Article MOVEABLE GRAND MARK LODGE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article MOVEABLE GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 3 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
Mark Grand Masters in the past ; he could assure the brethren that in former years Mark Masters had no light difficulties to contend with , for there was every discouragement thrown in the way of Mark Masonry some years ago , and it was extremely difficult for them to bear up against
it . Still they did , and according to the opportunities they had , they did their best . It was not likely that such an institution could be easily dislodged , and working hard , as the brethren did , they became recognised in every Masonic quarter , till at last they obtained their present proud
position , and were acknowledged in every quarter of the globe where Masonry was known . He had travelled in different countries , and had seen a great want of organisation in Mark Masonry . In some countries the Grand Lodge
presided over it ; m other countries the Grand Chapter was the superior authority . This Grand Lodge sprang into existence from the fact of Lodges meeting together and forming themselves into a Grand Lodo-e . The Grand
Lodge of England was caused by similar circumstances . Mark Masons had , therefore , an equal right to form themselves into a Grand Lodge . Allnsioh had been made to the labours of the Past Grand Masters , but there was one brother to whom justice ought to be done . That brother ,
the Rev . George Raymond Portal , was unavoidably absent , but it was due to his energy that the great difficulties and discouragements had been overcome , and the Grand Ladge of Mark Masons established on a firm basis . The other Past Masters would disclaim any wish to compete with
him for the honours which were due to his position . They -were all greatly indebted to him , and they might fairly congratulate themselves on the position which Mark Masonry had taken . He was exceedingly glad to have been present that day , and he thanked all the Mark brethren of West
Yorkshire for their splendid hospitality and for the grand attendance there had been . When he -was Grand Master the Moveable Grand Lodge was held at Hull , and there was a magnificent reception . He was very glad that the institution of a Moveable Grand Mark Lodge had
been kept up . Ever since it was started it had succeeded , and by that means the working of Mark Masonry in different parts of England had , he thought , improved . He again thanked the brethren for their magnificent reception of the Grand Lodge , and he hoped it would be productive of benefit and prosperity to the Order .
Bro . Beach next proposed " The E < irl of Kintore , Deputy Grand Master , and tbe rest of the Grand Officers . " " The health of tbe Provincial Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire , Bro . J . W . Woodall , " was proposed by Bro . Matier .
Bro . J . W . Woodall responded . It was a pleasure , he said , to find himself among his brethren of West , Yorkshire . He bad been advanced to the degree in a Lodge at Bradford , where he also was admitted a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . In Scarborough particularly
they seemed to be an annexe of the West Riding , dependent on an influx of visitors from that part , of the county so much that he almost thought they were not quite somuch an agriculturist ' s district as an offshoot of a great industrial centre of the county . He was
exceedmg ' y pleased to be present and receive at the hands of the Worshipful Master the distinction that had been conferred on him . ^ He trusted he should be able to discharge his duties with satisfaction to the whole of the brethren over
whom he bad been called to rule . If the brethren of Yorkshire worked shoulder to shoulder it mattered not , whether they came from the east or the west . They had done it before , and they would do it again .
Bro . Beach proposed " The W . M . of the Britannia Lodge , " and expressed the great pleasure he had experienced in seeing the ceremonies so ably carried out as they had been that day . The work had been done perfectly , and that work testified to the great interest the brethren had taken in the Order . The W . M . and the brethren who
supported him were all perfect in their work , and it was but just to them that their ability should be recognised . He was glad that the W . M . entered on his year of office with such promise , if what they seen that day was an omen
of success in the future . The Grand Lodge owed the brethren a great debt of gratitude for the way in which they had consulted their convenience , and endeavoured to make the visit to Sheffield pleasant and agreeable .
Bro . Gatty W . M . Britannia Lodge responded , and was pleased on behalf of the Sheffield brethren that the reception had met with the approbation of tbe Grand Lodge . He did uot claim to himself any credit for the success of
Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
the meeting , although he was exceedingly proud to have entertained such au assemblage . The Sheffield brethren had hardly anticipated it , though they had endeavoured to bring it about . He was sure that what had taken place
that day would be an incitement to the Sheffield brethren to forward the interests of Freemasonry . The day had really been a red-letter day for Masonry in the Province . Other toasts followed .
In the course of the evening a vote of condolence was passed to Mrs . Garfield , the widow of the late Brother President Garfield , in her affliction . Before the proceedings terminated , the Grand Master in
the chair proposed , and Bro . Reaney seconded , a vote of thanks to the firm of Messrs . John Brown & Co . for their kindness in allowing an inspection of their works b y the brethren , who had expressed their high appreciation of the instructive visit of the morning .
Installation Meetings, &C.
ST . ANDREW'S LODGE , No . 1817 .
0 "N Friday , the 16 th instant , the Annual Installation Dinner of this Lodge took places at the Cambridge Hotel , Shoeburyness , having been postponed from last month on account of the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . The brethren assembled in the Lodge room at three o ' clock p . m ., and after all business had been disposed of , Lodge was closed . At five o'clock the members and visitors sat
down to an excellent banquet , provided by the host , Bro . J . Aylmg , under the gen ' nl presidency of Bro . J . M . Farr , the Worshipful Master . Tho following Officers of the Lodge were present : — Worsbipfnl Bro . J . G . Glasscock Prov . Grand S . B . Immediate Past Master ; Bros . 0 . Floyd Sen . Warden , H . Church Jnn . Warden , W . C . Eltham P . M . P . P . G . P . Treasurer , J . W . Harris P . M . 1000
P . P . A . G . D . C . Secretarv . S . Turner S . D ., J . T-vlor jun . J . D ., J . A . Warrlell P . M . 160 and 1000 P . Z . 1000 P . P . G . D . D . C , E . D . Bacon Organist , J . Avling I . G ., E . Gunnell Steward . The other members of the L ^ lge who attended being : —W . Bros . Albert Lncking P . M . 166 and 1000 P . Z 1000 P . G . D . C , W . Capt . Wm . Smith Cox P . M . 1000 P . P . G . S . B , W . Rev . H . J . Hatch P . M . 160 P . Z . 1000 P . P . G . Chaplain , W . G . Berrv W . M . 1000 , J . N . Carey , A . W . Pettv , W . Y . Ogden , and W . Kirkwood . While the visitors inclnded—W . Bros . Captain Weston P . M . 1356 M . E . Z P . G . S . B . Kent ,
William Pissev P . M . 160 nnd 1734 P . P . J . G . W . M . E . Z . 1000 . F . G . Green P . M . 276 and 1024 P . P S . G . W ., D . J . Wright W . M . 1024 , J . F . Harrington I . P . M . 160 P . G . P ., H . Harper W . M . 160 ; Bros . W . Kilpin S . D . 160 . J . F . Barrett S . W . 1000 , Sidney Smith I . G . 1734 , L . Warrpti Jan . 1000 , & c . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ; these wero interspersed with music and singing , and a very enjoyable evening was spent . During the evening a valuable Past Master's jewel was presented to the I . P . M . of the Lodge .
The Emblematic Lodge of Instruction , No . 1321 . — For Master Masons ( recently formed ) has removed to Bro . B H Swallow ' s , the " Goat a--d Star , " Swall , w Street , Regent ' s Street , W . At the first meeting in this house on Wednesday , the 7 th inst ., the following members were present , viz : Bro . C . A . CotteWrune P . M . P . G . P . prpsirling as W . M ., Forrest S . W . 1321 as S . W ., K ' rkaHy as
J . W ., G . F . Swan P . M . 1321 Hon . Sec . F . T . Edgington W . M 1321 , G . Willson J . W . 1321 , Fendick S . D . 1321 , H . Reed P . M . 733 , Smith P . M ., B . H . Swallow P . M . 1563 . It was proposed and seconded " That tho fntnre meetings of the Emblematic Lodge of Instruction , No . 1321 , be held at the above house every Wednesday evening at 8 p . m . At a meeting held in the same house on Wednesday the 14 th September ,
the above resolution was confirmed , on this occasion there were prespnt Bros . G . Willson W . M ., Kirkaldy S . W ., H . W . Percy J . W ., Cottebrune P . G . P . as Preceptor , G . F . Swan Hon . Sec , Forrest , E . J . Scott , and the following brethren , who were elected members , Bros . J . DocVer W . M . 1687 , Dean W . M . 1900 , Shand W . M . 1563 , Percy
1853 , Boypll 1321 , Richmond 975 , B . H . Swallow P . M . 382 1563 , Jones 27 , F . Green 1687 . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , and some of the sections in the first and second degrees were worked . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by Bro . Docker on the last Wednesday in this month . Brethren being Master Masons are invited to join . Customary Lodge of Instruction fees .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on 20 th inst . Present Bros . Pavitt W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Power J . W ., Smith S . D ., Prosser J . D ., Rodrlnm I . G , Smith Acting Preceptor , also Bros . T . Cope , Day , Bourne , Willoughby , & c . Lodge being regularly opened , Bro . T .
Cope answered the necessary questions , and being entrusted , Lodge was opened in tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M . Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bra Johnson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when sections only will be worked . The Lodge was regularly closed and adjourned to Tuesday , 27 th inst .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426-A meeting was held at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Basinghall Street , E . C , on Thursday , -2 nd September , wheu thore was a good attend-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
Mark Grand Masters in the past ; he could assure the brethren that in former years Mark Masters had no light difficulties to contend with , for there was every discouragement thrown in the way of Mark Masonry some years ago , and it was extremely difficult for them to bear up against
it . Still they did , and according to the opportunities they had , they did their best . It was not likely that such an institution could be easily dislodged , and working hard , as the brethren did , they became recognised in every Masonic quarter , till at last they obtained their present proud
position , and were acknowledged in every quarter of the globe where Masonry was known . He had travelled in different countries , and had seen a great want of organisation in Mark Masonry . In some countries the Grand Lodge
presided over it ; m other countries the Grand Chapter was the superior authority . This Grand Lodge sprang into existence from the fact of Lodges meeting together and forming themselves into a Grand Lodo-e . The Grand
Lodge of England was caused by similar circumstances . Mark Masons had , therefore , an equal right to form themselves into a Grand Lodge . Allnsioh had been made to the labours of the Past Grand Masters , but there was one brother to whom justice ought to be done . That brother ,
the Rev . George Raymond Portal , was unavoidably absent , but it was due to his energy that the great difficulties and discouragements had been overcome , and the Grand Ladge of Mark Masons established on a firm basis . The other Past Masters would disclaim any wish to compete with
him for the honours which were due to his position . They -were all greatly indebted to him , and they might fairly congratulate themselves on the position which Mark Masonry had taken . He was exceedingly glad to have been present that day , and he thanked all the Mark brethren of West
Yorkshire for their splendid hospitality and for the grand attendance there had been . When he -was Grand Master the Moveable Grand Lodge was held at Hull , and there was a magnificent reception . He was very glad that the institution of a Moveable Grand Mark Lodge had
been kept up . Ever since it was started it had succeeded , and by that means the working of Mark Masonry in different parts of England had , he thought , improved . He again thanked the brethren for their magnificent reception of the Grand Lodge , and he hoped it would be productive of benefit and prosperity to the Order .
Bro . Beach next proposed " The E < irl of Kintore , Deputy Grand Master , and tbe rest of the Grand Officers . " " The health of tbe Provincial Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire , Bro . J . W . Woodall , " was proposed by Bro . Matier .
Bro . J . W . Woodall responded . It was a pleasure , he said , to find himself among his brethren of West , Yorkshire . He bad been advanced to the degree in a Lodge at Bradford , where he also was admitted a member of the Ancient and Accepted Rite . In Scarborough particularly
they seemed to be an annexe of the West Riding , dependent on an influx of visitors from that part , of the county so much that he almost thought they were not quite somuch an agriculturist ' s district as an offshoot of a great industrial centre of the county . He was
exceedmg ' y pleased to be present and receive at the hands of the Worshipful Master the distinction that had been conferred on him . ^ He trusted he should be able to discharge his duties with satisfaction to the whole of the brethren over
whom he bad been called to rule . If the brethren of Yorkshire worked shoulder to shoulder it mattered not , whether they came from the east or the west . They had done it before , and they would do it again .
Bro . Beach proposed " The W . M . of the Britannia Lodge , " and expressed the great pleasure he had experienced in seeing the ceremonies so ably carried out as they had been that day . The work had been done perfectly , and that work testified to the great interest the brethren had taken in the Order . The W . M . and the brethren who
supported him were all perfect in their work , and it was but just to them that their ability should be recognised . He was glad that the W . M . entered on his year of office with such promise , if what they seen that day was an omen
of success in the future . The Grand Lodge owed the brethren a great debt of gratitude for the way in which they had consulted their convenience , and endeavoured to make the visit to Sheffield pleasant and agreeable .
Bro . Gatty W . M . Britannia Lodge responded , and was pleased on behalf of the Sheffield brethren that the reception had met with the approbation of tbe Grand Lodge . He did uot claim to himself any credit for the success of
Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
the meeting , although he was exceedingly proud to have entertained such au assemblage . The Sheffield brethren had hardly anticipated it , though they had endeavoured to bring it about . He was sure that what had taken place
that day would be an incitement to the Sheffield brethren to forward the interests of Freemasonry . The day had really been a red-letter day for Masonry in the Province . Other toasts followed .
In the course of the evening a vote of condolence was passed to Mrs . Garfield , the widow of the late Brother President Garfield , in her affliction . Before the proceedings terminated , the Grand Master in
the chair proposed , and Bro . Reaney seconded , a vote of thanks to the firm of Messrs . John Brown & Co . for their kindness in allowing an inspection of their works b y the brethren , who had expressed their high appreciation of the instructive visit of the morning .
Installation Meetings, &C.
ST . ANDREW'S LODGE , No . 1817 .
0 "N Friday , the 16 th instant , the Annual Installation Dinner of this Lodge took places at the Cambridge Hotel , Shoeburyness , having been postponed from last month on account of the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge . The brethren assembled in the Lodge room at three o ' clock p . m ., and after all business had been disposed of , Lodge was closed . At five o'clock the members and visitors sat
down to an excellent banquet , provided by the host , Bro . J . Aylmg , under the gen ' nl presidency of Bro . J . M . Farr , the Worshipful Master . Tho following Officers of the Lodge were present : — Worsbipfnl Bro . J . G . Glasscock Prov . Grand S . B . Immediate Past Master ; Bros . 0 . Floyd Sen . Warden , H . Church Jnn . Warden , W . C . Eltham P . M . P . P . G . P . Treasurer , J . W . Harris P . M . 1000
P . P . A . G . D . C . Secretarv . S . Turner S . D ., J . T-vlor jun . J . D ., J . A . Warrlell P . M . 160 and 1000 P . Z . 1000 P . P . G . D . D . C , E . D . Bacon Organist , J . Avling I . G ., E . Gunnell Steward . The other members of the L ^ lge who attended being : —W . Bros . Albert Lncking P . M . 166 and 1000 P . Z 1000 P . G . D . C , W . Capt . Wm . Smith Cox P . M . 1000 P . P . G . S . B , W . Rev . H . J . Hatch P . M . 160 P . Z . 1000 P . P . G . Chaplain , W . G . Berrv W . M . 1000 , J . N . Carey , A . W . Pettv , W . Y . Ogden , and W . Kirkwood . While the visitors inclnded—W . Bros . Captain Weston P . M . 1356 M . E . Z P . G . S . B . Kent ,
William Pissev P . M . 160 nnd 1734 P . P . J . G . W . M . E . Z . 1000 . F . G . Green P . M . 276 and 1024 P . P S . G . W ., D . J . Wright W . M . 1024 , J . F . Harrington I . P . M . 160 P . G . P ., H . Harper W . M . 160 ; Bros . W . Kilpin S . D . 160 . J . F . Barrett S . W . 1000 , Sidney Smith I . G . 1734 , L . Warrpti Jan . 1000 , & c . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured ; these wero interspersed with music and singing , and a very enjoyable evening was spent . During the evening a valuable Past Master's jewel was presented to the I . P . M . of the Lodge .
The Emblematic Lodge of Instruction , No . 1321 . — For Master Masons ( recently formed ) has removed to Bro . B H Swallow ' s , the " Goat a--d Star , " Swall , w Street , Regent ' s Street , W . At the first meeting in this house on Wednesday , the 7 th inst ., the following members were present , viz : Bro . C . A . CotteWrune P . M . P . G . P . prpsirling as W . M ., Forrest S . W . 1321 as S . W ., K ' rkaHy as
J . W ., G . F . Swan P . M . 1321 Hon . Sec . F . T . Edgington W . M 1321 , G . Willson J . W . 1321 , Fendick S . D . 1321 , H . Reed P . M . 733 , Smith P . M ., B . H . Swallow P . M . 1563 . It was proposed and seconded " That tho fntnre meetings of the Emblematic Lodge of Instruction , No . 1321 , be held at the above house every Wednesday evening at 8 p . m . At a meeting held in the same house on Wednesday the 14 th September ,
the above resolution was confirmed , on this occasion there were prespnt Bros . G . Willson W . M ., Kirkaldy S . W ., H . W . Percy J . W ., Cottebrune P . G . P . as Preceptor , G . F . Swan Hon . Sec , Forrest , E . J . Scott , and the following brethren , who were elected members , Bros . J . DocVer W . M . 1687 , Dean W . M . 1900 , Shand W . M . 1563 , Percy
1853 , Boypll 1321 , Richmond 975 , B . H . Swallow P . M . 382 1563 , Jones 27 , F . Green 1687 . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , and some of the sections in the first and second degrees were worked . The ceremony of installation will be rehearsed by Bro . Docker on the last Wednesday in this month . Brethren being Master Masons are invited to join . Customary Lodge of Instruction fees .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349 . —Held at Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Arms , Canning Town , on 20 th inst . Present Bros . Pavitt W . M ., Johnson S . W ., Power J . W ., Smith S . D ., Prosser J . D ., Rodrlnm I . G , Smith Acting Preceptor , also Bros . T . Cope , Day , Bourne , Willoughby , & c . Lodge being regularly opened , Bro . T .
Cope answered the necessary questions , and being entrusted , Lodge was opened in tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M . Lodge was closed to the first degree , and Bra Johnson was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , when sections only will be worked . The Lodge was regularly closed and adjourned to Tuesday , 27 th inst .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426-A meeting was held at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Basinghall Street , E . C , on Thursday , -2 nd September , wheu thore was a good attend-