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PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . G-BOYBR cSc G-ROYBB LET OX HIRE , WITH OPTION OB PURCHASE , n ^^^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . r pyaaBi 8 | , PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS ; ^ j ]} F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . I jg ' 23 Tlie Advantages of a Trial , tvitli the Convenience of tlie A rn ? ¦ tmmm " 1 f ? Tln-ee ¥ cars' System at Cash PrU-e , l » . r Pa . vingr about » Quarter s ^ i-l | . """" _ If of the value tlown , the Balance I > y Ka * y Payments from ^* S > H 'n- * s » —* ¦ - % , % 3 n per Quarter . GROVER & GROVER , 157-9 Kingsland Road . ESTABLISHED 1830 .
mj . FORTESCUE , < gp ^^ HAT MANUFAC TURER , ^ ft ^^^ 129 FLEET ST . j JJJ & H 5 JBH 3 E LANE , » | Hj | And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney , s ' fe ? ^ - ' ^ ''^ sifNa ?} Gents' Silk Hats from 6 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 V ^ L' "l ^ Li ^^^ f Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & W . The very besl made 21 / . ^ I ^ Sfe'gflMjBKp ^ Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all tho newest shapes , ^ cSsSlS- ^
FIRST CLASS AMERICAN FRESH BEEF . — : o : — DAVIS & CO ., BUTCHERS , 82 ALDERSGATE STREET , E . C . All orders accompanied by a remittance forwarded to any part of London on same day .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE , Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . * ' The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —15 i Queen Street , Portsoa . Bro . R . HOLBROOK & Soss , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
" TjlOIl the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " CLAEKE ' S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all imparities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Soros of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on tho Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tha moal delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in tho groat majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and tho world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln , Wholesale ; All Patent Medicine Houses ,
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Leyton , London , E . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Leyton . A . OLD ROY iD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigavs , ancl Importer oE Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , E .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bnnion Plaisters aro tho best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe tho Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Bo sure and ask for Young ' s .
" There should bo a better reason fori the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOR ' S GUARDIAN . T OMBAUD BANK ( Limited ) , Uos . -I-i a , Lombard-street , City ; and 277 and 270 Regentstreet , W . Established ISO , receives Deposits . On Demand , 5 per cent . Subject to Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensures a high rata of interest with periect security . The Directors have never re-discounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or feus . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . LOMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , J-J 3 ' , Lombard-street . City : and 277 and 279 Regentstreet , W . Established 1 SU 0 . Incorporated under tho New Act , 187-4 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are oifered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & u . Now and Special Feature . —The Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of the building at •"> percent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying or giving security for tho first 5 years'instreet . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . J . UtES PRYOR , Manager .
ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs , in cither sex , acquired or constitutional , Gravel , and Pains in tho Back . Sold in boxes , Is ed each , by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors : or sent to any address , for 00 stamps by the Maker , P . J . CLABKK , Consulting Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale Agents , BABCLA ? and SOJTS , London , and . aU ths Wholesals HotWM ,
Crown Svo . cloth , 5 s . THE KNOT TIED —MARKUGE CEREMOKIIS or Alt Nuioits . Edited by Wittusf T BCQ , F . R . H . S ., Author of" Wills Of Their Own , " " Last Act , " & c . London : WiLMAif TE » G and Co ., Pancras Lane , Cheapside .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FROM THK GUESS BOARD , by Captain Hugh A . Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . W . W . MoROAjr . f ! 7 I ^ BBtCAN ' , LONDOJT .
U'URNISHED APARTMENTS FOR A r GENTLEMAN . —Pleasantly situated in tho best part of Barnsbury , and within easy access of the City and West End . Address : II . S . B ., Office of the FBEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , 07 Barbican , E . C .
ETJPTUBES . BV I 10 VAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the sr ^ k most effective invention in tho curative treat-, i-Sa ment of Hernia . Tho use of a steel sprint , ' , so . \ Jr often hurtful in its clt'ects , is here avoided , a * : Ta-H . soft bandage being worn round the body , while 5 fastfm the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho 5 W ^' l'l MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVEIt fitting f K / i'li with so much ease and looseness that it cannot Q > 'J \\\ 1 be detected , and may be worn during sleep . < sV- ^ Mv A descriptive circular may be had , and the F P 2 T / U Truss , which cannot fall to fit , forwarded by /* h 5 i [ J Post on tho circumference of the body two / . //»! / inches below the loins being sent to the munu-C / r \ < A facturor , Si I I Mr . JOHK WHITE . 223 PICCADILLY , LONDON . f ' -l 1 ) Price of a single Truss , Ills . 21 s . 2 iisCd & 31 s Cd , ( j !/ / Postage free . Price of a Double Truss : UsGd , « i i ll J [ - and 52 s Cd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical < : * £ itfsg Truss , 42 s ancl 52 s Cd . Postage free . Post Office " < m ^~ Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT "PLASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , JT , J for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SPELLINGS of the LEGS , SPRAINS , Sec . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like ) an ordinary stocking . Price 4 s Cd , 7 s Cd , 10 s and 10 s each post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both vV sexes . ) For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they arc invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 s Cd , 7 s Gd and 10 s Cd ; adults ljs Cd and 2 ls , post free . JOHN WHITE , MANUFACTURER , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON " .
THE NEW EEGISTERED CL 0 C K BAROMETER . Height , 27 inches ; Width , 10 inches . XNDISPENSABLE in every House , and undamigeable by heat or ( lamp . Price ( securely packed ) £ 3 3 s . THE case is metal bronzed ( tho design being beautifully brought out ) , and forms a striking ornament for the dining room , hall , library , counting-house , & c . ^ PHE CLOCK goes 12 days , striking hours JL in full , and ono at each half hour , and is a sound movement , keeping accurate time . Whita enamel dial and crystal glass . rpHE BAROMETER is Aneroid , the kind I which from its convenient size , precision , and non-liability to injury , has come into » ueh universal requirement . THE THERMOMETER is graduated to both the Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales . THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER is also made same in all respects as above , but with a cylinder movement , of superior quality , jewelled in six actions , going and striking equally well in any position , so as tob 9 suitable for Travelling ancl Ship ' s Use , as well a for all the above purposes . Price ( securely packed ) £ 4 4 s . AGIST : W . W . MORGAN JU . T ., 07 BABJHCAJT , Loxnoy , E . C .
TAMAR INDIEM . » P £ CIAXI uAirriox . OWING to the marked success of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally prescribed by tho faculty , and the acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , hemorrhoids , Sa , BASH IMITATION ' S , containing drastic irrir . ants , are being foisted on tlie public . The genuine preparation bears tlie titlo " 1 'amar Indien , " and the signature K . ( SIULLOX , Coletnan-st ., London , E . C . Price * J ^ Gd per box-. In a recent case , 137 il , CI . No . 211 . a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to his lozenges was awarded , witu costs , by Vice-Chancellor liaaou , on 19 th J uiuury 1377 , and all such piracies will be summarily prooecded against . N . B . —See that the outer wrapper ( directions ) are printed in the English language , and that each box bears the Government 3 d stamp . Tho boxes with for » ign wruppqi-i ) w 9 ii ? tpr » parcsU 9 r £ n ( iiis ! uequ . ir » nMnt * F
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . G-BOYBR cSc G-ROYBB LET OX HIRE , WITH OPTION OB PURCHASE , n ^^^ BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . r pyaaBi 8 | , PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS ; ^ j ]} F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . I jg ' 23 Tlie Advantages of a Trial , tvitli the Convenience of tlie A rn ? ¦ tmmm " 1 f ? Tln-ee ¥ cars' System at Cash PrU-e , l » . r Pa . vingr about » Quarter s ^ i-l | . """" _ If of the value tlown , the Balance I > y Ka * y Payments from ^* S > H 'n- * s » —* ¦ - % , % 3 n per Quarter . GROVER & GROVER , 157-9 Kingsland Road . ESTABLISHED 1830 .
mj . FORTESCUE , < gp ^^ HAT MANUFAC TURER , ^ ft ^^^ 129 FLEET ST . j JJJ & H 5 JBH 3 E LANE , » | Hj | And 143 Mare Street , Triangle , Hackney , s ' fe ? ^ - ' ^ ''^ sifNa ?} Gents' Silk Hats from 6 / 6 each . Second best 6 / 6 7 / 6 8 / 6 V ^ L' "l ^ Li ^^^ f Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / 6 & W . The very besl made 21 / . ^ I ^ Sfe'gflMjBKp ^ Felt Hats , hard and soft , in all tho newest shapes , ^ cSsSlS- ^
FIRST CLASS AMERICAN FRESH BEEF . — : o : — DAVIS & CO ., BUTCHERS , 82 ALDERSGATE STREET , E . C . All orders accompanied by a remittance forwarded to any part of London on same day .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE , Hampshire , I . of Wight and Sussex County Journal . Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . * ' The Naval Paper of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May ' s British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , One Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —15 i Queen Street , Portsoa . Bro . R . HOLBROOK & Soss , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
" TjlOIl the BLOOD ia the LIFE . " CLAEKE ' S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE , Trade Mark , — " Blood Mixture . " THB GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER & RESTORER . For cleansing and clearing the blood from all imparities , cannot be too highly recommended . For Scrofula , Scurvy , Skin Diseases , and Soros of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure It Cures Old Sores , Cures Ulcerated Sores on tho Neck , Cures Ulcerated Sore Legs , Cures Blackheads , or Pimples on the Face , Cures Scurvy Sores , Cures Cancerous Ulcers , Cures Blood and Skin Diseases , Cures Glandular Swellings , Clears the Blood from all Impure Matter , From whatever cause arising . As this Mixture is pleasant to the taste , and warranted free from anything injurious to tha moal delicate constitution of either sex , the Proprietor solicits sufferers to give it a trial to test its value . Thousands of Testimonials from all parts . . Sold in Bottles , 2 s 6 d each , and in Cases , containing six times the quantity , lis each—sufficient to effect a permanent cure in tho groat majority of long-standing cases—BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the United Kingdom and tho world , or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by F . J . CLARKE , Chemist , High Street , Lincoln , Wholesale ; All Patent Medicine Houses ,
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Leyton , London , E . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name in raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from the Maker , at tho undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payable at Leyton . A . OLD ROY iD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigavs , ancl Importer oE Havana and Continental Cigars , LEYTON , LONDON , E .
YOUNG'S Arnicated Corn and Bnnion Plaisters aro tho best ever invented for giving immediate case , and removing those painful excrescences . Price 6 d and Is per box . Any Chemist not having them in stock can procure them . Observe tho Trade Mark—H . Y . —without which none are genuine . Bo sure and ask for Young ' s .
" There should bo a better reason fori the race of Depositors than a fluctuating rate of two or three per cent . "—INVESTOR ' S GUARDIAN . T OMBAUD BANK ( Limited ) , Uos . -I-i a , Lombard-street , City ; and 277 and 270 Regentstreet , W . Established ISO , receives Deposits . On Demand , 5 per cent . Subject to Notice , 10 per cent . Opens current Accounts . Supplies Cheque Books . Investors are invited to examine this new and improved system , that ensures a high rata of interest with periect security . The Directors have never re-discounted or re-hypothecated any of the securities . TO BORROWERS . —It offers pre-eminent advantages for prompt advances on leases , reversions , policies , trade stocks , farm produce , warrants , and furniture , without removal publicity , sureties , or feus . JAMES PRYOR , Manager . LOMBARD BUILDING SOCIETY , J-J 3 ' , Lombard-street . City : and 277 and 279 Regentstreet , W . Established 1 SU 0 . Incorporated under tho New Act , 187-4 . TO INVESTORS . —Deposits received at liberal interest . The Directors by strict economy have hitherto paid every investor 10 and 12 per cent , per annum . Borrowers are oifered unusual facilities for the purchase of Houses , Shops , Farms , & u . Now and Special Feature . —The Society will build Houses , etc ., in any approved part of Great Britain , finding the whole cost of the building at •"> percent ., repayable by instalments , the applicant merely finding the plan and paying or giving security for tho first 5 years'instreet . Prospectuses , balance-sheets , and press opinions free . Active Agents wanted . J . UtES PRYOR , Manager .
ONE BOX of CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs , in cither sex , acquired or constitutional , Gravel , and Pains in tho Back . Sold in boxes , Is ed each , by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors : or sent to any address , for 00 stamps by the Maker , P . J . CLABKK , Consulting Chemist , High Street , Lincoln . Wholesale Agents , BABCLA ? and SOJTS , London , and . aU ths Wholesals HotWM ,
Crown Svo . cloth , 5 s . THE KNOT TIED —MARKUGE CEREMOKIIS or Alt Nuioits . Edited by Wittusf T BCQ , F . R . H . S ., Author of" Wills Of Their Own , " " Last Act , " & c . London : WiLMAif TE » G and Co ., Pancras Lane , Cheapside .
New Edition , Enlarged , Crown 8 vo ., Cloth 5 s . WAIFS AND STRAYS , CHIEFLY FROM THK GUESS BOARD , by Captain Hugh A . Kennedy , Vice-President of tho British Chess Association . W . W . MoROAjr . f ! 7 I ^ BBtCAN ' , LONDOJT .
U'URNISHED APARTMENTS FOR A r GENTLEMAN . —Pleasantly situated in tho best part of Barnsbury , and within easy access of the City and West End . Address : II . S . B ., Office of the FBEEMASON ' S CHRONICLE , 07 Barbican , E . C .
ETJPTUBES . BV I 10 VAL LETTERS PATENT . WHITE'S MOC-MAIN LEVER TRUSS is allowed by upwards of 500 Medical Men to be the sr ^ k most effective invention in tho curative treat-, i-Sa ment of Hernia . Tho use of a steel sprint , ' , so . \ Jr often hurtful in its clt'ects , is here avoided , a * : Ta-H . soft bandage being worn round the body , while 5 fastfm the requisite resisting power is supplied by tho 5 W ^' l'l MOC-MAIN PAD and PATENT LEVEIt fitting f K / i'li with so much ease and looseness that it cannot Q > 'J \\\ 1 be detected , and may be worn during sleep . < sV- ^ Mv A descriptive circular may be had , and the F P 2 T / U Truss , which cannot fall to fit , forwarded by /* h 5 i [ J Post on tho circumference of the body two / . //»! / inches below the loins being sent to the munu-C / r \ < A facturor , Si I I Mr . JOHK WHITE . 223 PICCADILLY , LONDON . f ' -l 1 ) Price of a single Truss , Ills . 21 s . 2 iisCd & 31 s Cd , ( j !/ / Postage free . Price of a Double Truss : UsGd , « i i ll J [ - and 52 s Cd . Postage free . Price of an Umbilical < : * £ itfsg Truss , 42 s ancl 52 s Cd . Postage free . Post Office " < m ^~ Orders to be made payable to JOHN WHITE , Post office , Piccadilly . NEW PATENT "PLASTIC STOCKING KNEE CAPS , & c , JT , J for VARICOSE VEINS , and all cases of WEAKNESS and SPELLINGS of the LEGS , SPRAINS , Sec . They are porous , light in texture , and inexpensive , and drawn on like ) an ordinary stocking . Price 4 s Cd , 7 s Cd , 10 s and 10 s each post free . pHEST EXPANDING BRACES ( for both vV sexes . ) For Gentlemen they act as a substitute for the ordinary braces . For children they arc invaluable ; they prevent stooping and preserve the symmetry of the chest . Prices for children 5 s Cd , 7 s Gd and 10 s Cd ; adults ljs Cd and 2 ls , post free . JOHN WHITE , MANUFACTURER , 228 PICCADILLY , LONDON " .
THE NEW EEGISTERED CL 0 C K BAROMETER . Height , 27 inches ; Width , 10 inches . XNDISPENSABLE in every House , and undamigeable by heat or ( lamp . Price ( securely packed ) £ 3 3 s . THE case is metal bronzed ( tho design being beautifully brought out ) , and forms a striking ornament for the dining room , hall , library , counting-house , & c . ^ PHE CLOCK goes 12 days , striking hours JL in full , and ono at each half hour , and is a sound movement , keeping accurate time . Whita enamel dial and crystal glass . rpHE BAROMETER is Aneroid , the kind I which from its convenient size , precision , and non-liability to injury , has come into » ueh universal requirement . THE THERMOMETER is graduated to both the Fahrenheit and Reaumur scales . THE NEW REGISTERED CLOCK BAROMETER is also made same in all respects as above , but with a cylinder movement , of superior quality , jewelled in six actions , going and striking equally well in any position , so as tob 9 suitable for Travelling ancl Ship ' s Use , as well a for all the above purposes . Price ( securely packed ) £ 4 4 s . AGIST : W . W . MORGAN JU . T ., 07 BABJHCAJT , Loxnoy , E . C .
TAMAR INDIEM . » P £ CIAXI uAirriox . OWING to the marked success of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally prescribed by tho faculty , and the acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , hemorrhoids , Sa , BASH IMITATION ' S , containing drastic irrir . ants , are being foisted on tlie public . The genuine preparation bears tlie titlo " 1 'amar Indien , " and the signature K . ( SIULLOX , Coletnan-st ., London , E . C . Price * J ^ Gd per box-. In a recent case , 137 il , CI . No . 211 . a perpetual injunction to restrain the defendant from applying the name "Tamar" to his lozenges was awarded , witu costs , by Vice-Chancellor liaaou , on 19 th J uiuury 1377 , and all such piracies will be summarily prooecded against . N . B . —See that the outer wrapper ( directions ) are printed in the English language , and that each box bears the Government 3 d stamp . Tho boxes with for » ign wruppqi-i ) w 9 ii ? tpr » parcsU 9 r £ n ( iiis ! uequ . ir » nMnt * F