Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS ← Page 2 of 5 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS Page 2 of 5 →
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Notices Of Meetings
those brethren who aro desirous of receiving instruction in our ritnal should visit here . On Monday last , the 22 nd inst ., Bros . Hawkins W . M ., Powell S . W ., Wing J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec ., Isaac S . D ., Millward J . D ., Garrud I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Morgan , Pearcy , Trewiunard , Dyer , Hanes , Hunter , Mosoley , Moses , & c . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed , Bro . Trewinnard candidate .
Bro . Dofriez worked the 1 st , and Bro . Pearcy tho 4 th sections of the lecture assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was advanced to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Pearcy worked tho 2 nd section , assisted by Bro . Powell ; Bro . Tolmio tho 3 rd , assisted by the brethren ; Bro . Tolmie the 4 th , assisted by Bro . Isaac . Lodge resumed to 1 st degree . Bro . Powell was elected W . M . for next meeting . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Hawkins .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at Bro . Maid . well ' s , Leadenhall-street , 16 th October . Present—Bros . Fraser W . M ., Harris S . W ., Sayer J . W ., Maidwell S . D ., Fraser J . D ., Forrest I . G ., Eudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Sec , Daniel , Wharman , Quincey , West , Walker , Aarons , Souter , Z . Posener , Ellis , Glass , Morgan , and Murch . The Lodgo was opened in dno form . Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened
in tho second degree . Bro . Quincey answered tho questions , and was entrusted . Tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro , Quincey was duly raised , Bro . Rudderforth giving tho Traditional History . The first , second , and third sections of this lecture were worked by Bro . Rudderforth , assisted by Bro . Ellis and the brethren . The Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bros . Morgan
jun . and Murch were elected members . Bro . Fraser was congratulated ou the perfect manner in which ho had worked the third degree . In this Lodge of Instruction every opportunity is offered brethren who wish to work the ceremones . On 23 rd October . —Bros . Harris W . M ., Sayer S . W ., Daniel J . W ., Wharman S . D ., Quincey J . D ., Pewsey I . G ., Rudderforth Preceptor ,
Hollands Sec , Walker , West , Maidwell , Andrews , Ellis , Campbell , Glass . Formalities being complied with , tho ceremony of initiation waa rehearsed , Bro . West candidate . Bro . Harris vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Daniel , who worked the ceremony of passing , while Bro . Sayer ably conducted the ceremony of raising . Bro . Andrews , No . 1604 , was elected a member , and Bro . Sayer appointed W . M .
for the ensuing Tuesday . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that tho annual supper be held at Bro . MaidwelPs , on Tuesday , 20 th Nov ., at seven precisely . Members of the Lodge can obtain tickets from the committee , which consists of Bros . Rudderforth , Maidwell , Hollands , Daniel , and Harris . The ceremony of installation will be worked on the first Tuesday in November .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 . —Held its regular meeting in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow , on the 16 th inst . Bros . John Kinnaird R . W . M ., J . Bsmnerman M ., G . McDonald I . P . M ., A . McLeod S . W ., W . T . KayJ . W ., J . S . Ampleford Treas ., and R . R . Richards Sec . Two cases for benevolence were brought before tho Lodgo , one the widow of a Bro . who had died at sea from fever j tho other
was a foreign Bro ., who wished assistance to return to his home . A sum was voted to each case , after which a proposition was sustained for the admission into tho Order of Mr , Charles Earnest Schnlze , who was initiated by the R . W . M ., and though our new Brother could only speak English very imperfectly , it was evident , from the testa
afterwards applied , that he had thoroughly understood the instructions of tho R . W . M . Bro . Wheeler brought forward a communication he had received from Bro . L . L . Dutch of Dublin , when it was ordered that the Secretary bo requested to convey to Bro . Dutch the Lodge ' s appreciation of the kind feeling ho still entertains towards his mother Lodge .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —A mooting was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet . Bros . W . Moult W . M ., Hazlett S . W ., Wood as J . W ., Boyd P . G . S . P . G . P . Treas ., G . S . States P . G . S . Sec , H . Leggott S . D ., Lister J . D ., D . Wilkinson I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . J . Last , E . H . Thiellay , T . Bull , and Bros . Chinnery , Sawyer , Banks , Mumford , Hugon , Talbot , Cherer , & c . The Lodgo was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bros . Head and Chambers wore raised . Ballots were taken for tho admission of
Messrs . T . James and C . R . Porpa , who were initiated in a most creditable manner by the W . M . The Lodge was then closed , and a banquet was provided by Bro . A . Best . This was superintended by Bro . Dawkins , and was , in every respect , satisfactory . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Moult proposed tho toasts of tho Queen and tho Craft , the M . W . tho Grand Master , the R . W . tho Earl
of Carnarvon Pro G . M ., tho R . W . Lord Skelmersdale Deputy G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . Ho alluded to the circumstance of their having among them a Past Grand Officer and a Grand Steward as members of the Lodge . They were proud of them , not only in that capacity , but for their great
Masonic qualifications . Tho members of this Lodgo were honoured by their association with them , and better representatives for Grand Offices could not possibly have been selected . ( Cheers ) . Bro . John Boyd P . G . P . G . S . thanked them for the mauner they had received the toast . The health of tho M . W . G . M . had been
enthusiastically received . The distinguished noblemen at tho head of our Order wero well qualified to fill the offices to which they had been appointed . He felt it an honour to be called upon individually to respond as a Grand Officer . There wero two epochs iu his caroer as a Freemason he would refer to—the first was when it was recorded
that he had done his duty to their satisfaction , the second was his appointment as a Grand Officer . Ho hoped on a future occasion to see other of its members occupy tho position ho now holds . Bro . E . H . Thiellay I . P . M . then rose . He felt it an honour to propose the health of the W . M . They had all seen what his qualifications wero , Thoy had also seen wliat he had clone ; he trusted they would
Notices Of Meetings
accord him tho recognition ho so well merited . The W . M . said this was the last meeting but ono where he should be entitled to preside over them . If he had succeeded , he was amply repaid . The position of a P . M . of the Prudent Brethren Lodge was indeed an honour . Bro . Moult then proposed what ho might call the toast of tho evening—the Initiates . By their attention to tho ceremony
he was led to believe they would eventually become a credit to tho Order . Bro . James responded , ho was pleased ho had entered the ranks of Freemasonry ; he hoped he might become a creditable member of tho Order . After a fow remarks from Bro . Porta , Bro . E . H . Thiellay took tho chair , in consequence of Bro . Moult being obliged to leave . Ho regretted tho absence of several P . M . ' s ; but
of those who wero present they had reason to bo proud ; ho would especially mention Bros . J . Boyd , J . Last and T . Bull . Bro . T . Bull returned thanks . As a P . M . of tho Lodgo it was with prido and satisfaction he returned thanks for that important toast . He was sure every Past Master would do any duty that might bo required of him , to benefit the Lodgo . Tho next toast was that of tho
Visitors , and tho W . M . expressed tho great pleasure the Lodge oxperienced iu having them present . Bro . Boyd jun ., a son of the respected Treasurer of tho Lodgo , replied . Tho health of tho Treasurer and Secretary followed . Thoy wero tho pillars of tho Lodge ; they were known not only to tho members , but wherever Freemasons assemble ; while in Grand Lodgo thoy wero universally
respected . After a response from Bro . J . Boyd , the toast of the Officers of tho Lodgo was offered . This was replied to by Bro . Loggott . The Tyler ' s call was given , and a very agreeable evening ' s proceedings were brought to a close . Tho visitors wero Bros . Frnmando 13 , J . Boyd jun . 23 , S . Toaking 72 , Cattermolo 167 , H . Seuter 167 , J . C . Harper 619 , Lateille 1260 , J . B . Amor Regularity , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —Held its weekly meeting on Monday , the 22 nd October , at Bro . Seaton ' s , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C . Present—Bros . Appleby W . M ., F . Brown S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., A . Ellis Sec , W . Fraser S . D ., J . Fraser J . D ., Large I . G . Past Masters Bros . J . Newton , G . W . Terry , & e . Visitors—Bros . Harvey , Webb , Hilliard , Rawley , Turquand ,
Kidman , Brookson , & c . Business—Tho Lodge was opened in due form with prayer , the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The Lodgo was opened in the second degree . Bro . Large answered the usual questions , was obligated and entrusted . Tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , and tho W . M . worked tho ceremony of
raising , Bro . Large candidate . The Lodge was then closed down , after which the business of tho City Masonic Benevolent Association for Promoting Life Governorships to tho various Institutions was proceeded with . A ballot took place for two Life Governorships . Tho successful members were Bros . Perceval and Withers .
St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 180 .--This Lodgo held its weekly meeting on Monday , tho 15 th inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-stroet , Regent-street . Present—Bros . Atkins W . M ., Wood S . W ., Farwig J . W ., W . C . Parsons Sec , Bentley S . D ., LowrieJ . D ., Hancock I . G . ; Past Master Ash ; Bros . Woods , Latreillo , Nelson and Knight . Visitors—Bros . Blarston S . D . 55 , WM . 1595 ,
W . M . Morgan jun . 13 S 5 , Leonard 635 , America , Kohler 15 S 5 . Business—The Lodge opened in duo form with solemn prayer . Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge opened in the second degree ; Bro . Kohler offered himself as candidate for raising , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The
Lodge opened in the third , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed The first section was worked by Bro . Ash , tho second by Bro . Par . sons , and third by Bro . Ash . The Lodge closed down to tho first Bros . Morgan , Mars ton , Leonard and Kohler wero elected members Bro . Wood was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —On the 13 th , at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N . Present—Bros . A . W . Fenner W . M ., Brasted S . W ., Goode J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , C . Lorkin S . D ., Groner J . D ., Waters I . G . The Lodge opened , and minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Brock candidate . Four sections of tho 2 nd lecture
were worked . Bros . G . Brown W . M . 1227 , Garbett W . M . 1178 , W . Colegrave 1158 , W . J . Rawley 174 , McGregor Stevenson 1524 , and Tonkin , Amity Lodge , 323 , New York , were elected members . Bro . Brasted was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . On Saturday the 20 th inst ., Bros . Brasted W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W .,
J . Stock J . W ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., Kidder S . D ., Bedwell J . D ., Gibbs I . G . After preliminaries , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . J . Lorkin candidate . The sections of the third lecture wore worked . Bro . Pidduck 1107 , Stamp 1178 , and Hallaui 1319 , were elected members .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . — Met at tho Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G ., on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . I . P . Cohen in tho chair . Thero wore also present Bros . A . M . Cohen P . M . S . W ., A . Bassington J . W ., C . F . Hogard P . M . Hon . Sec , H . J . Phillips S . D ., J . Gompertz J . D ., L . Nordon I . G ., Potter Tyler . Past Masters Bros . II . Littauor , S . M . Hams , Hy . M . Harris and several other
brethren . The visitors were Bios . M . D . Loewenstark W ^ Bl . lfjGd Corperl . ll , Rev . Victor Rosenheim 17 Grand Orient of Italy , W Kent 1297 , E . Gottheil P . M . 185 . Tho ceremonial portion of tho pro gramme was comprised in tho passing to the second degree Bros J . H . Lobcl and II . So ! . Myers , aud initiating Mr . Solomon ffogetoreti
The sum of £ 5 5 s was voted towards the Indian Famine Fund . Past Master A . M . Cohen , addressing the Lodge , said : Ho had a proposition to make , which lie was sure would moot with general acceptance , The Lodge of Israel possesses a Benevolent Fund , which consists of £ 400 invested stock , to which another £ 100 ia ready to bo added
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings
those brethren who aro desirous of receiving instruction in our ritnal should visit here . On Monday last , the 22 nd inst ., Bros . Hawkins W . M ., Powell S . W ., Wing J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Sec ., Isaac S . D ., Millward J . D ., Garrud I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; also Bros . Morgan , Pearcy , Trewiunard , Dyer , Hanes , Hunter , Mosoley , Moses , & c . The ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed , Bro . Trewinnard candidate .
Bro . Dofriez worked the 1 st , and Bro . Pearcy tho 4 th sections of the lecture assisted by tho brethren . Lodge was advanced to the 2 nd degree . Bro . Pearcy worked tho 2 nd section , assisted by Bro . Powell ; Bro . Tolmio tho 3 rd , assisted by the brethren ; Bro . Tolmie the 4 th , assisted by Bro . Isaac . Lodge resumed to 1 st degree . Bro . Powell was elected W . M . for next meeting . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . Hawkins .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at Bro . Maid . well ' s , Leadenhall-street , 16 th October . Present—Bros . Fraser W . M ., Harris S . W ., Sayer J . W ., Maidwell S . D ., Fraser J . D ., Forrest I . G ., Eudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Sec , Daniel , Wharman , Quincey , West , Walker , Aarons , Souter , Z . Posener , Ellis , Glass , Morgan , and Murch . The Lodgo was opened in dno form . Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened
in tho second degree . Bro . Quincey answered tho questions , and was entrusted . Tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , and Bro , Quincey was duly raised , Bro . Rudderforth giving tho Traditional History . The first , second , and third sections of this lecture were worked by Bro . Rudderforth , assisted by Bro . Ellis and the brethren . The Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . Bros . Morgan
jun . and Murch were elected members . Bro . Fraser was congratulated ou the perfect manner in which ho had worked the third degree . In this Lodge of Instruction every opportunity is offered brethren who wish to work the ceremones . On 23 rd October . —Bros . Harris W . M ., Sayer S . W ., Daniel J . W ., Wharman S . D ., Quincey J . D ., Pewsey I . G ., Rudderforth Preceptor ,
Hollands Sec , Walker , West , Maidwell , Andrews , Ellis , Campbell , Glass . Formalities being complied with , tho ceremony of initiation waa rehearsed , Bro . West candidate . Bro . Harris vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Daniel , who worked the ceremony of passing , while Bro . Sayer ably conducted the ceremony of raising . Bro . Andrews , No . 1604 , was elected a member , and Bro . Sayer appointed W . M .
for the ensuing Tuesday . It was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , that tho annual supper be held at Bro . MaidwelPs , on Tuesday , 20 th Nov ., at seven precisely . Members of the Lodge can obtain tickets from the committee , which consists of Bros . Rudderforth , Maidwell , Hollands , Daniel , and Harris . The ceremony of installation will be worked on the first Tuesday in November .
Thistle and Rose Lodge , No . 73 . —Held its regular meeting in St . Mark ' s Hall , Glasgow , on the 16 th inst . Bros . John Kinnaird R . W . M ., J . Bsmnerman M ., G . McDonald I . P . M ., A . McLeod S . W ., W . T . KayJ . W ., J . S . Ampleford Treas ., and R . R . Richards Sec . Two cases for benevolence were brought before tho Lodgo , one the widow of a Bro . who had died at sea from fever j tho other
was a foreign Bro ., who wished assistance to return to his home . A sum was voted to each case , after which a proposition was sustained for the admission into tho Order of Mr , Charles Earnest Schnlze , who was initiated by the R . W . M ., and though our new Brother could only speak English very imperfectly , it was evident , from the testa
afterwards applied , that he had thoroughly understood the instructions of tho R . W . M . Bro . Wheeler brought forward a communication he had received from Bro . L . L . Dutch of Dublin , when it was ordered that the Secretary bo requested to convey to Bro . Dutch the Lodge ' s appreciation of the kind feeling ho still entertains towards his mother Lodge .
Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 . —A mooting was held on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queenstreet . Bros . W . Moult W . M ., Hazlett S . W ., Wood as J . W ., Boyd P . G . S . P . G . P . Treas ., G . S . States P . G . S . Sec , H . Leggott S . D ., Lister J . D ., D . Wilkinson I . G . ; P . M . ' s Bros . J . Last , E . H . Thiellay , T . Bull , and Bros . Chinnery , Sawyer , Banks , Mumford , Hugon , Talbot , Cherer , & c . The Lodgo was opened and the minutes confirmed . Bros . Head and Chambers wore raised . Ballots were taken for tho admission of
Messrs . T . James and C . R . Porpa , who were initiated in a most creditable manner by the W . M . The Lodge was then closed , and a banquet was provided by Bro . A . Best . This was superintended by Bro . Dawkins , and was , in every respect , satisfactory . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . Moult proposed tho toasts of tho Queen and tho Craft , the M . W . tho Grand Master , the R . W . tho Earl
of Carnarvon Pro G . M ., tho R . W . Lord Skelmersdale Deputy G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England . Ho alluded to the circumstance of their having among them a Past Grand Officer and a Grand Steward as members of the Lodge . They were proud of them , not only in that capacity , but for their great
Masonic qualifications . Tho members of this Lodgo were honoured by their association with them , and better representatives for Grand Offices could not possibly have been selected . ( Cheers ) . Bro . John Boyd P . G . P . G . S . thanked them for the mauner they had received the toast . The health of tho M . W . G . M . had been
enthusiastically received . The distinguished noblemen at tho head of our Order wero well qualified to fill the offices to which they had been appointed . He felt it an honour to be called upon individually to respond as a Grand Officer . There wero two epochs iu his caroer as a Freemason he would refer to—the first was when it was recorded
that he had done his duty to their satisfaction , the second was his appointment as a Grand Officer . Ho hoped on a future occasion to see other of its members occupy tho position ho now holds . Bro . E . H . Thiellay I . P . M . then rose . He felt it an honour to propose the health of the W . M . They had all seen what his qualifications wero , Thoy had also seen wliat he had clone ; he trusted they would
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accord him tho recognition ho so well merited . The W . M . said this was the last meeting but ono where he should be entitled to preside over them . If he had succeeded , he was amply repaid . The position of a P . M . of the Prudent Brethren Lodge was indeed an honour . Bro . Moult then proposed what ho might call the toast of tho evening—the Initiates . By their attention to tho ceremony
he was led to believe they would eventually become a credit to tho Order . Bro . James responded , ho was pleased ho had entered the ranks of Freemasonry ; he hoped he might become a creditable member of tho Order . After a fow remarks from Bro . Porta , Bro . E . H . Thiellay took tho chair , in consequence of Bro . Moult being obliged to leave . Ho regretted tho absence of several P . M . ' s ; but
of those who wero present they had reason to bo proud ; ho would especially mention Bros . J . Boyd , J . Last and T . Bull . Bro . T . Bull returned thanks . As a P . M . of tho Lodgo it was with prido and satisfaction he returned thanks for that important toast . He was sure every Past Master would do any duty that might bo required of him , to benefit the Lodgo . Tho next toast was that of tho
Visitors , and tho W . M . expressed tho great pleasure the Lodge oxperienced iu having them present . Bro . Boyd jun ., a son of the respected Treasurer of tho Lodgo , replied . Tho health of tho Treasurer and Secretary followed . Thoy wero tho pillars of tho Lodge ; they were known not only to tho members , but wherever Freemasons assemble ; while in Grand Lodgo thoy wero universally
respected . After a response from Bro . J . Boyd , the toast of the Officers of tho Lodgo was offered . This was replied to by Bro . Loggott . The Tyler ' s call was given , and a very agreeable evening ' s proceedings were brought to a close . Tho visitors wero Bros . Frnmando 13 , J . Boyd jun . 23 , S . Toaking 72 , Cattermolo 167 , H . Seuter 167 , J . C . Harper 619 , Lateille 1260 , J . B . Amor Regularity , and H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Sincerity Lodge of Instruction , No . 174 . —Held its weekly meeting on Monday , the 22 nd October , at Bro . Seaton ' s , Railway Tavern , London-street , E . C . Present—Bros . Appleby W . M ., F . Brown S . W ., Maidwell J . W ., A . Ellis Sec , W . Fraser S . D ., J . Fraser J . D ., Large I . G . Past Masters Bros . J . Newton , G . W . Terry , & e . Visitors—Bros . Harvey , Webb , Hilliard , Rawley , Turquand ,
Kidman , Brookson , & c . Business—Tho Lodge was opened in due form with prayer , the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The Lodgo was opened in the second degree . Bro . Large answered the usual questions , was obligated and entrusted . Tho Lodge was opened in the third degree , and tho W . M . worked tho ceremony of
raising , Bro . Large candidate . The Lodge was then closed down , after which the business of tho City Masonic Benevolent Association for Promoting Life Governorships to tho various Institutions was proceeded with . A ballot took place for two Life Governorships . Tho successful members were Bros . Perceval and Withers .
St . James ' s Union Lodge of Instruction , No . 180 .--This Lodgo held its weekly meeting on Monday , tho 15 th inst ., at the Union Tavern , Air-stroet , Regent-street . Present—Bros . Atkins W . M ., Wood S . W ., Farwig J . W ., W . C . Parsons Sec , Bentley S . D ., LowrieJ . D ., Hancock I . G . ; Past Master Ash ; Bros . Woods , Latreillo , Nelson and Knight . Visitors—Bros . Blarston S . D . 55 , WM . 1595 ,
W . M . Morgan jun . 13 S 5 , Leonard 635 , America , Kohler 15 S 5 . Business—The Lodge opened in duo form with solemn prayer . Tho minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The Lodge opened in the second degree ; Bro . Kohler offered himself as candidate for raising , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . The
Lodge opened in the third , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed The first section was worked by Bro . Ash , tho second by Bro . Par . sons , and third by Bro . Ash . The Lodge closed down to tho first Bros . Morgan , Mars ton , Leonard and Kohler wero elected members Bro . Wood was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —On the 13 th , at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N . Present—Bros . A . W . Fenner W . M ., Brasted S . W ., Goode J . W ., Killick Secretary , Halford Treasurer , C . Lorkin S . D ., Groner J . D ., Waters I . G . The Lodge opened , and minutes were confirmed . The ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Brock candidate . Four sections of tho 2 nd lecture
were worked . Bros . G . Brown W . M . 1227 , Garbett W . M . 1178 , W . Colegrave 1158 , W . J . Rawley 174 , McGregor Stevenson 1524 , and Tonkin , Amity Lodge , 323 , New York , were elected members . Bro . Brasted was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . On Saturday the 20 th inst ., Bros . Brasted W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W .,
J . Stock J . W ., Killick Sec , Halford Treas ., Kidder S . D ., Bedwell J . D ., Gibbs I . G . After preliminaries , tho ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . J . Lorkin candidate . The sections of the third lecture wore worked . Bro . Pidduck 1107 , Stamp 1178 , and Hallaui 1319 , were elected members .
Lodge of Israel , No . 205 . — Met at tho Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , E . G ., on Tuesday , the 23 rd inst ., Bro . I . P . Cohen in tho chair . Thero wore also present Bros . A . M . Cohen P . M . S . W ., A . Bassington J . W ., C . F . Hogard P . M . Hon . Sec , H . J . Phillips S . D ., J . Gompertz J . D ., L . Nordon I . G ., Potter Tyler . Past Masters Bros . II . Littauor , S . M . Hams , Hy . M . Harris and several other
brethren . The visitors were Bios . M . D . Loewenstark W ^ Bl . lfjGd Corperl . ll , Rev . Victor Rosenheim 17 Grand Orient of Italy , W Kent 1297 , E . Gottheil P . M . 185 . Tho ceremonial portion of tho pro gramme was comprised in tho passing to the second degree Bros J . H . Lobcl and II . So ! . Myers , aud initiating Mr . Solomon ffogetoreti
The sum of £ 5 5 s was voted towards the Indian Famine Fund . Past Master A . M . Cohen , addressing the Lodge , said : Ho had a proposition to make , which lie was sure would moot with general acceptance , The Lodge of Israel possesses a Benevolent Fund , which consists of £ 400 invested stock , to which another £ 100 ia ready to bo added