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Our Weekly Budget
sun , or else London is too dull aud dark a place to receive the visits of Phoebus Apollo more than occasionally , and for brief intervals only . It is still doubtful what course affairs will take in the East . But the business of the Protocol has certainly made matters
look a little more hopeful . General Ignatieff ' s visit to London has had a beneficial influence , and people aro beginning to feel a little more comfoi table in their minds . The great event that has occurred since last we submitted our Budget is the meeting of the new Turkish Parliament , on which
occasion the Saltan himself was present , though the imperial speech was delivered by one of his officers . This looks as though Turkey wero resolved on carrying out the reforms to which she stands committed in the face of Europe ; in which case she will not be behind her great antagonist ,
Russia , in the march of civilisation . We trust that , after the heavy diplomatic labours of the last eighteen months , the peace of Europe will not be broken between Russia and Turkey , for , if so , we do not know where the disturbance will end . As regards Montenegro , it is rumoured the
negotiations are faring better than they were a few days since , though the smaller state is still making very exorbitant demands . However , it cannot be long now ere we receive some definite news , which will either set us all happy once moi-e , or trouble the diplomatic and . financial worlds for , it may be , several years to come .
The regular meeting of the Grand Lodge of Benevolence , was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Clabon P . G . D ., President , in the chair . J . Nunn P . G . S . B . S . W ., E . P . Albert G . P . J . W . Grants to the amount of £ 220 were confirmed , and new grants to the
amount of £ 610 were made . There were present Bros . H . Browse , H . Docketts , S . Rawson , J . Smith , 0 . A . Cottebrnne , J . Constable , W . Smith , W . J . Howe , C . P . Hogard , C . Atkins , H . Bartlett , S . G . Foxall . J . Bingemann , H . Massey , H . Garrod , S . Poynter , W . C . Crick , John Hervey G . S ., H . G . Buss , Pendlebury , B . S . Swallow , & c .
The Masonic Chronicle of New York mentions the names of several brethren who have recently quitted the sphere of their earthly labours , after a long and meritorious career , both civil and Masonic . W . Bro . Maurice Hoyt , a P . M . of St . John ' s Lodge No . 1 , of the New York jurisdiction ,
died on the 10 th ult ., within a few days of completing his 85 th year . Bro . Hoyt was initiated into Freemasonry in the year 1822 , in Clinton Lodge No . 143 of the same jurisdiction , and was elected W . M . in 1825 . In 1834 this Lodge amalgamated with St . John ' s No . 1 , the Morgan
excitement being at its height just then . He became one of the original members and Chaplain of Warwick Lodge No . 544 in the year 1864 , and was likewise a R . A . Mason , having been exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No . 8 , City of New York , in 1824 , at the time when the late Marquis
De Lafayette , and his son , M . G . Washington De Lafayette , received that degree . In 1828 he attained the honourable office of High Priest . His funeral was conducted with full Masonic rites . We also read of the deaths of Bro . D . Whitney Hyman , aged 53 , buried with Masonic
honours , several distinguished members of the Supreme Council A . and A . Rite 33 ° , for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction , U . S ., being present ; of Bro . P . D . Ballon 33 ° , Ex-Mayor of Burlington Yt ., and honorary member of the
same Supreme Council , who was killed by accidentally falling down a mining shaft ; and of 111 . Bros . S . W . K . Ellis , 33 ° Indiana , Wendell T . Davis , 33 ° Mass ., and Will . S . Patrick , 33 ° Michigan , who were all honorary members of the same body .
It is with much pleasure we draw the attention of our readers to a Fund , which is known as the " Mace Fund , " now in course of being raised for the purpose of assisting Mr . Thomas James Mace , a former pupil of our Masonic Boys' School , in obtaining sufficient funds iu order to
prosecute his studies with the ultimate object of taking Holy Orders . During his career in our school , Mr . Mace distinguished himself by carrying off the silver medal and
the Maybury prize . On leaving , he entered himself as a student at the Evening Classes held in King ' s College , London , and here again , he secured the favourable regard of the authorities , by gaining several first-class certificates ,
and the College Prize for Divinity , and at tho close of his
Our Weekly Budget
three years term , was elected loan Associateship . Several of the Bishops of the Established Church have expressed their willingness to ordain him after a further course of study . But the Funds of the Institution are not applicable to the case of a boy who has already ceased to bo on the books of the School . Hence the establishment of the " Mace
Fund , " of which Bros . Benjamin Head and William Paas , of the House Committee , have kindly consented to act as Trustees , and of which Bros . Captain W . Pollock Dodson as Treasurer , and Fred . Binckes , Secretary R . M . I . B ., are members . The list of donors , as at present constituted ,
includes , in addition to tho names we have already mentioned , those of Bros . J . Satellite , S . Tomkins , Sir Henry Edwards Bart ., Rev . C . J . Martyn , Major Pearson R . A ., Lord Leigh , and other distinguished and influential brethren .
We commend the Fund to the notice of our readers , and trust that the needful sum may bo raised , so as to enable a former and very worthy pupil of our Boys' School to gratify a most laudable ambition .
We read , in the columns of Le Monde Maconnique , that latterly , at Stockholm , a new Lodge of Freemasons was constituted . The ceremony , which was conducted on a scale of great magnificence , took place in the Hall of the Knights , an apartment capable of holding 1 , 600 persons ,
but on this occasion hardly spacious enough , owing to the presence of large numbers of brethren , not only from various parts of Sweden , but also from Norway , Denmark , Germany , France , and England . At seven o ' clock , King Oscar arrived , accompanied by the Crown Prince , who had
a short time previously been admitted into the Brotherhood , and Prince John of Glucksburg , brother of the King of Denmark . The Masonic Regalia were borne on a cushion before the King and Princes , and , on their entrance , a solemn march was played , and lasted till they had taken
up the places assigned to them . The King having delivered an address suitable to the occasion , Bro . Dahlfelt sketched briefly the history of the Order in Sweden , after which the National Anthem was sung . At eleven o ' clock , a banquet was served in the Hall St . John , covers being
laid for 870 guests . We learn , from the same source , that the Grand Orient of Italy has passed sentence of expulsion against certain members , who have withdrawn from its obedience , in order to range themselves under the banner
of a Grand Orient at Naples . It is further announced that the Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of France , at its meeting on the 10 th ult ., decided on opening a subscription in favour of the Lyons workmen . The Grand Orient itself headed the list with the handsome
contribution of a thousand francs , and directed a circular letter to be addressed to all tho Lodges within its jurisdiction , inviting them to participate in this excellent work . On the
same occasion , the Council decided to present a sum of three hundred francs to the Lodge La Sagesse , of the Orient of Barcelona , towards the relief of the victims of the inundations which have latelv caused such damage iu certain provinces of Spain .
We have great pleasure in announcing that an amateur dramatic performance , the proceeds of which will be presented in equal moities to the ^ Funds of our Girls' and Boys' Schools , will take place on the afternoon of May the 5 th , at the Opera Comique Theatre . Mrs . Monckton has
kindly consented to appear on the occasion , and she will be assisted by Captain Arthur Gooch , Mr . S . Brandram , Captain FitzGeorge , 20 th Hussars , Captain | F . C . Hughes Hallett , Mr . F . O . Barrington Foote , R . H . A ., Mr . Bingham R . A ., Mr . Duudas Gardiner , Mr . Bolton Rowe , & c . The
prices of admission to the reserved seats will bo as follownamely , to orchestra stalls and front row of balcony stalls , one guinea ; to balcony stalls , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th rows , half a guinea ; and to the upper circle , five shillings . The box plan will be opened afc the theatre and afc the libraries
fche 2 nd prox . Seats may be previously secured on written application to the " Acting Manager , " 33 Golden-square W . We feel assured that , from the known dramatic talent of
Mrs . Monckton , the occasion will prove a great success , and we trust the Craft will show their appreciation of her kindness by supporting her . The Prince and Princess of Wales have signified their intention of being present .
Their Royal Higucsses tho Prince and Princess of Wales attended the Lenten Services at St . Anne ' s , Soho , on Friday evening , the 16 th inst .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget
sun , or else London is too dull aud dark a place to receive the visits of Phoebus Apollo more than occasionally , and for brief intervals only . It is still doubtful what course affairs will take in the East . But the business of the Protocol has certainly made matters
look a little more hopeful . General Ignatieff ' s visit to London has had a beneficial influence , and people aro beginning to feel a little more comfoi table in their minds . The great event that has occurred since last we submitted our Budget is the meeting of the new Turkish Parliament , on which
occasion the Saltan himself was present , though the imperial speech was delivered by one of his officers . This looks as though Turkey wero resolved on carrying out the reforms to which she stands committed in the face of Europe ; in which case she will not be behind her great antagonist ,
Russia , in the march of civilisation . We trust that , after the heavy diplomatic labours of the last eighteen months , the peace of Europe will not be broken between Russia and Turkey , for , if so , we do not know where the disturbance will end . As regards Montenegro , it is rumoured the
negotiations are faring better than they were a few days since , though the smaller state is still making very exorbitant demands . However , it cannot be long now ere we receive some definite news , which will either set us all happy once moi-e , or trouble the diplomatic and . financial worlds for , it may be , several years to come .
The regular meeting of the Grand Lodge of Benevolence , was held on Wednesday , the 21 st inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . John Clabon P . G . D ., President , in the chair . J . Nunn P . G . S . B . S . W ., E . P . Albert G . P . J . W . Grants to the amount of £ 220 were confirmed , and new grants to the
amount of £ 610 were made . There were present Bros . H . Browse , H . Docketts , S . Rawson , J . Smith , 0 . A . Cottebrnne , J . Constable , W . Smith , W . J . Howe , C . P . Hogard , C . Atkins , H . Bartlett , S . G . Foxall . J . Bingemann , H . Massey , H . Garrod , S . Poynter , W . C . Crick , John Hervey G . S ., H . G . Buss , Pendlebury , B . S . Swallow , & c .
The Masonic Chronicle of New York mentions the names of several brethren who have recently quitted the sphere of their earthly labours , after a long and meritorious career , both civil and Masonic . W . Bro . Maurice Hoyt , a P . M . of St . John ' s Lodge No . 1 , of the New York jurisdiction ,
died on the 10 th ult ., within a few days of completing his 85 th year . Bro . Hoyt was initiated into Freemasonry in the year 1822 , in Clinton Lodge No . 143 of the same jurisdiction , and was elected W . M . in 1825 . In 1834 this Lodge amalgamated with St . John ' s No . 1 , the Morgan
excitement being at its height just then . He became one of the original members and Chaplain of Warwick Lodge No . 544 in the year 1864 , and was likewise a R . A . Mason , having been exalted in Jerusalem Chapter No . 8 , City of New York , in 1824 , at the time when the late Marquis
De Lafayette , and his son , M . G . Washington De Lafayette , received that degree . In 1828 he attained the honourable office of High Priest . His funeral was conducted with full Masonic rites . We also read of the deaths of Bro . D . Whitney Hyman , aged 53 , buried with Masonic
honours , several distinguished members of the Supreme Council A . and A . Rite 33 ° , for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction , U . S ., being present ; of Bro . P . D . Ballon 33 ° , Ex-Mayor of Burlington Yt ., and honorary member of the
same Supreme Council , who was killed by accidentally falling down a mining shaft ; and of 111 . Bros . S . W . K . Ellis , 33 ° Indiana , Wendell T . Davis , 33 ° Mass ., and Will . S . Patrick , 33 ° Michigan , who were all honorary members of the same body .
It is with much pleasure we draw the attention of our readers to a Fund , which is known as the " Mace Fund , " now in course of being raised for the purpose of assisting Mr . Thomas James Mace , a former pupil of our Masonic Boys' School , in obtaining sufficient funds iu order to
prosecute his studies with the ultimate object of taking Holy Orders . During his career in our school , Mr . Mace distinguished himself by carrying off the silver medal and
the Maybury prize . On leaving , he entered himself as a student at the Evening Classes held in King ' s College , London , and here again , he secured the favourable regard of the authorities , by gaining several first-class certificates ,
and the College Prize for Divinity , and at tho close of his
Our Weekly Budget
three years term , was elected loan Associateship . Several of the Bishops of the Established Church have expressed their willingness to ordain him after a further course of study . But the Funds of the Institution are not applicable to the case of a boy who has already ceased to bo on the books of the School . Hence the establishment of the " Mace
Fund , " of which Bros . Benjamin Head and William Paas , of the House Committee , have kindly consented to act as Trustees , and of which Bros . Captain W . Pollock Dodson as Treasurer , and Fred . Binckes , Secretary R . M . I . B ., are members . The list of donors , as at present constituted ,
includes , in addition to tho names we have already mentioned , those of Bros . J . Satellite , S . Tomkins , Sir Henry Edwards Bart ., Rev . C . J . Martyn , Major Pearson R . A ., Lord Leigh , and other distinguished and influential brethren .
We commend the Fund to the notice of our readers , and trust that the needful sum may bo raised , so as to enable a former and very worthy pupil of our Boys' School to gratify a most laudable ambition .
We read , in the columns of Le Monde Maconnique , that latterly , at Stockholm , a new Lodge of Freemasons was constituted . The ceremony , which was conducted on a scale of great magnificence , took place in the Hall of the Knights , an apartment capable of holding 1 , 600 persons ,
but on this occasion hardly spacious enough , owing to the presence of large numbers of brethren , not only from various parts of Sweden , but also from Norway , Denmark , Germany , France , and England . At seven o ' clock , King Oscar arrived , accompanied by the Crown Prince , who had
a short time previously been admitted into the Brotherhood , and Prince John of Glucksburg , brother of the King of Denmark . The Masonic Regalia were borne on a cushion before the King and Princes , and , on their entrance , a solemn march was played , and lasted till they had taken
up the places assigned to them . The King having delivered an address suitable to the occasion , Bro . Dahlfelt sketched briefly the history of the Order in Sweden , after which the National Anthem was sung . At eleven o ' clock , a banquet was served in the Hall St . John , covers being
laid for 870 guests . We learn , from the same source , that the Grand Orient of Italy has passed sentence of expulsion against certain members , who have withdrawn from its obedience , in order to range themselves under the banner
of a Grand Orient at Naples . It is further announced that the Supreme Council of the Grand Orient of France , at its meeting on the 10 th ult ., decided on opening a subscription in favour of the Lyons workmen . The Grand Orient itself headed the list with the handsome
contribution of a thousand francs , and directed a circular letter to be addressed to all tho Lodges within its jurisdiction , inviting them to participate in this excellent work . On the
same occasion , the Council decided to present a sum of three hundred francs to the Lodge La Sagesse , of the Orient of Barcelona , towards the relief of the victims of the inundations which have latelv caused such damage iu certain provinces of Spain .
We have great pleasure in announcing that an amateur dramatic performance , the proceeds of which will be presented in equal moities to the ^ Funds of our Girls' and Boys' Schools , will take place on the afternoon of May the 5 th , at the Opera Comique Theatre . Mrs . Monckton has
kindly consented to appear on the occasion , and she will be assisted by Captain Arthur Gooch , Mr . S . Brandram , Captain FitzGeorge , 20 th Hussars , Captain | F . C . Hughes Hallett , Mr . F . O . Barrington Foote , R . H . A ., Mr . Bingham R . A ., Mr . Duudas Gardiner , Mr . Bolton Rowe , & c . The
prices of admission to the reserved seats will bo as follownamely , to orchestra stalls and front row of balcony stalls , one guinea ; to balcony stalls , 2 nd , 3 rd , and 4 th rows , half a guinea ; and to the upper circle , five shillings . The box plan will be opened afc the theatre and afc the libraries
fche 2 nd prox . Seats may be previously secured on written application to the " Acting Manager , " 33 Golden-square W . We feel assured that , from the known dramatic talent of
Mrs . Monckton , the occasion will prove a great success , and we trust the Craft will show their appreciation of her kindness by supporting her . The Prince and Princess of Wales have signified their intention of being present .
Their Royal Higucsses tho Prince and Princess of Wales attended the Lenten Services at St . Anne ' s , Soho , on Friday evening , the 16 th inst .