Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Itoval Agbicultural Society Of England. ...
ItOVAL AGBICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND . At a Meeting of the Council , held on the Gth day of April , 1812 , it was , on the motion of the Duke , of Richmond , seconded by Colonel Challoner , resolved unanimously" That the Society's house and property in Hanover Square should l » e insured in the Farmers' Fire and Life Insurance Institution , 34 G , Strand , London . "
The Koyal Farms in "Windsor Park are Insured in tbe Farmers' Fire and Ziife Insurance Office . npHE FARMERS' & GENERAL FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE - *• INSTITUTION . Empowered by Act of Parliament . Offices , Strand , London . CAPITAL , £ 500 , 000 , With upwards of 1960 Shareholders enrolled .
HOETORAH . Tr DIRECTORS . His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND , a Trustee of tlie Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EARL OF STRADBROKE , a Governor of tlie Royal Agricultural Society of England . Toe F . Altl . DUCIE , Vice-President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EAR ! , OF STAIR . The EAltl . OF STAMFORD AND WARRINGTON ... . Cheshire . 1 . 01 ( 0 RAYLEIGII , a Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . LORD FKYERS 1 IAM Yorkshire . LORD STANLEY , M . P Lancashire . VISCOUNT CAMI'DEN .... Rutlandshire And Seventy-five other Members of Parliament and Gentlemen . COUNTY DIRECTORS ALREADY APPOINTED .
B . P . SHEARER—Swanmore E . WELLS—Wallingford F 1 ELDF . R KING—Ilurilon W . TAI . I . ENT—Riislimore Hall II . \ V OU—ll <~ . undc . in , Hants S . ROBINSON—llcnstvad L . l . YWOOIJ—Newton Stacey R . IIAWARD—Brnmlicld W . SPEAKING—Chilbolton S . GOODWYN—Huntinoficld G . C . WESTLAKE—Amlover JOHN M \ NN—Huntin-lii Id T . S . GODWIN—Hioughion E . COTTINGAM—Cove Hitlie ( J . WESTBURY— Amlover L . O . COTITNGHAM—Reydon J . REEVES - King ' s Soml ornc II . BARRETT— Saxniundliain J ATKINS—Barton I'eveiell It . ALLEN-Wi sett JAMES YOUNG . WILLIAM WHITE—Walpolc J . II . SPARKES— Corsham JOHN OSBORNE—I . insilalc
T . C . WOODWARD—Amlover JONAS WEBB-B . ibiahani T . T . \ YNAM—Iii ., h-p ' s Stoke R . LOW MAN-Crc » kerne T . EARLE—Itcliin Stoke F . BARNARD—Wantage JOHN HAYWARD—Devizes J . HOLLAND—St . Neots R . SAUN DEUS—Gt . Wishford II . MARRIOTT , —Swuflham W . NEATE Overton W . F . HOURS—Cnggeshall W . TANNER—Calne W . IIUTLEY-WitTiara C . ALEXANDER—Littleton D . C . ALSTON-Maniiin"tree II . F . J . KELSEY—Salisbury C . NUNN—Little Bromley JONATII . GRANT-Coulstoue R . SEWEI . L—Little Oakley JOHN CLIFT— Woodborough J . DARKER—Ramsey J . SIDFORD—Bishopstone R . GATES—Braniley
I .. P . MATON—Collingbourne S . S 11 ARPE—Stoke , Surrey D . MAURICE—Marlborough W . CORIilNUE—Slioreham . T . SEVERNE—Newent W . H . TILI . EY—Rcigate JOHN CADLE—Newent J . CAWI . EY—Winwick G . GATES— Stcyiiing G . EMERY—lianwcll J . BOWLES-Midhmst K . LARGE—Tnkenham II . WELLS—Midhiii-sl J . TROWBRIDGE— Unceme II . INGHAM—S niiing T . BUCK LAWTON—Newark T . STEPHENS—Ilii-fuster S . L . FRY—Axbri » ce JAMES BRICE— Bridgewater J . W . CARTWRGHT—Ba-nall W . LARGE—1 ainbouriie J . AYLING—l . iss . Hints J . K . REEVES-lleudred W . CARTER—Thurluxtou
C . EDWARDS—Ramsbury R . MII . WARD—llex .. rave , Nts J . HAYWAIlD-lnkpen E . BOWDAUE— Cicukcrue J . HORWOOD—Brackley WM . DENNISON—I ' id . llcton J . IIINGES'I ' ON—Frosteuden G . E . IIANNAM—Mar-ate G . BRAGINTON—Toniiigton G . ATK INSDN-Salisbury W . PORTER— Honiton J . MATHEWS—Newent JOHN GOBBET—Ikrn-hall J . STAI . I . AKD—lledmarley It . LUCAS-Trotton S . II . HITCH . M . D—Cluster THOS . DEAN—Wallingford THOS . ClUARRELL-Neweiit W . IIANKIN— Bentworth HEN . OVERTON—Croydon J . TILLYER—Harinonsworth J . W . JEYES— Ui-pingliani
J . BARRETT—Winterton T . II . SHEPPARD—Clifton WM . CdOPER—Kessingl .-md W . S . HITCHMAN—Chipping E \ V D . DAN 1 EL—Aylmei ton Nor ou R . ALLl- 'ORD—Chedder R . DEMAN-Donmngton T . BROWN—Burderop J . M . PAINE—F . iinuain JOHN DRAPER—Cicwkcrne R . B . ROUSE—Torringlon W . P . SQUIRE—Silsoe J- JEPSON—Nowtliorue C . BATTEN—Hungerford R . SI'ICER—Cliard E . FITCH—Old Hall , Steeple J . CLUE—North Chapel ' ' Uumstca . l , Esses G . PLSIIOP- Maitock J . CHAM BERS—Court Clifford W . CI . U'l TUN—Edwins'owe W . TONKIN—YaMing Kent 11 . FRAMPTON—Newington ,
T . BOORMAN— East Peekham O . von . T . M . WILD-East Peckliain J . GREENAWAY—Raillcy J . KIRBY—South Morten J . FOWLER—Winterbourn T . COL'KERAM—Upcrrnc C . PENTON—llaiton stacey W . CUFF—Crew-kerne [ Dorset T . E . BEASLEY—Harston R . F . WARDE—Bcarstcad . Kent E . VINES—Sheffield R . SOLLY— Mundenhall , Esse .- [ J . GII . ES-I . edbury C . KAYLF . Y—Wrcntham J . J . TIDC'iiMBE—Crcwfeernc J . MATTHEWS—Hungerford W . STREET—Glewstone T . LEONARD-Neivbury T . BARNETT—Ross C . 11 . LATTI . MORE-Bride R . KNIGHT—Winchester Hall , Wlicathampsted H . KNIGHT-Winchester
J- LANGFORD—Hungerford J H . COURTNEY— Crawley WM . LARGE—Ogbourne T . PERN—Crawley JOHN LARGE—Ogbourne T . CORDEHY—Twyford R . VINN—East Slcon , Hants J . WADE—Barton Stacey W . SIIACKELL— Sulhamstead J . CORDERY—Chileonib R . PHILLIPS—Shiffiial J . BAILEY-Col . ingbourn F . TAYLOR—Guitiug Power T . BARRY-Middlc Claydon »' . II . JACOBS - Isle of Wight T . MARTIN—Iladlow C . NEWMAN—Hayes II . SIMMONS—Iladlow W . ANDERSON- Oakley , Bed J . KING-Bleclilingly II . SMITH—Bardfield , Essex J- HANKS—Naunton JAMES RUSSELL—liarnsley J-S . UUI . T— KingstonSom
, . W . SPACK . MAN—Brombain T . CHARD—lln \ don T . 1 . AVINGT 0 N—Poulsliolr W . DRAKE—Kinjiselcre J . WICIIER—Pctcrslield J- EASTMENT— Wineanton J . M . SING-Ilridgnoith LOW NDE Manvell . C , SHARP—Wliiteehurch . Hts E . MASON—Maidenhead W . BRYAN—LowerSliuiglitcr- J . CLARK—Maidenhead JOSLIN BULWER— Rainsden A . STEVENS , Farnham J . FULLER— Beacb-.-. inwvll F . UAYNES—llockerill ROUT . EVERE'IT—Westacre W . WALKED , ConiptoiiAbdalc T . WATERS—Winchester R . A . RANGER—llniiton S . T . TAYLOR—Dilliain , Nor .
E'AR . MIWG- STOCK insured without the Average Clause at Is Sd . per cent Wo Duty . COMIEOH INST 7 RAWCB . —Private Houses and Shops , not hazardous . Is . ed . per cent . —Hazardous 2 s . lid . per cent . —Double hazardous , subject to special Agreement . Fire Insurances may he effected for a longer term than One Year , at Reduced Rates , by payment in advance . The Premiums for Insurance of XiIVSS are upon an equally moderate sc ; ile of charges . Annual Pi emittnoi on Life Insurance for £ 11 ) 0 .
AGE . 20 | 3 D | -111 | EO | 60 I 70 £ 1 14 11 I 2 4 1 | 2 Hi 10 | 4 4 5 | 8 11 2 | 10 Hi 2 Endowments of all kinds for future or existing Children . —The usual Commission to Solicitors . Prospectuses and Marks fur Buildings m : ; y he had of , and Proposals for Insurances , tie , be forwarded to , their Agents in their respective districts , or to th . ? Otlicc in London . AGES IS are appointed in the Principal Towns in the Kingdom . W . SHAW , Managing Director .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Itoval Agbicultural Society Of England. ...
ItOVAL AGBICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND . At a Meeting of the Council , held on the Gth day of April , 1812 , it was , on the motion of the Duke , of Richmond , seconded by Colonel Challoner , resolved unanimously" That the Society's house and property in Hanover Square should l » e insured in the Farmers' Fire and Life Insurance Institution , 34 G , Strand , London . "
The Koyal Farms in "Windsor Park are Insured in tbe Farmers' Fire and Ziife Insurance Office . npHE FARMERS' & GENERAL FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE - *• INSTITUTION . Empowered by Act of Parliament . Offices , Strand , London . CAPITAL , £ 500 , 000 , With upwards of 1960 Shareholders enrolled .
HOETORAH . Tr DIRECTORS . His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND , a Trustee of tlie Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EARL OF STRADBROKE , a Governor of tlie Royal Agricultural Society of England . Toe F . Altl . DUCIE , Vice-President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EAR ! , OF STAIR . The EAltl . OF STAMFORD AND WARRINGTON ... . Cheshire . 1 . 01 ( 0 RAYLEIGII , a Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . LORD FKYERS 1 IAM Yorkshire . LORD STANLEY , M . P Lancashire . VISCOUNT CAMI'DEN .... Rutlandshire And Seventy-five other Members of Parliament and Gentlemen . COUNTY DIRECTORS ALREADY APPOINTED .
B . P . SHEARER—Swanmore E . WELLS—Wallingford F 1 ELDF . R KING—Ilurilon W . TAI . I . ENT—Riislimore Hall II . \ V OU—ll <~ . undc . in , Hants S . ROBINSON—llcnstvad L . l . YWOOIJ—Newton Stacey R . IIAWARD—Brnmlicld W . SPEAKING—Chilbolton S . GOODWYN—Huntinoficld G . C . WESTLAKE—Amlover JOHN M \ NN—Huntin-lii Id T . S . GODWIN—Hioughion E . COTTINGAM—Cove Hitlie ( J . WESTBURY— Amlover L . O . COTITNGHAM—Reydon J . REEVES - King ' s Soml ornc II . BARRETT— Saxniundliain J ATKINS—Barton I'eveiell It . ALLEN-Wi sett JAMES YOUNG . WILLIAM WHITE—Walpolc J . II . SPARKES— Corsham JOHN OSBORNE—I . insilalc
T . C . WOODWARD—Amlover JONAS WEBB-B . ibiahani T . T . \ YNAM—Iii ., h-p ' s Stoke R . LOW MAN-Crc » kerne T . EARLE—Itcliin Stoke F . BARNARD—Wantage JOHN HAYWARD—Devizes J . HOLLAND—St . Neots R . SAUN DEUS—Gt . Wishford II . MARRIOTT , —Swuflham W . NEATE Overton W . F . HOURS—Cnggeshall W . TANNER—Calne W . IIUTLEY-WitTiara C . ALEXANDER—Littleton D . C . ALSTON-Maniiin"tree II . F . J . KELSEY—Salisbury C . NUNN—Little Bromley JONATII . GRANT-Coulstoue R . SEWEI . L—Little Oakley JOHN CLIFT— Woodborough J . DARKER—Ramsey J . SIDFORD—Bishopstone R . GATES—Braniley
I .. P . MATON—Collingbourne S . S 11 ARPE—Stoke , Surrey D . MAURICE—Marlborough W . CORIilNUE—Slioreham . T . SEVERNE—Newent W . H . TILI . EY—Rcigate JOHN CADLE—Newent J . CAWI . EY—Winwick G . GATES— Stcyiiing G . EMERY—lianwcll J . BOWLES-Midhmst K . LARGE—Tnkenham II . WELLS—Midhiii-sl J . TROWBRIDGE— Unceme II . INGHAM—S niiing T . BUCK LAWTON—Newark T . STEPHENS—Ilii-fuster S . L . FRY—Axbri » ce JAMES BRICE— Bridgewater J . W . CARTWRGHT—Ba-nall W . LARGE—1 ainbouriie J . AYLING—l . iss . Hints J . K . REEVES-lleudred W . CARTER—Thurluxtou
C . EDWARDS—Ramsbury R . MII . WARD—llex .. rave , Nts J . HAYWAIlD-lnkpen E . BOWDAUE— Cicukcrue J . HORWOOD—Brackley WM . DENNISON—I ' id . llcton J . IIINGES'I ' ON—Frosteuden G . E . IIANNAM—Mar-ate G . BRAGINTON—Toniiigton G . ATK INSDN-Salisbury W . PORTER— Honiton J . MATHEWS—Newent JOHN GOBBET—Ikrn-hall J . STAI . I . AKD—lledmarley It . LUCAS-Trotton S . II . HITCH . M . D—Cluster THOS . DEAN—Wallingford THOS . ClUARRELL-Neweiit W . IIANKIN— Bentworth HEN . OVERTON—Croydon J . TILLYER—Harinonsworth J . W . JEYES— Ui-pingliani
J . BARRETT—Winterton T . II . SHEPPARD—Clifton WM . CdOPER—Kessingl .-md W . S . HITCHMAN—Chipping E \ V D . DAN 1 EL—Aylmei ton Nor ou R . ALLl- 'ORD—Chedder R . DEMAN-Donmngton T . BROWN—Burderop J . M . PAINE—F . iinuain JOHN DRAPER—Cicwkcrne R . B . ROUSE—Torringlon W . P . SQUIRE—Silsoe J- JEPSON—Nowtliorue C . BATTEN—Hungerford R . SI'ICER—Cliard E . FITCH—Old Hall , Steeple J . CLUE—North Chapel ' ' Uumstca . l , Esses G . PLSIIOP- Maitock J . CHAM BERS—Court Clifford W . CI . U'l TUN—Edwins'owe W . TONKIN—YaMing Kent 11 . FRAMPTON—Newington ,
T . BOORMAN— East Peekham O . von . T . M . WILD-East Peckliain J . GREENAWAY—Raillcy J . KIRBY—South Morten J . FOWLER—Winterbourn T . COL'KERAM—Upcrrnc C . PENTON—llaiton stacey W . CUFF—Crew-kerne [ Dorset T . E . BEASLEY—Harston R . F . WARDE—Bcarstcad . Kent E . VINES—Sheffield R . SOLLY— Mundenhall , Esse .- [ J . GII . ES-I . edbury C . KAYLF . Y—Wrcntham J . J . TIDC'iiMBE—Crcwfeernc J . MATTHEWS—Hungerford W . STREET—Glewstone T . LEONARD-Neivbury T . BARNETT—Ross C . 11 . LATTI . MORE-Bride R . KNIGHT—Winchester Hall , Wlicathampsted H . KNIGHT-Winchester
J- LANGFORD—Hungerford J H . COURTNEY— Crawley WM . LARGE—Ogbourne T . PERN—Crawley JOHN LARGE—Ogbourne T . CORDEHY—Twyford R . VINN—East Slcon , Hants J . WADE—Barton Stacey W . SIIACKELL— Sulhamstead J . CORDERY—Chileonib R . PHILLIPS—Shiffiial J . BAILEY-Col . ingbourn F . TAYLOR—Guitiug Power T . BARRY-Middlc Claydon »' . II . JACOBS - Isle of Wight T . MARTIN—Iladlow C . NEWMAN—Hayes II . SIMMONS—Iladlow W . ANDERSON- Oakley , Bed J . KING-Bleclilingly II . SMITH—Bardfield , Essex J- HANKS—Naunton JAMES RUSSELL—liarnsley J-S . UUI . T— KingstonSom
, . W . SPACK . MAN—Brombain T . CHARD—lln \ don T . 1 . AVINGT 0 N—Poulsliolr W . DRAKE—Kinjiselcre J . WICIIER—Pctcrslield J- EASTMENT— Wineanton J . M . SING-Ilridgnoith LOW NDE Manvell . C , SHARP—Wliiteehurch . Hts E . MASON—Maidenhead W . BRYAN—LowerSliuiglitcr- J . CLARK—Maidenhead JOSLIN BULWER— Rainsden A . STEVENS , Farnham J . FULLER— Beacb-.-. inwvll F . UAYNES—llockerill ROUT . EVERE'IT—Westacre W . WALKED , ConiptoiiAbdalc T . WATERS—Winchester R . A . RANGER—llniiton S . T . TAYLOR—Dilliain , Nor .
E'AR . MIWG- STOCK insured without the Average Clause at Is Sd . per cent Wo Duty . COMIEOH INST 7 RAWCB . —Private Houses and Shops , not hazardous . Is . ed . per cent . —Hazardous 2 s . lid . per cent . —Double hazardous , subject to special Agreement . Fire Insurances may he effected for a longer term than One Year , at Reduced Rates , by payment in advance . The Premiums for Insurance of XiIVSS are upon an equally moderate sc ; ile of charges . Annual Pi emittnoi on Life Insurance for £ 11 ) 0 .
AGE . 20 | 3 D | -111 | EO | 60 I 70 £ 1 14 11 I 2 4 1 | 2 Hi 10 | 4 4 5 | 8 11 2 | 10 Hi 2 Endowments of all kinds for future or existing Children . —The usual Commission to Solicitors . Prospectuses and Marks fur Buildings m : ; y he had of , and Proposals for Insurances , tie , be forwarded to , their Agents in their respective districts , or to th . ? Otlicc in London . AGES IS are appointed in the Principal Towns in the Kingdom . W . SHAW , Managing Director .