Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings. &C
JTaeaulay and William Beattie , of the Frederick of Unity Chapter , were ballotted for and approved for installation , and Comps . Captain Gilbert , F . J . Macaulay , and W . Beattie being in attendance , were duly installed iu tho Order , receiving their honours at the baud of the Great Prior . A donation of £ 5 os was voted to the Royal
Masonic Institution for Girls , and subscriptions of £ 1 Is per annum to it , and also to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Colonel Randolph was elected as Preceptor for the ensuing year , and Captain Portlock Dadson as Treasurer . Several Companions wero proposed
for ballot and installation at the meeting in May , and after a cordial rote of thanks had been passed by acclamation to the Great Prior for his presence , the Preceptory was closed in solemn form , aud the Great Prior retired under the Arch of Steel .
The Bayard Chapter , Rose Croix , mot at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., on Tuesday , 13 th March , at 5 p . m . 111 Bros . Lient .-Colcnel H . S . Somerville Burnoy 31 ° M . W . S ., Major Shadwell H . Clarke G . Sec . Gon . 33 ° , H . D . Samlcman 33 ° , Raphael Costa D . l . G . 33 ° , W . Hydo Pullen 33 ° , Captain Portlock Dadson 32 ° ,
Frank Richardson 30 ° , Major J . R . Pearson R . A . 30 ; Bros , tho Rev . C . J . Ridgeway M . A . as High Prelate , Captain R . P . Leeson , Captain W . S . Gilbert , Robert Fyers , Major F . C . Wemyss , J . W . Waldron , tho Rev . Lloyd Cosmo Williams , Captain Henry S . Andrews , Lieut .
A . Hamilton Des Barres R . M ., Captain Henry Burton 76 th regiment , Herr Edouard H . F . Sauerbrey ; and , as a visitor , Bro . E . M . Lott , of the Canterbury Chapter , Rose Croix . Bros . Captain Henry Burton , 76 th regiment , of Lodge 4-21 , and Herr Eduard Heinrich Ferdinand Sauerbrey , of Lodge 1615 , were duly perfected in the 18 ° .
The Canterbury Lodge , No . 1635 , met at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., on Tnesday , 20 th March . W . Bro . tho Rev . Dr . John Robbins M . A . W . Master . Several candidates were initiated into the Order , and brethren duly advanced to the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees . Bro . the Rev . F . Kill Harford M . A . was elected as W . M . for the ensuing year .
The St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter , Rose Croix , met at the Masonio Hall , Bath , on Wednesday , 21 st March , at half past 7 . 111 . Bro . Thomas Jowitt 32 ° M . W . Sov . For the election of the M . W . S . and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
The Bladud Preceptory , K . T ., met at the Masonic Hall , Bath , on Thursday , 22 ud March , at 8 p . m . Sir Knt . W . E . Reeves E . P . For the reception of candidates , and the election of the Eminent Preceptor and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
The Talbot Chapter , Rose CroiX , met at the Freemasons ' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield , on Friday , 16 th March , at 5 p . m . E . Bro . Alexander Hay M . W . Sov . For the perfection of candidates , and election of the M . W . Sov . and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
Cornwall Chapter , Rose Croix . —At the meeting of this Chapter , at Truro , on Wednesday , 14 th March . E . Bro . the Rev . George Ross M . A . M . W . Sov . Two brethren were duly perfected in the 18 ° .
The Oxford University Chapter , Rose Croix , met at the Apollo Lodgo , Oxford , on Friday , 16 th March , at 8 p . m . 111 . Bro . Colonel the Hon . W . E . Sackville West 31 ° M . W . Sov . Two brethren were duly perfected in tho 18 ° .
The Shakespeare Chapter , Rose Croix , met at the Masonic Rooms , Warwick , on Thursday , 22 nd March , at 5 . 25 p . m . 111 . Bro . A . F . Godson M . A . 32 ° M . W . Sov . For the perfection of cauclidates .
The St . Mary Chapter , Rose Croix , will meet at the Town Hall , Wirksworth , Derbyshire , on Wednesday , 28 th March , at 2 p . m . 111 . Bro . William Milligan 30 ° M . W . Sov . For the perfection of candidates , & c .
The Bayard Lodge , No . 1615 , will hold a meeting of emergency at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., on Monday , 26 th March , at 4 p . m . W . Bro . Lieut .-Colonel H . S . Somerville Burney , P . G . D . of Essex , W . M .
Islam Lodge , No . 490 , S . C . —This Mahomedau Lodge was officially inaugurated at a special meeting held on the 30 th January last , when , surrounded by a large number of tho most influential Past Masters , office-bearers , and members of the other Lodges in Bombay , the R . W . Master elect , Bro . Francis Turner , was duly installed by the M . W ., the Grand Master of all India , Bro . H . G .
Morland , who conducted the interesting ceremony with that tact , thoroughness , and ability for which he is conspicuous , and which has won for him , on all sides , the envious and honourable position of being recognised and respected as one of the most efficient rulers of the Ancient Craft in the East . Immediately after the opening of the Lodge , the arrival of the Grand
Lodge was announced , and the M . W . Grand Master was admitted and saluted with all the honours . He was accompanied by R . vy , Bros . Manockjee Cnrsetjee , Hon . P . Sub-Master , K . R . Kama , Hon . P . Sub-Master , Geo . B . Thomson , Hon . P . Warden ; Bros . Frant Grand Cleik , H . Holland G . Sword Bearer , J . C . Houghland Grand Tyler , and several others . The Hiram having been handed to the
M . W . the Grand Master , he raised tbe Lodge , and proceeded with tho installation of Bro . Turner , who has worked the Lodge for some months , under a special dispensation , as the first W . M . The newly installed W . Master was proclaimed and saluted according to due and ancient form , in the several degrees , aud after tha transaction
of some formal business , the R . W . Master proceeded to appoint the following brethren as officers for the ensuing twelve months , viz . : — R . W . Bros . E . Freeborn D . M ., C . Matthews S . M . ; W . Bros . Mirza Ali Ackbar Khan , Bahadoor , S . W ., Mhir Ali Mahamed Patell J . W . ; Bros . R . il . Seanea Treasurer , S , H , Cassim Secretary , Kajee Bhurawoodeeu
S . D ., Mhir Abdool Ali Khan J . D ., Hussan Hajeo Ludah I . G ., Mirza Hussau Khau Tyler . After receiving the congratulations of tho numerous Past Masters on tho dais , the Lodgo was duly closed , when the brethren and tho guests adjourned to refreshuient , and the
usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to . The auspicious opening of this new acquisition to the roll of Lodges in Western India , induces the hope that it will rapidly enlist under its banner many of our Mahomedan citizens who aro worthy of admission into tho Ancient Craft .
Caledonia Lodge , No . 490 , S . C . -Wednesday , 31 st Jannary last will long bo held in happy remembrance by tho numerous members of this prosperous Lodge , as being one of the most cordial re-unions which has characterised its operations since its establishmont . Caledonia has been fortnnato in tho careful selection of its
officers dnnngtho few years of its existence , but , without wishing to draw any invidious comparison , iu none moro so than iu the gentleman whoso term of office as R . W . M . has jnst terminated . The Lodge assembled at 7 . 30 , and was opened in the usual manner when •hero were present—Bros . G . B . Thomson 32 ° W . M ., Rodger 30 ° S . W ., J . Y . Lang 30 ° J . W ., Archibald Taylor S . M . as S . D ., Thorpe S . M . as
J . D ., Allan Treas ., Ogg I . G ., W . Smith Tylor , and a largo attendance of members and visitors , upwards of one hundred and thirty being present , including some of the oldest and most influential members of the Craft in Western India , On tbe dais wero W . Bros . Mackenzie , Fred Cull , MacClumpha , Mitchell and other Past Masters . The minutes of the previous regular meeting having been read and
confirmed , Bro . John Young Lang J . W . of the Lodge , having been unani . mously chosen for the position of W . M . for the ensuing year , was presented by P . M . E . M . Walton for installation . Previously , however , the important announcement was made that tho M . W . the Grand Master of all Scottish Fremasoury in India , Bro . Captain Henry J . Morland , and the officers of his Grand Lodge wero in attendance . The
R . W . Master immediately called the brethren to order , when the following Grand Officers entered the Lodge , and were received with grand Masonic honours : M . W . Bro . Henry Morland , Grand Master lor all India , R . W . Bros . James Gibbs , Member of Council and District Grand Master under the Grand Lodge of England , Macintosh Balfour , Deputy Grand Master , K . R . Kama , Hon . Sub . Grand
Master , Rev . Chas . Gilder , Grand Chaplain , E . Freeborn , Hon . Past Grand Junior Warden , and a number of Masters and Officers of Sister Lodges . A fraternal invitation had been sent to the members of the Craft on the Flag Ship of Admiral Macdouald , on the Indian station , and of H . M . S . Undaunted , now refitting in the harbour . A number of the officers and crew availed themselves of the
hospitality so kindly proffered , and proved an agreeable accession to this influential assemblage . On the M . W . the Grand Master ascending the dais , the Ti . W . Master handed him the Hiram , when the usual inquiries were made , and findiug everything satisfactory , he returned the Hiram to the R . W . Master , and congratulated him on the highly efficient state of the Lodge , particularly on its flourishing financial
condition . The Lodgo having been passed to the F . C . degree , the W . Master elect was introduced and presented for installation . Having given assent to tho regulations of the Grand Lodgo , he took the oath de ficleli , after which the Lodge was raised to the sublime degree of M . Masons . A Lodge of Installed Masters having been formed , R . M . Bro . Lang was duly inducted into the Orient chair , after
which the Lodge was reduced , and the brethren who had retired were re-admitted , and called npon to salute him iu form . The new W . M . having returned thanks for the high honour conferred upon him , proceeded to appoint the followingbrethrcnasoffice-bearersforthe ensuing year : Bros . Taylor S . M ., Clarke D . M ., Rodger S . W ., Doolittle J . W ., HanscheerTreas ., Pirrie Sec , Cooper S . D ., Ogg J . D ., Roberts I . G ., Smith
Tyler . This concluded the business of the evening , and was succeeded by a banquet , which was a great success , aud to which nearly 100 breth . ren sat down . The usual toasts followed , the health of the R . W . Master being proposed by the M . W . the Grand Master , and received with the greatest enthusiasm . During the evening some excellent songs were sung by the members and visitors , ono of which , by a brother of the Undaunted , drew forth special applause .
We understand that the movement in favour of the formation of a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge for North and East Yorkshire , initiated by the York Mark Lodge ( time immemorial ) , has been suspended , it having been
found that a large proportion of the brethren in the Province are opposed to such an organisation , on the ground that the number of Lodges ( four ) does nofc justif y the expense necessarily involved .
The Secretary of the Masonic Mutual Benefit Society of Indiana announces in the columns of the Masonio Advocate that five benefits , amounting together to ; i- < .. sum of 20 , 689 dols . 51 cents , were paid during the preceding month , raising the total benefits paid iu first division to
1 , 321 , 853 dollars ' 20 cents . During the same period the sums received and paid ovnr into tbe hands of tho Treasurer amounted to 18 , 0 UU Uoiiars , racing the amount in tlie Treasury since the seventh annual meeting to 114 , 000 dollars . We learn from the same source that a similar
institution in Connecticut has been three j ears m existence , and is proving a great success . Willi over tifi ten hundred members , it had but five deaths during the past year .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings. &C
JTaeaulay and William Beattie , of the Frederick of Unity Chapter , were ballotted for and approved for installation , and Comps . Captain Gilbert , F . J . Macaulay , and W . Beattie being in attendance , were duly installed iu tho Order , receiving their honours at the baud of the Great Prior . A donation of £ 5 os was voted to the Royal
Masonic Institution for Girls , and subscriptions of £ 1 Is per annum to it , and also to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Colonel Randolph was elected as Preceptor for the ensuing year , and Captain Portlock Dadson as Treasurer . Several Companions wero proposed
for ballot and installation at the meeting in May , and after a cordial rote of thanks had been passed by acclamation to the Great Prior for his presence , the Preceptory was closed in solemn form , aud the Great Prior retired under the Arch of Steel .
The Bayard Chapter , Rose Croix , mot at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., on Tuesday , 13 th March , at 5 p . m . 111 Bros . Lient .-Colcnel H . S . Somerville Burnoy 31 ° M . W . S ., Major Shadwell H . Clarke G . Sec . Gon . 33 ° , H . D . Samlcman 33 ° , Raphael Costa D . l . G . 33 ° , W . Hydo Pullen 33 ° , Captain Portlock Dadson 32 ° ,
Frank Richardson 30 ° , Major J . R . Pearson R . A . 30 ; Bros , tho Rev . C . J . Ridgeway M . A . as High Prelate , Captain R . P . Leeson , Captain W . S . Gilbert , Robert Fyers , Major F . C . Wemyss , J . W . Waldron , tho Rev . Lloyd Cosmo Williams , Captain Henry S . Andrews , Lieut .
A . Hamilton Des Barres R . M ., Captain Henry Burton 76 th regiment , Herr Edouard H . F . Sauerbrey ; and , as a visitor , Bro . E . M . Lott , of the Canterbury Chapter , Rose Croix . Bros . Captain Henry Burton , 76 th regiment , of Lodge 4-21 , and Herr Eduard Heinrich Ferdinand Sauerbrey , of Lodge 1615 , were duly perfected in the 18 ° .
The Canterbury Lodge , No . 1635 , met at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., on Tnesday , 20 th March . W . Bro . tho Rev . Dr . John Robbins M . A . W . Master . Several candidates were initiated into the Order , and brethren duly advanced to the 2 nd and 3 rd degrees . Bro . the Rev . F . Kill Harford M . A . was elected as W . M . for the ensuing year .
The St . Peter and St . Paul Chapter , Rose Croix , met at the Masonio Hall , Bath , on Wednesday , 21 st March , at half past 7 . 111 . Bro . Thomas Jowitt 32 ° M . W . Sov . For the election of the M . W . S . and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
The Bladud Preceptory , K . T ., met at the Masonic Hall , Bath , on Thursday , 22 ud March , at 8 p . m . Sir Knt . W . E . Reeves E . P . For the reception of candidates , and the election of the Eminent Preceptor and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
The Talbot Chapter , Rose CroiX , met at the Freemasons ' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield , on Friday , 16 th March , at 5 p . m . E . Bro . Alexander Hay M . W . Sov . For the perfection of candidates , and election of the M . W . Sov . and Treasurer for the ensuing year .
Cornwall Chapter , Rose Croix . —At the meeting of this Chapter , at Truro , on Wednesday , 14 th March . E . Bro . the Rev . George Ross M . A . M . W . Sov . Two brethren were duly perfected in the 18 ° .
The Oxford University Chapter , Rose Croix , met at the Apollo Lodgo , Oxford , on Friday , 16 th March , at 8 p . m . 111 . Bro . Colonel the Hon . W . E . Sackville West 31 ° M . W . Sov . Two brethren were duly perfected in tho 18 ° .
The Shakespeare Chapter , Rose Croix , met at the Masonic Rooms , Warwick , on Thursday , 22 nd March , at 5 . 25 p . m . 111 . Bro . A . F . Godson M . A . 32 ° M . W . Sov . For the perfection of cauclidates .
The St . Mary Chapter , Rose Croix , will meet at the Town Hall , Wirksworth , Derbyshire , on Wednesday , 28 th March , at 2 p . m . 111 . Bro . William Milligan 30 ° M . W . Sov . For the perfection of candidates , & c .
The Bayard Lodge , No . 1615 , will hold a meeting of emergency at the Masonic Hall , 33 Golden-square , W ., on Monday , 26 th March , at 4 p . m . W . Bro . Lieut .-Colonel H . S . Somerville Burney , P . G . D . of Essex , W . M .
Islam Lodge , No . 490 , S . C . —This Mahomedau Lodge was officially inaugurated at a special meeting held on the 30 th January last , when , surrounded by a large number of tho most influential Past Masters , office-bearers , and members of the other Lodges in Bombay , the R . W . Master elect , Bro . Francis Turner , was duly installed by the M . W ., the Grand Master of all India , Bro . H . G .
Morland , who conducted the interesting ceremony with that tact , thoroughness , and ability for which he is conspicuous , and which has won for him , on all sides , the envious and honourable position of being recognised and respected as one of the most efficient rulers of the Ancient Craft in the East . Immediately after the opening of the Lodge , the arrival of the Grand
Lodge was announced , and the M . W . Grand Master was admitted and saluted with all the honours . He was accompanied by R . vy , Bros . Manockjee Cnrsetjee , Hon . P . Sub-Master , K . R . Kama , Hon . P . Sub-Master , Geo . B . Thomson , Hon . P . Warden ; Bros . Frant Grand Cleik , H . Holland G . Sword Bearer , J . C . Houghland Grand Tyler , and several others . The Hiram having been handed to the
M . W . the Grand Master , he raised tbe Lodge , and proceeded with tho installation of Bro . Turner , who has worked the Lodge for some months , under a special dispensation , as the first W . M . The newly installed W . Master was proclaimed and saluted according to due and ancient form , in the several degrees , aud after tha transaction
of some formal business , the R . W . Master proceeded to appoint the following brethren as officers for the ensuing twelve months , viz . : — R . W . Bros . E . Freeborn D . M ., C . Matthews S . M . ; W . Bros . Mirza Ali Ackbar Khan , Bahadoor , S . W ., Mhir Ali Mahamed Patell J . W . ; Bros . R . il . Seanea Treasurer , S , H , Cassim Secretary , Kajee Bhurawoodeeu
S . D ., Mhir Abdool Ali Khan J . D ., Hussan Hajeo Ludah I . G ., Mirza Hussau Khau Tyler . After receiving the congratulations of tho numerous Past Masters on tho dais , the Lodgo was duly closed , when the brethren and tho guests adjourned to refreshuient , and the
usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to . The auspicious opening of this new acquisition to the roll of Lodges in Western India , induces the hope that it will rapidly enlist under its banner many of our Mahomedan citizens who aro worthy of admission into tho Ancient Craft .
Caledonia Lodge , No . 490 , S . C . -Wednesday , 31 st Jannary last will long bo held in happy remembrance by tho numerous members of this prosperous Lodge , as being one of the most cordial re-unions which has characterised its operations since its establishmont . Caledonia has been fortnnato in tho careful selection of its
officers dnnngtho few years of its existence , but , without wishing to draw any invidious comparison , iu none moro so than iu the gentleman whoso term of office as R . W . M . has jnst terminated . The Lodge assembled at 7 . 30 , and was opened in the usual manner when •hero were present—Bros . G . B . Thomson 32 ° W . M ., Rodger 30 ° S . W ., J . Y . Lang 30 ° J . W ., Archibald Taylor S . M . as S . D ., Thorpe S . M . as
J . D ., Allan Treas ., Ogg I . G ., W . Smith Tylor , and a largo attendance of members and visitors , upwards of one hundred and thirty being present , including some of the oldest and most influential members of the Craft in Western India , On tbe dais wero W . Bros . Mackenzie , Fred Cull , MacClumpha , Mitchell and other Past Masters . The minutes of the previous regular meeting having been read and
confirmed , Bro . John Young Lang J . W . of the Lodge , having been unani . mously chosen for the position of W . M . for the ensuing year , was presented by P . M . E . M . Walton for installation . Previously , however , the important announcement was made that tho M . W . the Grand Master of all Scottish Fremasoury in India , Bro . Captain Henry J . Morland , and the officers of his Grand Lodge wero in attendance . The
R . W . Master immediately called the brethren to order , when the following Grand Officers entered the Lodge , and were received with grand Masonic honours : M . W . Bro . Henry Morland , Grand Master lor all India , R . W . Bros . James Gibbs , Member of Council and District Grand Master under the Grand Lodge of England , Macintosh Balfour , Deputy Grand Master , K . R . Kama , Hon . Sub . Grand
Master , Rev . Chas . Gilder , Grand Chaplain , E . Freeborn , Hon . Past Grand Junior Warden , and a number of Masters and Officers of Sister Lodges . A fraternal invitation had been sent to the members of the Craft on the Flag Ship of Admiral Macdouald , on the Indian station , and of H . M . S . Undaunted , now refitting in the harbour . A number of the officers and crew availed themselves of the
hospitality so kindly proffered , and proved an agreeable accession to this influential assemblage . On the M . W . the Grand Master ascending the dais , the Ti . W . Master handed him the Hiram , when the usual inquiries were made , and findiug everything satisfactory , he returned the Hiram to the R . W . Master , and congratulated him on the highly efficient state of the Lodge , particularly on its flourishing financial
condition . The Lodgo having been passed to the F . C . degree , the W . Master elect was introduced and presented for installation . Having given assent to tho regulations of the Grand Lodgo , he took the oath de ficleli , after which the Lodge was raised to the sublime degree of M . Masons . A Lodge of Installed Masters having been formed , R . M . Bro . Lang was duly inducted into the Orient chair , after
which the Lodge was reduced , and the brethren who had retired were re-admitted , and called npon to salute him iu form . The new W . M . having returned thanks for the high honour conferred upon him , proceeded to appoint the followingbrethrcnasoffice-bearersforthe ensuing year : Bros . Taylor S . M ., Clarke D . M ., Rodger S . W ., Doolittle J . W ., HanscheerTreas ., Pirrie Sec , Cooper S . D ., Ogg J . D ., Roberts I . G ., Smith
Tyler . This concluded the business of the evening , and was succeeded by a banquet , which was a great success , aud to which nearly 100 breth . ren sat down . The usual toasts followed , the health of the R . W . Master being proposed by the M . W . the Grand Master , and received with the greatest enthusiasm . During the evening some excellent songs were sung by the members and visitors , ono of which , by a brother of the Undaunted , drew forth special applause .
We understand that the movement in favour of the formation of a Provincial Grand Mark Lodge for North and East Yorkshire , initiated by the York Mark Lodge ( time immemorial ) , has been suspended , it having been
found that a large proportion of the brethren in the Province are opposed to such an organisation , on the ground that the number of Lodges ( four ) does nofc justif y the expense necessarily involved .
The Secretary of the Masonic Mutual Benefit Society of Indiana announces in the columns of the Masonio Advocate that five benefits , amounting together to ; i- < .. sum of 20 , 689 dols . 51 cents , were paid during the preceding month , raising the total benefits paid iu first division to
1 , 321 , 853 dollars ' 20 cents . During the same period the sums received and paid ovnr into tbe hands of tho Treasurer amounted to 18 , 0 UU Uoiiars , racing the amount in tlie Treasury since the seventh annual meeting to 114 , 000 dollars . We learn from the same source that a similar
institution in Connecticut has been three j ears m existence , and is proving a great success . Willi over tifi ten hundred members , it had but five deaths during the past year .