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Manody ,On The Death Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Sussex,
Which cold or timid minds withhold so long ? Kingdom of Science ! through thy widening sphere Is felt the thrill , that tells a startled World A star hath set , a light hath left the sphere .
MOURN FOR THE MASON ! Ye of the silent Craft , Who honoured him as he protected you ; Now , while his memory is freshly bright , And the new earth unsettled o ' er his grave , Arise !—ancl place before the eyes of men
Some grateful token of your high esteem ! What , though no train Masonic graced the bier Of Him who loved our Ancient Craft so well . Our Mystic Meetings long shall feel the gloom—Long mourn the spirit that hath passed away—Our Israel long lament a Master dead !
MOURN FOR THE MAN ! Widows and Orphans , mourn For one who always had a heart for you , Who made your griefs his ever-fervid theme , Nor ivith cold hand withheld the means he had , To smooth your brow , and stay the starting tear .
As round the cave where Israel ' s David dwelt , All whom Distress ancl Sorrow made their own Gathered for shelter and for sympathy—All who felt sorrow round our SUSSEX came , Of kindness and of help alike secure .
MOURN WE FOR US ! Why fall our tears for him ?—His race is run—his useful course is o ' er—The mind at rest—the fervid , feeling soul Gone , as we trust , to meet its high reward—Reward how high , for one whose living mind Saw with prophetic eye the Heavenly Reign , Ancl urged the highest destinies of Man !
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Manody ,On The Death Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Sussex,
Which cold or timid minds withhold so long ? Kingdom of Science ! through thy widening sphere Is felt the thrill , that tells a startled World A star hath set , a light hath left the sphere .
MOURN FOR THE MASON ! Ye of the silent Craft , Who honoured him as he protected you ; Now , while his memory is freshly bright , And the new earth unsettled o ' er his grave , Arise !—ancl place before the eyes of men
Some grateful token of your high esteem ! What , though no train Masonic graced the bier Of Him who loved our Ancient Craft so well . Our Mystic Meetings long shall feel the gloom—Long mourn the spirit that hath passed away—Our Israel long lament a Master dead !
MOURN FOR THE MAN ! Widows and Orphans , mourn For one who always had a heart for you , Who made your griefs his ever-fervid theme , Nor ivith cold hand withheld the means he had , To smooth your brow , and stay the starting tear .
As round the cave where Israel ' s David dwelt , All whom Distress ancl Sorrow made their own Gathered for shelter and for sympathy—All who felt sorrow round our SUSSEX came , Of kindness and of help alike secure .
MOURN WE FOR US ! Why fall our tears for him ?—His race is run—his useful course is o ' er—The mind at rest—the fervid , feeling soul Gone , as we trust , to meet its high reward—Reward how high , for one whose living mind Saw with prophetic eye the Heavenly Reign , Ancl urged the highest destinies of Man !