Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNONSTREETHOTEL,CANNONSTREET,LONDON,E.C. Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Eailway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , Ac . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LABGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . V ISITORS AND F AMILIES visiting L ONDON , for LONG or snop / r PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHURALLISON&CO. ftwwfoffte,Jlm«©i|aiml§jt»»«tt« MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Rarasden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . Full Illustrated 3 ? rioe Lists post free on application to JS " . 4 : 0 Great Marlborough Street . N 0 TB AVDEUSS—a change having recently leen made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO"V^E/SzGBOYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , l ^^ Kg BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . j- p ____ lg PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ]~«^\~»> ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . ! , £ g § I j § Tlio Advantages of n Trial , ivitli the Convenience of the V pff MUM , J T | Tliroo Tears' System at Ca * Ii Price , by Faying about n Quarter ^ BsJ _| j : ' " * * — -I ' , y of tl « o value down , the Balance by Easy Payment * , from $ ** *&•| t ) i y ffi 15 s per quarter . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandRoad. ESTABLISHED 1830 .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from tho Maken at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payablo at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 381 HIGH STREKT , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
F . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHES , 225 H 1 GH ~ H 0 LB 0 RN , W . C .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnr- ; , E . G . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents , | Death by accident . C . HABDBfG , Manager ,
GLASGOW AMD THE HIGHLANDS . R OYAL ROUTE , vkl Crinan and Caledonian Canals by Royal Mail St amer "IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 0 a . m ., conveying passengers for tho NORTH and WEST HIGHLANDS—See bill , with map and tourist fares , free , at Messrs . CHATTO and WINDUS , Publishers , 74 Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVTD HUTCHESON and Co ., 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . af Wight and Sussex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , Ono Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —154 Qneon Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBHOOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
TAIAE INQIEN . SPjBCIA . 1 i CAUTION . OWIXG to tlio marked snccos 3 of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally pre . scribed by the faculty , and the acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , hiemorrhoids , & c , P .. A 8 B IMITATIONS , containing dr . viic irritants , are hein ^ r foisted on the public . The genuine preparation hears the title "' I'atnar Indien , " and the signature E . ( . HII . I . OS , Coleman-3 t . London , E . C . Price ' 3 lid per box . Jn a recent case . 187 ( J , O . No . 211 . a perpetual injunction to re-strain the defendant fr . m applying the name '' Taruar" to his lozi-nges was awarded , with cosjs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on 19 th January 1877 , and all such piracies will be snmmari . y proceeded against . ——S . B . —See that the outer wrapj er ( directions ) are printed in the English langaage , tad that •auh b « x bsars tk » GoytnuMat id it » i » p .
LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , OFFERED FOB SALE , AT PKJCES ANNEXED , AT TIIE OFFICE OF The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , 402 Logenbilder ( a satirical Qaodlibet ) . Freiburg , 1839 3 s Gd ' 103 Briofe . Religionswesen u Freymiiurorey . 1780 2 s 404 Hermea Trismegist ' s wabrer alter Nat . urwog . Plates . Leipzig , 1782 7 s Gd 405 Holden ' a Songs to Music . 12 mo . Rod morocco , gilt . 8 s Cd 406 Arbeiten von Spartacus u Philo ( II . luminati ) . 1794 2 s Gd 40 ? Hermes , on Archives Maconniques . 2 vols . 8 mo . 1818-10 ' 10 s 40 S Acta Latomornm par C . Thory . Svo . 2 vols , plates . Paris , 1815 12 s 409 Annales Originis magni Galliarum 0 .: Histoiro do la fondation du G . O . do France . 12 mo . Paris , 1812 21 s 410 Thesaurus Fideo . Epitimia . Fr . R . C . Vindiciai Rhodostaurotica ) Hegula Vitae . Fons Gratia , 1619 . 5 pamphlets by Irensens Agnostus on tho R . C . 18 mo 14 g 411 Dreymal drei Reden . 3 collections in 2 vols . 18 mo . Bremon , 1779 5 s 412 Encyclopedic Macounique Chemin-Dupontes . < 1 vols . ISmo . Paris , 1825 Id ' s 413 Pleasing . Philosophic des iiltesten Alterthums . 3 vols . Svo fls 6 < i 414 Die Deutsche Union der Zwey and Zwanzigor . Svo . Leipzig , 1789 2 s 415 Earlier mystic works of Henry Melville , ( author of "Veritas" ) . Pamphlet , with | Indian Zodiacal frontispiece and geometrical title , dedicated to theP . G . M . of N . S . IValet-- . 12 mo . Sydney , 5857 . Also tho "Ignorant Learned . " ISmo . London , 1 SG 3 . Cloth 2 ( s 41 G Signs and Symbols . By Eev . Goorgo Oliver . Svo . Grimsby , 1820 03 417 Dermofct ' s Ahiman Rezon . With list of Lodges . Half bound . London , 1313 ... cs 418 Sketch of a Masonic Dissertation . By a Past Prov . Grand Officer . 12 mo . Bath , 1320 ... is 419 Rules , Orders , and Regulations of tho Masonic Benefit Society tor the Support of Aged Freemasons , & c . Ito . London , 1800 5 s 420 Masonic Pamphlets ( a volume of various ) , 8 vo . Now York , & c , 1838-52 5 H 421 The Rosicrusian . Vol . I . London , 1868 to 1876 25 s 422 A Series of Discourses upon Arehitec turo in England , with an Historical account of Freemasons . By Rev . James Dallaway . Large 8 vo . London , 1833 cs 423 Dermott ' s Ahiman Rezon ; or , A Hel p toall that are , or would be F . andA . M . Third edition . With Songs , & c . Et supra . Svo . London , 1773 lOsCd 424 Ahiman Rezon . 12 mo . Half bound . Dublin , 1803 gg 425 Ahiman Rezon . Svo . London , 1756 10 s 426 The Constitutions of Free and Accepted Masons . By Dr . Jas . Anderson . 8 vo . London , 17 C 9 30 s 427 Ditto Ditto . 4 to . Frontispiece . London , 178 i 40 s 428 The Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons . 12 mo . Bound . London , 1827 (; s 429 A Caudid Disquisition of the Princi ples and Practice of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons . By Wellius UaLott . Svo . Bound . London , 1709 5 s 0 ( 1 430 A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry . By Rev . Geo . Oliver . 12 mo . Half bound . London , 1853 Wn 431 The Masonic Manual . B y Wilkitis Tannehill . 12 mo . Bound . Louisville , Ky . 5 s 432 Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masoury . First edition . 12 mo . London , 1775 ... 10 s Od 433 Ditto Ditto . Second edition , Svo . Carlisle , 1795 10 s 6 < 1 434 Ditto Ditto . Fifth edition . l 2 mo . Bound . Carlisle , 1811 5 s Cd 435 Tho Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdom , and of the Royal Order of the Guelpiis of Hanover , together with the Medals , Clasps and Crosses . 17 plates , coloured . Fuiio 30 s In ordering from these lists it is only necessary to girt the number and data of the book required .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CANNONSTREETHOTEL,CANNONSTREET,LONDON,E.C. Has been thoroughly renovated ; tho Eailway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render this establishment unequalled in tho Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , Ac . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & c . THE LABGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWARDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . V ISITORS AND F AMILIES visiting L ONDON , for LONG or snop / r PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E H . RAND , MANAGER .
ARTHURALLISON&CO. ftwwfoffte,Jlm«©i|aiml§jt»»«tt« MANUFACTURERS , 40 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET , W . Sole London Agents for Dawes & Rarasden ' s Patent Melody and Pedal Substitute Organs , as supplied to Her Majesty and H . R . H . the Princess Louise . Full Illustrated 3 ? rioe Lists post free on application to JS " . 4 : 0 Great Marlborough Street . N 0 TB AVDEUSS—a change having recently leen made in the same .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKRO"V^E/SzGBOYER LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , l ^^ Kg BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . j- p ____ lg PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , ]~«^\~»> ^ F 15 TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . ! , £ g § I j § Tlio Advantages of n Trial , ivitli the Convenience of the V pff MUM , J T | Tliroo Tears' System at Ca * Ii Price , by Faying about n Quarter ^ BsJ _| j : ' " * * — -I ' , y of tl « o value down , the Balance by Easy Payment * , from $ ** *&•| t ) i y ffi 15 s per quarter . GROVER&GROVER,1579KingslandRoad. ESTABLISHED 1830 .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London . MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , With any name iu raised letters . CAN be obtained direct from tho Maken at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of P . O . O . payablo at Stratford . A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian ( Jigars , and Importer of Havana and Continental Cigars , 381 HIGH STREKT , STRATFORD , LONDON , E .
F . ADLARD'S JEWEL ATTACHES , 225 H 1 GH ~ H 0 LB 0 RN , W . C .
ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Limited , 7 Bank Buildings , Lothbnr- ; , E . G . General accidents . I Personal injuries . Railway accidents , | Death by accident . C . HABDBfG , Manager ,
GLASGOW AMD THE HIGHLANDS . R OYAL ROUTE , vkl Crinan and Caledonian Canals by Royal Mail St amer "IONA , " from Glasgow Daily at 7 a . m ., and from Greenock at 0 a . m ., conveying passengers for tho NORTH and WEST HIGHLANDS—See bill , with map and tourist fares , free , at Messrs . CHATTO and WINDUS , Publishers , 74 Piccadilly , London , or by post from DAVTD HUTCHESON and Co ., 119 Hope Street , Glasgow .
PORTSMOUTH TIMES AND NAVAL GAZETTE . Hampshire , I . af Wight and Sussex County Journal Conservative organ for the district . Largest and most influential circulation . " The Naval Paner of the Principal Naval Arsenal . " See " May's British and Irish Press Guide . " Tuesday Evening , Ono Penny . Saturday , Twopence . Chief Offices : —154 Qneon Street , Portsea . Bro . R . HOLBHOOK & SONS , Proprietors . Branch Offices at Chichester and Gosport . Agencies in all the principal towns in the district . Advertisements should be forwarded to reach the Office not later than Tuesday Mornings and Friday afternoons .
TAIAE INQIEN . SPjBCIA . 1 i CAUTION . OWIXG to tlio marked snccos 3 of this medicine , the only patent medicine universally pre . scribed by the faculty , and the acknowledged cure for constipation , headache , bile , hiemorrhoids , & c , P .. A 8 B IMITATIONS , containing dr . viic irritants , are hein ^ r foisted on the public . The genuine preparation hears the title "' I'atnar Indien , " and the signature E . ( . HII . I . OS , Coleman-3 t . London , E . C . Price ' 3 lid per box . Jn a recent case . 187 ( J , O . No . 211 . a perpetual injunction to re-strain the defendant fr . m applying the name '' Taruar" to his lozi-nges was awarded , with cosjs , by Vice-Chancellor Bacon , on 19 th January 1877 , and all such piracies will be snmmari . y proceeded against . ——S . B . —See that the outer wrapj er ( directions ) are printed in the English langaage , tad that •auh b « x bsars tk » GoytnuMat id it » i » p .
LIST OF RARE & VALUABLE WORKS ON FREEMASONRY , OFFERED FOB SALE , AT PKJCES ANNEXED , AT TIIE OFFICE OF The Freemason ' s Chronicle , 67 Barbican , 402 Logenbilder ( a satirical Qaodlibet ) . Freiburg , 1839 3 s Gd ' 103 Briofe . Religionswesen u Freymiiurorey . 1780 2 s 404 Hermea Trismegist ' s wabrer alter Nat . urwog . Plates . Leipzig , 1782 7 s Gd 405 Holden ' a Songs to Music . 12 mo . Rod morocco , gilt . 8 s Cd 406 Arbeiten von Spartacus u Philo ( II . luminati ) . 1794 2 s Gd 40 ? Hermes , on Archives Maconniques . 2 vols . 8 mo . 1818-10 ' 10 s 40 S Acta Latomornm par C . Thory . Svo . 2 vols , plates . Paris , 1815 12 s 409 Annales Originis magni Galliarum 0 .: Histoiro do la fondation du G . O . do France . 12 mo . Paris , 1812 21 s 410 Thesaurus Fideo . Epitimia . Fr . R . C . Vindiciai Rhodostaurotica ) Hegula Vitae . Fons Gratia , 1619 . 5 pamphlets by Irensens Agnostus on tho R . C . 18 mo 14 g 411 Dreymal drei Reden . 3 collections in 2 vols . 18 mo . Bremon , 1779 5 s 412 Encyclopedic Macounique Chemin-Dupontes . < 1 vols . ISmo . Paris , 1825 Id ' s 413 Pleasing . Philosophic des iiltesten Alterthums . 3 vols . Svo fls 6 < i 414 Die Deutsche Union der Zwey and Zwanzigor . Svo . Leipzig , 1789 2 s 415 Earlier mystic works of Henry Melville , ( author of "Veritas" ) . Pamphlet , with | Indian Zodiacal frontispiece and geometrical title , dedicated to theP . G . M . of N . S . IValet-- . 12 mo . Sydney , 5857 . Also tho "Ignorant Learned . " ISmo . London , 1 SG 3 . Cloth 2 ( s 41 G Signs and Symbols . By Eev . Goorgo Oliver . Svo . Grimsby , 1820 03 417 Dermofct ' s Ahiman Rezon . With list of Lodges . Half bound . London , 1313 ... cs 418 Sketch of a Masonic Dissertation . By a Past Prov . Grand Officer . 12 mo . Bath , 1320 ... is 419 Rules , Orders , and Regulations of tho Masonic Benefit Society tor the Support of Aged Freemasons , & c . Ito . London , 1800 5 s 420 Masonic Pamphlets ( a volume of various ) , 8 vo . Now York , & c , 1838-52 5 H 421 The Rosicrusian . Vol . I . London , 1868 to 1876 25 s 422 A Series of Discourses upon Arehitec turo in England , with an Historical account of Freemasons . By Rev . James Dallaway . Large 8 vo . London , 1833 cs 423 Dermott ' s Ahiman Rezon ; or , A Hel p toall that are , or would be F . andA . M . Third edition . With Songs , & c . Et supra . Svo . London , 1773 lOsCd 424 Ahiman Rezon . 12 mo . Half bound . Dublin , 1803 gg 425 Ahiman Rezon . Svo . London , 1756 10 s 426 The Constitutions of Free and Accepted Masons . By Dr . Jas . Anderson . 8 vo . London , 17 C 9 30 s 427 Ditto Ditto . 4 to . Frontispiece . London , 178 i 40 s 428 The Constitutions of the Ancient Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons . 12 mo . Bound . London , 1827 (; s 429 A Caudid Disquisition of the Princi ples and Practice of the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons . By Wellius UaLott . Svo . Bound . London , 1709 5 s 0 ( 1 430 A Dictionary of Symbolical Masonry . By Rev . Geo . Oliver . 12 mo . Half bound . London , 1853 Wn 431 The Masonic Manual . B y Wilkitis Tannehill . 12 mo . Bound . Louisville , Ky . 5 s 432 Hutchinson ' s Spirit of Masoury . First edition . 12 mo . London , 1775 ... 10 s Od 433 Ditto Ditto . Second edition , Svo . Carlisle , 1795 10 s 6 < 1 434 Ditto Ditto . Fifth edition . l 2 mo . Bound . Carlisle , 1811 5 s Cd 435 Tho Insignia of the Orders of Knighthood of the United Kingdom , and of the Royal Order of the Guelpiis of Hanover , together with the Medals , Clasps and Crosses . 17 plates , coloured . Fuiio 30 s In ordering from these lists it is only necessary to girt the number and data of the book required .