Article POLISH NATIONAL LODGE, No. 534. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ORDER OF THE TEMPLE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE FIFTEEN SECTIONS Page 1 of 1 Article MEETING OF THE LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article THE EBRINGTON MASONIC HALL, DEVONPORT. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Polish National Lodge, No. 534.
Twickenham , on the 10 th inst . The W . M . Bro . H . Lovegrove was supported by Bros . Dubois I . P . M .. G . Clark S . W ., J . Clark J . W ., W . H . Barber Secretary ; Bros . Graham Organist , Cruikshanks S . D ., F . J . Perks J . D ., Dnnkley I . G ., Wood W . S ., Axford , E . W . Dubois , and others . The Lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Boyle , a native of Africa , Bros . Holliday and Thorn were duly passed to degree
of Fellow Craft . The Lodge having resumed to the first degree , Messrs . William and Samuel Lewis ( brothers ) , natives of Sierra Leone , were introduced and initiated . After the Lodge had _ been closed , the brethren retired for refreshments . The newly initiated brethren expressed , during the evening , in strong terms , the pleasure
it , had given them in being admitted into Masonry . Tho musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . G . S . Graham , who as usual was most efficient ; the vocal efforts of Bros . Holliday , S . Lewis ( African initiate ) , Dunkley , White , and G . S . Graham were much appreciated . We hope to have the gratification of visiting the Lodge on a future occasion .
Order Of The Temple.
ON Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., thero was an important gathering of Knights of the Order under the banner of the Fidelity Preceptory at the Masonic Hall , Carlton Hill , Leeds . Circulars of invitation had been sent to nil tho neighbouring Preceptories , and it was announced that a Priory of Malta would be opened and worked by E . Sir Knfc . A . M . Broadley P . E . P . Melita Grand Preceptory , Malta , and Provincial Grand Prelate of the Mediterranean . At five o ' clock the
Fidelity Preceptory was accordingly opened by E . Sir Knt . C . L . Mason the Preceptor , who was supported by the following Knights : — Walter Rowley Const ., W . Paley Marshal , C . Eastwood Chap , lain , R . Wilson Registrar , Thos . Gibson P . E . P ., S . E . Seanor P . E . P ., W . J . Beck P . E . P ., J . D . Kay P . E . P ., Rev . W . C . Lukis , J . B . Wor . maid , J . C . Malcolm , Jas . Walker , E . Hefferman , J . Barker , & c .
and the following Visiting Knights : — A . M . Broadley P . E . P . Melita , Malta , W . Holmes P . E . P . Faith 29 , J . Marshall 29 , Henry Smith 29 , G . Althorp P . E . P . 29 , M . Monckman 29 , M . Newsome Fearnley 39 , Thos . Blair Do Fnrnival 66 , J . S . Cumberland E . P . Ancient Ebor 101 , T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . 101 , P . G . Capt . of Guards England , A . T . B . Turner 101 , J . Ward 101 , & c . The members cf
Ancient Ebor entered in procession , preceded by tho Banner and Sword presented to them last year by the American Knights of Mary Commandery , Philadelphia . There were four candidates for tho Order—Companions J . McKee Hollingsworth , W . L . Jackson , J . W . Fourness and R . W . Moore , and several of the eminent Preceptors present assisted E . Preceptor Mason in the working of the ceremonies ,
which were conducted very perfectly . After the closing of the Preceptory the Knights adjourned to tbe Banqnet HaU , where a cordial welcome was given to tho visitors by tbe Leeds Knights , whoso hospitality has been long proverbial . One or two of tho principal toasts were given after dinner . E . Sir Knts . T . B . Whytehead and A . M . Broadley responding for tho Visitors , tho latter giving a most
interesting account of the remains of the Ancient Order of Malta to ho seen in that Island , and exhibiting a collection of photographs ot the same Subsequently the Knights again adjourned to tho Lodge Room , aud a Priory of Malta was opened by E . Sir Knt . A . M . Broadley , and tho following Knights were dnly installed : —J . McKee Hollingsworth , W . L . Jackson , J . W . Fourness , R . W . Moore , W . C . Lukis and T .
Blair . The working of Sir Ivnt . Broadley excited much interest , and iu the lecture of the degree his explanations threw great light upon the history of tho degree . After the closing of tho Priory the Knights once more assembled iu social converse , and the Equerry ' s toast brought to a close ono of the most successful and pleasant gatherings over held under Fidelity Banner .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be worked as under : Afc the Tredegar Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1625 , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , on Monday , 24 th November . Bros . Cundick P . M . 1421 W . M ., Hogg Preceptor 1625 and 1278 P . M . 1349 S . W ., C . Kendall
J . W . 1625 J . W ., T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE —Bros . C . Kendall , Harvey , Wooding , H . R . Hallam , Forss , W . H . Myers , Andrews . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Veal , Pringle , Berry , Barnes , G . H . Stephens . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . W . Musto , Da Silva , Taylor . Lodge will be opened afc seven precisely .
At the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 , Bedford Hotel , Southampton Buildings , W . C , on Tuesday , 25 th November 1879 . Bros . Abell W . M . 1599 W . M ., Gnsh I . G . 1511 S . W ., Brown 862 J . W . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Lee , Liddall , Sanders , H . C . Soper , Hallam , Brown , Tate . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Linscott , Dickius , Bingemann , Marston , Pate . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Dodson , John Soper , Gates . At six o ' clock precisely .
Afc the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , Moorgate Station Restaurant , on Tuesday , 2 nd December . Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P . in the chair . Those of our brethren who have not visited the comfortable quarters the members of tbe Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction have secured , should avail themeselves of this opportunity .
On Wednesday , a complimentary dinner was given at . the Metropolitan Hotel , South-place , Finsbury , which has recently been placed tinder the management of Bro . J . Pilson . We hope to give a report in onr next , want of space precluding onr supplying further particulars in the present issue .
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence.
THE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nann Senior Vice-President , Bro . James Brett Junior Vice-President , and Bro . James Kench Assistant Grand Pursuivant , occupied the chairs of President , Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents . The Lodgo was very numerously attended . At the Board of Masters , which was first hold , Bro . Buss ,
Assistant Grand Secretary , read the draft paper of business for tho December Quarterly Communication . Among tho items on the paper were the nominations of Most Worshipfnl Grand Master , and of members of tho Lodge of Benevolence . Tho Report of tho Board of General Purposes announced with regret that the Board had received
tho resignation , by Bro . John Hervey , of his office of Grand Secretary , through continued ill-health . The Board in consequence made a recommendation to Grand Lodge . Notices of motion were also given by Bro . James Stevens as to Uniformity of Ritual , and by Bro . J . M . Clabon for setting apart two-thirds of the annual surplus of the Fund of Benevolence for apprenticing or otherwise advancing in life the
boys and girls when they leave the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . The brethren then opened the Lodge of Benevolence , and first confirmed tho recommendations to the Grand Master made at the last meeting , amounting to £ 250 . On the new list there wero thirty-seven oases , and these were relieved with a total sum of £ 1035 .
The Ebrington Masonic Hall, Devonport.
THERE was a large gathering of Freemasons , on tho 6 th inst ., to inaugurate tho opening of the new hall , which has jnsfc beon completed for Lodge Fidelity . The warrant of this Lodge was granted in 1799 , and it was then numbered 320 . At the utiion of the two Grand Lodgos it became 405 , and is now , in consequence of many old Lodges having become extinct , numbered 230 . la 1828 it was
removed from Plymouth to Tiverton in exchange for the older Lodgo of St . John , No . 83 , now No . 70 . In 1860 , however , several influential brethren , foremost amongst whom was tho late Bro . J . J . Claso P . M . P . P . G . D . C . were instrumental in getting the Lodge removed to Devonport . Their first placo of meeting was in a privato room adjoining the Mechanics' Iustitute . This was inconvenient ,
and they removed to Fore-street . This temporary accommodation was insufficient , and the members at considerable expense altered some premises in Chapel-street , whero they remained from 1862 to the present time . Finding it necessary to lengthen their cords and strengthen their stakes , the present W . M . Bro . Richard Cawsoy , assisted by Bros . J . Lynn , F . Codd , H . Boyling , J . R . Harris , and R .
Ellis , as a committee , found and purchased promises in Granby-street , formerly a chapol , and from plans prepared by Mr . Norman they have altered the building , and made it one of the best adapted balls in tho province . The Lodge room is about 40 ft . long by 18 ft . wide , the refreshment-room being about tho same size . Thero aro three anterooms , with other necessary offices . Tho alterations havo been
executed by Bros . Berry and A . Lcthbridge , at a total cost of about £ 600 , and Bro . Cawsey is t- be congratulated on the success which his energy merited . During the proceedings he received au ovatiun from tho members and visitors . The hall is named after the Provincial Grand Master of Devon , with hia consent , and tho Lodgo has tho honour of nnmbei-ing among its members tho K . W . Bro . Rev . J .
Huysho P . G . C . and P . P . G . Master of Devon . Thero is still ono Brother living who was a , member of ttiis Lodge before its removal to Tiverton in 1828 . This is the respected clerk of St . Andrew ' s Ctiuroh , Plymouth , whoso fathor was also a member of this Lodge , and was well known and highly esteemed by the Freemasons in old timo . Tho ceremonies were ably conducted by Bro . Cawsey , assisted by tho
Officers of the Lodge , and during the cveniug a pleasing episode took place . Bro . A . E . Lean , tho W . M . of tbe Lodge " St . John " 70 , took the opportunity of presenting an old relic of the " Fidelity " Lodgo , which had becii for half a century in tho possession of bis Lodgo . It was an old silver trowel , which had been presented to Lodgo 405 soon after its consecration . The gift was suitably acknowledged
and the business over , tho brethren retired to a collation provided in the building by Bro . Gorey , of the Temperance Hotel . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , aud a very pleasant eveniug was spent . Tho Lodgo of St . Aubyn 954 will meet in this now hall , and also several Mark Lodges , Chapters , & c , which , arc connected with the two Lodges . Amongst thoso present were : —Richard
Cawsey W . M ., J . R . Harris S . W ., R . Ellis J . W " ., A . Rowe I . P . M ., Robert H . Burt P . M ., John Lynn P . M . P . P . G . P ., John Whitford J . D ., John Babb D . C , W . M . Ridland O .. James S . Bowden I . G ., H . Bridgeman S . S ., R . Gorey , W . H . Ellis , T . Williams , J . W . Thompson , R . Jones , W . S . Rattenbury , H . Boyling—all of 230 : aud Visitors—J . E . Curteis P . M . 189 P . P . G . S . W ., J . B . Gover P . M . ' 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , H . Miller P . M . 159 P . P . G . D . C , A . E . Lean W . M . 70 , T . Searle I . P . M .
1091 , J . R . Lord P . M . and Tr . 1247 , O . Ordish 1212 , Jas . Letton 1136 , C Haggerty 1136 , C . White 1136 , J . S . Smith 954 , J . D . Sandy 202 , D . R . Waighfc 954 , F . Littleton W . M . 159 , U . Welch P . il . 202 , H . Pile 1212 , W . Macllroy 1136 , W . Worth 1099 , J . K . Dugdale W . M . 954 , C Marshall 159 , A . Lethbridge P . M . 159 , George Harper 730 , George Mitchell 70 , O . Knowles 159 , A . Stephens P . M . 954 , John Baxter P . M . 954 , J . Dawe 1255 , C . Watson P . M . 954 .
THEFBEEiASOfi'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 cl per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their f nil Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office , Cheques crossed " London and County . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Polish National Lodge, No. 534.
Twickenham , on the 10 th inst . The W . M . Bro . H . Lovegrove was supported by Bros . Dubois I . P . M .. G . Clark S . W ., J . Clark J . W ., W . H . Barber Secretary ; Bros . Graham Organist , Cruikshanks S . D ., F . J . Perks J . D ., Dnnkley I . G ., Wood W . S ., Axford , E . W . Dubois , and others . The Lodge was opened in due form . Bro . Boyle , a native of Africa , Bros . Holliday and Thorn were duly passed to degree
of Fellow Craft . The Lodge having resumed to the first degree , Messrs . William and Samuel Lewis ( brothers ) , natives of Sierra Leone , were introduced and initiated . After the Lodge had _ been closed , the brethren retired for refreshments . The newly initiated brethren expressed , during the evening , in strong terms , the pleasure
it , had given them in being admitted into Masonry . Tho musical arrangements were under the direction of Bro . G . S . Graham , who as usual was most efficient ; the vocal efforts of Bros . Holliday , S . Lewis ( African initiate ) , Dunkley , White , and G . S . Graham were much appreciated . We hope to have the gratification of visiting the Lodge on a future occasion .
Order Of The Temple.
ON Wednesday , the 12 th inst ., thero was an important gathering of Knights of the Order under the banner of the Fidelity Preceptory at the Masonic Hall , Carlton Hill , Leeds . Circulars of invitation had been sent to nil tho neighbouring Preceptories , and it was announced that a Priory of Malta would be opened and worked by E . Sir Knfc . A . M . Broadley P . E . P . Melita Grand Preceptory , Malta , and Provincial Grand Prelate of the Mediterranean . At five o ' clock the
Fidelity Preceptory was accordingly opened by E . Sir Knt . C . L . Mason the Preceptor , who was supported by the following Knights : — Walter Rowley Const ., W . Paley Marshal , C . Eastwood Chap , lain , R . Wilson Registrar , Thos . Gibson P . E . P ., S . E . Seanor P . E . P ., W . J . Beck P . E . P ., J . D . Kay P . E . P ., Rev . W . C . Lukis , J . B . Wor . maid , J . C . Malcolm , Jas . Walker , E . Hefferman , J . Barker , & c .
and the following Visiting Knights : — A . M . Broadley P . E . P . Melita , Malta , W . Holmes P . E . P . Faith 29 , J . Marshall 29 , Henry Smith 29 , G . Althorp P . E . P . 29 , M . Monckman 29 , M . Newsome Fearnley 39 , Thos . Blair Do Fnrnival 66 , J . S . Cumberland E . P . Ancient Ebor 101 , T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . 101 , P . G . Capt . of Guards England , A . T . B . Turner 101 , J . Ward 101 , & c . The members cf
Ancient Ebor entered in procession , preceded by tho Banner and Sword presented to them last year by the American Knights of Mary Commandery , Philadelphia . There were four candidates for tho Order—Companions J . McKee Hollingsworth , W . L . Jackson , J . W . Fourness and R . W . Moore , and several of the eminent Preceptors present assisted E . Preceptor Mason in the working of the ceremonies ,
which were conducted very perfectly . After the closing of the Preceptory the Knights adjourned to tbe Banqnet HaU , where a cordial welcome was given to tho visitors by tbe Leeds Knights , whoso hospitality has been long proverbial . One or two of tho principal toasts were given after dinner . E . Sir Knts . T . B . Whytehead and A . M . Broadley responding for tho Visitors , tho latter giving a most
interesting account of the remains of the Ancient Order of Malta to ho seen in that Island , and exhibiting a collection of photographs ot the same Subsequently the Knights again adjourned to tho Lodge Room , aud a Priory of Malta was opened by E . Sir Knt . A . M . Broadley , and tho following Knights were dnly installed : —J . McKee Hollingsworth , W . L . Jackson , J . W . Fourness , R . W . Moore , W . C . Lukis and T .
Blair . The working of Sir Ivnt . Broadley excited much interest , and iu the lecture of the degree his explanations threw great light upon the history of tho degree . After the closing of tho Priory the Knights once more assembled iu social converse , and the Equerry ' s toast brought to a close ono of the most successful and pleasant gatherings over held under Fidelity Banner .
The Fifteen Sections
Will be worked as under : Afc the Tredegar Lodgo of Instruction , No . 1625 , Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , on Monday , 24 th November . Bros . Cundick P . M . 1421 W . M ., Hogg Preceptor 1625 and 1278 P . M . 1349 S . W ., C . Kendall
J . W . 1625 J . W ., T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 I . P . M . FIRST LECTURE —Bros . C . Kendall , Harvey , Wooding , H . R . Hallam , Forss , W . H . Myers , Andrews . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Veal , Pringle , Berry , Barnes , G . H . Stephens . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . W . Musto , Da Silva , Taylor . Lodge will be opened afc seven precisely .
At the Constitutional Lodge of Instruction , No . 55 , Bedford Hotel , Southampton Buildings , W . C , on Tuesday , 25 th November 1879 . Bros . Abell W . M . 1599 W . M ., Gnsh I . G . 1511 S . W ., Brown 862 J . W . FIRST LECTURE—Bros . Lee , Liddall , Sanders , H . C . Soper , Hallam , Brown , Tate . SECOND LECTURE—Bros . Linscott , Dickius , Bingemann , Marston , Pate . THIRD LECTURE—Bros . Dodson , John Soper , Gates . At six o ' clock precisely .
Afc the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , Moorgate Station Restaurant , on Tuesday , 2 nd December . Bro . T . A . Adams P . G . P . in the chair . Those of our brethren who have not visited the comfortable quarters the members of tbe Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction have secured , should avail themeselves of this opportunity .
On Wednesday , a complimentary dinner was given at . the Metropolitan Hotel , South-place , Finsbury , which has recently been placed tinder the management of Bro . J . Pilson . We hope to give a report in onr next , want of space precluding onr supplying further particulars in the present issue .
Meeting Of The Lodge Of Benevolence.
THE Lodge of Benevolence met on Wednesday evening at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Joshua Nann Senior Vice-President , Bro . James Brett Junior Vice-President , and Bro . James Kench Assistant Grand Pursuivant , occupied the chairs of President , Senior and Junior Vice-Presidents . The Lodgo was very numerously attended . At the Board of Masters , which was first hold , Bro . Buss ,
Assistant Grand Secretary , read the draft paper of business for tho December Quarterly Communication . Among tho items on the paper were the nominations of Most Worshipfnl Grand Master , and of members of tho Lodge of Benevolence . Tho Report of tho Board of General Purposes announced with regret that the Board had received
tho resignation , by Bro . John Hervey , of his office of Grand Secretary , through continued ill-health . The Board in consequence made a recommendation to Grand Lodge . Notices of motion were also given by Bro . James Stevens as to Uniformity of Ritual , and by Bro . J . M . Clabon for setting apart two-thirds of the annual surplus of the Fund of Benevolence for apprenticing or otherwise advancing in life the
boys and girls when they leave the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys and the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls . The brethren then opened the Lodge of Benevolence , and first confirmed tho recommendations to the Grand Master made at the last meeting , amounting to £ 250 . On the new list there wero thirty-seven oases , and these were relieved with a total sum of £ 1035 .
The Ebrington Masonic Hall, Devonport.
THERE was a large gathering of Freemasons , on tho 6 th inst ., to inaugurate tho opening of the new hall , which has jnsfc beon completed for Lodge Fidelity . The warrant of this Lodge was granted in 1799 , and it was then numbered 320 . At the utiion of the two Grand Lodgos it became 405 , and is now , in consequence of many old Lodges having become extinct , numbered 230 . la 1828 it was
removed from Plymouth to Tiverton in exchange for the older Lodgo of St . John , No . 83 , now No . 70 . In 1860 , however , several influential brethren , foremost amongst whom was tho late Bro . J . J . Claso P . M . P . P . G . D . C . were instrumental in getting the Lodge removed to Devonport . Their first placo of meeting was in a privato room adjoining the Mechanics' Iustitute . This was inconvenient ,
and they removed to Fore-street . This temporary accommodation was insufficient , and the members at considerable expense altered some premises in Chapel-street , whero they remained from 1862 to the present time . Finding it necessary to lengthen their cords and strengthen their stakes , the present W . M . Bro . Richard Cawsoy , assisted by Bros . J . Lynn , F . Codd , H . Boyling , J . R . Harris , and R .
Ellis , as a committee , found and purchased promises in Granby-street , formerly a chapol , and from plans prepared by Mr . Norman they have altered the building , and made it one of the best adapted balls in tho province . The Lodge room is about 40 ft . long by 18 ft . wide , the refreshment-room being about tho same size . Thero aro three anterooms , with other necessary offices . Tho alterations havo been
executed by Bros . Berry and A . Lcthbridge , at a total cost of about £ 600 , and Bro . Cawsey is t- be congratulated on the success which his energy merited . During the proceedings he received au ovatiun from tho members and visitors . The hall is named after the Provincial Grand Master of Devon , with hia consent , and tho Lodgo has tho honour of nnmbei-ing among its members tho K . W . Bro . Rev . J .
Huysho P . G . C . and P . P . G . Master of Devon . Thero is still ono Brother living who was a , member of ttiis Lodge before its removal to Tiverton in 1828 . This is the respected clerk of St . Andrew ' s Ctiuroh , Plymouth , whoso fathor was also a member of this Lodge , and was well known and highly esteemed by the Freemasons in old timo . Tho ceremonies were ably conducted by Bro . Cawsey , assisted by tho
Officers of the Lodge , and during the cveniug a pleasing episode took place . Bro . A . E . Lean , tho W . M . of tbe Lodge " St . John " 70 , took the opportunity of presenting an old relic of the " Fidelity " Lodgo , which had becii for half a century in tho possession of bis Lodgo . It was an old silver trowel , which had been presented to Lodgo 405 soon after its consecration . The gift was suitably acknowledged
and the business over , tho brethren retired to a collation provided in the building by Bro . Gorey , of the Temperance Hotel . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , aud a very pleasant eveniug was spent . Tho Lodgo of St . Aubyn 954 will meet in this now hall , and also several Mark Lodges , Chapters , & c , which , arc connected with the two Lodges . Amongst thoso present were : —Richard
Cawsey W . M ., J . R . Harris S . W ., R . Ellis J . W " ., A . Rowe I . P . M ., Robert H . Burt P . M ., John Lynn P . M . P . P . G . P ., John Whitford J . D ., John Babb D . C , W . M . Ridland O .. James S . Bowden I . G ., H . Bridgeman S . S ., R . Gorey , W . H . Ellis , T . Williams , J . W . Thompson , R . Jones , W . S . Rattenbury , H . Boyling—all of 230 : aud Visitors—J . E . Curteis P . M . 189 P . P . G . S . W ., J . B . Gover P . M . ' 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , H . Miller P . M . 159 P . P . G . D . C , A . E . Lean W . M . 70 , T . Searle I . P . M .
1091 , J . R . Lord P . M . and Tr . 1247 , O . Ordish 1212 , Jas . Letton 1136 , C Haggerty 1136 , C . White 1136 , J . S . Smith 954 , J . D . Sandy 202 , D . R . Waighfc 954 , F . Littleton W . M . 159 , U . Welch P . il . 202 , H . Pile 1212 , W . Macllroy 1136 , W . Worth 1099 , J . K . Dugdale W . M . 954 , C Marshall 159 , A . Lethbridge P . M . 159 , George Harper 730 , George Mitchell 70 , O . Knowles 159 , A . Stephens P . M . 954 , John Baxter P . M . 954 , J . Dawe 1255 , C . Watson P . M . 954 .
THEFBEEiASOfi'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . THE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be supplied direct from the Office , post free to Subscribers only , for 13 s 6 cl per annum , payable in advance . Intending Subscribers should forward their f nil Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to bo made payable to W . W . MORGAN , at Barbican Office , Cheques crossed " London and County . "