Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . The ailmimblu iiiul unrivalled accommodation provided at this Est . iblUtnunb for iMi- ^ soisrinc B ^_ isrQ , TJEa ? s , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire manacement has been chunked , and the Establishment in all its branclus thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISHNTK OIT TI-IE HIGHKST CHARACTER . WINES PEBI'lICT IN CONDITION AND QUAMTY . N . B . —DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. EESTAUttANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confiilencG and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
LONDON"MASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . G . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . NOTICE TO MEMBERS . —The Snbscription from 31 st July 1 S 78 to 31 st July 1 S 79 is now payable . It is intended to admit a tew more members without Entrance Fee at tho present rate of Subscription , viz . £ o 5 s for Town Members , and £ . i 3 s for Country Members . The Club premises aro being improved so as to increase tho accommodation already afforded to members and to Masonic Lodges . Full particulars can bo obtained of the Honorary Secretary at tho Club .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MTJSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . Tor Terms . - —Address , BBO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to -1 daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE LAST CHANCE . %WlllUisnnixfrftittuMforJjijajjs* SMVENTW . APFLICATION , OCTOBER 1 S 78 . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers are carnistli / solicited on behalf of ARTHUR H . DAY , Aged Ten Years , SON of the lato Bro . JOHN DAY , of Tendring , iu the Comity of Essex , Farmer and Brewer . The Deceased was for eiifht years , and up to a short time of his death , a Subscribing Member of the Lodgo of Hope , No . -133 , Brightlingsea . During tho last years of his life he became much reduced in circumstances , in consequence of si long affliction—Paralysis . At Ids decease , which took place on tlio - < Jth of December 1 S 7 I , barely sufficient funds were realised to pay bis debts , and the Widow was consequently obliged to givo up the business , and is mainly dependent on her friends for support . She has two children ( out of a family of five ) entirely dependent . The Applicant is a quick , promising Boy , greatly needing your sympathy . The Case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : —R . W . Bros . W . W . B . BKACK M . lVl' . G . M . Hants aud Isle of Wight ; * Sir . . r . H . Joiixso . i , Shakespeare Lodge , No . 9 !) , the Priory , St . Osyth , Essex ; * E . Jouxsox , V . P . Farringdon House , Hxcter ; C . H . WATKKS P . M . Grand Stewards Lodge , Buckingham Palace Road , London ; BLYI ' II , New Concord Lodg . < No . S 13 , « 3 Red Lion Street , Holborn ; S . HA mux , HeadingsHouse , Palmers Green , Southgate ; E . W . DAVIS P . M . 1 ) 5 aud 172 P . Z . 5 . jl , 313 High Holborn W . C . ; * R . T . Tcuus Marylebono Lodgo 1 , 305 , 21 Wellington Koad , St . John ' s Wood ; * G . GAUD PIE P . P . G . S . of W . Essex , P . M . Angef Lodgo No . 51 , Bank Buildings , Colchester ; FKED A . COLE P . P . G . Registrar P . M . Augel Lodge No . 51 , St . Botolph ' s , Colchester ; W . GKIGOS P . M . Lodge of Hope No . 433 , Brightlingsea ; W . BRAGG P . M . Lodge of Hope No . -133 , Brightlingsea ; W . BALM Lodge of Hope No . -133 , Tendring , Colchester ; * J . E . WISEMAX P . P . G . A . D . C . P . M . aud Secretary No . 433 , Brightlingsea ; Tiros . J . RU . LI . XG I . P . M . Angel Lodge No . 51 , P . G . Sec . Essex , bssex Standard OJjice Colchester . Proxies will be thankfully received bi / the Brethren opposite whose names a * is placed , or theij maybe sent to Mrs . DxY , Grout Clavfon Green , Colchester .
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE OF INSTKUCTION , No . 1524 , HAVELOCK TAVERN , ALBION ROAD , DALSTON . THE ANNUAL SUPPER will take place on Wednesday , 9 th of October , at Eight o'clock precisely . Tho chair will bo taken by Bro . B . Meyer , W . M . of the Mother Lodge . Tickets , 4 s each , can be had of Bro . E . Dietrich , Hon . Sec , 106 Forest Road , Dalston .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE. A Weekly Kecord of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . riIHE FKEEMASON'S OHEONICLE will bo supplied direct from - » - the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for 13 s fid , this will include postage for 12 months . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . for Payo £ 8 0 0 Back Pajje £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , Ac . singl e column , 5 s per inch . Doable Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . The Terms of Snbscription ( payable in advance ) to THE F SEEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free 13 _ 6 d .
¦ g^^^^^^^g Q 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Sunday H . R . H . the Prince of "Wales paid a visit to the Queen at Balmoral , where he remained to luncheon , lie afterwards drove to Invercanld House , on a visit to Col . Farquharson , and the party on Monday and Tuesday enjoyed some sport among the deer of the neighbouring forest . In the evening of the latter day His Royal
Highness again visited Balmoral Castle , and dined with the Queen . H . R . H . the Princess of Wales left Calais on Tuesday , accompanied by her three daughters , and arrived in London the same evening . The following day the Royal
party left for Abergeldie Castle . H . R . H . Prince Frederick William of Prussia arrived , on a visit to Her Majesty tho Queen , on Monday , and , together with the Duke of Connaught , has devoted a part of his time to deer-stalking .
On Tuesday particulars were published in London of the failure of the English Mission to Cabul . It appears that our Envoy was stopped at the Khyber Pass , and , notwithstanding his protests , and his having warned the Afghan general in command there that the act would be regarded
as the act of Shere AH himself , he was obliged to return to Jumrood , the mission subsequently withdrawing to Peshawur . A special meeting of the "Viceroy ' s Council was at once summoned . General Roberts , the commandant of the frontier forces , has started for Peshawur with secret
orders , and large bodies of troops are concentrating on the frontier . It seems all but certain that an occupation of Afghanistan Avill ensue , as there is little chance of an apology being sent for the affront thus offered to the English nation .
At the Woolwich inquest on Friday an engineer was examined as to the stnte of the engines of the Princess Alice at the time of the collision so far as could be judged from their present condition , and some other witnesses having been brought forward , the inquiry was adjourned until
Wednesday , when further witnesses were examined on behalf of the London Steamboat Company . Their case being closed , the captain of the Bywell Castle was called , and gave evidence as to the capabilities and course of his vessel . His examination was continued on Thursday , and
important evidence given . He stated that his vessel was not driven astern until fifteen minutes after the accident , and that the Princess Alice was cut in two pieces by the collision . After cross-examination of this witness , the Court was adjourned . The expense incurred by the Wool *
wich parish officials in connection with the work arising from this disaster is reckoned at upwards of £ 1200 , and steps are being taken to obtain repayment of this amount from the county magistrates . The work of pumping ont the water from the Abercarn
Colliery was commenced on Friday , but was impeded on Saturday in consequence of the pumps becoming choked with earth . Arrangements were then made to raise tbe water in tanks by means of the lifting apparatus , and now operations are being successfully carried on . Great
distress is being felt in the district , and earnest appeals are being made for relief . On Friday , £ 1 , 000 was voted to the fund by the Monmouthshire and South Wales Collieries Association , while in various parts of the country
subscription lists are being actively circulated , with , we hope , satisfactory results . Up to the present time £ 16 , 000 has been received at the Mansion House on behalf of tho sufferers , which sum includes an amount of 50 guineas from H . R . H . Ihe Prince of Wales .
The up Scotch express of the Midland Railway Company 3 ame into collision with a goods train at Holbeck Junction , near Leeds , on Wednesday morning . Great damage was done to the rolling stock , one engine and eight empty irucks being forced off the line , thereby destroying a bridge . One of the tracks feJI into the roadway beneath .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C . The ailmimblu iiiul unrivalled accommodation provided at this Est . iblUtnunb for iMi- ^ soisrinc B ^_ isrQ , TJEa ? s , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is too well known to need comment . The entire manacement has been chunked , and the Establishment in all its branclus thoroughly re-organised . Tho attention of the Masonic Body is directed to the many advantages offered . CUISHNTK OIT TI-IE HIGHKST CHARACTER . WINES PEBI'lICT IN CONDITION AND QUAMTY . N . B . —DINNERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. EESTAUttANT , WINE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tho fullest measure of public confiilencG and support ensured . ALFRED BEST . PROPRIETOR .
LONDON"MASONICCLUB, 101 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , E . G . Bro . ALDERMAN HADLEY Chairman . NOTICE TO MEMBERS . —The Snbscription from 31 st July 1 S 78 to 31 st July 1 S 79 is now payable . It is intended to admit a tew more members without Entrance Fee at tho present rate of Subscription , viz . £ o 5 s for Town Members , and £ . i 3 s for Country Members . The Club premises aro being improved so as to increase tho accommodation already afforded to members and to Masonic Lodges . Full particulars can bo obtained of the Honorary Secretary at tho Club .
THEMASONICQUARTETTE. BROS . BURGESS PERRY , ARTHUR THOMAS , EDWIN MOSS , and GEORGE MTJSGRAVE undertake the Musical arrangements of the Ceremonies and Banquets . Tor Terms . - —Address , BBO . E . MOSS , 147 Aldersgate-Street , E . C .
FISHDINNERSINPERFECTION 2 S EACH , including entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , and Salad , Served from 12 to -1 daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Solo Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
THE LAST CHANCE . %WlllUisnnixfrftittuMforJjijajjs* SMVENTW . APFLICATION , OCTOBER 1 S 78 . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers are carnistli / solicited on behalf of ARTHUR H . DAY , Aged Ten Years , SON of the lato Bro . JOHN DAY , of Tendring , iu the Comity of Essex , Farmer and Brewer . The Deceased was for eiifht years , and up to a short time of his death , a Subscribing Member of the Lodgo of Hope , No . -133 , Brightlingsea . During tho last years of his life he became much reduced in circumstances , in consequence of si long affliction—Paralysis . At Ids decease , which took place on tlio - < Jth of December 1 S 7 I , barely sufficient funds were realised to pay bis debts , and the Widow was consequently obliged to givo up the business , and is mainly dependent on her friends for support . She has two children ( out of a family of five ) entirely dependent . The Applicant is a quick , promising Boy , greatly needing your sympathy . The Case is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : —R . W . Bros . W . W . B . BKACK M . lVl' . G . M . Hants aud Isle of Wight ; * Sir . . r . H . Joiixso . i , Shakespeare Lodge , No . 9 !) , the Priory , St . Osyth , Essex ; * E . Jouxsox , V . P . Farringdon House , Hxcter ; C . H . WATKKS P . M . Grand Stewards Lodge , Buckingham Palace Road , London ; BLYI ' II , New Concord Lodg . < No . S 13 , « 3 Red Lion Street , Holborn ; S . HA mux , HeadingsHouse , Palmers Green , Southgate ; E . W . DAVIS P . M . 1 ) 5 aud 172 P . Z . 5 . jl , 313 High Holborn W . C . ; * R . T . Tcuus Marylebono Lodgo 1 , 305 , 21 Wellington Koad , St . John ' s Wood ; * G . GAUD PIE P . P . G . S . of W . Essex , P . M . Angef Lodgo No . 51 , Bank Buildings , Colchester ; FKED A . COLE P . P . G . Registrar P . M . Augel Lodge No . 51 , St . Botolph ' s , Colchester ; W . GKIGOS P . M . Lodge of Hope No . 433 , Brightlingsea ; W . BRAGG P . M . Lodge of Hope No . -133 , Brightlingsea ; W . BALM Lodge of Hope No . -133 , Tendring , Colchester ; * J . E . WISEMAX P . P . G . A . D . C . P . M . aud Secretary No . 433 , Brightlingsea ; Tiros . J . RU . LI . XG I . P . M . Angel Lodge No . 51 , P . G . Sec . Essex , bssex Standard OJjice Colchester . Proxies will be thankfully received bi / the Brethren opposite whose names a * is placed , or theij maybe sent to Mrs . DxY , Grout Clavfon Green , Colchester .
DUKE OF CONNAUGHT LODGE OF INSTKUCTION , No . 1524 , HAVELOCK TAVERN , ALBION ROAD , DALSTON . THE ANNUAL SUPPER will take place on Wednesday , 9 th of October , at Eight o'clock precisely . Tho chair will bo taken by Bro . B . Meyer , W . M . of the Mother Lodge . Tickets , 4 s each , can be had of Bro . E . Dietrich , Hon . Sec , 106 Forest Road , Dalston .
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE. A Weekly Kecord of Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . riIHE FKEEMASON'S OHEONICLE will bo supplied direct from - » - the Office , on receipt of Post Office Order for 13 s fid , this will include postage for 12 months . Intending Subscribers should forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . for Payo £ 8 0 0 Back Pajje £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , 6 d per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , Ac . singl e column , 5 s per inch . Doable Column Advertisements Is per line . Special Terms for a Series of insertions on application . The Terms of Snbscription ( payable in advance ) to THE F SEEMASON ' CHRONICLE are—Twelve Months , Post Free 13 _ 6 d .
¦ g^^^^^^^g Q 7 BARBICAN , E . C .
Our Weekly Budget.
ON Sunday H . R . H . the Prince of "Wales paid a visit to the Queen at Balmoral , where he remained to luncheon , lie afterwards drove to Invercanld House , on a visit to Col . Farquharson , and the party on Monday and Tuesday enjoyed some sport among the deer of the neighbouring forest . In the evening of the latter day His Royal
Highness again visited Balmoral Castle , and dined with the Queen . H . R . H . the Princess of Wales left Calais on Tuesday , accompanied by her three daughters , and arrived in London the same evening . The following day the Royal
party left for Abergeldie Castle . H . R . H . Prince Frederick William of Prussia arrived , on a visit to Her Majesty tho Queen , on Monday , and , together with the Duke of Connaught , has devoted a part of his time to deer-stalking .
On Tuesday particulars were published in London of the failure of the English Mission to Cabul . It appears that our Envoy was stopped at the Khyber Pass , and , notwithstanding his protests , and his having warned the Afghan general in command there that the act would be regarded
as the act of Shere AH himself , he was obliged to return to Jumrood , the mission subsequently withdrawing to Peshawur . A special meeting of the "Viceroy ' s Council was at once summoned . General Roberts , the commandant of the frontier forces , has started for Peshawur with secret
orders , and large bodies of troops are concentrating on the frontier . It seems all but certain that an occupation of Afghanistan Avill ensue , as there is little chance of an apology being sent for the affront thus offered to the English nation .
At the Woolwich inquest on Friday an engineer was examined as to the stnte of the engines of the Princess Alice at the time of the collision so far as could be judged from their present condition , and some other witnesses having been brought forward , the inquiry was adjourned until
Wednesday , when further witnesses were examined on behalf of the London Steamboat Company . Their case being closed , the captain of the Bywell Castle was called , and gave evidence as to the capabilities and course of his vessel . His examination was continued on Thursday , and
important evidence given . He stated that his vessel was not driven astern until fifteen minutes after the accident , and that the Princess Alice was cut in two pieces by the collision . After cross-examination of this witness , the Court was adjourned . The expense incurred by the Wool *
wich parish officials in connection with the work arising from this disaster is reckoned at upwards of £ 1200 , and steps are being taken to obtain repayment of this amount from the county magistrates . The work of pumping ont the water from the Abercarn
Colliery was commenced on Friday , but was impeded on Saturday in consequence of the pumps becoming choked with earth . Arrangements were then made to raise tbe water in tanks by means of the lifting apparatus , and now operations are being successfully carried on . Great
distress is being felt in the district , and earnest appeals are being made for relief . On Friday , £ 1 , 000 was voted to the fund by the Monmouthshire and South Wales Collieries Association , while in various parts of the country
subscription lists are being actively circulated , with , we hope , satisfactory results . Up to the present time £ 16 , 000 has been received at the Mansion House on behalf of tho sufferers , which sum includes an amount of 50 guineas from H . R . H . Ihe Prince of Wales .
The up Scotch express of the Midland Railway Company 3 ame into collision with a goods train at Holbeck Junction , near Leeds , on Wednesday morning . Great damage was done to the rolling stock , one engine and eight empty irucks being forced off the line , thereby destroying a bridge . One of the tracks feJI into the roadway beneath .