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Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
—«¦—THE HANDICRAFTSMAN AND THE ARTIST . " Now had these beautifully-painted flowers but formed a part of some well considered design , how different the effect would have been It does not follow that because the work is
well executed it is necessarily in good taste ; this is not so ( e . g ., the spire of Strasburg Cathedral ) . Mere manipulative skill , although indispensable in the execution of all good work , is the result of practice . Taste and judgment are much higher qualities , and very rare , and may
be possessed in a high degree without the possessor having any manipulative skill whatever ; but when all these qualities are combined in the same person , successful works must result . " The great end of Speculative Freemasonry is fraternal and philanthropic association . The great end of Operative Freemasonry was work
and wages . W . P . B
FREEMASONRY AND RELIGION . By religion we understand the worship of God for the salvation of the soul of man ; hence the manner or system in which a man worships God for that object is his religion . Freemasonry , however , not being a system by which God is
worshipped for the salvation of the soul of the Freemason ; but a system which , while acknowledging God as the Father of All , was formed as a " centre of union , and the means of conciliating true Friendship among persons that must have remained at a perpetual distance , " is
not , therefore , a religion , but a philanthropic society . The objects of religion are spiritual , and point to the next world ; the objects of Freemasonry are carnal , and appertain to this world ; or , if I may so express it , the great
object of Freemasonry is peace on earth ; the great object of religion is peace in heaven . May God , in His all-wise and omnipotent providence , order both to His glory ancl the good of mankind . W . B . BUCHAN .
The following copy of a circular sent out by the well-known Finch in 1812 may be considered interesting , as it throws some light upon certain degrees which were worked about that time . ANTIQUARIUS .
Re-printed 261 I 1 March , 1812 , lo correct some parts of the former one printed 20 th January . Respectful Sir and Brother , It has been suggested to me by several worthy and zealous Masons , that it would be very acceptable to the fraternity , my giving a short description of the
nature and sequel of the superior degrees ; that they might form some idea relative thereto ; I therefore beg leave most respectfully , to lay before them thc following particulars , relative to those which have not yet been publicly offered for Sale . The three Degrees of Craft Masonry are so well known that there needs no
description , otherwise than merelystating that thcyhavc received the acquisition of some valuable plates , since thc period of my last circulars . —AVith respect to the ROYAL ARCH , I wish lo arrest their serious attention . —I have just printed that branch of Royal Arch Masonry , called EN ' OCH ' S and SOLOMON ' ARCH , which was heretofore
sold at Three Guineas in Manuscript . It is now printed with the other part of the R . ARCH Lectures , and sells with thc plates , and large demy sheet of explanations to the plates , and EUREKA , il 10 s . and with it the SINGLE KEY , gratis : —but the price of the DOUIILE KEV alone , is 2 I 2 s . extra . —I wish to be properly understood
concerning thc SlNGLEand DOUIILE Keys , the first is intended to complete Brethren in Office , and explain such parts only as relate to them , without entering into particularsof every part ; but the DOUIILE KEY is to qualify thc Brethren both in and out of Ofiice ; and contains every thing fully explained ; so that to such Brethren as like to
go to the price , there is no difficulty in decyphering every thing of this branch of the ROYAL ARCH : and in a few days capable of conducting the whole business of the Lodge and Chapter , frombeginningtothcend . —I beg leave further to observe , that the ROYAL ARCH , as generally given , is most shockingly defective ; for they not only
introduce things that did not , nor could not , according to the Natural course of things , have any existence for nearly Five Hundred A'ears afterwards I and on the other hand , they omit many of the most material points . The Nine Arches of ENOCH , and the Arch of SOLOMON are entirely omitted , which is the very basis and fundamental part . In short , out of the ELEVEN GRAND DISCOVERIES to be
made , we have but two ; and even those of the least moment , and in themselves often very defective . The Royal Arch , which is the very essence of the Order , and both the Cape and Key Stone to all that is valuable in Masonry , is , by the usual modes of Exaltation and Lecturing , rendered of less moment than any other degree . I had heretofore printed thc Royal Arch as wc worked
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
them in general , and reserved the more essential points in manuscript ; but now I have printed the whole system complete , "where nothing is wanted nor anything superfluous , " including the Origin of the Royal Arch " ay Enoch ; what was made by him , and where deposited in Secrecy——what portion was found by NOAH , and preserved in the Ark , and what part he left in the Or Sp the
miraculous manner in which it was preserved for many ages ; the manner of its being found by G . S . and J . in the reign of King Solomon , and by him , in conjunction with H . K . T . deposited in his S . V . The manner of a certain part being found by the three Sojrs . at the re-building of the Temple , and what was found belonging to the original S . and Grand NAME , & C . at the time that Herod pulled down the isccoud Temple , to build a Third ;
AVhat part of the Royal Arch Secrets were discovered by Constantine the Great : no ways connected with the christian degree , called , the " RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . " And lastly , the completion of the discovery , when Julian the apostate EMPEROR , impiously attempted to build a FOURTH Temple , with many other essential matters concerning the Royal Arch . ( See mv Letter published February , 1812 , to the Right Honourable Earl Moira , on the Royal Arch Degree . )
THE MARK MAN . In this degree we are made acquainted with the loss of the first KEY STONE , made by H . A . B . —AVhat King Solomon did in consequence thereof—A second made by ****** an ( j w ] la ( . followed thereon : —The loss of the
second ;—And the finding of both—What occurred at the laying the foundation stone of the Temple , by Solomon , & c . And what happened at the time King Solomon was congratulating H . A . B . on his discovery of that famous mathematical figure . These things ought to be well known by every Mason before he is exalted to the Arch .
THE MARK MASTER Makes us acquainted with what King Solomon caused to be so eminently displayed on certain occasions in his audience chamber ; and what wrought the conversion of his friend aud ally , the noble and learned King of Tyre .
THE ARCHITECT . In the quartering of the famous BANNER OF this Degree , the mysteries of this order , with the assistance of the public MARKS and S IG NATURES , are emblematically and carefully developed . THE GRAND ARCHITECT .
In this degree we find the dignity of the order pointed out by the AV o R D S . The famous B A N N E R of the order which was afterwards borne in triumph by the Eastern Knights ; and the famous Star , with its contents . The quartering of this Banner , with its mystical devices , lets us into the arcanum of this degree . PASS MASTER . —EXCELLENT AND SUPER-EXCELLENT .
These degrees having been so long in print , need no description .
THE RED CROSS OF BABYLON Should always be taken before the ARCH of Z— , as it is the first and leading point thereto . It makes us acquainted with what passed between Cyrus and Zerub —/ . —The journey , & c . from Babylon to Jerusalem . —The Babylonish and Jordan Passes ; with many particulars of great moment lo the Royal Arch .
THE HOLY ROYAL ARCH , in elei'en points or degrees . For thc full remarks on this degree , see the beginning of this letter . I shall once more observe , that no Brother can possibly be complete as a Royal Arch Mason , without
thc following degrees—First , the Royal Arch of Enoch , Noah , and Solomon ;—Next , the Red Cross of Babylon ; Then the ARCH as generally given ; where we find Z . II J . the three chiefs . —And after this comes the Suspended Arch , the Advanced Arch , the Dedicated Arch , the Circumscribed Arch , tbe Herodian Order ; thc Arch of
Herod , the Arch of Constantine , and the Arch C 1 , B of J m , and Alex In these Eleven POINTS , or Degrees , we find the Eleven things that were LOST— -five belonging to the Sanctum Sanctorum , or Holy of Holies ; and the other Six , as more immediately belonging to the Secrets and Mysteries of the Holy Royal Arch .
SUSPENDED—ADVANCED—DEDICATED —AND CIRCUMSCRI-ER ARCHES . These four points , or degrees of the Royal Arch , are of infinite importance ; for by them wc find the other valuable discoveries made at four different periods of time , by the following leading characters , or under their superintendence—The two famous Ezra ' s ; the two Nchemiah's ; D—1 ; Z—h ; II . II . & c . on the famous Mounts Pisgah , Sion , Moriah , £ - ¦ < - .
ROYAL ARK MARINERS . This degree , though generally given long after the Craft and Arch , ought to precede thc whole ; for it is antecedent to all the orders of Masonry . It consists of four points , and is very sublime . It ought to be known to every Brother , that has been raised to the degree of a Master Mason .
THE HERODIAN ORDER Treats of thc third Temple , built by Herod , King of Judea , and what was there found : which , with thc particulars relative to the attempt to build a fourth T by thc Emperor Julian , together with the Arch of
Constantine , and the Arch of C 1 , B of J 111 fully completes the discovery of Royal Arch Masons ; and ends the Order of Arch Masonry in a grand and sublime manner ; and renders the Arch , with all its parts , the finest Arcanum iu thc whole order .
RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . This is the fust of thc Christian degrees , and a very noble introduction to thc Knights Templars , £ -v . By
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
this degree we perceive the great impropriety of introducing in the Templars , ( without defining its origin , & c . )
I . H . S . V . D . W . N . & S . KNIGHTS & MEDITERRANEAN PASS . The leading Scripture characters are John the Baptist , St . John the Evangelist , St . Paul , St . Pete / , and Thomas , with Matthew , Mark , and Luke . Tlie places of note that gave birth to many oftheSccretsof these orders—Jerusalem ,
Malta , Cyprus , Rhodes and Rome . The Graves of some of the Apostles , and E , and what occurred thereat , with the origin of several leading points . —Particulars of several Mounts in and about Jerusalem , the origin of the famous Octagon , & c . The Sep of Sh—h ; the grand sign and token of immortality , as found on the Emb B of one of the saints : the Mount and Tower of
G , the V of J , and Brook K . The famous Greek copy of St . Matthew ' s Gospel , found in the East Indies in the year 1 S 4 , and what was therein found , relating to some of the secrets of this order . AVhat was found by some of the E— Knights in the Island of Cyprus , when Richard , King of England went to the spot ; with the Mount of As , & c . & c .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS & K OF MALTA . Exclusive of the printed Lectures on these degees , I have within these few months completed two valuable Manuscript Lectures on thc Templars and Knights of Malta , with all the ancient mysteries .
ROSYCRUCIAN . This degree consists of five points—The end of the third closes with the A of J C : the other
two carry us to the discovery made in the year when the E J impiously attempted to erect a fourth Temple , contrary to the prophec- relative to the final destruction of the T C , & ' c .
RED CROSS OF JERUSALEM . This degree embraces the leading points from the Resurrection to the ascension of our Saviour . The Christian Degrees are divided into three grand parts . The first comprehend the Birth , Life and death of Christ ; the second from his Resurrection to the Ascension ; and the third the seven grand points of NE PLUS ULTRA , in Revelations .
THE PHILIPPIAN ORDER OF . MASONRY . Instituted by Frederick the Great , King of Prussia . — ( See an account of this Degree in the S Magazine , I 773 J
THE NE PLUS ULTRA Is comprehended in seven points , in which the book of Revelations is the principal basis ; and many mysteries therein contained are elucidated by the sublime knowledge of this branch of Masonry .
SECRET PROVOST & LEVITICAL ORDER OF PRIESTHOOD . Founded at theD ofH , they were the Guar dians of the S S or II . H . dians of the S S or H . H .
PERFECT MASTER OF HARODIM , Instituted by King Solomon , in commemoration of the five different In s of H . B . THE ROYAL S , Instituted by King Solomon , to f— the V of S 1 in the room of II . A . B . over the S or S of the Temple .
P & J , & PRIESTLY ORDER OF ISRAEL . This degree was established by King Solomon to approper M to act as Gr S 's over the A ' s ; with the sacred mysteries of the S S ; the place where II . was B , and the noble In Sh . IN T OF THE HUILDING .
This Lodge of perfect Masters must not be blended with what Craft Masons generally call a P L . KNIGHTS OE THE NINTH ARCH . In this degree we find King Solomon the presiding officer , with S—11—J 1 , and eight others .
EL , GRAND MASTER , or I E . 15 . In this degree Solomon acts as the chief officer with Hiram , King of Tyre , and 15 E K s . SUBLIME K S ELECTED . This degree was founded by K . S , at the D of II , and points out to us the Ap 11 , & c , of the As s .
DEGREE OF PERFECTION . In this degree wc arc amply rewarded with the sublime secrets alluded to in the Arch of ENOCH and SOLOMON .
KNIGHTS OF THE WHITE EAGLE AND PELICAN : OR THE I . R . C . AND HOLY ORDER OF MELCHISIDECK . This degree is a further elucidation of the Rosycrucian order , with other points of thc sublime and religious degrees .
KNIGHTS OF THE SUN . The leading characters in this order , are the nine following A , S—h , E s , C 11 , Mali 1 , J d , E h , M h , and I li . Private instruction , as usual , by AV . FINCH , in all the 39 Degrees . [ EXALTATION in all the aforesaid Degrees , cither privately , or at the Chapter and Conclave of Universality .
AV . K . begs leave most respectfully to solicit the favour of thc postage of all orders being paid , and thc same will be allowed and deducted by him from the Order . AVith fraternal aflcction , I remain , R . AV . Sir and Brother , Yours most respectfully , AV . FINCH , R . W Master of the St . Peter ' s Lodge . Printer and Bookseller , No . 5 , Charlotte Place , New Cut , Lower Marsh , Lambeth .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
Multum in Parbo , or Masonic Notes and Queries .
—«¦—THE HANDICRAFTSMAN AND THE ARTIST . " Now had these beautifully-painted flowers but formed a part of some well considered design , how different the effect would have been It does not follow that because the work is
well executed it is necessarily in good taste ; this is not so ( e . g ., the spire of Strasburg Cathedral ) . Mere manipulative skill , although indispensable in the execution of all good work , is the result of practice . Taste and judgment are much higher qualities , and very rare , and may
be possessed in a high degree without the possessor having any manipulative skill whatever ; but when all these qualities are combined in the same person , successful works must result . " The great end of Speculative Freemasonry is fraternal and philanthropic association . The great end of Operative Freemasonry was work
and wages . W . P . B
FREEMASONRY AND RELIGION . By religion we understand the worship of God for the salvation of the soul of man ; hence the manner or system in which a man worships God for that object is his religion . Freemasonry , however , not being a system by which God is
worshipped for the salvation of the soul of the Freemason ; but a system which , while acknowledging God as the Father of All , was formed as a " centre of union , and the means of conciliating true Friendship among persons that must have remained at a perpetual distance , " is
not , therefore , a religion , but a philanthropic society . The objects of religion are spiritual , and point to the next world ; the objects of Freemasonry are carnal , and appertain to this world ; or , if I may so express it , the great
object of Freemasonry is peace on earth ; the great object of religion is peace in heaven . May God , in His all-wise and omnipotent providence , order both to His glory ancl the good of mankind . W . B . BUCHAN .
The following copy of a circular sent out by the well-known Finch in 1812 may be considered interesting , as it throws some light upon certain degrees which were worked about that time . ANTIQUARIUS .
Re-printed 261 I 1 March , 1812 , lo correct some parts of the former one printed 20 th January . Respectful Sir and Brother , It has been suggested to me by several worthy and zealous Masons , that it would be very acceptable to the fraternity , my giving a short description of the
nature and sequel of the superior degrees ; that they might form some idea relative thereto ; I therefore beg leave most respectfully , to lay before them thc following particulars , relative to those which have not yet been publicly offered for Sale . The three Degrees of Craft Masonry are so well known that there needs no
description , otherwise than merelystating that thcyhavc received the acquisition of some valuable plates , since thc period of my last circulars . —AVith respect to the ROYAL ARCH , I wish lo arrest their serious attention . —I have just printed that branch of Royal Arch Masonry , called EN ' OCH ' S and SOLOMON ' ARCH , which was heretofore
sold at Three Guineas in Manuscript . It is now printed with the other part of the R . ARCH Lectures , and sells with thc plates , and large demy sheet of explanations to the plates , and EUREKA , il 10 s . and with it the SINGLE KEY , gratis : —but the price of the DOUIILE KEV alone , is 2 I 2 s . extra . —I wish to be properly understood
concerning thc SlNGLEand DOUIILE Keys , the first is intended to complete Brethren in Office , and explain such parts only as relate to them , without entering into particularsof every part ; but the DOUIILE KEY is to qualify thc Brethren both in and out of Ofiice ; and contains every thing fully explained ; so that to such Brethren as like to
go to the price , there is no difficulty in decyphering every thing of this branch of the ROYAL ARCH : and in a few days capable of conducting the whole business of the Lodge and Chapter , frombeginningtothcend . —I beg leave further to observe , that the ROYAL ARCH , as generally given , is most shockingly defective ; for they not only
introduce things that did not , nor could not , according to the Natural course of things , have any existence for nearly Five Hundred A'ears afterwards I and on the other hand , they omit many of the most material points . The Nine Arches of ENOCH , and the Arch of SOLOMON are entirely omitted , which is the very basis and fundamental part . In short , out of the ELEVEN GRAND DISCOVERIES to be
made , we have but two ; and even those of the least moment , and in themselves often very defective . The Royal Arch , which is the very essence of the Order , and both the Cape and Key Stone to all that is valuable in Masonry , is , by the usual modes of Exaltation and Lecturing , rendered of less moment than any other degree . I had heretofore printed thc Royal Arch as wc worked
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
them in general , and reserved the more essential points in manuscript ; but now I have printed the whole system complete , "where nothing is wanted nor anything superfluous , " including the Origin of the Royal Arch " ay Enoch ; what was made by him , and where deposited in Secrecy——what portion was found by NOAH , and preserved in the Ark , and what part he left in the Or Sp the
miraculous manner in which it was preserved for many ages ; the manner of its being found by G . S . and J . in the reign of King Solomon , and by him , in conjunction with H . K . T . deposited in his S . V . The manner of a certain part being found by the three Sojrs . at the re-building of the Temple , and what was found belonging to the original S . and Grand NAME , & C . at the time that Herod pulled down the isccoud Temple , to build a Third ;
AVhat part of the Royal Arch Secrets were discovered by Constantine the Great : no ways connected with the christian degree , called , the " RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . " And lastly , the completion of the discovery , when Julian the apostate EMPEROR , impiously attempted to build a FOURTH Temple , with many other essential matters concerning the Royal Arch . ( See mv Letter published February , 1812 , to the Right Honourable Earl Moira , on the Royal Arch Degree . )
THE MARK MAN . In this degree we are made acquainted with the loss of the first KEY STONE , made by H . A . B . —AVhat King Solomon did in consequence thereof—A second made by ****** an ( j w ] la ( . followed thereon : —The loss of the
second ;—And the finding of both—What occurred at the laying the foundation stone of the Temple , by Solomon , & c . And what happened at the time King Solomon was congratulating H . A . B . on his discovery of that famous mathematical figure . These things ought to be well known by every Mason before he is exalted to the Arch .
THE MARK MASTER Makes us acquainted with what King Solomon caused to be so eminently displayed on certain occasions in his audience chamber ; and what wrought the conversion of his friend aud ally , the noble and learned King of Tyre .
THE ARCHITECT . In the quartering of the famous BANNER OF this Degree , the mysteries of this order , with the assistance of the public MARKS and S IG NATURES , are emblematically and carefully developed . THE GRAND ARCHITECT .
In this degree we find the dignity of the order pointed out by the AV o R D S . The famous B A N N E R of the order which was afterwards borne in triumph by the Eastern Knights ; and the famous Star , with its contents . The quartering of this Banner , with its mystical devices , lets us into the arcanum of this degree . PASS MASTER . —EXCELLENT AND SUPER-EXCELLENT .
These degrees having been so long in print , need no description .
THE RED CROSS OF BABYLON Should always be taken before the ARCH of Z— , as it is the first and leading point thereto . It makes us acquainted with what passed between Cyrus and Zerub —/ . —The journey , & c . from Babylon to Jerusalem . —The Babylonish and Jordan Passes ; with many particulars of great moment lo the Royal Arch .
THE HOLY ROYAL ARCH , in elei'en points or degrees . For thc full remarks on this degree , see the beginning of this letter . I shall once more observe , that no Brother can possibly be complete as a Royal Arch Mason , without
thc following degrees—First , the Royal Arch of Enoch , Noah , and Solomon ;—Next , the Red Cross of Babylon ; Then the ARCH as generally given ; where we find Z . II J . the three chiefs . —And after this comes the Suspended Arch , the Advanced Arch , the Dedicated Arch , the Circumscribed Arch , tbe Herodian Order ; thc Arch of
Herod , the Arch of Constantine , and the Arch C 1 , B of J m , and Alex In these Eleven POINTS , or Degrees , we find the Eleven things that were LOST— -five belonging to the Sanctum Sanctorum , or Holy of Holies ; and the other Six , as more immediately belonging to the Secrets and Mysteries of the Holy Royal Arch .
SUSPENDED—ADVANCED—DEDICATED —AND CIRCUMSCRI-ER ARCHES . These four points , or degrees of the Royal Arch , are of infinite importance ; for by them wc find the other valuable discoveries made at four different periods of time , by the following leading characters , or under their superintendence—The two famous Ezra ' s ; the two Nchemiah's ; D—1 ; Z—h ; II . II . & c . on the famous Mounts Pisgah , Sion , Moriah , £ - ¦ < - .
ROYAL ARK MARINERS . This degree , though generally given long after the Craft and Arch , ought to precede thc whole ; for it is antecedent to all the orders of Masonry . It consists of four points , and is very sublime . It ought to be known to every Brother , that has been raised to the degree of a Master Mason .
THE HERODIAN ORDER Treats of thc third Temple , built by Herod , King of Judea , and what was there found : which , with thc particulars relative to the attempt to build a fourth T by thc Emperor Julian , together with the Arch of
Constantine , and the Arch of C 1 , B of J 111 fully completes the discovery of Royal Arch Masons ; and ends the Order of Arch Masonry in a grand and sublime manner ; and renders the Arch , with all its parts , the finest Arcanum iu thc whole order .
RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE . This is the fust of thc Christian degrees , and a very noble introduction to thc Knights Templars , £ -v . By
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
this degree we perceive the great impropriety of introducing in the Templars , ( without defining its origin , & c . )
I . H . S . V . D . W . N . & S . KNIGHTS & MEDITERRANEAN PASS . The leading Scripture characters are John the Baptist , St . John the Evangelist , St . Paul , St . Pete / , and Thomas , with Matthew , Mark , and Luke . Tlie places of note that gave birth to many oftheSccretsof these orders—Jerusalem ,
Malta , Cyprus , Rhodes and Rome . The Graves of some of the Apostles , and E , and what occurred thereat , with the origin of several leading points . —Particulars of several Mounts in and about Jerusalem , the origin of the famous Octagon , & c . The Sep of Sh—h ; the grand sign and token of immortality , as found on the Emb B of one of the saints : the Mount and Tower of
G , the V of J , and Brook K . The famous Greek copy of St . Matthew ' s Gospel , found in the East Indies in the year 1 S 4 , and what was therein found , relating to some of the secrets of this order . AVhat was found by some of the E— Knights in the Island of Cyprus , when Richard , King of England went to the spot ; with the Mount of As , & c . & c .
KNIGHTS TEMPLARS & K OF MALTA . Exclusive of the printed Lectures on these degees , I have within these few months completed two valuable Manuscript Lectures on thc Templars and Knights of Malta , with all the ancient mysteries .
ROSYCRUCIAN . This degree consists of five points—The end of the third closes with the A of J C : the other
two carry us to the discovery made in the year when the E J impiously attempted to erect a fourth Temple , contrary to the prophec- relative to the final destruction of the T C , & ' c .
RED CROSS OF JERUSALEM . This degree embraces the leading points from the Resurrection to the ascension of our Saviour . The Christian Degrees are divided into three grand parts . The first comprehend the Birth , Life and death of Christ ; the second from his Resurrection to the Ascension ; and the third the seven grand points of NE PLUS ULTRA , in Revelations .
THE PHILIPPIAN ORDER OF . MASONRY . Instituted by Frederick the Great , King of Prussia . — ( See an account of this Degree in the S Magazine , I 773 J
THE NE PLUS ULTRA Is comprehended in seven points , in which the book of Revelations is the principal basis ; and many mysteries therein contained are elucidated by the sublime knowledge of this branch of Masonry .
SECRET PROVOST & LEVITICAL ORDER OF PRIESTHOOD . Founded at theD ofH , they were the Guar dians of the S S or II . H . dians of the S S or H . H .
PERFECT MASTER OF HARODIM , Instituted by King Solomon , in commemoration of the five different In s of H . B . THE ROYAL S , Instituted by King Solomon , to f— the V of S 1 in the room of II . A . B . over the S or S of the Temple .
P & J , & PRIESTLY ORDER OF ISRAEL . This degree was established by King Solomon to approper M to act as Gr S 's over the A ' s ; with the sacred mysteries of the S S ; the place where II . was B , and the noble In Sh . IN T OF THE HUILDING .
This Lodge of perfect Masters must not be blended with what Craft Masons generally call a P L . KNIGHTS OE THE NINTH ARCH . In this degree we find King Solomon the presiding officer , with S—11—J 1 , and eight others .
EL , GRAND MASTER , or I E . 15 . In this degree Solomon acts as the chief officer with Hiram , King of Tyre , and 15 E K s . SUBLIME K S ELECTED . This degree was founded by K . S , at the D of II , and points out to us the Ap 11 , & c , of the As s .
DEGREE OF PERFECTION . In this degree wc arc amply rewarded with the sublime secrets alluded to in the Arch of ENOCH and SOLOMON .
KNIGHTS OF THE WHITE EAGLE AND PELICAN : OR THE I . R . C . AND HOLY ORDER OF MELCHISIDECK . This degree is a further elucidation of the Rosycrucian order , with other points of thc sublime and religious degrees .
KNIGHTS OF THE SUN . The leading characters in this order , are the nine following A , S—h , E s , C 11 , Mali 1 , J d , E h , M h , and I li . Private instruction , as usual , by AV . FINCH , in all the 39 Degrees . [ EXALTATION in all the aforesaid Degrees , cither privately , or at the Chapter and Conclave of Universality .
AV . K . begs leave most respectfully to solicit the favour of thc postage of all orders being paid , and thc same will be allowed and deducted by him from the Order . AVith fraternal aflcction , I remain , R . AV . Sir and Brother , Yours most respectfully , AV . FINCH , R . W Master of the St . Peter ' s Lodge . Printer and Bookseller , No . 5 , Charlotte Place , New Cut , Lower Marsh , Lambeth .