Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 2
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Installation Meetings, &C.
nnoe of brethren . The ceremony of Installation will be worked on Thursday next , 29 'h in « t ., bv Bro . H . J . Lard nor W . M . Fnrringd-in Without , 1745 . Tho Lodge will bo oppned at R . 30 o . m . ; all brethren interested in working aro cordially invited to bo present .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1583 . —Met after the recess on Thnrsdav , 22 nd inst ., nt the Regent Masonic Hall , Air . street , W . Present : —Bros . J . E . Shand W . M ., J . Hancock as S . W ., J . Waugh J . W ., W . Smith as S . D ., A . J . Hammond J . D ., T . Eastgate I . G , Hoare Organist , B . H . Swallow P . M . Treasurer , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., E . S . Scott Secretarv , B . Turner P . M ., F . C . Bonham ,
J . Edell , H . E . Benham , A . St . rovens , KohW , Moreton , nnd others . Visitors-Brno . B . Lemero W . M . 193 . J . Blundell W . M . 742 , J . MnrW P . M . 1257 . The bnsinpss comprised the confirming the minntps of Lodge mepthig of 28 th April , and also Lodgo of Emergency of 30 th June 1881 . Bros . Dnrant and Newman were raispd to the degree of
M . M ., Bro . Brander was passed , and Mr . C . Radcliffe initiated . In the election of W . M . Bro . Waugh J . W . was chosen . Bro . Shand was unanimously elected Treasurer , upon the resignation of Bro . Swallow . The Bye-Laws were read ; Auditors appointed , and Trustees elected to the Benevolent Fnnd . A Past Master ' s jewel and collar was voted to tho W . M . for his services in the chair . The brethren after , wards dined at the Cafo Royal , when the usual toasts were honoured .
Lodge Of Israel , No . 1502 . —The first meeting of this Lodge after the summer vacation took place on Monday , at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , where thpre was a large gathering of brethren . Bro . S . J Honochsberg W . M . presided , and he was supported by a full complement of P . M . 's and Officers , th ^ re being also present nnmerous visitors from other Lodges . The business of the evening embraced the second degree , which was most admirably
given by the W . M ., assisted by his efficient staff of Officers . On the motion of Bro . H . A . Tobias I . P . M .. seconded by Bro . R . Robinson P . M . P . P . G . R ., and supported by Bro . M . Aronsberg S . W ., a substantial sum was voted from the funds of the Lodge in aid of the widow of a deceased brother of the Alliance Lodge , No . 6 B 7 , Bro . Bucknall J . W .. stating that the sum of £ 110 had already been raised for the relief of the widow whos > e case had been brought forward . A
note was read from Bro . B . Levy D . C , acknowledging receipt of a letter of sympathy from the members of tho Lodge in connection with a recent family bereavement . The S W . ( Bro . Aronsberg ) reported that the snm of £ 30 had l ately been voted from the Fund of Benevolence attached to the Lodge in aid of a distressed brother . During the after-binquet proceedings a very valnable gilt
drawingroom clock and vases , accompanied by an illuminated address embodying sentiments of a truly fraternal nature , were presented , to Bro . S . J . Honochsberg W . M . as a marriage gift , subscribed for by brethren of the Lodge nf Israel . The presentation was made in excellent terms by Bro . H . A . Tobins I . P . M ., and most suitably
acknowledged by the Worshipful Master . It may be stated that Bro . Heuochsberg was also presented on tho occasion of his marriage with a handsome dining-rcom marble clock and emblazoned address by the employes of thp firm with which he is connected ( Messrs . Honochsberg and Ellis ) .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612—A meeting was held on Thursday , 15 th inst ., at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing . Present—Bros . J . Green W . M ., W . Seward S . W ., C Bellerby J . W ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , J . Wells Spcretary , C 0 . Walter J . D ., C Andrews P . M . I . G ., H . Kasner P . M ., Bros . J . W . Woolmer , Gasson , E . C Porter , E . T . Brown , J . J Clarke , Cunning .
ham . Business : —The Lodge was opened in due form and the minntes of previous meeting were rend , confirmed , and signed . Bro . J . W . Woolmer answered the questions leading to second deuree . Lodge was opened in second degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . J . W . Woolmer candidate . The Lodge
was closed in the second degree . On an intimation made by Bro . Preceptor Tucker , it wns agreed to invite Bro . Morgan to read one of his papers on Freemasonry , at this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . W . Seward was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , Mo . 1625 . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 12 th instant , at the Royal Hotel , Mile Endroad , E . Present : —Bros . Wooding W . M ., Loane S . W ., Hnbbert J . W ., Barnes Treasurer , Stewart Honorary Secretary , Clements S . D ., Cook J . D ., Hammond I . G . ; also Bros . Johnson , Wheatly , Austen , Scheerboom , Sturtevant , Brittain . Visitor—Bro . Moore P . M . 20 .
Lodge opened in duo form . Bro . Brittain , as candidate for the second degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in the second , and tbe ceremony of passing was rehearsed . It was proposed by Bro . Barnes , aud seconded by Bro . Stewart , that Bro . T . Wooding act as Preceptor pro tem . This was carried unanimously , and then Lodge wns closed in due form . On Monday , 19 th instant , Bros . Cundick W . M ., Clements S . W ., C
Kendall J . W ., Barnes I . G ., T . Wooding Preceptor , Steward Honorary Secretary ; also Bros . Andrews and Johnson . After preliminaries , the ^ W . M . rehearsed the cerpmony of the third degree , Bro . Johnson acting as candidate . The W . M . worked the first , second , and third section s of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Clements was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . T . Wooding having been now installed Preceptor of the Lodge , let us hope the brethren at the & ast of London will give him their warm support .
Crusaders Lodge of Instruction , No . 1677—At the meeting of this Lodge , held at St . John's Gate , Clerkenvvell , on Thursda y , 15 th September . There were present Bros . F . Rothschild W . M .,
Installation Meetings, &C.
T . Pingsfon S . W .. J . Fletcher J . W ., J . Rothschild S . D ., S . Rushton J D ., S . W . Reddall T . G .. Rohprt D . Cnmmings Preneptor , George U . Cqldfirwood Treasurer , Harold [ TaHid'iy Secretary , and other brethreu . Lodgo having been opened in dno form , tho minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed with the exception of ' the minute referring to tho alteration of the time of meeting of the Lodgo . The
per » monv of initiation was then rehearsed by Bro . F . Rothschild P . M . 1288 and W . M . elect of the mother Lodge , Bro . ICilderwood being eandidnte . Only thoso brethren who have had tho pleasure of hearing Bro . Rothschild ' s working enn know how excellently this was done , ind the hearty thanks it elicited . The Lodge was then called off . On being called on , Lodge was opened in the second degree , when
the ceremony of passing wa <* rehearsod in the same ofl' ectivo manner , Bro . Bvass acting as candidate . Tho Lodgo was then resumed in tho second degree , when Bro . Pingston was unanimously chosen W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed Officers in rotation . This ending the business of the evening , the Lodge was dosed in due form and adjourned until Thursday at 8 . 30 .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —On Mon . day , at , the Canonbury Tavern , Islington , N . Bros . P . M . Pearcy W . M ., Westfield S . W ., Defriez J . W ., Jordan S D ., Snook J . D .. Seeley I . G ., P . M . Trewinnard Preceptor , R . P . Forge Secretary ; Past Masters Killick sen ., Killick jun .. Fpnner . Gilham , Osborn W . M . 1602 , Clemens W . M . 1310 ; Bros . Hall , Thompson , Woodman , Longhurst , Guier ,
Lvnn , Speedy , Bird , Rowley , Powell , Jones , Aynsley , Morgan , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Powell offered himself as a candidate to be raised to the third degree ; he answered the necessary questions , and was entrusted . Lodge was then opened in the third , and tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The Lodge was resumed
to the second degree , when Bro . Morgan read a paper on the " Schism in English Masonry . " Bro . Westfield was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Morgan for his interesting paper , and the further compliment of honorary membership was conferred on him . After this had been suitably acknowledged , Lodge was closed .
A YORKSHIRE MUSICAL RELIC . —Mr . Willcocks , of 78 Ialedon Road , Finsbury Park , London , has acquired a very valuable old harpsichord , manufactured by Messrs . Longman and Broderip , the predecessors in the last century of Messrs . Collard and Collard . The instrument , which is on private view at Neumeyer Hall , Bloomsbury , London , is in highest state of presprvation , and it seems to be one of
tho best specimens of harpsichord we have inspected . Its history 13 known , and it can be traced back through the Yorkshire family in whose possession it has hepn for nearly a century . The tradition is that it originally cost £ 300 . The harpsichord has three separate actions , and four expressive stops , "lute , " "harp , " " guitar , " and " forte , " and it is of five octaves . It is also provided with a Venetian swell . The inscription on the name-plate is " Longman aud
Brndenp , mnsical instrument makers , No . 20 Cheapside , and 13 Haymarket , London . " Under the koys is stamped the name F . CuUiford , Fonntain Court , London , and the date 1785 . The instrument is in . fnll working order , and for pianoforte show rooms , museums , or other suitable places few finer specimens could be obtained of a time when the harpsichord was fast being pupplanted by the rapidly rising " forte piano" . —Musical Trades' Revieio .
DINING ROOJI CARS ON THE MIDLAND RAILWAY . —Encouraged by the success which has attended the introduction of dining room cars on the Great Northern Railway , the Midland Railway Company have decided to follow in the same direction . They intend to place a dining room car on all their exnrpss trains running between London , Manchester , and Liverpool . 'These cars are to be made by the
Pnllman Palace Car Company . The same company are making several new palace cars for the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway . Sinco the Brighton tragedy the demands made upon the Pullman car accommodation have been so great as to be in excess of what is at present at the disposal of the company . The directors have consequently decided to run a train each way every day to be composed entirely of Pullman cars .
Bro . Peyton S . Coles , the W . G . M . Virginia , with reference to the forthcoming ceremonial to be held at Yorktown , Va ., has issued tbe following invitation to the Grand Masters of the Thirteen States originally comprised in the Union . GRAND LODGE OF VIRGINIA , A . Y . M .
Grand Master's Office , Richmond , 1 st August 1881 . Mo 3 t Worshipful and Dear Sir , —The Centennial Anniversary of the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktowu has been deemed a fit occasion for the erection of a monument by the United States Govern . ment to commemorate that event . The Grand Lodge of Virginia has
hecn invited to perform the ceremony of laying the corner-stone . That duty will be discharged on the 18 th day of October next , and it is the earnest wish of all the brethren in Virginia that their sister Grand Lodges should participate , through their respective Grand Masters , in the hononr and the privilege . You arc , thorefore , most respectfully and cordially invited to be
present ou the occasion , and to assist us in the grateful office devolved upon us . We will be much gratified to hear of your acceptance , at your earliest convenience . I am , Truly and fraternally yours , PEYTON S . COLES G . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
nnoe of brethren . The ceremony of Installation will be worked on Thursday next , 29 'h in « t ., bv Bro . H . J . Lard nor W . M . Fnrringd-in Without , 1745 . Tho Lodge will bo oppned at R . 30 o . m . ; all brethren interested in working aro cordially invited to bo present .
City of Westminster Lodge , No . 1583 . —Met after the recess on Thnrsdav , 22 nd inst ., nt the Regent Masonic Hall , Air . street , W . Present : —Bros . J . E . Shand W . M ., J . Hancock as S . W ., J . Waugh J . W ., W . Smith as S . D ., A . J . Hammond J . D ., T . Eastgate I . G , Hoare Organist , B . H . Swallow P . M . Treasurer , C . A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., E . S . Scott Secretarv , B . Turner P . M ., F . C . Bonham ,
J . Edell , H . E . Benham , A . St . rovens , KohW , Moreton , nnd others . Visitors-Brno . B . Lemero W . M . 193 . J . Blundell W . M . 742 , J . MnrW P . M . 1257 . The bnsinpss comprised the confirming the minntps of Lodge mepthig of 28 th April , and also Lodgo of Emergency of 30 th June 1881 . Bros . Dnrant and Newman were raispd to the degree of
M . M ., Bro . Brander was passed , and Mr . C . Radcliffe initiated . In the election of W . M . Bro . Waugh J . W . was chosen . Bro . Shand was unanimously elected Treasurer , upon the resignation of Bro . Swallow . The Bye-Laws were read ; Auditors appointed , and Trustees elected to the Benevolent Fnnd . A Past Master ' s jewel and collar was voted to tho W . M . for his services in the chair . The brethren after , wards dined at the Cafo Royal , when the usual toasts were honoured .
Lodge Of Israel , No . 1502 . —The first meeting of this Lodge after the summer vacation took place on Monday , at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , where thpre was a large gathering of brethren . Bro . S . J Honochsberg W . M . presided , and he was supported by a full complement of P . M . 's and Officers , th ^ re being also present nnmerous visitors from other Lodges . The business of the evening embraced the second degree , which was most admirably
given by the W . M ., assisted by his efficient staff of Officers . On the motion of Bro . H . A . Tobias I . P . M .. seconded by Bro . R . Robinson P . M . P . P . G . R ., and supported by Bro . M . Aronsberg S . W ., a substantial sum was voted from the funds of the Lodge in aid of the widow of a deceased brother of the Alliance Lodge , No . 6 B 7 , Bro . Bucknall J . W .. stating that the sum of £ 110 had already been raised for the relief of the widow whos > e case had been brought forward . A
note was read from Bro . B . Levy D . C , acknowledging receipt of a letter of sympathy from the members of tho Lodge in connection with a recent family bereavement . The S W . ( Bro . Aronsberg ) reported that the snm of £ 30 had l ately been voted from the Fund of Benevolence attached to the Lodge in aid of a distressed brother . During the after-binquet proceedings a very valnable gilt
drawingroom clock and vases , accompanied by an illuminated address embodying sentiments of a truly fraternal nature , were presented , to Bro . S . J . Honochsberg W . M . as a marriage gift , subscribed for by brethren of the Lodge nf Israel . The presentation was made in excellent terms by Bro . H . A . Tobins I . P . M ., and most suitably
acknowledged by the Worshipful Master . It may be stated that Bro . Heuochsberg was also presented on tho occasion of his marriage with a handsome dining-rcom marble clock and emblazoned address by the employes of thp firm with which he is connected ( Messrs . Honochsberg and Ellis ) .
West Middlesex Lodge of Instruction , No . 1612—A meeting was held on Thursday , 15 th inst ., at the Feathers Hotel , Ealing . Present—Bros . J . Green W . M ., W . Seward S . W ., C Bellerby J . W ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , J . Wells Spcretary , C 0 . Walter J . D ., C Andrews P . M . I . G ., H . Kasner P . M ., Bros . J . W . Woolmer , Gasson , E . C Porter , E . T . Brown , J . J Clarke , Cunning .
ham . Business : —The Lodge was opened in due form and the minntes of previous meeting were rend , confirmed , and signed . Bro . J . W . Woolmer answered the questions leading to second deuree . Lodge was opened in second degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . J . W . Woolmer candidate . The Lodge
was closed in the second degree . On an intimation made by Bro . Preceptor Tucker , it wns agreed to invite Bro . Morgan to read one of his papers on Freemasonry , at this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . W . Seward was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Lodge was closed and the meeting adjourned .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , Mo . 1625 . —A meeting was held on Monday , the 12 th instant , at the Royal Hotel , Mile Endroad , E . Present : —Bros . Wooding W . M ., Loane S . W ., Hnbbert J . W ., Barnes Treasurer , Stewart Honorary Secretary , Clements S . D ., Cook J . D ., Hammond I . G . ; also Bros . Johnson , Wheatly , Austen , Scheerboom , Sturtevant , Brittain . Visitor—Bro . Moore P . M . 20 .
Lodge opened in duo form . Bro . Brittain , as candidate for the second degree , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in the second , and tbe ceremony of passing was rehearsed . It was proposed by Bro . Barnes , aud seconded by Bro . Stewart , that Bro . T . Wooding act as Preceptor pro tem . This was carried unanimously , and then Lodge wns closed in due form . On Monday , 19 th instant , Bros . Cundick W . M ., Clements S . W ., C
Kendall J . W ., Barnes I . G ., T . Wooding Preceptor , Steward Honorary Secretary ; also Bros . Andrews and Johnson . After preliminaries , the ^ W . M . rehearsed the cerpmony of the third degree , Bro . Johnson acting as candidate . The W . M . worked the first , second , and third section s of the lecture , assisted by tho brethren . Bro . Clements was elected W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . T . Wooding having been now installed Preceptor of the Lodge , let us hope the brethren at the & ast of London will give him their warm support .
Crusaders Lodge of Instruction , No . 1677—At the meeting of this Lodge , held at St . John's Gate , Clerkenvvell , on Thursda y , 15 th September . There were present Bros . F . Rothschild W . M .,
Installation Meetings, &C.
T . Pingsfon S . W .. J . Fletcher J . W ., J . Rothschild S . D ., S . Rushton J D ., S . W . Reddall T . G .. Rohprt D . Cnmmings Preneptor , George U . Cqldfirwood Treasurer , Harold [ TaHid'iy Secretary , and other brethreu . Lodgo having been opened in dno form , tho minutes of last meeting were rend and confirmed with the exception of ' the minute referring to tho alteration of the time of meeting of the Lodgo . The
per » monv of initiation was then rehearsed by Bro . F . Rothschild P . M . 1288 and W . M . elect of the mother Lodge , Bro . ICilderwood being eandidnte . Only thoso brethren who have had tho pleasure of hearing Bro . Rothschild ' s working enn know how excellently this was done , ind the hearty thanks it elicited . The Lodge was then called off . On being called on , Lodge was opened in the second degree , when
the ceremony of passing wa <* rehearsod in the same ofl' ectivo manner , Bro . Bvass acting as candidate . Tho Lodgo was then resumed in tho second degree , when Bro . Pingston was unanimously chosen W . M . for tho ensuing week , and appointed Officers in rotation . This ending the business of the evening , the Lodge was dosed in due form and adjourned until Thursday at 8 . 30 .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —On Mon . day , at , the Canonbury Tavern , Islington , N . Bros . P . M . Pearcy W . M ., Westfield S . W ., Defriez J . W ., Jordan S D ., Snook J . D .. Seeley I . G ., P . M . Trewinnard Preceptor , R . P . Forge Secretary ; Past Masters Killick sen ., Killick jun .. Fpnner . Gilham , Osborn W . M . 1602 , Clemens W . M . 1310 ; Bros . Hall , Thompson , Woodman , Longhurst , Guier ,
Lvnn , Speedy , Bird , Rowley , Powell , Jones , Aynsley , Morgan , & c . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Powell offered himself as a candidate to be raised to the third degree ; he answered the necessary questions , and was entrusted . Lodge was then opened in the third , and tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed . The Lodge was resumed
to the second degree , when Bro . Morgan read a paper on the " Schism in English Masonry . " Bro . Westfield was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Morgan for his interesting paper , and the further compliment of honorary membership was conferred on him . After this had been suitably acknowledged , Lodge was closed .
A YORKSHIRE MUSICAL RELIC . —Mr . Willcocks , of 78 Ialedon Road , Finsbury Park , London , has acquired a very valuable old harpsichord , manufactured by Messrs . Longman and Broderip , the predecessors in the last century of Messrs . Collard and Collard . The instrument , which is on private view at Neumeyer Hall , Bloomsbury , London , is in highest state of presprvation , and it seems to be one of
tho best specimens of harpsichord we have inspected . Its history 13 known , and it can be traced back through the Yorkshire family in whose possession it has hepn for nearly a century . The tradition is that it originally cost £ 300 . The harpsichord has three separate actions , and four expressive stops , "lute , " "harp , " " guitar , " and " forte , " and it is of five octaves . It is also provided with a Venetian swell . The inscription on the name-plate is " Longman aud
Brndenp , mnsical instrument makers , No . 20 Cheapside , and 13 Haymarket , London . " Under the koys is stamped the name F . CuUiford , Fonntain Court , London , and the date 1785 . The instrument is in . fnll working order , and for pianoforte show rooms , museums , or other suitable places few finer specimens could be obtained of a time when the harpsichord was fast being pupplanted by the rapidly rising " forte piano" . —Musical Trades' Revieio .
DINING ROOJI CARS ON THE MIDLAND RAILWAY . —Encouraged by the success which has attended the introduction of dining room cars on the Great Northern Railway , the Midland Railway Company have decided to follow in the same direction . They intend to place a dining room car on all their exnrpss trains running between London , Manchester , and Liverpool . 'These cars are to be made by the
Pnllman Palace Car Company . The same company are making several new palace cars for the London , Brighton , and South Coast Railway . Sinco the Brighton tragedy the demands made upon the Pullman car accommodation have been so great as to be in excess of what is at present at the disposal of the company . The directors have consequently decided to run a train each way every day to be composed entirely of Pullman cars .
Bro . Peyton S . Coles , the W . G . M . Virginia , with reference to the forthcoming ceremonial to be held at Yorktown , Va ., has issued tbe following invitation to the Grand Masters of the Thirteen States originally comprised in the Union . GRAND LODGE OF VIRGINIA , A . Y . M .
Grand Master's Office , Richmond , 1 st August 1881 . Mo 3 t Worshipful and Dear Sir , —The Centennial Anniversary of the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktowu has been deemed a fit occasion for the erection of a monument by the United States Govern . ment to commemorate that event . The Grand Lodge of Virginia has
hecn invited to perform the ceremony of laying the corner-stone . That duty will be discharged on the 18 th day of October next , and it is the earnest wish of all the brethren in Virginia that their sister Grand Lodges should participate , through their respective Grand Masters , in the hononr and the privilege . You arc , thorefore , most respectfully and cordially invited to be
present ou the occasion , and to assist us in the grateful office devolved upon us . We will be much gratified to hear of your acceptance , at your earliest convenience . I am , Truly and fraternally yours , PEYTON S . COLES G . M .