Article CONSECRATION OF A NEW LODGE AT RISCA. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ADVANCEMENT OF OUR ORDER Page 1 of 1 Article DUNMOW. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of A New Lodge At Risca.
educating the children , by hundreds , of worthy Masons deceased , and enconragiug the brethren to look after and care for the widow . It is not distinctively any of these , but it really possesses the characteristics of them all . The Craft , a 3 every initiate has to learn , is a brotherhood—a brotherhood of just and honourable men , a brotherhood large enough and wide enough to take in every trne hearted , self-rospecting ,
upwright man in the wide , wide world , every honourable man living , of whatever oreed , nation , or clime ; every such believer in Him who lives and reigns , —the Mighty Architect of the Universe , by whose will we live , and move , and have our being—in Him who is Lord of all , Father of all , Redeemer of all , Judge of all ! And as the to principles of the Royal Craft . Are they not those which elevate and ennoble
mankind , brotherly love , relief , truth ? Do you seek to do good to your fellow-man ? How is this to be done , if not in obedience to the promptings , and in the spirit of brotherly love , you yourself influenced by the ever present , overpowering thought of His presence , Who is above all , His love extending to all , who hates nothing His hand has made . While the Royal Craft does not take from honour
already in possession of him who is initiated into it , but , as we believe , adds to that honour , it yet keeps before the mind of every one of its members the great fact that men are intended to love one another , are intended to live , not as isolated units , but in society , in brotherhood , to unite one with the other in the practice and pursuit of all that is true , just , holy , and of good report . And in the true spirit of
brotherly love to stretch out the helping hand when help and relief are needed , —to help as a brother , to sympathise as a friend , to bear , as far as may be , one another's burdens ; kind to all , thoughtful of all , seeking the good of all , careful by example to strengthen and confirm one another in right principles , and right conduct , yet gentle and charitable to those who err from the
right way . Wishful to hide rather than expose faults and failings , from which , alas ! no human life is altogether free . Of such a nature , of such principles is the Masonio Institution . In hope of promoting the development and spread of brotherly love , relief and truth , the Homfray Lodge is consecrated , and the brotherhood constituted today . May this hope be realised , this end attained , as the result of
this day s proceedings . May the fraternal union , pleasant intercourse , and prosperity which distinguish other Lodges in the province , ever be the sterotyped characteristics of the Homfray Lodge . May the brethren assembling here from time to time be enabled to do their part of the work which Masons have to do in the worlduphold the true , defend the absent and the weak , minister to the
relief of the needy , and in a large-hearted , world-wide charity seek to do the will of the Great Architect of the Universe , whose servants we profess to be , and to whom we , every one of us , shall give account at the last great day . " The anthem , " Behold how good and joyful a thing it is for tho brethren to dwell together in unity" ( Psalm 133 rd ) , was sung ,
Brother W . P . Broad P . M . 457 , P . G . Organist , presiding at the harmonium . The whole of the musical arrangements were admirably carried out . The presiding officer having constituted the Lodge in duo form , the anthem , " Glory be to God iu the Highest , " was sung , and the ceremony of consecration was completed .
The next duty was the installation of Bro . II . J . Chambers aa the W . M ., followed by the appointment of officers for the ensuing year . Bro . S . G . Homfray midertook the duty of installation , and performed the ceremony in a most impressive manner . The W . M . subsequently appointed his officers , and presented each with the insignia of his office .
The officers wero as follow : —Bros . R . J . Chambers W . M ., L . A . Homfray I . P . M ., Jonathan Piggford S . W ., Wm . James J . W ., Henry Williams Chaplain , W . Watkins D . C , Thomas Moses Sec , Joseph Green Treasurer , C . H . Oliver jnn . Organist , R . H . Richards S . D ., George B . Robathan J . D ., D . R . J . Chambers I . G ., Henry Fletcher Tyler .
A number of propositions of candidates for initiation and for joining the Lodsre as subscribing members were made , followed by tho accustomed votes of thanks to the D . P . CJ . M . for presiding , and to the visitors for attending . These votes having been suitably acknowledged , the interesting proceedings wero brought to a close in the usual way .
The consecration banquet took place at the Albert Inn , where a numerous party sat down , under the presidency of Bro . R . J . Chambers , the W . M . elect , and expressed themselves highly pleased with tho quality of the viands supplied by Mr . J . Boulton , as well as the wines which were placed on tho table . On the removal of the cloth the W . M . first gave " The Queen
and the Craft , " which was never more loyally honoured than on this occasion . The next toast from the chair was "TheM . W . G . M . of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., " which having been acknowledged , the list was proceeded with in the following order : — " The M . W . Pro G . M ., the R . W . Deputy G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present . " "The R . W . tho Provincial G . M . of Monmouthshire , Bro . Col . Lyne . " " The V . W . D . P . G . M . of
Monmouthshire , Bro . Capt . S . Geo . Homfrav A . G . D . C ., and rest of tho Prov . Officers , Past and Present . " " "The W . M ., I . P . M ., Officers and Brethren of the Homfray Lodge , No . 1502 . " " The Consecration anil installing Officers . " "The W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of the other Lodges of the Province . " "The Visiting Brethren . " "The Masonio Charities . " "The Tyler ' s Toast . " Throughout the evening the greatest harmony and fraternal feeling prevailed .
CHINESE CARVING . FOR Sale , an elaborately carved Set of Ivory Chessmen . The Kings stand 8 £ inches high , the other pieces in proportion . Knights and Pawns on horseback , all mounted on stands , with concentric balls . Can be seen , and fall particulars obtained , on application to W , "W . IfosoiW , 07 Barbican , — . ii ' ir t .
Advancement Of Our Order
We are glad to see , from tlio report of a recent meeting of the Lewisham District Board of Works , that the Board has accepted , by a very substantial majority , a resolution proposed by Mr . Thompson , and seconded by Mr . Jones , to
the effect that application for a warrant for a new Masonic Lodge should be made in the proper quarter , and that a part of the Board ' s premises should be set apart for holding the Lodge meetings . We give in entsnso that portion of the report relating to the resolution : —¦
Mr . Thompson , who made a resolution to tho effect that permission be given to the Rev . W . Taylor Jones , Messrs . Thompson , Roberts , Burdett , Lemon , Jerrard , Wooff , Edwards , Dr . Wilkinson , and others , to apply for a warrant for a Masonic Lodge , and in their application to state that tho Lodge is intended to be held in the building of this
Board's offices at Catford , said the object of the resolution was obvious . A great many members of that Board happened to belong to the Freemasons , and they , in conjunction with the public who wero Freemasons , proposed to take advantage of the accommodation afforded by the spacious rooms of the Board . All they asked for was simply the use of the
two corner rooms for a short time , perhaps not more than for two or three hours , about seven times a year . He felt confident that tho Lodge would conduce to a great deal closer intimacy . To show the popular feeling upon the subject , he ( Mr . Thompson ) stated that he had been perfectly inundated with letters asking for information , aud
testifying to the benefit that would be wrought iu cousequence of its establishment . Mr . Thompson impressed particularly upon tho Board the fact that the meetings of the Freemasons would in no way clash with the arrangements of the Board as special attontion would bo made to their convenience .
Mr . Jones , from personal observation , was enabled to state that when he went through various parts of the country he found the uso of the town hall invariably accorded for such meetings , and he was decidedly of opinion that the movement would be undoubtedly popular , and being an old Freemason , seconded the resolution with the
utmost cordiality . Mr . Lemon objected strongly against permission for the room beiug given , in the' first place , because he had not believe the room . 3 were adapted to the requirements of Freemasons , and the doors were not sufficiently well closed to enable the Freemasons
to carry on their business with the utmost secresy . Again , the Board had provided themselves with some very heavy and valuable furniture , and he knew so much of tho proceedings of the body to be able to state that it would involve the clearing out of all the furniture in . the room , which could not be done with perfect immunity
from damage . Another thing , he thought tho public would look upon the Board as a clique desirous only of furthering their own ends . Mr . Thompson said the last , argument practically destroyed itself ,
for instead of beiug a clique , it would mean an introduction of a portion of tho public . All the furniture required to be moved would be the two tables . Such small arguments demonstrated to him tho weakness of tho opposition . The resolution was then put aud carried by eight against threo .
Ar < addition has been made to the Essex Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , by the consecration , on Wednesday last , under most favourable auspices , of a new Lodge at Dunmow . Tho brethren , who included twenty P . M . ' s , and several Grand Officers , assembled in the Town Hall , where the ceremony was ably and impressively performed by the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past Grand Chaplain , assisted by the V . W . Bro . tho Rev . Spencer R .
Wigram , Grand Chaplain , and by special permission of the Earl of Rosslyn P . G . M . Scotland , and representative of the G . L . Eng ., the Lodge was designated the " Rosslyn Lodge , " numbered 1543 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . the Rev . F . B . Shepherd P . P . G . C . and P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . and P . Z . 275 , was installed as the first W . M ., and he appointed as his Wardens Bros . G . D . Clapham ,
and F . J . Snell . At the conclusion of the ceremony , about forty brethren adjourned to the Saracon ' s Head , and partook of a sumptuous and well-served banquet , which was followed by the usual Masonio toasts . Among those present were—Bros . Matthew E . Clark Deputy Provincial Grand Master , John Wright Carr P . G . Secretary , Joseph Burton P . G . Treas ., Andrew Durrant P . G . S . G . W ., James Nicholl
S . P . G . J . W ., Frank Whitmore W . M . 276 , Harold E . Stidolph 276 P . P . G . O ., Alfred F . Gihn 276 , D . M . B . Wheeler 276 , W . Johnson 1312 , W . Cook 1312 , E . Shed 276 , Percy W . Taylor P . M . 409 , John S . Taylor S . D . 409 , Rev . C . J . Martyn P . M . 1224 P . G . C ., W . D . Merritt 1000 , Thos . Smee P . M . 276 P . G . S . D ., A . C . Veley P . M . 276 P . P . G . J . W ., Rev . S . R . Wigram 1000 G . C ., Alfred Jones W . M . 1280 P . J . O . W ., Percy Leith 1118 P . S . G . D ., C . A . Harker 1280 , John Gilling I . G .
1280 , William Spicer 1280 , Joseph Bell P . M . 1280 P . P . G . J . W ., Arthur Goodchild P . M . 276 P . P . G . J . D ., Matthew H . Wiuder 1280 , Joseph F . Hills , 1224 , P . P . G . W . ( Suffolk ) , H . C . Booking 34 , Frea . Wheeler P . M . 1224 , G . H . Grimwood W . M . 1224 , and the fol owing members of the new RoBslyii Lodge : —Rev . F . B . Shepherd P . M . 276 , George Dixon Clapham , Fred . J . Snell , H . J . Burt , George F . Skill , J . H . Beaman , John B . Frankham , and Joseph F . Bott P . M . 276 .
CLVS HOPS * PIATIWO CABDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d * per paek , 14 a per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per nack , lis per dozen packs . If by post lid per paek extra . Cards for Piquet , Beuque , EcarU , 4 c , Mogul Quality lod pei paok , 9 i pw down paota . —Londo »; W . W . litrimn , 87 Barbican , B , C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of A New Lodge At Risca.
educating the children , by hundreds , of worthy Masons deceased , and enconragiug the brethren to look after and care for the widow . It is not distinctively any of these , but it really possesses the characteristics of them all . The Craft , a 3 every initiate has to learn , is a brotherhood—a brotherhood of just and honourable men , a brotherhood large enough and wide enough to take in every trne hearted , self-rospecting ,
upwright man in the wide , wide world , every honourable man living , of whatever oreed , nation , or clime ; every such believer in Him who lives and reigns , —the Mighty Architect of the Universe , by whose will we live , and move , and have our being—in Him who is Lord of all , Father of all , Redeemer of all , Judge of all ! And as the to principles of the Royal Craft . Are they not those which elevate and ennoble
mankind , brotherly love , relief , truth ? Do you seek to do good to your fellow-man ? How is this to be done , if not in obedience to the promptings , and in the spirit of brotherly love , you yourself influenced by the ever present , overpowering thought of His presence , Who is above all , His love extending to all , who hates nothing His hand has made . While the Royal Craft does not take from honour
already in possession of him who is initiated into it , but , as we believe , adds to that honour , it yet keeps before the mind of every one of its members the great fact that men are intended to love one another , are intended to live , not as isolated units , but in society , in brotherhood , to unite one with the other in the practice and pursuit of all that is true , just , holy , and of good report . And in the true spirit of
brotherly love to stretch out the helping hand when help and relief are needed , —to help as a brother , to sympathise as a friend , to bear , as far as may be , one another's burdens ; kind to all , thoughtful of all , seeking the good of all , careful by example to strengthen and confirm one another in right principles , and right conduct , yet gentle and charitable to those who err from the
right way . Wishful to hide rather than expose faults and failings , from which , alas ! no human life is altogether free . Of such a nature , of such principles is the Masonio Institution . In hope of promoting the development and spread of brotherly love , relief and truth , the Homfray Lodge is consecrated , and the brotherhood constituted today . May this hope be realised , this end attained , as the result of
this day s proceedings . May the fraternal union , pleasant intercourse , and prosperity which distinguish other Lodges in the province , ever be the sterotyped characteristics of the Homfray Lodge . May the brethren assembling here from time to time be enabled to do their part of the work which Masons have to do in the worlduphold the true , defend the absent and the weak , minister to the
relief of the needy , and in a large-hearted , world-wide charity seek to do the will of the Great Architect of the Universe , whose servants we profess to be , and to whom we , every one of us , shall give account at the last great day . " The anthem , " Behold how good and joyful a thing it is for tho brethren to dwell together in unity" ( Psalm 133 rd ) , was sung ,
Brother W . P . Broad P . M . 457 , P . G . Organist , presiding at the harmonium . The whole of the musical arrangements were admirably carried out . The presiding officer having constituted the Lodge in duo form , the anthem , " Glory be to God iu the Highest , " was sung , and the ceremony of consecration was completed .
The next duty was the installation of Bro . II . J . Chambers aa the W . M ., followed by the appointment of officers for the ensuing year . Bro . S . G . Homfray midertook the duty of installation , and performed the ceremony in a most impressive manner . The W . M . subsequently appointed his officers , and presented each with the insignia of his office .
The officers wero as follow : —Bros . R . J . Chambers W . M ., L . A . Homfray I . P . M ., Jonathan Piggford S . W ., Wm . James J . W ., Henry Williams Chaplain , W . Watkins D . C , Thomas Moses Sec , Joseph Green Treasurer , C . H . Oliver jnn . Organist , R . H . Richards S . D ., George B . Robathan J . D ., D . R . J . Chambers I . G ., Henry Fletcher Tyler .
A number of propositions of candidates for initiation and for joining the Lodsre as subscribing members were made , followed by tho accustomed votes of thanks to the D . P . CJ . M . for presiding , and to the visitors for attending . These votes having been suitably acknowledged , the interesting proceedings wero brought to a close in the usual way .
The consecration banquet took place at the Albert Inn , where a numerous party sat down , under the presidency of Bro . R . J . Chambers , the W . M . elect , and expressed themselves highly pleased with tho quality of the viands supplied by Mr . J . Boulton , as well as the wines which were placed on tho table . On the removal of the cloth the W . M . first gave " The Queen
and the Craft , " which was never more loyally honoured than on this occasion . The next toast from the chair was "TheM . W . G . M . of England , H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , K . G ., " which having been acknowledged , the list was proceeded with in the following order : — " The M . W . Pro G . M ., the R . W . Deputy G . M ., and the rest of the Grand Officers , Past and Present . " "The R . W . tho Provincial G . M . of Monmouthshire , Bro . Col . Lyne . " " The V . W . D . P . G . M . of
Monmouthshire , Bro . Capt . S . Geo . Homfrav A . G . D . C ., and rest of tho Prov . Officers , Past and Present . " " "The W . M ., I . P . M ., Officers and Brethren of the Homfray Lodge , No . 1502 . " " The Consecration anil installing Officers . " "The W . M ., Officers , and Brethren of the other Lodges of the Province . " "The Visiting Brethren . " "The Masonio Charities . " "The Tyler ' s Toast . " Throughout the evening the greatest harmony and fraternal feeling prevailed .
CHINESE CARVING . FOR Sale , an elaborately carved Set of Ivory Chessmen . The Kings stand 8 £ inches high , the other pieces in proportion . Knights and Pawns on horseback , all mounted on stands , with concentric balls . Can be seen , and fall particulars obtained , on application to W , "W . IfosoiW , 07 Barbican , — . ii ' ir t .
Advancement Of Our Order
We are glad to see , from tlio report of a recent meeting of the Lewisham District Board of Works , that the Board has accepted , by a very substantial majority , a resolution proposed by Mr . Thompson , and seconded by Mr . Jones , to
the effect that application for a warrant for a new Masonic Lodge should be made in the proper quarter , and that a part of the Board ' s premises should be set apart for holding the Lodge meetings . We give in entsnso that portion of the report relating to the resolution : —¦
Mr . Thompson , who made a resolution to tho effect that permission be given to the Rev . W . Taylor Jones , Messrs . Thompson , Roberts , Burdett , Lemon , Jerrard , Wooff , Edwards , Dr . Wilkinson , and others , to apply for a warrant for a Masonic Lodge , and in their application to state that tho Lodge is intended to be held in the building of this
Board's offices at Catford , said the object of the resolution was obvious . A great many members of that Board happened to belong to the Freemasons , and they , in conjunction with the public who wero Freemasons , proposed to take advantage of the accommodation afforded by the spacious rooms of the Board . All they asked for was simply the use of the
two corner rooms for a short time , perhaps not more than for two or three hours , about seven times a year . He felt confident that tho Lodge would conduce to a great deal closer intimacy . To show the popular feeling upon the subject , he ( Mr . Thompson ) stated that he had been perfectly inundated with letters asking for information , aud
testifying to the benefit that would be wrought iu cousequence of its establishment . Mr . Thompson impressed particularly upon tho Board the fact that the meetings of the Freemasons would in no way clash with the arrangements of the Board as special attontion would bo made to their convenience .
Mr . Jones , from personal observation , was enabled to state that when he went through various parts of the country he found the uso of the town hall invariably accorded for such meetings , and he was decidedly of opinion that the movement would be undoubtedly popular , and being an old Freemason , seconded the resolution with the
utmost cordiality . Mr . Lemon objected strongly against permission for the room beiug given , in the' first place , because he had not believe the room . 3 were adapted to the requirements of Freemasons , and the doors were not sufficiently well closed to enable the Freemasons
to carry on their business with the utmost secresy . Again , the Board had provided themselves with some very heavy and valuable furniture , and he knew so much of tho proceedings of the body to be able to state that it would involve the clearing out of all the furniture in . the room , which could not be done with perfect immunity
from damage . Another thing , he thought tho public would look upon the Board as a clique desirous only of furthering their own ends . Mr . Thompson said the last , argument practically destroyed itself ,
for instead of beiug a clique , it would mean an introduction of a portion of tho public . All the furniture required to be moved would be the two tables . Such small arguments demonstrated to him tho weakness of tho opposition . The resolution was then put aud carried by eight against threo .
Ar < addition has been made to the Essex Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons , by the consecration , on Wednesday last , under most favourable auspices , of a new Lodge at Dunmow . Tho brethren , who included twenty P . M . ' s , and several Grand Officers , assembled in the Town Hall , where the ceremony was ably and impressively performed by the V . W . Bro . the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past Grand Chaplain , assisted by the V . W . Bro . tho Rev . Spencer R .
Wigram , Grand Chaplain , and by special permission of the Earl of Rosslyn P . G . M . Scotland , and representative of the G . L . Eng ., the Lodge was designated the " Rosslyn Lodge , " numbered 1543 on the Registry of the Grand Lodge of England . Bro . the Rev . F . B . Shepherd P . P . G . C . and P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . and P . Z . 275 , was installed as the first W . M ., and he appointed as his Wardens Bros . G . D . Clapham ,
and F . J . Snell . At the conclusion of the ceremony , about forty brethren adjourned to the Saracon ' s Head , and partook of a sumptuous and well-served banquet , which was followed by the usual Masonio toasts . Among those present were—Bros . Matthew E . Clark Deputy Provincial Grand Master , John Wright Carr P . G . Secretary , Joseph Burton P . G . Treas ., Andrew Durrant P . G . S . G . W ., James Nicholl
S . P . G . J . W ., Frank Whitmore W . M . 276 , Harold E . Stidolph 276 P . P . G . O ., Alfred F . Gihn 276 , D . M . B . Wheeler 276 , W . Johnson 1312 , W . Cook 1312 , E . Shed 276 , Percy W . Taylor P . M . 409 , John S . Taylor S . D . 409 , Rev . C . J . Martyn P . M . 1224 P . G . C ., W . D . Merritt 1000 , Thos . Smee P . M . 276 P . G . S . D ., A . C . Veley P . M . 276 P . P . G . J . W ., Rev . S . R . Wigram 1000 G . C ., Alfred Jones W . M . 1280 P . J . O . W ., Percy Leith 1118 P . S . G . D ., C . A . Harker 1280 , John Gilling I . G .
1280 , William Spicer 1280 , Joseph Bell P . M . 1280 P . P . G . J . W ., Arthur Goodchild P . M . 276 P . P . G . J . D ., Matthew H . Wiuder 1280 , Joseph F . Hills , 1224 , P . P . G . W . ( Suffolk ) , H . C . Booking 34 , Frea . Wheeler P . M . 1224 , G . H . Grimwood W . M . 1224 , and the fol owing members of the new RoBslyii Lodge : —Rev . F . B . Shepherd P . M . 276 , George Dixon Clapham , Fred . J . Snell , H . J . Burt , George F . Skill , J . H . Beaman , John B . Frankham , and Joseph F . Bott P . M . 276 .
CLVS HOPS * PIATIWO CABDS . —Mogul Quality , picked Is 3 d * per paek , 14 a per dozen packs . Do . seconds Is per nack , lis per dozen packs . If by post lid per paek extra . Cards for Piquet , Beuque , EcarU , 4 c , Mogul Quality lod pei paok , 9 i pw down paota . —Londo »; W . W . litrimn , 87 Barbican , B , C ,