Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
TUESDAY , MARCH 5 . Lodge 673 , St . John's , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 99 ; , Furness , M . T ., Ulvcrston . „ 1476 , Blackpool , Clifton Arms , Blackpool . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , M . H ., Liverpojl . Bootle L . of I ., 146 , Berry-st ., Bootle . Merchants L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge , Joppa , M . C , Birkenhead .
WEDNESDAY , MARCH 6 . Lodge 1013 , Royal Victoria , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1335 , Lindsay , 20 , King-st ., Wigan . „ 1354 , Marquis of Lome , M . R ., Leigh . „ 1620 , Marlborough , Derby H ., Liverpool . Chap . 477 , Fidelity , M . R ., Birkenhead . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge , West Lancashire , M . H ., Liverpool .
THURSDAY , MARCH 7 . Lodge 249 , Mariners , M . H , Liverpool . „ 147 .., Bootle , A . R ., Bootle . Chap . 75 8 , Biidgwater , M . H ., Runcorn . St . John ' s L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Duke of Edinburgh L . of I ., M . H . Liverpool . FRIDAY , MARCH 8 . Loelge 1289 , Reck , Bedford House , Rock Ferry .
For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish Freemason , which can be obtained at the Office of this journal , 108 , Fleet-street , London .
Now Ready—Price 6 d ., Post Free , 7 d . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE FOR MARCH . CONTENTS : — Monthly Masonic Summary . An Hermetic Work . Papers on the Great Pyramid . The Adventures of Don Pasquale . Extracts from thc Minute Books of the Carmarthen Lod c . Thc Work of Nature in the Months . Amabel Vaughan . Alexander Puschkin . The Ori gin and References of the llermesian Spurious Freemasonry . On the Testing and Strength of Railway Materials . The True History of Freemasonry in Englanel . Lost anel Saveel ; or , Nellie Powers , the Missionary ' s Daughter . Notes on Literature , etc . Poetry : — What Matter ? Wounded . Freemasons' Wives . A Story of Chinese Love . LONDON : . 98 , FLEET-STREET .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre scribed by the Facultv for PURIYYIN-G THE BLOOD , DEBILITY , LIVEZ COMPLAINTS , and freeing the system from etTects ot Mercury . Extensively used in India anel the Colonies as a prevention to Tro . pical diseases . "' Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sii Ashley Cooper . '' We are in every respect satis 6 ed with it . " —Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . " —Medical Review . In Quarter , Hall , and Pint Bottles . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are oflercd to the public . See that Bottle and Label have the name and Ad-• itess , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 , Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER FILLS . Pill is so efficacious in promoting digestion * strengthening the stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach , » r Trpid Liver . Thcy require no chat-go of diet , and- ] those of the most delicate Onstitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson's Sarsaparilla with the greatest success .
QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Ginger and Camomile has long b'en deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and the best remedy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is not atf-cled by climate . No European in India or tropical climates should be without it In one-cghth , quarter , and half pint bottles .
WHELPTON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS A DIRECT PURIFIER OF THE SLOOD , by which MANY THOUSANDS OF CURES have been effected ; numbers of which cases had been pronounced INCURABLE DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS thc numerous well-authenticated Testimonials in disorders of thc HEAD , CHEST BOWELS , LIVER , and KIDNEYS , also in RHEUMATISM , ULCERS , SORES , and ali SKIN DISEASES , arc sufficient to prove the great value of this most useful Family Medicine . _ , ^<*? g " pN ' " s . > EcdJT * - ** -- ^ AS ONE /^ p ^ ^ ' ' $ & . ^^ X THE I , ( ESTA ' s ^ iif ^ g ^ . , , 835 * J «) BEST \ S ^^^^^^^^ ^^ fy MEDICINES ^* 0 f ? 7 p > ^ ' ^* - >' . *» «* •* fi' * I " % _ . Jl \ r w— _ . W -. __ ^_ £ JJ = ^ ^ KNOWN . Many persons have found Ihese Pills cf great service both in prvecntingand relieving SEA-SICKNESS , and in warm climate's they are very bcncliclal in all Bilious Complaints . . Sold in Boxes , price 7 jd , is i } d , and asgtl , by G . WHELPTON _ SON , . 1 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London , and by all Chemists ani Medicine Venelors at home and abroad . Sent free by post in the United Kingdom for 8 , 14 , or 33 Stamps .
FURNISH THROUGHOUT , OETZMANN & Co 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 77 & 79 , HAMPSTEAD ROAD , NEAR TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD , LONDON . ^^ Jj ^^^^^^ e ^^ is . ^ ' W ^ ggfeg ^ ^ T ^^^' ^^^» i _ n . ^ fl ^ l _> iBMl - ^ «! | i ^ r 1 Spil l Tlie Eugenie Easy Chair . These superior Carpets ol tmch Messrs . Oetzmann and . Co ., have the exclusive sale , are of first-class British Manu- JJ alnnt Cal-inel . Spring Scat , good Castors ajs od facture , have all the style and appearance of real Turkey Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of gooel Brussels , and .. « ,. __„„ , „ . ;„ „„ , i n ™ .. ! ,. " Hair jrsfid arc very durable . Price lists free on application . For thc InIa " * . " " 1 •? "' j " , '" l , ? v " ° '" , Thc Vienna , Gent ' s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece T .. ' ' ... _¦ Chair , larger size , to showim ; the border and centre of carpet will be sent on re- - " " ! " ; V "' . -. t" , * " * 'l f \ match ... 3 Ssod ccipt of Js ., which will be deducted from price of carpet , or ^* ? A ? , * ,, ^ , * * i lh 3 doorS K * Superior do ., stuffed alt refunded upon return of pattern Hcarth-iugs to match , 6 ft . -fit vv un - uoor . s 04 s Hair 42 s od long hv 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 Ss . 6 d . DESCRIPTIVE C TALOGUE , THE BEST FURNISHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent witli guaranteed quality . Orelcrs per post receive prompt anel faithful attention
CRYSTAL GLASSCHANDELIERS . E Wall Light anel Lustres { or Gas ar . d Canelles . CHANDELIERS in Bronze anel Ormolu . DUPLEX LAMPS in Crystal and Coloured Glass , fitted with Patent Extinguisher . Minton and Worcester Porcelain anel Stone China . Table Glass of all kinds and Newest Designs . Ornamental Gliss , English and Foreign . Mesf , Expoit , and Furnishing Orelers promptly executed . Kerosene and Other Oils of the Finest Quality . ALL ARTICLES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES . BIRMINGHAM—Manufactory and Show Rooms , Broad Street . LONDON—Show Rooms , 45 , Oxford Street , W .
'"THE LONDON AND GENERALWATER PURIFYING COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL , j , „ Requiring , when once 6 xed , no attention whatever . ¦ _« th _ Ci-t-rn ' Pilt-r . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . jmeuuriri . ^ nd superior to all others , Vide Professor Frankland ' s Reports to the Registrar General , ] uly 1866 . Novcm ¦ * " - § SS § l * - ; 31 ' !_ ani Ma >'« l 8 - ' ° i " Lancet , " January u , 1867 , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September -3 1 j ggg" ? Eg == i : _; a llil 1863 ; Dr . Letheby , February IJ , jSjj , and December , 1873 . i fffllsS ^ gK III Price £ 1 ios . and upwards . PORTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 Js . to £ 3 . ¦ ® S & PWH SF iliili Patronized and used by Hcr Majesty the Qneen . at Osborne ; byH . R . H . the Prince ofWales , M . W . G . M ., j ; d-dd -S ' Vi 5 ) t [ B ) ; llll 1 Sandringham ; by H . R . H . thc Duko of Cambridge ; the elite of thc Medical Profession , and at the Londo 1 I § 1-3 " ^ feiBIIIK- illp St . George ' s , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , I 3 ~^ j ____ _ vffl > >^ Institutions , Breweries , & c . . POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . 6 d . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from us . fid . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOB DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , 10 s . 6 d . and 21 s . each . Danchcll ' a "Testing Apparatus for Discovering thc Presence of Impurities in Water , " is a most convenient and portable one—Vide Dyke on the Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bap :. It conlains the Chief Chemical Tests for Qoalilive Water Analysis , and will be lound of use by medical and other men who may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more actua impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January 39 , 1873 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON .
OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA Prevents Baldness and the Hair turning Grey , anel ferms the Basis of a Magnificent Head of Hair . Strengthens Weak Hair , and causes the BEARD , WHISKERS , AND MOSTACHIOS TO GROW FREELY . Sold everywhere , 3 s . Gel ., 6 s ., anel ns ., Wholesale and Retail . 22 , WELLINGTON-STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W . C . ESTAUUSIIED SIXTY YEAIIS .
ft LANTERN READINGS , 1877-78 . II I THE PATENT iM " simm LICHT 11 Attention is directeel to the many advantages offered for thc Season now com-Iffi «« ITCOIU mencing , and the large and varteel arrangements made . Among thc general suh-Jffl * __ wT ]•*<¦ ' !* of interest the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR takes prominent place . A y ^ ^^~^^( ( J ^ lf ^ sT-K ^_\ supplemental volume to No . 3 is issued at is . lldJWIfllmP LANTERN TRANSPARENCIES T __ 3 F / i . R __ Jd"S sL __ ** or " * a'e or ^' re ' ' ar e reduction in price . ' /______ _ VW LANTERNS AND APPARATUS ll " ¦ IK _ WS Yor the Oil or Lime Light on Hire or Sale . Full particulars from E . MARSHALL , Office ofthe " LANTERN READINGS , ' 7 , QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . C .
ELECTRIC HOUSE BELLS . A COMPLETE SET , SUITABLE FOR FRONT DOOR , OFFICES OR STABLE , The Trade Supplied . ON RECEIPT OF 25 s Catalogues Three Stamps , FRANCIS AND COMPANY , EAGLE TELEGRAPH WORKS , LAW FORD ROAD , N . W . All Communications to be aeldressed to the Offices—52 and 8 ,-j , H < vTTON GARDEN , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
TUESDAY , MARCH 5 . Lodge 673 , St . John's , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 99 ; , Furness , M . T ., Ulvcrston . „ 1476 , Blackpool , Clifton Arms , Blackpool . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , M . H ., Liverpojl . Bootle L . of I ., 146 , Berry-st ., Bootle . Merchants L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge , Joppa , M . C , Birkenhead .
WEDNESDAY , MARCH 6 . Lodge 1013 , Royal Victoria , M . H ., Liverpool . „ 1335 , Lindsay , 20 , King-st ., Wigan . „ 1354 , Marquis of Lome , M . R ., Leigh . „ 1620 , Marlborough , Derby H ., Liverpool . Chap . 477 , Fidelity , M . R ., Birkenhead . Downshire L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . De Grey and Ripon L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Mark Lodge , West Lancashire , M . H ., Liverpool .
THURSDAY , MARCH 7 . Lodge 249 , Mariners , M . H , Liverpool . „ 147 .., Bootle , A . R ., Bootle . Chap . 75 8 , Biidgwater , M . H ., Runcorn . St . John ' s L . of I ., M . H ., Liverpool . Duke of Edinburgh L . of I ., M . H . Liverpool . FRIDAY , MARCH 8 . Loelge 1289 , Reck , Bedford House , Rock Ferry .
For Masonic Meetings throughout Scotland see Scottish Freemason , which can be obtained at the Office of this journal , 108 , Fleet-street , London .
Now Ready—Price 6 d ., Post Free , 7 d . THE MASONIC MAGAZINE FOR MARCH . CONTENTS : — Monthly Masonic Summary . An Hermetic Work . Papers on the Great Pyramid . The Adventures of Don Pasquale . Extracts from thc Minute Books of the Carmarthen Lod c . Thc Work of Nature in the Months . Amabel Vaughan . Alexander Puschkin . The Ori gin and References of the llermesian Spurious Freemasonry . On the Testing and Strength of Railway Materials . The True History of Freemasonry in Englanel . Lost anel Saveel ; or , Nellie Powers , the Missionary ' s Daughter . Notes on Literature , etc . Poetry : — What Matter ? Wounded . Freemasons' Wives . A Story of Chinese Love . LONDON : . 98 , FLEET-STREET .
SARSAPARILLA . WILKINSON'S ESSENCE , OR FLUID EXTRACT OF RED JAMAICA SARSAPARILLA , pre scribed by the Facultv for PURIYYIN-G THE BLOOD , DEBILITY , LIVEZ COMPLAINTS , and freeing the system from etTects ot Mercury . Extensively used in India anel the Colonies as a prevention to Tro . pical diseases . "' Superior preparations that may always be relied upon . "—Sii Ashley Cooper . '' We are in every respect satis 6 ed with it . " —Lancet . "We recommend yours as the best . " —Medical Review . In Quarter , Hall , and Pint Bottles . CAUTION . —Spurious and injurious preparations are oflercd to the public . See that Bottle and Label have the name and Ad-• itess , "T . Wilkinson , late Wilkinson , Bridge , and Co ., No . 270 , Regent-street , London . "
WHITMORE'S STOMACHIC DINNER FILLS . Pill is so efficacious in promoting digestion * strengthening the stomach , correcting acidity , preventing or removing Headache , Giddiness , & c , arising from a Costive Habit , Debilitated Stomach , » r Trpid Liver . Thcy require no chat-go of diet , and- ] those of the most delicate Onstitution can take them with safety . Taken as an adjunct with Wilkinson's Sarsaparilla with the greatest success .
QUINTESCENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER and CAMOMILE . WILKINSON'S Preparation of Ginger and Camomile has long b'en deservedly known as an excellent domestic medicine . It is a most efficient Stomachic Tonic , and the best remedy for Flatulency and disorders arising from impaired digestion , and is not atf-cled by climate . No European in India or tropical climates should be without it In one-cghth , quarter , and half pint bottles .
WHELPTON'S VEGETABLE PURIFYING PILLS A DIRECT PURIFIER OF THE SLOOD , by which MANY THOUSANDS OF CURES have been effected ; numbers of which cases had been pronounced INCURABLE DURING THE LAST FORTY YEARS thc numerous well-authenticated Testimonials in disorders of thc HEAD , CHEST BOWELS , LIVER , and KIDNEYS , also in RHEUMATISM , ULCERS , SORES , and ali SKIN DISEASES , arc sufficient to prove the great value of this most useful Family Medicine . _ , ^<*? g " pN ' " s . > EcdJT * - ** -- ^ AS ONE /^ p ^ ^ ' ' $ & . ^^ X THE I , ( ESTA ' s ^ iif ^ g ^ . , , 835 * J «) BEST \ S ^^^^^^^^ ^^ fy MEDICINES ^* 0 f ? 7 p > ^ ' ^* - >' . *» «* •* fi' * I " % _ . Jl \ r w— _ . W -. __ ^_ £ JJ = ^ ^ KNOWN . Many persons have found Ihese Pills cf great service both in prvecntingand relieving SEA-SICKNESS , and in warm climate's they are very bcncliclal in all Bilious Complaints . . Sold in Boxes , price 7 jd , is i } d , and asgtl , by G . WHELPTON _ SON , . 1 , Crane Court , Fleet-street , London , and by all Chemists ani Medicine Venelors at home and abroad . Sent free by post in the United Kingdom for 8 , 14 , or 33 Stamps .
FURNISH THROUGHOUT , OETZMANN & Co 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 77 & 79 , HAMPSTEAD ROAD , NEAR TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD , LONDON . ^^ Jj ^^^^^^ e ^^ is . ^ ' W ^ ggfeg ^ ^ T ^^^' ^^^» i _ n . ^ fl ^ l _> iBMl - ^ «! | i ^ r 1 Spil l Tlie Eugenie Easy Chair . These superior Carpets ol tmch Messrs . Oetzmann and . Co ., have the exclusive sale , are of first-class British Manu- JJ alnnt Cal-inel . Spring Scat , good Castors ajs od facture , have all the style and appearance of real Turkey Superior do ., stuffed all Carpets , at little more than the price of gooel Brussels , and .. « ,. __„„ , „ . ;„ „„ , i n ™ .. ! ,. " Hair jrsfid arc very durable . Price lists free on application . For thc InIa " * . " " 1 •? "' j " , '" l , ? v " ° '" , Thc Vienna , Gent ' s Easy convenience of those residing at a distance , a large piece T .. ' ' ... _¦ Chair , larger size , to showim ; the border and centre of carpet will be sent on re- - " " ! " ; V "' . -. t" , * " * 'l f \ match ... 3 Ssod ccipt of Js ., which will be deducted from price of carpet , or ^* ? A ? , * ,, ^ , * * i lh 3 doorS K * Superior do ., stuffed alt refunded upon return of pattern Hcarth-iugs to match , 6 ft . -fit vv un - uoor . s 04 s Hair 42 s od long hv 2 ft . Sin . wide , £ 1 Ss . 6 d . DESCRIPTIVE C TALOGUE , THE BEST FURNISHING GUIDE EXTANT , POST FREE . Lowest prices consistent witli guaranteed quality . Orelcrs per post receive prompt anel faithful attention
CRYSTAL GLASSCHANDELIERS . E Wall Light anel Lustres { or Gas ar . d Canelles . CHANDELIERS in Bronze anel Ormolu . DUPLEX LAMPS in Crystal and Coloured Glass , fitted with Patent Extinguisher . Minton and Worcester Porcelain anel Stone China . Table Glass of all kinds and Newest Designs . Ornamental Gliss , English and Foreign . Mesf , Expoit , and Furnishing Orelers promptly executed . Kerosene and Other Oils of the Finest Quality . ALL ARTICLES MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES . BIRMINGHAM—Manufactory and Show Rooms , Broad Street . LONDON—Show Rooms , 45 , Oxford Street , W .
'"THE LONDON AND GENERALWATER PURIFYING COMPANY ( LIMITED ) . PATENT CISTERN FILTERS CHARGED SOLELY WITH ANIMAL CHARCOAL , j , „ Requiring , when once 6 xed , no attention whatever . ¦ _« th _ Ci-t-rn ' Pilt-r . THE LATEST PATENTED FILTER IN GENERAL USE . jmeuuriri . ^ nd superior to all others , Vide Professor Frankland ' s Reports to the Registrar General , ] uly 1866 . Novcm ¦ * " - § SS § l * - ; 31 ' !_ ani Ma >'« l 8 - ' ° i " Lancet , " January u , 1867 , and Testimonials from Dr . Hassall , September -3 1 j ggg" ? Eg == i : _; a llil 1863 ; Dr . Letheby , February IJ , jSjj , and December , 1873 . i fffllsS ^ gK III Price £ 1 ios . and upwards . PORTABLE FILTERS on this System , £ 1 Js . to £ 3 . ¦ ® S & PWH SF iliili Patronized and used by Hcr Majesty the Qneen . at Osborne ; byH . R . H . the Prince ofWales , M . W . G . M ., j ; d-dd -S ' Vi 5 ) t [ B ) ; llll 1 Sandringham ; by H . R . H . thc Duko of Cambridge ; the elite of thc Medical Profession , and at the Londo 1 I § 1-3 " ^ feiBIIIK- illp St . George ' s , Fever , and German Hospitals , and various Lunatic Asylums , I 3 ~^ j ____ _ vffl > >^ Institutions , Breweries , & c . . POCKET FILTERS , 4 s . 6 d . and 6 s . each . HOUSEHOLD and FANCY FILTERS from us . fid . WATER TESTING APPARATUS FOB DETECTING THE IMPURITIES IN WATER , 10 s . 6 d . and 21 s . each . Danchcll ' a "Testing Apparatus for Discovering thc Presence of Impurities in Water , " is a most convenient and portable one—Vide Dyke on the Preliminary Duties of Health Officers . This is a very handy case for the Study Table or Carpet Bap :. It conlains the Chief Chemical Tests for Qoalilive Water Analysis , and will be lound of use by medical and other men who may have occasion to ascertain in a ready manner whether any of the more actua impurities are present or not in water . Vide the " Medical Record , " January 39 , 1873 . 157 , STRAND ( four doors from Somerset House ) , LONDON .
OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA Prevents Baldness and the Hair turning Grey , anel ferms the Basis of a Magnificent Head of Hair . Strengthens Weak Hair , and causes the BEARD , WHISKERS , AND MOSTACHIOS TO GROW FREELY . Sold everywhere , 3 s . Gel ., 6 s ., anel ns ., Wholesale and Retail . 22 , WELLINGTON-STREET , STRAND , LONDON , W . C . ESTAUUSIIED SIXTY YEAIIS .
ft LANTERN READINGS , 1877-78 . II I THE PATENT iM " simm LICHT 11 Attention is directeel to the many advantages offered for thc Season now com-Iffi «« ITCOIU mencing , and the large and varteel arrangements made . Among thc general suh-Jffl * __ wT ]•*<¦ ' !* of interest the RUSSO-TURKISH WAR takes prominent place . A y ^ ^^~^^( ( J ^ lf ^ sT-K ^_\ supplemental volume to No . 3 is issued at is . lldJWIfllmP LANTERN TRANSPARENCIES T __ 3 F / i . R __ Jd"S sL __ ** or " * a'e or ^' re ' ' ar e reduction in price . ' /______ _ VW LANTERNS AND APPARATUS ll " ¦ IK _ WS Yor the Oil or Lime Light on Hire or Sale . Full particulars from E . MARSHALL , Office ofthe " LANTERN READINGS , ' 7 , QUEEN VICTORIA STREET , LONDON , E . C .
ELECTRIC HOUSE BELLS . A COMPLETE SET , SUITABLE FOR FRONT DOOR , OFFICES OR STABLE , The Trade Supplied . ON RECEIPT OF 25 s Catalogues Three Stamps , FRANCIS AND COMPANY , EAGLE TELEGRAPH WORKS , LAW FORD ROAD , N . W . All Communications to be aeldressed to the Offices—52 and 8 ,-j , H < vTTON GARDEN , E . C .