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Our Weekly Budget
will be found the real point of concentration . The position is almost impregnable . It covers Erzeroum against a front attack ; the road by which Ismail Pasha is retreating debouches just there ; and tho Turkish troops are likely to feel renewed confidence at a place where they so lately
defeated the invader . A Russian assault is reported to have been made on Fort Tahmaz , the most important redoubt at Kars , but with no successful result . Perhaps the Grand Duke considered the Turks were too demoralised by their recent defeat to fight well , even behind formidable
works . Ismail Pasha , after inflicting a smart rebuff on General TergukasofPs advanced guard , had made good his retreat as far as Zeidiken by Tuesday , and ought therefore to have joined Ghazi Mukhtar by the end of the week .
The latter has also received considerable reinforcements , and it is becoming apparent that the alleged capture of three Turkish divisions at Aladji Dagh was exaggerated . Tho Turks will shortly bring a strong force to block the Grand Duke ' s passage beyond Kars .
With reference to Bro . Parsons' letter of last week , m which he stated that while the number of votes issued at the recent election to the Girls' School was 17 , 728 , the number of those recorded was 17 , 928 , we are in a position to state that Bro . Webster , who acted as one of the Scrutineers ,
and Bro . Mason , have both of them investigated the matter most carefully . They worked independently , but from the same materials , and though in the results they have
worked out respectively the figures do not exactly tally , they have both totalled up over 20 , 000 votes as having been issued . This announcement will , no doubt , satisfy Bro . Parsons' doubts on this " peculiar " point .
The Annual Ball given by Bro . T . Adams P . G . P . will take place at Willis ' s rooms , on Tuesday , the 5 th February 1878 . The arrangements are in the hands of an efficient body of Stewards , and we trust that another of those pleasant evenings Bro . Adams has so frequently secured for his patrons will be spent . The price of a double ticket is 21 s .
Annual Meeting Of Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Masons Of Devon.
THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Devon was held in tho Town Hall , Tavistock , on 17 th inst . R . W . Bro . Lient .-Col . J . Tanner Davy P . G . M . M . presided . The following were among the officers present : —W . Bros . J . E . Curteis P . G . J . D . of England , P . P . J . G . W ., I . F . Shapland P . G . J . W ., Matthews P . P . G . J . W ., the
Eev . T . W . Lemon M . A . P . P . G . Chap ., C . Godtschalk P . P . G . D ., J . B . Govor P . P . G . T ., L . D . Westcott P . G . Treas ., S . Jew P . P . G . T ., E . Aitkin-Davies P . P . G . J . D .. E . Patten P . P . GJ . D ., J . M . Hidv P . P . G . J . D ., T . Dand P . P . G . J . D ., J . Austin P . G . J . D ., W . Browning P . P . G . J . D ., J . Y . Avery P . G . D . C , J . H . Toms P . P . G . S . B ., C . Croydon P . P . S . B ., E . J .
Knight P . P . G . S . B ., J . H . Tonkin P . P . G . I . Wks ., E . M . W . Webb P . P . G . O ., D . Cross P . P . G . S . B ., A . E . Lethbridge P . P . G . D . C , J . P .
Phillips P . P . G . D . C , E . Browning P . P . G . I . Wks . E . Pengelly , H . Stocker , T . Searle P . G . Sts ., J . Eogers P . G . Tyler , Dr . H . Woodgates W . M . 15 , T . B . Richards W . M . 23 , Lieut . "W . H . Jolliffe , R . N ., P . M . 107 . Bros . H . Horton J . D . 50 , W . AHsford J . W . 16 , W . L . Sampson E . M . 23 , J . E . H . Harris S . O . 91 , H . Bridgeman M . O . 91 , S . D . Nicholl S . W . 23 , B . B . S . Eichards J . W . 23 , J .
Stocker J . W . 15 , E . Blight S . O . 76 , W . Stephens J . D . 23 , R . J . B . Woolcock I . G . 23 , George H . Evans J . O . 35 , E . Hawke S . W . 48 , John Turner M . O . 23 , 0 . Eodda O . 50 , Elliot Square J . O . 35 , T . Smyth Tyler 50 , John Masters 64 , E . B . Twose 50 , H . W . Thomas 50 , J . D . Johnstone St . 23 , E . Handy Tyler 23 , and J . J . Daw S . O . 23 . The Provincial Grand Lodgo having been opened in
due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Secretary reported that all tho Lodges in the Province , with the exception of No . 26 , had made their returns ; some of which , however , would have to be corrected . It was with considerable regret he observed that No . 15 had lost so many names of old and valued members . The committee for procuring collars and jewels , after
considerable deliberation , had decided to have them manufactured in the Province , and entrusted tho manufacture to Bro . Clemens , of No . 64 , and Bro . Croydon , of No . 35 , and confidently left the consideration of the articles to the judgment of those brethren . In obedience to the vote of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Secretary had gathered
all the information he conld relative to the grants of money made for charitable purposes , and the resnlt would be found in a statement sent to the members of the Prov . Grand Lodge with the Keport of the last meeting . The Treasurer reported that the Provincial fees due had all been paid , and the Lodge returns and dues all furnished from the various Lodges . The receipts were £ 46 18 s 4 d , and expenditure
Annual Meeting Of Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Masons Of Devon.
£ 46 k Gd , including £ 10 to the Masons' Widows Fond , and £ 28 6 a 6 d towards the new collars provided for tho P . G . Officers . There was a balance in hand of 13 s lOd . Both reports were received and adopted . Tho next business was to elect a board of General Purposes . It being proposed thab Worshipful Bros . S . Jew , J . B . Govor , L . D . Westcott and Chas . Godtschalk , compose thab Board , theso were unanimously elected . The P . G . M . confirmed all his officers for
1876-7 in past rank . Bro . B . R . Twoso was elected tho Treasurer for the ensuing year , and the following Bros , were invested as officers : —V . W . Bro . the Eev . P . H . Newnham 35 ( reappointed ) D . P . G . M ., Dr . H . Woodgates 15 P . G . S . W ., W . Bros . Lieut , tho Hon . W . II . Jolliffe 107 P . G . J . W ., J . B . Gover 50 P . G . M . O ., John Galliford 9 P . G . S . O ., T . B . Eichards 23 P . G . J . O ., the Eev . T . King , vicar of Soutbmolton 9 ( re-appointod ) P . G . Chap ., E . B . Twose P . G . Treas .,
V . Bird ( re-appointed ) P . G . Sec , H . W . Thomas 66 P . G . S . D ., S . R Anniss 76 P . G . J . D ., J . Godfrey Evans 35 P . G . D . C , R . Blight 76 P . G . A . D . C , John Masters 61 P . G . I . W ., W . Allsford 16 P . G . S . B ., R . G . Bird 50 P . G . O ., R . Pengelley 50 P . G . St . B ., T . Searle P . G . Purs ., H . Stocker 15 , E . Hawke 48 , and J . H . Stephens 48 P . G . Stewards , and J . Eogers P . Grand Tyler . The next important business was to recommend a Brother to the
Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master of England for the Office of Prov . Grand Mark Master for tho Province of Devon . W . Bro . C . Godtschalk rose for the purpose of submitting a name to tho P . G . M . L . for recommendation to the G . M . M . M . of Eng land and for election by this P . G . M . Lodge for the office named . In doing so , he need scarcely remind the brethren that , by the constitution of the Mark degree , it
was necessary , after a Brother had filled the office of P . G . M . for threo successive years , for that Bro . to vacate the office . The Brother however was in every way qualified and eligible for re-election . Therefore , in proposing the name of their worthy and esteemed Bro . Col . Tanner Davy for re-election he should be meeting the wishes of all . It would ill become him to use words of flattery , and it would be
beneath the dignity of their P . G . M . to listen to them ; bnt his estimate of what should form the qualifications for a P . G . M . was his work , and the real interest he took in his Province . These qualifications were marks by which their eminent Brother was known . Note what had been done by him for this degree since it had been under his rule in the province . Take for instance his appointments of this day as an
example ; each candidate , from the highest to the lowest , had been specially considered ; again take our brother in his social aspect , — kind , affable and genial , —a brother among brothers , always to be seen . He therefore proposed that Bro . Col . Tanner Davy be re-elected to the Office of P . G . M . M . for the Province of Devon . This was duly seconded by Bro . J . F . Shapland P . P . G . J . W ., and carried unanimously .
The following notice of motion then fell through for want of a pro posor : — To add to bye-laws— " That all matters of business intended to be brought under the consideration of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be submitted to the Committee of General Purposes : and any member of the Provincial Grand Lodge intending to make a motion therein , or to submit any matter to its
consideration , shall state , in writing to the Secretary , the nature of his intended motion or business . No motion or other matter shall bo brought into discussion in Provincial Grand Lodge , unless it shall havo been communicated to the Secretary ten days previously . " Vide Book of Constitutions , page . 3 , sect . 9 . A circular letter was then read by the P . G . M . from "V . W . Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary of England , on the subject of the Indian Famine Fund . The P . G . M .
referred to their Treasurer's report and the state of the funds , and left the brethren to express their feelings on the subject . Bro . J . E . Curteis remarked that during the past year certain expenses , not likely to occur again , had taken all their funds ; he did not think the Provincial Grand Lodge or the brethren wero prepared to pledge their future by voting a sum of money , and suggested tho matter be allowed to drop . Bro . Charles Godtschalk wished it to he understood he did not for a moment underrate the
fearful calamity ; as Masons we were in duty bound to give ; at the same time , we mnst look at the large amount subscribed already by the Masonic body throughout our land j first , Grand Lodge with its grant of £ 1 , 000 , then Provincial Grand Lodges and Chapters throughout our provinces , the largo and generous grants from London Craft Lodges , Chapters , and other Masonic bodies ; these
various grants had been augmented by individual subscriptions given by members of the Craft , making in the whole a generous offering , proving the spirit of Charity is not dormant amongst us . After having done this , we must remember our own Charities , and not let them feel the want of what has gone elsewhere in so good a cause . The suggestion of Bro . J . E . Curteis was then adopted , no
further discussion taking place . The P . G . M . Col . Tanner Davy then expressed his regret at the enforced and unavoidable absence of the P . G . Sec . Bro . V . Bird , and alluded to the great assistance he had received from him throughout tho year . Continuing his remarks , the P . G . M . mentioned he had that day asked a worthy brother to do him tho personal honour to accept the collar of G . M . O . ; this brother
already held high office in the province , that of P . G . Treasurer . He referred to Bro . J . B . Gover , who had at all times rendered him the greatest assistance . Bro . Gover had in the most generous manner asked that this collar might be given to a brother named by him , but to this he ( tho P . G . M . ) could not accede , giving his reason . The P . G . M ( then expressed his great gratification at the feeling shown by tho
Province by his unanimons re-election that day ; he felt it no slight honour to be at the head of this the largest Provinco of M . M . Masons in England . However , he well know their lato P . G . M . in this degree , dear and beloved Bro . J . Hnyshe , who preceded him in the chair ; aud he knew , if he intended to retain their esteem and respeot , what he had to do . Col . Tanner Davy then referred with sincere regret and
sympathy to tho absence , through ill health , of tho D . P . G . M . V . W . Bro . Eev . P . II . Newnham . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo of Mark Master Masons was then closed , tho brethren afterwards assembling at the Bedford Hotel , Tavistock , to assist at the annual banquet , which was provided by the host , Bro , Nortnway , ia his , usual first class maner .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Weekly Budget
will be found the real point of concentration . The position is almost impregnable . It covers Erzeroum against a front attack ; the road by which Ismail Pasha is retreating debouches just there ; and tho Turkish troops are likely to feel renewed confidence at a place where they so lately
defeated the invader . A Russian assault is reported to have been made on Fort Tahmaz , the most important redoubt at Kars , but with no successful result . Perhaps the Grand Duke considered the Turks were too demoralised by their recent defeat to fight well , even behind formidable
works . Ismail Pasha , after inflicting a smart rebuff on General TergukasofPs advanced guard , had made good his retreat as far as Zeidiken by Tuesday , and ought therefore to have joined Ghazi Mukhtar by the end of the week .
The latter has also received considerable reinforcements , and it is becoming apparent that the alleged capture of three Turkish divisions at Aladji Dagh was exaggerated . Tho Turks will shortly bring a strong force to block the Grand Duke ' s passage beyond Kars .
With reference to Bro . Parsons' letter of last week , m which he stated that while the number of votes issued at the recent election to the Girls' School was 17 , 728 , the number of those recorded was 17 , 928 , we are in a position to state that Bro . Webster , who acted as one of the Scrutineers ,
and Bro . Mason , have both of them investigated the matter most carefully . They worked independently , but from the same materials , and though in the results they have
worked out respectively the figures do not exactly tally , they have both totalled up over 20 , 000 votes as having been issued . This announcement will , no doubt , satisfy Bro . Parsons' doubts on this " peculiar " point .
The Annual Ball given by Bro . T . Adams P . G . P . will take place at Willis ' s rooms , on Tuesday , the 5 th February 1878 . The arrangements are in the hands of an efficient body of Stewards , and we trust that another of those pleasant evenings Bro . Adams has so frequently secured for his patrons will be spent . The price of a double ticket is 21 s .
Annual Meeting Of Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Masons Of Devon.
THE Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Devon was held in tho Town Hall , Tavistock , on 17 th inst . R . W . Bro . Lient .-Col . J . Tanner Davy P . G . M . M . presided . The following were among the officers present : —W . Bros . J . E . Curteis P . G . J . D . of England , P . P . J . G . W ., I . F . Shapland P . G . J . W ., Matthews P . P . G . J . W ., the
Eev . T . W . Lemon M . A . P . P . G . Chap ., C . Godtschalk P . P . G . D ., J . B . Govor P . P . G . T ., L . D . Westcott P . G . Treas ., S . Jew P . P . G . T ., E . Aitkin-Davies P . P . G . J . D .. E . Patten P . P . GJ . D ., J . M . Hidv P . P . G . J . D ., T . Dand P . P . G . J . D ., J . Austin P . G . J . D ., W . Browning P . P . G . J . D ., J . Y . Avery P . G . D . C , J . H . Toms P . P . G . S . B ., C . Croydon P . P . S . B ., E . J .
Knight P . P . G . S . B ., J . H . Tonkin P . P . G . I . Wks ., E . M . W . Webb P . P . G . O ., D . Cross P . P . G . S . B ., A . E . Lethbridge P . P . G . D . C , J . P .
Phillips P . P . G . D . C , E . Browning P . P . G . I . Wks . E . Pengelly , H . Stocker , T . Searle P . G . Sts ., J . Eogers P . G . Tyler , Dr . H . Woodgates W . M . 15 , T . B . Richards W . M . 23 , Lieut . "W . H . Jolliffe , R . N ., P . M . 107 . Bros . H . Horton J . D . 50 , W . AHsford J . W . 16 , W . L . Sampson E . M . 23 , J . E . H . Harris S . O . 91 , H . Bridgeman M . O . 91 , S . D . Nicholl S . W . 23 , B . B . S . Eichards J . W . 23 , J .
Stocker J . W . 15 , E . Blight S . O . 76 , W . Stephens J . D . 23 , R . J . B . Woolcock I . G . 23 , George H . Evans J . O . 35 , E . Hawke S . W . 48 , John Turner M . O . 23 , 0 . Eodda O . 50 , Elliot Square J . O . 35 , T . Smyth Tyler 50 , John Masters 64 , E . B . Twose 50 , H . W . Thomas 50 , J . D . Johnstone St . 23 , E . Handy Tyler 23 , and J . J . Daw S . O . 23 . The Provincial Grand Lodgo having been opened in
due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Secretary reported that all tho Lodges in the Province , with the exception of No . 26 , had made their returns ; some of which , however , would have to be corrected . It was with considerable regret he observed that No . 15 had lost so many names of old and valued members . The committee for procuring collars and jewels , after
considerable deliberation , had decided to have them manufactured in the Province , and entrusted tho manufacture to Bro . Clemens , of No . 64 , and Bro . Croydon , of No . 35 , and confidently left the consideration of the articles to the judgment of those brethren . In obedience to the vote of the Provincial Grand Lodge , the Secretary had gathered
all the information he conld relative to the grants of money made for charitable purposes , and the resnlt would be found in a statement sent to the members of the Prov . Grand Lodge with the Keport of the last meeting . The Treasurer reported that the Provincial fees due had all been paid , and the Lodge returns and dues all furnished from the various Lodges . The receipts were £ 46 18 s 4 d , and expenditure
Annual Meeting Of Provincial Grand Lodge Of Mark Masons Of Devon.
£ 46 k Gd , including £ 10 to the Masons' Widows Fond , and £ 28 6 a 6 d towards the new collars provided for tho P . G . Officers . There was a balance in hand of 13 s lOd . Both reports were received and adopted . Tho next business was to elect a board of General Purposes . It being proposed thab Worshipful Bros . S . Jew , J . B . Govor , L . D . Westcott and Chas . Godtschalk , compose thab Board , theso were unanimously elected . The P . G . M . confirmed all his officers for
1876-7 in past rank . Bro . B . R . Twoso was elected tho Treasurer for the ensuing year , and the following Bros , were invested as officers : —V . W . Bro . the Eev . P . H . Newnham 35 ( reappointed ) D . P . G . M ., Dr . H . Woodgates 15 P . G . S . W ., W . Bros . Lieut , tho Hon . W . II . Jolliffe 107 P . G . J . W ., J . B . Gover 50 P . G . M . O ., John Galliford 9 P . G . S . O ., T . B . Eichards 23 P . G . J . O ., the Eev . T . King , vicar of Soutbmolton 9 ( re-appointod ) P . G . Chap ., E . B . Twose P . G . Treas .,
V . Bird ( re-appointed ) P . G . Sec , H . W . Thomas 66 P . G . S . D ., S . R Anniss 76 P . G . J . D ., J . Godfrey Evans 35 P . G . D . C , R . Blight 76 P . G . A . D . C , John Masters 61 P . G . I . W ., W . Allsford 16 P . G . S . B ., R . G . Bird 50 P . G . O ., R . Pengelley 50 P . G . St . B ., T . Searle P . G . Purs ., H . Stocker 15 , E . Hawke 48 , and J . H . Stephens 48 P . G . Stewards , and J . Eogers P . Grand Tyler . The next important business was to recommend a Brother to the
Most Worshipful Grand Mark Master of England for the Office of Prov . Grand Mark Master for tho Province of Devon . W . Bro . C . Godtschalk rose for the purpose of submitting a name to tho P . G . M . L . for recommendation to the G . M . M . M . of Eng land and for election by this P . G . M . Lodge for the office named . In doing so , he need scarcely remind the brethren that , by the constitution of the Mark degree , it
was necessary , after a Brother had filled the office of P . G . M . for threo successive years , for that Bro . to vacate the office . The Brother however was in every way qualified and eligible for re-election . Therefore , in proposing the name of their worthy and esteemed Bro . Col . Tanner Davy for re-election he should be meeting the wishes of all . It would ill become him to use words of flattery , and it would be
beneath the dignity of their P . G . M . to listen to them ; bnt his estimate of what should form the qualifications for a P . G . M . was his work , and the real interest he took in his Province . These qualifications were marks by which their eminent Brother was known . Note what had been done by him for this degree since it had been under his rule in the province . Take for instance his appointments of this day as an
example ; each candidate , from the highest to the lowest , had been specially considered ; again take our brother in his social aspect , — kind , affable and genial , —a brother among brothers , always to be seen . He therefore proposed that Bro . Col . Tanner Davy be re-elected to the Office of P . G . M . M . for the Province of Devon . This was duly seconded by Bro . J . F . Shapland P . P . G . J . W ., and carried unanimously .
The following notice of motion then fell through for want of a pro posor : — To add to bye-laws— " That all matters of business intended to be brought under the consideration of the Provincial Grand Lodge shall be submitted to the Committee of General Purposes : and any member of the Provincial Grand Lodge intending to make a motion therein , or to submit any matter to its
consideration , shall state , in writing to the Secretary , the nature of his intended motion or business . No motion or other matter shall bo brought into discussion in Provincial Grand Lodge , unless it shall havo been communicated to the Secretary ten days previously . " Vide Book of Constitutions , page . 3 , sect . 9 . A circular letter was then read by the P . G . M . from "V . W . Bro . F . Binckes , Grand Secretary of England , on the subject of the Indian Famine Fund . The P . G . M .
referred to their Treasurer's report and the state of the funds , and left the brethren to express their feelings on the subject . Bro . J . E . Curteis remarked that during the past year certain expenses , not likely to occur again , had taken all their funds ; he did not think the Provincial Grand Lodge or the brethren wero prepared to pledge their future by voting a sum of money , and suggested tho matter be allowed to drop . Bro . Charles Godtschalk wished it to he understood he did not for a moment underrate the
fearful calamity ; as Masons we were in duty bound to give ; at the same time , we mnst look at the large amount subscribed already by the Masonic body throughout our land j first , Grand Lodge with its grant of £ 1 , 000 , then Provincial Grand Lodges and Chapters throughout our provinces , the largo and generous grants from London Craft Lodges , Chapters , and other Masonic bodies ; these
various grants had been augmented by individual subscriptions given by members of the Craft , making in the whole a generous offering , proving the spirit of Charity is not dormant amongst us . After having done this , we must remember our own Charities , and not let them feel the want of what has gone elsewhere in so good a cause . The suggestion of Bro . J . E . Curteis was then adopted , no
further discussion taking place . The P . G . M . Col . Tanner Davy then expressed his regret at the enforced and unavoidable absence of the P . G . Sec . Bro . V . Bird , and alluded to the great assistance he had received from him throughout tho year . Continuing his remarks , the P . G . M . mentioned he had that day asked a worthy brother to do him tho personal honour to accept the collar of G . M . O . ; this brother
already held high office in the province , that of P . G . Treasurer . He referred to Bro . J . B . Gover , who had at all times rendered him the greatest assistance . Bro . Gover had in the most generous manner asked that this collar might be given to a brother named by him , but to this he ( tho P . G . M . ) could not accede , giving his reason . The P . G . M ( then expressed his great gratification at the feeling shown by tho
Province by his unanimons re-election that day ; he felt it no slight honour to be at the head of this the largest Provinco of M . M . Masons in England . However , he well know their lato P . G . M . in this degree , dear and beloved Bro . J . Hnyshe , who preceded him in the chair ; aud he knew , if he intended to retain their esteem and respeot , what he had to do . Col . Tanner Davy then referred with sincere regret and
sympathy to tho absence , through ill health , of tho D . P . G . M . V . W . Bro . Eev . P . II . Newnham . Tho Provincial Grand Lodgo of Mark Master Masons was then closed , tho brethren afterwards assembling at the Bedford Hotel , Tavistock , to assist at the annual banquet , which was provided by the host , Bro , Nortnway , ia his , usual first class maner .