Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS. Page 1 of 1 Article Reviews. Page 1 of 1
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United Grand Lodge.
The following is the agenda for Wednesday next , the 6 th March , 187 8 : — The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business will be read . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of thc cth December , 1877 , will be read and put for confirmation .
The M . W . Giand Master will move —•• "That this Grand Lodge do grant the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid out of the Fund of General Purposes for the assistance of the members of the Igualdad Loelge , No . 633 , in the Island of Curacoa , West Indies , who have suffered from thc hurricane which occurred there on the 23 rd September , 1877 . "
The Rig ht I Ion . thc Earl of Carnarvon , Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master , will present the Report of the Committee appointed at the Quarterly Communication of the ; th December last , to enquire into the circumstances relative to the elimination of the name of the Great Architect o f the Universe from its ritual by the Grand Orient of France for the consideration of Grand Lodge , and will move its
adoption . Election of a M . W . Grand Master . Election of a Grand Treasurer . Reprrt of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quartee-, in which are recommendation ' s for thc following grants ,
. : — The widow of a brother of the Old Union . Lodge , No . 4 6 , London £ 50 o o The widow e . f a brother of the Mechanics Lodge , 24 s , Jersey 50 o o The widow of a brother of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , London 50 o o
A brother of theStravvbcny Hill Lodge , No . 946 , Twickenham ... ... ... ... 100 o o Rep . irt of the Board of General Purposes : — The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : — 1 . In the month of September last a complaint was preferred by the Duke of Connaught Loelge , No . 155 8 , Camberwell , against Bro . William . , the
Treasurer of the lodge , for falsifying the accounts , and detaining the books and papers of the lodge . Bro . was summoned to attend thc Board to answer that csmplaint . Not atteneling to such summons , a peremptoiy summons was directed to be sent to Bro . . At the meeting ofthe Board in November , in his continued absence * , thc adjudication vvas further
adjourned , and Bro . required to hand in his books and papers to the Grand Secretary forthwith . This oreler not being complied with , the Board ordered Bro . to be peremptorily summoneel to attend the next meeting ofthe B-arel . Brother failetl to attend this peremptory summons , or to satisfactorily account for his absence , and it was resolved , "That Bro .
be suspeneleel , in accordance with the Constitutions , and thc suspension notified to Grand Loelge . " ( Signed ) Jons B . MONCKTON , President . To the repi'rt is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , \__ Ul on FsieUy , the 15 th tlay of February , 1878 ,
shewing a balance in thc hands of the Grand Treasurer of . £ 4628 2 s 8 d . ; and in thc hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash £ , 3 ; anel for servants' wages , £ 9 6 15 s . Report of Bro . R . P . 1 larding , Auditor of Grand Loelge accounts of receipts and disbursements during the year
1877 . Adjourned debate on so much of the Report of the Board of General Puiposes of the 21 st August , 18 77 , as relates to thc Loelge of Benevolence , viz .: — 1 . The" Lodgeof Benevolence" to be in future designated the " Board of Benevolence . "
2 . The B-aril of Benevolence to consist of the Grand Master , Pro Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , the Granel Wardens , a President , and forty-five other members . The Presielcnt and fifteen of such members to be annually nominated by the Grand Master at the Quarterly Communication in December , andthe remaining thirty members to be electeel by Grand Lodge from amongst the ac'ual
Masters and Past Masters of lodges , such election to be conducted in the same manner as that of the Board of General Purposes , but it should not in our opinion be a regulation that one-third or any other proportion of the members should retire annually . 3 . The Board to elect one of its members to be Vi-.-e-President . 4 . Five members to form a quorum .
Notices of Motions . 1 . By Bro . Rev . William Tebbs , P . M . No . 28 $ , Shepton Mallet . Proposeel amendments on the Report of the Board of General Purposes , in reference to alterations in the constitution of the Lodge of Benevolence : — ( 1 . ) . he title ; the mode oi working ; and the
nomination and election respectively , of ofiicers of the Lodge of Benevolence to remain as now . ( 2 . ) The Lodge of Benevolence from and after the end of this present year of office to be constituted as follows : — a . All present Grand Officers . I ' . One rcpresei . tative ( W . M . or P . M . ) to be elected by the W . M . ' softhe lodges comprising each Provincial Grand Lodge .
c . As many representatives ( W . M . ' s or P . M . ' s ) of London lodges to be elected by the W . M . ' s of such lodges is shall be in twice the proportion of the number of London lodges to the number of Provincial lodges . d . As many Past Granel Officers to be nominated by the Most Wocshiieful thc Grand Master , at the Q-iatt-ily Communication of Grand Loelge , in December , as shall make up the number of " c " to that of " .. "
United Grand Lodge.
2 . By Bto . Robert F . Gould , P . M ., No . 92 , London . On the President of the Board of General Purposes moving —That Grand Lodge do adopt thc recommend ation of the Board of General Purposes with reference to reconstitution of the Lodge of Benevolence . To propose , as an amendment , the addition of the
following words , viz ., — " That fifteen of the thirty members to be elected by Grand Lodge ( as recommended in Paragraph 2 of the Report of the Board of General Purposes ) shall be actual or Past Masters of country lodges , in all Gases where such number eif qualified brethren shall be duly nominated for election . "
Letters and papers from . Lord ele Tabley , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire , recommending the erasure of the Southam Lodge , No . 1054 , Wilnislow , from the roll of Iodg ; es . Letters from thc Secretary of the Southam Lodge ,
No . 1054 , praying , on behalf of the members , for are spite for twelve months . Application from the Royal Lodge , No . 20 ; , Kingston , Jamaica , for assistance to enable them to build a Masonic Temple .
NEW LODGES . The following is a List of Loelges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Granel Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — 1 133 . Sunbury Lodge , Sunbury , Middlesex . , 5734 . Trinity Lodge , Rayleigh , Essex .
1735 . Carnarvon Lodge , Cape lovvn , Cape of Good Hope . 17 , 3 b . St . John ' s Lodge , Halifax , Yorkshire . 1737 . Winchester Loelge , Winchester , Canterbury , New Zealand . 173 8 . Loelge Excelsior in Khanekish , Bhosawul , in Khandeish , Bombay . 1739 . Carnarvon Lotlge , Gresley , Derbyshire .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
A Special General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution was held last Saturday at Freemasons' 1 UU . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton , J . P ., Vicc-Pation anil Trustee , Chairman of the Building Committee , presided , anel there were also present Bros . A . H . Tattershall ,
H . Browse , Major E . II . Finney , Griffiths Smith , H . A . Dubois , Col . James Peters , E . Spooner , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , Thomas Massa , H . F . Thompson , . Dr . F . W . Ramsay , anil F . R . VV . Hedges ( for Secretary . ) The following notice , previously issued , explains the object of the meeting : — In compliance wilh a requisition delivered to m-, and
signed by Lieut .-Colonel John Creaton , J . P ., Vice-Patron a __ Trustee , Ch ;\ km _ n of the Building Committee , a Special General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be heltl at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Saturday , the 23 rd February , 1878 , at twelve o'clock precisely , when the following recommendation of the Building Committee
will be submitted for adoption : — " To sanction a necessary expenditure for the inauguration of thc new buildings by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales . " R . WENTWOHTU LITTLE , V . P ., D . Prov . G . M . Midellcsex , Secretary . February 16 th , 1878 .
Thc Chairman said the brethren were all aware that their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales had graciously consenti-. el to inaugurate thc new buildings next month ( Match ) . The tlay was not yet fixed , but that remained with their Royal Highnesses . It would , however , probably be the third week in March , anel it was necessary to make some preparation , though it would
only be in a small way , for an entertainment . The space at the disposal of the Institution vvas very limited , and consequently no great expense would be required to be incurred . But there woulel be a certain sum expendeel , anel as it was necessary to have the sanction of a Special General Court , this was the . object of the present meeting , whom he woulel ask for authority for spending a sum e . f
about £ 300 . He would , therefore , ask " That a sum of about £ 300 be granted for tliat purpose , " Bro . Dr . F . W . Ramsay seconded the motion . Bro . II . A . Dubois said he would rather as an amendment move in terms of the notice— " To sanction a necessary expenditure . " The Chairman said hc thought it might be left to the Buileling Committee : it might come only to jCioo-, but
the Commiitee woulel take care that not a shilling was spent unnecessarily . Col . Peters thought there should be no amendment . Bro . H . A . Dub . ais assented . The Chairman said he would move it in the words of the notice of motion : " To sanction a necessary expenditure for the inauguration of thc New Buildings by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales . "
It was impossible to make an estimate at this moment as the Committee did not know the number of persons they might have present ; that would depend upon circumstances ; but he woultl be glad to hear anything that any brother might have to say . The motion was then put and carried unanimously , and a vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a close .
Bro . Thomas Brassey , M . P ., has kindly consented to preside at the Ruilway Guards' Universal Friendly Society ' s dinner at Cannon-street Hotel on Wednesday next .
Reviews .
" Freemasonry : the Three Masonic Graces , Faith , Hope , and Charity . " By Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON . —Reeves and Turner , 19 6 , Strand . We have been favoured with a copy of this new work ,-and think it right to call attention to it . It is- undoubtedly ably written , and clearly expressee ! , with a good deal of force in some parts , and of eloquence in other .-. If those
of us who have studied Masonic t ! idactio writing arc reminded necessarily , here and the re of oleLr M . isonic expositors—yet for us in this nineteenth century the work has a good deal of interest , and we thL . k that to a numerous school amongst us it will afford a good deal of pleasure and contentment . But when vie say this we think it right to point out also one or two honest objections
to the aim and scope of the writer , as we understand him . The substance and general bearing of this work may be fairly said to represent the Chiisiian teaching of Freemasonry , anel although there is , and alwass has beeu , a large Christian School in Freemasonry , and we are quite prepared to uphold it , under certain limitations , yet it must never be shut out that such teaching can only be subjective
to the Mason , and can in no sense rightly claim to be objictive . The actual teaching of Freemasonry is universal , as opposed to "limited" exposition , theistic as opposed to denominational ; and while we have a right t _ recommend a certain school of teaching , as our understinding of thc whole effect of Masonic ritualism and eiogma , we have no possible tight to claim for it the name of general Masonic
teaching . That is the little fault we have t > find wi'h Bro . Paton ' s expositions , He puts a part f . r the whole , and asks for what is his indivitlual view of M . isonic declaration and practice , the assent anel concrete embodiment of Freemasonry as a system . Bro . Paton has been brought up mainly under the Scottish system , whicli has always retained a great element
of Christian teaching , but in England , since 1813 , the general outcome of Masonic teaching , whether in lodge or " ex cathedra , " whether by lectuies or lessons , has been on the basis of the best of all prayers , to accept an universal Theistic platform I We may be light or wrong in such a view if thc case , but wc think it only fair to give a note of friendly warning ,
as we sec a disposition among some to confound two things essentially distinct , the actual teaching by cur avowetl formularies , and the hopes and reasons anti belief of a school . We welcome , however , always free discussion , and arc not insensible to the advantage to Masonic literature by the publication of this last work of Bro . Chalmers 1 . Paton . No tV-eubt it will be read by many , of our brethren .
" Disappeared from her Home . " By Mas . FREO . G . P „ RKIS ; Pennington and Co ., g , AruneLl-street , Strand . We have read this work with some little interest , as giving us an idea of the aim eif a promising wi iter , and the tastes of the novel reading public , and while we can uneloubtedly speak in tones of encouragement and approbation in respect of the general teachi . itr , the
word-painting and ihe descriptive powers of the author , we feel it to be our duty as honest reviewers , ( and how worthless is a dishonest review ) to offer a few humble remarks of deprecation and eloubt . We do not think , in the first place , that the " moral idea" of the story is a gooel one per se . Whatever may have been the wrongs of Mr . - Warelen , his tleceit as reg irds
his daughter is inexcusable , and the tour e ' e force , " by which " hoiror crowds upon horror , " is lo our ta-te a great deal too sensational in every way . The very ri ,- id teacher and mentor might ask further what is the actual moral of such a story ? We fear that the nply must be very " nihilistic " indeed . All that we have before us is a life of deceit , a succession of deaths , a love story , andthe
faithful devotion of a servant , but under circumstances which are questionable as to prudence , and with associations which are unsafe , as examples to Ihe young especially . We think , as we said just now , that the episode of the faithful servant is very touching , but we are not epjite sure that the young lady , charming as she is , ought to have
left her home as she did . We think that-the introduction of the first and erring wife a questiemable pr . ceeding , and the deaths of the two quite unnecessary , and far too sentimental . At the same time , in this elay of small things , we must be content , as it app . ars to us , with thc limiteil andthe microscopical . We cannot expect first principles or sound theories . Ours is a very sensational age ;
and all we read , anel all wc have to run thoueh teems with the marvellous , the vveirel , the grotesque . We therefore , while we seek in all kindliness to point our . to the writer her little faults , think it also well to commend her good points , The work is a work of much promise , ami more
readability . Its style is simple and effective ; its language terse and true . When the writer has eschewed alittleof her luxuriance of sentiment , her exuberance » . f farcy , we may expect a work eif greater power , and mere enduring effect . We are inclined to believe that the ho . k will be a good deal read .
The date of the Oxford and Cambridge Boatrace is now definitively fixed for Saturday , April 13 th . Bro . John Dei by Allcroft , P . M ; 1 . . * ¦' . ,. will , preside at the festival to be held , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , on Thursday , May 9 th , in aid of thefunds of the Benevolent Society of Blues . The next meeting o £ the Original or Premier Red Cross Conclave will be held on Monelay next , at four o ' clock , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Quetn-street _ .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
The following is the agenda for Wednesday next , the 6 th March , 187 8 : — The regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business will be read . The minutes of the Quarterly Communication of thc cth December , 1877 , will be read and put for confirmation .
The M . W . Giand Master will move —•• "That this Grand Lodge do grant the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid out of the Fund of General Purposes for the assistance of the members of the Igualdad Loelge , No . 633 , in the Island of Curacoa , West Indies , who have suffered from thc hurricane which occurred there on the 23 rd September , 1877 . "
The Rig ht I Ion . thc Earl of Carnarvon , Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master , will present the Report of the Committee appointed at the Quarterly Communication of the ; th December last , to enquire into the circumstances relative to the elimination of the name of the Great Architect o f the Universe from its ritual by the Grand Orient of France for the consideration of Grand Lodge , and will move its
adoption . Election of a M . W . Grand Master . Election of a Grand Treasurer . Reprrt of the Lodge of Benevolence for the last quartee-, in which are recommendation ' s for thc following grants ,
. : — The widow of a brother of the Old Union . Lodge , No . 4 6 , London £ 50 o o The widow e . f a brother of the Mechanics Lodge , 24 s , Jersey 50 o o The widow of a brother of the Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , London 50 o o
A brother of theStravvbcny Hill Lodge , No . 946 , Twickenham ... ... ... ... 100 o o Rep . irt of the Board of General Purposes : — The Board of General Purposes beg to report as follows : — 1 . In the month of September last a complaint was preferred by the Duke of Connaught Loelge , No . 155 8 , Camberwell , against Bro . William . , the
Treasurer of the lodge , for falsifying the accounts , and detaining the books and papers of the lodge . Bro . was summoned to attend thc Board to answer that csmplaint . Not atteneling to such summons , a peremptoiy summons was directed to be sent to Bro . . At the meeting ofthe Board in November , in his continued absence * , thc adjudication vvas further
adjourned , and Bro . required to hand in his books and papers to the Grand Secretary forthwith . This oreler not being complied with , the Board ordered Bro . to be peremptorily summoneel to attend the next meeting ofthe B-arel . Brother failetl to attend this peremptory summons , or to satisfactorily account for his absence , and it was resolved , "That Bro .
be suspeneleel , in accordance with the Constitutions , and thc suspension notified to Grand Loelge . " ( Signed ) Jons B . MONCKTON , President . To the repi'rt is subjoined a statement of the Grand Lodge accounts at the last meeting of the Finance Committee , \__ Ul on FsieUy , the 15 th tlay of February , 1878 ,
shewing a balance in thc hands of the Grand Treasurer of . £ 4628 2 s 8 d . ; and in thc hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash £ , 3 ; anel for servants' wages , £ 9 6 15 s . Report of Bro . R . P . 1 larding , Auditor of Grand Loelge accounts of receipts and disbursements during the year
1877 . Adjourned debate on so much of the Report of the Board of General Puiposes of the 21 st August , 18 77 , as relates to thc Loelge of Benevolence , viz .: — 1 . The" Lodgeof Benevolence" to be in future designated the " Board of Benevolence . "
2 . The B-aril of Benevolence to consist of the Grand Master , Pro Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master , the Granel Wardens , a President , and forty-five other members . The Presielcnt and fifteen of such members to be annually nominated by the Grand Master at the Quarterly Communication in December , andthe remaining thirty members to be electeel by Grand Lodge from amongst the ac'ual
Masters and Past Masters of lodges , such election to be conducted in the same manner as that of the Board of General Purposes , but it should not in our opinion be a regulation that one-third or any other proportion of the members should retire annually . 3 . The Board to elect one of its members to be Vi-.-e-President . 4 . Five members to form a quorum .
Notices of Motions . 1 . By Bro . Rev . William Tebbs , P . M . No . 28 $ , Shepton Mallet . Proposeel amendments on the Report of the Board of General Purposes , in reference to alterations in the constitution of the Lodge of Benevolence : — ( 1 . ) . he title ; the mode oi working ; and the
nomination and election respectively , of ofiicers of the Lodge of Benevolence to remain as now . ( 2 . ) The Lodge of Benevolence from and after the end of this present year of office to be constituted as follows : — a . All present Grand Officers . I ' . One rcpresei . tative ( W . M . or P . M . ) to be elected by the W . M . ' softhe lodges comprising each Provincial Grand Lodge .
c . As many representatives ( W . M . ' s or P . M . ' s ) of London lodges to be elected by the W . M . ' s of such lodges is shall be in twice the proportion of the number of London lodges to the number of Provincial lodges . d . As many Past Granel Officers to be nominated by the Most Wocshiieful thc Grand Master , at the Q-iatt-ily Communication of Grand Loelge , in December , as shall make up the number of " c " to that of " .. "
United Grand Lodge.
2 . By Bto . Robert F . Gould , P . M ., No . 92 , London . On the President of the Board of General Purposes moving —That Grand Lodge do adopt thc recommend ation of the Board of General Purposes with reference to reconstitution of the Lodge of Benevolence . To propose , as an amendment , the addition of the
following words , viz ., — " That fifteen of the thirty members to be elected by Grand Lodge ( as recommended in Paragraph 2 of the Report of the Board of General Purposes ) shall be actual or Past Masters of country lodges , in all Gases where such number eif qualified brethren shall be duly nominated for election . "
Letters and papers from . Lord ele Tabley , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for Cheshire , recommending the erasure of the Southam Lodge , No . 1054 , Wilnislow , from the roll of Iodg ; es . Letters from thc Secretary of the Southam Lodge ,
No . 1054 , praying , on behalf of the members , for are spite for twelve months . Application from the Royal Lodge , No . 20 ; , Kingston , Jamaica , for assistance to enable them to build a Masonic Temple .
NEW LODGES . The following is a List of Loelges for which Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Granel Master since the last Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge : — 1 133 . Sunbury Lodge , Sunbury , Middlesex . , 5734 . Trinity Lodge , Rayleigh , Essex .
1735 . Carnarvon Lodge , Cape lovvn , Cape of Good Hope . 17 , 3 b . St . John ' s Lodge , Halifax , Yorkshire . 1737 . Winchester Loelge , Winchester , Canterbury , New Zealand . 173 8 . Loelge Excelsior in Khanekish , Bhosawul , in Khandeish , Bombay . 1739 . Carnarvon Lotlge , Gresley , Derbyshire .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
A Special General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution was held last Saturday at Freemasons' 1 UU . Bro . Lieut .-Col . Creaton , J . P ., Vicc-Pation anil Trustee , Chairman of the Building Committee , presided , anel there were also present Bros . A . H . Tattershall ,
H . Browse , Major E . II . Finney , Griffiths Smith , H . A . Dubois , Col . James Peters , E . Spooner , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , Thomas Massa , H . F . Thompson , . Dr . F . W . Ramsay , anil F . R . VV . Hedges ( for Secretary . ) The following notice , previously issued , explains the object of the meeting : — In compliance wilh a requisition delivered to m-, and
signed by Lieut .-Colonel John Creaton , J . P ., Vice-Patron a __ Trustee , Ch ;\ km _ n of the Building Committee , a Special General Court of the Governors and Subscribers of this Institution will be heltl at Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , London , on Saturday , the 23 rd February , 1878 , at twelve o'clock precisely , when the following recommendation of the Building Committee
will be submitted for adoption : — " To sanction a necessary expenditure for the inauguration of thc new buildings by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales . " R . WENTWOHTU LITTLE , V . P ., D . Prov . G . M . Midellcsex , Secretary . February 16 th , 1878 .
Thc Chairman said the brethren were all aware that their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales had graciously consenti-. el to inaugurate thc new buildings next month ( Match ) . The tlay was not yet fixed , but that remained with their Royal Highnesses . It would , however , probably be the third week in March , anel it was necessary to make some preparation , though it would
only be in a small way , for an entertainment . The space at the disposal of the Institution vvas very limited , and consequently no great expense would be required to be incurred . But there woulel be a certain sum expendeel , anel as it was necessary to have the sanction of a Special General Court , this was the . object of the present meeting , whom he woulel ask for authority for spending a sum e . f
about £ 300 . He would , therefore , ask " That a sum of about £ 300 be granted for tliat purpose , " Bro . Dr . F . W . Ramsay seconded the motion . Bro . II . A . Dubois said he would rather as an amendment move in terms of the notice— " To sanction a necessary expenditure . " The Chairman said hc thought it might be left to the Buileling Committee : it might come only to jCioo-, but
the Commiitee woulel take care that not a shilling was spent unnecessarily . Col . Peters thought there should be no amendment . Bro . H . A . Dub . ais assented . The Chairman said he would move it in the words of the notice of motion : " To sanction a necessary expenditure for the inauguration of thc New Buildings by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales . "
It was impossible to make an estimate at this moment as the Committee did not know the number of persons they might have present ; that would depend upon circumstances ; but he woultl be glad to hear anything that any brother might have to say . The motion was then put and carried unanimously , and a vote of thanks to the Chairman brought the proceedings to a close .
Bro . Thomas Brassey , M . P ., has kindly consented to preside at the Ruilway Guards' Universal Friendly Society ' s dinner at Cannon-street Hotel on Wednesday next .
Reviews .
" Freemasonry : the Three Masonic Graces , Faith , Hope , and Charity . " By Bro . CHALMERS I . PATON . —Reeves and Turner , 19 6 , Strand . We have been favoured with a copy of this new work ,-and think it right to call attention to it . It is- undoubtedly ably written , and clearly expressee ! , with a good deal of force in some parts , and of eloquence in other .-. If those
of us who have studied Masonic t ! idactio writing arc reminded necessarily , here and the re of oleLr M . isonic expositors—yet for us in this nineteenth century the work has a good deal of interest , and we thL . k that to a numerous school amongst us it will afford a good deal of pleasure and contentment . But when vie say this we think it right to point out also one or two honest objections
to the aim and scope of the writer , as we understand him . The substance and general bearing of this work may be fairly said to represent the Chiisiian teaching of Freemasonry , anel although there is , and alwass has beeu , a large Christian School in Freemasonry , and we are quite prepared to uphold it , under certain limitations , yet it must never be shut out that such teaching can only be subjective
to the Mason , and can in no sense rightly claim to be objictive . The actual teaching of Freemasonry is universal , as opposed to "limited" exposition , theistic as opposed to denominational ; and while we have a right t _ recommend a certain school of teaching , as our understinding of thc whole effect of Masonic ritualism and eiogma , we have no possible tight to claim for it the name of general Masonic
teaching . That is the little fault we have t > find wi'h Bro . Paton ' s expositions , He puts a part f . r the whole , and asks for what is his indivitlual view of M . isonic declaration and practice , the assent anel concrete embodiment of Freemasonry as a system . Bro . Paton has been brought up mainly under the Scottish system , whicli has always retained a great element
of Christian teaching , but in England , since 1813 , the general outcome of Masonic teaching , whether in lodge or " ex cathedra , " whether by lectuies or lessons , has been on the basis of the best of all prayers , to accept an universal Theistic platform I We may be light or wrong in such a view if thc case , but wc think it only fair to give a note of friendly warning ,
as we sec a disposition among some to confound two things essentially distinct , the actual teaching by cur avowetl formularies , and the hopes and reasons anti belief of a school . We welcome , however , always free discussion , and arc not insensible to the advantage to Masonic literature by the publication of this last work of Bro . Chalmers 1 . Paton . No tV-eubt it will be read by many , of our brethren .
" Disappeared from her Home . " By Mas . FREO . G . P „ RKIS ; Pennington and Co ., g , AruneLl-street , Strand . We have read this work with some little interest , as giving us an idea of the aim eif a promising wi iter , and the tastes of the novel reading public , and while we can uneloubtedly speak in tones of encouragement and approbation in respect of the general teachi . itr , the
word-painting and ihe descriptive powers of the author , we feel it to be our duty as honest reviewers , ( and how worthless is a dishonest review ) to offer a few humble remarks of deprecation and eloubt . We do not think , in the first place , that the " moral idea" of the story is a gooel one per se . Whatever may have been the wrongs of Mr . - Warelen , his tleceit as reg irds
his daughter is inexcusable , and the tour e ' e force , " by which " hoiror crowds upon horror , " is lo our ta-te a great deal too sensational in every way . The very ri ,- id teacher and mentor might ask further what is the actual moral of such a story ? We fear that the nply must be very " nihilistic " indeed . All that we have before us is a life of deceit , a succession of deaths , a love story , andthe
faithful devotion of a servant , but under circumstances which are questionable as to prudence , and with associations which are unsafe , as examples to Ihe young especially . We think , as we said just now , that the episode of the faithful servant is very touching , but we are not epjite sure that the young lady , charming as she is , ought to have
left her home as she did . We think that-the introduction of the first and erring wife a questiemable pr . ceeding , and the deaths of the two quite unnecessary , and far too sentimental . At the same time , in this elay of small things , we must be content , as it app . ars to us , with thc limiteil andthe microscopical . We cannot expect first principles or sound theories . Ours is a very sensational age ;
and all we read , anel all wc have to run thoueh teems with the marvellous , the vveirel , the grotesque . We therefore , while we seek in all kindliness to point our . to the writer her little faults , think it also well to commend her good points , The work is a work of much promise , ami more
readability . Its style is simple and effective ; its language terse and true . When the writer has eschewed alittleof her luxuriance of sentiment , her exuberance » . f farcy , we may expect a work eif greater power , and mere enduring effect . We are inclined to believe that the ho . k will be a good deal read .
The date of the Oxford and Cambridge Boatrace is now definitively fixed for Saturday , April 13 th . Bro . John Dei by Allcroft , P . M ; 1 . . * ¦' . ,. will , preside at the festival to be held , at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate Street , on Thursday , May 9 th , in aid of thefunds of the Benevolent Society of Blues . The next meeting o £ the Original or Premier Red Cross Conclave will be held on Monelay next , at four o ' clock , at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Quetn-street _ .