Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 4 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
"William Preston Lodge , No . 766 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 26 th inst ., at Cannon-streot Hotel . Present—Bros . S . D . Ewins W . M ., Dr . C . R . Cntmoro S . W ., E . Kidman J . W ., W . Worroll P . M . Sec , Capt . G . J . Kain P . M . Treas ., W . Drako S . D ., W . J . Roberts J . D ., W . J . Collens D . C ., 6 . Newman P . M . Steward , W . F . Smart I . G ., W . Grant Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . VV . E . Nowton
I . P . M ., W . J . Miller , B . Abbott , J . Pringlo . Visitors—Bros . Rev . Dr . Moms , Head Master and Chaplain Royal Masonic Schools , Wood Green , No . 1185 , J . Jarmain No . 1541 , R . J . Thomas No . 1681 . Tho Lodge having been formally opened , tho ballot was taken for Bro . L . W . Hutchinson , and resulted unanimously in his favour . Tho report of the Committeo appointed to reviso tho bye-laws was
hrought up , and a discussion ensuod . Bro . Dr . C . R . Cntmoro was elected as W . M . for the coming year , and Capt . 6 . J . Kain re-elected Treasurer of the Lodge . Bro . W . Grant was also re-appointed as Tyler . The report of the Audit Committee , showing a favourable balance in the hands of the Treasurer , was submitted , and unanimously adopted . Captain Kain rose , and in eulogistic terms proposed that a Past Master ' s jewel bo presented to Bro . S . D . Ewins ,
the W . M ., for his conduct of the Lodgo during tho past year , which had , under his management , passed a most successful time . This motion having been seconded , was carried unanimonsly . Tho W . M . having suitably aoknowlodged the compliment thus paid him , tho Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to tho banquet room , and there spent a few hours in a mo 3 t enjoyable manner . The usual toasts were given and responded to .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Hold at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Thursday , 26 th inst . Present—Bros . Moss W . M ., Abrahams S . W ., Serjeant J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Sec , Bolton S . D ., Hino I . G . ; also Bros . P . M . ' s Holtham , Wallington , & c . All formalities having been gone throngh , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Holtham acting as
candidate . Bro . Fenner gave proofs of his proficiency , and was entrusted . Lodge being advanced , tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fenner acting as candidate . Both ceremonies wero well worked by the W . M ., who also worked tho first section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge closed down . Bro . Abrahams was elected W . M . for the next meeting .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . — Tho annual supper of the members took place on Monday , at tho Pembnry Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney . Tho chair was taken b y Bro . Wm . Stephens P . M ., and thero was a fair attendance of members . Tho supper was capitally served by host Cracknell , and tho evening ' s proceedings wero of a genial and most enjoyablo character . This Lodge of Instruction moots evory Monday evening , at tho abovo addross .
CranbOUrne Lodge , No . 1580 . —Met on Tnesday , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , under the presidency of Bro . W . Bansor W . Master . Several of tho Officers of the Province of Herts were present , and the Lodgo was numerously attended . Tlio Lodge working consisted of initiating one gentlemau into Masonry , and passing one brother to the second degree , after which Bro . Henry Cox was
elected W . M . of the Lodge for tho ensuing year . The brethren on this occasion invited ladies to be present at their banquet , and while the Lodgo was a work theso ladies , under an escort of brethren , visited Hatfield House , the seat of tho Marquis of Salisbury , and were shown over the apartments , and had the different objects of interest pointed ont to them . They then retnrned to the Red Lion
Hotel , where an elegant banquet was served , and the Masonic toasts wero afterwards honoured , without , however , the usual Masonic ceremony . In tho coarse of the evening tho Lodge presented to Bro . James Terry , Secretary to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , the Prov . Junior G . Warden of Herts , aud tho Sec . of the Lodge , a Prov . Junior G . Warden ' s jewel . The proceedings of the day wore bronght to a conclusion with a few dances .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . —Held at Bro . C . J . G . Wood's , Crown and Woolpack , No . 162 St . John-street-road , on Tuesday , the 24 th inst . Present—Bros . Hallam sen . W . M ., Fenner S . W ., Hirst J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Osborne Sec , Stock S . D ., Mountstephen J . D ., W . Rowley I . G . ; also Bros . Halford , J . Millington , A . Rowley , Carter . Green ,
Rothschild , Wood , Burtle , T . Goode , & c . All preliminaries having been duly observed . Tho Worshipful Master vacated tho chair iu favour of Bro . Stock , who rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation in his usual masterly manner . He was most efficiently supported by his Officers . Bro . Hallam jnn . acted as candidate . Bro . Hallam sen . resumed tho chair , and worked tho second , Bro . Fenner
tbe third , and Bro . Stock the fourth sections of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Carter , of the Rothesay Lodge , No . 16 S 7 , and Rothschild , of Finsbury Park , No . 12 S 8 , were elected members of the Lodge . Bro . Fenner was elected to preside at the next meeting , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned until next Tuesday at eight p . m .
St . George's Lodge , No . 1723 . —On Wednesday , 25 th September , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton . Present—Bros . Job H . Greenhalgh W . M ., Nathaniel Nicholson S . W ., Charles Stanley P . M . as J . W ., George Ferguson P . M . Treasurer , G . P . Brockbank P . M . P . Prov . S . G . D . as Secretary . W . Court J . D ., John Barratt Steward .
Robert Latham I . G ., J . W . Riley Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Thomas Morris : Bros . W . H . Alcock , James Smith . Lodge opened at five o ' clock , when the minutes of last meeting were confirmed . Mr . Robert Barnwell , manufacturer , was balloted for as a candidate for initiation , and lu was unanimonsly approved . After routine business Lodge was closed ,
Price os Gd , Oroivn 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. RKPIINTED TBOJT "THE FKEEMASOJT ' CHBOXICLE . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 . OUR LITERARY BROTHER ) 17 . THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER Bro . H . 51 . Lovy . i liro . Rev . C . J . Martyn . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON 18 . Tni : MYSTIC liro . J . 15 . Monckton . I ' . ro . R . Wcntworth Little . 3 . Tnii MAN OF ENERGY 19 . A MODEL MASON Bro . John Constable . Bro . L . F . Uttoll . 4 . FATHER TIME 20 . A CHIP TKOJI JOPPA Bro . Sir John Bennett . Bro . E . P . Albert . 5 . A CORNER STONE 21 . A PILT . AU OF MASONRY Bro . Alderman Stone . Bro . E . J . Page . 6 . Tn „ CRAFTSMAN 22 . BAYARD Bro . Horace Jones . Bio . Capt . Philips . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN Bro . iEneas J . Mclntyre . j Bro . H . G . Buss . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR 24 . Oir : ; CITIZEN BROTHER Bro . John G . Stevens . ! Bro . JV n Pymonds . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR Bro . W . J . Hughan . Bro . E . Gottheil . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON Bro . T . Adams . Bro . J . L . Thomas . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER 27 . THE ARTIST Bro . James Terry . Bro . K . J . ITarty . 12 . THE SOLDIER 28 . THE FATHER OF ME L ODGE Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton . Bro . Richard Spencer . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN 29 . A SHINING LIGHT Bro . J . C . Parkinson . Bro . Magnus Oliren . 14 . OUR HERCULES 30 . Ax ART STUDENT Bro . Frederick Binckes . j Bro . E . M . Hnigh . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE j 31 . THE MARINER Bro . Sir P . M . Williams . Bro . Thomas Cubitt . 16 . THE CHURCHMAN 32 . A SOLDIER OF FORTUNB Bro . the Rev . J . Huyshc . I Bro . Jns . Stevens . 33 . "OLD MUG . " Bro . Henry Muggoridgo . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . "A scries of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private lifo , and in Masonic society will bo welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of memhers of the Craft . —Standard . " Wo do not remomber to have read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Land and Water . " The book will ho of great interest to Masons , containing as it does pen-andink sketches of the most distinguished men among them , and giving somo considerable information on matters Masonic , from various points of view . " — Lloyd ' s Newspaper . " Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday 2 'imes . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off' a weakness wher . ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at the sumo timo he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , cither iu connexion with tho Craft or in the servico of the public out of doors . Tbe sketches sire lively reading . "—City Press . "This is a nent book . The Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . We commend tho book ns worthy of a plaeo in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , aud is a valuable addition to the few works wo have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to be in every well arranged Masonic Library . "—New York Courier . " We value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for onr copy . " — Masonic Jewel . "The portraits consist of a series of what wo call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Pred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' whoso herculean efforts in behalf of thoso blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , havo a world-wide reputation , which will live long aftor tho zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—Nem York Square . " The stylo of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimcntay to his ability ns a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . "It is a valuable contribution to English currant literature . "—Masonic Review . " Thoy belong to a kind of writing" which has come to be amongst tho most popular reading of tho day The types are as general as thoy are graphic . Tho salient characteristics aro seized with an easy power , and happily hit off in felicitous phrase . "—Sheffield Post . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with somo pithy common sense remarks . "—Cashel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonio literature . "—Ryde News . " Very amusing , aud beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Seal , Walmer and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They aro written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Leigh Chronicle . " Should havo a very largo sale . "—Kingsbridye Gazette . "Theso sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . "—Banffshire Reporter , "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour tn aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entiro absence of what might give offonco to tho most sensitive mind . "—Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to iho history of tho Order . Tho volnmo has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroko of good natural satire . "—Figaro . " Tho inquiring Brother who may wish to know something of tho strength and beauty of tho principles of Masonry , will lind a pleasuro in scanning tho characteristic pictures in this book . "—The Briyhouae Sews . " Thero is a piquancy in tho ready off-hand ' dash that lends much zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " There can be no doubt that the writer has produced a series of Portraits which will bo a sourco of amusement and pleasuro to Masons throughout the worUl . "—Surrey Comet . " Will bo found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the ilasonic world . "—Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise tho Order—if that be possible—in the estimation of its members , if not of tho outer world . "—Trowbridge ami North Wilts Advertiser . " Written iu a spirited , racy stylo , and conveying , in as clear a manner lis possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of the rulers of the Craft . "Essex Standard , London : W . W . MOEGAN . B / Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent free by post , direct from tbe Office , 67 Barbican .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
"William Preston Lodge , No . 766 . —A meeting was held on Thursday , 26 th inst ., at Cannon-streot Hotel . Present—Bros . S . D . Ewins W . M ., Dr . C . R . Cntmoro S . W ., E . Kidman J . W ., W . Worroll P . M . Sec , Capt . G . J . Kain P . M . Treas ., W . Drako S . D ., W . J . Roberts J . D ., W . J . Collens D . C ., 6 . Newman P . M . Steward , W . F . Smart I . G ., W . Grant Tyler ; P . M . ' s Bros . VV . E . Nowton
I . P . M ., W . J . Miller , B . Abbott , J . Pringlo . Visitors—Bros . Rev . Dr . Moms , Head Master and Chaplain Royal Masonic Schools , Wood Green , No . 1185 , J . Jarmain No . 1541 , R . J . Thomas No . 1681 . Tho Lodge having been formally opened , tho ballot was taken for Bro . L . W . Hutchinson , and resulted unanimously in his favour . Tho report of the Committeo appointed to reviso tho bye-laws was
hrought up , and a discussion ensuod . Bro . Dr . C . R . Cntmoro was elected as W . M . for the coming year , and Capt . 6 . J . Kain re-elected Treasurer of the Lodge . Bro . W . Grant was also re-appointed as Tyler . The report of the Audit Committee , showing a favourable balance in the hands of the Treasurer , was submitted , and unanimously adopted . Captain Kain rose , and in eulogistic terms proposed that a Past Master ' s jewel bo presented to Bro . S . D . Ewins ,
the W . M ., for his conduct of the Lodgo during tho past year , which had , under his management , passed a most successful time . This motion having been seconded , was carried unanimonsly . Tho W . M . having suitably aoknowlodged the compliment thus paid him , tho Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to tho banquet room , and there spent a few hours in a mo 3 t enjoyable manner . The usual toasts were given and responded to .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Hold at Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Thursday , 26 th inst . Present—Bros . Moss W . M ., Abrahams S . W ., Serjeant J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Sec , Bolton S . D ., Hino I . G . ; also Bros . P . M . ' s Holtham , Wallington , & c . All formalities having been gone throngh , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Holtham acting as
candidate . Bro . Fenner gave proofs of his proficiency , and was entrusted . Lodge being advanced , tho ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Fenner acting as candidate . Both ceremonies wero well worked by the W . M ., who also worked tho first section of the Lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge closed down . Bro . Abrahams was elected W . M . for the next meeting .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . — Tho annual supper of the members took place on Monday , at tho Pembnry Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney . Tho chair was taken b y Bro . Wm . Stephens P . M ., and thero was a fair attendance of members . Tho supper was capitally served by host Cracknell , and tho evening ' s proceedings wero of a genial and most enjoyablo character . This Lodge of Instruction moots evory Monday evening , at tho abovo addross .
CranbOUrne Lodge , No . 1580 . —Met on Tnesday , at the Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , under the presidency of Bro . W . Bansor W . Master . Several of tho Officers of the Province of Herts were present , and the Lodgo was numerously attended . Tlio Lodge working consisted of initiating one gentlemau into Masonry , and passing one brother to the second degree , after which Bro . Henry Cox was
elected W . M . of the Lodge for tho ensuing year . The brethren on this occasion invited ladies to be present at their banquet , and while the Lodgo was a work theso ladies , under an escort of brethren , visited Hatfield House , the seat of tho Marquis of Salisbury , and were shown over the apartments , and had the different objects of interest pointed ont to them . They then retnrned to the Red Lion
Hotel , where an elegant banquet was served , and the Masonic toasts wero afterwards honoured , without , however , the usual Masonic ceremony . In tho coarse of the evening tho Lodge presented to Bro . James Terry , Secretary to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , the Prov . Junior G . Warden of Herts , aud tho Sec . of the Lodge , a Prov . Junior G . Warden ' s jewel . The proceedings of the day wore bronght to a conclusion with a few dances .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1602 . —Held at Bro . C . J . G . Wood's , Crown and Woolpack , No . 162 St . John-street-road , on Tuesday , the 24 th inst . Present—Bros . Hallam sen . W . M ., Fenner S . W ., Hirst J . W ., Pearcy Preceptor , Osborne Sec , Stock S . D ., Mountstephen J . D ., W . Rowley I . G . ; also Bros . Halford , J . Millington , A . Rowley , Carter . Green ,
Rothschild , Wood , Burtle , T . Goode , & c . All preliminaries having been duly observed . Tho Worshipful Master vacated tho chair iu favour of Bro . Stock , who rehearsed tho ceremony of initiation in his usual masterly manner . He was most efficiently supported by his Officers . Bro . Hallam jnn . acted as candidate . Bro . Hallam sen . resumed tho chair , and worked tho second , Bro . Fenner
tbe third , and Bro . Stock the fourth sections of the lectnre , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Carter , of the Rothesay Lodge , No . 16 S 7 , and Rothschild , of Finsbury Park , No . 12 S 8 , were elected members of the Lodge . Bro . Fenner was elected to preside at the next meeting , after which Lodge was closed and adjourned until next Tuesday at eight p . m .
St . George's Lodge , No . 1723 . —On Wednesday , 25 th September , at the Commercial Hotel , Bolton . Present—Bros . Job H . Greenhalgh W . M ., Nathaniel Nicholson S . W ., Charles Stanley P . M . as J . W ., George Ferguson P . M . Treasurer , G . P . Brockbank P . M . P . Prov . S . G . D . as Secretary . W . Court J . D ., John Barratt Steward .
Robert Latham I . G ., J . W . Riley Tyler ; P . M . Bro . Thomas Morris : Bros . W . H . Alcock , James Smith . Lodge opened at five o ' clock , when the minutes of last meeting were confirmed . Mr . Robert Barnwell , manufacturer , was balloted for as a candidate for initiation , and lu was unanimonsly approved . After routine business Lodge was closed ,
Price os Gd , Oroivn 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS. RKPIINTED TBOJT "THE FKEEMASOJT ' CHBOXICLE . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 . OUR LITERARY BROTHER ) 17 . THE CHRISTIAN MINISTER Bro . H . 51 . Lovy . i liro . Rev . C . J . Martyn . 2 . A DISTINGUISHED MASON 18 . Tni : MYSTIC liro . J . 15 . Monckton . I ' . ro . R . Wcntworth Little . 3 . Tnii MAN OF ENERGY 19 . A MODEL MASON Bro . John Constable . Bro . L . F . Uttoll . 4 . FATHER TIME 20 . A CHIP TKOJI JOPPA Bro . Sir John Bennett . Bro . E . P . Albert . 5 . A CORNER STONE 21 . A PILT . AU OF MASONRY Bro . Alderman Stone . Bro . E . J . Page . 6 . Tn „ CRAFTSMAN 22 . BAYARD Bro . Horace Jones . Bio . Capt . Philips . 7 . THE GOWNSMAN 23 . A RIGHT HAND MAN Bro . iEneas J . Mclntyre . j Bro . H . G . Buss . 8 . AN EASTERN STAR 24 . Oir : ; CITIZEN BROTHER Bro . John G . Stevens . ! Bro . JV n Pymonds . 9 . THE KNIGHT ERRANT 25 . AN ABLE PRECEPTOR Bro . W . J . Hughan . Bro . E . Gottheil . 10 . THE OCTOGENARIAN 20 . AN ANCIENT BRITON Bro . T . Adams . Bro . J . L . Thomas . 11 . A ZEALOUS OFFICER 27 . THE ARTIST Bro . James Terry . Bro . K . J . ITarty . 12 . THE SOLDIER 28 . THE FATHER OF ME L ODGE Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton . Bro . Richard Spencer . 13 . FROM UNDER THE CROWN 29 . A SHINING LIGHT Bro . J . C . Parkinson . Bro . Magnus Oliren . 14 . OUR HERCULES 30 . Ax ART STUDENT Bro . Frederick Binckes . j Bro . E . M . Hnigh . 15 . A MERCHANT PRINCE j 31 . THE MARINER Bro . Sir P . M . Williams . Bro . Thomas Cubitt . 16 . THE CHURCHMAN 32 . A SOLDIER OF FORTUNB Bro . the Rev . J . Huyshc . I Bro . Jns . Stevens . 33 . "OLD MUG . " Bro . Henry Muggoridgo . OPINIONS OP THE PRESS . "A scries of articles , biographical , descriptive , and eulogistic , of some of the principal Masonic worthies of the day . They are well written , and though personal , by no means offensive , or intrusive into private lifo , and in Masonic society will bo welcomed as an interesting series of word paintings of memhers of the Craft . —Standard . " Wo do not remomber to have read any similar series of sketches which surpass this in merit . "—Land and Water . " The book will ho of great interest to Masons , containing as it does pen-andink sketches of the most distinguished men among them , and giving somo considerable information on matters Masonic , from various points of view . " — Lloyd ' s Newspaper . " Admirably written , being free from what aro too often observed in composition—inelegant language and prolixity . "—Sunday 2 'imes . "' J . G . ' writes with a considerable amount of freedom , never hesitating to 'hit off' a weakness wher . ho finds it publicly displayed by a 'distinguished brother ; ' at the sumo timo he never loses sight of a good trait when it is displayed , cither iu connexion with tho Craft or in the servico of the public out of doors . Tbe sketches sire lively reading . "—City Press . "This is a nent book . The Portraits consist of a series of ' word pictures ' of eminent English Masons . It styles Bro . W . J . Hughan ' Knight Errant , ' and sketches thirty-two others under equally unique titles . We commend tho book ns worthy of a plaeo in every Masonic library . "—Voice of Masonry . " Evinces much literary ability , aud is a valuable addition to the few works wo have in Masonic biography . "—Philadelphia Keystone . " The book ought to be in every well arranged Masonic Library . "—New York Courier . " We value tho work , and heartily thank Bro . Morgan for onr copy . " — Masonic Jewel . "The portraits consist of a series of what wo call' pen and ink sketches' of brethren prominent in all the noble undertakings of English Masonry . . . . Prominent among his brethren wo find Bro . Pred . Binckes , ( ' Our Hercules , ' whoso herculean efforts in behalf of thoso blessed institutions , tho charities of English Masons , havo a world-wide reputation , which will live long aftor tho zealous Craftsman has been , ' laid away to rest . ' "—Nem York Square . " The stylo of the author is pleasing , and the quality of his productions highly complimcntay to his ability ns a writer . "—Masonic Advocate . "It is a valuable contribution to English currant literature . "—Masonic Review . " Thoy belong to a kind of writing" which has come to be amongst tho most popular reading of tho day The types are as general as thoy are graphic . Tho salient characteristics aro seized with an easy power , and happily hit off in felicitous phrase . "—Sheffield Post . " Good sensibly written articles . The writer prefaces each of his sketches with somo pithy common sense remarks . "—Cashel Gazette . " Cleverly and agreeably sketched , and tho work altogether forms a valuable addition to Masonio literature . "—Ryde News . " Very amusing , aud beyond doubt , faithful portraits of the worthies who unconsciously sat for them . "—Seal , Walmer and Sandwich Mercury . "The members of the Craft will take it as an acceptable addition to their biographical literature . "—Monmouthshire Chronicle . " They aro written in a fair and genial tone , thoroughly Masonic . "—Leigh Chronicle . " Should havo a very largo sale . "—Kingsbridye Gazette . "Theso sketches are drawn with sparkling ability . "—Banffshire Reporter , "We must sincerely congratulate the author on the success of his endeavour tn aim at faithful portraiture , while there is an entiro absence of what might give offonco to tho most sensitive mind . "—Folkestone Express . "A very acceptable contribution to iho history of tho Order . Tho volnmo has our warmest commendation . "—Kelso Courier . " Drawn with no little humour , and embellished with many a deft stroko of good natural satire . "—Figaro . " Tho inquiring Brother who may wish to know something of tho strength and beauty of tho principles of Masonry , will lind a pleasuro in scanning tho characteristic pictures in this book . "—The Briyhouae Sews . " Thero is a piquancy in tho ready off-hand ' dash that lends much zest to tho subject , and bars it from studied rhetorical expression . "—Hebrew Leader . " There can be no doubt that the writer has produced a series of Portraits which will bo a sourco of amusement and pleasuro to Masons throughout the worUl . "—Surrey Comet . " Will bo found very interesting and pleasant reading , especially to the ilasonic world . "—Barnet Press . " Calculated to raise tho Order—if that be possible—in the estimation of its members , if not of tho outer world . "—Trowbridge ami North Wilts Advertiser . " Written iu a spirited , racy stylo , and conveying , in as clear a manner lis possible , a ' counterfeit presentment' of some of the rulers of the Craft . "Essex Standard , London : W . W . MOEGAN . B / Order of all Booksellers , or will bo sent free by post , direct from tbe Office , 67 Barbican .