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FREEMASONRY . BROTHERS BROADHURST and Co . ( late TATE ) , Silversmiths , Jewellers , and Masonic Clothing Manufacturers , 204 , Regent Street , opposite Conduit Street , beg most respectfully to inform the Members of the Craft that they have always a stock of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , & c , by them , at moderate prices , and they hope by strict attention , punctuality , and dispatch , to merit their patronage and support . FREEMASONRY . 28 , New Street , Covent Garden , London . BROTHER AVILLIAM EVANS respectfully informs his Friends and the Masonic Craft in general , that he has commenced Business on his own account as a MASONIC JEWELLER ancl PARAPHERNALIA Manufacturer . The Craft may rely with confidence on being supplied with every requisite Article of the very best quality , on the most economical terms , consistent with fair profit . To enumerate a List of Prices is impossible , from the great variety of Articles , and the diversity of patterns , which Brother Evans will be enabled at all times to supply . Brother Evans begs to draw the attention of such of the Masonic Craft as may be desirous of having Masonic or Heraldic Designs and Emblazonments executed with a careful ancl spirited display , that he has endeavoured to cultivate this operative branch of the art , ancl he trusts to be enabled to execute even the most difficult designs with accurate fidelity . As economy in charge is a principal object , Brother E . respectfully requests that all orders from the Country may be accompanied by the amount required , or by a reference for payment to some House in London . All letters requiring information respecting any business in his line will be punctually answered , and prices stated . N . B . —As Goldsmith , Silversmith , Jeweller , and AVatchmaker , Brother AVilliam Evans requests the inspection of the Public to a well-selected Stock , of the very first-rate character . FREEMASONRY . TVTASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , ancl PARAPHERNALIA requisite for ¦ * ¦ " - Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICHOLLS , 14 , AVell Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , and other Masonic Works . FREEMASONRY . ROYAL ARCH . COMPANION AVM . POVEY begs to announce to the Companions of the HOLY ROYAL Anon , that he furnishes the SELECTION OF SCRIPTURE READINGS , as directed by the GRAND CHAPTER to be read at tbe Exaltation of Companions , and Installation of Principals ; and begs respectfully to impress on the minds of Principals of Chapters and others , the necessity that exists for their possessing themselves as earl y as possible with them , as the readiest mode of complying with the regulations of the Supreme Grand Chapter . Neatly bound in morocco , 10 * . ; and otherwise , 5 s . and As . 120 , Fetter Lane , London . FREEMASONRY ' . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T ) EMOVED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great ¦ *¦ ** Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening , at Seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony , with a portion of the Lectures , worked during the evening .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
FREEMASONRY . BROTHERS BROADHURST and Co . ( late TATE ) , Silversmiths , Jewellers , and Masonic Clothing Manufacturers , 204 , Regent Street , opposite Conduit Street , beg most respectfully to inform the Members of the Craft that they have always a stock of Jewels , Collars , Aprons , & c , by them , at moderate prices , and they hope by strict attention , punctuality , and dispatch , to merit their patronage and support . FREEMASONRY . 28 , New Street , Covent Garden , London . BROTHER AVILLIAM EVANS respectfully informs his Friends and the Masonic Craft in general , that he has commenced Business on his own account as a MASONIC JEWELLER ancl PARAPHERNALIA Manufacturer . The Craft may rely with confidence on being supplied with every requisite Article of the very best quality , on the most economical terms , consistent with fair profit . To enumerate a List of Prices is impossible , from the great variety of Articles , and the diversity of patterns , which Brother Evans will be enabled at all times to supply . Brother Evans begs to draw the attention of such of the Masonic Craft as may be desirous of having Masonic or Heraldic Designs and Emblazonments executed with a careful ancl spirited display , that he has endeavoured to cultivate this operative branch of the art , ancl he trusts to be enabled to execute even the most difficult designs with accurate fidelity . As economy in charge is a principal object , Brother E . respectfully requests that all orders from the Country may be accompanied by the amount required , or by a reference for payment to some House in London . All letters requiring information respecting any business in his line will be punctually answered , and prices stated . N . B . —As Goldsmith , Silversmith , Jeweller , and AVatchmaker , Brother AVilliam Evans requests the inspection of the Public to a well-selected Stock , of the very first-rate character . FREEMASONRY . TVTASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , ancl PARAPHERNALIA requisite for ¦ * ¦ " - Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICHOLLS , 14 , AVell Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , and other Masonic Works . FREEMASONRY . ROYAL ARCH . COMPANION AVM . POVEY begs to announce to the Companions of the HOLY ROYAL Anon , that he furnishes the SELECTION OF SCRIPTURE READINGS , as directed by the GRAND CHAPTER to be read at tbe Exaltation of Companions , and Installation of Principals ; and begs respectfully to impress on the minds of Principals of Chapters and others , the necessity that exists for their possessing themselves as earl y as possible with them , as the readiest mode of complying with the regulations of the Supreme Grand Chapter . Neatly bound in morocco , 10 * . ; and otherwise , 5 s . and As . 120 , Fetter Lane , London . FREEMASONRY ' . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T ) EMOVED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great ¦ *¦ ** Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening , at Seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony , with a portion of the Lectures , worked during the evening .