Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Multum in Parbo, or Masonic Notes and Queries. Page 2 of 2 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1
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Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
upon the reputed connection with Robert the Bruce as pure imagination . X . Y . Z .
WILLIAM SCHAW AND THE MASONS . At page 325 we read : " There can be no doubt that the former words—Sacris ceremoniis prcepositus—relate to his holding the distinguished office of General Warden of the
Ceremonies of the Masonic Craft , an office analogous to that of Substitute Grand Master as now existing . " Now , that is a mistake , for where were these " ceremonies of the Masonic Craft" ?
The false notion implied in the above is based upon the idea that our degrees and ceremonies were in existence and practised by the Masons in Schaw ' s time ; but such was not the case , as they did not exist then . W . P . B .
The following extract will no doubt he interesting and instructive to your readers who are Royal Arch Masons , more
particularly those who take an interest in the lectures and explanations of that supreme degree , in which , as in the Craft , the number seven holds a prominent place . A . A . P .
THE NUMBER SEVEN . The number is composed of the first two perfect numbers , equal and unequal , three and four ; for the number two , consisting of repeated unity , which is no number , is not perfect ; it comprehends the primary numerical triangle or time , and square or
quartile conjunction , considered by the favourers of planetary influence as of the most benign aspect . In six days creation was completed , and the seventh was consecrated to rest . On the seventh day of the seventh month a holy observance was ordained to the children of Israel , who feasted seven days
and remained seven days in their tents . The seventh year was directed to be a Sabbath of rest for all things ; and at the end of seven times seven years commenced the grand jubilee . Every seventh year the land lay fallow ; every seventh year there was a general release from all debts , and
all bondmen were set free . From this law may have originated thc custom of our binding young men to seven years' apprenticeship , and punishing incorrigible offenders by transportation for seven , twice seven , and three times seven , years . Every seven years the law was to be read to the people .
Jacob served seven years for the possession of Rachael , and also other seven . Noah had seven days' warning of thc flood , and was commanded to take the fowls of the air in by seven and the clean beasts by seven . The ark touched the ground on thc seventh month , and in seven davs the dove was
sent out , and again in seven days after . The seven years of plenty and seven years of famine were foretold in Pharaoh's dream by seven fat and seven lean beast , and the seven full and seven blasted ears of corn . Nebuchadnezzar was seven years a beast , and thc fiery furnace was seven times hotter
to receive Shadrach , & c . A man defiled was , by the Mosaic law , unclean seven days ; the young of both animals was to remain with thc dam seven days , and at the end of thc seventh was to be taken away . By the old law , man was commanded to forgive his offending brother seven times ; but thc
meekness of thc revealed law extended his humility to seventy- times seven . In the destruction of Jericho , seven priest bore seven trumpets seven days ; on the seventh they surrounded the wall seven times ; after the seventh , the walls fell . Balaam prepared seven years for a sacrifice ; and
seven of Saul ' s sons were hanged to stay a famine . Laban pursued Jacob seven days' journey ; J ob ' s friends sat seven days and seven nights , and offered seven bullocks and seven rams as an atonement for their wickedness . In the seventh year of his reign , King Ahasucrus feasted seven davs , and on the
seventh , deputed his seven chamberlains , to find a queen , who was allowed seven maidens to attend her . Miriam was cleansed of her leprosy by being shut up seven days . Solomon was seven years in building the Temple , at the dedication of which he feasted seven days . In the Temple were seven
lamps : seven days were appointed for an atonement upon the altar , and the priest ' s son was ordained to wear his father ' s garments seven days . Thc children of Israel eat unleavened bread seven days . Abraham gave seven cwc-Iambs to Abirnelcch as a memorial for a well . Joseph niotimc-d seven days for Jacob . Naainan was cleansed of his
leprosy by bathing seven times in Jordan . The Rabbins say that God employed the power of this number to perfect the greatness of Samuel , his name answering the value ofthe letters in the Ik-brew word , which signifies seven ; whence Hannah , his mother , in her thanksgiving , says , the barren hath brought forth seven . In Scripture are enumerated seven resurrections : the widow ' s son , by Elias
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
the Shunamite ' s son , by Elisha ; the soldier who touched the bonds of the prophet ; the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue ; the widow ' s son of Nain ; Lazarus , and our Lord . Tbe Apostles chose seven deacons . Enoch , who was translated , was the seventh from Adam : and Jesus Christ was
the the seventy-seventh in a direct line . Our Lord spoke seven times on the cross—on which he was seven hours ; He appeared seven times , and after seven times seven days sent the Holy Ghost . In the Lord's Prayer are seven petitions , contained in seven times seven words , omitting those of mere
grammatical connection . Withm this number are concealed all the mysteries of apocalypse revealed to the seven churches of Asia . There appeared seven golden candlesticks and seven stars in the hand of Him that was in the midst ; se ' ven lambs before the seven spirits of God ; the book with
seven seals ; the lamb with seven horns and seven eyes ; seven angels with seven trumpets ; seven kings ; seven thunders ; seven thousand men slain . The dragon with seven heads and seven crowns ; and the beast with seven heads . Seven angels bearing seven plagues and seven vials of wrath .
The vision of Daniel was seventy weeks , and the elders of Israel were seventy . There were also seven heavens , seven planets (?) , seven stars , seven wise men , seven regular ! -ymade Masons , the W . M ., the two Wardens , two F . C . ' s , and two E . A . ' s ; seven champions of Christendom , seven notes in . music ,
seven primary colours , seven deadly sins , and seven sacraments in tlie Catholic Church . The seventh son was considered as endowed with pre-eminent wisdom , and the seventh son of a seventh son is still thought to possess the power of healing diseases spontaneously . Perfection likened to gold seven
times purified in the tire ; and we yet say you frightened me out of my seven senses . The opposite sides of a dice make seven , whence the players at hazard make seven the main . Hippocrates says the septenary number , by its occult virtues , tends to the accomplishment of all things—to be the
dispenser of life and fountain of all its changes ; and , like Shakespeare , he divided the life of man into seven ages ; for as the moon changes her phases every seven days , this number influences all sublunary beings . Thc teeth spring out in the seventh month , and are shed and renewed in the seventh
year , when infancy is changed into childhood . At twice seven years puberty begins ; nt three limes seven the faculties are developed and manhood commences , and we become legally competent to all civil acts . At four times seven man is in full possession of all his strength . At five times seven he is fit for the business of the world . At six times
seven he becomes grave or wise—or never . At seven limes seven he is in his apogee , and from that time decays . At eight times seven he is in his first climacierick . At nine times seven , or sixtythree , he is in his last or grand climacterick , or year of danger ; and ten times seven , or threescore and ten , has , by the royal prophet , been pronounced the natural period of human life .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
—*—The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents .
MORE ( To tlie Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR ANII BROTHER , —Kindly favour me with permission to ask Bro . J . Norton to oblige by stating what grounds he finds for believing that the lines ( quoted in his letter to you dated ist May ) , commencing
ror seven of England s royal kings , were composed by A . Mumiy . Thc verses in question are a portion of one of the ballads contained in " A Crownc-Garland of Goulden Roses , " und are usually attributed to Richard Johnson ; Mr . \ V . Chappell , who edited thc "Crown-Garland" for the Percy Society ,
supports this view . ( Sec Percy Society Early English Poetry , Ballads , & . C ., vol . ii ., Introduction , page 5 . ) Evidence for or against Johnson ' s to be regarded as author of any portion of thc " Crown-Garland " will much interest those of your readers who care for this class of questions . Yours fraternally , JAMES II . H . HOWARD . Northlcach , Gloucestershire , Mav 31 , 1871 .
QUALIFICATION FOR THE MARK CHAIR , To the Editor of Ihe Freemason . DEAR SIR AND BKOTIII- , —I am very much irratilied to find that my esteemed Brother \ V . J . Hnghan is disposed to give way , and " will join the
present members in their attempts to procure its [ the present law's ] repeal . . . if it can be shown that the present law injuriously affects any lodge " I venture , with great diffidence , to submit that the concluding paragraph of my letter which you have
Original Correspondence.
been so good as to publish in to-day ' s FREEMASON , does show that the simple fact of the G . M . M . having the power to either grant or refuse a dispensation at his option , an injurious effect may at any time be brought to bear upon the votes of any Mark Lodge who select a Brother for the Mark W . M . chair not
being a W . M . of a Craft lodge . In tlie second paragraph of my letter the words " absolute necessity" occur ; I intended to have written " absolute certainty ?
I hope now we shall have our worthy Brother W . J . Hughan enrolling his honoured name amongst the converts to the opinions held by many Mark Masters , as indicated in the letters of Yours fraternally ,
A CRAFT AND MARK P . M . London , 27 th May , 1871 . "FREEMASONRY AND ISRAELITISM . "
( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The above subject , which has been touched upon by our esteemed Bro . Carpenter at page 323 , is one which has also crossed my own mind occasionally , especially lately . I do not consider that , whatever the solution may be ,
there is anything mysterious in it . Possibly , Drs . Desaguliers and Anderson held views in regard to Christ ' s teaching which were much in advance of theirage , beingpossibly similar to those now held by " Rationalists " or Unitarians . Hence , if they were really Antitrinitarians , and looked upon Christ
merely as a great man who gave out noble and humanizing ideas , there was nothing more natural than that while acknowledging God as T . G . A . O . T . U ., they should fall back upon the Bible , or Old Testament , as a foundation of their system . Seeing also that by so d-ing they got their monotheistic or
Masonic ideas engrafted upon a foundation which was respected both by Jew and Christian alike . Since God has bestowed upon man the gift of reason , He surely expects that man will do so . In fact , it is man ' s duty so to do . However , had Desaguliers and Anderson , in 1717 , spoken out in
the same manner as the Rationalists of 1871 , they might have fared rather differently ; instead , they promulgated their universality ideas , with God as T . G . A . O . T . U ., which was only Christ ' s grand idea of thc Fatherhood of God in another form . It is when we come to look upon God as T . G . A . O . T . U .,
or as " Our Father , " that we are able to cast aside the petty , and I trust temporary , animosities which differences in creed , language , or nationalities set up between man and man . The foregoing is part of my own ideas on the
matter , only as yet I have not had time to think it out properly , but perhaps Brother Carpenter may favour us with something further regarding it . I am , vours fraternally , W . P . B .
Royal Arch.
Iris Chaffer , No . 255 . —A meeting of this distinguished chapter was held at tlie Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Tuesday , the 30 th ultimo , when the chair of M . E . Z . was occupied hy Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z . 177 and 975 , by special request , in consequence of the absence of E . Comp . Lord Tenterden , P . Z ., from England , and the inability ofthe M . E . Z ., Comp . Victor Buckley , to attend
in time for the work . Comp . Lieut .-Colonel A . Macdonald filled the chair of II ., Lieut .-Colonel F . Burdett that of J ., and Comp . R . II . Thrupp performed the duties of P . S . most efficiently . The chapter having been duly opened , the minutes were read and confirmed , and Bro . Kirke , of the Lodgo of Harmony , No . 255 , being in attendance , was duly prepared , introduced , and exalted
to the degree of a Royal Arch Mason . Thc chapter was then closed , and the companions sat down to a banquet comprising all the delicacies of thc season . Comp . E . R . Hills , V . ' L , presiding , until the arrival of Comp . Iittckley , M . E . Z ., later in thc evening . A most agreeable evening was spent , and the customary toast , " May harmony ever be the characteristic of our chapter , " was duly honoured .
The M . E . Z ., Comp . Buckley , in proposing " The healths of ihe Past Principals , " coupled with it the name of Comp . Little , who had performed so well thc ceremony of exalting the candidate . The toast was received with loud applause , and Comp . Little briefly returned thanks , and expressed his readiness to assist at all times in thc work of Freemasonry when called upon by the brethren or
companions . Comp ; H . I . Cole , P . Z ., proposed " The Iieallh of the M . E . Z ., " and took occasion to extol the perfect working of Comp . Little , as witnessed that evening . The to . ist was received enthusiastically , anti Comp . Buckley responded in a very genial and felicitous manner . The Presiding Officer then proposed the S . E ., Comp . W . Owen , the P . S ., Comp . R . A . Thrupp , and other ofiicers ,
aud complimented them highly upon the manner iu which they performed their duties . Comps . Owen nnd Thrupp expressed tlieir sense of the good opinion enunciated by the M . K . Z ., and the latter made an earnest appeal to the compani .-ns so study the ritual , the ceremonies , and ihe
teachings of !• reemasonry , which would tend to instruct and ennoble their minds . The Janitor ' s toast was then [• ivon , after which coffae was served , and the companions separated . Ainmn ; other companions present were : Comps . Clark ( P . Z ) , Maj . ir-Gcncral A . Fleinyng Capt . Wyndowe , F . Morgan , j . Bun-owes , and Rev . W , Parramore .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
upon the reputed connection with Robert the Bruce as pure imagination . X . Y . Z .
WILLIAM SCHAW AND THE MASONS . At page 325 we read : " There can be no doubt that the former words—Sacris ceremoniis prcepositus—relate to his holding the distinguished office of General Warden of the
Ceremonies of the Masonic Craft , an office analogous to that of Substitute Grand Master as now existing . " Now , that is a mistake , for where were these " ceremonies of the Masonic Craft" ?
The false notion implied in the above is based upon the idea that our degrees and ceremonies were in existence and practised by the Masons in Schaw ' s time ; but such was not the case , as they did not exist then . W . P . B .
The following extract will no doubt he interesting and instructive to your readers who are Royal Arch Masons , more
particularly those who take an interest in the lectures and explanations of that supreme degree , in which , as in the Craft , the number seven holds a prominent place . A . A . P .
THE NUMBER SEVEN . The number is composed of the first two perfect numbers , equal and unequal , three and four ; for the number two , consisting of repeated unity , which is no number , is not perfect ; it comprehends the primary numerical triangle or time , and square or
quartile conjunction , considered by the favourers of planetary influence as of the most benign aspect . In six days creation was completed , and the seventh was consecrated to rest . On the seventh day of the seventh month a holy observance was ordained to the children of Israel , who feasted seven days
and remained seven days in their tents . The seventh year was directed to be a Sabbath of rest for all things ; and at the end of seven times seven years commenced the grand jubilee . Every seventh year the land lay fallow ; every seventh year there was a general release from all debts , and
all bondmen were set free . From this law may have originated thc custom of our binding young men to seven years' apprenticeship , and punishing incorrigible offenders by transportation for seven , twice seven , and three times seven , years . Every seven years the law was to be read to the people .
Jacob served seven years for the possession of Rachael , and also other seven . Noah had seven days' warning of thc flood , and was commanded to take the fowls of the air in by seven and the clean beasts by seven . The ark touched the ground on thc seventh month , and in seven davs the dove was
sent out , and again in seven days after . The seven years of plenty and seven years of famine were foretold in Pharaoh's dream by seven fat and seven lean beast , and the seven full and seven blasted ears of corn . Nebuchadnezzar was seven years a beast , and thc fiery furnace was seven times hotter
to receive Shadrach , & c . A man defiled was , by the Mosaic law , unclean seven days ; the young of both animals was to remain with thc dam seven days , and at the end of thc seventh was to be taken away . By the old law , man was commanded to forgive his offending brother seven times ; but thc
meekness of thc revealed law extended his humility to seventy- times seven . In the destruction of Jericho , seven priest bore seven trumpets seven days ; on the seventh they surrounded the wall seven times ; after the seventh , the walls fell . Balaam prepared seven years for a sacrifice ; and
seven of Saul ' s sons were hanged to stay a famine . Laban pursued Jacob seven days' journey ; J ob ' s friends sat seven days and seven nights , and offered seven bullocks and seven rams as an atonement for their wickedness . In the seventh year of his reign , King Ahasucrus feasted seven davs , and on the
seventh , deputed his seven chamberlains , to find a queen , who was allowed seven maidens to attend her . Miriam was cleansed of her leprosy by being shut up seven days . Solomon was seven years in building the Temple , at the dedication of which he feasted seven days . In the Temple were seven
lamps : seven days were appointed for an atonement upon the altar , and the priest ' s son was ordained to wear his father ' s garments seven days . Thc children of Israel eat unleavened bread seven days . Abraham gave seven cwc-Iambs to Abirnelcch as a memorial for a well . Joseph niotimc-d seven days for Jacob . Naainan was cleansed of his
leprosy by bathing seven times in Jordan . The Rabbins say that God employed the power of this number to perfect the greatness of Samuel , his name answering the value ofthe letters in the Ik-brew word , which signifies seven ; whence Hannah , his mother , in her thanksgiving , says , the barren hath brought forth seven . In Scripture are enumerated seven resurrections : the widow ' s son , by Elias
Multum In Parbo, Or Masonic Notes And Queries.
the Shunamite ' s son , by Elisha ; the soldier who touched the bonds of the prophet ; the daughter of the ruler of the synagogue ; the widow ' s son of Nain ; Lazarus , and our Lord . Tbe Apostles chose seven deacons . Enoch , who was translated , was the seventh from Adam : and Jesus Christ was
the the seventy-seventh in a direct line . Our Lord spoke seven times on the cross—on which he was seven hours ; He appeared seven times , and after seven times seven days sent the Holy Ghost . In the Lord's Prayer are seven petitions , contained in seven times seven words , omitting those of mere
grammatical connection . Withm this number are concealed all the mysteries of apocalypse revealed to the seven churches of Asia . There appeared seven golden candlesticks and seven stars in the hand of Him that was in the midst ; se ' ven lambs before the seven spirits of God ; the book with
seven seals ; the lamb with seven horns and seven eyes ; seven angels with seven trumpets ; seven kings ; seven thunders ; seven thousand men slain . The dragon with seven heads and seven crowns ; and the beast with seven heads . Seven angels bearing seven plagues and seven vials of wrath .
The vision of Daniel was seventy weeks , and the elders of Israel were seventy . There were also seven heavens , seven planets (?) , seven stars , seven wise men , seven regular ! -ymade Masons , the W . M ., the two Wardens , two F . C . ' s , and two E . A . ' s ; seven champions of Christendom , seven notes in . music ,
seven primary colours , seven deadly sins , and seven sacraments in tlie Catholic Church . The seventh son was considered as endowed with pre-eminent wisdom , and the seventh son of a seventh son is still thought to possess the power of healing diseases spontaneously . Perfection likened to gold seven
times purified in the tire ; and we yet say you frightened me out of my seven senses . The opposite sides of a dice make seven , whence the players at hazard make seven the main . Hippocrates says the septenary number , by its occult virtues , tends to the accomplishment of all things—to be the
dispenser of life and fountain of all its changes ; and , like Shakespeare , he divided the life of man into seven ages ; for as the moon changes her phases every seven days , this number influences all sublunary beings . Thc teeth spring out in the seventh month , and are shed and renewed in the seventh
year , when infancy is changed into childhood . At twice seven years puberty begins ; nt three limes seven the faculties are developed and manhood commences , and we become legally competent to all civil acts . At four times seven man is in full possession of all his strength . At five times seven he is fit for the business of the world . At six times
seven he becomes grave or wise—or never . At seven limes seven he is in his apogee , and from that time decays . At eight times seven he is in his first climacierick . At nine times seven , or sixtythree , he is in his last or grand climacterick , or year of danger ; and ten times seven , or threescore and ten , has , by the royal prophet , been pronounced the natural period of human life .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
—*—The Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed hy Correspondents .
MORE ( To tlie Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR ANII BROTHER , —Kindly favour me with permission to ask Bro . J . Norton to oblige by stating what grounds he finds for believing that the lines ( quoted in his letter to you dated ist May ) , commencing
ror seven of England s royal kings , were composed by A . Mumiy . Thc verses in question are a portion of one of the ballads contained in " A Crownc-Garland of Goulden Roses , " und are usually attributed to Richard Johnson ; Mr . \ V . Chappell , who edited thc "Crown-Garland" for the Percy Society ,
supports this view . ( Sec Percy Society Early English Poetry , Ballads , & . C ., vol . ii ., Introduction , page 5 . ) Evidence for or against Johnson ' s to be regarded as author of any portion of thc " Crown-Garland " will much interest those of your readers who care for this class of questions . Yours fraternally , JAMES II . H . HOWARD . Northlcach , Gloucestershire , Mav 31 , 1871 .
QUALIFICATION FOR THE MARK CHAIR , To the Editor of Ihe Freemason . DEAR SIR AND BKOTIII- , —I am very much irratilied to find that my esteemed Brother \ V . J . Hnghan is disposed to give way , and " will join the
present members in their attempts to procure its [ the present law's ] repeal . . . if it can be shown that the present law injuriously affects any lodge " I venture , with great diffidence , to submit that the concluding paragraph of my letter which you have
Original Correspondence.
been so good as to publish in to-day ' s FREEMASON , does show that the simple fact of the G . M . M . having the power to either grant or refuse a dispensation at his option , an injurious effect may at any time be brought to bear upon the votes of any Mark Lodge who select a Brother for the Mark W . M . chair not
being a W . M . of a Craft lodge . In tlie second paragraph of my letter the words " absolute necessity" occur ; I intended to have written " absolute certainty ?
I hope now we shall have our worthy Brother W . J . Hughan enrolling his honoured name amongst the converts to the opinions held by many Mark Masters , as indicated in the letters of Yours fraternally ,
A CRAFT AND MARK P . M . London , 27 th May , 1871 . "FREEMASONRY AND ISRAELITISM . "
( To the Editor of The Freemason . ) DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —The above subject , which has been touched upon by our esteemed Bro . Carpenter at page 323 , is one which has also crossed my own mind occasionally , especially lately . I do not consider that , whatever the solution may be ,
there is anything mysterious in it . Possibly , Drs . Desaguliers and Anderson held views in regard to Christ ' s teaching which were much in advance of theirage , beingpossibly similar to those now held by " Rationalists " or Unitarians . Hence , if they were really Antitrinitarians , and looked upon Christ
merely as a great man who gave out noble and humanizing ideas , there was nothing more natural than that while acknowledging God as T . G . A . O . T . U ., they should fall back upon the Bible , or Old Testament , as a foundation of their system . Seeing also that by so d-ing they got their monotheistic or
Masonic ideas engrafted upon a foundation which was respected both by Jew and Christian alike . Since God has bestowed upon man the gift of reason , He surely expects that man will do so . In fact , it is man ' s duty so to do . However , had Desaguliers and Anderson , in 1717 , spoken out in
the same manner as the Rationalists of 1871 , they might have fared rather differently ; instead , they promulgated their universality ideas , with God as T . G . A . O . T . U ., which was only Christ ' s grand idea of thc Fatherhood of God in another form . It is when we come to look upon God as T . G . A . O . T . U .,
or as " Our Father , " that we are able to cast aside the petty , and I trust temporary , animosities which differences in creed , language , or nationalities set up between man and man . The foregoing is part of my own ideas on the
matter , only as yet I have not had time to think it out properly , but perhaps Brother Carpenter may favour us with something further regarding it . I am , vours fraternally , W . P . B .
Royal Arch.
Iris Chaffer , No . 255 . —A meeting of this distinguished chapter was held at tlie Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Tuesday , the 30 th ultimo , when the chair of M . E . Z . was occupied hy Comp . R . Wentworth Little , P . Z . 177 and 975 , by special request , in consequence of the absence of E . Comp . Lord Tenterden , P . Z ., from England , and the inability ofthe M . E . Z ., Comp . Victor Buckley , to attend
in time for the work . Comp . Lieut .-Colonel A . Macdonald filled the chair of II ., Lieut .-Colonel F . Burdett that of J ., and Comp . R . II . Thrupp performed the duties of P . S . most efficiently . The chapter having been duly opened , the minutes were read and confirmed , and Bro . Kirke , of the Lodgo of Harmony , No . 255 , being in attendance , was duly prepared , introduced , and exalted
to the degree of a Royal Arch Mason . Thc chapter was then closed , and the companions sat down to a banquet comprising all the delicacies of thc season . Comp . E . R . Hills , V . ' L , presiding , until the arrival of Comp . Iittckley , M . E . Z ., later in thc evening . A most agreeable evening was spent , and the customary toast , " May harmony ever be the characteristic of our chapter , " was duly honoured .
The M . E . Z ., Comp . Buckley , in proposing " The healths of ihe Past Principals , " coupled with it the name of Comp . Little , who had performed so well thc ceremony of exalting the candidate . The toast was received with loud applause , and Comp . Little briefly returned thanks , and expressed his readiness to assist at all times in thc work of Freemasonry when called upon by the brethren or
companions . Comp ; H . I . Cole , P . Z ., proposed " The Iieallh of the M . E . Z ., " and took occasion to extol the perfect working of Comp . Little , as witnessed that evening . The to . ist was received enthusiastically , anti Comp . Buckley responded in a very genial and felicitous manner . The Presiding Officer then proposed the S . E ., Comp . W . Owen , the P . S ., Comp . R . A . Thrupp , and other ofiicers ,
aud complimented them highly upon the manner iu which they performed their duties . Comps . Owen nnd Thrupp expressed tlieir sense of the good opinion enunciated by the M . K . Z ., and the latter made an earnest appeal to the compani .-ns so study the ritual , the ceremonies , and ihe
teachings of !• reemasonry , which would tend to instruct and ennoble their minds . The Janitor ' s toast was then [• ivon , after which coffae was served , and the companions separated . Ainmn ; other companions present were : Comps . Clark ( P . Z ) , Maj . ir-Gcncral A . Fleinyng Capt . Wyndowe , F . Morgan , j . Bun-owes , and Rev . W , Parramore .