Article MOVEABLE GRAND MARK LODGE. ← Page 2 of 3 Article MOVEABLE GRAND MARK LODGE. Page 2 of 3 →
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Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
Sussex , John "Walker Deputy Provincial Grand Master Gloucester , Julius Arensberg Past Provincial Grand S Bearer East Lancashire , Rev . A . A Bagshaw Provincin ' Grand Chaplain , John Chadwiek Past Provincial Grand Secretary Lancashire , F . A . Waghorn Provincial Gratul
Director of Ceremonies "West Yorkshire , Thomas J . Pulley Grand Senior Deacon , Thomas Cubitfc Provincial Grand Steward , W . Roebuck , Donald M . Dewar Assistant Grand Secretary , Robert Berridge Grand Director of Ceremonies , J . P . Tweedale Provincial Grand S . O ., C . P .
Matier P . G . W . Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lancashire , Frederick Binckes Grand Secretary , F . Davison Grand Treasurer , J . L . Hine of Manchester ,
Captain Frank R . Mott , United States Armv , K . O . M ., K . G . H ., K . L . H ., Colonel Soraerville Burnev , J . " N . Blake 91 , Edwin Gilbert P . M . 222 , J . B . Phillips P . M . 18 , William Valentine Present W . M . Time Immemorial York
Thomas B . Whyfehead , John S . Cumberland , Thomas D . Wigg 182 , R . Heber Radford Wc . Master Ivanhoe ( Craft ) Lodge , John Shaw W . M . Britannia ( Craft ) Lodge , and four members of the Grand Lodge of Cumberland—Bros . Major Sewell Depnty Provincial
Grand Master Designate , Joseph Nicholson Prov . Senior Warden , G . J . MeKav Provincial Grand Senior Warden , J . H . Banks Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer- The Officers of the Lodge present at and taking a part in the ceromony were Bros . J . E
Reaney W . M ., S . H . Gatty S . W , John Unwin jun J . W ., Thomas Blair M . O ., J . E . Darling S . O ., Thomas Clarke J . O ., J . Garnett P . M . Treasurer ( acting ns Immediate Past Master ) , H . A . Styring Secretary , John Shaw Registrar of Marks , Frederick Barber S . D ., J . P . Hewitt J . D ., and
Isaac Eyre I . G . The ceremony was very imposing , there being no less than 200 Mark Master Masons present , and this number being still further swelled before the work was concluded by tbe arrival of a large number of Provincial Grand Officers . Lord Henniker , the Grand Master ,
was not present , his health lately having been indifferent , and his medical adviser having urged him not to attend . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., one of the Past Grand Masters , acted for Lord Henniker , and together with many Grand Officers from Grand Lodore sat on the dais with
Bro . Reaney . The ceremony of advancement was fully choral , which gave the brethren an opportunity of hearing tbe notes of an excellent little organ , and an admirable performance by Bro . S . Suckley Past , Provincial Grand Organist . All the Officers , from the Worshipful Master to
the Inner Guard , were perfect in their work . Bro . Garnet Past Blaster gave "The Working Tools , " and Bro . Bromley Past Master tbe " Congratulation . " The Historical Lecture and the Lecture on the Tracingboard were given , the former by Brother Gattv
Senior Warden , and the latter by the Worshipful Master . At the conclusion of the work the Lodge was " called off , " and subsequently , on resumption , the Moveable Grand Lodge was received bv the Britannia Lodge , and Bro . Reanev resie-ned the Master ' s
chair to Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Past Grand Master . After the Grand Lodge had been formally opened , the usual ceremonies were observed , Bro . Berrids « acting as Director of Ceremonies . Bro . Binckes Grand Secretary ,
read a letter from Lord Henniker , apologising for his absence , and stating the reasons , and that bis medical adviser assured him that he could only attend at the risk of permanent ill-health . The letter went on further to
express Lord Henniker ' s great sorrow at his enforced absence , and thanked Bro . Reaney , Bro . Woodall , and other brethren for what they had done on behalf of Mark Masonry in Yorkshire . He hoped also that he wou'd at a
future time be favoured with an invitation to Fheffield , that , he might show the sincerity of his present expressions by accepting it . Bro . Beach said he was sure the brethren had all heard
with extreme regret the letter which had just been read . They would all sympathise with the Grand Master in the cause of bis absence , and would wish him a speedy return
to health . Nothing but the gravest causes would have prevented his being present , that day , as he had long wished and hoped to be . In his a' sence he ( Bro . Beach ) would perform the Grand Master ' s dnties .
Bro . Reauey , on behalf of the brethren of the Britannia Lodge , expressed their deep and very sincere regret at the wand Master ' s illness . The patent of appointment of Brother John Woodall Woodall as Grand Master of North and East Ridings of
Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
Yorkshire was then read by Bro . Binckes , who , with ^ ro . Matier , afterwards conducted Bro . Woodall into Grand Lodge and presented him to Bro . Beach . Bro . Beach , addressing Bro . Gatty said , the duty of a Grand Master of a Province was no light one . He ought
to make himself acquainted with the capacities of the several brethren who served throughout the Province , so that he might be the better enabled to appreciate the servicos they had rendered to the Craft , and to reward merit and ability . To do that it was necessary for him to attend as
far as he could the meetings of various Lodges within his Province , so that he might by personal inspection judge of those merits and abilities . It was doubtless impossible in a large and important Province for a Provincial Grand Master to attend as frequently as he migbt desire
at the meetings of the Lodges , but still , if he wished to do so , he could attend in a great measure and guage the capacity of the various brethren who were serving offices . He would be enabled to judge by the results of their endeavours how far their exertions would
be successful , and he need scarcely exhort him ( Bro . Gatty ) that to be perfectly impartial in the discharge of his duties was intrinsically essential . He should be courteous in his demeanour to all , should listen to every complaint brought before him . Shonld any cause of
disagreement unhappily arise , he would then , with the benefit of advice of others , and using bis own judgment to the best of his ability , be able to terminate any such disagreement . It might be that no disagreement would ever take place in Bro . Gatty ' s Province , but if on
any occasion a disagreement did occur , it would be his duty to exert himself to the utmost to put an end to it , and restore the harmony of all the members of the Lodge . From the zeal he had already shown , and the desire he had evinced to forward the interests of the Craft , no
doubt he would fully justify the confidence the Grand Master had reposed in him , and answer the bopes and expectations of the brethren of the Lodges under his rule . For his own part he ( Bro . Beach ) could only wish him , and he wished it in the name of the G . Lodge of England ,
a happy rule , and that his governance of his Province might be fraught with the most happy results , and tend to the benefit of the Mark Master Mason ' s degree . Bro . Beach then installed Bro . J . Woodall-Woodall , of Scarborough , as Provincial Grand Master of North , and
East Yorkshire . Dr . Trollope , Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , afterwards , in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters numbering over 80 , installed Bro . S . H . Gatty S . W . of tbe Britannia Lodge , and Provincial Grand Inner Guard
of West Yorkshire , as Master of the Britannia Lodge for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . Reaney was invested as , Immediate Past Master . Bros . Frederick Unwin S . W . , Player J . W , Darling M . O ., Clarke S . O ., Shaw J . O .,
Harnett P . M . Treasurer , H . A . Styring Registrar of Marks , Barber Secretary , Hewitt S . D ., Eyere J . D ., Hunt M . C . Flecther I . G ., Middleton and Cleeves Stewards , Kirkham Organist , and Leighton Tyler .
The Grand Secretary , Bro . F . Binckes , read letters of regret for inability to attend from the Earl of Carnarvon , the Earl of Lathom , the Rev . G . R . Portal , M . A ., Lord Leigh , and other Past Grand Masters and Officers , and the Grand Lodge was then closed . At a latter period of the
afternoon the Britannia Lodge was closed , after " hearty good wishes " had been given from the brethren present , representing numerous Lodges . A grand banquet followed , at which Bro . W . W . Beach , M . P ., presided . After tbe banquet the customary loyal toasts were given .
Lord Arthur Hill , M . P ., Senior Grand Warden , proposed " the health of the Grand Master , " coupling with it the name of the Acting Grand Master , Bro . W . W . B . Beach P . G . M . In giving the toast his Lordship said the brethren who had had the advantage of attending Grand Lodge
would be only too glad to havo this opportunity of bearing their testimony to the admirable manner in which the Grand Officers of England always had carried out their duties . With the toast were included tho names of Prince Leopold Duke of Albany , Lord Leigh , Lord Holmesdale ,
Bro . Beach , the Rev . G . R . Portal , Earl Percy , the Earl of Limerick , and the Earl of Lathom . Bro . Beach , in responding , said he was extremely sorry
that he was the only representative of the brethren named in the toast , but he was very glad that in the unavoidable absence of the Grand Master there was one who could take his place . As allusion had been made to the labours of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
Sussex , John "Walker Deputy Provincial Grand Master Gloucester , Julius Arensberg Past Provincial Grand S Bearer East Lancashire , Rev . A . A Bagshaw Provincin ' Grand Chaplain , John Chadwiek Past Provincial Grand Secretary Lancashire , F . A . Waghorn Provincial Gratul
Director of Ceremonies "West Yorkshire , Thomas J . Pulley Grand Senior Deacon , Thomas Cubitfc Provincial Grand Steward , W . Roebuck , Donald M . Dewar Assistant Grand Secretary , Robert Berridge Grand Director of Ceremonies , J . P . Tweedale Provincial Grand S . O ., C . P .
Matier P . G . W . Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master of Lancashire , Frederick Binckes Grand Secretary , F . Davison Grand Treasurer , J . L . Hine of Manchester ,
Captain Frank R . Mott , United States Armv , K . O . M ., K . G . H ., K . L . H ., Colonel Soraerville Burnev , J . " N . Blake 91 , Edwin Gilbert P . M . 222 , J . B . Phillips P . M . 18 , William Valentine Present W . M . Time Immemorial York
Thomas B . Whyfehead , John S . Cumberland , Thomas D . Wigg 182 , R . Heber Radford Wc . Master Ivanhoe ( Craft ) Lodge , John Shaw W . M . Britannia ( Craft ) Lodge , and four members of the Grand Lodge of Cumberland—Bros . Major Sewell Depnty Provincial
Grand Master Designate , Joseph Nicholson Prov . Senior Warden , G . J . MeKav Provincial Grand Senior Warden , J . H . Banks Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer- The Officers of the Lodge present at and taking a part in the ceromony were Bros . J . E
Reaney W . M ., S . H . Gatty S . W , John Unwin jun J . W ., Thomas Blair M . O ., J . E . Darling S . O ., Thomas Clarke J . O ., J . Garnett P . M . Treasurer ( acting ns Immediate Past Master ) , H . A . Styring Secretary , John Shaw Registrar of Marks , Frederick Barber S . D ., J . P . Hewitt J . D ., and
Isaac Eyre I . G . The ceremony was very imposing , there being no less than 200 Mark Master Masons present , and this number being still further swelled before the work was concluded by tbe arrival of a large number of Provincial Grand Officers . Lord Henniker , the Grand Master ,
was not present , his health lately having been indifferent , and his medical adviser having urged him not to attend . Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., one of the Past Grand Masters , acted for Lord Henniker , and together with many Grand Officers from Grand Lodore sat on the dais with
Bro . Reaney . The ceremony of advancement was fully choral , which gave the brethren an opportunity of hearing tbe notes of an excellent little organ , and an admirable performance by Bro . S . Suckley Past , Provincial Grand Organist . All the Officers , from the Worshipful Master to
the Inner Guard , were perfect in their work . Bro . Garnet Past Blaster gave "The Working Tools , " and Bro . Bromley Past Master tbe " Congratulation . " The Historical Lecture and the Lecture on the Tracingboard were given , the former by Brother Gattv
Senior Warden , and the latter by the Worshipful Master . At the conclusion of the work the Lodge was " called off , " and subsequently , on resumption , the Moveable Grand Lodge was received bv the Britannia Lodge , and Bro . Reanev resie-ned the Master ' s
chair to Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ., Past Grand Master . After the Grand Lodge had been formally opened , the usual ceremonies were observed , Bro . Berrids « acting as Director of Ceremonies . Bro . Binckes Grand Secretary ,
read a letter from Lord Henniker , apologising for his absence , and stating the reasons , and that bis medical adviser assured him that he could only attend at the risk of permanent ill-health . The letter went on further to
express Lord Henniker ' s great sorrow at his enforced absence , and thanked Bro . Reaney , Bro . Woodall , and other brethren for what they had done on behalf of Mark Masonry in Yorkshire . He hoped also that he wou'd at a
future time be favoured with an invitation to Fheffield , that , he might show the sincerity of his present expressions by accepting it . Bro . Beach said he was sure the brethren had all heard
with extreme regret the letter which had just been read . They would all sympathise with the Grand Master in the cause of bis absence , and would wish him a speedy return
to health . Nothing but the gravest causes would have prevented his being present , that day , as he had long wished and hoped to be . In his a' sence he ( Bro . Beach ) would perform the Grand Master ' s dnties .
Bro . Reauey , on behalf of the brethren of the Britannia Lodge , expressed their deep and very sincere regret at the wand Master ' s illness . The patent of appointment of Brother John Woodall Woodall as Grand Master of North and East Ridings of
Moveable Grand Mark Lodge.
Yorkshire was then read by Bro . Binckes , who , with ^ ro . Matier , afterwards conducted Bro . Woodall into Grand Lodge and presented him to Bro . Beach . Bro . Beach , addressing Bro . Gatty said , the duty of a Grand Master of a Province was no light one . He ought
to make himself acquainted with the capacities of the several brethren who served throughout the Province , so that he might be the better enabled to appreciate the servicos they had rendered to the Craft , and to reward merit and ability . To do that it was necessary for him to attend as
far as he could the meetings of various Lodges within his Province , so that he might by personal inspection judge of those merits and abilities . It was doubtless impossible in a large and important Province for a Provincial Grand Master to attend as frequently as he migbt desire
at the meetings of the Lodges , but still , if he wished to do so , he could attend in a great measure and guage the capacity of the various brethren who were serving offices . He would be enabled to judge by the results of their endeavours how far their exertions would
be successful , and he need scarcely exhort him ( Bro . Gatty ) that to be perfectly impartial in the discharge of his duties was intrinsically essential . He should be courteous in his demeanour to all , should listen to every complaint brought before him . Shonld any cause of
disagreement unhappily arise , he would then , with the benefit of advice of others , and using bis own judgment to the best of his ability , be able to terminate any such disagreement . It might be that no disagreement would ever take place in Bro . Gatty ' s Province , but if on
any occasion a disagreement did occur , it would be his duty to exert himself to the utmost to put an end to it , and restore the harmony of all the members of the Lodge . From the zeal he had already shown , and the desire he had evinced to forward the interests of the Craft , no
doubt he would fully justify the confidence the Grand Master had reposed in him , and answer the bopes and expectations of the brethren of the Lodges under his rule . For his own part he ( Bro . Beach ) could only wish him , and he wished it in the name of the G . Lodge of England ,
a happy rule , and that his governance of his Province might be fraught with the most happy results , and tend to the benefit of the Mark Master Mason ' s degree . Bro . Beach then installed Bro . J . Woodall-Woodall , of Scarborough , as Provincial Grand Master of North , and
East Yorkshire . Dr . Trollope , Provincial Grand Master of Sussex , afterwards , in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters numbering over 80 , installed Bro . S . H . Gatty S . W . of tbe Britannia Lodge , and Provincial Grand Inner Guard
of West Yorkshire , as Master of the Britannia Lodge for the ensuing twelve months . Bro . Reaney was invested as , Immediate Past Master . Bros . Frederick Unwin S . W . , Player J . W , Darling M . O ., Clarke S . O ., Shaw J . O .,
Harnett P . M . Treasurer , H . A . Styring Registrar of Marks , Barber Secretary , Hewitt S . D ., Eyere J . D ., Hunt M . C . Flecther I . G ., Middleton and Cleeves Stewards , Kirkham Organist , and Leighton Tyler .
The Grand Secretary , Bro . F . Binckes , read letters of regret for inability to attend from the Earl of Carnarvon , the Earl of Lathom , the Rev . G . R . Portal , M . A ., Lord Leigh , and other Past Grand Masters and Officers , and the Grand Lodge was then closed . At a latter period of the
afternoon the Britannia Lodge was closed , after " hearty good wishes " had been given from the brethren present , representing numerous Lodges . A grand banquet followed , at which Bro . W . W . Beach , M . P ., presided . After tbe banquet the customary loyal toasts were given .
Lord Arthur Hill , M . P ., Senior Grand Warden , proposed " the health of the Grand Master , " coupling with it the name of the Acting Grand Master , Bro . W . W . B . Beach P . G . M . In giving the toast his Lordship said the brethren who had had the advantage of attending Grand Lodge
would be only too glad to havo this opportunity of bearing their testimony to the admirable manner in which the Grand Officers of England always had carried out their duties . With the toast were included tho names of Prince Leopold Duke of Albany , Lord Leigh , Lord Holmesdale ,
Bro . Beach , the Rev . G . R . Portal , Earl Percy , the Earl of Limerick , and the Earl of Lathom . Bro . Beach , in responding , said he was extremely sorry
that he was the only representative of the brethren named in the toast , but he was very glad that in the unavoidable absence of the Grand Master there was one who could take his place . As allusion had been made to the labours of