Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — \__ ft Masonry m Instruction ' -3 Roval Arch " 3 Mark Masonry » 3 Knight Templars 114 4
RoyalMasonic Benevolent Institution * J Swedenborgian Rite ' 4 Notes on Art , & c i ; 4 I angihorne Masonic Charitable Association " 5 Masonic Thinker " j > Masonic and General Tidings * nG United Grand Lodge ** 7 Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls u 7
Reviews 1 Tt-. c Next Quarterly Communicatieen " 8 Bro . Thevenot and the ** Freemason" "S The Election ofaNewPopc ' - Royal Masonie Benevolent Institution 119 CORRESPONDENCE : — Thc Present Position ofthe Granel Orient of France 119 Provincial Educational Institutions tt <) The Grand Master of Sweden 120
Onr Chii-ities 120 Dr . Moon ' s Work for thc Blind 120 Coincidence or Design—Which ? 20 Kenning ' s Masnnic Cyclopaedia 120 Bro . Desmons' Report 120 Consecration of the Francis Burdett Chapter No . 1503 121 Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex 121 Provincial Grand Chapter of Suffolk I 2 r
Consecration of the Weyside Chapter , No . 109 J 122 The Bible—Its Masonic Authority , 132 St . James Union Lodge Ball 123 Masonic Ball at Birmingham r 23 Earl of Carnarvon Lodge Ball 123 The Installation Engraving 123 The Charity Voting Reform Mo . emcnt 123 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 123 Advertisements i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii . 12 4 "
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach , ttie Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock rioon , on Wednesdays .
would appear to be also highly esteemed in the lodge of which he is an elective and not an initiated member being the second joining member who has attained the honour of the chair in the Burgoyne . The other was P . M . Field , and it speaks volumes for the fair appreciation of merit among these brethren , as likewise for the popularity of thc individual himself , that this joining member achieved the exceptional honour of being
elected W . M . twice consecutively . The lodge having been closed , the brethren proceedcel to banquet , which was numerously attended , no less than twenty-four visitors being present . Of such a number , all of considerable distinclion in the Craft , it is impossible to paiticularizc more than a few of the most eminent , among whom we noticed the W . Bros . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . J . D . ; Augs . J . Fabian , P . M ,
Portsmouth , 4 87 , P . P . S . G . W . Hants ; Thomas E . Taylor , P . M . Temple , roc ; John Walker , I . P . AI . Egyptian , 2 , ; W . F . Wuest , P . M ., and J . Pizer , P . M . Prince Frederick William , 753 ; Fredk . Dunn , P . M . ; and Joseph Pigot , P . M . New Concord Lodge , 813 ; and several other bright and shining lights in the Craft . The new W . M . presided with the most polished urbanity , and gave the various
toasts , which were heartily honoured , with considerable oratorical ability . The toast of the Grand Officers was responded to by the W . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . J . D ., who expatiated upon thc importance of brethren taking a warm interest in the general politics of the Craft by following the proceedings of Grand Loelge and of the various boardsand alluded to one or two Questions of interest now
, under disenssion by , or soon likely to be brought under the notice of , the legislative assembly of the Order . The toast of " The Visitors " was numerously , and in warm terms of appreciation responded to . In replying to the toast of "The Treasurer , " given by the W . M . in very affectionate and
flattering terms , Bro . S . Poynter , P . M . and Treasurer , said he ventured to follow , and if possible , to emphasise the remarks of their illustrious visitor , Bro . Hogg , and to draw the attention of the brethren to the advisability—he might say , the duty—of each member of the lodge sometimes to extend his attention upward from their merely local concerns to the graver matters th-t should engage
the interest of the Craft at large . Their own immediate business should of course be attended to , but the great and burning questions of the entire Order should be examined also by every individual brother . "This should ye do , and not leave the other undone . " Parochial politics were indispensably engrossing , but he ( the speaker ) ventured to think that imperial legislation was not less important . The Treasurer's remarks appeared , by the applause
which greeted him as he resumed his seat , to meet with the approbation of the lodge . "The Health of the Officers" was elrunk with much cordiality , and the Tyler's toast brought the proceedings of a very enjoyable evening , the pleasures of which had been much eiihanced ~ by some admirable vocalisation , more especially contributed by Bros . Rogers , Gabb , and Bundy , and Bro . Chappell , a visitor , to a timely conclusion .
WANDSWORTH LODGE ( No . 10 + 4 ) . —A meeting of this lodge , which is now the largest in the district , was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , on the 20 th ult . Bro . II . R . Jones , the W . M ., presided . Amongst those present were Bros . W . A . Morgan , S . W . ; A . N . Newens , J . W . ; W . J . Huntley , J . D . ; J . J . Holland , I . G . ; Wilson , Treas . ; j . Frost , Sec ; J . G .
Carter , P . M . ; ] . G . Kewncy , P . M . ; E . H . Boddy , P . M . ; F . Reed , S . C . Landon , R . H . Walker , H . J . Newens , G . W . Smith , J . W . Haines , G . Clark , H . Price , G . Fortescue , and others . The ballot was taken , and proved unanimous for Mr . J . W . Marshall , of Balham . Bro . H . J . Newens was passed to thc Second Degree . Mr . Percy V . Denham , proposed by Bro . A . A . Denham , anel seconded by Bro . J .
J . Holland , was then ably initiated by the W . M . Bro . W . Price was raised to the elegree of W . M . The motion by Bro . P . Cooke , P . M ., to alter bye-law No . 2 , was withdrawn , ( Bro . Cooke being unavoidably absent , After some formal business was transacted , the members adjourned for refreshment . PECKHAM LOfiGE ( No . 147 s ) . —The
installation meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , the 21 st ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . The W . M ., Bro . George Duck , opened the lodge at 4 . 30 , and having disposed of the usual business , at once proceeeled to instal Bro . Thomas Stephens , the S . W ., who had been unanimously elected , into the chair of K . S ., in the presence of an unusually large Board
of Installeel Masters . The W . M . having becii duly proclaimed and saluted , appointetl and invested the officers for thc year : Bros . J . W . Jackson , S . W . ; II . Vickery , J . W . ; W . G . Warren , P . M ., Treas . ; W . E . Gompcrtz , P . M ., Secretary ; E . A . Whitby , S . D . ; D . Channon , J . D . ; G . Harrison , Tyler ; D . Rose , P . M ., D . C ; A . Stribling , O . ; A . H . Watkins , P . M ., W . S . The newly-installed
Master at once gave proof of his qualification for the high position to which he had been callel hy initiating three gentlemen into the light of Freemasonry , in a manner which called forth expressions of the highest approval from all present . It is but fair to say that the credit of the very perfect working of of this lodge is eluc to Bro . Rose , the Preceptor of thc instruction lodge , who had spared
neither time or pains in perfecting the several officers for their respective duties , specially the I . P . M ., Bro . Duck , who rendered the installation ceremony in a most perfect anil faultless manner . Our brethren in the South-Eastern district may be glad to know that the Peckham Lodge of Instruction meets on Wednesilay evenings at thc Maismore Arms Tavern ,
Peckham Park-road . The business of the lodge having been disposed of , the brethren adjourneel to the large hall to a well served banquet , which perhaps no one knows better how to appreciate than do Masons . The usual loyal Masonic and complimentary tcasts were given in well-chosen words , and duly respondeil to ; the W . M . then presented a handsome ten-guinea P . M . jewel to the I . P . M ., Bro . George Duck , as a mark of the brethren ' s apprecia-
tion of the able manner in which he had discharged thc duties of the chair . Bro . Duck expressed his grateful acknowledgement of the efficient and harmonious way the officers and brethren had worked with him during his year of office . The W . M . in proposing " The Health of the Visitors , " ( over thirty of whom were present ) , said it was a great pleasure to see so many , as it shewed the
estimation in which the Peckham Loelge was helel for its hospitality and cordial reception of visitors . but notwithstanding that they were famed for good banquets , yet he was happy to say , besides cultivating all the enjoyments derived from social intercourse and festivities , they had not neglected the higher duties of Masonry , and tllat in the four years the lodge hail been established , they had sent up three
Stewards , and at the last festival of the Benevolent Institution the list from the Peckham Lodge was the third highest of all the London lodges . Bro . John E . Grocott , P . M . 86 n , P . G . S . W . of Hertfordshire , and Bro . James Garner , W . M . of the Rose Lodge , responded , both expressing the great pleasure they had experienced in witnessing the admirable manner the whole of the business of the
lodge had been conducted , and to hear the rising prosperous condition the lodge had attained . Other complimentary toasts followed , interspersed with some capital music and singing contributed by some of thc members whose vocal and instrumental talents at all times largely contributed to the enjoyment of the brethren . Bro . Past Master Dalby , in the course of his remarks in response to the toast of the
Past Masters , made an earnest appeal to the brethren and visitors present for their support to secure the election of one of the children of Bro . Tracey , ( who had died since the last regular meeting ) , who is a candidate for the Boy ' s School . Amongst the visitors -were Bros . S . W . Vfagstaff , P . M . and Z . ot 1216 ; J . T . Neilson , P . M . 28 ; G . T . Bickerton , S . W . 1329 ; H . Keeble , W . M . 1559 ; W . Thue , J . W . 1622 ; J . Garner , W . M . 1622 ; F . Binland , P . M . 3 ;
A . Alworth , P . M . 1261 ; W . H . Lee P . M . 975 ; J . Pemin , P . M . 1056 ; H . W . Gompcrtz , S . W . 1364 ; K . Kearnc , P . M . 1507 j W . H . Barber , Sec . 1201 ; W . Cowley , 1554 ; W . Choat , 1201 , H . Smith , 20 5 , A . Gaink , 1056 ; J . E . Lloyd , 28 ; E . Tholander , 8 ; S . E . Blidberg , 2 ; E . Taylor , 227 ; J . Rush , 120 J ; C . B . Cheese , J . D . 86 9 ; W . Hamlyn , 1622 ; R . Voisey , S . D . 1641 ; S . H . Goldsmidt , 1329 ; Robert Bruce , P . M . 860 , P . G . S . D . Herts ; J . E . Smith , " 185 ; H . Appleby , 174 ; J . Mabey , 869 ; and J . Oliver , P . M . 1530
TEMPLE BAR LODGE ( No . 1728 ) . —This flourishing new lodge that was only consecrated about two months ago , held its regular meeting on Thursdayevening , the 2 ist ult ., at the " London , " Fleet-street , with a long agenda of business to be disposed of , consisting of four passings , four initiations , and the admission of two joining members . At the formation of this lodge it was
distinctly understood that , to avoid an evil which often arises in large assemblies , it should be limited to 30 members , and if it should go on at the rate at which it has at present proceeded , the required number will be soon obtained , and as the W . Master expressed himself in the course of the evening , " the perfect arch will be completed . Bro . John Ciion , W . M ., was in his place at the appointed
time , and all his officers with one exception ( Bro , Staley ) . who was on his way from Germany and arrived during the evening , were present at the opening of the lodge . The officers are Bro . « . C . Butcher , S . W . ; T . W . C Bush , J . W . ; G . Adamson ( a veteran of the Order ) , Treasurer ; Nelson Reed , W . M . 1671 , Secretary ; A . B . Staley , S . D . ; K . Harris , J . D . ; D . M'Niven , I . G . ; B . Buckworth , D . C ;
J . Kimpton , W . S . Thc following visiters were present ; Bros . E . G . Webster , 72 ; Boyton , 72 ; T . Morgan , 1572 ; H . Thompson , 1426 and P . M . of 177 and 1158 ( Freemason ) ; Morden , 1671 ; Coombe-, 1185 ; and Barton , 15 . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read , Bros . Hecknell , Rayner , Kimpton , and Rexworthy were questioned as to the progress they had made in the early
stage of the Order , and their answers being deemed satisfactory , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and they were each most impressivel y admitted to that advanced degree , the whole of the ceremony being rendered in a very perfect manner . Favourable ballots having taken place , the lodge was lowered to the First Degree , when Mr . Patrick Lehany , Mr . William
James Charles , Mr . Charles Arthur Mackrell , and Mr . Edwin Nathaniel Carter were separately introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , the ceremony in each case being gone through in a most careful and painstaking manner , and each _ £ the initiates evidently felt deeply impressed with the important step he had taken . Before the closing of the lodge
a most interesting episode occurred in its proceedings . It has alreaily becn announced that the Temple Bar Lodge was established in something of a memorial character , having its first meeting on the very day the old arch was finally removed , and this occurrence was most ably descanted Upon hy Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , who performed the duty of Chaplain on that occasion . To give
something like perpetuity to this event , the W . Master had communicated with the City authorities , and the result was an announcement from him that the City Lanels Committee had kindly sent to thc lodge two pieces of stane forming part of the old Bar , to be used for the rough anel perfect ashlars , and additional pieces to be presenteel to every one of the founders of the lodge . To each of the
ashlars arc affixed silver plates , suitably engraved , recording the gift and the place from which the stone was taken . The brethren accepted the gifts with great satisfaction , and they promised to carefully perserve them . There being no further business , thc lodge was closed , and the brethren aeljourned after their labour for refreshment . The cloth havi .:. - been cleared
and the usual preliminary toasts given , the W . Master said he had a most important toast and one most pleasing to every W . Master , as it was that of" The Initiates . " He had that evening the pleasure to lay four foundation stones , and four last month , and he hoped soon to complete thc perfect arch , and see the Temple Bar Lodge prosperous , and make it one of the most important in the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Ctaft gtswrnrs *
LODGE OF ANTIQUITY ( No . 2 ) . — The monthly meeting of this ancient and distinguished lodge to & k place at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult . There was a numerous attendance of brethren and visitors . The election cf Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold was unanimously confirmed as V . , M .. who would have been present , but had left for the Continent . A letter from
his equerry , the Hon . A . Yorke , was read . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C , and P . S . Warden of the lodge , was appointed by H . R . H . as the Deputy Master for the year , and was installed by the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Philbrick , in a most strikingly effective manner , so much so as to impress all present , and obtain the emphatic approval of the Grand Secretary . A Past Master ' s jewel was
presented to Bro . Philbrick by the newly-installed D . W . M ., in appropriate terms , and amid the hearty applause of the lodge . The brethren adjourned to the " festive board " at the conclusion of the business , and enjoyed one of those pltasant and fraternal gatherings of reasonable if abundant hospitality , for which the Lodge of Antiquity has always becn famed , under the ever admirable catering
of Bro . Colonel Creaton , thc permanent adviser of the lodge in matters aisthctical and convivial , and greatly to the praise of Bro . Best . The brethren present passed a most pleasant evening , which was more than once alluded to in some of the admirable speeches which were made . The lodge numbers amongst its officers some most excellent Masons , as
Bro . Tomkins , tbe worthy and kindly Treasurer of the ledge and Grand Treasurer ; Bro . E , J . Barron , the indefatigable Secretary ; Bro . Hope , M . D .. Senior Warden ; Bro . Paiker Deacon , Junior Warden ; Rev . Bro . Duckworth , Chaplain ; Bro . Hilary Skinner , Bro . Greetham , Bro . Twynam , Bro . Col . Creaton , and its immediate P . M ., Bro . Philbrick . Among the P . M . 's
may be mentioned Bro . Col . Stuart , Bro . Wharton Hood , M . D . ; Bro . John Sampson Pierce , Bro . W . F . Rae , Bro . Fordati , Bro . G . Scfiarf , Bro . C . A . Swinburne , Bro . R . A . Holmes , and Bro . Dr . Erasmus Wilson . Among the visitors present were Bro . Hervey , G . S . of England ; Bro . I lead , P . G . D . ; Bro . Percy Leith , Bro . Rcv . Dr . Brette , Bro . T . Fenn , P . G . D . ; Hopwood , 263 ; Bro . George
Kenning , Bro . Goodden , and many more . The brethren separated at an early hour , greatly nratilied with the gathering , and deeply impressed , alike with the "labour and refreshment " of this most ancient and eminent lodge . BURGOYNE LODGE ( No . 902 ) . —The installation meeting of this highly popular lodge—and if popularity can be gauged by extensive and ready acceptance of
its hospitalities , the adjective is strictly applicable—was held at Anderton's Hotel on Monday evening last . Following the very commendable custom never depitted from of late years in this lodge , thc outgoing Mast .-,-, Bro . H . C . Jefferys , W . M ., personally installed his succe ::. ; or , and performed the interesting ceremony in a rranner almost faultless . Bro . S . J . Byng , the ci-devant S . W ., whose
election to tlie chair at the former meeting had been unanimous , having been thus regularly indu . ted into the chair of K . S ., amid the applause of the select but comparatively numerous Board of I . M . ' s who had assembled ta eh him honour , proceeded on the re-admission of the brethren to appoint and invest his officers as follows : Bros . Pccock , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Rogers , Sec . ; Wale , S . D . ; Gcbb , J . D . ; Turner , I . G . ; Uundy , M . C . ; Wilkins , . . ; and Grant ,
Tvler . Bro . S . Poynter , P . M ., who had becn for the twelfth or thirteenth time unanimously elected Treasurer of the lodge at the former meeting , was likewise invested with the collar and jewel of that office . Judging from the applause which greeted each of these brethren as he approached tbe pedestal , these appointments would appear to be highly popular in tlie lodge , anel to reflect great credit on the discrimination of the new W . M ., whose credit for good working is very wide-spread , and who
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
REPORTS or MASONIC MEETINGS : — \__ ft Masonry m Instruction ' -3 Roval Arch " 3 Mark Masonry » 3 Knight Templars 114 4
RoyalMasonic Benevolent Institution * J Swedenborgian Rite ' 4 Notes on Art , & c i ; 4 I angihorne Masonic Charitable Association " 5 Masonic Thinker " j > Masonic and General Tidings * nG United Grand Lodge ** 7 Koyal Masonic Institution for Girls u 7
Reviews 1 Tt-. c Next Quarterly Communicatieen " 8 Bro . Thevenot and the ** Freemason" "S The Election ofaNewPopc ' - Royal Masonie Benevolent Institution 119 CORRESPONDENCE : — Thc Present Position ofthe Granel Orient of France 119 Provincial Educational Institutions tt <) The Grand Master of Sweden 120
Onr Chii-ities 120 Dr . Moon ' s Work for thc Blind 120 Coincidence or Design—Which ? 20 Kenning ' s Masnnic Cyclopaedia 120 Bro . Desmons' Report 120 Consecration of the Francis Burdett Chapter No . 1503 121 Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex 121 Provincial Grand Chapter of Suffolk I 2 r
Consecration of the Weyside Chapter , No . 109 J 122 The Bible—Its Masonic Authority , 132 St . James Union Lodge Ball 123 Masonic Ball at Birmingham r 23 Earl of Carnarvon Lodge Ball 123 The Installation Engraving 123 The Charity Voting Reform Mo . emcnt 123 Lodge Meetings for Next Week 123 Advertisements i , ii , iii , iv , v , vi , vii . 12 4 "
REPORTS , etc ., intended for insertion in current number , should reach , ttie Office , ( 198 , Fleet-street ) , by 12 o ' clock rioon , on Wednesdays .
would appear to be also highly esteemed in the lodge of which he is an elective and not an initiated member being the second joining member who has attained the honour of the chair in the Burgoyne . The other was P . M . Field , and it speaks volumes for the fair appreciation of merit among these brethren , as likewise for the popularity of thc individual himself , that this joining member achieved the exceptional honour of being
elected W . M . twice consecutively . The lodge having been closed , the brethren proceedcel to banquet , which was numerously attended , no less than twenty-four visitors being present . Of such a number , all of considerable distinclion in the Craft , it is impossible to paiticularizc more than a few of the most eminent , among whom we noticed the W . Bros . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . J . D . ; Augs . J . Fabian , P . M ,
Portsmouth , 4 87 , P . P . S . G . W . Hants ; Thomas E . Taylor , P . M . Temple , roc ; John Walker , I . P . AI . Egyptian , 2 , ; W . F . Wuest , P . M ., and J . Pizer , P . M . Prince Frederick William , 753 ; Fredk . Dunn , P . M . ; and Joseph Pigot , P . M . New Concord Lodge , 813 ; and several other bright and shining lights in the Craft . The new W . M . presided with the most polished urbanity , and gave the various
toasts , which were heartily honoured , with considerable oratorical ability . The toast of the Grand Officers was responded to by the W . Bro . Dr . Jabez Hogg , P . G . J . D ., who expatiated upon thc importance of brethren taking a warm interest in the general politics of the Craft by following the proceedings of Grand Loelge and of the various boardsand alluded to one or two Questions of interest now
, under disenssion by , or soon likely to be brought under the notice of , the legislative assembly of the Order . The toast of " The Visitors " was numerously , and in warm terms of appreciation responded to . In replying to the toast of "The Treasurer , " given by the W . M . in very affectionate and
flattering terms , Bro . S . Poynter , P . M . and Treasurer , said he ventured to follow , and if possible , to emphasise the remarks of their illustrious visitor , Bro . Hogg , and to draw the attention of the brethren to the advisability—he might say , the duty—of each member of the lodge sometimes to extend his attention upward from their merely local concerns to the graver matters th-t should engage
the interest of the Craft at large . Their own immediate business should of course be attended to , but the great and burning questions of the entire Order should be examined also by every individual brother . "This should ye do , and not leave the other undone . " Parochial politics were indispensably engrossing , but he ( the speaker ) ventured to think that imperial legislation was not less important . The Treasurer's remarks appeared , by the applause
which greeted him as he resumed his seat , to meet with the approbation of the lodge . "The Health of the Officers" was elrunk with much cordiality , and the Tyler's toast brought the proceedings of a very enjoyable evening , the pleasures of which had been much eiihanced ~ by some admirable vocalisation , more especially contributed by Bros . Rogers , Gabb , and Bundy , and Bro . Chappell , a visitor , to a timely conclusion .
WANDSWORTH LODGE ( No . 10 + 4 ) . —A meeting of this lodge , which is now the largest in the district , was held at the Spread Eagle Hotel , Wandsworth , on the 20 th ult . Bro . II . R . Jones , the W . M ., presided . Amongst those present were Bros . W . A . Morgan , S . W . ; A . N . Newens , J . W . ; W . J . Huntley , J . D . ; J . J . Holland , I . G . ; Wilson , Treas . ; j . Frost , Sec ; J . G .
Carter , P . M . ; ] . G . Kewncy , P . M . ; E . H . Boddy , P . M . ; F . Reed , S . C . Landon , R . H . Walker , H . J . Newens , G . W . Smith , J . W . Haines , G . Clark , H . Price , G . Fortescue , and others . The ballot was taken , and proved unanimous for Mr . J . W . Marshall , of Balham . Bro . H . J . Newens was passed to thc Second Degree . Mr . Percy V . Denham , proposed by Bro . A . A . Denham , anel seconded by Bro . J .
J . Holland , was then ably initiated by the W . M . Bro . W . Price was raised to the elegree of W . M . The motion by Bro . P . Cooke , P . M ., to alter bye-law No . 2 , was withdrawn , ( Bro . Cooke being unavoidably absent , After some formal business was transacted , the members adjourned for refreshment . PECKHAM LOfiGE ( No . 147 s ) . —The
installation meeting of this young and prosperous lodge was held on Thursday , the 21 st ult ., at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell . The W . M ., Bro . George Duck , opened the lodge at 4 . 30 , and having disposed of the usual business , at once proceeeled to instal Bro . Thomas Stephens , the S . W ., who had been unanimously elected , into the chair of K . S ., in the presence of an unusually large Board
of Installeel Masters . The W . M . having becii duly proclaimed and saluted , appointetl and invested the officers for thc year : Bros . J . W . Jackson , S . W . ; II . Vickery , J . W . ; W . G . Warren , P . M ., Treas . ; W . E . Gompcrtz , P . M ., Secretary ; E . A . Whitby , S . D . ; D . Channon , J . D . ; G . Harrison , Tyler ; D . Rose , P . M ., D . C ; A . Stribling , O . ; A . H . Watkins , P . M ., W . S . The newly-installed
Master at once gave proof of his qualification for the high position to which he had been callel hy initiating three gentlemen into the light of Freemasonry , in a manner which called forth expressions of the highest approval from all present . It is but fair to say that the credit of the very perfect working of of this lodge is eluc to Bro . Rose , the Preceptor of thc instruction lodge , who had spared
neither time or pains in perfecting the several officers for their respective duties , specially the I . P . M ., Bro . Duck , who rendered the installation ceremony in a most perfect anil faultless manner . Our brethren in the South-Eastern district may be glad to know that the Peckham Lodge of Instruction meets on Wednesilay evenings at thc Maismore Arms Tavern ,
Peckham Park-road . The business of the lodge having been disposed of , the brethren adjourneel to the large hall to a well served banquet , which perhaps no one knows better how to appreciate than do Masons . The usual loyal Masonic and complimentary tcasts were given in well-chosen words , and duly respondeil to ; the W . M . then presented a handsome ten-guinea P . M . jewel to the I . P . M ., Bro . George Duck , as a mark of the brethren ' s apprecia-
tion of the able manner in which he had discharged thc duties of the chair . Bro . Duck expressed his grateful acknowledgement of the efficient and harmonious way the officers and brethren had worked with him during his year of office . The W . M . in proposing " The Health of the Visitors , " ( over thirty of whom were present ) , said it was a great pleasure to see so many , as it shewed the
estimation in which the Peckham Loelge was helel for its hospitality and cordial reception of visitors . but notwithstanding that they were famed for good banquets , yet he was happy to say , besides cultivating all the enjoyments derived from social intercourse and festivities , they had not neglected the higher duties of Masonry , and tllat in the four years the lodge hail been established , they had sent up three
Stewards , and at the last festival of the Benevolent Institution the list from the Peckham Lodge was the third highest of all the London lodges . Bro . John E . Grocott , P . M . 86 n , P . G . S . W . of Hertfordshire , and Bro . James Garner , W . M . of the Rose Lodge , responded , both expressing the great pleasure they had experienced in witnessing the admirable manner the whole of the business of the
lodge had been conducted , and to hear the rising prosperous condition the lodge had attained . Other complimentary toasts followed , interspersed with some capital music and singing contributed by some of thc members whose vocal and instrumental talents at all times largely contributed to the enjoyment of the brethren . Bro . Past Master Dalby , in the course of his remarks in response to the toast of the
Past Masters , made an earnest appeal to the brethren and visitors present for their support to secure the election of one of the children of Bro . Tracey , ( who had died since the last regular meeting ) , who is a candidate for the Boy ' s School . Amongst the visitors -were Bros . S . W . Vfagstaff , P . M . and Z . ot 1216 ; J . T . Neilson , P . M . 28 ; G . T . Bickerton , S . W . 1329 ; H . Keeble , W . M . 1559 ; W . Thue , J . W . 1622 ; J . Garner , W . M . 1622 ; F . Binland , P . M . 3 ;
A . Alworth , P . M . 1261 ; W . H . Lee P . M . 975 ; J . Pemin , P . M . 1056 ; H . W . Gompcrtz , S . W . 1364 ; K . Kearnc , P . M . 1507 j W . H . Barber , Sec . 1201 ; W . Cowley , 1554 ; W . Choat , 1201 , H . Smith , 20 5 , A . Gaink , 1056 ; J . E . Lloyd , 28 ; E . Tholander , 8 ; S . E . Blidberg , 2 ; E . Taylor , 227 ; J . Rush , 120 J ; C . B . Cheese , J . D . 86 9 ; W . Hamlyn , 1622 ; R . Voisey , S . D . 1641 ; S . H . Goldsmidt , 1329 ; Robert Bruce , P . M . 860 , P . G . S . D . Herts ; J . E . Smith , " 185 ; H . Appleby , 174 ; J . Mabey , 869 ; and J . Oliver , P . M . 1530
TEMPLE BAR LODGE ( No . 1728 ) . —This flourishing new lodge that was only consecrated about two months ago , held its regular meeting on Thursdayevening , the 2 ist ult ., at the " London , " Fleet-street , with a long agenda of business to be disposed of , consisting of four passings , four initiations , and the admission of two joining members . At the formation of this lodge it was
distinctly understood that , to avoid an evil which often arises in large assemblies , it should be limited to 30 members , and if it should go on at the rate at which it has at present proceeded , the required number will be soon obtained , and as the W . Master expressed himself in the course of the evening , " the perfect arch will be completed . Bro . John Ciion , W . M ., was in his place at the appointed
time , and all his officers with one exception ( Bro , Staley ) . who was on his way from Germany and arrived during the evening , were present at the opening of the lodge . The officers are Bro . « . C . Butcher , S . W . ; T . W . C Bush , J . W . ; G . Adamson ( a veteran of the Order ) , Treasurer ; Nelson Reed , W . M . 1671 , Secretary ; A . B . Staley , S . D . ; K . Harris , J . D . ; D . M'Niven , I . G . ; B . Buckworth , D . C ;
J . Kimpton , W . S . Thc following visiters were present ; Bros . E . G . Webster , 72 ; Boyton , 72 ; T . Morgan , 1572 ; H . Thompson , 1426 and P . M . of 177 and 1158 ( Freemason ) ; Morden , 1671 ; Coombe-, 1185 ; and Barton , 15 . The lodge having been opened and the minutes read , Bros . Hecknell , Rayner , Kimpton , and Rexworthy were questioned as to the progress they had made in the early
stage of the Order , and their answers being deemed satisfactory , the lodge was opened in the Second Degree , and they were each most impressivel y admitted to that advanced degree , the whole of the ceremony being rendered in a very perfect manner . Favourable ballots having taken place , the lodge was lowered to the First Degree , when Mr . Patrick Lehany , Mr . William
James Charles , Mr . Charles Arthur Mackrell , and Mr . Edwin Nathaniel Carter were separately introduced and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , the ceremony in each case being gone through in a most careful and painstaking manner , and each _ £ the initiates evidently felt deeply impressed with the important step he had taken . Before the closing of the lodge
a most interesting episode occurred in its proceedings . It has alreaily becn announced that the Temple Bar Lodge was established in something of a memorial character , having its first meeting on the very day the old arch was finally removed , and this occurrence was most ably descanted Upon hy Bro . the Rev . R . J . Simpson , who performed the duty of Chaplain on that occasion . To give
something like perpetuity to this event , the W . Master had communicated with the City authorities , and the result was an announcement from him that the City Lanels Committee had kindly sent to thc lodge two pieces of stane forming part of the old Bar , to be used for the rough anel perfect ashlars , and additional pieces to be presenteel to every one of the founders of the lodge . To each of the
ashlars arc affixed silver plates , suitably engraved , recording the gift and the place from which the stone was taken . The brethren accepted the gifts with great satisfaction , and they promised to carefully perserve them . There being no further business , thc lodge was closed , and the brethren aeljourned after their labour for refreshment . The cloth havi .:. - been cleared
and the usual preliminary toasts given , the W . Master said he had a most important toast and one most pleasing to every W . Master , as it was that of" The Initiates . " He had that evening the pleasure to lay four foundation stones , and four last month , and he hoped soon to complete thc perfect arch , and see the Temple Bar Lodge prosperous , and make it one of the most important in the
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
Ctaft gtswrnrs *
LODGE OF ANTIQUITY ( No . 2 ) . — The monthly meeting of this ancient and distinguished lodge to & k place at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , the 27 th ult . There was a numerous attendance of brethren and visitors . The election cf Bro . H . R . H . Prince Leopold was unanimously confirmed as V . , M .. who would have been present , but had left for the Continent . A letter from
his equerry , the Hon . A . Yorke , was read . Bro . the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford , P . G . C , and P . S . Warden of the lodge , was appointed by H . R . H . as the Deputy Master for the year , and was installed by the Immediate P . M ., Bro . Philbrick , in a most strikingly effective manner , so much so as to impress all present , and obtain the emphatic approval of the Grand Secretary . A Past Master ' s jewel was
presented to Bro . Philbrick by the newly-installed D . W . M ., in appropriate terms , and amid the hearty applause of the lodge . The brethren adjourned to the " festive board " at the conclusion of the business , and enjoyed one of those pltasant and fraternal gatherings of reasonable if abundant hospitality , for which the Lodge of Antiquity has always becn famed , under the ever admirable catering
of Bro . Colonel Creaton , thc permanent adviser of the lodge in matters aisthctical and convivial , and greatly to the praise of Bro . Best . The brethren present passed a most pleasant evening , which was more than once alluded to in some of the admirable speeches which were made . The lodge numbers amongst its officers some most excellent Masons , as
Bro . Tomkins , tbe worthy and kindly Treasurer of the ledge and Grand Treasurer ; Bro . E , J . Barron , the indefatigable Secretary ; Bro . Hope , M . D .. Senior Warden ; Bro . Paiker Deacon , Junior Warden ; Rev . Bro . Duckworth , Chaplain ; Bro . Hilary Skinner , Bro . Greetham , Bro . Twynam , Bro . Col . Creaton , and its immediate P . M ., Bro . Philbrick . Among the P . M . 's
may be mentioned Bro . Col . Stuart , Bro . Wharton Hood , M . D . ; Bro . John Sampson Pierce , Bro . W . F . Rae , Bro . Fordati , Bro . G . Scfiarf , Bro . C . A . Swinburne , Bro . R . A . Holmes , and Bro . Dr . Erasmus Wilson . Among the visitors present were Bro . Hervey , G . S . of England ; Bro . I lead , P . G . D . ; Bro . Percy Leith , Bro . Rcv . Dr . Brette , Bro . T . Fenn , P . G . D . ; Hopwood , 263 ; Bro . George
Kenning , Bro . Goodden , and many more . The brethren separated at an early hour , greatly nratilied with the gathering , and deeply impressed , alike with the "labour and refreshment " of this most ancient and eminent lodge . BURGOYNE LODGE ( No . 902 ) . —The installation meeting of this highly popular lodge—and if popularity can be gauged by extensive and ready acceptance of
its hospitalities , the adjective is strictly applicable—was held at Anderton's Hotel on Monday evening last . Following the very commendable custom never depitted from of late years in this lodge , thc outgoing Mast .-,-, Bro . H . C . Jefferys , W . M ., personally installed his succe ::. ; or , and performed the interesting ceremony in a rranner almost faultless . Bro . S . J . Byng , the ci-devant S . W ., whose
election to tlie chair at the former meeting had been unanimous , having been thus regularly indu . ted into the chair of K . S ., amid the applause of the select but comparatively numerous Board of I . M . ' s who had assembled ta eh him honour , proceeded on the re-admission of the brethren to appoint and invest his officers as follows : Bros . Pccock , S . W . ; Taylor , J . W . ; Rogers , Sec . ; Wale , S . D . ; Gcbb , J . D . ; Turner , I . G . ; Uundy , M . C . ; Wilkins , . . ; and Grant ,
Tvler . Bro . S . Poynter , P . M ., who had becn for the twelfth or thirteenth time unanimously elected Treasurer of the lodge at the former meeting , was likewise invested with the collar and jewel of that office . Judging from the applause which greeted each of these brethren as he approached tbe pedestal , these appointments would appear to be highly popular in tlie lodge , anel to reflect great credit on the discrimination of the new W . M ., whose credit for good working is very wide-spread , and who