country , he has spared no pains nor cash , To improve that useful article , without which none can " mash . " And 'tis well known on every side , succass has crowned his work ,
For in his manufacture no serious flaw can lurk ; His gloves are all made on the spot , as all with eyes can see , And 'tis his boast that London now need fear no rivalry . Quality considered , no goods are priced so low , And for fit , finish ancl elegance , they ' re acknowledged " all tho go . " Boyalty and fashion will wear no other make , And the brightest ladies in the land , say that Jugla "takes the cake . " —( Communicated . )
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
P . BL Sec , Percy Gray Deputy Sec , J . F . Perrins S . D ., C . J . Davison P . M . J . D ., Flolick I . G ., G . Stevenson , F . Eobertson , Ashby , C . H . Knuth , J , Vincent Jull , , W . J . Carroll , 0 . B . Cutchey P . BL , J . Wynman , J . D . Myers , W- Harris .
Alter prelhmnaries Bxo . JnU offered himself as candidate for fche second degree and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed . The Preceptor Brother Walter Blartin , with the assistance of the Brethren , worked the first section of the lecture . The Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bro . Heinekey S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for next Monday .
TERRIERS LODGE , No . 2184 . ON Wednesday , at three o ' clock , a meeting was held at the Sir Sidney Smith , Chester Street , Kennington , Bro . 0 . H . Eandall W . M ., C . Wetton W . Bl . 2087 S . W .. B . Cohen J . W ., A . Darch P . M . Preceptor , J . Holding Treasurer acting S . D ., E . Sinclair Secretary acting J . D ., G . Douglas I . G ., Charles Castle , Jesse Burton , T . Holland , J . Wynman , and others .
The Lodge being duly formed the minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Castle candidate . The _ W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . C . Wetton , who opened the Lodge in the second degree , and intimated to the Brethren his intention of rehearsing the ceremony of raising , for which Bro . J . Holland offered himself as candidate . He was examined and entrusted , and the Lodge being opened in the third degreethe ceremony of raising was rehearsed .
, Bro . Bandall resumed his chair and in due course Bro . 0 . Wetton W . M . 2087 was elected W . Bl . for next meeting . It was proposed that a hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes to Bro . 0 . H . Bandall for his kindness in having the working tools done up in such a beautiful manner , to whioh Bro . Bandall suitably responded .
HUGH OWEN LODGE , No . 2593 . rriHE usual weekly meeting of this Lodge of Instruction was held at the X Bestaurant Frascati , Oxford Street , on Friday , 10 th inst ., when the following were present : Bros . Jas . Barnett W . M ., Bidgway S . W ., Webster J . W ., Bfarks S . D ., Boberts J . D ., Bamsbottom I . G ., Holland P . M . Preceptor , Nicholls Treasurer , Schrader Organist , H . T . Kobelt acting Secretary , and Frith .
The Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., with great satisfaction . The Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees . The Lodge was resumed to the first , when Bros . Edward Cooper Steward 1158 and T . Anderson Marks 1681 were unanimously elected members . Bro . Bidgway was elected to occupy the chair at the next meeting , and appointed his Officers in rotation .
ST . LUKE LODGE , No . 225 . A T the meeting held at the Masonio Hall , Soane Street , Ipswich , on Wednesday , 8 th inst ., Bro . W . H . Cook P . A . G . Pi Suffolk was the recipient of a handsome jewel and illuminated address on the occasion of
his marriage . The W . M ., in making the presentation , spoke in very high terms of the worth of Bro . Cook , and of the deep love and interest he had taken in Masonry , and also how he had endeared himself to the Brethren by his genial disposition .
Bro . Cook , in response , thanked the Brethren for the high compliment they had paid him , and assured them that ifc would ever be his aim to do his utmost for Freemasonry , and to merit the continued esteem of the Brethren .
\ * w ARCHITECT LODGE , No . 1375 . THE regular meeting was held afc the Masonic Hall , Chorlton-cum-Hardy , on Friday , 3 rd inst . In the absence of Bro . T . A . Holland W . M . who , it was incidentally stated , was travelling in China , the principal chair was occupied by Bro . Alfred Pickford P . M ., who conducted the business of the evening . The attendance was not very large , owing to a variety of causes ,
bufc at the festive board , which followed the Lodge proceedings , a very enjoyable time was spent , the following being contributaries to the harmony , viz ., Bros . W . T . Hesketh P . M . Secretary , C . H . Beever P . M ., " William Bushton Organist , Charles Klindworth , ( who gave a laughable and remarkable exhibition of " thought reading " ) , J . Coupland , Councillor James J . Lambert P . BL P . G . D . England , and others .
ZION LODGE , No . 1798 . rTI'HE regular meeting was held at the Grand Hotel , Manchester , on I Wednesday , the 8 th inst ., Bro . Joseph Gershon W . Bl . The principal business of the evening was that of raising Bro . Jacques Higham Phillips to the sublime degree of M . M ., the ceremony being performed by Bro . Geo . Board P . M . P . P . G . D .
At the festive board which followed , Bros . Harry Norris , J . H . Phillips , and Edward Boberts P . M . 1459 , contributed to the entertainment , a pleasant evening being spent . We may mention thafc amongst the various toasts was one by the
W . M . in honour of Bro . Mark Hart , who is about to proceed to South Africa . Bro . Gershon , after reverting to his past services to the Lodge , expressed a hope thafc Bro . Hart would have a pleasant and successful journey , carrying with him as he did the best wishes of every member .
WHITWORTH LODGE , No . 1932 . ON thc 8 th inst . the annual meeting took place in the Masonic Hall Spennymoor , there being a large attendance of members and visiting Brethren . The principal business was the installation of Bro . Wm . Cowley S . W . as W . M . for the ensuing year , and the appointment and investiture of Officers . Bro . Cowley was presented by Bro . Brown P . BL to the retiring W . BL Bro ,
Reports Of Meetings.
J . Butter , who performed the ceremony of installation impressively . Bro . Cowley afterwards invested fche Officers . The annual banquet was held in the Town Hall , the new W . M . presiding , and Bro . F . Baine occupying the vice-chair . After dinner the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , the proceedings being pleasantly varied by musical contributions from the choir ( Bros . Eossland , Chilton , and Bramley ) and other Brethren .
BLACKWATER LODGE , No . 1977 . THE annual installation festival took place at the Blue Boar Hotel , Maldon , on Monday , 13 th inst ., under the presidency' of Bro . T . J . Grant P . P . G . Std . W . M . The ceremony of installing Bro . Ernest E . Eve S . W . into the chair of K . S . was most impressively performed by Bro . T . J . Balling P . M . P . A . G . D . C . Eng . Prov . G . Secretary .
Bro . Wm . Eudrum , on behalf of the Lodge , presented Bro . T . J . Grant with a very handsome Past Master ' s jewel , in commemoration of Her Majesty ' s Jubilee . The jewel contained an enamel portrait of the Queen and bore a suitable inscription .
t > u o DUKE OF YORK LODGE , No . 2449 . THE regular meeting was held at the Palatine Hotel , Manchester , on Thursday , the 9 th inst ., Bro . Clement John Hall W . M ., there being a very good attendance . After the reading and confirmation of minutes , Brol George Sawyer was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . by Bro . William T . Schofield P . M . P . P . J . G . D .
Lodge business over , the Brethren adjourned to the social board , where a very pleasant evening was spent , the services of most of the Brethren being brought into requisition . Among the distinguished visitors present was Bro . Councillor Joseph Selby P . B 1 . 1083 Prov . G . D . C We may note that the Palatine Hotel has undergone a marked change since the last meeting of the Lodge , Mr . B . 0 . G . Bourner having succeeded to the management .
o o o HADRIAN LODGE , No . 2483 . THE annual installation meeting was held at the Devonshire Hotel , Bexhill , on Wednesday , 8 th inst . The Lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . W . B . Griffin , who was well supported . The chief business of the meeting was the installation of Bro . James Wood as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being most ably performed by Bro . Griffin . The new W . M . was elected Charity Steward for the year .
Before the Lodge was closed the W . M . presented Bro . Griffin with an elegant Pasfc Master ' s jewel , for services rendered during his year of office , which was suitably acknowledged . The Lodge having been closed , the Brethren sat down to a banquet , under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M . The customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured .
WARRANT OFFICERS CHAPTER , No . 2346 . THE annual meeting was held at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street ' W . C , on Monday , 13 th inst ., when the Officers were invested for the ensuing year . Comp . W . A . Greene installed Comps . Williamson and Howe into the chair of J . in a very able manner , Comp . Malony installed Comps . Greene and Howe into the chair of H ., the latter by dispensation from the M . E . the Grand Z .
Comp . Pugh then installed Comp . Greene in the chair of Z ., also by dispensation , he not having previously served the office of H . After the installation , the M . E . Z . presented Comp . Pugh with a P . Z . jewel , which had been unanimously voted to him by the Companions , for his services as First Principal of the Chapter during his year of offico . Comp . Pugh thanked the Companions for this token of their esteem ' and regard .
It was afterwards proposed that a ' hearty vote of thanks be recorded on the minutes in favour of Comp . Jennings P . Z ., for his valuable services to the Chapter , he having acted as its Treasurer from the foundation , and also that a Treasurer ' s jewel be presented him . _ Also a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the Installing Officers for their services to the Chapter that evening . ' '
The Chapter was then closed and fche Companions adjourned to an excellent banquet at the Freemasons' Tavern . The following is a full list of Officers for 1897-8 : —Comp . W . A . Greene M . E . Z ., H . A . Howe H ., A . J . Williamson J ., A . Molony P . Z . Treas ., M A Mclnerny P . Z . Scribe E ., J . P . Newsham Scribe N ., A . Edis P . S ., W E * Bailey 1 st Assist ., J . A . Walter 2 nd Assist ., A . Fraser D . C , J . Lackland Janitor . Amongst others present were Comps . Befcts , Copsey , Benstead , and Dent with Comp . H . Smith , of the James Terry Chapter , as a Visitor . '
Vive Jugla!
IN tbe west-end of great London , in a street called Coventry , At number 24 you'll find a far-famed giovery ; The maker of those famous gloves , A . Jugla is by name , And 'tis more than- half a century since ho first to England came . In this his adopted country , he has spared no pains nor cash , To improve that useful article , without which none can " mash . " And 'tis well known on every side , succass has crowned his work ,
For in his manufacture no serious flaw can lurk ; His gloves are all made on the spot , as all with eyes can see , And 'tis his boast that London now need fear no rivalry . Quality considered , no goods are priced so low , And for fit , finish ancl elegance , they ' re acknowledged " all tho go . " Boyalty and fashion will wear no other make , And the brightest ladies in the land , say that Jugla "takes the cake . " —( Communicated . )