Article MASONIC MEMOIR. ← Page 5 of 9 →
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Masonic Memoir.
brilliant than that arising from his successful exertions in uniting the two Masonic Societies then existing in London , in that strictest bond of union which , whatever lustre it has shed around the promoters of so blessed a service , was eclipsed in the added beamy and strength which the order gained from their united influence ancl wisdom . " Thenceforward all was perfect co-operation ; but in that goodly
work we must accord equal praise to departed merit . H . R . H . the late Duke of Kent—father of our present most gracious Queen and Sovereign Lady—a Grand Master of the order , was associated in co-equal power with his illustrious brother ; and for the zeal , spirit , intelligence , and success with which he aided him , his memory is justly as sincerely reverenced by the Brethren of the order .
" The Duke of Sussex * was elected Master of the Lodge of Friendship in March , 1806 , joined the Lodge of Antiquity on the 31 st of March , 1808 , and on the 1 st of December , 1813 , was obligated in the Lodge of Reconciliation . " This latter course was necessarily the preliminary step to the union which was shortly afterwards ratified by the Royal Brothers of Kent
and Sussex , by Articles bearing date 1 st December , 1813 . " On the 27 th of the same month , after a most eloquent address , the Duke of Kent proposed as Grand Master , * his illustrious and clear relative ; ' and the proposition having been unanimously carried , the Duke of Kent and the Count Lagardje placed the Duke of Sussex on the Masonic throne , to the great delig ht of a vast assembly , who
testified their Masonic homage on the occasion . " During the twenty-five years that our royal Master has presided over the Grand Lodge , how many striking lessons have been read to us —one by one , all his royal relatives who had taken an active part in the concerns of the order , have been removed 'from amongst men ; ' our Grand Master , of this number , alone remains to us , and grateful are we
to HIM , who has mercifully ordained that we may still possess ' a ruler in the Craft , ' whose superior knowledge can regulate our discipline , and whose humility and piety , under painful affliction , have taught us how calmly the severest dispensations of Providence can be contemplated by the sincere Mason as the chastening purification of the mind through the sufferings of the body . At the time we write , it is our happiness to state , that our illustrious ruler enjoys renewed health , buoyant spirits , and the full exercise of his master-mind . "
The following address of the Committee of the " Masonic Offering " was read on the occasion of its presentation , by the late Lord John
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Masonic Memoir.
brilliant than that arising from his successful exertions in uniting the two Masonic Societies then existing in London , in that strictest bond of union which , whatever lustre it has shed around the promoters of so blessed a service , was eclipsed in the added beamy and strength which the order gained from their united influence ancl wisdom . " Thenceforward all was perfect co-operation ; but in that goodly
work we must accord equal praise to departed merit . H . R . H . the late Duke of Kent—father of our present most gracious Queen and Sovereign Lady—a Grand Master of the order , was associated in co-equal power with his illustrious brother ; and for the zeal , spirit , intelligence , and success with which he aided him , his memory is justly as sincerely reverenced by the Brethren of the order .
" The Duke of Sussex * was elected Master of the Lodge of Friendship in March , 1806 , joined the Lodge of Antiquity on the 31 st of March , 1808 , and on the 1 st of December , 1813 , was obligated in the Lodge of Reconciliation . " This latter course was necessarily the preliminary step to the union which was shortly afterwards ratified by the Royal Brothers of Kent
and Sussex , by Articles bearing date 1 st December , 1813 . " On the 27 th of the same month , after a most eloquent address , the Duke of Kent proposed as Grand Master , * his illustrious and clear relative ; ' and the proposition having been unanimously carried , the Duke of Kent and the Count Lagardje placed the Duke of Sussex on the Masonic throne , to the great delig ht of a vast assembly , who
testified their Masonic homage on the occasion . " During the twenty-five years that our royal Master has presided over the Grand Lodge , how many striking lessons have been read to us —one by one , all his royal relatives who had taken an active part in the concerns of the order , have been removed 'from amongst men ; ' our Grand Master , of this number , alone remains to us , and grateful are we
to HIM , who has mercifully ordained that we may still possess ' a ruler in the Craft , ' whose superior knowledge can regulate our discipline , and whose humility and piety , under painful affliction , have taught us how calmly the severest dispensations of Providence can be contemplated by the sincere Mason as the chastening purification of the mind through the sufferings of the body . At the time we write , it is our happiness to state , that our illustrious ruler enjoys renewed health , buoyant spirits , and the full exercise of his master-mind . "
The following address of the Committee of the " Masonic Offering " was read on the occasion of its presentation , by the late Lord John