Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 3 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 3 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
. . - Bro . tho . Rev . A . Pertweo , & c . The first business of the evening was a ballot for four candidates , which being declared in their favour , they woro duly initiated by the W . M . The election of W . M . for thf * ensuing year followed , when the brethren unanimously selected Bro . Thomas J . Railing the J . W ., who has been nearly seven years Sec . to
tho Lodge . Bro . Alfred Cobb was unanimously re-elected Treas ., and Bro . ° C . Gunner Tyler . The W . M . announced that he intended to represent tho Lodge at the Annual Festival of the R . M . T . B ., on the 27 th June , and several sums wero promised in tho room to add to his list . The Lodgo having been closed , npwards of thirty brethren assembled round tho festive board , and a very harmonious evening was spent .
Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . —An emergency meet , ing of this Chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on tho 10 th May . Tho Chapter was opened bv Comps . J . W . Baldwin M . E . Z ., F . Walters P . P . 1 st Asst . G . S . Middlesex P . Z . as H ., J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex P . Z . as J ., W Smeed P . Z . The following Comps . were then admitted : M . D . Loew .
enstark S . N ., B . Isaacs P . S ., J . H . Spencer , J . S . Sweasey , L . Samuel , W . Dunham , T . AV . Adams and others . Strange to say , there were not any visitors . The ballots , taken seperately , were declared to be unanimous in favour of the admission of Bros . Henry Moore 1326 and James Moore 1326 . Comp . William Smeed , acting as M . E . Z ., exalted Bros . Barnoy , Lamb ancl H . Moore into Royal Arch Freemasonry . The other officers being well posted iu their
duties , rendered able assistance to the good , correct , and excellent working of the acting M . E . Z . Business ended , the Chapter was closed and adjourned , to meet on Thursday , 18 th October , at six o ' clock p . m . Banquet and dessert followed . Songs , glees , and recitations were given . The usual toasts were gone through . The members separated , well pleased -with a delightful evening ' s re-union . Apologies were received for the absence of Comps . John Mason , caused through illness , and James Cattley Mason J ., who was out of town .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 . —Held its regular meet . ing on tho 15 th inst ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow . In tho absence from town of the R . W . M ., it was opened by Bro . G . McDonald I . P . M ., A . McLeod S . W ., W . T . Kay J . W ., R , R . Richards Sec , G . McDonald jun . I . G . Visitors—Bro . J . Mclnnis R . W . M . 408 , and Bro . Hugh Murray 33 ° , of Hamilton , Ontario , Canada , G . J . W . of Canada .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —Held an emergency meeting on the loth inst ., at 213 Buchanan . street , Glasgow , for the purpose of giving the Mark degree to Bro . Samnel Baker , No . 73 , The Chapter was opened by G . "W . Wheeler the M . E . Z ., assisted by J . Kennard H . as S . W ., J . Mclnnis as J . W ., J . Balfonr S . E ., J .
Bannerman Tr ., and G . McDonald as S . D . The Chapter had as a visitor Comp . Hugh Murray 33 ° , G . S . N , of Ontario , who expressed himself highly satisfied with the way in which the degree was wrought , though differing in some high points from tho way they work in Canada .
Commercial Chapter , No . 79 , Glasgow . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Friday , tho 11 th inst ., at 30 Hope-street . A Mark Lodge was opened by tho P . Z . Comp . Jules Brodie , with Comps . R . Traynir as S . W ., R . Reid J . W ., and G . W . Wheeler Conductor , when Bro . James Henderson , of Lodge 360 , was advanced to that degree by Comp . D . Lamb . Comp . C . McKenzie , J . of Chapter
50 , gave the lecture . Comp . Lamb then assumed the chair , and opened a Lodge of Excellent Masters , and Comp . G . W . Wheeler Z . of 73 conferred that degree on Bros . J . Henderson ancl A . Burnett . The Chapter was then opened , —Comps . D . Lamb Z ., G . W . Wheeler H ., R . Brodie J ., J . Munro Deputy Z ., J . M . Oliver S . E ., R . Reid Tr ., R . Traynir 1 st S ., R . Burnett 2 nd S ., and J . McLean 3 rd Ass ., when Bros . Alex . Burnett and James Henderson were exalted into that degree by Comp . G . W . Wheeler .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , on 19 th inst . Bros . Hewlett W . M ., Moss S . W ., Defriez J . W ., Fenner S . D ., Groner J . D ., Bedwell I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Halford Treas ., Killick Sec , and about
twenty members were present . The Lodge was opened , and minutes confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed in full , Bro . Poore acting as candidate . The sections of the 3 rd lecture were worked by the W . M . and Preceptor . Bro . Hunter 1677 was elected a member . Bro . Moss was chosen W . M . for the next meeting .
St . James ' s Union Chapter , No . 380 . —The regular convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , 22 nd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . Cameron P . Z . as M . E . Z ., Smithett H ., W . C . Parsons J ., H . Reed P . Z . S . E ., Knyvett S . N ., Pillin P . S . ; P . Z . 's Comps . Stonor , L . Hert , and Dawson ; aud Comps . Farwig , 0 . Smith , Pink , Van Dnren , Martin , W . Smith , & c . The Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed . The installation of
Principals then took place , Comp . Smithett being installed M . E . Z ., W . C . Parsons H ., Knyvett J . ; the ceremonies were perfectly and impressively delivered by Comp . H . Reed P . Z . The investiture of officers then took place : —Comps . Cameron P . Z . Treas ., H . Reed S . E ., Pillin S . N ., L . Annett P . S ., G . Bubb 1 st Ass ., Farwig 2 nd Ass ., Gilbert Janitor . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat clown to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . E . Dawkins . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loval and Royal Arch toasts .
Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 . —The regular meeting of this Lod ge was held ou Monday , the 21 st inst ,, at the Belmont Hall ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Uxbridge . Bros . T . C . Swallow W . M ., Webb S . W ., Holliday J . W ., Coulton P . iVf . Treas ., W . Coombes T . Y . G . S . B . Middx . Sec , Cook S . D ., Dairey J . D ., RnssI . G ., J . C . W . Davis I . P . M ., Ferehenbach P . M . ; Bros . Brown , Pearce , Driukwater , Matthews , & c Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmod . Bros . Price and G : \ ylartl showed thnir proficiency , and woro raised tothesnblime degree by tho I . P . M ., Bro .
C . J . W . Davis , in his usual perfect and impressive manner . The W . M . then occupied tho chair , and passed Bros . Marshall and Serf to tha 2 nd degree . Mr . F . Lncy ( who had previously been ballotted for ) and , by fiat , Messrs . F . AV . Hnhnichen and T . Do Conroy Meade were duly initiated into the Order by tho W . M . Ifc was proposed and carried
unanimously thafc the sum of £ 2 2 s should ho given to tho Prov . G . M . ' s ( Col . Burdett ) Testimonial Fund . In accordance with the resolution of the Lodge , it was carried thafc the future meetings of the Lodge should be held at the Belmont Hall , instead of tho Chequers Hotel Tho Lodge was closed , and tho brethren partook of a very excellent banquet , where the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given .
Union Chapter , No . 414 . — A regular convocation of the above Chapter was held at tho Masonio Hall , Reading , on Friday , the 18 th May . Present—Comps . Lomou M . E . Z ., Grisbrook H ., Bradley J ., Woightmau P . Z . Scribe E . and Treasurer , Portsmouth Scribe N ., Parsons P . S ., Lamb A . S . ; P . Z . ' s Bothey , Biggs and Dew . Members —Comps . C . F . Webb , H . Webb , J . Banco , J . T . Browne , Thatcher ,
Mount , Herbert , Lear , Daniels , Yetts , and Bailey . Visitor—Comp . W . P . Ivey , Windsor Castle , 771 . Tho minutes of the last regular Chapter were confirmed . Bros . A . Brakspeare and J . H . Moore were exalted . Bros . J . H . Hawkes 1101 and F . W . Albury 414 were ballotted for , elected , and exalted . Comp . Portsmouth ¦ withdrew his motion for a grant of ten guineas to tho R . M . I . B ., on account of the
funds in hand being less than he anticipated . The election of Principals and Officers took place , and resulted in the following return : Comp . E . Grisbrook M . E . Z ., R . Bradley H ., A . Portsmouth J ., Weightman E . and Treas ., W . Parsons N ., Lamb P . S . The working of the Chapter was very good . Comp . Parsons is evidently au enthusiastic worker , and his duties were performed admirably . The
Chapter may be congratulated on having taken good root . Another Chapter was in contemplation , in connection with 1101 , but as the Basingstoke Companions are about to consecrate one of their own , which will draw pretty strongly from 414 , it is thought bettor to defer another in Reacting for the present . After appointing the Audit Committee , the Companions retired for refreshment to the Upper Ship Hotel .
Lodge Dramatic , No . 591 , Glasgow . —Held an emergency meeting on Friday , May 11 th , at 11 p . m ., to confer the M . M . degree on Bro . J . Cook , of Hengler ' s Cirque , prior to his leaving the city . Tho Lodge was opened punctually at the appointed hour b y the R . W . M . Bro . H . W . Jackman , with Bro . Chute D . M ., Wm . Sieve , wright S . W ., J . Mitchell J . W ., J . Marshall S . D ., A . Smith J . D .
There was a good attendance of the professional brethren , aud amongst the other visitors we recognised Bros . J . Stewart 3 bis ., G . W . Wheeler 73 , J . Findley R . W . M . 333 , John Stewart 360 , D . Lamb P . D . M . 360 , and Kilper S . 581 . At the request of the R . W . M ., D . Lamb raised Bro . Cook , in a very careful manner , for which he received the thanks of the Lodge . The R . W . M . having reduced the
Lodge , said it had been thought desirable to spend a little time on refreshment with tho brethren who wonld be leaving the city with Mr . Hengler ' s company next week . The Lodge was accordingly pufc under the care of the J . W . After the usual Lodgo toasts , ably proposed , the Master , Bro . J . Findley R . W . M . of 333 , responded for the Provincials . The health of the new M . M ., Bro . Cook , was given in
eloquent terms from the chair . Bro . Cook was glad to be associated with so noble an Order , aud hoped to uphold the fame of Lodge Dramatic in many parts of the kingdom . Bro . Kilpin proposed the Brethren of Mr . Hengler ' s Company . Bro . Hill replied . Bro . J . Stewart replied for the Visitors , and gave Lodge Dramatic . Tho Press was replied to by Bro . J . Stewart . The singing and recitals were excellent .
Andrew Chapter , No . 834 . —The regular meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday , the 17 th instant , at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . Comps . W . Y . Worthing , ton M . E . Z ., L . Bryett H ., W . H . Adamson J . The attendance of tho Comps . was ( as is usually the case ) numerous . After the Chapter had been duly opened , and minutes confirmed , the M . E . Z . proceeded
to exalt Bros . Ward , Moyle and Mickelburgh , in whoso favour the ballot was unanimous at the previous meeting , and it is almost needless to state the ceremony was performed in tho masterly style thafc always characterises the working of the M . E . Z . The election of officers for the forthcoming session then took place , and . resulted as follows : —L . Bryett M . E . Z . elect ; W . H . Aflamson H ., G . F . Butt J .
After the Chapter was closed , the Comps . sat down to an excellent repast , provided by Comp . Millis , which deserves the highest praise . The evening was spent in a most pleasant manner , and the list of toasts well discussed by the various speakers . After the Loyal toasts had been duly honoured , tho health of tho M . E . Z . was proposed . In responding , Comp . Worthington said that as it
was the last occasion he should have of occupying the Principal ' s chair , he could not let tho opportunity pass without thanking the Comps . for the cordial may in which they always accepted this toast . Ho was not aware that ho had doni any . thing in particular to merit their approval , but ho could assure them how pleased , aud proud ho was to see the continued success of tho
Andrew Chapter during his year of office . The goodwill of the various officers and Comps . he felt certain had been extended towards him , and ho might almost say that he was more than satisfied . The health of the Visitor was then proposed , ancl Companion Cooper , P . Z . 19 , said , how pleased he was to meet the Comps . onco again , after being separated by distance from them for so many years . Before he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
. . - Bro . tho . Rev . A . Pertweo , & c . The first business of the evening was a ballot for four candidates , which being declared in their favour , they woro duly initiated by the W . M . The election of W . M . for thf * ensuing year followed , when the brethren unanimously selected Bro . Thomas J . Railing the J . W ., who has been nearly seven years Sec . to
tho Lodge . Bro . Alfred Cobb was unanimously re-elected Treas ., and Bro . ° C . Gunner Tyler . The W . M . announced that he intended to represent tho Lodge at the Annual Festival of the R . M . T . B ., on the 27 th June , and several sums wero promised in tho room to add to his list . The Lodgo having been closed , npwards of thirty brethren assembled round tho festive board , and a very harmonious evening was spent .
Mount Lebanon Chapter , No . 73 . —An emergency meet , ing of this Chapter was held at the Bridge House Hotel , Borough High-street , Southwark , on tho 10 th May . Tho Chapter was opened bv Comps . J . W . Baldwin M . E . Z ., F . Walters P . P . 1 st Asst . G . S . Middlesex P . Z . as H ., J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex P . Z . as J ., W Smeed P . Z . The following Comps . were then admitted : M . D . Loew .
enstark S . N ., B . Isaacs P . S ., J . H . Spencer , J . S . Sweasey , L . Samuel , W . Dunham , T . AV . Adams and others . Strange to say , there were not any visitors . The ballots , taken seperately , were declared to be unanimous in favour of the admission of Bros . Henry Moore 1326 and James Moore 1326 . Comp . William Smeed , acting as M . E . Z ., exalted Bros . Barnoy , Lamb ancl H . Moore into Royal Arch Freemasonry . The other officers being well posted iu their
duties , rendered able assistance to the good , correct , and excellent working of the acting M . E . Z . Business ended , the Chapter was closed and adjourned , to meet on Thursday , 18 th October , at six o ' clock p . m . Banquet and dessert followed . Songs , glees , and recitations were given . The usual toasts were gone through . The members separated , well pleased -with a delightful evening ' s re-union . Apologies were received for the absence of Comps . John Mason , caused through illness , and James Cattley Mason J ., who was out of town .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 . —Held its regular meet . ing on tho 15 th inst ., in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow . In tho absence from town of the R . W . M ., it was opened by Bro . G . McDonald I . P . M ., A . McLeod S . W ., W . T . Kay J . W ., R , R . Richards Sec , G . McDonald jun . I . G . Visitors—Bro . J . Mclnnis R . W . M . 408 , and Bro . Hugh Murray 33 ° , of Hamilton , Ontario , Canada , G . J . W . of Canada .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —Held an emergency meeting on the loth inst ., at 213 Buchanan . street , Glasgow , for the purpose of giving the Mark degree to Bro . Samnel Baker , No . 73 , The Chapter was opened by G . "W . Wheeler the M . E . Z ., assisted by J . Kennard H . as S . W ., J . Mclnnis as J . W ., J . Balfonr S . E ., J .
Bannerman Tr ., and G . McDonald as S . D . The Chapter had as a visitor Comp . Hugh Murray 33 ° , G . S . N , of Ontario , who expressed himself highly satisfied with the way in which the degree was wrought , though differing in some high points from tho way they work in Canada .
Commercial Chapter , No . 79 , Glasgow . —This Chapter held its regular meeting on Friday , tho 11 th inst ., at 30 Hope-street . A Mark Lodge was opened by tho P . Z . Comp . Jules Brodie , with Comps . R . Traynir as S . W ., R . Reid J . W ., and G . W . Wheeler Conductor , when Bro . James Henderson , of Lodge 360 , was advanced to that degree by Comp . D . Lamb . Comp . C . McKenzie , J . of Chapter
50 , gave the lecture . Comp . Lamb then assumed the chair , and opened a Lodge of Excellent Masters , and Comp . G . W . Wheeler Z . of 73 conferred that degree on Bros . J . Henderson ancl A . Burnett . The Chapter was then opened , —Comps . D . Lamb Z ., G . W . Wheeler H ., R . Brodie J ., J . Munro Deputy Z ., J . M . Oliver S . E ., R . Reid Tr ., R . Traynir 1 st S ., R . Burnett 2 nd S ., and J . McLean 3 rd Ass ., when Bros . Alex . Burnett and James Henderson were exalted into that degree by Comp . G . W . Wheeler .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Held at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , on 19 th inst . Bros . Hewlett W . M ., Moss S . W ., Defriez J . W ., Fenner S . D ., Groner J . D ., Bedwell I . G ., Pearcy Preceptor , Halford Treas ., Killick Sec , and about
twenty members were present . The Lodge was opened , and minutes confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed in full , Bro . Poore acting as candidate . The sections of the 3 rd lecture were worked by the W . M . and Preceptor . Bro . Hunter 1677 was elected a member . Bro . Moss was chosen W . M . for the next meeting .
St . James ' s Union Chapter , No . 380 . —The regular convocation of this Chapter was held on Tuesday , 22 nd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . Comps . Cameron P . Z . as M . E . Z ., Smithett H ., W . C . Parsons J ., H . Reed P . Z . S . E ., Knyvett S . N ., Pillin P . S . ; P . Z . 's Comps . Stonor , L . Hert , and Dawson ; aud Comps . Farwig , 0 . Smith , Pink , Van Dnren , Martin , W . Smith , & c . The Chapter was opened and the minutes confirmed . The installation of
Principals then took place , Comp . Smithett being installed M . E . Z ., W . C . Parsons H ., Knyvett J . ; the ceremonies were perfectly and impressively delivered by Comp . H . Reed P . Z . The investiture of officers then took place : —Comps . Cameron P . Z . Treas ., H . Reed S . E ., Pillin S . N ., L . Annett P . S ., G . Bubb 1 st Ass ., Farwig 2 nd Ass ., Gilbert Janitor . The Chapter was then closed , and the Companions sat clown to a very sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . E . Dawkins . The M . E . Z . proposed the usual Loval and Royal Arch toasts .
Royal Union Lodge , No . 382 . —The regular meeting of this Lod ge was held ou Monday , the 21 st inst ,, at the Belmont Hall ,
Notices Of Meetings.
Uxbridge . Bros . T . C . Swallow W . M ., Webb S . W ., Holliday J . W ., Coulton P . iVf . Treas ., W . Coombes T . Y . G . S . B . Middx . Sec , Cook S . D ., Dairey J . D ., RnssI . G ., J . C . W . Davis I . P . M ., Ferehenbach P . M . ; Bros . Brown , Pearce , Driukwater , Matthews , & c Tho Lodge was opened and the minutes confirmod . Bros . Price and G : \ ylartl showed thnir proficiency , and woro raised tothesnblime degree by tho I . P . M ., Bro .
C . J . W . Davis , in his usual perfect and impressive manner . The W . M . then occupied tho chair , and passed Bros . Marshall and Serf to tha 2 nd degree . Mr . F . Lncy ( who had previously been ballotted for ) and , by fiat , Messrs . F . AV . Hnhnichen and T . Do Conroy Meade were duly initiated into the Order by tho W . M . Ifc was proposed and carried
unanimously thafc the sum of £ 2 2 s should ho given to tho Prov . G . M . ' s ( Col . Burdett ) Testimonial Fund . In accordance with the resolution of the Lodge , it was carried thafc the future meetings of the Lodge should be held at the Belmont Hall , instead of tho Chequers Hotel Tho Lodge was closed , and tho brethren partook of a very excellent banquet , where the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were given .
Union Chapter , No . 414 . — A regular convocation of the above Chapter was held at tho Masonio Hall , Reading , on Friday , the 18 th May . Present—Comps . Lomou M . E . Z ., Grisbrook H ., Bradley J ., Woightmau P . Z . Scribe E . and Treasurer , Portsmouth Scribe N ., Parsons P . S ., Lamb A . S . ; P . Z . ' s Bothey , Biggs and Dew . Members —Comps . C . F . Webb , H . Webb , J . Banco , J . T . Browne , Thatcher ,
Mount , Herbert , Lear , Daniels , Yetts , and Bailey . Visitor—Comp . W . P . Ivey , Windsor Castle , 771 . Tho minutes of the last regular Chapter were confirmed . Bros . A . Brakspeare and J . H . Moore were exalted . Bros . J . H . Hawkes 1101 and F . W . Albury 414 were ballotted for , elected , and exalted . Comp . Portsmouth ¦ withdrew his motion for a grant of ten guineas to tho R . M . I . B ., on account of the
funds in hand being less than he anticipated . The election of Principals and Officers took place , and resulted in the following return : Comp . E . Grisbrook M . E . Z ., R . Bradley H ., A . Portsmouth J ., Weightman E . and Treas ., W . Parsons N ., Lamb P . S . The working of the Chapter was very good . Comp . Parsons is evidently au enthusiastic worker , and his duties were performed admirably . The
Chapter may be congratulated on having taken good root . Another Chapter was in contemplation , in connection with 1101 , but as the Basingstoke Companions are about to consecrate one of their own , which will draw pretty strongly from 414 , it is thought bettor to defer another in Reacting for the present . After appointing the Audit Committee , the Companions retired for refreshment to the Upper Ship Hotel .
Lodge Dramatic , No . 591 , Glasgow . —Held an emergency meeting on Friday , May 11 th , at 11 p . m ., to confer the M . M . degree on Bro . J . Cook , of Hengler ' s Cirque , prior to his leaving the city . Tho Lodge was opened punctually at the appointed hour b y the R . W . M . Bro . H . W . Jackman , with Bro . Chute D . M ., Wm . Sieve , wright S . W ., J . Mitchell J . W ., J . Marshall S . D ., A . Smith J . D .
There was a good attendance of the professional brethren , aud amongst the other visitors we recognised Bros . J . Stewart 3 bis ., G . W . Wheeler 73 , J . Findley R . W . M . 333 , John Stewart 360 , D . Lamb P . D . M . 360 , and Kilper S . 581 . At the request of the R . W . M ., D . Lamb raised Bro . Cook , in a very careful manner , for which he received the thanks of the Lodge . The R . W . M . having reduced the
Lodge , said it had been thought desirable to spend a little time on refreshment with tho brethren who wonld be leaving the city with Mr . Hengler ' s company next week . The Lodge was accordingly pufc under the care of the J . W . After the usual Lodgo toasts , ably proposed , the Master , Bro . J . Findley R . W . M . of 333 , responded for the Provincials . The health of the new M . M ., Bro . Cook , was given in
eloquent terms from the chair . Bro . Cook was glad to be associated with so noble an Order , aud hoped to uphold the fame of Lodge Dramatic in many parts of the kingdom . Bro . Kilpin proposed the Brethren of Mr . Hengler ' s Company . Bro . Hill replied . Bro . J . Stewart replied for the Visitors , and gave Lodge Dramatic . Tho Press was replied to by Bro . J . Stewart . The singing and recitals were excellent .
Andrew Chapter , No . 834 . —The regular meeting of this Chapter was held on Thursday , the 17 th instant , at the Bell and Anchor Hotel , West Kensington Gardens . Comps . W . Y . Worthing , ton M . E . Z ., L . Bryett H ., W . H . Adamson J . The attendance of tho Comps . was ( as is usually the case ) numerous . After the Chapter had been duly opened , and minutes confirmed , the M . E . Z . proceeded
to exalt Bros . Ward , Moyle and Mickelburgh , in whoso favour the ballot was unanimous at the previous meeting , and it is almost needless to state the ceremony was performed in tho masterly style thafc always characterises the working of the M . E . Z . The election of officers for the forthcoming session then took place , and . resulted as follows : —L . Bryett M . E . Z . elect ; W . H . Aflamson H ., G . F . Butt J .
After the Chapter was closed , the Comps . sat down to an excellent repast , provided by Comp . Millis , which deserves the highest praise . The evening was spent in a most pleasant manner , and the list of toasts well discussed by the various speakers . After the Loyal toasts had been duly honoured , tho health of tho M . E . Z . was proposed . In responding , Comp . Worthington said that as it
was the last occasion he should have of occupying the Principal ' s chair , he could not let tho opportunity pass without thanking the Comps . for the cordial may in which they always accepted this toast . Ho was not aware that ho had doni any . thing in particular to merit their approval , but ho could assure them how pleased , aud proud ho was to see the continued success of tho
Andrew Chapter during his year of office . The goodwill of the various officers and Comps . he felt certain had been extended towards him , and ho might almost say that he was more than satisfied . The health of the Visitor was then proposed , ancl Companion Cooper , P . Z . 19 , said , how pleased he was to meet the Comps . onco again , after being separated by distance from them for so many years . Before he