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Consecration Of The Bective Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1074.
CONSTITUTION OF A PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER FOR CL T M 15 ERLAND AND "WESTMORELAND . THE Masonio fraternity assembled iu tho littlo town of Kirkby Lonsdale Avero , on the morning of Tuesday 16 th inst ., quite on tho qui rive at the opportunity about to bo afforded of witnessing tho consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter , and the still moro rare ceremony of formation and constitution of a now Province . Com .
panion Dr . J . Daniel Moore , of Lancaster , Past Grand Standard Bearer of tho Supreme Grand Chapter of England , Ac , Avas appointed as presiding Officer , in which capacity ho Avas ably seconded and assisted by Comp . John Bowes Ph . D ., of Warrington , P . P . G . S . B . of West Lancashire , and Rev . Canon Simpson , Vicar of Kirkby Stephen . Thero were also present the Earl of Bective M . P .
Prov . G . M . Cumberland aud Westmoreland , Col . Whitwell M . P . D . P . G . M . for Cumberland and Westmoreland , W . Dodd P . Z . of tho Furnoss Chapter 995 P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , J . Talbot P . P . G . S . W ., W . Kirkbride P . Z . 339 P . P . G . S . W ., Jesse Banning M . E . Z . 310 P . P . G . P . S . West Lancashire , Jas . Comet H . 310 P . P . G . S . B . Cumberland and Westmoreland , J . Lemon P . Z . 327
P . P . G . S . W . and Treasurer Cumberland and Westmoreland , G . J . McKay 129 , R . Godfrey 129 , Dr . D . Pago 129 , W . James 129 , A . 0 . Poole 1051 , J . Atkinson 241 , a » d a number of others . Tho proceedings commenced by the opening of an Emergency Chapter , Comp . Bowes as Z ., Bewes as H ., and Comet as J ., after which the presiding Officer entered ! the Chapter , accompanied by the
Earl of Bective , Col . Whitwell , Rev . Canon Simpson and others . The principal chair was taken by Comp . Moore , who was supported by Lt .-Col . Whitwell as H ., and Rov . Dr . Simpson as J . ; the coremony was then proceeded Avith , the petition and charter being read by the acting S . E . Comp . G . J . McKay , and the Principals designate and petitioners presented . Comp . Mooro then delivered the
following oration : — Companions , —It is customary at tho consecration of Royal Arch Chapters for an oration to be delivered on some subject connected Avith tho ceremony , or with Freemasonry iu general . I UOAV proposein obedience to this custom—to offer yon a very few words on tho subject of the consecrating elements . Tho uso of corn , Avine , and
oil in Masonio and other consecrations is supported by the hi ghest antiquity . Being all the most important productions of the east , thoy were looked upon as symbolically representing the greatest riches of the people , and from their very nature were esteemed as the great supports of life , and means of refreshment . Bro . Thaddens Harris , one of the veterans of onr Fraternity , in a
discourse in aid of a charitable Institution , says : — " Wherefore , my brethren , do you carry corn , Avine and oil , in your procession , but to remind you that in tho ' pilgrimage of human life , you aro to impart a portion of your bread to feed the hungry , to send a enp of your wine to cheer the sorrowful , and to pour the healing oil of consolation into the wounds which , sickness has made in the bodies , or affliction
rent in the heart of your fellow-creatures . " Tho Psalmist David , in enumerating tho greatest blessings that we enjoy , speaks of them as " Wine that maketh glad the heart of man , and oil to make his face shine , and bread which strengtheneth man ' s heart . " We are told tho tabernacle in the wilderness , aud all the holy vessels Avere , in obedience to God's express commands to Moses , consecrated with an holy
anointing oil ; and folloAving the customs of tho Ancients , whose kings , priests , and prophets were thus consecrated , the sovereigns of our own land , at their coronation , are consecrated with an holy anointing oil . Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , as emblematical of the Holy Ark , are at thoir formation solemnly consecrated to tho pnrposes of the institution by the strewing of corn and the pouring of wine
and oil . They may be characterised as emblems of health , peace , and plenty , blessings essential to the happiness of an individual , and necessary for the success of a Chapter . Thus , we are told , does this mystic ceremony instruct us to be nourished with the hidden manna of righteousness , to be refreshed with the Word of God , and to rejoice with joy unspeakable in tho riches of grace . And may all
those blessings which are represented in the corn , wino and oil of consecration bo over found in the Bective Chapter . The remainder of tho ceremony was then proceeded with , in a very telling and impressive manner , the elements of Consecration being carried by the M . E . Z . designate and two other principals ; and after the nsual formalities , tho Chapter was declared to be regularly and
duly constituted , and entrusted with the powers and privileges of a Royal Arch Chapter . All beneath the rank of Installed First Principal having retired , the Consecrating Officer duly installed the Earl of Bective as M . E . Z . of the Chapter . Comp . Bowes installed Comp . W . Dodd P . Z ., and
J . Talbot , P . J ., into the second and third chairs . After the Com . panions had duly saluted the newly-installed Principals , the M . E . Z . made the following appointments : —Comps . Dr . Page E ., R . Godfrey N ., W . Tattersall P . S ., J . Atkinson and W . James Asst . Soj ., and W . James Treasurer .
Tho business of consecration and installation having been coneluded , M . E . Comps . Moore and Bowes were unanimousl y elected honorary members of the Chapter , and candidates Avere proposed for admission into tho Order , or as joining members . The chair of M . E . Z . was then resumed by Comp . Moore , who pro . ceeded to constitute the varions Chapters in the district into a Prov . Grand Chapter for Cumberland and Westmoreland , aud the Earl of
Bective ' s patent , with the sign manual of the Prince of Wales , having been examined and read , ho Avas introduced and formally installed in the position of Prov . Grand Superintendent of the newly formed Province by Comp . Moore , and invested with the insignia of his office . He was then duly proclaimed by Companion Bowes , and saluted ; he then installed Lieutenant-Colonel Whitwell M . P ,,
Consecration Of The Bective Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1074.
D . Prov . Grand Master , as his second principal , and appointed Comp . W . R . Gibson ( who was unavoidably absent ) to tho third chair . Tho Prov . G . Superintendent then appointed his Prov . G . Officers as follow : —Comps . G . J . McKay Prov . G . S . E ., J . Bower Prov . G . S . N ., J . Lenian Prov . G . Reg ., W . Kirkbride Prov . G . P . S ., J . Talbot and J . Murehie Prov . G . Assist . Soj ., W . F . Latnonby Prov .
G . S . B .. W . Court Prov . G . S . B ., R . Godfrey Pro v . G . D . C ., and Comp . Barr P . Z . was elected Treasurer . Tho thanks of tho Provincial Grand Chapter wero unanimously awarded to Comps . Mooro and Bowes for their eminent services , aud also to Comp . McKay Prov . G . S . E ., by whose untiring exertions tho Chapter had been brought iuto existence , and to whoso energy is duo tho credit of carrying into
effect tho pro-conceived idea of tho formation of a Provincial Grand Chapter . Tho following is tho Roll of Chapters undor tho jurisdiction of tho Province : —Sun , Square and Compasses 119 , Whitehaven ; Kendal Castle 129 , Kendal ; Union 310 , Carlisle ; Two St . Johns 327 Wigton ; Unanimity 339 , Penrith ; Holy Temple ' 112 , Longtowu ; aud
Bective 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale . On tho completion of tho ceremonies , which occupied about three hours , tho Companions adjourned to tho Royal Hotel , whore a banquet had been prepared , under tho presidency of the genial and highly popular Prov . G . Superintendent tho Earl of Bective , who was supported by Lt .-Col . Whitwell , Dr . Moore , Rov . Canon Simpson , and many other AVOII known members of tho Masonio fraternity ,
Masonic Presentation.
AN interesting ceremony took place on Monday last , at the Loclgo room , Queen Hotel , York , being tho presentation to tho Worshipful Master of tho Eboracum Lodgo , No . 1611 , of a testimonial subscribed for by the members of the Lodge . Tho Loclgo was called for tho purpose of auditing tho accounts for tho past year , and this process having been satisfactorily performed , tho Treasurer ( Bro . G . Balmford P . M . ) congratulated the brethren upon having
completed their first year , which had been a very trying ono , with a balance at tho right side . He then informed the W . M . ( Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M . ) that ho believed the Sen . Warden was anxious to address to him a feAV words . Permission having been granted , the S . W . and W . M . elect ( Bro . T . B . Whytehead ) ' said : —Worshipful Master , — Before the next regular meeting has arrived you will have occupied tho chair of this Lodgo for tho unusual period of fifteen mouths .
During that period , since August IS / 6 , when this Lodgo was consecrated , our progress has been marvellously successful , far moro so than at tho outset the most sanguine of its promoters dared to hope , or even dreamed of . At the outset wo had many difficulties to contend with , but skill and perseverance havo overcome all obstacles , we havo lived down all opposition , aud wo now see ourselves in a position which must bo satisfactory to every member of tho Lodge , Wo might quote our ancient brother of Stratford , aud say : —
"It is now our time , That havo stood by and seen our wishes prosper , To cry good joy ! good joy !" Nevertheless , AVO feel that a great proportion of all this happiness is due , not only to tho united action of tho Lodgo , but to tho consnmmato skill , great tact and uniform urbanity of its chief ruler .
We tako great credit to ourselves , in the first instance , Worshipful Sir , for having chosen you as our first Master , for we are firmly convinced that no more qualified brother conld have been selected Avho could have piloted ns through the shoals Avhich proverbially besot the navigator on his leaving port Avith equal skill . You must not imagine that these are words of holloAV meaning which I am
addressing to you on behalf of the Lodgo , for I assure you that I only convert into language the thoughts of every heart that is with ns to-night . It will be , perhaps , somo littlo proof of the reality of the sentiment Avhich I have feebly expressed Avhen I offer for your acceptance this gift , subscribed for amongst the members of your Lodge , and Avhich they hope yon may live to wear for many ,
many years . " Bro . Whytchcad then left his chair , attended by tho Junior Deacon , Avho carried a leather case , containing a complete set of Provincial clothing and jewel for a P . Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies for North and East Yorkshire , and advancing to tho east , proceeded to iiu-est Bro . Cooper with the gift , the Organist , Bro . C . Gr . Padol , playing a Masonic march . At tho conclusion of the ceremony
tho brethren saluted their W . M . Avith repeated rounds of applause . Bro . Thomas Cooper , who was visibly affected , expressed in a few Avords how much he felt the unfailing kindness Avhich ho had experienced from every member of his Lodge . They were good enough to attribute so much of their success to him , but he could assure them they owed much more to the staunch hearts that had supported him at tho
outset and from first to last . He should valuo most highly tho gift they had bestowed on him , and should never wear the clothing without experiencing a Avarm glow of interest on behalf of the Lodgo and brethren , Avhose interests had , for his long and happy term of Mastership , been so closely identified Avith his own . On the lid of the case was a brass plate , engraved as follows : — " Presented to Bro .
Thomas Cooper , P . P . G . D . C . for North and East Yorkshire , by tho members of the Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , as a small token of their fraternal regard and appreciation of his valuable services as their firsb Worshipful Master . " After the closing of tho Lodge , a happy and merry party met around the board for refreshment , and during
the course of the evening Bros . Churchill and Applcyard , joint Secretaries of the Lodge Famine Fund , announced that an additional five guineas had been paid over to the Lord Mayor , making a total of fifteen guineas subscribed amongst the members of the Lodge in aid of the sufferers by the Indian Famine ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Bective Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1074.
CONSTITUTION OF A PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER FOR CL T M 15 ERLAND AND "WESTMORELAND . THE Masonio fraternity assembled iu tho littlo town of Kirkby Lonsdale Avero , on the morning of Tuesday 16 th inst ., quite on tho qui rive at the opportunity about to bo afforded of witnessing tho consecration of a Royal Arch Chapter , and the still moro rare ceremony of formation and constitution of a now Province . Com .
panion Dr . J . Daniel Moore , of Lancaster , Past Grand Standard Bearer of tho Supreme Grand Chapter of England , Ac , Avas appointed as presiding Officer , in which capacity ho Avas ably seconded and assisted by Comp . John Bowes Ph . D ., of Warrington , P . P . G . S . B . of West Lancashire , and Rev . Canon Simpson , Vicar of Kirkby Stephen . Thero were also present the Earl of Bective M . P .
Prov . G . M . Cumberland aud Westmoreland , Col . Whitwell M . P . D . P . G . M . for Cumberland and Westmoreland , W . Dodd P . Z . of tho Furnoss Chapter 995 P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , J . Talbot P . P . G . S . W ., W . Kirkbride P . Z . 339 P . P . G . S . W ., Jesse Banning M . E . Z . 310 P . P . G . P . S . West Lancashire , Jas . Comet H . 310 P . P . G . S . B . Cumberland and Westmoreland , J . Lemon P . Z . 327
P . P . G . S . W . and Treasurer Cumberland and Westmoreland , G . J . McKay 129 , R . Godfrey 129 , Dr . D . Pago 129 , W . James 129 , A . 0 . Poole 1051 , J . Atkinson 241 , a » d a number of others . Tho proceedings commenced by the opening of an Emergency Chapter , Comp . Bowes as Z ., Bewes as H ., and Comet as J ., after which the presiding Officer entered ! the Chapter , accompanied by the
Earl of Bective , Col . Whitwell , Rev . Canon Simpson and others . The principal chair was taken by Comp . Moore , who was supported by Lt .-Col . Whitwell as H ., and Rov . Dr . Simpson as J . ; the coremony was then proceeded Avith , the petition and charter being read by the acting S . E . Comp . G . J . McKay , and the Principals designate and petitioners presented . Comp . Mooro then delivered the
following oration : — Companions , —It is customary at tho consecration of Royal Arch Chapters for an oration to be delivered on some subject connected Avith tho ceremony , or with Freemasonry iu general . I UOAV proposein obedience to this custom—to offer yon a very few words on tho subject of the consecrating elements . Tho uso of corn , Avine , and
oil in Masonio and other consecrations is supported by the hi ghest antiquity . Being all the most important productions of the east , thoy were looked upon as symbolically representing the greatest riches of the people , and from their very nature were esteemed as the great supports of life , and means of refreshment . Bro . Thaddens Harris , one of the veterans of onr Fraternity , in a
discourse in aid of a charitable Institution , says : — " Wherefore , my brethren , do you carry corn , Avine and oil , in your procession , but to remind you that in tho ' pilgrimage of human life , you aro to impart a portion of your bread to feed the hungry , to send a enp of your wine to cheer the sorrowful , and to pour the healing oil of consolation into the wounds which , sickness has made in the bodies , or affliction
rent in the heart of your fellow-creatures . " Tho Psalmist David , in enumerating tho greatest blessings that we enjoy , speaks of them as " Wine that maketh glad the heart of man , and oil to make his face shine , and bread which strengtheneth man ' s heart . " We are told tho tabernacle in the wilderness , aud all the holy vessels Avere , in obedience to God's express commands to Moses , consecrated with an holy
anointing oil ; and folloAving the customs of tho Ancients , whose kings , priests , and prophets were thus consecrated , the sovereigns of our own land , at their coronation , are consecrated with an holy anointing oil . Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , as emblematical of the Holy Ark , are at thoir formation solemnly consecrated to tho pnrposes of the institution by the strewing of corn and the pouring of wine
and oil . They may be characterised as emblems of health , peace , and plenty , blessings essential to the happiness of an individual , and necessary for the success of a Chapter . Thus , we are told , does this mystic ceremony instruct us to be nourished with the hidden manna of righteousness , to be refreshed with the Word of God , and to rejoice with joy unspeakable in tho riches of grace . And may all
those blessings which are represented in the corn , wino and oil of consecration bo over found in the Bective Chapter . The remainder of tho ceremony was then proceeded with , in a very telling and impressive manner , the elements of Consecration being carried by the M . E . Z . designate and two other principals ; and after the nsual formalities , tho Chapter was declared to be regularly and
duly constituted , and entrusted with the powers and privileges of a Royal Arch Chapter . All beneath the rank of Installed First Principal having retired , the Consecrating Officer duly installed the Earl of Bective as M . E . Z . of the Chapter . Comp . Bowes installed Comp . W . Dodd P . Z ., and
J . Talbot , P . J ., into the second and third chairs . After the Com . panions had duly saluted the newly-installed Principals , the M . E . Z . made the following appointments : —Comps . Dr . Page E ., R . Godfrey N ., W . Tattersall P . S ., J . Atkinson and W . James Asst . Soj ., and W . James Treasurer .
Tho business of consecration and installation having been coneluded , M . E . Comps . Moore and Bowes were unanimousl y elected honorary members of the Chapter , and candidates Avere proposed for admission into tho Order , or as joining members . The chair of M . E . Z . was then resumed by Comp . Moore , who pro . ceeded to constitute the varions Chapters in the district into a Prov . Grand Chapter for Cumberland and Westmoreland , aud the Earl of
Bective ' s patent , with the sign manual of the Prince of Wales , having been examined and read , ho Avas introduced and formally installed in the position of Prov . Grand Superintendent of the newly formed Province by Comp . Moore , and invested with the insignia of his office . He was then duly proclaimed by Companion Bowes , and saluted ; he then installed Lieutenant-Colonel Whitwell M . P ,,
Consecration Of The Bective Royal Arch Chapter, No. 1074.
D . Prov . Grand Master , as his second principal , and appointed Comp . W . R . Gibson ( who was unavoidably absent ) to tho third chair . Tho Prov . G . Superintendent then appointed his Prov . G . Officers as follow : —Comps . G . J . McKay Prov . G . S . E ., J . Bower Prov . G . S . N ., J . Lenian Prov . G . Reg ., W . Kirkbride Prov . G . P . S ., J . Talbot and J . Murehie Prov . G . Assist . Soj ., W . F . Latnonby Prov .
G . S . B .. W . Court Prov . G . S . B ., R . Godfrey Pro v . G . D . C ., and Comp . Barr P . Z . was elected Treasurer . Tho thanks of tho Provincial Grand Chapter wero unanimously awarded to Comps . Mooro and Bowes for their eminent services , aud also to Comp . McKay Prov . G . S . E ., by whose untiring exertions tho Chapter had been brought iuto existence , and to whoso energy is duo tho credit of carrying into
effect tho pro-conceived idea of tho formation of a Provincial Grand Chapter . Tho following is tho Roll of Chapters undor tho jurisdiction of tho Province : —Sun , Square and Compasses 119 , Whitehaven ; Kendal Castle 129 , Kendal ; Union 310 , Carlisle ; Two St . Johns 327 Wigton ; Unanimity 339 , Penrith ; Holy Temple ' 112 , Longtowu ; aud
Bective 1074 , Kirkby Lonsdale . On tho completion of tho ceremonies , which occupied about three hours , tho Companions adjourned to tho Royal Hotel , whore a banquet had been prepared , under tho presidency of the genial and highly popular Prov . G . Superintendent tho Earl of Bective , who was supported by Lt .-Col . Whitwell , Dr . Moore , Rov . Canon Simpson , and many other AVOII known members of tho Masonio fraternity ,
Masonic Presentation.
AN interesting ceremony took place on Monday last , at the Loclgo room , Queen Hotel , York , being tho presentation to tho Worshipful Master of tho Eboracum Lodgo , No . 1611 , of a testimonial subscribed for by the members of the Lodge . Tho Loclgo was called for tho purpose of auditing tho accounts for tho past year , and this process having been satisfactorily performed , tho Treasurer ( Bro . G . Balmford P . M . ) congratulated the brethren upon having
completed their first year , which had been a very trying ono , with a balance at tho right side . He then informed the W . M . ( Bro . Thos . Cooper P . M . ) that ho believed the Sen . Warden was anxious to address to him a feAV words . Permission having been granted , the S . W . and W . M . elect ( Bro . T . B . Whytehead ) ' said : —Worshipful Master , — Before the next regular meeting has arrived you will have occupied tho chair of this Lodgo for tho unusual period of fifteen mouths .
During that period , since August IS / 6 , when this Lodgo was consecrated , our progress has been marvellously successful , far moro so than at tho outset the most sanguine of its promoters dared to hope , or even dreamed of . At the outset wo had many difficulties to contend with , but skill and perseverance havo overcome all obstacles , we havo lived down all opposition , aud wo now see ourselves in a position which must bo satisfactory to every member of tho Lodge , Wo might quote our ancient brother of Stratford , aud say : —
"It is now our time , That havo stood by and seen our wishes prosper , To cry good joy ! good joy !" Nevertheless , AVO feel that a great proportion of all this happiness is due , not only to tho united action of tho Lodgo , but to tho consnmmato skill , great tact and uniform urbanity of its chief ruler .
We tako great credit to ourselves , in the first instance , Worshipful Sir , for having chosen you as our first Master , for we are firmly convinced that no more qualified brother conld have been selected Avho could have piloted ns through the shoals Avhich proverbially besot the navigator on his leaving port Avith equal skill . You must not imagine that these are words of holloAV meaning which I am
addressing to you on behalf of the Lodgo , for I assure you that I only convert into language the thoughts of every heart that is with ns to-night . It will be , perhaps , somo littlo proof of the reality of the sentiment Avhich I have feebly expressed Avhen I offer for your acceptance this gift , subscribed for amongst the members of your Lodge , and Avhich they hope yon may live to wear for many ,
many years . " Bro . Whytchcad then left his chair , attended by tho Junior Deacon , Avho carried a leather case , containing a complete set of Provincial clothing and jewel for a P . Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies for North and East Yorkshire , and advancing to tho east , proceeded to iiu-est Bro . Cooper with the gift , the Organist , Bro . C . Gr . Padol , playing a Masonic march . At tho conclusion of the ceremony
tho brethren saluted their W . M . Avith repeated rounds of applause . Bro . Thomas Cooper , who was visibly affected , expressed in a few Avords how much he felt the unfailing kindness Avhich ho had experienced from every member of his Lodge . They were good enough to attribute so much of their success to him , but he could assure them they owed much more to the staunch hearts that had supported him at tho
outset and from first to last . He should valuo most highly tho gift they had bestowed on him , and should never wear the clothing without experiencing a Avarm glow of interest on behalf of the Lodgo and brethren , Avhose interests had , for his long and happy term of Mastership , been so closely identified Avith his own . On the lid of the case was a brass plate , engraved as follows : — " Presented to Bro .
Thomas Cooper , P . P . G . D . C . for North and East Yorkshire , by tho members of the Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611 , as a small token of their fraternal regard and appreciation of his valuable services as their firsb Worshipful Master . " After the closing of tho Lodge , a happy and merry party met around the board for refreshment , and during
the course of the evening Bros . Churchill and Applcyard , joint Secretaries of the Lodge Famine Fund , announced that an additional five guineas had been paid over to the Lord Mayor , making a total of fifteen guineas subscribed amongst the members of the Lodge in aid of the sufferers by the Indian Famine ,