Article Reports of Masonic Meetings. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ORDERS OF CHIVALRY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article ARK MARINER DEGREE. Page 1 of 1
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
C HESHIRE . —Warren Lodge , No . 1276 . —A meeting of this newly-formed lodge was held at the Stanley Arms Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire , on the 20 th September . After the lodge had been opened by Bro . Hill , AV . M ., and the minutes of the former meeting confirmed , Mr . Geo . Mason was ballotted for and duly elected . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and afterwards in
the third degree , and Bros . Taylor , Pennington , Jones , and Price were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed down tothe first degree , ancl a ballot taken on the election of AV . M . for the ensuinn year , when Bro . James Russell Jones , S . AV ., was unanimously elected . Bro . AV . P . Mills was again unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . James Robinson appointed
Tyler . It was then resolved that the installation banquet should be held at Bro . Stokes , the Seacombe Hotel , on the 1 Sth October next , and a committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements . Bros . J . Somerville , Jones , ancl Earp were appointed Auditors of the accounts for the past year , and after the transaction of other business of a formal character , the AV . M . vacated the chair , and
retired from the lodge , having first requested Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., to assume the chair , which he did , whereupon it was proposed by Bro . Mills , seconded by Bro . Holt , and unanimously resolved , "That the members of the AA'arren Lodge , under a grateful sense of the valuable services rendered them by Bro . C . H . Hill in founding and establishing the AVarren Lodge , after encountering great
difficulties , and whose subsequent efficient management of the lodge whilst filling the office of first AV . M . has been attended with such eminent success , do present him with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , as a memento of their fraternal gratitude and esteem , and also in recognition of his past services ; and that Bros . Sayer , Earp , and Lea , P . M ., be appointed a committee to procure the same for
presentation at the ensuing installation of the AV . M .-elect . " The W . M . having been sent for , returned to the lodge ; and the above resolution having been communicated to him , he briefly returned thanks , reserving his further remarks forafutureoccasion . Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., having announced his intention of resigning his membership from inability to attend regularly , owing to his residing at such a
distance from the lodge , it was unanimously resolved that the best thanks of this lodge be given to Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., for thc very valuable services he had rendered the lodge during thepast year , and that as a recognition of those services , he be elected an honorary member of the lodge .
After the proposing of certain cendidates for initiation , the lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmony , and the members separated , highly { pleased with the result of their first year ' s working , havingpaid all demands on them , and carrying over a considerable balance to begin the new year with .
Mark Masonry.
PROA ' . GRAND LODGE OF LEICESTERSHIRE . The degree of Mark Master was formerly conferred in the Knights of Malta Lodge at Hinckley ( one of the old Athole Lodges ) , several of the present members having received it , and a desire being felt that it should be placed under the jurisdiction of the Mark Grand Lodge of England and AVales , a warrant of confirmation under No . 30 in the
Register of Grand Lodge , has just been issued to Bros . AV . Kelly , ( as W . M ., ) Rev . AV . Langley , J . C . D . D . Cotman , aud George Clarke , and the lodge was formally reconstituted at an annual meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge of the Province , at the Town Hall , Hinckley , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., thc R . AV . P . G . Master , Bro . Kelly , in the chair . Among the other brethren present were the
Rev . AV . Langley , P . G . S . AV ., and G . Chaplain of England ; A . M . Duff , P . G . J . O . ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec . ; Geo . Toller , jun ., P . G . I . G . ; AA . AA ' eare , P . P . G . S . O . ; L . L . At wood , P . G . S . ; J . C . D . D . Cotman , G . Clarke , and others . Thc P . G . Lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last annual meeting having been read
and confirmed , Bro . Stretton was unanimously re-elected P . G . Treas . A sum of five guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , constituting the P . G . M . for thc time being a Life Subscriber . Thc R . AV . P . G . M . announced , that the meeting of the Moveable Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , & c , was fixed to take place at Leicester , on Thursday ,
the 27 th October , and he moved the appointment of a Committee of the P . Grand Lodge to make the necessary arrangements , which was seconded by Bro . Duff , AV . M . No . 19 , and P . G . J . O ., and carried unanimously . The Knight of Malta Lodge , No . 30 , was then opened , and the warrant of confirmation presented , and a set of by-laws for thc future government of the lodge adopted .
A ballot was taken for fourteen brethren as candidates for advancement , who were all unanimously elected , and the following being present were duly advanced , viz . ; Bros . Rev . John Spinal , P . M . 523 , and P . P . G . S . AV . ; John Atkins , P . M . ; T . AV . Clarke , P . M . ; AV . II . Griffiths ,
P . M . ; T . Harrold , P . M . of No . 50 , ( Knights of Malta Craft Lodge ) ; J . Nugent , AV . M ., F . G . Tippetts and AVilliam McBeath , of No . 432 ; G . J . Crosbie Dawson , of No . 1 S 1 , London , and G . B . Atkins , of No . 523 , Leicester , also Bro . A'oung by dispensation as a serving brother .
The following brethren were then appointed and invested as the officers of thc lodge , Bros . Rev . John Spittal , S . AV . ; / . C . D . D . Cotman , J . W . ; T . W . Clarke , M . O . ; J . Nugent , S . O . ; AV . II . Griffiths , J . O . ; J . Atkins , Treas . ; T . Harrold , Sec . and Reg . of Marks ; F . G . Tippetts ,
S . D . ; AV . McBeath , J . D . ; G . J . C . Dawson , I . G ., ancl Young , Tyler . The lodge No . 30 having been closed , the P . G . M . then appointed the following brethren as the P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , and invested those who were present : — Bros . Rev . AV . Langley , P . M . 21 , D . P . G . M . * . II . Douglas , AV . M . 21 , P . G . S . AV . ; A . M . Duff , AV . M . 19 ,
Mark Masonry.
P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . O . 19 , and Rev . J . Spittal , S . AV . 30 , P . G . Chaplains ; AV . AVeare , J . AV . 19 , P . G . M . O . ; Chas . Johnson , M . O . 19 , P . G . S . O . ; J . C . D . D . Cotman , J . AV . 30 , P . G . J . O . ; C . Stretton , P . G . Treas . ; Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart . 19 , P . G . Reg . of Marks ; S . S . Partridge , S . O . 19 , P . G . Sec . ; J . C . Duncomb 21 , P . G . S . D . ; L . L . Atwood 19 , P . G . J . D . ; T .
Harrold 30 , P . G . D . of C . ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . 19 , P . G . A . D . of C . ; T . Barnard 21 , P . G . Insp . of Works ; T . AV . Clarke 30 , P . G . S . B . : E . J . Crow 19 , P . G . O . ; J . Atkins 30 , P . G . J . G . ; J . G . F . Richardson , Sec . 19 ; Capt . J . Bailey 21 , and G . B . Atkins 30 , P . G . Stewards ; C . Bembridge , P . G . Tyler . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment at the George Hotel .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge , No . 19 . —The first meeitng of this lodge , after the summer ' s recess , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 22 nd ultimo , under the presidency of Bro . A . M . Duff , W . M ., when the attendance of members was not quite so large as is usually the case . A ballot was taken for Bros . C . S . Thomson and R . A . Barber , of No . 279 , Thomas Dunn , of No .
523 ( as a serving brother ) , and Alfred Layton , of No . 181 , who were severally duly elected . Bros . Thomson aud Dunn , being present , were duly advanced to the degree , but Bros . Barber ancl Layton were unavoidably absent , as was also Bro . Dr . Wilkinson , previously elected . The name of Bro . Henry Carson , P . P . G . J . AV . Derbyshire , was , at his request , withdrawn as a candidate
m consequence of a Mark lodge being about to be opened at Derby , m which he wished to be advanced . On the ceremony being concluded by the AV . M ., the lecture and final charge were given by Bro . Kelly , P . G . M . M ., who then announced that he had that day received a letter from the M . AV . G . M ., fixing Thursday , October 27 th , as the day for the meeting of the moveable Grand Lodge of
Mark Masters , at Leicester . Bro . Kelly expressed an earnest hope that there would be a large attendance of the brethren of the province to receive their distinguished visitors on the occasion . Some discussion ensued as to the best mode of receiving the Grand Lodge on the occasion , when it was decided for a committee to be appointed at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge at Hinckley , on the following Tuesday , for the purpose of
superintending the arrangements . A considerable number of candidates were then proposed , among whom were Bros . Sir Henry St . J . Halford , Bart ., and S . Inns , D . P . G . M . for Northamptonshire and Hunts , for advancement at a Lodge or Lodges of Emergency , prior to the visit of the Grand Lodge . Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . Planlagenet Conclave , A o . 2 . —The regular assembly of this conclave took place at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Wednesday , the 14 th inst . V . E . and P . Sir Knight D . R . Still , M . P . S ., being present , occupied the throne , supported by the following officers and other Sir Knights : Sir Kts . G . S . Stales , S . G . ; T . Cubitt , G . H ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , G . A ., Recorder ; R . AV .
Little , G . Recorder ; B . Cook , Prefect ; J . Brett , and AV . H . Hubbard , G . Treasurer . The conclave was opened in Imperial form , and the minutes of the last assemby read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s accounts having been previously audited , the report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted . There being no admissions , and the business before the conclave having
been concluded , the Sir Knight Companions were called to order , and the conclave was closed iu regular form ancl adjourned . The companions then retired to refreshment , presided over by A' . E . Sir Knight Still , the highlyrespected M . P . S ., when it was resolved that the future home of this excellent conclave , No . 2 on the roll , should be at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand .
J ERSEY . —Concord Conclave , A o . S . —The enthronement assembly of this flourishing conclave was held at the Masonic Temple , Stopford-road , on the 31 st August , when Sir Knt . P . Benham , M . P . S ., enthroned his successor , Sir Knt . M . Tracy . Sir Knt . E . D . Le Couteur was placed in the chair of V . E ., the other officers being J . A \' . Buisnel , S . G . ; J . Gregg , J . G . ; E . Lott , II . P . ; J .
Oatley , P . ; Dr . A . Low , S . B . ; J . Blampcd , Treas . ; A . Sehmitt , P . S . Recorder ; A . Boullicr , II . ; AV . Toms , S . The Order is now firmly established in Jersey , and as the Provincial Grand Master , Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret , is also Inspector-General of the Red Cross Knights , a very successful future may be safely predicted for the Concord Conclave .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . BOLTON . — -St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . — -The quarterly conclave was held at Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , on Monday , the 19 th September , when the E . C . Sir Knight T . II . AVinder , Prov . G . Vicc-Chancellor , presided ; Sir Knights Morris , Ist Captain ; AV . II . AVright , V . E . D . Prov . G . Commander , as 2 nd Captain ; and other officers at their respective stalls . The
E . C . very ably performed the ceremony of installing Comp . James Brown a Kni ght of this Order , thc duties of Expert being undertaken by the Prov . G . Chancellor , Sir Knight G . P . Brockbank . The sum of two guineas was voted to the fund being raised by Grand Conclave in aid of the sick and wounded in war , and the encampment closed in form and with prayer at 8 o ' clock .
THE M . AV . Grand Master , the Earl de Grey , Lord President of the Council , arrived at Studley Royal , his seat in Yorkshire , on Saturday last from thc Isle of Harris .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons ' Hall , and was attended by Bros . S . Noble , Thos . W . White , Edward Cox , W . H . Hemsworth , George Cox , H . Massey , AV . Farnfield ,
Raynham AV . Stewart , John Symonds , and E . H . Patten ( Secretary ) . Bro . GEORGE Cox , V . P ., took the chair . Bro . E . H . PATTEN read the minutes of the 25 th August , of the House Committee , and of
the Audit Committee ; and cheques were signed by the Chairman in discharge of various accounts . Some little girls named Cook , Hart , and Chapman , after passing a satisfactory examination ,
were voted eligible to be placed on the list of candidates for admission to the school . Two petitions were deferred , the candidates not being able to comply at present with the requisitions of the Institution as to reading .
Bro . J SYMONDS , V . P ., gave notice of the following motion for the next Quarterly Court in October : — " That the report of the Committee appointed
on the 14 th , April , 1870 , to consider Bro . Stewart's motion in connection with the whole question of the qualifications of candidates , and report to the Quarterly Court in October next , be received .
" That law No . 5 be amended by striking out the words ' be recommended by two Life Governors or life or annual subscribers , and ; ' and that the following be substituted for section 1 of the said clause : ' A recommendation signed in open
lodge by the Master , Wardens , and a majority of the members then present , to which the father of the candidate does or did belong , or in the event of such lodge having ceased to exist , from some other lodge , certifying that at the time of
his initiation he was in circumstances which , in their opinion , justified him in offering himself for enrolment in the Order , and specifying for what period he has been a subscribing member , and further certifying that his personal position is so
reduced from that he enjoyed at the time of his initiation , or that , if deceased , his family are so reduced in circumstances , as to render his daughter , to the best of their knowledge and belief , a fitting and suitable object for the
benefits of this institution . In all cases where the father of the candidate is , or has been , a member of a lodge within the London district , some member of the lodge shall attend the committee to support the allegations set forth in the petition . ' "
Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , V . P ., also gave notice of the following motion for the same court : — " That the same committee appointed on the 14 th April , 1 S 70 ( and which has this day
reported ) be re-appointed to consider the qualifications and privileges of Vice-Presidents , Life Governors , and life and annual subscribers , and report to a Special General Court , to be held on Thursday , Sth Dec , 1870 .
" That any brother nominated on said committee unable to serve , be at liberty to nominate a duly-qualified brother as his substitute . " That tjie Secretary of this school be empowered to confer with the Secretary of the
Boys' School , and to summon conjointly with him the meetings of the committee . " Also Bro . RAYNHAM AV . STEWART gave notice that he would move : — " That the Assistant Clerk ' s salary be , from the 29 th of Sept . last , at the rate of ; £ ioo per annum . " The committee then adjourned .
Ark Mariner Degree.
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 2 . —The second meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , the 28 th ult ., at Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . Morton Edwards , P . G . C , Inspector-General , C . ; assisted by Bros . S . M . Lazarus , P . C . ; C . J . B . Plcstow , as S . ; II . Massey , as J . ; and AVindsor Lowder , G ., floatedthe vessel , and elevated Bro . J . Starkey to this degree . The minutes of the meeting of 21 st of June were read and confirmed , and the vessel was then securely moored till the fourth Thursday in . December .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
C HESHIRE . —Warren Lodge , No . 1276 . —A meeting of this newly-formed lodge was held at the Stanley Arms Hotel , Seacombe , Cheshire , on the 20 th September . After the lodge had been opened by Bro . Hill , AV . M ., and the minutes of the former meeting confirmed , Mr . Geo . Mason was ballotted for and duly elected . The lodge was then opened in the second degree , and afterwards in
the third degree , and Bros . Taylor , Pennington , Jones , and Price were severally raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The lodge was then closed down tothe first degree , ancl a ballot taken on the election of AV . M . for the ensuinn year , when Bro . James Russell Jones , S . AV ., was unanimously elected . Bro . AV . P . Mills was again unanimously elected Treasurer , and Bro . James Robinson appointed
Tyler . It was then resolved that the installation banquet should be held at Bro . Stokes , the Seacombe Hotel , on the 1 Sth October next , and a committee was appointed to carry out the arrangements . Bros . J . Somerville , Jones , ancl Earp were appointed Auditors of the accounts for the past year , and after the transaction of other business of a formal character , the AV . M . vacated the chair , and
retired from the lodge , having first requested Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., to assume the chair , which he did , whereupon it was proposed by Bro . Mills , seconded by Bro . Holt , and unanimously resolved , "That the members of the AA'arren Lodge , under a grateful sense of the valuable services rendered them by Bro . C . H . Hill in founding and establishing the AVarren Lodge , after encountering great
difficulties , and whose subsequent efficient management of the lodge whilst filling the office of first AV . M . has been attended with such eminent success , do present him with a gold Past Master ' s jewel , as a memento of their fraternal gratitude and esteem , and also in recognition of his past services ; and that Bros . Sayer , Earp , and Lea , P . M ., be appointed a committee to procure the same for
presentation at the ensuing installation of the AV . M .-elect . " The W . M . having been sent for , returned to the lodge ; and the above resolution having been communicated to him , he briefly returned thanks , reserving his further remarks forafutureoccasion . Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., having announced his intention of resigning his membership from inability to attend regularly , owing to his residing at such a
distance from the lodge , it was unanimously resolved that the best thanks of this lodge be given to Bro . Shepherd , P . M ., for thc very valuable services he had rendered the lodge during thepast year , and that as a recognition of those services , he be elected an honorary member of the lodge .
After the proposing of certain cendidates for initiation , the lodge was closed in due form and perfect harmony , and the members separated , highly { pleased with the result of their first year ' s working , havingpaid all demands on them , and carrying over a considerable balance to begin the new year with .
Mark Masonry.
PROA ' . GRAND LODGE OF LEICESTERSHIRE . The degree of Mark Master was formerly conferred in the Knights of Malta Lodge at Hinckley ( one of the old Athole Lodges ) , several of the present members having received it , and a desire being felt that it should be placed under the jurisdiction of the Mark Grand Lodge of England and AVales , a warrant of confirmation under No . 30 in the
Register of Grand Lodge , has just been issued to Bros . AV . Kelly , ( as W . M ., ) Rev . AV . Langley , J . C . D . D . Cotman , aud George Clarke , and the lodge was formally reconstituted at an annual meeting of the Mark Grand Lodge of the Province , at the Town Hall , Hinckley , on Tuesday , the 27 th ult ., thc R . AV . P . G . Master , Bro . Kelly , in the chair . Among the other brethren present were the
Rev . AV . Langley , P . G . S . AV ., and G . Chaplain of England ; A . M . Duff , P . G . J . O . ; S . S . Partridge , P . G . Sec . ; Geo . Toller , jun ., P . G . I . G . ; AA . AA ' eare , P . P . G . S . O . ; L . L . At wood , P . G . S . ; J . C . D . D . Cotman , G . Clarke , and others . Thc P . G . Lodge having been opened in due form , and the minutes of the last annual meeting having been read
and confirmed , Bro . Stretton was unanimously re-elected P . G . Treas . A sum of five guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , constituting the P . G . M . for thc time being a Life Subscriber . Thc R . AV . P . G . M . announced , that the meeting of the Moveable Grand Lodge of Mark Masters of England , & c , was fixed to take place at Leicester , on Thursday ,
the 27 th October , and he moved the appointment of a Committee of the P . Grand Lodge to make the necessary arrangements , which was seconded by Bro . Duff , AV . M . No . 19 , and P . G . J . O ., and carried unanimously . The Knight of Malta Lodge , No . 30 , was then opened , and the warrant of confirmation presented , and a set of by-laws for thc future government of the lodge adopted .
A ballot was taken for fourteen brethren as candidates for advancement , who were all unanimously elected , and the following being present were duly advanced , viz . ; Bros . Rev . John Spinal , P . M . 523 , and P . P . G . S . AV . ; John Atkins , P . M . ; T . AV . Clarke , P . M . ; AV . II . Griffiths ,
P . M . ; T . Harrold , P . M . of No . 50 , ( Knights of Malta Craft Lodge ) ; J . Nugent , AV . M ., F . G . Tippetts and AVilliam McBeath , of No . 432 ; G . J . Crosbie Dawson , of No . 1 S 1 , London , and G . B . Atkins , of No . 523 , Leicester , also Bro . A'oung by dispensation as a serving brother .
The following brethren were then appointed and invested as the officers of thc lodge , Bros . Rev . John Spittal , S . AV . ; / . C . D . D . Cotman , J . W . ; T . W . Clarke , M . O . ; J . Nugent , S . O . ; AV . II . Griffiths , J . O . ; J . Atkins , Treas . ; T . Harrold , Sec . and Reg . of Marks ; F . G . Tippetts ,
S . D . ; AV . McBeath , J . D . ; G . J . C . Dawson , I . G ., ancl Young , Tyler . The lodge No . 30 having been closed , the P . G . M . then appointed the following brethren as the P . G . Officers for the ensuing year , and invested those who were present : — Bros . Rev . AV . Langley , P . M . 21 , D . P . G . M . * . II . Douglas , AV . M . 21 , P . G . S . AV . ; A . M . Duff , AV . M . 19 ,
Mark Masonry.
P . G . J . AV . ; Rev . Dr . Haycroft , S . O . 19 , and Rev . J . Spittal , S . AV . 30 , P . G . Chaplains ; AV . AVeare , J . AV . 19 , P . G . M . O . ; Chas . Johnson , M . O . 19 , P . G . S . O . ; J . C . D . D . Cotman , J . AV . 30 , P . G . J . O . ; C . Stretton , P . G . Treas . ; Sir Henry St . John Halford , Bart . 19 , P . G . Reg . of Marks ; S . S . Partridge , S . O . 19 , P . G . Sec . ; J . C . Duncomb 21 , P . G . S . D . ; L . L . Atwood 19 , P . G . J . D . ; T .
Harrold 30 , P . G . D . of C . ; L . A . Clarke , J . O . 19 , P . G . A . D . of C . ; T . Barnard 21 , P . G . Insp . of Works ; T . AV . Clarke 30 , P . G . S . B . : E . J . Crow 19 , P . G . O . ; J . Atkins 30 , P . G . J . G . ; J . G . F . Richardson , Sec . 19 ; Capt . J . Bailey 21 , and G . B . Atkins 30 , P . G . Stewards ; C . Bembridge , P . G . Tyler . The Prov . Grand Lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment at the George Hotel .
LEICESTER . —Fowke Lodge , No . 19 . —The first meeitng of this lodge , after the summer ' s recess , was held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , the 22 nd ultimo , under the presidency of Bro . A . M . Duff , W . M ., when the attendance of members was not quite so large as is usually the case . A ballot was taken for Bros . C . S . Thomson and R . A . Barber , of No . 279 , Thomas Dunn , of No .
523 ( as a serving brother ) , and Alfred Layton , of No . 181 , who were severally duly elected . Bros . Thomson aud Dunn , being present , were duly advanced to the degree , but Bros . Barber ancl Layton were unavoidably absent , as was also Bro . Dr . Wilkinson , previously elected . The name of Bro . Henry Carson , P . P . G . J . AV . Derbyshire , was , at his request , withdrawn as a candidate
m consequence of a Mark lodge being about to be opened at Derby , m which he wished to be advanced . On the ceremony being concluded by the AV . M ., the lecture and final charge were given by Bro . Kelly , P . G . M . M ., who then announced that he had that day received a letter from the M . AV . G . M ., fixing Thursday , October 27 th , as the day for the meeting of the moveable Grand Lodge of
Mark Masters , at Leicester . Bro . Kelly expressed an earnest hope that there would be a large attendance of the brethren of the province to receive their distinguished visitors on the occasion . Some discussion ensued as to the best mode of receiving the Grand Lodge on the occasion , when it was decided for a committee to be appointed at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge at Hinckley , on the following Tuesday , for the purpose of
superintending the arrangements . A considerable number of candidates were then proposed , among whom were Bros . Sir Henry St . J . Halford , Bart ., and S . Inns , D . P . G . M . for Northamptonshire and Hunts , for advancement at a Lodge or Lodges of Emergency , prior to the visit of the Grand Lodge . Some further business having been transacted , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment .
Orders Of Chivalry.
RED CROSS OF ROME & CONSTANTINE . Planlagenet Conclave , A o . 2 . —The regular assembly of this conclave took place at the Terminus Hotel , Cannon-street , on Wednesday , the 14 th inst . V . E . and P . Sir Knight D . R . Still , M . P . S ., being present , occupied the throne , supported by the following officers and other Sir Knights : Sir Kts . G . S . Stales , S . G . ; T . Cubitt , G . H ., Treas . ; J . G . Marsh , G . A ., Recorder ; R . AV .
Little , G . Recorder ; B . Cook , Prefect ; J . Brett , and AV . H . Hubbard , G . Treasurer . The conclave was opened in Imperial form , and the minutes of the last assemby read and confirmed . The Treasurer ' s accounts having been previously audited , the report of the Audit Committee was read and adopted . There being no admissions , and the business before the conclave having
been concluded , the Sir Knight Companions were called to order , and the conclave was closed iu regular form ancl adjourned . The companions then retired to refreshment , presided over by A' . E . Sir Knight Still , the highlyrespected M . P . S ., when it was resolved that the future home of this excellent conclave , No . 2 on the roll , should be at the Caledonian Hotel , Adelphi-terrace , Strand .
J ERSEY . —Concord Conclave , A o . S . —The enthronement assembly of this flourishing conclave was held at the Masonic Temple , Stopford-road , on the 31 st August , when Sir Knt . P . Benham , M . P . S ., enthroned his successor , Sir Knt . M . Tracy . Sir Knt . E . D . Le Couteur was placed in the chair of V . E ., the other officers being J . A \' . Buisnel , S . G . ; J . Gregg , J . G . ; E . Lott , II . P . ; J .
Oatley , P . ; Dr . A . Low , S . B . ; J . Blampcd , Treas . ; A . Sehmitt , P . S . Recorder ; A . Boullicr , II . ; AV . Toms , S . The Order is now firmly established in Jersey , and as the Provincial Grand Master , Col . E . C . Malet de Carteret , is also Inspector-General of the Red Cross Knights , a very successful future may be safely predicted for the Concord Conclave .
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . BOLTON . — -St . James of Jerusalem Encampment . — -The quarterly conclave was held at Freemasons' Hall , Church Institute , Bolton , on Monday , the 19 th September , when the E . C . Sir Knight T . II . AVinder , Prov . G . Vicc-Chancellor , presided ; Sir Knights Morris , Ist Captain ; AV . II . AVright , V . E . D . Prov . G . Commander , as 2 nd Captain ; and other officers at their respective stalls . The
E . C . very ably performed the ceremony of installing Comp . James Brown a Kni ght of this Order , thc duties of Expert being undertaken by the Prov . G . Chancellor , Sir Knight G . P . Brockbank . The sum of two guineas was voted to the fund being raised by Grand Conclave in aid of the sick and wounded in war , and the encampment closed in form and with prayer at 8 o ' clock .
THE M . AV . Grand Master , the Earl de Grey , Lord President of the Council , arrived at Studley Royal , his seat in Yorkshire , on Saturday last from thc Isle of Harris .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
The General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday afternoon , at Freemasons ' Hall , and was attended by Bros . S . Noble , Thos . W . White , Edward Cox , W . H . Hemsworth , George Cox , H . Massey , AV . Farnfield ,
Raynham AV . Stewart , John Symonds , and E . H . Patten ( Secretary ) . Bro . GEORGE Cox , V . P ., took the chair . Bro . E . H . PATTEN read the minutes of the 25 th August , of the House Committee , and of
the Audit Committee ; and cheques were signed by the Chairman in discharge of various accounts . Some little girls named Cook , Hart , and Chapman , after passing a satisfactory examination ,
were voted eligible to be placed on the list of candidates for admission to the school . Two petitions were deferred , the candidates not being able to comply at present with the requisitions of the Institution as to reading .
Bro . J SYMONDS , V . P ., gave notice of the following motion for the next Quarterly Court in October : — " That the report of the Committee appointed
on the 14 th , April , 1870 , to consider Bro . Stewart's motion in connection with the whole question of the qualifications of candidates , and report to the Quarterly Court in October next , be received .
" That law No . 5 be amended by striking out the words ' be recommended by two Life Governors or life or annual subscribers , and ; ' and that the following be substituted for section 1 of the said clause : ' A recommendation signed in open
lodge by the Master , Wardens , and a majority of the members then present , to which the father of the candidate does or did belong , or in the event of such lodge having ceased to exist , from some other lodge , certifying that at the time of
his initiation he was in circumstances which , in their opinion , justified him in offering himself for enrolment in the Order , and specifying for what period he has been a subscribing member , and further certifying that his personal position is so
reduced from that he enjoyed at the time of his initiation , or that , if deceased , his family are so reduced in circumstances , as to render his daughter , to the best of their knowledge and belief , a fitting and suitable object for the
benefits of this institution . In all cases where the father of the candidate is , or has been , a member of a lodge within the London district , some member of the lodge shall attend the committee to support the allegations set forth in the petition . ' "
Bro . RAYNHAM W . STEWART , V . P ., also gave notice of the following motion for the same court : — " That the same committee appointed on the 14 th April , 1 S 70 ( and which has this day
reported ) be re-appointed to consider the qualifications and privileges of Vice-Presidents , Life Governors , and life and annual subscribers , and report to a Special General Court , to be held on Thursday , Sth Dec , 1870 .
" That any brother nominated on said committee unable to serve , be at liberty to nominate a duly-qualified brother as his substitute . " That tjie Secretary of this school be empowered to confer with the Secretary of the
Boys' School , and to summon conjointly with him the meetings of the committee . " Also Bro . RAYNHAM AV . STEWART gave notice that he would move : — " That the Assistant Clerk ' s salary be , from the 29 th of Sept . last , at the rate of ; £ ioo per annum . " The committee then adjourned .
Ark Mariner Degree.
Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 2 . —The second meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , the 28 th ult ., at Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . Morton Edwards , P . G . C , Inspector-General , C . ; assisted by Bros . S . M . Lazarus , P . C . ; C . J . B . Plcstow , as S . ; II . Massey , as J . ; and AVindsor Lowder , G ., floatedthe vessel , and elevated Bro . J . Starkey to this degree . The minutes of the meeting of 21 st of June were read and confirmed , and the vessel was then securely moored till the fourth Thursday in . December .