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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
THIS publication being now firmly established as an organ of Masonic communication , ancl having been cordially received by its literary contemporaries , its conductors feel justified-in-recommending the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , as . one of the most useful media for public advertisements . Its circulation among individual members of" the Fraternity being most considerable , and further , being subscribed to . by . many Lodges of . large constituencies , prove at once
the number and intelligence of its readers . Iti ENGLAND , SCOTLAND , and IHELAND—the EAST and WEST INDIES—in short , wherever Freemasonry . exists , this REVIEW , at present the only PUBLIC , organ of the Craft , is wending its useful way . - And although its conductors feel an honest pride in such varied ancl extended support , they anticipate ; -with still greater gratification , the time when a Masonic Review may appear in each of the Sister Kingdoms .
; ' . As a review of literature , the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , being untainted by political servility , and unrestricted by any speculation , is pledged to an honest , candid , and undeviating course—the man of genius will not , therefore , despise , as a medium of Criticism , that which , shall , prove to be the medium of truth . . It is requested that all books intended for review , may be sent as early as possible after publication . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ : Prospectuses , Circulars-, & c . j stitched in the cover on moderate terms .
All Communications to be addressed to the Editor , post paid , to 23 , Paternoster-row . ' . PUBLISHED BY . SHERWOOD , GILBERT , AND PIPER , PATERNOSTER ROW ; ' -.-MADDEN AND CO . ^ ; 8 , LEADENHALL-STREET J . STEVENSON , CAMBRIDGE ; THOMPSON ,
OXFORD ; J . SUTHERLAND , CALTON-STREET , EDINBURGH ; -AND J . PORTER , GRAFTON-STREET , DUBLIN . INDIA : MESSRS . LATTEY , BROTHERS : AND CO ., GOVERNMENT PLACE LIBRARY , CALCUTTA , AND THACKER AND CO ., ST . ANDREW ' S LIBRARY , CALCUTTA . - 1 ., .- " ' » PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . ' jggj" J All Communications lo the JEditor jmisf . be sent before the 5 th of the current month , and all Advertisements before the 15 th .
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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
THIS publication being now firmly established as an organ of Masonic communication , ancl having been cordially received by its literary contemporaries , its conductors feel justified-in-recommending the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , as . one of the most useful media for public advertisements . Its circulation among individual members of" the Fraternity being most considerable , and further , being subscribed to . by . many Lodges of . large constituencies , prove at once
the number and intelligence of its readers . Iti ENGLAND , SCOTLAND , and IHELAND—the EAST and WEST INDIES—in short , wherever Freemasonry . exists , this REVIEW , at present the only PUBLIC , organ of the Craft , is wending its useful way . - And although its conductors feel an honest pride in such varied ancl extended support , they anticipate ; -with still greater gratification , the time when a Masonic Review may appear in each of the Sister Kingdoms .
; ' . As a review of literature , the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , being untainted by political servility , and unrestricted by any speculation , is pledged to an honest , candid , and undeviating course—the man of genius will not , therefore , despise , as a medium of Criticism , that which , shall , prove to be the medium of truth . . It is requested that all books intended for review , may be sent as early as possible after publication . ' ' ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ¦ : Prospectuses , Circulars-, & c . j stitched in the cover on moderate terms .
All Communications to be addressed to the Editor , post paid , to 23 , Paternoster-row . ' . PUBLISHED BY . SHERWOOD , GILBERT , AND PIPER , PATERNOSTER ROW ; ' -.-MADDEN AND CO . ^ ; 8 , LEADENHALL-STREET J . STEVENSON , CAMBRIDGE ; THOMPSON ,
OXFORD ; J . SUTHERLAND , CALTON-STREET , EDINBURGH ; -AND J . PORTER , GRAFTON-STREET , DUBLIN . INDIA : MESSRS . LATTEY , BROTHERS : AND CO ., GOVERNMENT PLACE LIBRARY , CALCUTTA , AND THACKER AND CO ., ST . ANDREW ' S LIBRARY , CALCUTTA . - 1 ., .- " ' » PRICE THREE SHILLINGS . ' jggj" J All Communications lo the JEditor jmisf . be sent before the 5 th of the current month , and all Advertisements before the 15 th .