Article LODGE OF ISRAEL, No. 1502, LIVERPOOL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article EBORACUM LODGE, No. 1611. Page 1 of 2 Article EBORACUM LODGE, No. 1611. Page 1 of 2 →
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Lodge Of Israel, No. 1502, Liverpool.
announced to them the fact of Bro . Tobias ' s installation , and the usual salutations were given . The Installing Master invested the newly-appointed Officers , as follow : —Bros . Rev . Prof . J . Prag Chap ., M . Hart P . M . D . C , S . J . Henochsberg S . W ., M . Arensberg J . W ., A . J . Henoohsberg P . M . Treas ., M . P . Tueski Sec , J . Saber S . D ., H . F . Wright J . D ., D . Gabrielson I . G ., W . G . Veale Org ., H . M . Silver
S . S ., M . Banm J . S ., W . H . Ball Tyler . After some routine business had been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to the Banquet-hall , where an excellent menu had been provided , and the viands were heartily enjoyed . At the conclusion of the repast , grace was chanted by Bro . J . Frank P . M . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were then proposed and duly honoured . Bro . Ackerley P . G .. T . W . and Bro .
Broadbridge P . P . G . D . C . responded on behalf of the P . G . Officers . Bro . Schonstadt I . P . M . now proposed what he considered the toast of the evoning , viz ., the health of the W . M . The doing so afforded him great pleasure , he having had the privilege of proposing Bro . Tobias as a joining member of the Lodge . His now being placed in the proud position of W . M . proved the brethren endorsed the introduction . It
was also very gratifying to him to havo had the pleasure of installing their W . M ., who , he felt sure , would prove himself worthy of the proud position . Bro . H . J . Henochsberg P . M . next favou-ed tho brethren with a humorous sketch from Pickwick , which was heartily enjoyed . The W . M . responded to the toast with much feeling and ability , and at the same time presented the I . P . M . with a beautiful
Past Master ' s jewel , on behalf of the brethren of the Lodge , for the satisfactory and excellent manner in which he had performed his duties as W . M . during the past year . He had much pleasure in proposing his health . Song—Bro . M . Hart P . M ., "Carmen . " The I . P . M . ( Bro . Schonstadt ) briefly responded . The W . M . next proposed the Visiting Brethren—coupling with the toast the names of Bros . J .
Cobham P . M . 1380 , A . Alston W . M . 203 , and D . A . Davis W . M . 625 and J . W . 1798 . Song—Bro . S . Jacobs . Bros . Cobham , Alston and Davis responded ; expressing , on behalf of the visiting brethren , their thanks for the kind hospitality so cordially tendered . The toasts of the Fund of Benevolence , the Past Masters , and Officers , were given and responded to , and a most successful and enjoyable evening was brought to a olose with the Tyler ' s toast .
Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
EBORACUM LODGE , No . 1611 .
THE Installation Meeting of tms Lodge took place on Monday , the 10 th inst ., afc tbe Queen ' s Hotel , York , and the occasion drew together a number of the more prominent of the brethren of the Mystic Tie , the working of the Lodge being widely known as exceedingly perfect , and the outgoing W . M . ( Bro . J . S . Cumberland ) having attained a considerable reputation as a master of ritual . The hour of assembling was 3 p . m ., and at that time there was a good
gathering of members and visitors . The chair was assumed by the W . M ., and the following Officers were in their places when the fi-st stroke of the gavol was heard : —Bros . T . B . Whytehead I . P . M ., C . G . Padel S . W ., J . T . Seller J . W ., G . Balmford P . M . Treas ., J . Kay Sec , M . Millhgtm S . D ., T . D . Smith J . D ., G . Simpson M . C ., A . T . B . Turner Assist . M . C ., 0 . Marshall as Organist , J . Blcnkin I . G ., P . Pearson
Tyler . The following members were also present : —Bros . William Lawton P . M . 236 and 1611 , W . P . Husband , W . M . Briggs , W . York , B . Brown , C . Blackstone , J . E . Wilkinson , Rav . J . Metcalf , & c . whilst amongst the Visitors were Bios . A . M . Broadley P . M . 1717 D . D . G . M . Malta , W . J . Beck P . M . 289 P . P . G . D . C . West York , C . L . Mason P . M . 304 Prov . G . Treas . ( West York ) , C . B . Scott W . M . 289 , J . Todd
P . M . 236 P . P . G . R ., A . Buckle W . M . 236 , T . S . Camiclge 236 P . P . G . O ., T . Thompson P . M . 57 Piov . G . S . D ., E . Ki ^ ps 57 , H . Rymer P . M . 1337 , J . Redfare 236 , Rev . C . E . Stoirs 910 , E . T . Clark P . M . 910 , T . Blair 1239 , J . Church 317 , whilst from the St . Patrick ' s Military Lodge ( 4 th Dragoon Guards ) came Bros . J . Hanley W . M ., Major T . B . Shaw-Hellier I . P . M ., W . Harris Sec , J . B . Somerset S . D ., J . Taylor ,
& c The Lodge having been opened in tho first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . proposed , and the I . P . M . seconded , the election of Bro . J . Hervey , Grand Sec , as an honorary member of the Lclge , which was carried with acclamation . A successful ballot was then taken for Bro . G . Ay re P . M , 1416 Prov . J . G . D ., and the Lodge was raised to the second degree .
The W . M . Elect ( Bro . C G . Padel S . W . ) was then presented b y the senior member of the Lodge ( Bro . T . B . Whytehead ) to the W . M ., for installation , and the first portions of the ceremonies were performed . The Lodge was then raised to the third degree , and tho Installing Master called upon all below the rank of Installed Master to retire . The W . M . Elect was then entrusted and retired , and a Board of
Installed Masters was opened in dne form , by Bro . J . S . Cumberland , Bros . T . B . Whytehead as 3 . W ., G . Balmford as J . W ., and W . Lawton as I . G . The W . M . Elect was then re-admit ^ ed , and was solemnl y installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , and was thereupon greeted by the Board of Installed Masters . The Board having then been closed in full form , the b-ethren were re-admitted
in the usual manner , and the W . M . was duly greeted and sainted in the three degrees . He then appointed his Officers for the year , as follows : —Bros . J . S . Cumberland I . P . M . and Preceptor , J . T . Seller S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., Rev . J . Metcalfe Chaplain , G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O . Treas ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Lecture Master , J . Kay Secretary , W . P . Husband Assistant Secretary , M .
Millington S . D ., T . D . Smith J . D ., A . T . B . Turner M . C ., G . II . Simpson Assist . M . C ., W . Lackenby Standard Bearer , O . Marshall Or / anist , J . Blenkin I . G ., J . E . Wilkinson and W . J . Girling Stewards , P . Pearson Tyler . In each caso the W . M . gave the full address to his Officers with explanation of their jewels ,
columns , & c , aud the beaut'M ceremouies were brought to a conclusion by the Installing Master giving tro final exhortat ' ons to the Master , Wardens , aud Brethren , in a most finished style of oratory . Before the Lodge was closed Bro . A . M . Broadley , D . D . G . M . of Malta , thanked the Lodge for the comp l ' ment paid him at tho last regular
Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
meeting by his election as an honorary member . At 6 . 30 the brethren met at an excellent banquet , sorved in good stylo by Bro . H . Churchill , at the conclusion of which the waiters retired and the speech-making began . "The Queen and Craft" and "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Master of England and the rest of the Royal Family " were given from the chair and received as Masons invariably
do receive them . "Tho Army , Navy , and Auxiliary Forces" was responded to by Bro . J . Hanley W . M . of the Military Lodge , who humourously remarked that he did not know why he should be called upon to answer for the Navy , unless it was that he was a Royal Ark Mariner . He observed that the Military Brethren had over received the utmost kindness and courtesy afc the hands of the Masons of the
City of York , and they would ever cherish the pleasantest memories of their stay in that old centre of Masonry . " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge " was the next toast , and then came " the Prov . Grand Master , the Deputy , and tbe Prov . Grand Lodge of North and East Yorkshire , " which was responded to by Bro . G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O . The health of
" the W . M . of the Eboracum Lodge 1611 , Bro . C . G . Padel , " proposed by the I . P . M . Bro . J . S . Cumber l and , was enthusiastically received , and the proposer took the opportunity of speaking of the worth of their W . M ., and the high estimation in which he was held in York , not only in Masonic , but in social circles . In replying , the W . M . assured the brethren that he reciprocated all their kind sentiments ,
and should regaid no labour too great to expend upon the welfare of the Lodge they all loved so well , and in conclusion proposed the health of the I . P . M . and Installing Master , Bro . J . S . Cumberland , than whom it would be difficult to find a more enthusiastic brother , or one more thoroughly worthy of the name of a bright Mason . This toast was received with cheers , and in the course of his reply Bro .
Camberland alluded to his endeavours in the cause of Charity in tho Province , and the splendid efforts of the Lodge to tbe same end , and ended by sincerely thanking his late Officers and Brethren for their hearty support dnring his year , a year that had been to him ono of the happiest of his life . " Prosperity to the Eboracum Lodge and the Sister Lodges " was proposed by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., who
dwelt npon the work done by the Lodge since its formation three years ago . In his opinion Masonry in York had been universally benefitted by the existence of that Lodge , and the impetus it had given to perfection in working and the higher aims of Masonry . The fact of the nourishing condition of tho Eboracum Lodge was sufficient to prove that Masonry in general was in a flourishing condition ; for
where one member of the great Masonic body was healthy the chances were all in favonr of the rest . The W . M . replied in a few graceful remarks , and the toast of the "Visiting Brethren" was given in appropriate terms by the S . W . Bro . J . T . Seller . Bro . A . M . Broadley P . M . Ancient Carthage Lodge 1717 nnd D . D . G . M . of Malta , in responding , said he scarcely felt himself a visitor , since the brethren
had done him the honour to elect him an honorary member—a compliment he very highly esteemed , for to belong to tho Eboracum Lodge he regarded as a great privilege , and to be an honorary member was doubly so . He could assure them that wherever tho English language was spoken amongst Masons , there the reputation of the Eboracum Lodge had travelled , and when he looked round the walls
and saw tbe grand collection of pictures of Masonic interest which the Lodge had gathered together dnring its brief career , and noticed the good tone of the members assembled around him—when he regarded the Masonic arcba ) ological knowledge of hi 3 friend Bro . Whytehead , and the working strength and ritualistic perfection of Bro . Cumberland—he could easily see what a future of usefulness
lay before that band of brethren . As for the ceremonies he had seen worked that day , ho could only say that he bad visited groat numbers of Lodge ? , but had seen nothing afc all to compare with them for perfection of detail , either in London , the Provinces , or abroad . Bro . Broadley then gave an interesting account of the traces of the work of the ancient Phoenician builders on the shores of the
Mediterranean , and presented to the Lodge a series of beautiful photographs of the ruins of Ancient Carthage , a 3 well as some curious objects disinterred from the ruins , inclnding a statue in a well-known Masonic attitude , and a l arge plan of the ruins . Bro . A . Buckle W . M . of the York Lodge 236 also responded , expressing the sincere pleasure which he had experienced that day in witnessing the
beautiful ceremonies so well worked . The W . M . proposed "The Wardens and Officers , " and Bro . James Kay Secretary responded , saying that he felt sure Bro . Padel would command their united and most hearty support . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . proposed ' 'The Masonic Charities , " and in doing so mentioned that he should represent the Lodge at tho next Benevolent Festival . He would , however ,
take the opportunity of stating that in view of the many calls the brethren had had on them lately , —to which they had so liberally responded , —he did not intend to make a personal canvass amongst the members , bnt should merely send ont his circulars , and leave it entirely in their hands as to any response . Brn . J . S . Cumberland I . P . M . respon led to the toast , and gave some illustrations of the
disastrous e . _ octs that had already restated in the Province from the conduct of the Provincial Grand Lodge in shelving the proposed Charity Organisation Scheme . Until some such scheme were in force , it was patent to every brother with or . binary common sonso that the Province could havo no strength in an election . "The Ladies" was civeu by Bro . W . P . Husband , who
said that the Lodgo had already snown its appreciation of tho sex by introducing the presence of ladies on the occasion of the Provincia meeting . The beantiful toast list before them was also a testimony of the interest taken in . the Lndgo by the fair sex , sinco the appropriate illustration on its front had beon designed and etched for the W . M . by a talented lady friend . Bro . J . B . Dyson responded , and ,
snon afterwards , the Tyler s toast brousrht a right nerry evening to a happy conclusion . During the progress of the feast the colossal Loving Cnp of tho Lodge was placed upon the tabic , and its interior was passed round tho table to tho health of the Lodsre , the flagon itself being too ponderous for ordinary nse . The proceedings were enlivened by abundance of vocal and instrumental music for which
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Of Israel, No. 1502, Liverpool.
announced to them the fact of Bro . Tobias ' s installation , and the usual salutations were given . The Installing Master invested the newly-appointed Officers , as follow : —Bros . Rev . Prof . J . Prag Chap ., M . Hart P . M . D . C , S . J . Henochsberg S . W ., M . Arensberg J . W ., A . J . Henoohsberg P . M . Treas ., M . P . Tueski Sec , J . Saber S . D ., H . F . Wright J . D ., D . Gabrielson I . G ., W . G . Veale Org ., H . M . Silver
S . S ., M . Banm J . S ., W . H . Ball Tyler . After some routine business had been disposed of , the brethren adjourned to the Banquet-hall , where an excellent menu had been provided , and the viands were heartily enjoyed . At the conclusion of the repast , grace was chanted by Bro . J . Frank P . M . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were then proposed and duly honoured . Bro . Ackerley P . G .. T . W . and Bro .
Broadbridge P . P . G . D . C . responded on behalf of the P . G . Officers . Bro . Schonstadt I . P . M . now proposed what he considered the toast of the evoning , viz ., the health of the W . M . The doing so afforded him great pleasure , he having had the privilege of proposing Bro . Tobias as a joining member of the Lodge . His now being placed in the proud position of W . M . proved the brethren endorsed the introduction . It
was also very gratifying to him to havo had the pleasure of installing their W . M ., who , he felt sure , would prove himself worthy of the proud position . Bro . H . J . Henochsberg P . M . next favou-ed tho brethren with a humorous sketch from Pickwick , which was heartily enjoyed . The W . M . responded to the toast with much feeling and ability , and at the same time presented the I . P . M . with a beautiful
Past Master ' s jewel , on behalf of the brethren of the Lodge , for the satisfactory and excellent manner in which he had performed his duties as W . M . during the past year . He had much pleasure in proposing his health . Song—Bro . M . Hart P . M ., "Carmen . " The I . P . M . ( Bro . Schonstadt ) briefly responded . The W . M . next proposed the Visiting Brethren—coupling with the toast the names of Bros . J .
Cobham P . M . 1380 , A . Alston W . M . 203 , and D . A . Davis W . M . 625 and J . W . 1798 . Song—Bro . S . Jacobs . Bros . Cobham , Alston and Davis responded ; expressing , on behalf of the visiting brethren , their thanks for the kind hospitality so cordially tendered . The toasts of the Fund of Benevolence , the Past Masters , and Officers , were given and responded to , and a most successful and enjoyable evening was brought to a olose with the Tyler ' s toast .
Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
EBORACUM LODGE , No . 1611 .
THE Installation Meeting of tms Lodge took place on Monday , the 10 th inst ., afc tbe Queen ' s Hotel , York , and the occasion drew together a number of the more prominent of the brethren of the Mystic Tie , the working of the Lodge being widely known as exceedingly perfect , and the outgoing W . M . ( Bro . J . S . Cumberland ) having attained a considerable reputation as a master of ritual . The hour of assembling was 3 p . m ., and at that time there was a good
gathering of members and visitors . The chair was assumed by the W . M ., and the following Officers were in their places when the fi-st stroke of the gavol was heard : —Bros . T . B . Whytehead I . P . M ., C . G . Padel S . W ., J . T . Seller J . W ., G . Balmford P . M . Treas ., J . Kay Sec , M . Millhgtm S . D ., T . D . Smith J . D ., G . Simpson M . C ., A . T . B . Turner Assist . M . C ., 0 . Marshall as Organist , J . Blcnkin I . G ., P . Pearson
Tyler . The following members were also present : —Bros . William Lawton P . M . 236 and 1611 , W . P . Husband , W . M . Briggs , W . York , B . Brown , C . Blackstone , J . E . Wilkinson , Rav . J . Metcalf , & c . whilst amongst the Visitors were Bios . A . M . Broadley P . M . 1717 D . D . G . M . Malta , W . J . Beck P . M . 289 P . P . G . D . C . West York , C . L . Mason P . M . 304 Prov . G . Treas . ( West York ) , C . B . Scott W . M . 289 , J . Todd
P . M . 236 P . P . G . R ., A . Buckle W . M . 236 , T . S . Camiclge 236 P . P . G . O ., T . Thompson P . M . 57 Piov . G . S . D ., E . Ki ^ ps 57 , H . Rymer P . M . 1337 , J . Redfare 236 , Rev . C . E . Stoirs 910 , E . T . Clark P . M . 910 , T . Blair 1239 , J . Church 317 , whilst from the St . Patrick ' s Military Lodge ( 4 th Dragoon Guards ) came Bros . J . Hanley W . M ., Major T . B . Shaw-Hellier I . P . M ., W . Harris Sec , J . B . Somerset S . D ., J . Taylor ,
& c The Lodge having been opened in tho first degree , and the minutes of the last meeting read and confirmed , the W . M . proposed , and the I . P . M . seconded , the election of Bro . J . Hervey , Grand Sec , as an honorary member of the Lclge , which was carried with acclamation . A successful ballot was then taken for Bro . G . Ay re P . M , 1416 Prov . J . G . D ., and the Lodge was raised to the second degree .
The W . M . Elect ( Bro . C G . Padel S . W . ) was then presented b y the senior member of the Lodge ( Bro . T . B . Whytehead ) to the W . M ., for installation , and the first portions of the ceremonies were performed . The Lodge was then raised to the third degree , and tho Installing Master called upon all below the rank of Installed Master to retire . The W . M . Elect was then entrusted and retired , and a Board of
Installed Masters was opened in dne form , by Bro . J . S . Cumberland , Bros . T . B . Whytehead as 3 . W ., G . Balmford as J . W ., and W . Lawton as I . G . The W . M . Elect was then re-admit ^ ed , and was solemnl y installed in the chair of K . S ., according to ancient custom , and was thereupon greeted by the Board of Installed Masters . The Board having then been closed in full form , the b-ethren were re-admitted
in the usual manner , and the W . M . was duly greeted and sainted in the three degrees . He then appointed his Officers for the year , as follows : —Bros . J . S . Cumberland I . P . M . and Preceptor , J . T . Seller S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., Rev . J . Metcalfe Chaplain , G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O . Treas ., T . B . Whytehead P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Lecture Master , J . Kay Secretary , W . P . Husband Assistant Secretary , M .
Millington S . D ., T . D . Smith J . D ., A . T . B . Turner M . C ., G . II . Simpson Assist . M . C ., W . Lackenby Standard Bearer , O . Marshall Or / anist , J . Blenkin I . G ., J . E . Wilkinson and W . J . Girling Stewards , P . Pearson Tyler . In each caso the W . M . gave the full address to his Officers with explanation of their jewels ,
columns , & c , aud the beaut'M ceremouies were brought to a conclusion by the Installing Master giving tro final exhortat ' ons to the Master , Wardens , aud Brethren , in a most finished style of oratory . Before the Lodge was closed Bro . A . M . Broadley , D . D . G . M . of Malta , thanked the Lodge for the comp l ' ment paid him at tho last regular
Eboracum Lodge, No. 1611.
meeting by his election as an honorary member . At 6 . 30 the brethren met at an excellent banquet , sorved in good stylo by Bro . H . Churchill , at the conclusion of which the waiters retired and the speech-making began . "The Queen and Craft" and "H . R . H . the Prince of Wales Grand Master of England and the rest of the Royal Family " were given from the chair and received as Masons invariably
do receive them . "Tho Army , Navy , and Auxiliary Forces" was responded to by Bro . J . Hanley W . M . of the Military Lodge , who humourously remarked that he did not know why he should be called upon to answer for the Navy , unless it was that he was a Royal Ark Mariner . He observed that the Military Brethren had over received the utmost kindness and courtesy afc the hands of the Masons of the
City of York , and they would ever cherish the pleasantest memories of their stay in that old centre of Masonry . " The Pro Grand Master , the Deputy Grand Master , and the Grand Lodge " was the next toast , and then came " the Prov . Grand Master , the Deputy , and tbe Prov . Grand Lodge of North and East Yorkshire , " which was responded to by Bro . G . Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O . The health of
" the W . M . of the Eboracum Lodge 1611 , Bro . C . G . Padel , " proposed by the I . P . M . Bro . J . S . Cumber l and , was enthusiastically received , and the proposer took the opportunity of speaking of the worth of their W . M ., and the high estimation in which he was held in York , not only in Masonic , but in social circles . In replying , the W . M . assured the brethren that he reciprocated all their kind sentiments ,
and should regaid no labour too great to expend upon the welfare of the Lodge they all loved so well , and in conclusion proposed the health of the I . P . M . and Installing Master , Bro . J . S . Cumberland , than whom it would be difficult to find a more enthusiastic brother , or one more thoroughly worthy of the name of a bright Mason . This toast was received with cheers , and in the course of his reply Bro .
Camberland alluded to his endeavours in the cause of Charity in tho Province , and the splendid efforts of the Lodge to tbe same end , and ended by sincerely thanking his late Officers and Brethren for their hearty support dnring his year , a year that had been to him ono of the happiest of his life . " Prosperity to the Eboracum Lodge and the Sister Lodges " was proposed by Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M ., who
dwelt npon the work done by the Lodge since its formation three years ago . In his opinion Masonry in York had been universally benefitted by the existence of that Lodge , and the impetus it had given to perfection in working and the higher aims of Masonry . The fact of the nourishing condition of tho Eboracum Lodge was sufficient to prove that Masonry in general was in a flourishing condition ; for
where one member of the great Masonic body was healthy the chances were all in favonr of the rest . The W . M . replied in a few graceful remarks , and the toast of the "Visiting Brethren" was given in appropriate terms by the S . W . Bro . J . T . Seller . Bro . A . M . Broadley P . M . Ancient Carthage Lodge 1717 nnd D . D . G . M . of Malta , in responding , said he scarcely felt himself a visitor , since the brethren
had done him the honour to elect him an honorary member—a compliment he very highly esteemed , for to belong to tho Eboracum Lodge he regarded as a great privilege , and to be an honorary member was doubly so . He could assure them that wherever tho English language was spoken amongst Masons , there the reputation of the Eboracum Lodge had travelled , and when he looked round the walls
and saw tbe grand collection of pictures of Masonic interest which the Lodge had gathered together dnring its brief career , and noticed the good tone of the members assembled around him—when he regarded the Masonic arcba ) ological knowledge of hi 3 friend Bro . Whytehead , and the working strength and ritualistic perfection of Bro . Cumberland—he could easily see what a future of usefulness
lay before that band of brethren . As for the ceremonies he had seen worked that day , ho could only say that he bad visited groat numbers of Lodge ? , but had seen nothing afc all to compare with them for perfection of detail , either in London , the Provinces , or abroad . Bro . Broadley then gave an interesting account of the traces of the work of the ancient Phoenician builders on the shores of the
Mediterranean , and presented to the Lodge a series of beautiful photographs of the ruins of Ancient Carthage , a 3 well as some curious objects disinterred from the ruins , inclnding a statue in a well-known Masonic attitude , and a l arge plan of the ruins . Bro . A . Buckle W . M . of the York Lodge 236 also responded , expressing the sincere pleasure which he had experienced that day in witnessing the
beautiful ceremonies so well worked . The W . M . proposed "The Wardens and Officers , " and Bro . James Kay Secretary responded , saying that he felt sure Bro . Padel would command their united and most hearty support . Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . M . proposed ' 'The Masonic Charities , " and in doing so mentioned that he should represent the Lodge at tho next Benevolent Festival . He would , however ,
take the opportunity of stating that in view of the many calls the brethren had had on them lately , —to which they had so liberally responded , —he did not intend to make a personal canvass amongst the members , bnt should merely send ont his circulars , and leave it entirely in their hands as to any response . Brn . J . S . Cumberland I . P . M . respon led to the toast , and gave some illustrations of the
disastrous e . _ octs that had already restated in the Province from the conduct of the Provincial Grand Lodge in shelving the proposed Charity Organisation Scheme . Until some such scheme were in force , it was patent to every brother with or . binary common sonso that the Province could havo no strength in an election . "The Ladies" was civeu by Bro . W . P . Husband , who
said that the Lodgo had already snown its appreciation of tho sex by introducing the presence of ladies on the occasion of the Provincia meeting . The beantiful toast list before them was also a testimony of the interest taken in . the Lndgo by the fair sex , sinco the appropriate illustration on its front had beon designed and etched for the W . M . by a talented lady friend . Bro . J . B . Dyson responded , and ,
snon afterwards , the Tyler s toast brousrht a right nerry evening to a happy conclusion . During the progress of the feast the colossal Loving Cnp of tho Lodge was placed upon the tabic , and its interior was passed round tho table to tho health of the Lodsre , the flagon itself being too ponderous for ordinary nse . The proceedings were enlivened by abundance of vocal and instrumental music for which