Article SPHINX LODGE No. 1329. Page 1 of 1 Article SPHINX LODGE No. 1329. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Sphinx Lodge No. 1329.
SPHINX LODGE No . 1329 .
THE members of this popular Lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , on Saturday afternoon . Ther > was a large attendance both of members and visitors . The esteemed W . M . Bro . B . R . Bryant was snpported by his Officers , with but one exception , and the reason of this brother ' s absence was afterwards explained . Anions ; those present were Bros . Percival A . Nairne P . M .
D . G ., Mansell J . W ., A . Middleman S . D ., J . Hernaman Secretary , A . Stribling Organist , J . J . Brinton I . G ., H . Forbes and W . L Permewan Stewards . Among the P . M . ' s were Bros . Bickerton , B . Lyon , J . Sugden , H . Martin , and H . Bickerstaff . The Visitors were Bros . A . C . Bradley P . M . 1 R 69 , Allen P . M . 1158 , F . Dunn P . M . 72 , and Docoy P . M . 17 b '; also Bros . T . and G . Nettleship , Criohton 1641 . After
the Lodge had been opened , the minntes wore read and confirmed . Bro . Brinton then appealed to the W . M ., soliciting his advice as to whether he was in order by going outside the Lodge previous to the introduction of a candidate to be initiated , passed , or raisod The W . M replied that a Deacon would bo commissioned to attend outside , therefore the I G . would not be required to do so . Bros . Chabot ,
Anstey and Brooks were then raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the ceremony being impressively performed , the W . M . being assisted by P . M . Naime . Afterwards Bro 3 . Noble and G . Nettleship ( of the Criohton Lodge ) were passed , Bro . Voisey W . M . thereof being in the chair . Mr . Walter John Brooks was then initiated by the W . M . of the Lodge . P . M . Bickerton proposed that the following brethren
should be the Audit Committe for the ensuing year , namely , VV Andrews , Dr . Gross , and J . C . Bradley , which was carried unanimously . At this moment Bro . Riohard 3 S . W . assumed the duties of his office , and stated that a severe accident to a member of his family had been the cause of his absence . The brethren sympathised with him , inasmuoh as several untoward circumstances have occurred to him
recently , notably some bereavements in his family . The election of W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with . Bro . Richards S . W . was unanimously chosen . Bro . Nairne proposed a resolution , of which he had given notice , " That a Past Master ' s jewel and collar be presented to Bro . B . R . Bryant W . M ., in recognition of able services to the Lodge during his year of office . " This was carried
unanimously . Bro . G . Harrison was , for the tenth year , chosen Tyler . The labours of the afternoon having been completed , an adjournment was made to an adjoining room , in which Bro . Slawson , of 736 Old Kent-road , had prepared a rScherche" repast , which was much appreciated and commended . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and patriotic toast was given . Then followed the health of the
Most Worshipful Grand Muster the Prince of Wales , the Provincial Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , the Depnty Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , and the Grind Officers past and prpsent . The names being introduced in eloquent terms by the W . M ., and tho toasts heariily pledged . Bro . B . Lyon I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M . ; he remarkpd that the past year had been a prosperous one
to the Lodge . The W . M . had been present whenever the Lodge had met ; in addition , he had discharged the important duties associated with his office in a manner that had redounded to the credit of the Lodge , and to the honour of himself . As they wero all aware he could not be seen among them after his term of office expired , for tbe roason that he would reside north of the Tweed , where duty
called him , and whenever and wherever duty called , obedience shonld be the result . It would be idle for him ( the speaker ) to add that the hearty good wishes of all the brethren would accompany him to bis new home , and not only those of this Lodge , but those of all who had had the pleasure of being acquainted with him . Th ^ ir W . M . had filled every office in the Lodge with consummate ability and
dignity , and the sweet remembrance of the past would no doubt cheer his heart , when among the heather , the blocks , and the Highlands . May a long and happy life be in store for him , and amid new scenes aud faces may the Great Architect direct him in all his undertakings The toast having been pledged in a bumper , the W . M . responded . He would not admit that he deserved the encomiums passed upon him by
P . M . Lyon . What could he have done without the Co-operation of his Officers ? than whom their betters could not be found . It was true that he had attended the Lodge on every occasion during his year of office . He had that day come from Dublin to be present , as he had on several previous occasions , and indeed a greater distance than that . But duty called him , and that was enough for him . Without
fear of contradiction he could assert that with the ready and able aid of his Officers , his year of office had been an unclonded one . He wonld assume no credit ; of his own , but he would avail himself of that opportunity to thank one and all for their courtesy to him on every occasion , and for the kind and acceptable connsels given to him from time to time . His predecessors bad been indeed " wise Master
Masons , " and as reeards ability he could only follo \ v them at a distance . He regretted that the afFairs of life , over which he had no control , had destined him for another sphere of labour and residence , but the memories associated with tbe Sphinx Lodge would be cherished in his heart for ever . He anticipated the pleasure of being present ou many future
occasions , distance would not be a hindrance . If time permitted , he would often be among them , and he hoped that a continual acoes . sion of members would place the Lodge on a more solid foundation than even it stood at that moment , alfhongh now nominally and financially it was beyond all their expectations compared wirh what it had been in times past . To ono and all he bade a hearty fare-Well . The Worshipful Master next proposed the health of the
initiate , Mr . W . J . Brooks , who responded in a well-considere < l speech . The Worshipful Master , in proposing the next toast—The Visitor—remarked it afforded him great pleasure to be surrounded by brethren from other Lodgps . At that moment there were several visitors in their midst , who had been " men of mark" in their TP - spective Lodges , and who had stndied Freemasonry with edification to themselves and benefit to others . As regarded Bro . G . Nettleshi p , it was well known that he had recently returned home from the Cape of Good Hope ; he had been initiated in tbe Criohton
Sphinx Lodge No. 1329.
Lodge , and that afternoon had beon passed in tho Sphinx , by the re- ^ ppcted Master of tho former Lodge , who performed tho ceremony iu a manner peculiar to himself . This brother intended returning to \ frica within a few days , and therefore would not go nsa Master Mason after all , as time did not permit . He would return , howover , i wiser and better man for all that . When ho ( the W . M . ) looked
ronnd and saw such men as Bros . Dunn , Brady , and Docey , ho felt how far he was behind them . The toast was then duly honoured . Bro . P . M . P . Dunn , in acknowledging the compliment , said ho much regretted that pressure on his time prevented him from being present during the whole of the afternoon . He had , however , witnessed a great amount of the labonr , which had been carried out in a manner
that would have reflected credit on any Lodge . All tbe Officers were conversant with their duties , aud , moreover , they know how to discharge them with efficiency . A great deal depended on that . He had been their guest on former occasions , and therefore could form an opinion that a spirit of progression was alive in the Lodge , and the Sphinx in every respect -was on a pw -with any kindred Lodge that conld be named . No doubt visiting brethren viewed Lodges
outside their own from a different standpoint to that seleoted by the members thereof , but he could assert that it would afford him much pleasure to know that every Lodge was in all respects equal to the Sphinx . The health of tbe Worshipful Master elect , the Past Masters , and Officers followed , and eaoh was cordially pledgod . The Stewards were applauded for the zeal they displayed , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the labours and refreshment of an afternoon which will bo long remembered by those present .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Pysh ' a , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday la « t , the 17 th instant . Bros . J . A . Powell W . M ., Gillham S . W ., E . Woodman J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary . Spencer SD ., Kent J . D ., E . Payne I . G . ; also Bros . Brasted , I . P . Cohen , C . Lorkin , J . Lorkin , Snare , R . Defriez , Fvsh , Bird . Gibhs , Weeden , Wolf , D . Moss , A . M . Marks ,
G . A . Davis , Parkes , Perl , F . W . Jones , Stroud , Rothschild sen . nnd J . Everett . The usual preliminaries were duly observed , and minntes read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced a degree , and Bro . Perl gave ovidence of his proficiency as a F . C . and was duly entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third degree and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed in a most excellent manner b y the W . M ., who eave
the traditional history , Bro . Perl acting as candidate . The first spction of the lecture was worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . Lodee was closed to tbe first dpgree . Bros . J . G . Davis Joppa Lodge 188 , E . Payne Sir Hugh Mvddelton Lodge 1602 , and John Everett Henry Mngeeridge Lodge 1697 were elected members . Bro Gillham was duly elected to preside at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned .
Dalhoiisie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —At Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Powrmll Road , Dalston , on 20 th instant . Bro . Wallington W . M ., A . Clnrk S . W ., T . Clark J . W ., Cnshiug S . D ., Boyce J . D ., Christian I . G ., Lorkin Secretary , Brasted Acting Preceptor , Smyth Treasurer , also Bros . Wardell , Allen , Forss , Baker , Olley , Dignam , Gosling , Bnnker , Greenwood , Jones , Holdsworth , and
others . After preliminaries Bro . Wardell , as a candidate for the third degree , was entrusted ; the Lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro . Wardell was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the W . M . giving the traditional history . Bro . Forss worked the third section of the third lecture , assisted by tbe brethren . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming Masonic duties , the W . M . worked the ceremony of installation ,
installing Bro . E . Dignam into the chair of K . S . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , the W . M . invested his Officers . Bro . Wallington , the Worthy Preceptor , then gave the addresses in his usnal able manner . Bro . Bunker , of Lodge 1158 , was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . A . Clark was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , Officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 15 th inst ., at tbe Britannia Hotel , Waltbatn New Town . Present—Bros . John Fisher W . M ., John Noyes S . W ., John Robinson J . W ., Thomas Reilly Secretary , William Lewis S . D ., W . A . Sproat J . D ., Joseph Gas ' cell D . C , S . J . Woolley Steward , George
Holdsworth I . G ., Page Tyler Past Masters Bros . Charles Lacey , W . Gilbert , T . Reilly , J . Knight , J . Gaskell , S . Jacobs . Visitor—Bro . F . Drummond P . M . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . A discussion ensued on various Lodge matters .
^ pa , LAMPLOUG-H'S WPYRETIC SALINE . ^ flg « " 5 § Sr An EfEervesci"g and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Tssfr Vitalising , and Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKITRSS , INDIGESTION , CONSTIPATION- , TJARSITODK , HBAHTBUUS- , FEVERISH COLDS , andprevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PRICKLY HEAT , SJIALL-POX . MEASLES , ERUPTIVE or SKIN COM - PLAINTS , and various other Altered . Conditions of the Blood . DR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy T , > mrrnnj-ir " <•„ .,., i ! . „„ . „„„ „„ ,, in the treatment of many of the ordinorynnd DR . TURLEV .- "I found it net as a spo- cn ,. onic form 3 of Gastric Complaints , and cine in my experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst rorm of Scarlet Fever , NO other medi- J v H cine being required . " DR . J . W . DOWSING .- " I used it in the treatment of forty two coses of Yellow Fevev DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In- and I am happy to state I never lost a single . « pector of Emigrants from the Port of Lon- case . " A systematic course prevents and cures obstinato Costiveness . Notice my Name ; tnd Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 31 , 5 / , 11 / 6 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Sphinx Lodge No. 1329.
SPHINX LODGE No . 1329 .
THE members of this popular Lodge assembled at the Masonic Hall , Camberwell New-road , on Saturday afternoon . Ther > was a large attendance both of members and visitors . The esteemed W . M . Bro . B . R . Bryant was snpported by his Officers , with but one exception , and the reason of this brother ' s absence was afterwards explained . Anions ; those present were Bros . Percival A . Nairne P . M .
D . G ., Mansell J . W ., A . Middleman S . D ., J . Hernaman Secretary , A . Stribling Organist , J . J . Brinton I . G ., H . Forbes and W . L Permewan Stewards . Among the P . M . ' s were Bros . Bickerton , B . Lyon , J . Sugden , H . Martin , and H . Bickerstaff . The Visitors were Bros . A . C . Bradley P . M . 1 R 69 , Allen P . M . 1158 , F . Dunn P . M . 72 , and Docoy P . M . 17 b '; also Bros . T . and G . Nettleship , Criohton 1641 . After
the Lodge had been opened , the minntes wore read and confirmed . Bro . Brinton then appealed to the W . M ., soliciting his advice as to whether he was in order by going outside the Lodge previous to the introduction of a candidate to be initiated , passed , or raisod The W . M replied that a Deacon would bo commissioned to attend outside , therefore the I G . would not be required to do so . Bros . Chabot ,
Anstey and Brooks were then raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the ceremony being impressively performed , the W . M . being assisted by P . M . Naime . Afterwards Bro 3 . Noble and G . Nettleship ( of the Criohton Lodge ) were passed , Bro . Voisey W . M . thereof being in the chair . Mr . Walter John Brooks was then initiated by the W . M . of the Lodge . P . M . Bickerton proposed that the following brethren
should be the Audit Committe for the ensuing year , namely , VV Andrews , Dr . Gross , and J . C . Bradley , which was carried unanimously . At this moment Bro . Riohard 3 S . W . assumed the duties of his office , and stated that a severe accident to a member of his family had been the cause of his absence . The brethren sympathised with him , inasmuoh as several untoward circumstances have occurred to him
recently , notably some bereavements in his family . The election of W . M . for the ensuing year was then proceeded with . Bro . Richards S . W . was unanimously chosen . Bro . Nairne proposed a resolution , of which he had given notice , " That a Past Master ' s jewel and collar be presented to Bro . B . R . Bryant W . M ., in recognition of able services to the Lodge during his year of office . " This was carried
unanimously . Bro . G . Harrison was , for the tenth year , chosen Tyler . The labours of the afternoon having been completed , an adjournment was made to an adjoining room , in which Bro . Slawson , of 736 Old Kent-road , had prepared a rScherche" repast , which was much appreciated and commended . On the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and patriotic toast was given . Then followed the health of the
Most Worshipful Grand Muster the Prince of Wales , the Provincial Grand Master the Earl of Carnarvon , the Depnty Grand Master the Earl of Lathom , and the Grind Officers past and prpsent . The names being introduced in eloquent terms by the W . M ., and tho toasts heariily pledged . Bro . B . Lyon I . P . M . proposed the health of the W . M . ; he remarkpd that the past year had been a prosperous one
to the Lodge . The W . M . had been present whenever the Lodge had met ; in addition , he had discharged the important duties associated with his office in a manner that had redounded to the credit of the Lodge , and to the honour of himself . As they wero all aware he could not be seen among them after his term of office expired , for tbe roason that he would reside north of the Tweed , where duty
called him , and whenever and wherever duty called , obedience shonld be the result . It would be idle for him ( the speaker ) to add that the hearty good wishes of all the brethren would accompany him to bis new home , and not only those of this Lodge , but those of all who had had the pleasure of being acquainted with him . Th ^ ir W . M . had filled every office in the Lodge with consummate ability and
dignity , and the sweet remembrance of the past would no doubt cheer his heart , when among the heather , the blocks , and the Highlands . May a long and happy life be in store for him , and amid new scenes aud faces may the Great Architect direct him in all his undertakings The toast having been pledged in a bumper , the W . M . responded . He would not admit that he deserved the encomiums passed upon him by
P . M . Lyon . What could he have done without the Co-operation of his Officers ? than whom their betters could not be found . It was true that he had attended the Lodge on every occasion during his year of office . He had that day come from Dublin to be present , as he had on several previous occasions , and indeed a greater distance than that . But duty called him , and that was enough for him . Without
fear of contradiction he could assert that with the ready and able aid of his Officers , his year of office had been an unclonded one . He wonld assume no credit ; of his own , but he would avail himself of that opportunity to thank one and all for their courtesy to him on every occasion , and for the kind and acceptable connsels given to him from time to time . His predecessors bad been indeed " wise Master
Masons , " and as reeards ability he could only follo \ v them at a distance . He regretted that the afFairs of life , over which he had no control , had destined him for another sphere of labour and residence , but the memories associated with tbe Sphinx Lodge would be cherished in his heart for ever . He anticipated the pleasure of being present ou many future
occasions , distance would not be a hindrance . If time permitted , he would often be among them , and he hoped that a continual acoes . sion of members would place the Lodge on a more solid foundation than even it stood at that moment , alfhongh now nominally and financially it was beyond all their expectations compared wirh what it had been in times past . To ono and all he bade a hearty fare-Well . The Worshipful Master next proposed the health of the
initiate , Mr . W . J . Brooks , who responded in a well-considere < l speech . The Worshipful Master , in proposing the next toast—The Visitor—remarked it afforded him great pleasure to be surrounded by brethren from other Lodgps . At that moment there were several visitors in their midst , who had been " men of mark" in their TP - spective Lodges , and who had stndied Freemasonry with edification to themselves and benefit to others . As regarded Bro . G . Nettleshi p , it was well known that he had recently returned home from the Cape of Good Hope ; he had been initiated in tbe Criohton
Sphinx Lodge No. 1329.
Lodge , and that afternoon had beon passed in tho Sphinx , by the re- ^ ppcted Master of tho former Lodge , who performed tho ceremony iu a manner peculiar to himself . This brother intended returning to \ frica within a few days , and therefore would not go nsa Master Mason after all , as time did not permit . He would return , howover , i wiser and better man for all that . When ho ( the W . M . ) looked
ronnd and saw such men as Bros . Dunn , Brady , and Docey , ho felt how far he was behind them . The toast was then duly honoured . Bro . P . M . P . Dunn , in acknowledging the compliment , said ho much regretted that pressure on his time prevented him from being present during the whole of the afternoon . He had , however , witnessed a great amount of the labonr , which had been carried out in a manner
that would have reflected credit on any Lodge . All tbe Officers were conversant with their duties , aud , moreover , they know how to discharge them with efficiency . A great deal depended on that . He had been their guest on former occasions , and therefore could form an opinion that a spirit of progression was alive in the Lodge , and the Sphinx in every respect -was on a pw -with any kindred Lodge that conld be named . No doubt visiting brethren viewed Lodges
outside their own from a different standpoint to that seleoted by the members thereof , but he could assert that it would afford him much pleasure to know that every Lodge was in all respects equal to the Sphinx . The health of tbe Worshipful Master elect , the Past Masters , and Officers followed , and eaoh was cordially pledgod . The Stewards were applauded for the zeal they displayed , and the Tyler ' s toast concluded the labours and refreshment of an afternoon which will bo long remembered by those present .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —At Bro . Pysh ' a , Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , on Saturday la « t , the 17 th instant . Bros . J . A . Powell W . M ., Gillham S . W ., E . Woodman J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary . Spencer SD ., Kent J . D ., E . Payne I . G . ; also Bros . Brasted , I . P . Cohen , C . Lorkin , J . Lorkin , Snare , R . Defriez , Fvsh , Bird . Gibhs , Weeden , Wolf , D . Moss , A . M . Marks ,
G . A . Davis , Parkes , Perl , F . W . Jones , Stroud , Rothschild sen . nnd J . Everett . The usual preliminaries were duly observed , and minntes read and confirmed . Lodge was advanced a degree , and Bro . Perl gave ovidence of his proficiency as a F . C . and was duly entrusted . Lodge was opened in the third degree and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed in a most excellent manner b y the W . M ., who eave
the traditional history , Bro . Perl acting as candidate . The first spction of the lecture was worked by the W . M ., assisted by the brethren . Lodee was closed to tbe first dpgree . Bros . J . G . Davis Joppa Lodge 188 , E . Payne Sir Hugh Mvddelton Lodge 1602 , and John Everett Henry Mngeeridge Lodge 1697 were elected members . Bro Gillham was duly elected to preside at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned .
Dalhoiisie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —At Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Powrmll Road , Dalston , on 20 th instant . Bro . Wallington W . M ., A . Clnrk S . W ., T . Clark J . W ., Cnshiug S . D ., Boyce J . D ., Christian I . G ., Lorkin Secretary , Brasted Acting Preceptor , Smyth Treasurer , also Bros . Wardell , Allen , Forss , Baker , Olley , Dignam , Gosling , Bnnker , Greenwood , Jones , Holdsworth , and
others . After preliminaries Bro . Wardell , as a candidate for the third degree , was entrusted ; the Lodge was opened in the third degree , when Bro . Wardell was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the W . M . giving the traditional history . Bro . Forss worked the third section of the third lecture , assisted by tbe brethren . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming Masonic duties , the W . M . worked the ceremony of installation ,
installing Bro . E . Dignam into the chair of K . S . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , the W . M . invested his Officers . Bro . Wallington , the Worthy Preceptor , then gave the addresses in his usnal able manner . Bro . Bunker , of Lodge 1158 , was elected a member of this Lodge of Instruction . Bro . A . Clark was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , Officers in rotation . Nothing further offering for the good of Freemasonry , Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned .
King Harold Lodge , No . 1327 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 15 th inst ., at tbe Britannia Hotel , Waltbatn New Town . Present—Bros . John Fisher W . M ., John Noyes S . W ., John Robinson J . W ., Thomas Reilly Secretary , William Lewis S . D ., W . A . Sproat J . D ., Joseph Gas ' cell D . C , S . J . Woolley Steward , George
Holdsworth I . G ., Page Tyler Past Masters Bros . Charles Lacey , W . Gilbert , T . Reilly , J . Knight , J . Gaskell , S . Jacobs . Visitor—Bro . F . Drummond P . M . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . A discussion ensued on various Lodge matters .
^ pa , LAMPLOUG-H'S WPYRETIC SALINE . ^ flg « " 5 § Sr An EfEervesci"g and Tasteless Salt ; most Invigorating Tssfr Vitalising , and Refreshing . Gives instant relief in HEADACHE , SEA or BILIOUS SICKITRSS , INDIGESTION , CONSTIPATION- , TJARSITODK , HBAHTBUUS- , FEVERISH COLDS , andprevents and quickly relieves or cures the worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , and other FEVERS , PRICKLY HEAT , SJIALL-POX . MEASLES , ERUPTIVE or SKIN COM - PLAINTS , and various other Altered . Conditions of the Blood . DR . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes ; —I have great pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to its efficacy T , > mrrnnj-ir " <•„ .,., i ! . „„ . „„„ „„ ,, in the treatment of many of the ordinorynnd DR . TURLEV .- "I found it net as a spo- cn ,. onic form 3 of Gastric Complaints , and cine in my experience and family . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst rorm of Scarlet Fever , NO other medi- J v H cine being required . " DR . J . W . DOWSING .- " I used it in the treatment of forty two coses of Yellow Fevev DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In- and I am happy to state I never lost a single . « pector of Emigrants from the Port of Lon- case . " A systematic course prevents and cures obstinato Costiveness . Notice my Name ; tnd Trade Mark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 31 , 5 / , 11 / 6 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPLOUGH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C .