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Reports Of Meetings.
"We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative to report Lodge or other proceedings .
ROYAL ALFRED LODGE , No . 780 . nnHE regular meeting was held on Friday , 10 th inst ., at Bro . W . T . I Purldss ' s , Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , under the presidency of Bro . C . J . Coombs W . M ., who was supported by C . Bobinson S . W ., Justin Allen J . W ., W . Eydman P . M . Treas ., F . J . Larkman I . P . M . Sec , H . T . Gomm S . D ., J . Halstead J . D ., H . T . Johnson I . G ., E . Eydman and T . H . Dorey Stewards , H . B . Worth D . C , J . Gilbert Tyler , also Bro . B . Blasby P . M ., W . Gomm P . M ., Lloyd P . M ., W . T . Purkiss , H . J . Saunders P . M .,
Edwards , H . Ellis , C . Dorey , H . Perry , Hull , Heme , and several others . Amongst the visitors were Bro . Clark P . M ., Edyman , Tyler , and others . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened to the third degree and afterwards resumed to the first , when Bro . William Edwards was examined and entrusted for the second . Lodge was again advanced , and that Brother was passed as a Fellow Craft . The excellent working of the Worshipful Master is well known ; it is only necessary to say here that he was as proficient as
over . After a few communications from the Secretary , and other items having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner was provided by Bro . W . T . Purkiss , the well known host of the Hotel . Subsequently the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , whioh were heartily received and responded to .
Bro . F . J . Larkman I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., which was honoured in most cordial fashion , every Brother being delighted to drink to the health of their ruler . Bro . 0 . J . Coombs W . M ., on rising to respond , had a very hearty welcome . He most sincerely thanked Bro . Larkman for proposing his health , and the Brethren for receiving it in such hearty manner .
The next toast was one the W . M . always had very much pleasure to propose , being that of the visitors . Guests were always welcome at the Boyal Alfred Lodge , and they would always receive a hearty greeting . Bro . Clark and other Visitors made suitable response . The next toast the W . M . had much gratification to submit—that of the Treasurer , Secretary , Past Masters , and Officers . It was a delight and a pleasure to work with such an able body of assistants . This toast was also well received , and was responded to in graceful speeches .
Other toasts followed and were duly acknowledged , a very pleasant evening being brought to a termination with the Tyler's toast .
. UPTON LODGE , No . 1227 . < pHE installation festival of this excellent Lodge was held at the Great _ I _ Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street , on Thursday , 9 th inst ., when a large number of the members and their Masonio friends assembled to take part in this always interesting ceremony . The outgoing Master Bro . George Albert Peters opened the Lodge in due form , when the minutes of the last regular meeting , together with those of the emergency meeting of 12 th August , were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when
Bros . Ernest Claude Holmes , Joseph William Holmes , Oliver Greenland , David Sasserath and William Edward Greenhouse answered the questions of the Fellow Crafts . The Lodge was then opened in the third degree , when the W . M . resigned the chair in favour of Bro . E . M . Jeffery I . P . M ., who performed the ceremony of raising the above mentioned candidates in an altogether admirable manner . The Brethren were invested as Master Masons , and took their seats in the Lodge .
Bro . Peters then resumed the chair , when the Auditors presented their report , which was discussed , accepted and adopted . Bro . Henry Hyde S . W ., having been elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , was then presented by Bro . P . M . Jeffery , and signified his assent to the ancient charges and regulations . The Brethren having retired ,
a Board of Installed Masters , presided over by Bro . Toye , was formed , and Bro . Hyde was regularly installed in the chair of King Solomon and invested his predecessor as I . P . M . Upon the re-admission of the Brethren the newly made Master was proclaimed by Bro . Peters , and saluted in the various degrees .
The following Officers were appointed and invested : —William Athol Bray S . W ., Arthur J . Millington J . W ., Charles Gieseke P . M . Treasurer , Charles John Free P . M . Secretary , Augustus A . Butcher S . D ., Henry J . Eowberry J . D ., Walter J . Carroll I . G ., Samuel Toye P . M . D . C , Bobert F . Thomson A . D . C , Ernest C . Holmes Organist , Gustav A . Fischer , William Prior and B . C . Chapman Stewards , and Thomas Bowler Tyler .
The addresses to the Master , Wardens and Brethren were admirably given by Bro . Peters , and ensured the hearty commendation of those who attended . The Brethren who were present included Bros . John Stroud P . M ., Samuel Toye P . M ., Edwin Hill P . M ., Charles Gieseke P . BL , Charles John Free P . M ., E . M . Jeffery I . P . M ., John Baker , William Prior , J . W . Holmes , D . Sasserath , S . W . Carter , E . C . Holmes , John Bell , C . W . Cooper , Frederick W . Ward , W . E . Greenhouse , G . Fischer , P . Hahn , B . F . Thomson , A . B . Noble , B . S . Chapman , and W . T . Hustwayte .
Visitors—H . Massey P . M . 619 1928 , Bobert Beswick P . M . 11 , James Smith P . M . 933 , Thomas A . Collins 2417 , John Hooper P . M . 1320 , W . J . Songhurst P . M . 227 , Orlton Cooper P . M . 211 , Charles Westwood P . M . 1343 P . P . A . D . CEssex , John Spencer W . M .-elect 1437 , G . Muller 1987 , W . J . Bivers Wilson 2264 , T . Bobinson J . D . 2396 , J . Anly S . D . 117 , H . W . Bleany S . W . 1549 , G . Croger 1549 , B . J . Hamilton 781 , W . T . Grimmett P . M . 15 , Frederick Toye S . W . 1278 , Percy Cooper I . G . 1694 , George T . Miles S . W . 1351 , ancl H . 0 . Cuttriss 217 .
At the conclusion of the day ' s work the Brethren repaired to the banquet room , where a most enjoyable repast awaited them—one that was fully in keeping with the jovial good fellowship for which this Lodge has become so
Reports Of Meetings.
famous . The newly installed Master presided , and thus early gave promise of proving a -worthy successor to his immediate predecessors in the chair of the Upton Lodge . The usual toasts in honour of the Queen , and of the Masonic rulers were regularly disposed of . The I . P . M . Bro . Peters rose to submit the health of the Worshipful Master of the Lodge , and in doing so he felt the toasfc was sure to be well
received , as all the members of the Lodge respected Bro . Hyde , knowing that ever since his initiation among them he had displayed such truly Masonic qualities as to make many friends . By his readiness to help the Lodge and assist in the work of Freemasonry he had acquired such a firm hold on the affections of the Brethren as time would not loosen ; and he predicted for Bro . Hyde a happy and prosperous year while occupying the chair of their Lodge .
In acknowledging the toast Bro . Hyde tendered sincere thanks to the Brethren for tho honour they had conferred on him by electing and installing him as Master of the Upton Lodge , and expressed a hope that he might be able to so manage its affairs as to ensure the success of the Lodge and the comfort of its members . He felt very proud of his present honourable position , and hoped he might be able to do credit to himself in discharging the duties attached to it .
The W . M . paid a well deserved compliment to his predecessor in the chair ( Bro . Peters ) when he submitted the toast of his health , briefly touching upon the work of the past year , and the continued good feeling experienced in the Lodge under the rule of the Brother whom they were about to honour in the toast of the Immediate Past Master . It was an especial pleasure to him to be called upon on that occasion to present to Bro . Peters the Past Master ' s jewel of the Lodge , which he hoped the recipient would live to wear for many years in their midst , winning fresh honours and
new friends year by year as he had done in the past . In addition to this award for Bto . Peters a handsome diamond ring was provided for Mrs . Peters , by the initiates of the year , who thus followed in the footsteps of their predecessors in providing a memento of what may justly be termed the new work of tho twelvemonth , and that too in a quarter where it is likely to be even more appreciated than would be the case if the gift had taken the form of a presentation to the Blaster himself , either in the form of a Past Master ' s collar or other adjunct of Freemasonry .
Bro . Peters , like so many others who have been overcome on similar occasions , was less ready than usual with words in which to express his feelings . That he was gratified was evident , and if his expression of thanks to the Lodge and the particular members of it who had been initiated during the year was brief , it was sincere and to the point . •The toast of the Visitors was honoured wifch enthusiasm , and was responded to by several of the guests .
Bro . Samuel Toye P . M . had an especially pleasant task to perform , in submitting the toast of the Charities , made particularly attractive on this occasion , as he was enabled to announce that one of the members—Bro . Millington—had promised to give £ 100 to the list of the Upton Lodge Steward for next year's Festival of tho Boyal Biasonic Institution for Boys , when fche centenary of that charity ' s establishment will be celebrated . This announcement was most heartily received , and later on the health of Bro . Millington was pledged , he being specially thanked for his munificent contribution .
The W . M . then gave the toast of the Past Masters of the Lodge , with whom he associated the Treasurer and Secretary . The Past Masters were justly considered the pillars of the Lodge , and their experience of Biasonic matters enabled them to pilot the Blaster through the difficulties of his position . The Blaster bore a willing testimony to fche efficient services
rendered by Bro . Free , who was greatly beloved by fche Brethren , and trusted that he might long be spared to them . Bro . Gieseke was an able Treasurer , and looked after their funds , as the Auditors had justly attested . Bro . Jeffery had assisted that evening by performing the ceremony of raising , and all the Past Masters willingly undertook any duty that might be required of them .
The compliment was acknowledged by the Brethren mentioned . Bro . Free said he was glad to remember that he had initiated Bro . Bfillingtoninto the Lodge diiring his year of office . The new Officers of the Lodge were then toasted , and suitably replied ; after which Bro . Bowler gave the Tyler ' s toast , and the Brethren adjourned , having spent a very pleasant evening .
A capital entertainment was provided for the amusement of fche Brethren after the banquet , aud agreeably interspersed the speeches . Among those who took part in it were Bros . E . 0 . Holmes , Thomas W . Payne , Frank Martin , F . Cooper , and C . J . Free , together with Messrs . Will Ballard , Harry Greene , and H . Hudson .
Bro . Henry Hyde , the new W . BI . of the Upton Lodge , was born in London , on 22 nd January 1849 , and was initiated into Freemasonry at a meeting of this Lodge held in August 1890 . He was appointed I . G . the following year , and being an earnest student afc the Lodge of Instruction , he was chosen to fill the various offices in succession until last August he was unanimously elected to the chair . He was exalted in Boyal Arch Blasonry
in the Guelph Chapter , No . 1685 , in June 1892 . He has nofc neglected the Biasonic Charities , and has ever given freely in the cause , while at the last Festival of the Girls School he represented thc Upton Lodge and then distinguished himself by taking up the handsome sum of £ 157 10 s . He is well skilled in the ritual and ancient landmarks of the Order , so his reign should be a happy and beneficent one . So mote it be .
LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE , No . 1743 . THB members held their annual installation meeting on Saturday , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , under the presidency of Bro . H . 0 . Lonsdale Worshipful Blaster . Mr . Alfred Bainoy Barton was initiated by tho W . M ., who afterwards with great ability performed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Henry Watts being the elected candidate for the office of W . BI .
Bro . Lonsdale was invested with the collar of Immediate Past Master , and the other Brethren selected for the different Offices were : H . G . Park Senior Warden , W . B . Cossham Junior Warden , Thomas Lovell P . M . Treasurer , G . J . Tollett Secretary , B . Perry Senior Deacon , J . Handley Junior Deacon , H . J . Bridgman Inner Guard , J . Flexman Director of Ceremonies , W . Farrant Assistant Director of Ceremonies , J . Cunnington
Steward , J . T . Dormer P . BI . 1571 Assistant Steward , William Lane ( a Crimean veteran ) Tyler . Bro . Lonsdale , at the conclusion of the investiture of the Officers , fluently delivered tha addresses to the Blasters , Officers , and lay Brethren : after which ceremony the Lodge was closed , and tho Brethren wore entertained at a choice banquet , says the " City Press . " This was followed by the proposal and acknowledgment of the usual
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Reports Of Meetings.
"We shall be pleased to receive particulars of Masonic meetings for insertion in our columns , and where desired will endeavour to send a representative to report Lodge or other proceedings .
ROYAL ALFRED LODGE , No . 780 . nnHE regular meeting was held on Friday , 10 th inst ., at Bro . W . T . I Purldss ' s , Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , under the presidency of Bro . C . J . Coombs W . M ., who was supported by C . Bobinson S . W ., Justin Allen J . W ., W . Eydman P . M . Treas ., F . J . Larkman I . P . M . Sec , H . T . Gomm S . D ., J . Halstead J . D ., H . T . Johnson I . G ., E . Eydman and T . H . Dorey Stewards , H . B . Worth D . C , J . Gilbert Tyler , also Bro . B . Blasby P . M ., W . Gomm P . M ., Lloyd P . M ., W . T . Purkiss , H . J . Saunders P . M .,
Edwards , H . Ellis , C . Dorey , H . Perry , Hull , Heme , and several others . Amongst the visitors were Bro . Clark P . M ., Edyman , Tyler , and others . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened to the third degree and afterwards resumed to the first , when Bro . William Edwards was examined and entrusted for the second . Lodge was again advanced , and that Brother was passed as a Fellow Craft . The excellent working of the Worshipful Master is well known ; it is only necessary to say here that he was as proficient as
over . After a few communications from the Secretary , and other items having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to the banqueting room , where an excellent dinner was provided by Bro . W . T . Purkiss , the well known host of the Hotel . Subsequently the W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , whioh were heartily received and responded to .
Bro . F . J . Larkman I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M ., which was honoured in most cordial fashion , every Brother being delighted to drink to the health of their ruler . Bro . 0 . J . Coombs W . M ., on rising to respond , had a very hearty welcome . He most sincerely thanked Bro . Larkman for proposing his health , and the Brethren for receiving it in such hearty manner .
The next toast was one the W . M . always had very much pleasure to propose , being that of the visitors . Guests were always welcome at the Boyal Alfred Lodge , and they would always receive a hearty greeting . Bro . Clark and other Visitors made suitable response . The next toast the W . M . had much gratification to submit—that of the Treasurer , Secretary , Past Masters , and Officers . It was a delight and a pleasure to work with such an able body of assistants . This toast was also well received , and was responded to in graceful speeches .
Other toasts followed and were duly acknowledged , a very pleasant evening being brought to a termination with the Tyler's toast .
. UPTON LODGE , No . 1227 . < pHE installation festival of this excellent Lodge was held at the Great _ I _ Eastern Hotel , Liverpool Street , on Thursday , 9 th inst ., when a large number of the members and their Masonio friends assembled to take part in this always interesting ceremony . The outgoing Master Bro . George Albert Peters opened the Lodge in due form , when the minutes of the last regular meeting , together with those of the emergency meeting of 12 th August , were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , when
Bros . Ernest Claude Holmes , Joseph William Holmes , Oliver Greenland , David Sasserath and William Edward Greenhouse answered the questions of the Fellow Crafts . The Lodge was then opened in the third degree , when the W . M . resigned the chair in favour of Bro . E . M . Jeffery I . P . M ., who performed the ceremony of raising the above mentioned candidates in an altogether admirable manner . The Brethren were invested as Master Masons , and took their seats in the Lodge .
Bro . Peters then resumed the chair , when the Auditors presented their report , which was discussed , accepted and adopted . Bro . Henry Hyde S . W ., having been elected as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year , was then presented by Bro . P . M . Jeffery , and signified his assent to the ancient charges and regulations . The Brethren having retired ,
a Board of Installed Masters , presided over by Bro . Toye , was formed , and Bro . Hyde was regularly installed in the chair of King Solomon and invested his predecessor as I . P . M . Upon the re-admission of the Brethren the newly made Master was proclaimed by Bro . Peters , and saluted in the various degrees .
The following Officers were appointed and invested : —William Athol Bray S . W ., Arthur J . Millington J . W ., Charles Gieseke P . M . Treasurer , Charles John Free P . M . Secretary , Augustus A . Butcher S . D ., Henry J . Eowberry J . D ., Walter J . Carroll I . G ., Samuel Toye P . M . D . C , Bobert F . Thomson A . D . C , Ernest C . Holmes Organist , Gustav A . Fischer , William Prior and B . C . Chapman Stewards , and Thomas Bowler Tyler .
The addresses to the Master , Wardens and Brethren were admirably given by Bro . Peters , and ensured the hearty commendation of those who attended . The Brethren who were present included Bros . John Stroud P . M ., Samuel Toye P . M ., Edwin Hill P . M ., Charles Gieseke P . BL , Charles John Free P . M ., E . M . Jeffery I . P . M ., John Baker , William Prior , J . W . Holmes , D . Sasserath , S . W . Carter , E . C . Holmes , John Bell , C . W . Cooper , Frederick W . Ward , W . E . Greenhouse , G . Fischer , P . Hahn , B . F . Thomson , A . B . Noble , B . S . Chapman , and W . T . Hustwayte .
Visitors—H . Massey P . M . 619 1928 , Bobert Beswick P . M . 11 , James Smith P . M . 933 , Thomas A . Collins 2417 , John Hooper P . M . 1320 , W . J . Songhurst P . M . 227 , Orlton Cooper P . M . 211 , Charles Westwood P . M . 1343 P . P . A . D . CEssex , John Spencer W . M .-elect 1437 , G . Muller 1987 , W . J . Bivers Wilson 2264 , T . Bobinson J . D . 2396 , J . Anly S . D . 117 , H . W . Bleany S . W . 1549 , G . Croger 1549 , B . J . Hamilton 781 , W . T . Grimmett P . M . 15 , Frederick Toye S . W . 1278 , Percy Cooper I . G . 1694 , George T . Miles S . W . 1351 , ancl H . 0 . Cuttriss 217 .
At the conclusion of the day ' s work the Brethren repaired to the banquet room , where a most enjoyable repast awaited them—one that was fully in keeping with the jovial good fellowship for which this Lodge has become so
Reports Of Meetings.
famous . The newly installed Master presided , and thus early gave promise of proving a -worthy successor to his immediate predecessors in the chair of the Upton Lodge . The usual toasts in honour of the Queen , and of the Masonic rulers were regularly disposed of . The I . P . M . Bro . Peters rose to submit the health of the Worshipful Master of the Lodge , and in doing so he felt the toasfc was sure to be well
received , as all the members of the Lodge respected Bro . Hyde , knowing that ever since his initiation among them he had displayed such truly Masonic qualities as to make many friends . By his readiness to help the Lodge and assist in the work of Freemasonry he had acquired such a firm hold on the affections of the Brethren as time would not loosen ; and he predicted for Bro . Hyde a happy and prosperous year while occupying the chair of their Lodge .
In acknowledging the toast Bro . Hyde tendered sincere thanks to the Brethren for tho honour they had conferred on him by electing and installing him as Master of the Upton Lodge , and expressed a hope that he might be able to so manage its affairs as to ensure the success of the Lodge and the comfort of its members . He felt very proud of his present honourable position , and hoped he might be able to do credit to himself in discharging the duties attached to it .
The W . M . paid a well deserved compliment to his predecessor in the chair ( Bro . Peters ) when he submitted the toast of his health , briefly touching upon the work of the past year , and the continued good feeling experienced in the Lodge under the rule of the Brother whom they were about to honour in the toast of the Immediate Past Master . It was an especial pleasure to him to be called upon on that occasion to present to Bro . Peters the Past Master ' s jewel of the Lodge , which he hoped the recipient would live to wear for many years in their midst , winning fresh honours and
new friends year by year as he had done in the past . In addition to this award for Bto . Peters a handsome diamond ring was provided for Mrs . Peters , by the initiates of the year , who thus followed in the footsteps of their predecessors in providing a memento of what may justly be termed the new work of tho twelvemonth , and that too in a quarter where it is likely to be even more appreciated than would be the case if the gift had taken the form of a presentation to the Blaster himself , either in the form of a Past Master ' s collar or other adjunct of Freemasonry .
Bro . Peters , like so many others who have been overcome on similar occasions , was less ready than usual with words in which to express his feelings . That he was gratified was evident , and if his expression of thanks to the Lodge and the particular members of it who had been initiated during the year was brief , it was sincere and to the point . •The toast of the Visitors was honoured wifch enthusiasm , and was responded to by several of the guests .
Bro . Samuel Toye P . M . had an especially pleasant task to perform , in submitting the toast of the Charities , made particularly attractive on this occasion , as he was enabled to announce that one of the members—Bro . Millington—had promised to give £ 100 to the list of the Upton Lodge Steward for next year's Festival of tho Boyal Biasonic Institution for Boys , when fche centenary of that charity ' s establishment will be celebrated . This announcement was most heartily received , and later on the health of Bro . Millington was pledged , he being specially thanked for his munificent contribution .
The W . M . then gave the toast of the Past Masters of the Lodge , with whom he associated the Treasurer and Secretary . The Past Masters were justly considered the pillars of the Lodge , and their experience of Biasonic matters enabled them to pilot the Blaster through the difficulties of his position . The Blaster bore a willing testimony to fche efficient services
rendered by Bro . Free , who was greatly beloved by fche Brethren , and trusted that he might long be spared to them . Bro . Gieseke was an able Treasurer , and looked after their funds , as the Auditors had justly attested . Bro . Jeffery had assisted that evening by performing the ceremony of raising , and all the Past Masters willingly undertook any duty that might be required of them .
The compliment was acknowledged by the Brethren mentioned . Bro . Free said he was glad to remember that he had initiated Bro . Bfillingtoninto the Lodge diiring his year of office . The new Officers of the Lodge were then toasted , and suitably replied ; after which Bro . Bowler gave the Tyler ' s toast , and the Brethren adjourned , having spent a very pleasant evening .
A capital entertainment was provided for the amusement of fche Brethren after the banquet , aud agreeably interspersed the speeches . Among those who took part in it were Bros . E . 0 . Holmes , Thomas W . Payne , Frank Martin , F . Cooper , and C . J . Free , together with Messrs . Will Ballard , Harry Greene , and H . Hudson .
Bro . Henry Hyde , the new W . BI . of the Upton Lodge , was born in London , on 22 nd January 1849 , and was initiated into Freemasonry at a meeting of this Lodge held in August 1890 . He was appointed I . G . the following year , and being an earnest student afc the Lodge of Instruction , he was chosen to fill the various offices in succession until last August he was unanimously elected to the chair . He was exalted in Boyal Arch Blasonry
in the Guelph Chapter , No . 1685 , in June 1892 . He has nofc neglected the Biasonic Charities , and has ever given freely in the cause , while at the last Festival of the Girls School he represented thc Upton Lodge and then distinguished himself by taking up the handsome sum of £ 157 10 s . He is well skilled in the ritual and ancient landmarks of the Order , so his reign should be a happy and beneficent one . So mote it be .
LODGE OF PERSEVERANCE , No . 1743 . THB members held their annual installation meeting on Saturday , at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet Street , under the presidency of Bro . H . 0 . Lonsdale Worshipful Blaster . Mr . Alfred Bainoy Barton was initiated by tho W . M ., who afterwards with great ability performed the ceremony of installation , Bro . Henry Watts being the elected candidate for the office of W . BI .
Bro . Lonsdale was invested with the collar of Immediate Past Master , and the other Brethren selected for the different Offices were : H . G . Park Senior Warden , W . B . Cossham Junior Warden , Thomas Lovell P . M . Treasurer , G . J . Tollett Secretary , B . Perry Senior Deacon , J . Handley Junior Deacon , H . J . Bridgman Inner Guard , J . Flexman Director of Ceremonies , W . Farrant Assistant Director of Ceremonies , J . Cunnington
Steward , J . T . Dormer P . BI . 1571 Assistant Steward , William Lane ( a Crimean veteran ) Tyler . Bro . Lonsdale , at the conclusion of the investiture of the Officers , fluently delivered tha addresses to the Blasters , Officers , and lay Brethren : after which ceremony the Lodge was closed , and tho Brethren wore entertained at a choice banquet , says the " City Press . " This was followed by the proposal and acknowledgment of the usual