Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Burdett Coutts Lodge , No . 1278 . — " There is more than one element required to make a Lodge successful , " these were the words addressed to us a few days since by an esteemed friend , ¦ whose years in Freemasonry count over two score . " You require good Masters , good Officers , and a firm resolve on the part of the memhers to pull well together . " We thought over theso words on
our recent visit to tho Burdett Coutts Lodge , on Thursday , the 19 th instant , the occasion its installation meeting . Here , wo reasoned , have we had good Masters , wo havo good Officers , and we know the members " pull well together ; " therefore , here wo may look for successful results . Well , we came to tho conclusion that we need not look in vain ; the Lodge may be pronounced a prosperous and
successful one . The Lodge was consecrated in 1869 , and Bro . James Terry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , was its first W . M . Since then the members havo invariably selected competent brethren to preside over them ; havo rendered good service to the Masonic Institutions , at the same time have never been unmindfu ' of any special calls that have arisen . The gathering on this occasion
was equal to the many pleasant assemblies we have taken part in with the brethren of this Lodge , and will long be remembered by those who had the privilege of being present . The Lodge was opened by Bro . 6 . Ward Verry , who was supported by his Officers and the following P . M . ' s of the Lodge : —Bros . James Terry , H . Lloyd , J . Ashbnrner , W . Crutch , and Toye . Amongst the Visitors we recognised
Bros . K . Knight 184 , A . Sheppard 1598 , W . H . Allaway 1598 , W . C . Claridge 16 S 5 , 6 . T . H . Seddon 174 , W . H . Coles , Capt . R . E ., P . M . 20 , B . W . Sharp 1211 , F . Meen 1707 , H . Forss 554 , M . Christian 860 , 6 . S . Symmons 1457 , W . W . Morgan 211 , G . Weige S . W . 860 , Batchelor , E . J . Moore P . M . 174 , David Murray , Celtic 192 S . C ., & o . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . George Hodge , a
candidate for the third degree , underwent examination as to his proficiency in the former , and , having sustained his claim , was raised to the sublime degree . Bro . Terry , now acting as Director of the Ceremonies , introduced Bro . Charles K . Crouch as the W . M . elect , and Bro . G . Ward Verry proceeded to obligate the candidate for the Master ' s chair . A Board of Installed Masters was in dne course
opened , and the ceremony completed in a most satisfactory and impressive manner . After roceiving the salutations of the members , Bro . Crouch appointed tho following ns his Officers : — Lazarus S . W ., Defriez P . M . 45 J . W ., Terry P . M . Treas ., G . W . Verry P . M . Sec , Sturtevant S . D ., Prestago J . D ., Jones I . G ., Chitson D . C ., Witherick W . S ., J . Berry P . M . A . W . S ., W . Gilchrist P . M . Tyler .
A sum of £ 10 10 s was voted to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to be ^ p laced on the list of the Steward who should represent the Lodge at the next Festival . The report of the auditors was then read . It showed that all liabilities had been discharged , and that the Lodge had a balance in hand of £ 33 9 s 3 d . Tho Benevolent Fund , which began the financial year with a debt dne to the
Treasurer , had " adjusted " itself , and now had a balance iu hand of £ 3 12 s . This report was unanimously adopted , and ordered to bo entered on the minutes . The name of a gentloman who was an aspirant for Masonic light was handed in , and Lodge wa 3 then closed . After a short interval the brethren reassembled , and Bro . Lloyd served the banquet , which was of excellent quality and admirably
placed upon the table . Tho toast list was then proceeded with ; the W . M . briefly introduced the Loyal ones , which were honoured , and the brethren sang the National Anthem , and God Bless the Prince of Wales . After the health of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy , and the rest of Grand Officers , Bro . Batchelor favoured the brethren with "The Scout ; " and then Bro . G . Ward Verry ro 3 e to propose the
health of the W . Master . Bro . Crouch was one of tho initiates of the Burdett Coutts Lodgo , and had ever been mindful of its claims . He ( Bro . Verry ) was pleased to know it had fallen to his lot to instal him into the chair of that Lodge . After a song— " The Lugger "well rendered by Bro . Making , the W . M . replied . It was a great pleasuro to him after having served the various offices in his Lodge
to stand thero as W . M . The labour of qualifying for office was not so heavy a one as many might imagine . It required but a moderate store of energy and perseverance , and he trusted he might see many of those younger members with whom he had laboured during the past eight years , fill the position he now held . Before resuming his seat he had a pleasing duty to perform : to propose the health
of the Immediate Past Master , Bro . G . Ward Verry , and present him with tho Past Master ' s jewel which the brethren had voted . He also had , on behalf of some of tho members , who were not un . mindful of the great energy displayed by Bro . Verry in his capacity of Secretary , to offer for his acceptance a set of diamond studs , which were tendered as a slight recognition of the valuable
assistance he had rendered the Lodge . After Bro . Weige had given , with his accustomed vigour , " In collar cool , " Bro . Verry rose . He had to thank them most sincerely for the P . M . ' s jewel , also for their supplemental gift . He conld hardly say he was entirely taken by surprise . At the same time , he was not prepared for this substantial recognition of his services . He was appointed four years ago . AVhile
he was spared he would continue to exert himself for the welfare of the Lodge , which he was proud to see in so flourishing a condition . The W . M . next gave the P . M . ' s of the Lodge , and Bro . Prestago sang "You'll remember me . " Bro . P . M . Lloyd said it afforded him great gratification to see the bantling ho had been so proud of now exhibiting sufficient strength to stand alone .
He trusted he might be spared many years to witness its continued ¦ prosperity and usefulness . Bro . P . M . Ashbumer was an initiate of this Lodge , and would endorse ill that bad been said . He referred to the absence of Bro . Terry , who had an engagement at Nottingham , and had been compelled to leave . Bro . Ashbnrner impressed on the yonng members the desirability of qualifying themselves to fill any office
they might be called upon to accept . After Bros . Crutch and Toye had each said a few words , the W . M . proposed tho health of the Visitors , and Bro . Sturtevant sang "Tho Anchor ' s Weighed . " APter the Visitors had severally acknowledged the compliment paid them , Bro . Making sang " Will o' the Wisp . " The remaining toasts were then dnly honoured , and the proceedings were brought to a
Notices Of Meetings.
close by the Tyler . Bro . Seddon rendered goodly assistance during the evening as accompanyist .
Temple Chapter , No . 1094 . —The regular bi-monthly Convocation of this Chapter was hold at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 24 th instant . Present—Ex Comp . R , Washington M . E . Z ., R . C . Yelland H ., J . W . Burgess J ., Pemberton P . Z . P . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , P . Maemnldrow P . Z . P . G . Scribe E . aa S . E ., R . R . Martin P . Z . as S . N ., J . H . Bradshaw P . S ., Burgess A . S ., P .
Ball Janitor . There was a fair muster of Companions , amongst whom , as visitors , were Ex-Comps . Wyldo P . Z . 580 , Wells M . E . Z . 1086 , Berry 249 , Reader , S . M . Davies No . 16 G . R . C ., & o . The Chapter was opened at 6 . 30 p . m ., and the minutes of the last regular Convocation were read , and being found correctly recorded , were ratified . The ballot was taken for three candidates ; it proved
favourable in eaoh case . Bro . John Holmes , Lodge 1325 , being in waiting , was dnly exalted to the supreme degree of the Holy Royal Arch . The magnificent ceremony , so profound , so instructive , and so complete , was given in a most impressive manner by our highly esteemed and venerable Principal . The working of every Officer of this Chapter is exceptionally good , and nnitedly they perform the
ceremony as near perfection as possible . From time to time we havo had great pleasuro in recording the working of many Craft Lodges in Liverpool , upwards of twenty of whioh we have visited . Taken altogether , we can safely say that a more zealous , genial and proper-spirited body of Freemasons do not exist . Much as they have done for every deserving
cause , and are still doing , they are capable of doing more . We have also had the pleasure of visiting their Mark Lodge , which is admirably worked , and now we have beon enabled to record the doings of the topmost workers in Craft Masonry . We shall have occasion to refer to the progress of the Craft in Liverpool and West Lancashire at some future time . By request of the M . E . Z ., a letter
was road from Comp . D . A . Davis S . E ., which conveyed unwelcome tidings of his severe illness to all present . Although onr courteous and respected Comp . resides in Manchester , he has never hitherto been absent from his post , and it was with deep regret the announcement of his illness was received . It was proposed by Ex-Comp . Martin P . Z ., and seconded by Es-Comp . Burgess J ., that a letter of condolence
be written to their worthy Companion , expressing their sympathy for his suffering , and joy at his partial recovery from the fever which prostrated him for four weeks ; hoping that he would be speedily restored to health . The proposition was carried unanimously , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The visiting Companions tendered their hearty good wishes , and the Chapter was closed in
duo and ancient form . By request of the Excellent Principal , the Comps . adjourned to supper , where each enjoyed tho good things so kindly provided . After tho removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . proposed the Queen , which was duly honoured , all joining in tho National Anthem . The next toast , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , was warmly received , after which the
health of tho Orand Superintendent of the Province was given and cordially drank . By request of Ex . Comp Washington , Comp . Davies gave a song . Comp . Bradshaw P . S . proposed the health of the three Principals , which was heartily drank . Comp . Fish obliged with tho next song , after which the M . E . Z . rose to l'espond ; he thanked Comp . Bradshaw for so kindly proposing the toast , he wa 3
gratified with the manner in which it had been received . It had been his pleasure to do some work , and he hoped those who wero eligible would come forward to koep up the activity . Ex Comp . Burgess followed , with a few remarks . The M . E . Z . next proposed the health of the newly exalted Companion ; in doing so he said he was always pleased to see worthy candidates come forward to attain
the degree in Freemasonry without which no one can be perfect in the noble Craft . He now asked them to drink to the health of their newly Exalted Companion . This was heartily done , and Ex-Comp . Martin gave the next song , after a few words of thanks from Comp . Holme 3 , Ex . Comp . Martin rose . He was entrusted with the gavel by the Most Excellent to
propose a toast which is always received with great cordiality . This Chapter has always felt a pleasure iu extending a hearty welcome to visiting Companions , and the more they honour us with their presence the better pleased are we . To-night we are particularly favoured with some distinguished Companions , ono of whom has come a great distance to see the working of this Chapter , and to him , as well as to
all others , we extend a cordial greeting , and we trust they will come Tgain as speedily as possible . He gave the health of their Visiting Companions . The toast was drank with great cordiality , after which Ex . Comp . Pemberton gave a song . Comps . Wylde , Berry , Reader ind Davie 3 then responded . Each and all thanked the members of
she Chapter for their truly fraternal hospitality , aud heartily gave a well-merited tributo of praise to the working , which it had been a pleasure to witness . A delightfnlly social evening was then brought to a close , the only drawback being tho conspicuous absence of tho worthv and versatile Scribe E .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —At the Havelock Tavenn , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday evening , 25 th inst . Bros . B . Meyer W . M ., R . Olley S . W ., G . Ferrar J . W ., J . Lorkin S . D ., Martin J . D ., Williams I . 6 ., W . Field , wick Preceptor , E . Dietrich Hon . Sec , and Bros . W . Ferrar , Jones , C . Olley , O . Dietrich , C . Lorkin . The Lodge was opened in ancient
form , and minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . 0 . Dietrich candidate . Bro . C . Lorkin , assisted by the brethren , worked the sections of the lecture . The Lodge was regularly closed down . Bro . R . Olley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The supper of this Lodge of Instruction wiil take place on Wednesday , 9 th October . Bro . B . Meyer W . M . of the Mother Lodge , will preside .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Burdett Coutts Lodge , No . 1278 . — " There is more than one element required to make a Lodge successful , " these were the words addressed to us a few days since by an esteemed friend , ¦ whose years in Freemasonry count over two score . " You require good Masters , good Officers , and a firm resolve on the part of the memhers to pull well together . " We thought over theso words on
our recent visit to tho Burdett Coutts Lodge , on Thursday , the 19 th instant , the occasion its installation meeting . Here , wo reasoned , have we had good Masters , wo havo good Officers , and we know the members " pull well together ; " therefore , here wo may look for successful results . Well , we came to tho conclusion that we need not look in vain ; the Lodge may be pronounced a prosperous and
successful one . The Lodge was consecrated in 1869 , and Bro . James Terry , Secretary of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , was its first W . M . Since then the members havo invariably selected competent brethren to preside over them ; havo rendered good service to the Masonic Institutions , at the same time have never been unmindfu ' of any special calls that have arisen . The gathering on this occasion
was equal to the many pleasant assemblies we have taken part in with the brethren of this Lodge , and will long be remembered by those who had the privilege of being present . The Lodge was opened by Bro . 6 . Ward Verry , who was supported by his Officers and the following P . M . ' s of the Lodge : —Bros . James Terry , H . Lloyd , J . Ashbnrner , W . Crutch , and Toye . Amongst the Visitors we recognised
Bros . K . Knight 184 , A . Sheppard 1598 , W . H . Allaway 1598 , W . C . Claridge 16 S 5 , 6 . T . H . Seddon 174 , W . H . Coles , Capt . R . E ., P . M . 20 , B . W . Sharp 1211 , F . Meen 1707 , H . Forss 554 , M . Christian 860 , 6 . S . Symmons 1457 , W . W . Morgan 211 , G . Weige S . W . 860 , Batchelor , E . J . Moore P . M . 174 , David Murray , Celtic 192 S . C ., & o . The minutes having been read and confirmed , Bro . George Hodge , a
candidate for the third degree , underwent examination as to his proficiency in the former , and , having sustained his claim , was raised to the sublime degree . Bro . Terry , now acting as Director of the Ceremonies , introduced Bro . Charles K . Crouch as the W . M . elect , and Bro . G . Ward Verry proceeded to obligate the candidate for the Master ' s chair . A Board of Installed Masters was in dne course
opened , and the ceremony completed in a most satisfactory and impressive manner . After roceiving the salutations of the members , Bro . Crouch appointed tho following ns his Officers : — Lazarus S . W ., Defriez P . M . 45 J . W ., Terry P . M . Treas ., G . W . Verry P . M . Sec , Sturtevant S . D ., Prestago J . D ., Jones I . G ., Chitson D . C ., Witherick W . S ., J . Berry P . M . A . W . S ., W . Gilchrist P . M . Tyler .
A sum of £ 10 10 s was voted to tho Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , to be ^ p laced on the list of the Steward who should represent the Lodge at the next Festival . The report of the auditors was then read . It showed that all liabilities had been discharged , and that the Lodge had a balance in hand of £ 33 9 s 3 d . Tho Benevolent Fund , which began the financial year with a debt dne to the
Treasurer , had " adjusted " itself , and now had a balance iu hand of £ 3 12 s . This report was unanimously adopted , and ordered to bo entered on the minutes . The name of a gentloman who was an aspirant for Masonic light was handed in , and Lodge wa 3 then closed . After a short interval the brethren reassembled , and Bro . Lloyd served the banquet , which was of excellent quality and admirably
placed upon the table . Tho toast list was then proceeded with ; the W . M . briefly introduced the Loyal ones , which were honoured , and the brethren sang the National Anthem , and God Bless the Prince of Wales . After the health of the Pro Grand Master , the Deputy , and the rest of Grand Officers , Bro . Batchelor favoured the brethren with "The Scout ; " and then Bro . G . Ward Verry ro 3 e to propose the
health of the W . Master . Bro . Crouch was one of tho initiates of the Burdett Coutts Lodgo , and had ever been mindful of its claims . He ( Bro . Verry ) was pleased to know it had fallen to his lot to instal him into the chair of that Lodge . After a song— " The Lugger "well rendered by Bro . Making , the W . M . replied . It was a great pleasuro to him after having served the various offices in his Lodge
to stand thero as W . M . The labour of qualifying for office was not so heavy a one as many might imagine . It required but a moderate store of energy and perseverance , and he trusted he might see many of those younger members with whom he had laboured during the past eight years , fill the position he now held . Before resuming his seat he had a pleasing duty to perform : to propose the health
of the Immediate Past Master , Bro . G . Ward Verry , and present him with tho Past Master ' s jewel which the brethren had voted . He also had , on behalf of some of tho members , who were not un . mindful of the great energy displayed by Bro . Verry in his capacity of Secretary , to offer for his acceptance a set of diamond studs , which were tendered as a slight recognition of the valuable
assistance he had rendered the Lodge . After Bro . Weige had given , with his accustomed vigour , " In collar cool , " Bro . Verry rose . He had to thank them most sincerely for the P . M . ' s jewel , also for their supplemental gift . He conld hardly say he was entirely taken by surprise . At the same time , he was not prepared for this substantial recognition of his services . He was appointed four years ago . AVhile
he was spared he would continue to exert himself for the welfare of the Lodge , which he was proud to see in so flourishing a condition . The W . M . next gave the P . M . ' s of the Lodge , and Bro . Prestago sang "You'll remember me . " Bro . P . M . Lloyd said it afforded him great gratification to see the bantling ho had been so proud of now exhibiting sufficient strength to stand alone .
He trusted he might be spared many years to witness its continued ¦ prosperity and usefulness . Bro . P . M . Ashbumer was an initiate of this Lodge , and would endorse ill that bad been said . He referred to the absence of Bro . Terry , who had an engagement at Nottingham , and had been compelled to leave . Bro . Ashbnrner impressed on the yonng members the desirability of qualifying themselves to fill any office
they might be called upon to accept . After Bros . Crutch and Toye had each said a few words , the W . M . proposed tho health of the Visitors , and Bro . Sturtevant sang "Tho Anchor ' s Weighed . " APter the Visitors had severally acknowledged the compliment paid them , Bro . Making sang " Will o' the Wisp . " The remaining toasts were then dnly honoured , and the proceedings were brought to a
Notices Of Meetings.
close by the Tyler . Bro . Seddon rendered goodly assistance during the evening as accompanyist .
Temple Chapter , No . 1094 . —The regular bi-monthly Convocation of this Chapter was hold at the Masonic Temple , Hopestreet , Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 24 th instant . Present—Ex Comp . R , Washington M . E . Z ., R . C . Yelland H ., J . W . Burgess J ., Pemberton P . Z . P . P . G . S . B . Treasurer , P . Maemnldrow P . Z . P . G . Scribe E . aa S . E ., R . R . Martin P . Z . as S . N ., J . H . Bradshaw P . S ., Burgess A . S ., P .
Ball Janitor . There was a fair muster of Companions , amongst whom , as visitors , were Ex-Comps . Wyldo P . Z . 580 , Wells M . E . Z . 1086 , Berry 249 , Reader , S . M . Davies No . 16 G . R . C ., & o . The Chapter was opened at 6 . 30 p . m ., and the minutes of the last regular Convocation were read , and being found correctly recorded , were ratified . The ballot was taken for three candidates ; it proved
favourable in eaoh case . Bro . John Holmes , Lodge 1325 , being in waiting , was dnly exalted to the supreme degree of the Holy Royal Arch . The magnificent ceremony , so profound , so instructive , and so complete , was given in a most impressive manner by our highly esteemed and venerable Principal . The working of every Officer of this Chapter is exceptionally good , and nnitedly they perform the
ceremony as near perfection as possible . From time to time we havo had great pleasuro in recording the working of many Craft Lodges in Liverpool , upwards of twenty of whioh we have visited . Taken altogether , we can safely say that a more zealous , genial and proper-spirited body of Freemasons do not exist . Much as they have done for every deserving
cause , and are still doing , they are capable of doing more . We have also had the pleasure of visiting their Mark Lodge , which is admirably worked , and now we have beon enabled to record the doings of the topmost workers in Craft Masonry . We shall have occasion to refer to the progress of the Craft in Liverpool and West Lancashire at some future time . By request of the M . E . Z ., a letter
was road from Comp . D . A . Davis S . E ., which conveyed unwelcome tidings of his severe illness to all present . Although onr courteous and respected Comp . resides in Manchester , he has never hitherto been absent from his post , and it was with deep regret the announcement of his illness was received . It was proposed by Ex-Comp . Martin P . Z ., and seconded by Es-Comp . Burgess J ., that a letter of condolence
be written to their worthy Companion , expressing their sympathy for his suffering , and joy at his partial recovery from the fever which prostrated him for four weeks ; hoping that he would be speedily restored to health . The proposition was carried unanimously , and ordered to be entered on the minutes . The visiting Companions tendered their hearty good wishes , and the Chapter was closed in
duo and ancient form . By request of the Excellent Principal , the Comps . adjourned to supper , where each enjoyed tho good things so kindly provided . After tho removal of the cloth , the M . E . Z . proposed the Queen , which was duly honoured , all joining in tho National Anthem . The next toast , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , was warmly received , after which the
health of tho Orand Superintendent of the Province was given and cordially drank . By request of Ex . Comp Washington , Comp . Davies gave a song . Comp . Bradshaw P . S . proposed the health of the three Principals , which was heartily drank . Comp . Fish obliged with tho next song , after which the M . E . Z . rose to l'espond ; he thanked Comp . Bradshaw for so kindly proposing the toast , he wa 3
gratified with the manner in which it had been received . It had been his pleasure to do some work , and he hoped those who wero eligible would come forward to koep up the activity . Ex Comp . Burgess followed , with a few remarks . The M . E . Z . next proposed the health of the newly exalted Companion ; in doing so he said he was always pleased to see worthy candidates come forward to attain
the degree in Freemasonry without which no one can be perfect in the noble Craft . He now asked them to drink to the health of their newly Exalted Companion . This was heartily done , and Ex-Comp . Martin gave the next song , after a few words of thanks from Comp . Holme 3 , Ex . Comp . Martin rose . He was entrusted with the gavel by the Most Excellent to
propose a toast which is always received with great cordiality . This Chapter has always felt a pleasure iu extending a hearty welcome to visiting Companions , and the more they honour us with their presence the better pleased are we . To-night we are particularly favoured with some distinguished Companions , ono of whom has come a great distance to see the working of this Chapter , and to him , as well as to
all others , we extend a cordial greeting , and we trust they will come Tgain as speedily as possible . He gave the health of their Visiting Companions . The toast was drank with great cordiality , after which Ex . Comp . Pemberton gave a song . Comps . Wylde , Berry , Reader ind Davie 3 then responded . Each and all thanked the members of
she Chapter for their truly fraternal hospitality , aud heartily gave a well-merited tributo of praise to the working , which it had been a pleasure to witness . A delightfnlly social evening was then brought to a close , the only drawback being tho conspicuous absence of tho worthv and versatile Scribe E .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —At the Havelock Tavenn , Albion-road , Dalston , on Wednesday evening , 25 th inst . Bros . B . Meyer W . M ., R . Olley S . W ., G . Ferrar J . W ., J . Lorkin S . D ., Martin J . D ., Williams I . 6 ., W . Field , wick Preceptor , E . Dietrich Hon . Sec , and Bros . W . Ferrar , Jones , C . Olley , O . Dietrich , C . Lorkin . The Lodge was opened in ancient
form , and minutes read and confirmed . The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . 0 . Dietrich candidate . Bro . C . Lorkin , assisted by the brethren , worked the sections of the lecture . The Lodge was regularly closed down . Bro . R . Olley was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The supper of this Lodge of Instruction wiil take place on Wednesday , 9 th October . Bro . B . Meyer W . M . of the Mother Lodge , will preside .