Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings
rehearsed the ceremony , and from the very effective manner m which he done it , deservedly brought forth high enconinms from tho brethreu present . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Reed was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . The Lodgo -was then closed and adjourned .
Prosperity Lodgo of Instruction , No . 65 . —This Lodge held its meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadeuhall . street , on tho 20 th inst . Present—Bros . Ellis W . M ., Powell S . W ., Brown J . W ., Daniel S . D ., Eich J . D ., Lees I . G ., Hollands , Walker , Harris , Haller , Baxter , West , Webb , Wharman , Lipscombe , Parker , Cant , Cornwall P . M . Tho Lodgo was opened in duo form . Tho
minutes of tho previous meeting confirmed . Lodge was opened in the 2 ud degree . Bro . Eich answered tho questions leading to the 3 rd degree and was entrusted . Lodgo was opened in the 3 rd degree , aud Bro . Eich duly raised . Tho Lodgo was closed to the 1 st , and tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of that lecture were worked by Bro . Ellis and tho brethren . The Lodgo was resumed to tho 2 nd . Bro . Cant
answered the questions leading to tho 3 rd . The Lodge was resumed to tho 1 st degree . Bros . Lipscombe , Cant , and Cornwall wero elected members , and it was resolved that Bro . Cornwall should be an honorary member of this Lodge for four years , for the substantial donation given by him to this Lodge on tho annual supper night . Bro . Powell was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . Tho Lodge was then closed in due form .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —Tho annual supper of this Lodgo took place on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Bro . Hilliard , tho W . M . of the Mother Lodgo , was in the chair , supported by Bros . Appleby and Webb . After tho supper tho usual toasts were duly honoured . Bro . P . M . Moore responded to that of tho P . M . 's . Bro . Austin , in
acknowledging the toast of the Preceptor , said that many years ago he had joined the Sincerity ; in fact , it was there he had got his instruction ; and he considered it was his duty to impart his knowledge to others , which ho was always ready and willing to do . Bro . Ellis ( the Secretary ) thanked the W . M . for proposing , and tho brethren , for drinking his health . He was very glad they had such a
Preceptor . When they lost Bro . Crawley they wore in a difficulty , but Bro . Austin had come forward and removed it . He was sure that , under the guidance of that brother , they would make the Sincerity equal to any Lodge of Instruction in London . Bros . Brown and Webb responded for the Stewards , Bro . Bateman on behalf of the Visitors , and Bro , P . M . Appleby for the Officers . Somo excellent songs and recitations were given during the evening .
Tranquillity Lodge , No . 188 . —The regular meeting of tins Lodge was held on Monday , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , whither it hasniigratcd ^ ro tem . from the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . Bro . John Peartree W . M ., presided , and thero wero present the following officers , namely , Bros . D . Posonor S . AV ., G . S . Pare , J . W . J . D . BartlettI . P . M ., J . Constable Treasurer , P . Levy Secretary W ., D . Bayley
S . D ., F . Croaker J . D ., J . W . C . Bushacting I . G ., SadleirM . C . and Potter Tylor , together with a considerable number of members , and Bros . F . Binckes , Sec . E . M . I . B ., Spiegel and Davis , both of Joppa , No . 18 S , and Plunimcr . After the Lodgo had been opened , Bros . Tom , Cohen and Feigl , wero passed . Mr . Moritz Vogl was then balloted for , and the ballot having proved clear , was in due form initiated . Two motions
were then proposed by Bro . Constable , and seconded by Bros . Paro and Bush respectively . By the first it was moved that the initiation fee bo increased to ten guineas , and the joining fee to five guineas . The second had for object the removal of tho Lodgo to Anderton ' s Hotel . Both these motions were accepted , and likewise another proposed by Bro . N . Moss , and duly seconded , to tho effect
that a Committee be formed to inquire into the propriety of removal . It was likewise agreed , ou the proposition of Bro . Constable , seconded by Bro . N . Moss , that a Committee , consisting of Bros . Asher Meyers , John Peartree , J . D . Barnett , N . Moss , E . Harfield , M . Harris , G . S . Pare , J . D . Posener , aud W . Brisker , be appointed to act in concert with the committe of the Joppa in reference to the question of the
Jewish Masonio disabilities in certain German Grand Lodges . A modest banquet was then served , at which the Worshipful Master presided . On the removal of the cloth , instead of the usual formal array of toasts which head the lists , the W . M . introduced , for tho first time in this Lodge , what appears to be known as Bro . Binckes's Patent . It undoubtedly answers all requirements , and was very well received
by all present . In this Patent are comprised all the essential features of the ordinary toasts , but neatly and most artistically interwoven . Thus , it was found that when Bro . Peartree so far departed from the laws of custom as to introduce this novelty , the first three toasts were combined in one , namely , " Loyalty to thoThror . e and devotion to the best interests of the Order . " It is needless to say how cordially
this toast was drunk . Iu proposing tho health of tho W . M ., Bro . Burnett expressed the pleasure ho felt in doing so , which wad all the greater , that the , Muster had worked tho ceremonies of the 1 st and 2 nd degrees so accurately and impressively . Bro . Peartree , on the evening of his installation , had expressed his belief that , at his time of life , ho should find it necessary to rely , for the accurate
fulfilment of his duties , on tho kind assistance of tho Past Masters . Bro . Barnett , however , expressed his opinion , which hcbclieved was that of all his colleagues who had witnessed the ceremonies , that Bro . Peartree was ablo to teach them what good work was , rather thau stand in need of their assistance . Bro . Peartree responded appropriately .
Tho Initiate acknowledged his health in a few words , but they were to the point . The Visitors severally spoke to tli . it important toast , Bro . Binckes leading the way with his usual eloquence . The evening came to an end shortly afterwards , there having been present some fifty brethren , and everything having passed off most comfortably in tho temporary quarters of the Lodge , We have omitted to state , iu
Notices Of Meetings
the course of the meeting , Bro . Peartree announced that he had directed a sum of three guineas to be handed over to a distressed brother , and likewise that the Initiate inaugurated his entrance into Freemasonry by contributing a guinea to the Lodgo Benevolent Fund .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 103 . —This Lodge met at its new homo , the Whittington , Moor . lane , Fore-street E . G ., which , if appearances are not deceptive , ia likely to prove a permanent settlement . Tho accommodation is excellent . The room , if not quite as large as could be desired , is very lofty , and pleasantly furnished , and tho viands are of first-rate quality and moderate iu
price . Tho situation is most convenient , being adjacent to the Metropolitan , North London , and Great Eastern Eailways , a minute ' s walk from Moorgate-street , and not five minute ' s walk from tho Bank ; it is , therefore , easily accessible from every part of the town . Under all circumstances , thero is a reasonable prospect that the Lodgo will gain rather than suffer from the enforced removals .
To judge by the first meeting , these anticipations aro most likely to be realised , for just npon thirty members and visitors assembled on Wednesday , the 18 th iust . Bro . J . T . Miller occupied tho chair , and was assisted by Bros . F . Croaker S . W ., Sayers J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , John Constable P . M . Treas ., J . K . I'itt Sec , Ager S . D ., Tollis J . D ., Sadlcir I . G ., aud Christopher Tyler . Tho W . M . rehearsed
the third ceremony , including tho traditional history connected with the degree , Bro . A . Woolf acting as candidate . One of tho sections was worked iu the usual mauner . As the removal of tho Lodge was so sudden and unforeseen , Bro . J . It . Foulger P . M . and Worshipful Master of tho Cripplegate Lodge , suggested that a record of the fact , and the circumstances leading to it , should appear on tho minutes .
Bro . Constable supported the proposition , and expressed his indignation and disgust at tho treatment they had lately received . The strong language with which ho desired to modify Bro . Foulger ' s suggestion was , however , objected to , aud he reluctantly allowed milder counsels to prevail . Bro . F . Croaker will preside on Wednes . day next .
St . Paul's Lodge , No . 194 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held ou Tuesday , tho 20 th inst ., at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , City . Present—Bros . S . Hnnb W . M ., Seager S . W ., C . E . McBean J . W ., E . Fowler P . M . Secretary , E . M . Veal P . M . Treas ., Wm . W . J . Compton S . D ., A . B . Eenshaw J . D ., H . F . Paget I . G ., Harper P . M . Steward . Past Masters—Bros . G . N . Watts , W . Temple ,
E . Eandall , Weston , Dr . Watson , Wilson , and Bros . Fisher , Gilbert , T . G . Smith , & c . Tho Lodgo was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . T . G . Smith , No . 890 , was unanimously elected a joining member Bro . Otto Rochs was passed . Bro . lteynolds , of the Sphynx Lodge , 1329 , was proposed as a joining member . A sum of £ 10 10 s was granted from the charity box to bo placed on Bro . Common's list ,
who is a Steward for tho Boys' Festival . A letter was read from the Moutefioro Lodgo , and the petition respecting the nou-adniission of tho members of the Hebrew Faith in Germany was , after some discussiou , signed by the AV . M . on behalf of the Lodge . The Lodge was theu closed , aud tho brethren partook of a vory ° excellent banquet and dessert . The W . M ., in eloquent and genial termsproposed the
, usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . In introducing that of the Charities , he said Bro . Compton would well represent the Lodgo at the Festival for the Boys . He coupled with tho toast tho name of Bro . Eaudall P . M ., who said Bro . Compton being absent , he was pleased to say that he had a goodly sum to add to his list contributed by the brethreu present . Thoy had a candidate on the list , and this was the
last application . He was the son of a brother who was an ornament to the Lodgo aud tho Craft . Ho was sure every brother who knew him would support the case , and when the election took place he hoped to seo their efforts would be crowned with success . The AV . M then proposed the toast of the Visitors . They had many distinguished brethreu present , among others Bro . Harty , who is now
completing the Great Historical Picture of tho Installation of H . R . H . tho M . AV . Grand Master . Bro . Harty responded , and in the course of his speech , said a proof will be presented on tho 28 th of April , that being the second anniversary . Bros . Swallow and II . M . Levy followed . Bro . AVatts I . P . M . then rose and said he was pleased to propose the toast of the AV . M . He had done so on several
occasions , but to-night especially he had done his work well , and while they had such Masters the Lodge would prosper , and thoy all wished him long life and health to carry out his duties . The W . M . returned thanks for the kind manner they had responded to the toast . Ho hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , that thoy would be satis-Red with his exertions for the benefit of the Lodge . lie then proposed
the P . M . ' s , and he would couple with it tho uamo of Bro . Eandall , who , iu a humourous speech , returned thanks . The AV . M . then proposed the officers of the Lodge , all of whom aro thoroughly proficient in their duties . Tho Treas . and Sec . arc invaluable . Bro . McBean having reponded , the Tyler ' s Toast was giveu . Bros . T . Lawler jun ., Eandall ,
Watts , Collins , Lambe , llochs , & o ., contributed some very excellent song's during the evening . The Visitors wore Bros . B . Swallow P . M . 15 G 3 and 382 , E . J . Harty W . M . 1201 and 22 S , Collins 7 G !> , Contra 11 GO , Badkin S . W . 1365 , W . Hollens 766 , F . J . Cronin P . M . 231 , Lawler jun . 1297 , G . AVhitehead , Bodkin , and H . M . Levy P . M . 183 .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting ou Saturday the 17 th iust ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N . Present—Bros . Goodo W . M .. Eoss S . W ., Anshcll J . W ., Killick Sec ., Halford Treasurer , Breasted S . D .,
Fenner J . D ., Larkin I . G . Visitor—Bro . Francis Holland 1158 . Business—The Lodge was opened in regular order , and tho minutes confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Isaac acting as candidate . The sections of the third degree were worked by Bros .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
rehearsed the ceremony , and from the very effective manner m which he done it , deservedly brought forth high enconinms from tho brethreu present . Bro . Pearcy worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Reed was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . The Lodgo -was then closed and adjourned .
Prosperity Lodgo of Instruction , No . 65 . —This Lodge held its meeting at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadeuhall . street , on tho 20 th inst . Present—Bros . Ellis W . M ., Powell S . W ., Brown J . W ., Daniel S . D ., Eich J . D ., Lees I . G ., Hollands , Walker , Harris , Haller , Baxter , West , Webb , Wharman , Lipscombe , Parker , Cant , Cornwall P . M . Tho Lodgo was opened in duo form . Tho
minutes of tho previous meeting confirmed . Lodge was opened in the 2 ud degree . Bro . Eich answered tho questions leading to the 3 rd degree and was entrusted . Lodgo was opened in the 3 rd degree , aud Bro . Eich duly raised . Tho Lodgo was closed to the 1 st , and tho 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of that lecture were worked by Bro . Ellis and tho brethren . The Lodgo was resumed to tho 2 nd . Bro . Cant
answered the questions leading to tho 3 rd . The Lodge was resumed to tho 1 st degree . Bros . Lipscombe , Cant , and Cornwall wero elected members , and it was resolved that Bro . Cornwall should be an honorary member of this Lodge for four years , for the substantial donation given by him to this Lodge on tho annual supper night . Bro . Powell was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . Tho Lodge was then closed in due form .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —Tho annual supper of this Lodgo took place on Monday , the 19 th inst ., at the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . C . Bro . Hilliard , tho W . M . of the Mother Lodgo , was in the chair , supported by Bros . Appleby and Webb . After tho supper tho usual toasts were duly honoured . Bro . P . M . Moore responded to that of tho P . M . 's . Bro . Austin , in
acknowledging the toast of the Preceptor , said that many years ago he had joined the Sincerity ; in fact , it was there he had got his instruction ; and he considered it was his duty to impart his knowledge to others , which ho was always ready and willing to do . Bro . Ellis ( the Secretary ) thanked the W . M . for proposing , and tho brethren , for drinking his health . He was very glad they had such a
Preceptor . When they lost Bro . Crawley they wore in a difficulty , but Bro . Austin had come forward and removed it . He was sure that , under the guidance of that brother , they would make the Sincerity equal to any Lodge of Instruction in London . Bros . Brown and Webb responded for the Stewards , Bro . Bateman on behalf of the Visitors , and Bro , P . M . Appleby for the Officers . Somo excellent songs and recitations were given during the evening .
Tranquillity Lodge , No . 188 . —The regular meeting of tins Lodge was held on Monday , at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , whither it hasniigratcd ^ ro tem . from the City Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street . Bro . John Peartree W . M ., presided , and thero wero present the following officers , namely , Bros . D . Posonor S . AV ., G . S . Pare , J . W . J . D . BartlettI . P . M ., J . Constable Treasurer , P . Levy Secretary W ., D . Bayley
S . D ., F . Croaker J . D ., J . W . C . Bushacting I . G ., SadleirM . C . and Potter Tylor , together with a considerable number of members , and Bros . F . Binckes , Sec . E . M . I . B ., Spiegel and Davis , both of Joppa , No . 18 S , and Plunimcr . After the Lodgo had been opened , Bros . Tom , Cohen and Feigl , wero passed . Mr . Moritz Vogl was then balloted for , and the ballot having proved clear , was in due form initiated . Two motions
were then proposed by Bro . Constable , and seconded by Bros . Paro and Bush respectively . By the first it was moved that the initiation fee bo increased to ten guineas , and the joining fee to five guineas . The second had for object the removal of tho Lodgo to Anderton ' s Hotel . Both these motions were accepted , and likewise another proposed by Bro . N . Moss , and duly seconded , to tho effect
that a Committee be formed to inquire into the propriety of removal . It was likewise agreed , ou the proposition of Bro . Constable , seconded by Bro . N . Moss , that a Committee , consisting of Bros . Asher Meyers , John Peartree , J . D . Barnett , N . Moss , E . Harfield , M . Harris , G . S . Pare , J . D . Posener , aud W . Brisker , be appointed to act in concert with the committe of the Joppa in reference to the question of the
Jewish Masonio disabilities in certain German Grand Lodges . A modest banquet was then served , at which the Worshipful Master presided . On the removal of the cloth , instead of the usual formal array of toasts which head the lists , the W . M . introduced , for tho first time in this Lodge , what appears to be known as Bro . Binckes's Patent . It undoubtedly answers all requirements , and was very well received
by all present . In this Patent are comprised all the essential features of the ordinary toasts , but neatly and most artistically interwoven . Thus , it was found that when Bro . Peartree so far departed from the laws of custom as to introduce this novelty , the first three toasts were combined in one , namely , " Loyalty to thoThror . e and devotion to the best interests of the Order . " It is needless to say how cordially
this toast was drunk . Iu proposing tho health of tho W . M ., Bro . Burnett expressed the pleasure ho felt in doing so , which wad all the greater , that the , Muster had worked tho ceremonies of the 1 st and 2 nd degrees so accurately and impressively . Bro . Peartree , on the evening of his installation , had expressed his belief that , at his time of life , ho should find it necessary to rely , for the accurate
fulfilment of his duties , on tho kind assistance of tho Past Masters . Bro . Barnett , however , expressed his opinion , which hcbclieved was that of all his colleagues who had witnessed the ceremonies , that Bro . Peartree was ablo to teach them what good work was , rather thau stand in need of their assistance . Bro . Peartree responded appropriately .
Tho Initiate acknowledged his health in a few words , but they were to the point . The Visitors severally spoke to tli . it important toast , Bro . Binckes leading the way with his usual eloquence . The evening came to an end shortly afterwards , there having been present some fifty brethren , and everything having passed off most comfortably in tho temporary quarters of the Lodge , We have omitted to state , iu
Notices Of Meetings
the course of the meeting , Bro . Peartree announced that he had directed a sum of three guineas to be handed over to a distressed brother , and likewise that the Initiate inaugurated his entrance into Freemasonry by contributing a guinea to the Lodgo Benevolent Fund .
Confidence Lodge of Instruction , No . 103 . —This Lodge met at its new homo , the Whittington , Moor . lane , Fore-street E . G ., which , if appearances are not deceptive , ia likely to prove a permanent settlement . Tho accommodation is excellent . The room , if not quite as large as could be desired , is very lofty , and pleasantly furnished , and tho viands are of first-rate quality and moderate iu
price . Tho situation is most convenient , being adjacent to the Metropolitan , North London , and Great Eastern Eailways , a minute ' s walk from Moorgate-street , and not five minute ' s walk from tho Bank ; it is , therefore , easily accessible from every part of the town . Under all circumstances , thero is a reasonable prospect that the Lodgo will gain rather than suffer from the enforced removals .
To judge by the first meeting , these anticipations aro most likely to be realised , for just npon thirty members and visitors assembled on Wednesday , the 18 th iust . Bro . J . T . Miller occupied tho chair , and was assisted by Bros . F . Croaker S . W ., Sayers J . W ., E . Gottheil P . M . Preceptor , John Constable P . M . Treas ., J . K . I'itt Sec , Ager S . D ., Tollis J . D ., Sadlcir I . G ., aud Christopher Tyler . Tho W . M . rehearsed
the third ceremony , including tho traditional history connected with the degree , Bro . A . Woolf acting as candidate . One of tho sections was worked iu the usual mauner . As the removal of tho Lodge was so sudden and unforeseen , Bro . J . It . Foulger P . M . and Worshipful Master of tho Cripplegate Lodge , suggested that a record of the fact , and the circumstances leading to it , should appear on tho minutes .
Bro . Constable supported the proposition , and expressed his indignation and disgust at tho treatment they had lately received . The strong language with which ho desired to modify Bro . Foulger ' s suggestion was , however , objected to , aud he reluctantly allowed milder counsels to prevail . Bro . F . Croaker will preside on Wednes . day next .
St . Paul's Lodge , No . 194 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held ou Tuesday , tho 20 th inst ., at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , City . Present—Bros . S . Hnnb W . M ., Seager S . W ., C . E . McBean J . W ., E . Fowler P . M . Secretary , E . M . Veal P . M . Treas ., Wm . W . J . Compton S . D ., A . B . Eenshaw J . D ., H . F . Paget I . G ., Harper P . M . Steward . Past Masters—Bros . G . N . Watts , W . Temple ,
E . Eandall , Weston , Dr . Watson , Wilson , and Bros . Fisher , Gilbert , T . G . Smith , & c . Tho Lodgo was opened , and the minutes confirmed . Bro . T . G . Smith , No . 890 , was unanimously elected a joining member Bro . Otto Rochs was passed . Bro . lteynolds , of the Sphynx Lodge , 1329 , was proposed as a joining member . A sum of £ 10 10 s was granted from the charity box to bo placed on Bro . Common's list ,
who is a Steward for tho Boys' Festival . A letter was read from the Moutefioro Lodgo , and the petition respecting the nou-adniission of tho members of the Hebrew Faith in Germany was , after some discussiou , signed by the AV . M . on behalf of the Lodge . The Lodge was theu closed , aud tho brethren partook of a vory ° excellent banquet and dessert . The W . M ., in eloquent and genial termsproposed the
, usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . In introducing that of the Charities , he said Bro . Compton would well represent the Lodgo at the Festival for the Boys . He coupled with tho toast tho name of Bro . Eaudall P . M ., who said Bro . Compton being absent , he was pleased to say that he had a goodly sum to add to his list contributed by the brethreu present . Thoy had a candidate on the list , and this was the
last application . He was the son of a brother who was an ornament to the Lodgo aud tho Craft . Ho was sure every brother who knew him would support the case , and when the election took place he hoped to seo their efforts would be crowned with success . The AV . M then proposed the toast of the Visitors . They had many distinguished brethreu present , among others Bro . Harty , who is now
completing the Great Historical Picture of tho Installation of H . R . H . tho M . AV . Grand Master . Bro . Harty responded , and in the course of his speech , said a proof will be presented on tho 28 th of April , that being the second anniversary . Bros . Swallow and II . M . Levy followed . Bro . AVatts I . P . M . then rose and said he was pleased to propose the toast of the AV . M . He had done so on several
occasions , but to-night especially he had done his work well , and while they had such Masters the Lodge would prosper , and thoy all wished him long life and health to carry out his duties . The W . M . returned thanks for the kind manner they had responded to the toast . Ho hoped , at the expiration of his year of office , that thoy would be satis-Red with his exertions for the benefit of the Lodge . lie then proposed
the P . M . ' s , and he would couple with it tho uamo of Bro . Eandall , who , iu a humourous speech , returned thanks . The AV . M . then proposed the officers of the Lodge , all of whom aro thoroughly proficient in their duties . Tho Treas . and Sec . arc invaluable . Bro . McBean having reponded , the Tyler ' s Toast was giveu . Bros . T . Lawler jun ., Eandall ,
Watts , Collins , Lambe , llochs , & o ., contributed some very excellent song's during the evening . The Visitors wore Bros . B . Swallow P . M . 15 G 3 and 382 , E . J . Harty W . M . 1201 and 22 S , Collins 7 G !> , Contra 11 GO , Badkin S . W . 1365 , W . Hollens 766 , F . J . Cronin P . M . 231 , Lawler jun . 1297 , G . AVhitehead , Bodkin , and H . M . Levy P . M . 183 .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting ou Saturday the 17 th iust ., at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N . Present—Bros . Goodo W . M .. Eoss S . W ., Anshcll J . W ., Killick Sec ., Halford Treasurer , Breasted S . D .,
Fenner J . D ., Larkin I . G . Visitor—Bro . Francis Holland 1158 . Business—The Lodge was opened in regular order , and tho minutes confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Isaac acting as candidate . The sections of the third degree were worked by Bros .