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PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . QROVER&QROYEE; LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , f lHBirBEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . 'P ^ ml PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ^ J ) ——J F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . ' g < I 35 Tbe Advantages or a Trial , with the Convenience of the ^ rtfj uL . xmnS ff "Three Years' System at Cash Price , by Paying : about n Quarter _ x , idj ^—^ "l- ^ . [ y of the value down , the llalauce by Easy Paymcutu , from ^~^—lg ~* " ^ S-N > ^ -ft jag | , er quarter . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandRoad. ESTABLISHED 1830 .
129 FLEET ST ., and 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , [ ^ R ^^ M And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney . lllB | ljB ] B | L Pelt Hats , hard and soft , in all tho newest shapes , ^ 2 ^ HHg ^^
"T ? OR the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD- FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , - Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tho most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , and in Cases , contain ing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . 3 . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
MAR INBIEN . SPECIAX CAUTION . OWING to the marked success of this medicine , tho only patent medicine universally proscribed by the faculty , and tho acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , haimorrhoids , & c , BASE IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritants , aro being foisted on the public . The genuine preparation bears the title " Tamarlndien , " and the signature E . GniM , ON , Coleman-st ., London . E . C . Price 2 i Cd per box . In a recent case , 1870 , O . No . 211 , a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to his lozenges was awarded , with costs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on loth January 1877 , and all such piracies will be summarily proceeded against . N . B . —See that the outer wrapper ( directions ) ore printed In the English language , and that each box bears tho Government 3 d stamp . The boxes with foreign wrappers are not prepared for English requirements .
ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all' discharges from the Urinary Organs , in either sex , acquired or constitutional , Gravel , and Pains in the Back . Sold in boxes , 4 s 6 d each , by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors : or sent to any address , for 60 stamps by the Maker , F . J . CLARKE , Consulting Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale Agents , BABCLAY and Soys , London , and all the Wholesale Houses .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Eailway accidents , i Death by accident . 0 , HARDING , Manager ,
Thero should bo a bettor reason fori the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOR ' S GUARDIAN . T . OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . -LU 3 . 1 Lombard-street , City ; and 277 and 279 Regentstreet , W . Established 1800 , receives Deposits . On Demand , 5 per cent . Subject tt > 'otlce , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine tin < new and improved system , that ensures a high rate or interest with perfect security . The Directors have never ro-rtiseountert or rc-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , larm produce , warranto , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . T . OMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , . a > lombard-strect , City : and 277 and 279 Regent-3 . ' . Jn W . - Established 18 U 9 . Incorporated under the New A ° t . 1874 . TO INVESTORS .-Beposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops Farms , & c . New and Special Feature—The society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of tho building at 5 per cent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding tho plan and paying or giving security for tho first 5 years'insteret . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . JAMES PRYOR , Manager .
| Bro . A . 0 LDR 0 YD , Leyton , London , EMANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , WItii a , name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . OO . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer •£ Havana and Continental Cigara , LEYTON , LONDON , E .
Patronized by H . R . H . tho PBINCE of WALES . THE THIRTY-THIRD EDITION . Now ready , price Is ; post free Is Id . JOHN LILLYWHITE'S "CRICKETERS ' COMPANION & GUIDE TO CRICKETERS . " Containing Special Articles , entitled , " Cricket and Cricketers in 1876 . " "Cricket Faults and Fallacies , " "Old Fashions v . New , " "Public School Cricket , Wandering Cricket . & c . " With full Reviews of all First-class . Cricket of 1876 ; the Averages ; Highest Innings ; Mr . W . G . Grace ' s Doings , & c . ; and Critiques on the Universities , Public Schools , Colleges , and Clubs , & c , & c . JOHN LILLYWHITE , 10 , SEyjtorm STREET , EirsToir SQUARE , IOUDOS , ir . w .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine , E » aura and . ask . for Young ' s ,
ft WHAT is TOUR CHEST and J 3 / ' » MOTTO ? By sending Name and County rfj \ with Js 6 d , a plain drawing will bo sent ; If ftpr ! painted In HeraliUc Colours . 7 s . Pedigree * HUjA traced . The Anna of Man and Wife blended . KSSiS'r . l The proper colour for Servants" Livery , whit I Jf A W I buttons to be used , and how tho Carriaga should \ > OMbJ " Pai'ited , according to Heraldic Rules . Cul-\ Mf "Wf lerton ' a " Book of Family Crests and Mottoes . " ) f ft J t . OOO Engravings , printed In colours . £ 10 10 s ; (\ qiP / "The Manual of Heraldry . " 400 engraving ! . JJ \ im . 3 a Ga ; p 03 t frao b * - CULLETON , Qenealo-^ SBBb ^ Mkgist . 25 , Cranboum-street ( corner of St . Martiu ' s-laue . W . O , The Heraldic Library open from 10 till 4 .
CJEAL-ENGRAVINGS , by CULLETON . — ^ - ? Crest engraved on Seals , Rings . Book-plates , and Steel Dies , for stamping paper , price 7 s Cd . Livery Button Dlo « , £ 2 2 s . Crests engraved on silver spoons and family plate , 5 a per doien articles . A neat Desk Seal , with eneraved Crest , 12 s Bd . Registered letter . Gd extra . —T . CULLBTON , Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family , 25 , Cranbourn-street ( corner of St . Martin's-iane ) .
pULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STA . Vy TIONERY contains a ream of tho very best paper and BOO envelopes , all beautifully stamped with Crest and Motto , Monogram , or Address , aud the Steel Die engraved freo ol charge . —T . CULLETON , Die Sinker to the Board of Trade , 25 , Cranboum-street ( corner of St . Martln's-lane ) .
OIGNET RINGS , by CULLETON , all 18-^ carat , Hall-marked . The most elegant patterns in London . 2 , 000 to select from : — £ 2 2 s , £ 3 3 s , £ i is . . fc'G as , JL'U 16 S ; very massive , £ 10 10 s ; heavy knuckle dusters , C 1 B 16 s . Send size of finger by fitting a piece of thread , and mention the price ting required . Arms , Crest , or Monogram engraved on the Rings . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 23 , Cranbornetreet ( corner of St . Martin ' s-iane ) , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING V ^ LINEN require no preparation , and are easily used . Initial Plates , Is ; Name Plate , 'Js Ud ; Set of Moveable Numbers . 2 s Cd ; Crest or Mnnngram Plato , 5 s , with direotioni , post free for casli or stamps , by T . CULLETON , 23 Cran D ourne-street ( corner of St . Martina ' s-lane ) , W . C .
TTISITING CARDS , by CULLETON . — T Fifty , host quality , 2 s Sd , post free , including the engraving of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty each , fifty embossed envelopes with maiden name , 23 s 6 d . Memorial cards printed , and hatchments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 23 Cranbourn-streat ( corner of St . Martin ' s-iane ) , W . C .
BALL PROGRAMMES , by CULLETON . -All the newest designs In BALL PROGRAMMES and MENU CARTES for the season . Ball , dinner , breakfast , and wedding invitation cards and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stamped with arms , crest , or monogram . Silk banners painted , illuminated vellums for presentations , votes of thanks , Ac . Paintings on liorlin paper for needlework . —T . CULLETON , Engraver to tho Queen and all the Royal Family , 25 Cranbourn-street ( corner of St . Martin's-laneJ , W . C . QOLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , O £ 1 Is Od . £ 2 2 s Od , £ 3 3 s Od , £ -t 43 Od , £ 5 5 a Od , £ 6 G « Od . and £ 7 7 s Od . —T . CULLETON , 25 Cranbourn-street , London , W . C . Post Office orders payable at Cranbourn-street , London .
FIRST CLASS AMERICANFRESHBEEF, — : o : — DAVIS & CO ., BUTCHERS , 82 ALDERSGATE STREET , E . C . All orders accompanied by a remittance forwarded to any part of London on same day .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE , SampMre , 1 . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —154 Queen Street , Portsoa . Bro . R . HOLBROOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should bo forwarded to reach tho Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
\ A <& szn , o £ 300-c yocrc ' j ~ 3 cv 3 r 3 Cic U 1 § 0 ? i ESTIMATES GIVEN FOB \ ] EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TO PRINTING$ | —^ z & WiSP ** — % ¦ j CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO FOR J ) SUPPLYING ALL KINDS OF ( IJ |STATIONERY. | j | - ^ g & QftQS * I k ARRANGEMENTS MADE j $ jj FOR k IPUBLISHING.$ | —* s ® s < m &*^ | 5 PAHTICULAR 3 OH APrUCffflON TO ? fo | W . W . MORGAN , 67 BARBICAN , |> ' LONDON , E . C . ( j ) 6 One Door from Ahlertgatt Street . It &<^ o ^& 3 tt & s ? jQQ ( 2 tt & : z & ee &&
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . QROVER&QROYEE; LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OP PURCHASE , f lHBirBEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . 'P ^ ml PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ^ J ) ——J F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . ' g < I 35 Tbe Advantages or a Trial , with the Convenience of the ^ rtfj uL . xmnS ff "Three Years' System at Cash Price , by Paying : about n Quarter _ x , idj ^—^ "l- ^ . [ y of the value down , the llalauce by Easy Paymcutu , from ^~^—lg ~* " ^ S-N > ^ -ft jag | , er quarter . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandRoad. ESTABLISHED 1830 .
129 FLEET ST ., and 114 & 115 SHOE LANE , [ ^ R ^^ M And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney . lllB | ljB ] B | L Pelt Hats , hard and soft , in all tho newest shapes , ^ 2 ^ HHg ^^
"T ? OR the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " CLARKE'S WORLD- FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , - Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tho most delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , and in Cases , contain ing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in the great majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and the world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . 3 . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale : All Patent Medicine Houses .
MAR INBIEN . SPECIAX CAUTION . OWING to the marked success of this medicine , tho only patent medicine universally proscribed by the faculty , and tho acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , haimorrhoids , & c , BASE IMITATIONS , containing drastic irritants , aro being foisted on the public . The genuine preparation bears the title " Tamarlndien , " and the signature E . GniM , ON , Coleman-st ., London . E . C . Price 2 i Cd per box . In a recent case , 1870 , O . No . 211 , a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to his lozenges was awarded , with costs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on loth January 1877 , and all such piracies will be summarily proceeded against . N . B . —See that the outer wrapper ( directions ) ore printed In the English language , and that each box bears tho Government 3 d stamp . The boxes with foreign wrappers are not prepared for English requirements .
ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all' discharges from the Urinary Organs , in either sex , acquired or constitutional , Gravel , and Pains in the Back . Sold in boxes , 4 s 6 d each , by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors : or sent to any address , for 60 stamps by the Maker , F . J . CLARKE , Consulting Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale Agents , BABCLAY and Soys , London , and all the Wholesale Houses .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Eailway accidents , i Death by accident . 0 , HARDING , Manager ,
Thero should bo a bettor reason fori the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOR ' S GUARDIAN . T . OMBARD BANK ( Limited ) , Nos . -LU 3 . 1 Lombard-street , City ; and 277 and 279 Regentstreet , W . Established 1800 , receives Deposits . On Demand , 5 per cent . Subject tt > 'otlce , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine tin < new and improved system , that ensures a high rate or interest with perfect security . The Directors have never ro-rtiseountert or rc-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , larm produce , warranto , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or fees . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . T . OMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , . a > lombard-strect , City : and 277 and 279 Regent-3 . ' . Jn W . - Established 18 U 9 . Incorporated under the New A ° t . 1874 . TO INVESTORS .-Beposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are offered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops Farms , & c . New and Special Feature—The society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of tho building at 5 per cent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding tho plan and paying or giving security for tho first 5 years'insteret . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . JAMES PRYOR , Manager .
| Bro . A . 0 LDR 0 YD , Leyton , London , EMANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , WItii a , name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . OO . payable at Leyton . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Cigars , and Importer •£ Havana and Continental Cigara , LEYTON , LONDON , E .
Patronized by H . R . H . tho PBINCE of WALES . THE THIRTY-THIRD EDITION . Now ready , price Is ; post free Is Id . JOHN LILLYWHITE'S "CRICKETERS ' COMPANION & GUIDE TO CRICKETERS . " Containing Special Articles , entitled , " Cricket and Cricketers in 1876 . " "Cricket Faults and Fallacies , " "Old Fashions v . New , " "Public School Cricket , Wandering Cricket . & c . " With full Reviews of all First-class . Cricket of 1876 ; the Averages ; Highest Innings ; Mr . W . G . Grace ' s Doings , & c . ; and Critiques on the Universities , Public Schools , Colleges , and Clubs , & c , & c . JOHN LILLYWHITE , 10 , SEyjtorm STREET , EirsToir SQUARE , IOUDOS , ir . w .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bunion Plaisters are the best ever invented for giving immediate ease , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe the Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine , E » aura and . ask . for Young ' s ,
ft WHAT is TOUR CHEST and J 3 / ' » MOTTO ? By sending Name and County rfj \ with Js 6 d , a plain drawing will bo sent ; If ftpr ! painted In HeraliUc Colours . 7 s . Pedigree * HUjA traced . The Anna of Man and Wife blended . KSSiS'r . l The proper colour for Servants" Livery , whit I Jf A W I buttons to be used , and how tho Carriaga should \ > OMbJ " Pai'ited , according to Heraldic Rules . Cul-\ Mf "Wf lerton ' a " Book of Family Crests and Mottoes . " ) f ft J t . OOO Engravings , printed In colours . £ 10 10 s ; (\ qiP / "The Manual of Heraldry . " 400 engraving ! . JJ \ im . 3 a Ga ; p 03 t frao b * - CULLETON , Qenealo-^ SBBb ^ Mkgist . 25 , Cranboum-street ( corner of St . Martiu ' s-laue . W . O , The Heraldic Library open from 10 till 4 .
CJEAL-ENGRAVINGS , by CULLETON . — ^ - ? Crest engraved on Seals , Rings . Book-plates , and Steel Dies , for stamping paper , price 7 s Cd . Livery Button Dlo « , £ 2 2 s . Crests engraved on silver spoons and family plate , 5 a per doien articles . A neat Desk Seal , with eneraved Crest , 12 s Bd . Registered letter . Gd extra . —T . CULLBTON , Engraver to the Queen and Royal Family , 25 , Cranbourn-street ( corner of St . Martin's-iane ) .
pULLETON'S GUINEA BOX of STA . Vy TIONERY contains a ream of tho very best paper and BOO envelopes , all beautifully stamped with Crest and Motto , Monogram , or Address , aud the Steel Die engraved freo ol charge . —T . CULLETON , Die Sinker to the Board of Trade , 25 , Cranboum-street ( corner of St . Martln's-lane ) .
OIGNET RINGS , by CULLETON , all 18-^ carat , Hall-marked . The most elegant patterns in London . 2 , 000 to select from : — £ 2 2 s , £ 3 3 s , £ i is . . fc'G as , JL'U 16 S ; very massive , £ 10 10 s ; heavy knuckle dusters , C 1 B 16 s . Send size of finger by fitting a piece of thread , and mention the price ting required . Arms , Crest , or Monogram engraved on the Rings . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 23 , Cranbornetreet ( corner of St . Martin ' s-iane ) , W . C .
pULLETON'S PLATES for MARKING V ^ LINEN require no preparation , and are easily used . Initial Plates , Is ; Name Plate , 'Js Ud ; Set of Moveable Numbers . 2 s Cd ; Crest or Mnnngram Plato , 5 s , with direotioni , post free for casli or stamps , by T . CULLETON , 23 Cran D ourne-street ( corner of St . Martina ' s-lane ) , W . C .
TTISITING CARDS , by CULLETON . — T Fifty , host quality , 2 s Sd , post free , including the engraving of copper plate . Wedding cards , fifty each , fifty embossed envelopes with maiden name , 23 s 6 d . Memorial cards printed , and hatchments painted on the shortest notice . —T . CULLETON , Seal Engraver , 23 Cranbourn-streat ( corner of St . Martin ' s-iane ) , W . C .
BALL PROGRAMMES , by CULLETON . -All the newest designs In BALL PROGRAMMES and MENU CARTES for the season . Ball , dinner , breakfast , and wedding invitation cards and notes of every description , printed in gold , silver , and colour , and beautifully stamped with arms , crest , or monogram . Silk banners painted , illuminated vellums for presentations , votes of thanks , Ac . Paintings on liorlin paper for needlework . —T . CULLETON , Engraver to tho Queen and all the Royal Family , 25 Cranbourn-street ( corner of St . Martin's-laneJ , W . C . QOLID GOLD SEALS , engraved with crest , O £ 1 Is Od . £ 2 2 s Od , £ 3 3 s Od , £ -t 43 Od , £ 5 5 a Od , £ 6 G « Od . and £ 7 7 s Od . —T . CULLETON , 25 Cranbourn-street , London , W . C . Post Office orders payable at Cranbourn-street , London .
FIRST CLASS AMERICANFRESHBEEF, — : o : — DAVIS & CO ., BUTCHERS , 82 ALDERSGATE STREET , E . C . All orders accompanied by a remittance forwarded to any part of London on same day .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE , SampMre , 1 . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paper of tho Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —154 Queen Street , Portsoa . Bro . R . HOLBROOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should bo forwarded to reach tho Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
\ A <& szn , o £ 300-c yocrc ' j ~ 3 cv 3 r 3 Cic U 1 § 0 ? i ESTIMATES GIVEN FOB \ ] EVERY DESCRIPTION OF TO PRINTING$ | —^ z & WiSP ** — % ¦ j CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO FOR J ) SUPPLYING ALL KINDS OF ( IJ |STATIONERY. | j | - ^ g & QftQS * I k ARRANGEMENTS MADE j $ jj FOR k IPUBLISHING.$ | —* s ® s < m &*^ | 5 PAHTICULAR 3 OH APrUCffflON TO ? fo | W . W . MORGAN , 67 BARBICAN , |> ' LONDON , E . C . ( j ) 6 One Door from Ahlertgatt Street . It &<^ o ^& 3 tt & s ? jQQ ( 2 tt & : z & ee &&