Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings
Hewlett and Pearcy . Bro . Ross was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A voto of thanks , deservedly earned by the W . M ., closed the proceedings .
Eoyal Union Lodge , No . 382 . —The installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , tho 19 th inst ., at . the Belmont Hall . TJxbridsro . Bros . C . J . W . Davis W . M ., Fereubao P . M . ns S . AV ., Halliday J . W ., Coulton P . M . Treasurer , W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . ( Middlesex ) Secretary , Diarcy as S . D ., Cook J . D ., Lonsdale I . G ., Weedon P . M ., and a numerous assemblage of members and visitors .
The Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Price aud Gaylard were passed . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . I . C . Swallow W . M . elect was presented to tho Lodgo ; he was duly installed by Bro . Coulton P . M . Tho salutations to tho newly installed W . M . wore given , and he then invested his Officers—Bros . 0 . J . W . Davis I . P . M ., Weedon as S . W ., in the absence of that Bro .,
Bro . Webb , Halliday J . W ., Coulton Treasurer , W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . Sec , Cook S . D ., Diarcy J . D ., Russ I . G ., Lonsdale D . C . The newly installed W . M . then initiated Messrs . W . Marshall and C . Serf into the Order ; a ballot was also taken for Mr . F . Lucy . Bro . Cooper proposed and Bro . Halliday seconded , that the following resolutions be passed and entered on tho minutes , " that the best thanks of the
Lodge are duo to Bro . C . J . W . Davis for his exertions in connexion with the removal of the Lodge of Instruction and its regeneration in the formation of the La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction . " This was carried unanimously . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet provided by Bro . Drinkwater . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts . That of
the Provincial Grand Officers found a very able respondent in Bro . W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . Bro . C . J . W . Davis then proposed the health of tho W . M ., which was responded to . Tho I . P . M ., Bro . Davis , was next given . Ho was one who had , in every respect , carried out the duties of tho chair to their satisfaction ; and , in recognition of those services , in the name of tho Lodge , he had great pleasure in
presenting htm with a Past Master s jewel . He hoped he might livo long to wear it , and give his valuable assistance as a P . M . to the Lodge . Bro . Davis suitably returned thanks for the kind expressions of tho AV . M ., and also for tho valuable gift . He said that whatever duties in connection with the Lodge wore required of him , he was always
willing to undertake . They were now in the position to establish a Lodge of Instruction in tho Province . Shonld such take place thoy had only to call on him , and he would always be ready and willing to do all in his power to farther the object . The toasts of the Treasurer , Secretary , AVardens , and Officers were given and responded to , after which tho Tyler ' s Toast concluded the evening .
Union Lodge , No . 414 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , 20 th inst ., at Reading . Present—Bros . Stephen A . Pocock AV . M ., Edward BalcerS . W ., Charles Oades J . W ., Nicholas Garry Chaplain , j . Leaver Sec , Sam . Bradley S . D ., Charles Stephens J . D ., E . C . Mount I . G ., F . J . Ferguson D . C , S . Wheeler and 0 . Sprout Stewards , W . Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Morris , Bradley , Weight .
man , Strachan , R . T . Woodhonse P . Prov . D . G . M . Berks ( hon . mem . ) , Bros . Brakspeare , F . Blackwell , Ayres , Sydenham , Higgs , Withers , Butler , Mitchell , Martin , Stallwood , Hawkes , aud Visitors , from 1101 , Bros . Margrett W . M ., Stransom Treas ., Ivey P . M . Sec , Hurley P . M ., Hunt , Pulley , Bailey , Robinson , Cottrcll and Hawkes , and from Fidelity No . 663 Bro . J . Loner , P . M . The Lodge was opened , and the
minutes confirmed . The W . M . announced that Bros . Martin and Hawkes wero candidates for passing to the second degree ; he there , fore put the usual questions to them , and they retired . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Bros . Martin and Hawkes were passed . The lecture on the Tracing Board was given b y Bro . Dr . Wnodhouse , who is tho senior Mason in the Province , and on the venerable brother taking tho chair , the utmost attention was given
to the interesting lecture , which called forth a unanimous vote of thanks , to which he responded . The sum of ten guineas was voted to Bro . AVoightman ' s list , as Steward to the Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . A discussion took place on the subject of the exclusion of Jews by the German Grand Lodges , which was referred to the Permanent Committee . The labours of the evening being ended , the Lodgo was closed .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Thursday , tho 15 th inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , AV . Present -Bros . Wray W . M ., Farwig S . AV ., Weeks J . AV ., T . Cull Sec , T . 0 . Davis S . D ., Docker J . D ., Cornelisson I . G . ; also Bros . Mander Preceptor , Belinfant , Solomons , T . Ager , Collins , A . Stewart , Milmow , Morphew , Dr . Lloyd , Beckett , and Knight . The Lodge was opened , and the
minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The Lodgo was opened in tho 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and the latter ceremony rehearsed . The 1 st section was then worked by Bro . Mander , the 2 nd by Bro . Farwig , and tho 3 rd by Bro . Cull Sec . Tho Lodge was closed down , and Bro . Farwig elected AV . M . for tho ensuing week . The Lodge was then closed in due form . Tho ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by Bro . Mander on Thursday , 29 th inst .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — This Lodge held its usual meeting on Friday , the 16 th inst ., at Bro , Kennard ' s , Feathers' Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware-road . Present—Bros . S . Nichols AV . M ., Lucas S . W ., Hayes J . AV ., A . Brawn Secretary , G . Tribbel Preceptor , Murch J . D ., Parsons I . G . Bros ,
Cooper , Thompson , Kennard , Godden , Eeid and W . J . Hall 103 . Lodge was opened in duo form . The AV . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Thompson being the candidate . Bro . P . M . Brawn gave the three installation addresses . Bros . Thompson andReid answered the questions for passing . Bro . AV . J . Hall , of Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , -was elected a member , A vote of thanks , was recorded on the
Notices Of Meetings
minutes to Bro . Nichols , for the able manner he had fulfilled tha duties of tho chair for the first time . Bro . Lucas was elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed in dun form .
Banelagn Lodge , No . 834 . —An emergency meeting of tho above well-known Lodgo toot place at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens , on Tnesdav , the 13 th instant . Present—Bros . T . Knowles W . M ., Fisher S . W ., Baker J . W ., Watson S . D ., Shaw J . D ., Middleton I . G ., Oliver Org ., Warner and T . Bryett Stewards , W . T . Worthington Secretary . Tho Lodge was duly
opened by tho W . M ., who afterwards raised Bros . Doncaster , Tuck and Sinclair . Mr . Richard Josey was next initiated , after which tho Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous supper , provided by Bro . P . M . Millis . After ample justice had been dono to the repast , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonio toasts . In proposing tho health of the Visitors , consisting of Bro . Gumming
534 and another , the AV . M . stated that nothing gave tho Ranelagh members greater pleasure than to see visitors among them , and the Lodge would always endeavour to make them comfortable . Both of the visiting brethren suitably replied . Bro . Butt I . P . M ., in pro . posing the health of the AV . M ., spoke in touching terms of tho admirable way in which Bro . Knowles had carried out his duties
during his year of office , and tho timo he had given to studying the same . The W . M ., in a neat and appropriate speech , replied that he had always tho success of the Ranelagh Lodge at heart , and would endeavour to do his best in keeping up its character . The Tyler ' s toast followed . AVe may here mention that Bro . Oliver presided at the piano , and somo of the brethren gavo great satisfaction in rendering part songs , & c
Andrew Chapter , No . 834— On Thursday the 15 th inst ,, a convocation of this Chapter was held at the Boll and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . Comps . W . T . Worthington Z ., Lewis Bryett , H . Adamson T . After the usual preliminaries , the M . E . Z . exalted three brethren ; the manner in which tho ceremony was con .
ducted , showed that tho M . E . Z . had paid great attention to the study of his duties . The Comps . af ter the closing of Chapter , sat down to an excellent dinner , which did great credit to Comp . Millis . The M . E . Z . in due course , gave tho usual loyal and R . A . toasts , which were well responded to . The Comps . separated after spending a most enjoyable evening ' .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge hold its weekly meeting on Tnesday , the 20 th of March , ah Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . Perrin W . M ., Perry S . AV ., Johnson J . AV ., AVorsley Secretary , Barker S . D ., Ashburner P . M . J . D ., P . M . AVallington Preceptor , Smith I . G . ; Past Masters—Bro . AVright , Ashburner . Visitors—Bros . Dallas , Christian ,
Ould , Davis , Hewlett . Business—The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The Lodge opened in the 2 ud degree , Bro . Davis having answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was opened in the 3 rd , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Davis acting as candidate ; P . M . Wallington gavo the traditional history . The AV . M . was highly complimented onhis having worked the ceremony in such a perfect manner . Bro . Hewlett
worked the . 1 st and 3 rd section of the lecture ,, assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down to the 1 st degree ; Bro . Perry was unanimously elected AV . M . for next Tuesday week , and appointed his Officers in rotation . The Preceptor gave notice that the annual supper would take place on Tnesday next at 7 o ' clock , and hoped that all those brethren who intended being present would make it convenient to be there in good time . The Lodge will be opened at 6 . 30 . The list being full , no more tickets can be issued .
Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge , No . 1159 . —The installation meeting of this respected Lodge took place at Freemasons' Hall on the 19 th inst . The Lod ge was opened at 5 p . m .. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Ernest C . Cheston , which being unanimous , that gentleman was initiated . Tho Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bros .
Cunhffe Owen C . B . and Gustav Guillain were duly passed . Bros . W . F . Kelly , Lodge No . 1 , of Carthagena , New Granada , and Arthur Le Neve Foster , Bulwer Lodge , of Cairo , having been elected joining members . Bro . AVood P . M . and Secretary , proceeded to instal Bro . Henry James Moxou , who had been unanimously voted to tho chair of King Solomon . The ceremony was performed in a very
solemn and impressive manner , and hearty congratulations accorded to Bro . Moxou in that high position . The newly-elected W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers , suitably addressing each ; after which a very pleasing duty devolved upon him , in presenting tho retiring Master ( Bro . Simmonds ) with a Past Master ' s jewel , which he acknowledged . Tbe Lodge was closed , and the brethren
adjourned to tho banqnet-room . Amongst the visitors present we noticed Bros . Hyde Clarke D . G . M ., Turkey , C . Horsley P . P . G . R . Middlesex , G . Glover P . G . J . AV . and P . M . Prince of Wales' Lodge , J . H . Younghusband P . P . G . M . Lancashire and P . G . J . AV . Dr . Ramsey P . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , Dr . Bonny P . M . 193 , J . Bnrketfc 1114 , W . J . AVoodman P . M . 1298 , A . Harding P . M ., Leftwich P . M ., Calder ,
Harold , Kember and Barshall . At the conclusion of tho banquet the customary toasts were proposed . "Tho Queen and the Craft , " "Tho M . AV . G . M ., " "The P . G . M ., " "TheD . G . M ., aud the other Grand Officers Past and Present" wore given briefly and pertinently from the chair , and duly honoured . Bro . Simmonds , tho I . P . M ., then asked tho
brethren to join him in drinking tho health of their esteemed AV . M ., dwelling at some length upon tho zeal and attention which ho had shown in the dischai-go of his duties since he entered the Craft . The W . M . ( Bro . Moxon ) , in reply , said some ono had told us that language was made to conceal our thoughts , but he must confess , iu rising to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
Hewlett and Pearcy . Bro . Ross was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . A voto of thanks , deservedly earned by the W . M ., closed the proceedings .
Eoyal Union Lodge , No . 382 . —The installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Monday , tho 19 th inst ., at . the Belmont Hall . TJxbridsro . Bros . C . J . W . Davis W . M ., Fereubao P . M . ns S . AV ., Halliday J . W ., Coulton P . M . Treasurer , W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . ( Middlesex ) Secretary , Diarcy as S . D ., Cook J . D ., Lonsdale I . G ., Weedon P . M ., and a numerous assemblage of members and visitors .
The Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bro . Price aud Gaylard were passed . A Board of Installed Masters was formed , and Bro . I . C . Swallow W . M . elect was presented to tho Lodgo ; he was duly installed by Bro . Coulton P . M . Tho salutations to tho newly installed W . M . wore given , and he then invested his Officers—Bros . 0 . J . W . Davis I . P . M ., Weedon as S . W ., in the absence of that Bro .,
Bro . Webb , Halliday J . W ., Coulton Treasurer , W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . Sec , Cook S . D ., Diarcy J . D ., Russ I . G ., Lonsdale D . C . The newly installed W . M . then initiated Messrs . W . Marshall and C . Serf into the Order ; a ballot was also taken for Mr . F . Lucy . Bro . Cooper proposed and Bro . Halliday seconded , that the following resolutions be passed and entered on tho minutes , " that the best thanks of the
Lodge are duo to Bro . C . J . W . Davis for his exertions in connexion with the removal of the Lodge of Instruction and its regeneration in the formation of the La Tolerance Lodge of Instruction . " This was carried unanimously . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren sat down to a very excellent banquet provided by Bro . Drinkwater . The W . M . proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic Toasts . That of
the Provincial Grand Officers found a very able respondent in Bro . W . Coombes P . P . G . S . B . Bro . C . J . W . Davis then proposed the health of tho W . M ., which was responded to . Tho I . P . M ., Bro . Davis , was next given . Ho was one who had , in every respect , carried out the duties of tho chair to their satisfaction ; and , in recognition of those services , in the name of tho Lodge , he had great pleasure in
presenting htm with a Past Master s jewel . He hoped he might livo long to wear it , and give his valuable assistance as a P . M . to the Lodge . Bro . Davis suitably returned thanks for the kind expressions of tho AV . M ., and also for tho valuable gift . He said that whatever duties in connection with the Lodge wore required of him , he was always
willing to undertake . They were now in the position to establish a Lodge of Instruction in tho Province . Shonld such take place thoy had only to call on him , and he would always be ready and willing to do all in his power to farther the object . The toasts of the Treasurer , Secretary , AVardens , and Officers were given and responded to , after which tho Tyler ' s Toast concluded the evening .
Union Lodge , No . 414 . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , 20 th inst ., at Reading . Present—Bros . Stephen A . Pocock AV . M ., Edward BalcerS . W ., Charles Oades J . W ., Nicholas Garry Chaplain , j . Leaver Sec , Sam . Bradley S . D ., Charles Stephens J . D ., E . C . Mount I . G ., F . J . Ferguson D . C , S . Wheeler and 0 . Sprout Stewards , W . Hemmings Tyler . Past Masters—Bros . Morris , Bradley , Weight .
man , Strachan , R . T . Woodhonse P . Prov . D . G . M . Berks ( hon . mem . ) , Bros . Brakspeare , F . Blackwell , Ayres , Sydenham , Higgs , Withers , Butler , Mitchell , Martin , Stallwood , Hawkes , aud Visitors , from 1101 , Bros . Margrett W . M ., Stransom Treas ., Ivey P . M . Sec , Hurley P . M ., Hunt , Pulley , Bailey , Robinson , Cottrcll and Hawkes , and from Fidelity No . 663 Bro . J . Loner , P . M . The Lodge was opened , and the
minutes confirmed . The W . M . announced that Bros . Martin and Hawkes wero candidates for passing to the second degree ; he there , fore put the usual questions to them , and they retired . The Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree . Bros . Martin and Hawkes were passed . The lecture on the Tracing Board was given b y Bro . Dr . Wnodhouse , who is tho senior Mason in the Province , and on the venerable brother taking tho chair , the utmost attention was given
to the interesting lecture , which called forth a unanimous vote of thanks , to which he responded . The sum of ten guineas was voted to Bro . AVoightman ' s list , as Steward to the Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . A discussion took place on the subject of the exclusion of Jews by the German Grand Lodges , which was referred to the Permanent Committee . The labours of the evening being ended , the Lodgo was closed .
Salisbury Lodge of Instruction , No . 435 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Thursday , tho 15 th inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-street , Regent-street , AV . Present -Bros . Wray W . M ., Farwig S . AV ., Weeks J . AV ., T . Cull Sec , T . 0 . Davis S . D ., Docker J . D ., Cornelisson I . G . ; also Bros . Mander Preceptor , Belinfant , Solomons , T . Ager , Collins , A . Stewart , Milmow , Morphew , Dr . Lloyd , Beckett , and Knight . The Lodge was opened , and the
minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The Lodgo was opened in tho 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and the latter ceremony rehearsed . The 1 st section was then worked by Bro . Mander , the 2 nd by Bro . Farwig , and tho 3 rd by Bro . Cull Sec . Tho Lodge was closed down , and Bro . Farwig elected AV . M . for tho ensuing week . The Lodge was then closed in due form . Tho ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by Bro . Mander on Thursday , 29 th inst .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 766 . — This Lodge held its usual meeting on Friday , the 16 th inst ., at Bro , Kennard ' s , Feathers' Tavern , Upper George-street , Edgware-road . Present—Bros . S . Nichols AV . M ., Lucas S . W ., Hayes J . AV ., A . Brawn Secretary , G . Tribbel Preceptor , Murch J . D ., Parsons I . G . Bros ,
Cooper , Thompson , Kennard , Godden , Eeid and W . J . Hall 103 . Lodge was opened in duo form . The AV . M . rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation , Bro . Thompson being the candidate . Bro . P . M . Brawn gave the three installation addresses . Bros . Thompson andReid answered the questions for passing . Bro . AV . J . Hall , of Confidence Lodge , No . 193 , -was elected a member , A vote of thanks , was recorded on the
Notices Of Meetings
minutes to Bro . Nichols , for the able manner he had fulfilled tha duties of tho chair for the first time . Bro . Lucas was elected W . M . for the ensuing meeting . All business being ended , the Lodgo was closed in dun form .
Banelagn Lodge , No . 834 . —An emergency meeting of tho above well-known Lodgo toot place at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens , on Tnesdav , the 13 th instant . Present—Bros . T . Knowles W . M ., Fisher S . W ., Baker J . W ., Watson S . D ., Shaw J . D ., Middleton I . G ., Oliver Org ., Warner and T . Bryett Stewards , W . T . Worthington Secretary . Tho Lodge was duly
opened by tho W . M ., who afterwards raised Bros . Doncaster , Tuck and Sinclair . Mr . Richard Josey was next initiated , after which tho Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous supper , provided by Bro . P . M . Millis . After ample justice had been dono to the repast , the W . M . gave the usual loyal and Masonio toasts . In proposing tho health of the Visitors , consisting of Bro . Gumming
534 and another , the AV . M . stated that nothing gave tho Ranelagh members greater pleasure than to see visitors among them , and the Lodge would always endeavour to make them comfortable . Both of the visiting brethren suitably replied . Bro . Butt I . P . M ., in pro . posing the health of the AV . M ., spoke in touching terms of tho admirable way in which Bro . Knowles had carried out his duties
during his year of office , and tho timo he had given to studying the same . The W . M ., in a neat and appropriate speech , replied that he had always tho success of the Ranelagh Lodge at heart , and would endeavour to do his best in keeping up its character . The Tyler ' s toast followed . AVe may here mention that Bro . Oliver presided at the piano , and somo of the brethren gavo great satisfaction in rendering part songs , & c
Andrew Chapter , No . 834— On Thursday the 15 th inst ,, a convocation of this Chapter was held at the Boll and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . Comps . W . T . Worthington Z ., Lewis Bryett , H . Adamson T . After the usual preliminaries , the M . E . Z . exalted three brethren ; the manner in which tho ceremony was con .
ducted , showed that tho M . E . Z . had paid great attention to the study of his duties . The Comps . af ter the closing of Chapter , sat down to an excellent dinner , which did great credit to Comp . Millis . The M . E . Z . in due course , gave tho usual loyal and R . A . toasts , which were well responded to . The Comps . separated after spending a most enjoyable evening ' .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge hold its weekly meeting on Tnesday , the 20 th of March , ah Bro . Allen ' s , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney . Present—Bros . Perrin W . M ., Perry S . AV ., Johnson J . AV ., AVorsley Secretary , Barker S . D ., Ashburner P . M . J . D ., P . M . AVallington Preceptor , Smith I . G . ; Past Masters—Bro . AVright , Ashburner . Visitors—Bros . Dallas , Christian ,
Ould , Davis , Hewlett . Business—The Lodge was opened with solemn prayer , and the minutes of the last meeting confirmed . The Lodge opened in the 2 ud degree , Bro . Davis having answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was opened in the 3 rd , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Davis acting as candidate ; P . M . Wallington gavo the traditional history . The AV . M . was highly complimented onhis having worked the ceremony in such a perfect manner . Bro . Hewlett
worked the . 1 st and 3 rd section of the lecture ,, assisted by the brethren . The Lodge was closed down to the 1 st degree ; Bro . Perry was unanimously elected AV . M . for next Tuesday week , and appointed his Officers in rotation . The Preceptor gave notice that the annual supper would take place on Tnesday next at 7 o ' clock , and hoped that all those brethren who intended being present would make it convenient to be there in good time . The Lodge will be opened at 6 . 30 . The list being full , no more tickets can be issued .
Marquis of Dalhousie Lodge , No . 1159 . —The installation meeting of this respected Lodge took place at Freemasons' Hall on the 19 th inst . The Lod ge was opened at 5 p . m .. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Mr . Ernest C . Cheston , which being unanimous , that gentleman was initiated . Tho Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and Bros .
Cunhffe Owen C . B . and Gustav Guillain were duly passed . Bros . W . F . Kelly , Lodge No . 1 , of Carthagena , New Granada , and Arthur Le Neve Foster , Bulwer Lodge , of Cairo , having been elected joining members . Bro . AVood P . M . and Secretary , proceeded to instal Bro . Henry James Moxou , who had been unanimously voted to tho chair of King Solomon . The ceremony was performed in a very
solemn and impressive manner , and hearty congratulations accorded to Bro . Moxou in that high position . The newly-elected W . M . then proceeded to appoint and invest his officers , suitably addressing each ; after which a very pleasing duty devolved upon him , in presenting tho retiring Master ( Bro . Simmonds ) with a Past Master ' s jewel , which he acknowledged . Tbe Lodge was closed , and the brethren
adjourned to tho banqnet-room . Amongst the visitors present we noticed Bros . Hyde Clarke D . G . M ., Turkey , C . Horsley P . P . G . R . Middlesex , G . Glover P . G . J . AV . and P . M . Prince of Wales' Lodge , J . H . Younghusband P . P . G . M . Lancashire and P . G . J . AV . Dr . Ramsey P . M . Prince of Wales Lodge , Dr . Bonny P . M . 193 , J . Bnrketfc 1114 , W . J . AVoodman P . M . 1298 , A . Harding P . M ., Leftwich P . M ., Calder ,
Harold , Kember and Barshall . At the conclusion of tho banquet the customary toasts were proposed . "Tho Queen and the Craft , " "Tho M . AV . G . M ., " "The P . G . M ., " "TheD . G . M ., aud the other Grand Officers Past and Present" wore given briefly and pertinently from the chair , and duly honoured . Bro . Simmonds , tho I . P . M ., then asked tho
brethren to join him in drinking tho health of their esteemed AV . M ., dwelling at some length upon tho zeal and attention which ho had shown in the dischai-go of his duties since he entered the Craft . The W . M . ( Bro . Moxon ) , in reply , said some ono had told us that language was made to conceal our thoughts , but he must confess , iu rising to