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Notices Of Meetings.
left London , as some were aware , he took a great interest in attending the different meetings of the Craft , particularly the Royal Arch ; but circumstances had for some time past compelled him to relinquish attending to those duties as he wished . Ho saw among tho Comps . assembled that evening around the table several whom ho conld recollect as lads attending school when he resided iu the
vicinity , and he conld assure them that tho pleasure to him was very great when he could mark tho success that had attended the Andrew Chapter , founded by , and named after his late lamented friend Andrew . The toast of tho officers was well responded to by Comps . Bryett and Lines , and , after the Janitor ' s toast , the Comps . separated .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The meeting of this Lodgo -was held at tho Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst . Bros . Perry jun . W . M ., Lovelock S . W ., Allen J . W ., Hewlett S . D ., Pnllen J . D ., Dallas I . G ., Wallington Preceptor , also Bros . Perry sen ., Sanders , Bonner , Christian , & c . Ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bonner candidate . Bro . Allen
worked 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Lovelock was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officers in rotation . A vote of thanks was to bo recorded on tho minutes , for the able manner in which the W . M . worked the ceremony , it being the first time ho had occupied the chair . Lodge closed in due form .
Upton Lodge , No . 1227 . —Tho brethren of this Lodge held their usual meeting at tho Spotted Dog , Upton , on Thursday , the 17 th inst . Bro . David Posener W . M . presided , and amongst the brethren present were—Bros . George Brown S . W ., Benjamin Lyons J . W ., W . Webster S . D ., Andrews I . G ., A . W . Fenner acting Secretary , Leo Engell W . S ., Cowcll , H . Jones , W . Lane , E . G . Bratton
P . M ., R . W . Goddard P . M ., T . Simpson , C . H . Belsay , Adolphus Elland , & c . Among the visitors present were—Bros . Samuel Moss , Euphrates 212 , Alex . Giles , Earl Spencer 1426 , W . G . Kent , West Kent 1297 , W . Christie , Tranquillity 185 . The minutes of the provious meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Jones and Simpson wero raised to the Sublime Degree , and Bros . Cornell and
Austin passed . It was unanimously agreed that the summer banquet should take place , on tho 5 th of July , at Broxbonrne ; the mm of five guineas was voted , from the Lodge Benevolent Fund , to tho widow of a deceased member , to be placed in the hands of tho W . M ., ancl to be used at his discretion . The labours of the evening over , the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 18 th instant . Present—Bros . Crouch W . M ., Fenner S . W ., Simpson J . W ., Townsend S . D ., Smith J . D ., Lane I . G ., Hewlett , Bolton , Austin , Cave , Scales , Lupinsky , & o . Lodgo was opened in due form . Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodgo was opened in the second degree , Bro . Cave answered the usual questions . Lodge was opened
in the third degree , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Cave being candidate . Tho traditional history was given by the acting Preceptor , Bro . Hewlett , in his usual correct manner . Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . The second and third sections of the first lecture were worked by Bro . A . W . Fenner , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Fonnor was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodgo was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Lebanon Lodge , 1326 . —Held its first meeting of tho season on Saturday , 19 th May , at the Red Lion Hotel , Thames-street , Hampton . Bro . Edwin Gilbert W . M . opened the Lodge , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were confirmed . The ballot for Mr . W . Clark was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admis .
sion . Bros . W . Priddy and S . Page wero passed , and Bro . W . Blakeley was raised . On the motion of Bro . F . Walters , it was unanimously resolved that a congratulatory letter bo sent to Bro . R . W . Little on his appointment as D . P . G . M . Middlesex . Tho subject of the " Burdett " testimonial was deferred until the next regular meeting , double tho amount ( on notice of motion made ) being
Notices Of Meetings.
intended to bo given than what had been proposed at this meeting . The usual notice of motion was given to present the W . M . with tho customary P . M . jewel , of the value of seven guineas . Several names of brethren for joining and gentlemen for initiation wero given to the Secretary . Business ended , the Lodge was closed , and adjourned to Saturday , 2 lst June , to meet at half-past three . The usual banquet
was served , and reflected the greatest credit on Bro . Murphy , tho host , who personally superintended it . There wero present during tho afternoon and evening—Bros . E . Gilbert W . M ., C . W . Fox S . W ., H . Gloster acting as J . W ., F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M . Sec , J . B . Shackleton W . M . 1514 J . D ., W . Stanton acting as S . D ., J . W .
Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex I . G ., G . Shott D . C , H . Potter P . M . W . S ., W . Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesex P . M ., and many others . The only visitor was Bro . H . C . T . Murphy , 1512 , Hemming Lodge . The J . W ., Bro . R . W . Williams P . G . Organist Middlesex , was absent through ill health .
Falcon Lodge , No . 1416 . —The Archaeological Section , in company with Rev . Bros . C . E . Camidge M . A ., P . G . C . West Yorkshire , W . C . Lukis M . A ., F . A . S ., and A . T . Atwood M . A ., Rural Dean , the W . M . and his Wardens , on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., visited Feliskirk and South Kilvington . The Rev . H . Clayforth B . A . and the Rev . W . T . Kingsley B . D . very kindly received the party , ancl
afforded them much information . The Church at Feliskirk has been almost entirely rebuilt , but has some interesting remains , having at the Dissolution belonged to the Commandery of Knights HospitalierS on Mount St . John . There aro two remarkably fine effigies , of a cross-legged knight in chain armour , and a lady , both in excellent preservation . The great curiosity of Kilvington Church is the font
made at the cost of Lord Thomas Scrope , and said to have been removed there from Upsall Castle . The formation of this section has conduced very greatly to pleasant and profitable intercourse among the members , ancl secured for them good report in the neighbourhood generally . Other Lodges might take up tho matter in a similar form with great advantage .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . — This Lodge met at Masons' Hall Tavern , on Thnrsday evening , at 6 . 30 p . m . There were present Bros . Saul W . M ., De Leliva S . W ., Goodman J . W ., Wood S . D ., Cadiot J . D ., Taylor I . G ., Colmer Treasurer , Blackie Secretary , and other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed . The Lodge was afterwards opened in tho second and third degrees , and the ceremony of passing and raising very ably rehearsed by the W . M . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . De Leliva unanimously elected W . M . for Thursday week , the 7 th June . All Masonic business being ended the Lodge was closed in due form .
"West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1623 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Thursday , 17 th inst ., at the New Market Hotel , King-street , West Smithfield . Bro . J . Smith P . G . P . P . M . W . M . opened the Lodge . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bro . T . W . Adams S . W ., G . S . Elliott J . W ., F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M . Secretary , J . Howes P . M . S . D ., J . Johnson
J . D ., G . S . Wmtle I . G ., W . Pennefather P . M . D . C , J . Gilbert Prov . G . Tyler Mid . Tyler , J . J . Howes , E . Crombie , F . West , G . H . Ste . vens , W . Smyth , H . J . Lnrdner , T . Butt , W . Snow , T . M . Butt , & o . Amongst the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . J . W . Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex P . M . 1423 , & c , H . Potter P . M . 11 , G . Wallace 95 , A . Stevens 1298 , J . H . Pearson 423 , & c . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Tho ballot was unanimous
in favour of tho admission of Mr . Craddock Seymour ; also for Bro . James Payne , of No . 245 , as a joining member . Bros . J . J . Howes , E . C Crombie , F . West , G . H . Stevens , and H . J . Lardner , were passed to tho second degree , and Bro . W . Smyth raised to the third degree . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and some brethren for joining . An important notice of motion was given by the Secretary . Tho Lodgo was closed and adjourned to Thursday , 19 th July . The usual banquet , Sco ., followed .
MASONIC LODGE SUMMONSES , MENU CARDS , & 0 . ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED . SKETCHES OR DESIGNS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION . BOOKS , PERIODICALS , PAMPHLETS , PROSPECTUSES , CATALOGUES , POSTERS , BILLHEADS , SHOWCARDS , & C . Every description of Printing ( Plain or Ornamental ) executed in First Class Style . Recount ' gmte oi % § esi © ualltg kcjit m Moth , ox glitbe is i & ttent at u Sjjwi | ktke .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
left London , as some were aware , he took a great interest in attending the different meetings of the Craft , particularly the Royal Arch ; but circumstances had for some time past compelled him to relinquish attending to those duties as he wished . Ho saw among tho Comps . assembled that evening around the table several whom ho conld recollect as lads attending school when he resided iu the
vicinity , and he conld assure them that tho pleasure to him was very great when he could mark tho success that had attended the Andrew Chapter , founded by , and named after his late lamented friend Andrew . The toast of tho officers was well responded to by Comps . Bryett and Lines , and , after the Janitor ' s toast , the Comps . separated .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —The meeting of this Lodgo -was held at tho Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , on Tuesday , the 22 nd inst . Bros . Perry jun . W . M ., Lovelock S . W ., Allen J . W ., Hewlett S . D ., Pnllen J . D ., Dallas I . G ., Wallington Preceptor , also Bros . Perry sen ., Sanders , Bonner , Christian , & c . Ceremony of Initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Bonner candidate . Bro . Allen
worked 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd sections of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Lovelock was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and appointed the officers in rotation . A vote of thanks was to bo recorded on tho minutes , for the able manner in which the W . M . worked the ceremony , it being the first time ho had occupied the chair . Lodge closed in due form .
Upton Lodge , No . 1227 . —Tho brethren of this Lodge held their usual meeting at tho Spotted Dog , Upton , on Thursday , the 17 th inst . Bro . David Posener W . M . presided , and amongst the brethren present were—Bros . George Brown S . W ., Benjamin Lyons J . W ., W . Webster S . D ., Andrews I . G ., A . W . Fenner acting Secretary , Leo Engell W . S ., Cowcll , H . Jones , W . Lane , E . G . Bratton
P . M ., R . W . Goddard P . M ., T . Simpson , C . H . Belsay , Adolphus Elland , & c . Among the visitors present were—Bros . Samuel Moss , Euphrates 212 , Alex . Giles , Earl Spencer 1426 , W . G . Kent , West Kent 1297 , W . Christie , Tranquillity 185 . The minutes of the provious meeting having been read and confirmed , Bros . Jones and Simpson wero raised to the Sublime Degree , and Bros . Cornell and
Austin passed . It was unanimously agreed that the summer banquet should take place , on tho 5 th of July , at Broxbonrne ; the mm of five guineas was voted , from the Lodge Benevolent Fund , to tho widow of a deceased member , to be placed in the hands of tho W . M ., ancl to be used at his discretion . The labours of the evening over , the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , 18 th instant . Present—Bros . Crouch W . M ., Fenner S . W ., Simpson J . W ., Townsend S . D ., Smith J . D ., Lane I . G ., Hewlett , Bolton , Austin , Cave , Scales , Lupinsky , & o . Lodgo was opened in due form . Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Lodgo was opened in the second degree , Bro . Cave answered the usual questions . Lodge was opened
in the third degree , when the ceremony of raising was rehearsed by the W . M ., Bro . Cave being candidate . Tho traditional history was given by the acting Preceptor , Bro . Hewlett , in his usual correct manner . Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . The second and third sections of the first lecture were worked by Bro . A . W . Fenner , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Fonnor was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodgo was then closed in due form and adjourned .
Lebanon Lodge , 1326 . —Held its first meeting of tho season on Saturday , 19 th May , at the Red Lion Hotel , Thames-street , Hampton . Bro . Edwin Gilbert W . M . opened the Lodge , and the minutes of the last regular meeting were confirmed . The ballot for Mr . W . Clark was declared to be unanimous in favour of his admis .
sion . Bros . W . Priddy and S . Page wero passed , and Bro . W . Blakeley was raised . On the motion of Bro . F . Walters , it was unanimously resolved that a congratulatory letter bo sent to Bro . R . W . Little on his appointment as D . P . G . M . Middlesex . Tho subject of the " Burdett " testimonial was deferred until the next regular meeting , double tho amount ( on notice of motion made ) being
Notices Of Meetings.
intended to bo given than what had been proposed at this meeting . The usual notice of motion was given to present the W . M . with tho customary P . M . jewel , of the value of seven guineas . Several names of brethren for joining and gentlemen for initiation wero given to the Secretary . Business ended , the Lodge was closed , and adjourned to Saturday , 2 lst June , to meet at half-past three . The usual banquet
was served , and reflected the greatest credit on Bro . Murphy , tho host , who personally superintended it . There wero present during tho afternoon and evening—Bros . E . Gilbert W . M ., C . W . Fox S . W ., H . Gloster acting as J . W ., F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M . Sec , J . B . Shackleton W . M . 1514 J . D ., W . Stanton acting as S . D ., J . W .
Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex I . G ., G . Shott D . C , H . Potter P . M . W . S ., W . Hammond P . P . G . D . Middlesex P . M ., and many others . The only visitor was Bro . H . C . T . Murphy , 1512 , Hemming Lodge . The J . W ., Bro . R . W . Williams P . G . Organist Middlesex , was absent through ill health .
Falcon Lodge , No . 1416 . —The Archaeological Section , in company with Rev . Bros . C . E . Camidge M . A ., P . G . C . West Yorkshire , W . C . Lukis M . A ., F . A . S ., and A . T . Atwood M . A ., Rural Dean , the W . M . and his Wardens , on Saturday , the 12 th inst ., visited Feliskirk and South Kilvington . The Rev . H . Clayforth B . A . and the Rev . W . T . Kingsley B . D . very kindly received the party , ancl
afforded them much information . The Church at Feliskirk has been almost entirely rebuilt , but has some interesting remains , having at the Dissolution belonged to the Commandery of Knights HospitalierS on Mount St . John . There aro two remarkably fine effigies , of a cross-legged knight in chain armour , and a lady , both in excellent preservation . The great curiosity of Kilvington Church is the font
made at the cost of Lord Thomas Scrope , and said to have been removed there from Upsall Castle . The formation of this section has conduced very greatly to pleasant and profitable intercourse among the members , ancl secured for them good report in the neighbourhood generally . Other Lodges might take up tho matter in a similar form with great advantage .
The Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1426 . — This Lodge met at Masons' Hall Tavern , on Thnrsday evening , at 6 . 30 p . m . There were present Bros . Saul W . M ., De Leliva S . W ., Goodman J . W ., Wood S . D ., Cadiot J . D ., Taylor I . G ., Colmer Treasurer , Blackie Secretary , and other brethren . The Lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . The
ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed . The Lodge was afterwards opened in tho second and third degrees , and the ceremony of passing and raising very ably rehearsed by the W . M . The Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and Bro . De Leliva unanimously elected W . M . for Thursday week , the 7 th June . All Masonic business being ended the Lodge was closed in due form .
"West Smithfield Lodge , No . 1623 . —The regular meeting of this Lodgo was held on Thursday , 17 th inst ., at the New Market Hotel , King-street , West Smithfield . Bro . J . Smith P . G . P . P . M . W . M . opened the Lodge . There were present during the afternoon and evening Bro . T . W . Adams S . W ., G . S . Elliott J . W ., F . Walters P . G . J . D . Middlesex P . M . Secretary , J . Howes P . M . S . D ., J . Johnson
J . D ., G . S . Wmtle I . G ., W . Pennefather P . M . D . C , J . Gilbert Prov . G . Tyler Mid . Tyler , J . J . Howes , E . Crombie , F . West , G . H . Ste . vens , W . Smyth , H . J . Lnrdner , T . Butt , W . Snow , T . M . Butt , & o . Amongst the numerous visitors we noticed Bros . J . W . Baldwin P . A . G . P . Middlesex P . M . 1423 , & c , H . Potter P . M . 11 , G . Wallace 95 , A . Stevens 1298 , J . H . Pearson 423 , & c . The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and confirmed . Tho ballot was unanimous
in favour of tho admission of Mr . Craddock Seymour ; also for Bro . James Payne , of No . 245 , as a joining member . Bros . J . J . Howes , E . C Crombie , F . West , G . H . Stevens , and H . J . Lardner , were passed to tho second degree , and Bro . W . Smyth raised to the third degree . Several gentlemen were proposed for initiation , and some brethren for joining . An important notice of motion was given by the Secretary . Tho Lodgo was closed and adjourned to Thursday , 19 th July . The usual banquet , Sco ., followed .
MASONIC LODGE SUMMONSES , MENU CARDS , & 0 . ARTISTICALLY EXECUTED . SKETCHES OR DESIGNS FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION . BOOKS , PERIODICALS , PAMPHLETS , PROSPECTUSES , CATALOGUES , POSTERS , BILLHEADS , SHOWCARDS , & C . Every description of Printing ( Plain or Ornamental ) executed in First Class Style . Recount ' gmte oi % § esi © ualltg kcjit m Moth , ox glitbe is i & ttent at u Sjjwi | ktke .