Article Old Warrants. Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATION OF THE GOSFORTH LODGE, No. 1664. Page 1 of 1 Article CHESHIRE EDUCATIONAL MASONIC INSTITUTION. Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 60 . No . 299 , " Ancionts ; " No . 380 at the " Uuiou A . D . 1813 , " No . 263 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 216 from A . D . 1863 .
I Seal J ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . WILLIAM DICKEY , D . G . M . ROBERT GIIE , S . G . W . JOSEPH B ROWN , J . G . W . So all folium it mag tonemt . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to tho Old Con . stitntions granted by His Eoyal Highness Princo EDWIN , at York ,
Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the Tear ol Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six , in ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful the Most Noble Puissant Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardle , Tiscount Balquider ,
Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Constable of the Castle of Kinclaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in tho county of Gloucester , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER or MASONS , Tho Right Worshipful William Dickey , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master , Tho Right
Worshipful Robert Gill , Esq ., Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful Joseph Brown , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby authorize and impower our trusty and well beloved brethren ,
No . 299 viz ., The Worshipful John Bird one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Adam Armstrong , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful George Louthean , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at Merlin ' s Cave , in the town of Liverpool , or elsewhere in
the said town of Liverpool , upon the second and four Wednesdays in every Calendar month on all seasonable times and lawful occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to tho most ancient and honourable custom of tho Royal Craft in all ages and nations
throughout the known world . And wc do hereby further authorise and impower our said trusty and well beloved brethren John Bird , Adam Armstrong , and George Louthean .... with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest
them with their powers and dignities as Free Masons , & c , and such Successors shall in liko manner nominate , clnise , and install their Successors , & c , & c ., such installations to be npon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge for ever , providing tho above named Brethren and all their Successors always
pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force or Virtue . Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this Twenty . second day of April , in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Six , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Six .
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . f Seal \ NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered" ) in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . J The present No ., title , & c . are , The Harmonic Lodge , No . 216 ' , Liverpool .
THE BIBLE IN MASONRY . —The following are Bro . E . H . Cuahinir's views on this topic . Bro . C . ia Chairman of Committeo ra Correspondence of the Grand Lodge of Texas : — " Masonry is founded in Biblical history . Its teachings are all derived from the Bible . Its tenets aro all derived from the samo source . Its patrons are Bible characters . It is as much an institution of the Jewish and
Christian religion as is any society in China , founded upon tho writings of Confucius , a part of tho religion of Confucius . The universality of Masonry is a worn-out dogma . Show us a Masonic Lodge in a , Mahommedan country . Show one where the Avesta is regarded as authoritative . Show one among the natives of Africa , find one in Persia , or China , or Tartary , or even in aboriginal Russia , or aboriginal Ireland , or aboriginal Norway . Ifc is not a part of
human nature , except such as is cultivated in the line of the Christian religion . Japan , with all its intellect , had no Masonry ; China , with a third of the human race under one Government , had no Masonry . With these facts , the Bible takes its place where it belongs—in tho centre of the Lodge—and as the first of the Great Lights . And whoever denies its Divine authenticity denies all the Masonry we know anything about , and consequently is unfit to bo a member of a Lodge—much more its Master . "—Keystone ,
Consecration Of The Gosforth Lodge, No. 1664.
rpHE Consecration of this Lodge , and the installation of the Master , - « - took place on Friday , the 9 th of March , at the Freemasons * Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne , for which purpose a Special Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of NorthunYber land was convened for four o'clock . At that time there was a very largo gathering of brethren of the Province , as well as a
full attendance of Grand Officers . Tho Consecrating Officers were the Very Worshipful L . M . Cookcroft , Deputy | Provincial Grand Master , who was assisted by Bros . J . Cook Prov . G . S . W . as S . W ., A . C . Hanson Prov . G . J . W . as J . W ., and E . D . Davis Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies . The Lodge was opened in the three decrees , and tho anthems were snnw hv a most efficient choir , under
the direction of Bro . Richard Watson , Pro . G . Organist , who presided at that instrument . The brethren of the new Lodgo wero then arranged in order , and the Provincial Grand Secretary received the petition and warrant from the Grand Lodge . An oration on the nature and duties of Freemasonry was delivered by tho Grand Chap , lain , Bro . the Rev . W . B . East , which was listened to with very great
attention by tho brethren . The Lodge was then consecrated according to ancient custom , the ceremony being most impressviely conducted . Bro . John S . Wilson Prov . G . S . D ., was then installed first W . M ., he having been saluted in ancient form , invested his officers ; the installation was performed by Bro . E . D . Davis Pro . G . D . C ., in a manner rarely equalled . Several propositions were
given to the Sec . for initiation , as also the names of several brethren as joining members . The Lodge was then closed , and tho Provincial Grand Lodge retired . The brethren adjourned to tho Queen ' s Head Hotel , where an excellent banquet was served ; after the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The healths
of tho V . W . D . Grand Master , and the W . M . of the new Lodge , were most enthusiastically received ; as also hearty good wishes and success to tho new Lodge . During the course of the evening several of the brethren contributed to- the harmony by somo capital singing , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
THE Annual Court of Governors of this Institution will be held at the " Crewe Arms Hotel , " Crewe , on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., at 2 p . m ., to receive and determine the several recommenda . tions oi the General Committee , to place on the Education Fund CHARLES WM . ASTBURY , aged 7 years , Son of the lato Bro . Charles Astbury , of Sincerity Lodge , 428 , Northwitch . ¦ JOHN HEYWOOD , aged 7 years , Son of the late Bro . John Hoywood ,
of Loclgo of Peace , No . 322 , Stockport . To substitute Randall Poynton , aged 10 years , in place of Denis Poynton , who has finished his education . For advancement of R . Hcywood , aged 16 years , Sou of the late
Bro . John Hoywood , of Lodge of Peace , 322 , Stockport . To receive the Treasurer's . Accounts as Audited , and tho Auditor ' s Report ; to Elect the Medical Officers , Secretaries , Treasurer , Com . mitteo , and Auditors for the ensuing year ; and for tho transaction of the Annual Business of the Institution .
We understand that the Committee of the Montefiore Lodge , appointed to take steps with reference to the exclusion from the benefits of Freemasonry of all persons except those professing Christianity , have already received
numerous petitions , signed on behalf of many Lodges throughout the country , together with many interesting letters sympathising with the cause that all Freemasons have at heart .
The 7 th annual ball in aid of tho Metropolitan and City Orphanage , now supporting 200 children , will take place on Thursday , the 26 th of April , at the Cannon-street Hotel , under tho patronage of the Right Hon . tho Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Thos . White , Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Hadley , Bro . " Sheriff East , and the Under Sheriffs , who havo signified their intention of being present . Bro . T . Butler will bo the M . C ., and there is an efficient body of Stewards , among whom •we sec the names of Major Bowman , Bro . G . B . Guilds , & c .
We have received some remarks on the election of tho Grand Secretary of Scotlaud , but thoy arrived too lato for any notice this week .
HOLI . OWAY ' S PILLS . — 'Worthy of especial note , —These Purifying Pills exco ' every other medicine for regulating the digestion , acting healthily on the liver and bowels , invigorating tho nervous system , and strengthening the body . They cause neither pain nor other inconvenience . At all seasons tho system ia liable to sudden checks . In snch cases , these Pills restore the balance of the circulation , and ward off dangerous attacks of diarrhoea , dysentery , or cholera . They are the best correctives of the stomach , when disordered by repletion or hy the presence of indigestible food . They speedily rectify tho flatulent weight , and general uneasiness which are experienced in the bowels prior to the acc . es . eion of more serious symptoms , which debilitate , if they do not endanger .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
Old Warrants .
No . 60 . No . 299 , " Ancionts ; " No . 380 at the " Uuiou A . D . 1813 , " No . 263 from A . D . 1832 , and No . 216 from A . D . 1863 .
I Seal J ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . WILLIAM DICKEY , D . G . M . ROBERT GIIE , S . G . W . JOSEPH B ROWN , J . G . W . So all folium it mag tonemt . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , according to tho Old Con . stitntions granted by His Eoyal Highness Princo EDWIN , at York ,
Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in the Tear ol Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six , in ample form assembled , viz ., The Right Worshipful the Most Noble Puissant Prince John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tullibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardle , Tiscount Balquider ,
Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Heritable Constable of the Castle of Kinclaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in tho county of Gloucester , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER or MASONS , Tho Right Worshipful William Dickey , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master , Tho Right
Worshipful Robert Gill , Esq ., Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful Joseph Brown , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ( with the Approbation and Consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , Do hereby authorize and impower our trusty and well beloved brethren ,
No . 299 viz ., The Worshipful John Bird one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Adam Armstrong , his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful George Louthean , his Junior Warden , to Form and Hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at Merlin ' s Cave , in the town of Liverpool , or elsewhere in
the said town of Liverpool , upon the second and four Wednesdays in every Calendar month on all seasonable times and lawful occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to tho most ancient and honourable custom of tho Royal Craft in all ages and nations
throughout the known world . And wc do hereby further authorise and impower our said trusty and well beloved brethren John Bird , Adam Armstrong , and George Louthean .... with the consent of tho Members of their Lodge , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest
them with their powers and dignities as Free Masons , & c , and such Successors shall in liko manner nominate , clnise , and install their Successors , & c , & c ., such installations to be npon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge for ever , providing tho above named Brethren and all their Successors always
pay due respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force or Virtue . Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this Twenty . second day of April , in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Six , and in the Year of Masonry Five Thousand Seven Hundred Ninety and Six .
ROBERT LESLIE , Grand Secretary . f Seal \ NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered" ) in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 8 , > Letter H . J The present No ., title , & c . are , The Harmonic Lodge , No . 216 ' , Liverpool .
THE BIBLE IN MASONRY . —The following are Bro . E . H . Cuahinir's views on this topic . Bro . C . ia Chairman of Committeo ra Correspondence of the Grand Lodge of Texas : — " Masonry is founded in Biblical history . Its teachings are all derived from the Bible . Its tenets aro all derived from the samo source . Its patrons are Bible characters . It is as much an institution of the Jewish and
Christian religion as is any society in China , founded upon tho writings of Confucius , a part of tho religion of Confucius . The universality of Masonry is a worn-out dogma . Show us a Masonic Lodge in a , Mahommedan country . Show one where the Avesta is regarded as authoritative . Show one among the natives of Africa , find one in Persia , or China , or Tartary , or even in aboriginal Russia , or aboriginal Ireland , or aboriginal Norway . Ifc is not a part of
human nature , except such as is cultivated in the line of the Christian religion . Japan , with all its intellect , had no Masonry ; China , with a third of the human race under one Government , had no Masonry . With these facts , the Bible takes its place where it belongs—in tho centre of the Lodge—and as the first of the Great Lights . And whoever denies its Divine authenticity denies all the Masonry we know anything about , and consequently is unfit to bo a member of a Lodge—much more its Master . "—Keystone ,
Consecration Of The Gosforth Lodge, No. 1664.
rpHE Consecration of this Lodge , and the installation of the Master , - « - took place on Friday , the 9 th of March , at the Freemasons * Hall , Grainger-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne , for which purpose a Special Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of NorthunYber land was convened for four o'clock . At that time there was a very largo gathering of brethren of the Province , as well as a
full attendance of Grand Officers . Tho Consecrating Officers were the Very Worshipful L . M . Cookcroft , Deputy | Provincial Grand Master , who was assisted by Bros . J . Cook Prov . G . S . W . as S . W ., A . C . Hanson Prov . G . J . W . as J . W ., and E . D . Davis Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies . The Lodge was opened in the three decrees , and tho anthems were snnw hv a most efficient choir , under
the direction of Bro . Richard Watson , Pro . G . Organist , who presided at that instrument . The brethren of the new Lodgo wero then arranged in order , and the Provincial Grand Secretary received the petition and warrant from the Grand Lodge . An oration on the nature and duties of Freemasonry was delivered by tho Grand Chap , lain , Bro . the Rev . W . B . East , which was listened to with very great
attention by tho brethren . The Lodge was then consecrated according to ancient custom , the ceremony being most impressviely conducted . Bro . John S . Wilson Prov . G . S . D ., was then installed first W . M ., he having been saluted in ancient form , invested his officers ; the installation was performed by Bro . E . D . Davis Pro . G . D . C ., in a manner rarely equalled . Several propositions were
given to the Sec . for initiation , as also the names of several brethren as joining members . The Lodge was then closed , and tho Provincial Grand Lodge retired . The brethren adjourned to tho Queen ' s Head Hotel , where an excellent banquet was served ; after the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The healths
of tho V . W . D . Grand Master , and the W . M . of the new Lodge , were most enthusiastically received ; as also hearty good wishes and success to tho new Lodge . During the course of the evening several of the brethren contributed to- the harmony by somo capital singing , and a most enjoyable evening was spent .
Cheshire Educational Masonic Institution.
THE Annual Court of Governors of this Institution will be held at the " Crewe Arms Hotel , " Crewe , on Wednesday , the 28 th inst ., at 2 p . m ., to receive and determine the several recommenda . tions oi the General Committee , to place on the Education Fund CHARLES WM . ASTBURY , aged 7 years , Son of the lato Bro . Charles Astbury , of Sincerity Lodge , 428 , Northwitch . ¦ JOHN HEYWOOD , aged 7 years , Son of the late Bro . John Hoywood ,
of Loclgo of Peace , No . 322 , Stockport . To substitute Randall Poynton , aged 10 years , in place of Denis Poynton , who has finished his education . For advancement of R . Hcywood , aged 16 years , Sou of the late
Bro . John Hoywood , of Lodge of Peace , 322 , Stockport . To receive the Treasurer's . Accounts as Audited , and tho Auditor ' s Report ; to Elect the Medical Officers , Secretaries , Treasurer , Com . mitteo , and Auditors for the ensuing year ; and for tho transaction of the Annual Business of the Institution .
We understand that the Committee of the Montefiore Lodge , appointed to take steps with reference to the exclusion from the benefits of Freemasonry of all persons except those professing Christianity , have already received
numerous petitions , signed on behalf of many Lodges throughout the country , together with many interesting letters sympathising with the cause that all Freemasons have at heart .
The 7 th annual ball in aid of tho Metropolitan and City Orphanage , now supporting 200 children , will take place on Thursday , the 26 th of April , at the Cannon-street Hotel , under tho patronage of the Right Hon . tho Lord Mayor , Bro . Sir Thos . White , Bro . Alderman and Sheriff Hadley , Bro . " Sheriff East , and the Under Sheriffs , who havo signified their intention of being present . Bro . T . Butler will bo the M . C ., and there is an efficient body of Stewards , among whom •we sec the names of Major Bowman , Bro . G . B . Guilds , & c .
We have received some remarks on the election of tho Grand Secretary of Scotlaud , but thoy arrived too lato for any notice this week .
HOLI . OWAY ' S PILLS . — 'Worthy of especial note , —These Purifying Pills exco ' every other medicine for regulating the digestion , acting healthily on the liver and bowels , invigorating tho nervous system , and strengthening the body . They cause neither pain nor other inconvenience . At all seasons tho system ia liable to sudden checks . In snch cases , these Pills restore the balance of the circulation , and ward off dangerous attacks of diarrhoea , dysentery , or cholera . They are the best correctives of the stomach , when disordered by repletion or hy the presence of indigestible food . They speedily rectify tho flatulent weight , and general uneasiness which are experienced in the bowels prior to the acc . es . eion of more serious symptoms , which debilitate , if they do not endanger .