Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
IV ! ID L A N D RAILWAY . CHEAP EXCURSIONS FROM ST . PANCRAS AND OTHER LONDON STATIONS . A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . On Friday , 24 th September , to Dublin , Ballina , Galway , Sligo , and South of Ireland ; and to Belfast and North of Ireland , and on Saturday , 25 th September , to Londonderry . Cheap Excursion Tour Tickets also issued to Belfast , and the North of Ireland , on Friday , 24 th September . See Bills for routes , fares , & c . •!¦>¦ ¦¦ . ¦<¦ ; LAST EXCURSIONS OF THE SEASOFf To Scotland for 5 , 11 , or 16 days . On Friday , 24 th September , for 11 days , from St . Pancras at 9-15 p . m . to Edinburgh , Glasgow , Helensburgh , and other North British' Stations ; and at 10-0 p . m . to Carlisle , Glasgow , Ayr , Kilmarnock , G . arid S . W . Line , and Newton Stewart , Stranraer , Wigtown , and Whithorn . Also on same date from St . Pancras at 9-15 p . m ., to Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Arbroath , Forfar , Brechin , Montrose , Stonehaven , Aberdeen , Inverness , Fort William , & c . Return tickets at a third class single ordinary fare for the double journey will also be issued by the above trains to return any day within sixteen days from date of issue . Also on Friday , 24 th September , from St . Pancras at 8-30 p . m ., to Northallerton , Bichmond , Darlington , Durham , Newcastle , and Berwick . ISLE OF MAN , ENGLISH LAKE DISTRICT , & C . On Friday , 24 th September , at Midnight , and on Saturday ; 25 th September , at * 5-15 a . m . and 10-5 a . m ., to Douglas , Isle of Mart , for 3 , 8 , 10 , 15 or 17 days . ' •¦ ' •¦ ! * Passengers booking via Barrow must return on 27 th September , or 1 st October only . . ... Also on Saturday , 25 th September , to English Lake District , Morecambe , Lancaster , Liverpool , Southport , Blackpool ; Matlock ; Buxton , & c , for 3 , 8 , 10 , 15 or 17 days . See Bills for times . ; ! MANCHESTER RACES . On Saturday , 25 th September , to Manchester , for one and three days , from St . Pancras at 125 a . m . ( Friday midnight ) . ; Tickets and Bills may be had at the MIDLAND STATIONS and City Booking Offices , and from Thos . Cook and Son , Ludgate Circus , and Branch Offices . GEO . H . TUBNEB , General Manager .
\ \ A IMPORTANT— Please note that A . JUG LA'S 4 . ' * \ rf \ Trade mark is as under : — | ) MGoTA>MBD 4, A / C 7 AjkIc^^^L^^^) % )\ l # F v ~ "~~~ V VV ALFRED JUGLA —( a candidate ) . A well-known electioneering agent writes as follows : — " A . JUGLA heads the poll a long way as the best man in London for perfectly fitting genuine Kid Gloves , and my wife declares that his black gloves are the only really black gloves to be had in London ; the others are black and white , or so badly dyed that they stain the hand like ink . HIGHLY FINISHED PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS made to measure or ready made . ¦ GLOVES TO MEASURE OR FROM STOCK , if by the doz . or J doz . subject to a discount of 6 / - per dozen . A . JUGLA , 24 Coventry St ., London , W . G .
TheFreemason'sChronicle. A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . — : o : — Published every Saturday , Price 3 d . — : o : — THE FBEEMASON'S CHBONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Fleet Works , Bulwer Boad , New Barnet , on receipt of remittance for the amount . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) are—Twelve Months , post free ... ... £ 0 13 6 Postal Orders to be made payable to W . W . MOBGAN , at the New Barnet Office . Cheques crossed "London and South Western Bank . " — : o : — Scale of Charges for Advertisements . — : o : — Page £ 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , narrow column , 5 s per inch . News column Advertisements Is per line . Special terms for a series of insertions or special positions on application .
TheCafeRoyal, 68RegentStreet,W. This old establishment contains SuperiorLodgeAccommodation, with large Banquetting Rooms . HIGH-CLASS CUISINE . THE FINEST CELLARS IN THE WORLD . Telegraphic Address : Restaurant , London . Telephone : No . 35 , 414 .
THE RAILWAY HOTEL , HARROW , ADJOINING THE L . & . N . W . R . STATION . The Railway Hotel , now entirely re-decorated and furnished contains the best and Most Comfortable Lodge Accommodation , with ample Ante-Rooms , Large Banqueting Rooms and every convenience . THREE LOCOES ALREADY MEET HERE . SPECIMENS OP MENU , WITH PEICES , SENT ON APPLICATION . Proprietor - .. . - - C . W . HOWELL .
THE CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Adjoining Hampton Court Station , FACING THE RIVER AND PALACE . Special Provision for Lodge and other meetings , Including A MAS ONI C TEMPLE wKh ample Ante-Rooms , Banquet Hall , and every convenience . MYBALODGES ALBBADY MEET HEBE . Ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established and noted Rirtniae Hotel fox Banquet * for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladles' Gathering ! . Spacious landing to riVer , whence Steam Launches •sa start . Speehneni of Menus , with prices , sent on application . TWO ) BILLIARD TABLES . GOOD STABLING ACCOMMODATION . Tariff , See . of Bro . JOHN MAYO , Proprietor :
STAR & GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , Brother Capt . W . T . PURKISS , V . D ., Proprietor . The accommodation at this Popular Establishment for MASONIC LODGES AND CHAPTERS Will be found of the Most Complete and Perfect Character . The Lodge Rooms are Commodious and well Appointed . The Banquet Hall will seat over 100 Guests . The Culinary Arrangements embrace every modern feature . Special Facilities for Wedding Breakfasts , Soirees , Concerts , Balls , and Evening Parties , The Stock of Wines comprises all the Best Known Brands , and will be found in Perfect Condition . Private Booms for Large or Small Parties . Good Stabling . Scale of Charges and further particulars on Application . The Boyal Alfred Lodge , Chiswick Mark Lodge , Loyalty and Charity Lodge , Bose of Denmark Chapter , St . Mary's Chapter , and Boyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction hold their meetings at this Establishment .
WHITTINGTON HOTEL , Moor Lane , Moorgate Street , E . C . E XCELLENT accommodation for Lodge meetings . Banquet Eoom holds over 100 guests . Brethren wishing for fresh quarters will find every convenience , combined with comfort . WINES , SPIRITS , and CIGARS of the best quality . The Eooms can be had also for Instruction Lodges , Suppers , Concerts , Dinners , & c . For further particulars apply to Bro . George Stevenson , Proprietor . Early application is requested .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
IV ! ID L A N D RAILWAY . CHEAP EXCURSIONS FROM ST . PANCRAS AND OTHER LONDON STATIONS . A FORTNIGHT IN IRELAND . On Friday , 24 th September , to Dublin , Ballina , Galway , Sligo , and South of Ireland ; and to Belfast and North of Ireland , and on Saturday , 25 th September , to Londonderry . Cheap Excursion Tour Tickets also issued to Belfast , and the North of Ireland , on Friday , 24 th September . See Bills for routes , fares , & c . •!¦>¦ ¦¦ . ¦<¦ ; LAST EXCURSIONS OF THE SEASOFf To Scotland for 5 , 11 , or 16 days . On Friday , 24 th September , for 11 days , from St . Pancras at 9-15 p . m . to Edinburgh , Glasgow , Helensburgh , and other North British' Stations ; and at 10-0 p . m . to Carlisle , Glasgow , Ayr , Kilmarnock , G . arid S . W . Line , and Newton Stewart , Stranraer , Wigtown , and Whithorn . Also on same date from St . Pancras at 9-15 p . m ., to Stirling , Perth , Dundee , Arbroath , Forfar , Brechin , Montrose , Stonehaven , Aberdeen , Inverness , Fort William , & c . Return tickets at a third class single ordinary fare for the double journey will also be issued by the above trains to return any day within sixteen days from date of issue . Also on Friday , 24 th September , from St . Pancras at 8-30 p . m ., to Northallerton , Bichmond , Darlington , Durham , Newcastle , and Berwick . ISLE OF MAN , ENGLISH LAKE DISTRICT , & C . On Friday , 24 th September , at Midnight , and on Saturday ; 25 th September , at * 5-15 a . m . and 10-5 a . m ., to Douglas , Isle of Mart , for 3 , 8 , 10 , 15 or 17 days . ' •¦ ' •¦ ! * Passengers booking via Barrow must return on 27 th September , or 1 st October only . . ... Also on Saturday , 25 th September , to English Lake District , Morecambe , Lancaster , Liverpool , Southport , Blackpool ; Matlock ; Buxton , & c , for 3 , 8 , 10 , 15 or 17 days . See Bills for times . ; ! MANCHESTER RACES . On Saturday , 25 th September , to Manchester , for one and three days , from St . Pancras at 125 a . m . ( Friday midnight ) . ; Tickets and Bills may be had at the MIDLAND STATIONS and City Booking Offices , and from Thos . Cook and Son , Ludgate Circus , and Branch Offices . GEO . H . TUBNEB , General Manager .
\ \ A IMPORTANT— Please note that A . JUG LA'S 4 . ' * \ rf \ Trade mark is as under : — | ) MGoTA>MBD 4, A / C 7 AjkIc^^^L^^^) % )\ l # F v ~ "~~~ V VV ALFRED JUGLA —( a candidate ) . A well-known electioneering agent writes as follows : — " A . JUGLA heads the poll a long way as the best man in London for perfectly fitting genuine Kid Gloves , and my wife declares that his black gloves are the only really black gloves to be had in London ; the others are black and white , or so badly dyed that they stain the hand like ink . HIGHLY FINISHED PERFECT FITTING SHIRTS made to measure or ready made . ¦ GLOVES TO MEASURE OR FROM STOCK , if by the doz . or J doz . subject to a discount of 6 / - per dozen . A . JUGLA , 24 Coventry St ., London , W . G .
TheFreemason'sChronicle. A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . — : o : — Published every Saturday , Price 3 d . — : o : — THE FBEEMASON'S CHBONICLE will be forwarded direct from the Office , Fleet Works , Bulwer Boad , New Barnet , on receipt of remittance for the amount . The Terms of Subscription ( payable in advance ) are—Twelve Months , post free ... ... £ 0 13 6 Postal Orders to be made payable to W . W . MOBGAN , at the New Barnet Office . Cheques crossed "London and South Western Bank . " — : o : — Scale of Charges for Advertisements . — : o : — Page £ 10 10 0 Births , Marriages , and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & c , narrow column , 5 s per inch . News column Advertisements Is per line . Special terms for a series of insertions or special positions on application .
TheCafeRoyal, 68RegentStreet,W. This old establishment contains SuperiorLodgeAccommodation, with large Banquetting Rooms . HIGH-CLASS CUISINE . THE FINEST CELLARS IN THE WORLD . Telegraphic Address : Restaurant , London . Telephone : No . 35 , 414 .
THE RAILWAY HOTEL , HARROW , ADJOINING THE L . & . N . W . R . STATION . The Railway Hotel , now entirely re-decorated and furnished contains the best and Most Comfortable Lodge Accommodation , with ample Ante-Rooms , Large Banqueting Rooms and every convenience . THREE LOCOES ALREADY MEET HERE . SPECIMENS OP MENU , WITH PEICES , SENT ON APPLICATION . Proprietor - .. . - - C . W . HOWELL .
THE CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Adjoining Hampton Court Station , FACING THE RIVER AND PALACE . Special Provision for Lodge and other meetings , Including A MAS ONI C TEMPLE wKh ample Ante-Rooms , Banquet Hall , and every convenience . MYBALODGES ALBBADY MEET HEBE . Ample accommodation in the new wing of this old-established and noted Rirtniae Hotel fox Banquet * for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladles' Gathering ! . Spacious landing to riVer , whence Steam Launches •sa start . Speehneni of Menus , with prices , sent on application . TWO ) BILLIARD TABLES . GOOD STABLING ACCOMMODATION . Tariff , See . of Bro . JOHN MAYO , Proprietor :
STAR & GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , Brother Capt . W . T . PURKISS , V . D ., Proprietor . The accommodation at this Popular Establishment for MASONIC LODGES AND CHAPTERS Will be found of the Most Complete and Perfect Character . The Lodge Rooms are Commodious and well Appointed . The Banquet Hall will seat over 100 Guests . The Culinary Arrangements embrace every modern feature . Special Facilities for Wedding Breakfasts , Soirees , Concerts , Balls , and Evening Parties , The Stock of Wines comprises all the Best Known Brands , and will be found in Perfect Condition . Private Booms for Large or Small Parties . Good Stabling . Scale of Charges and further particulars on Application . The Boyal Alfred Lodge , Chiswick Mark Lodge , Loyalty and Charity Lodge , Bose of Denmark Chapter , St . Mary's Chapter , and Boyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction hold their meetings at this Establishment .
WHITTINGTON HOTEL , Moor Lane , Moorgate Street , E . C . E XCELLENT accommodation for Lodge meetings . Banquet Eoom holds over 100 guests . Brethren wishing for fresh quarters will find every convenience , combined with comfort . WINES , SPIRITS , and CIGARS of the best quality . The Eooms can be had also for Instruction Lodges , Suppers , Concerts , Dinners , & c . For further particulars apply to Bro . George Stevenson , Proprietor . Early application is requested .