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THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS anil GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements oE the Ceremonies and Banquet ;; . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate Street , E . C .
SMITHTESTIMONIALFUND. A MEETING of tho Committee will take placo at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , tho 29 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock precisely . Iu accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting , representatives of Lodges and Chapters collecting subscriptions towards this fund are requested to make their returns to BRO . J . WILLING , Treasurer pro tem , at this meeting .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chance in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution aro now ready , prico ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Siso Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Our Weekly Budget
THE progress of the week has been marked , iu the House of Lords , by the transaction of a small amount of business . The Irish Peerage Bill , which is not a government measure , however , has passed its third reading , while the Bankruptcy Law Amendment has , on the motion of
the Lord Chancellor , received a second reading . One or two questions about the Eastern difficulty pretty nearly completes the picture . In the House of Commons there has been almost as much discussion as in the week previous , but we question if the amount of business done has been
as great . There has been further progress made with the supplementary Civil Service Estimates and Navy Estimates , and some Government measures have been advanced one or more stages . A motion of inquiry into the constitution and rules , & c , & c , of the Stock Exchange , brought forward by
Mr . Jtt . lorkc , was assented to by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on behalf of the Government . On Wednesday , Mr . T . Butt made an attempt to induce tho Honse to accept the second reading of his Land Tenure ( Ireland ) Bill , but he was overwhelmingly defeated by 323 votes to 84 votes .
The Queen returned to Windsor , as usual , shortly after holding her levee at Buckingham Palace . Here various members of the Royal Family have visited Her Majesty , among them the Prince of Wales , the Princess Christian
and the Princess Louise ( Marchioness of Lome ) and the Marquis of Lome . On Tuesday , His Excellency General Ignatieff and his wife paid a visit of ceremony to the Castle , being accompanied thither b y the Earl of Derby , Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , and the Countess of Derbv , as
well as by the Russian Ambassador , Count Schouvaloff . The General was presented to Her Majesty by the Russian Ambassador , and Madame Ignatieff by the Countess of Derby . Lunch was served later in the day , and shortly after the distinguished visitors returned to ClaritWs .
When the reception was over , the Queen held a council , at which the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , the Earl of Derby , the Marquis of Hertford , and Mr . Cross , M . P ., were present . Subsequently , Messrs . Walter H . Medhurst , ' James Cell , and W . Leeee Drinkwater were introduced and
received the honour of knighthood . To-day , their Royal Higi . ne . sses the Prince aud Princess of Wales leave Marlhirough House , for a cruise in the Mediterranean , in the Royal yacht Osborne , and arc expected to be absent for a
period i . i six weeks . During their excursion they will visit the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh afc Malta , and the Kin ** and Queen of Greece at Athens . We should add that as Sir William Knoll ys has accepted the office of Usher of the Black Rod , vacant by the death of Sir Augustus Clifford ,
Our Weekly Budget
he has resigned the post of Comptroller to the Prince of Wales , which he has held for a period of about fifteen years . He is succeeded in the Comptrollership by Major-General Sir D . T . Penrhyn . Tho Grand Lodge of Scotland held a meeting on Monday ,
for the purpose of electing a Secretary in succession to Bro . John Laurie , who , our readers are aware , resigned the office a short time since . The choice lay between Bros . D . Murray Lyon and Wylie , the former a man of great erudition , the latter of great secretarial experience . A ballot
was taken , and tho result showed a considerable majority for Bro . Lyon , to whom , accordingly , we offer our most cordial congratulations at the distinction thus conferred upon him . The defeated Bro . Wylie has the usual consolation that of two candidates to fill ono office , how
meritorious soever they may be , one only can receive the appointment . But more than this , he has the satisfaction of knowing that it is only to him who is acknowledged ou all hands to be one of the brightest lights in Masonry
in this or any age , he has had to yield the palm of victory . We havo it on the authority of Homer himself that the Wylie Ulysses , albeit a brilliant leader of men , was no match , in war at least , with the Lyon-like warrior Achilles .
The greatest excitement of the week has been to judge , as far as practice will enable people to judge , which will win the day , the Light or Dark Blue . When these lines meet the eye of our readers , the result will most probably be known throughout the length aud breadth of the land . Yesterday
was devoted to the Inter-University Athletic meeting at Lillie Bridge , but the exigencies of time prevent us giving any details of the sport . To-day will be another great meeting at the same popular resort of the athlete . Lillie Bridge , in fact , will witness a sight which we cannot call
to mind as having ever before been presented to the London public , and we strongly advise those of our readers who have leisure or who may not care to undergo the fatigue of business after witnessing the boat-race to visit these grounds for the purpose of " assisting " at some very singular trials of strength . There will be what is known now as " The
Tug of War , " not only between men and men , but between fifty men — guardsmen and life-guardsmen — and an elephant . There will also be trials of speed between the camel and a donkey , a trotting horse and the bicycle ridden by the Champion , J . Keen , and also the Tug of War between horses and men . If the weather is favourable
there ought to , and we trust there will be , a grand assemblage of people to witness so unusual a spectacle . On Monday will be held another great annual athletic festival , the championship sports , under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Club , which will be held on the same ground , commencing at 2 p . m .
The visit of General Isrnatieff to London has caused no
little excitement . His Excellency has been , the principal part of his time , the guest of the Marquis of Salisbury , at whose seat at Hatfield he has been staying chiefly . He has also been received at dinner by the Earl of Derby at
the Foreign Office , and by the Prime Minister , the Earl of Beaconsfield , at his residence in Whitehall-gardens . On the latter occasion the Prince of Wales was present , to meet the distinp-uished Russian .
Tho first exhibition of spring flowers was held in the Royal Botanical Gardens on Wednesday . The entries were very numerous , aud there were some very fine specimens among them . The show was held , as a matter of
course , under cover , and everything was done to make the visitors as comfortable aa possible , there being the additional attraction of the band of the Royal Horse Guards . The Duke of Teck visited the exhibition in the course of the
afternoon , and was conducted over it by Mr . Sowcrby , the Secretary . This is unquestionably the age of statistics . The most abstruse calculations are made about the most diverse matters , and tables of calculations on every subject are to
be met with everywhere . We read every week all about the averages and per centages of the Births , Deaths , and Marriages in Loudon and many of our large provincial towas . We are informed periodically about the average rainfall , and the rainfall on special occasions , or for
special periods . We have now , in addition , particulars as to the number of hours in the week during which the sun shines . However , these particulars have been neither brilliant nor assuring . The latest news is , that the sun has onl y been visible for 26 | hours out of tho 81 . 9 hours it has been above the horizon . This is very unkind of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS anil GEORGE MUSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements oE the Ceremonies and Banquet ;; . For Terms : —Address , BRO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate Street , E . C .
SMITHTESTIMONIALFUND. A MEETING of tho Committee will take placo at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , tho 29 th inst ., at 7 o ' clock precisely . Iu accordance with the resolution passed at the last meeting , representatives of Lodges and Chapters collecting subscriptions towards this fund are requested to make their returns to BRO . J . WILLING , Treasurer pro tem , at this meeting .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS . BRO . CONSTABLE'S Tickets , entitling tho holder to a chance in the drawing for LIFE GOVERNORSHIPS Of the above Institution aro now ready , prico ONE SHILLING EACH . To be had of J . CONSTABLE , 13 Siso Lane , Cannon Street , London , E . C .
67 BARBICAN , E . O .
Our Weekly Budget
THE progress of the week has been marked , iu the House of Lords , by the transaction of a small amount of business . The Irish Peerage Bill , which is not a government measure , however , has passed its third reading , while the Bankruptcy Law Amendment has , on the motion of
the Lord Chancellor , received a second reading . One or two questions about the Eastern difficulty pretty nearly completes the picture . In the House of Commons there has been almost as much discussion as in the week previous , but we question if the amount of business done has been
as great . There has been further progress made with the supplementary Civil Service Estimates and Navy Estimates , and some Government measures have been advanced one or more stages . A motion of inquiry into the constitution and rules , & c , & c , of the Stock Exchange , brought forward by
Mr . Jtt . lorkc , was assented to by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on behalf of the Government . On Wednesday , Mr . T . Butt made an attempt to induce tho Honse to accept the second reading of his Land Tenure ( Ireland ) Bill , but he was overwhelmingly defeated by 323 votes to 84 votes .
The Queen returned to Windsor , as usual , shortly after holding her levee at Buckingham Palace . Here various members of the Royal Family have visited Her Majesty , among them the Prince of Wales , the Princess Christian
and the Princess Louise ( Marchioness of Lome ) and the Marquis of Lome . On Tuesday , His Excellency General Ignatieff and his wife paid a visit of ceremony to the Castle , being accompanied thither b y the Earl of Derby , Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs , and the Countess of Derbv , as
well as by the Russian Ambassador , Count Schouvaloff . The General was presented to Her Majesty by the Russian Ambassador , and Madame Ignatieff by the Countess of Derby . Lunch was served later in the day , and shortly after the distinguished visitors returned to ClaritWs .
When the reception was over , the Queen held a council , at which the Duke of Richmond and Gordon , the Earl of Derby , the Marquis of Hertford , and Mr . Cross , M . P ., were present . Subsequently , Messrs . Walter H . Medhurst , ' James Cell , and W . Leeee Drinkwater were introduced and
received the honour of knighthood . To-day , their Royal Higi . ne . sses the Prince aud Princess of Wales leave Marlhirough House , for a cruise in the Mediterranean , in the Royal yacht Osborne , and arc expected to be absent for a
period i . i six weeks . During their excursion they will visit the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh afc Malta , and the Kin ** and Queen of Greece at Athens . We should add that as Sir William Knoll ys has accepted the office of Usher of the Black Rod , vacant by the death of Sir Augustus Clifford ,
Our Weekly Budget
he has resigned the post of Comptroller to the Prince of Wales , which he has held for a period of about fifteen years . He is succeeded in the Comptrollership by Major-General Sir D . T . Penrhyn . Tho Grand Lodge of Scotland held a meeting on Monday ,
for the purpose of electing a Secretary in succession to Bro . John Laurie , who , our readers are aware , resigned the office a short time since . The choice lay between Bros . D . Murray Lyon and Wylie , the former a man of great erudition , the latter of great secretarial experience . A ballot
was taken , and tho result showed a considerable majority for Bro . Lyon , to whom , accordingly , we offer our most cordial congratulations at the distinction thus conferred upon him . The defeated Bro . Wylie has the usual consolation that of two candidates to fill ono office , how
meritorious soever they may be , one only can receive the appointment . But more than this , he has the satisfaction of knowing that it is only to him who is acknowledged ou all hands to be one of the brightest lights in Masonry
in this or any age , he has had to yield the palm of victory . We havo it on the authority of Homer himself that the Wylie Ulysses , albeit a brilliant leader of men , was no match , in war at least , with the Lyon-like warrior Achilles .
The greatest excitement of the week has been to judge , as far as practice will enable people to judge , which will win the day , the Light or Dark Blue . When these lines meet the eye of our readers , the result will most probably be known throughout the length aud breadth of the land . Yesterday
was devoted to the Inter-University Athletic meeting at Lillie Bridge , but the exigencies of time prevent us giving any details of the sport . To-day will be another great meeting at the same popular resort of the athlete . Lillie Bridge , in fact , will witness a sight which we cannot call
to mind as having ever before been presented to the London public , and we strongly advise those of our readers who have leisure or who may not care to undergo the fatigue of business after witnessing the boat-race to visit these grounds for the purpose of " assisting " at some very singular trials of strength . There will be what is known now as " The
Tug of War , " not only between men and men , but between fifty men — guardsmen and life-guardsmen — and an elephant . There will also be trials of speed between the camel and a donkey , a trotting horse and the bicycle ridden by the Champion , J . Keen , and also the Tug of War between horses and men . If the weather is favourable
there ought to , and we trust there will be , a grand assemblage of people to witness so unusual a spectacle . On Monday will be held another great annual athletic festival , the championship sports , under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Club , which will be held on the same ground , commencing at 2 p . m .
The visit of General Isrnatieff to London has caused no
little excitement . His Excellency has been , the principal part of his time , the guest of the Marquis of Salisbury , at whose seat at Hatfield he has been staying chiefly . He has also been received at dinner by the Earl of Derby at
the Foreign Office , and by the Prime Minister , the Earl of Beaconsfield , at his residence in Whitehall-gardens . On the latter occasion the Prince of Wales was present , to meet the distinp-uished Russian .
Tho first exhibition of spring flowers was held in the Royal Botanical Gardens on Wednesday . The entries were very numerous , aud there were some very fine specimens among them . The show was held , as a matter of
course , under cover , and everything was done to make the visitors as comfortable aa possible , there being the additional attraction of the band of the Royal Horse Guards . The Duke of Teck visited the exhibition in the course of the
afternoon , and was conducted over it by Mr . Sowcrby , the Secretary . This is unquestionably the age of statistics . The most abstruse calculations are made about the most diverse matters , and tables of calculations on every subject are to
be met with everywhere . We read every week all about the averages and per centages of the Births , Deaths , and Marriages in Loudon and many of our large provincial towas . We are informed periodically about the average rainfall , and the rainfall on special occasions , or for
special periods . We have now , in addition , particulars as to the number of hours in the week during which the sun shines . However , these particulars have been neither brilliant nor assuring . The latest news is , that the sun has onl y been visible for 26 | hours out of tho 81 . 9 hours it has been above the horizon . This is very unkind of the