Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
aside the expressed and recorded views of previous authority , he ( the District Grand Master ) confirmed the ruling ofthe Master , ' and he had been duly installed for the second time . Having , however , some doubts about the matter , he had represented the whole case in a
letter to the Grand Secretary for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the M . W . the Grand Master . In that letter several important points were noted , and as soon as an answer was received it should be laid before the District Grand Lodge . In addition to the letter alluded
to , he had forwarded to Grand Lodge a formal appeal against his ( the District Grand Master ' s ) decision , from one ofthe brethren who questioned the legality ofthe order on which the case was decided . It was brought to notice thata Pole , named Monse , who had obtained possession of a Master Mason's certificate , belonging to a brother named
Bernard Schunk , had left Egypt for India lately . He was a man about 45 years old , ofthe middle size , dark complexion , rather quick in his manners , and had adopted the Jewish religion , or pretended to be a Jew . Masters of lodges were enjoined to take warning by this information . The business having terminated at about eight o ' clock , the District Grand Lodge was closed in
peace . After the District Grand Lodge was closed a procession of the District Grand Master and Provincial Grand Master of Western India and their Grand Officers was formed , and they retired between two columns , the brethren forming a wall on each side .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
On Tuesday last week , Bro . H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., of Derbyshire , summoned a Provincial Grand Lodge to be held at the Assembly Room , Market Hall , Ashbourn , thc arrangements being under the excellent management of the W . M ., officers , and brethren ofthe St . Oswald
Lodge . This is the first time that a Provincial Grand Lodge has been held at Ashbourn , and it is most gratifying to state that the number of brethren who obeyed the summons of the D . P . G . M . was equal to those in the habit of
attending the Provincial Grand Lodge at Derby . The attendance of brethren from Derby , Buxton , Ripley , Sec , was very good . At two o ' clock in the afternoon , after the St . Oswald Craft Lodge had been opened by Bro .
J . Bntton , W . M ., and his officers , a procession was formed of Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers , and the D . P . G . M . was escorted into the lodge room . Bro . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge in due
form , prayers being offered up by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . John Smith , P . P . G . S . D ., read the report of the
Masonic HaU Committee , and moved its confirmation , which was seconded by Bro . T . Cox , P . G . T ., and , after an interesting discussion , was carried . The site of the Derby Masonic Hall will be on the left-hand side going up
Green-lane , at the corner of Gower-street , and opposite to the Scotch Presbyterian Church . The cost of the building will be a little over •¦ £ 2 , 000 , a goodly proportion of the money towards its erection having been already raised ,
Bro . } . Smith , chairman of the committee , giving 50 guineas . The designs have been furnished by Bro . Sheffield , architect , Derby , and have been approved . It is intended to proceed with the erection of the hall as soon as possible . Bro .
Varley , P . M ., read the report of the Charity Committee , which was received and adopted . The Provincial Grand Secieury ( Bro . Naylor ) , read a communication from Wirksworth , inviting
Bro . Okeover to lay the foundation-stone of a new Town Hall , with Masonic honours , on or about the 14 th September . Bro . Okeover replied that _ it would give him great p ' easure to comply with the request , the arrangements being
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
left to the Provincial Grand Officers ; The Provincial Grand Chaplain and others made earnest appeals to the brethren to give all the support they could to the Masonic charities , more especially to the Boys' School at Wood Green , and before the Provincial Grand Lodge closed ,
Bro . Holland , P . P . G . S . W , expressed the great satisfaction the visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge had given the members of the St . Oswald Lodge , Ashbourn . He also thanked tho D . P . G . M . for complying with their request to hold it in that town .
After the lodge had been closed in foim , the brethren adjourned to the Green Man Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet awaited them . The members of the St . Oswald Lodge had specially decorated the large dining-room for the
occasion . The walls were draped with crimson cloth , artistically relieved with wreaths of evergreens , and hot-house p ' ants were placed upon the tables , whilst to give effect to the whole daylight was excluded , and in addition to the gas ,
wax lights were suspended round the room . But one opinion was expressed as to the general arrangements , which must have entailed a great amount of labour upon the stewards . Mrs . Wallis provided a repast which called forth the
encomiums of all present . Bro . H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., presided , and was supported by the Provincial Grand Chaplain and other officers . Bro . H . Hillam , P . G . S . W ., was in the vice-chair . About seventy brethren sat down . The usual Masonic toasts
were given . Bro . Hillam proposed " The Health of the D . G . M ., " a brother whom the members of the Craft highly esteemed , and than . whom a better Freemason was not to be found in the province
of Derbyshire —( hear , hear)—or one to whom the Craft more looked up for guidance and support . Bro . Okeover had instigated the holding of moveable Grand Lodges , and had given them the opportunity of coming to
Ashbourn . ( Hear , hear . ) It was the first time they had met at Ashbourn , but he hoped it would not be the last , for the gathering was a most successful one and the arrangements complete . ( Hear , hear . ) The holding of Provincial Grand Lodges
at different towns in the province would be the means of cementing the union between the brethren more closely . ( Hear , hear . ) After alluding to what had been done in the lodge in reference to the erection of a Masonic Hall at
Derby , which , he remarked , the Derby brethren had been struggling to get for seventeen years past , he concluded by proposing the toast , which was drunk with all the honours .
Bro . Okeover , who was received with considerable applause , said he thanked them most sincerely for the handsome and kind manner in which they had received him—indeed , they had on all occasions shown him the greatest
consideration . It always gave him the greatest pleasure to meet them , whether at labour or refreshment It was with peculiar satisfaction that he complied with the request of Bro . J . Britton , WM . of the St . Oswald Lodge , to
summon a Provincial Grand Lodge here . He ( Bro . Okeover ) was glad to summon them to Ashbourn . St . Oswald was his mother lodge , he was born and lived in the neighbourhood , and he felt that anything he could do for the
furtherance of the noble art of Masonry , he should only be too glad . ( Hear , hear . ) Ashbourn was a beautifully-situated town , second to none in the county , and at this time of the year could not be excelled for its floral beauties and
charming scenery , and therefore it was a treat for them to have the opportunity of coming to a place surrounded by so many objectsof interest , amongst which was the fine old parish church . ( Hear , hear . ) The meeting that day had been a
great success , and some most interesting subjects had been discussed , including the proposed erection of a Masonic Hall for Derby . The last time the Provincial G-and Lodge assembled at Derby there was a dreadful war raging on the
Continent . It was then nation against nation . It was now more horrible—brother against brother . ( Hear , hear . ) It must be gratifying to those present to note that the Freemasons of Paris had put their shoulders to the wheel to
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
endeavour to put an end to this state of things , and it was to be hoped that their efforts might be successful . ( Hear . ) Bro . Okeover concluded by remarking that he had only one wish , one
object in view , namely , that the Craft should flourish in the province of Derbyshire . Bro . J . Britton gave " Brother Colville , P . D . P . G . M . of Derbyshire , and the Wardens and other officers of the P . G . L ., " to which
Bro . Hillam responded . Bro . Varley gave " The Past Grand Officers of Derbyshire , " which was responded to by Bro . ] . Crossley . Bro . Okeover gave " The Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bro . Sir
J . Alleyne , Bart . Bro . J . Smith , gave " The W . M ., Wardens , and Brethren of the St . Oswald Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Britain , W . M . Bro . 'Whitcombe gave " The other lodges in the province , " which was responded to
by Bro . J . C . Gribble , W . M . ofthe Arboretum Lodge , Derby " The Masonic Charities " was proposed by Bro . Shipton , and replied to by Bro . G . T . Wright . The Tyler ' s , toast , "To all poor
and distressed Masons , "' & c , brought the very agreeable proceedings to a close , the brethren leaving Ashbourn with the most favourable impressions of their first— but is to be hoped not last—visit to that town . The Midland
Company attached one of their saloon carriages to the North Staffordshire train for the conveyance of the brethren from Derby . Amongst the brethren present were : H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., as P . G . M . ; Henry Hillam ,
P . S . G . W . ; Reginald Darwin , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , P . G . Chap . ; Thomas Cox , P . G . Treas . ; William Naylor , P . G . Sec . ; Saml . Rowbottom , P . G . Supt . of Wks . ; John Vertezous , P . A . G . Dir . of Cer . ; W . H . Burton , P . G .
Purs . ; L . L . Simpson , P . G . Steward ; W . E . Holland , P . P . S . G . W . ; Thomas Horsley , P . P . S . G . W . ; James Crossley , P . P . S . G . W . ; Hy . Carson , P . P . J . G . W . ; F . Campion , P . P . G . Purs . ; Frank Iliffe , P . P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; John Smith ,
P . P . G S . D . ; Thomas Shipton , P . P . G . Reg . ; Frederick Britton , P . P . J . G . W . ; James Britton , W . M . 850 ; J . C . Gribble , W . M . 731 ; Samuel Taylor , W . M . 6 54 ; J . Armstrong , W . M . 456 ; George Cooper , P . P . G . Purs . ; G . T . Wright ,
P . M . 731 ; John Thorpe , P . M . 654 , Staffordshire ; S . W . Ready , P . M . 654 ; L . B . Twells , P . M . S 50 ; John Varley , P . M . 506 ; Henry Cupit , 1028 ; Sir J . G N . Alleyne , 1324 ; J . Allen , 1324 ; Fitzherbert Wright , 1324 ; W .
Jessop , 1324 ; George Staley , 1324 ; L . Darwin , 1235 ; Turner , 1235 ; Kinder , 884 ; C . Parkin , S 84 ; T . A . Jackson , 353 ; William Lennox , 8 S 4 ; J . Strong , 8 S 4 ; Henry Burn , 731 ; H . J . Foulds , 253 ; John Ridley , S 50 ; J . S . Whitham , S 50 ; John Hewett , 850 ; W . C . Whitham , 850 ;
G . H . Sheffield , 731 ; William Footman , 353 ; J . L . Gibbons , 353 ; T . Coulthurst , 731 ; Hazlehurst , W . M . Scarsdale Lodge ; Dusautoy , 731 ; Huggett , 731 ; Ward , 253 ; Lister , P . M . 850 ; Bradley , 850 ; and others , including several members of No . 1235 , who did not sign the Tyler ' s book . Bro . T . Cox acted as D . P . G . M .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
On Friday se ' nnight thc Freemasons of Berks , and Bucks ., to thc number of about seventy , asscm . bled at Aylesbury for the purpose of holding their annual Provincial Grand Lodge , at which the presentation of reports from the different lodges in the province , the appointment of officers for the
ensuing year , and other business , usually takes place . The brethren from Berkshire arrived at Aylesbury by special train , kindly granted by the Directors of thc Great Western Railway Company , and at one o ' clock the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form at the Assembly Koom , under
the presidency of thc Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart , M . P ., who was supported by Bros . Sir . j . Warren Hayes , Bart ., Deputy P . G . Master ; R . T . Spiers , Deputy Prov . G . Master for Oxfordshire ; the Rev . T . Barton , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; thc Rev . T . O . Grace , & c
There were also present the following brethren , most of whom hold high position in the province or in their respective lodges : W . Higgs , I ' rov . Grand Seciet . iry ; HolJen , I ' rov . Grand Treasurer ; W . W . Hodges , W . H . Cave , J . W . Hounslow , H . D'Almaiue , W . Hedges , A . H . Simpson , \ V . C . Bland , G . Chancellor , J . Ellis , R . C . Hurley , R . Bradley ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
District Grand Lodge Of Bombay.
aside the expressed and recorded views of previous authority , he ( the District Grand Master ) confirmed the ruling ofthe Master , ' and he had been duly installed for the second time . Having , however , some doubts about the matter , he had represented the whole case in a
letter to the Grand Secretary for the purpose of ascertaining the views of the M . W . the Grand Master . In that letter several important points were noted , and as soon as an answer was received it should be laid before the District Grand Lodge . In addition to the letter alluded
to , he had forwarded to Grand Lodge a formal appeal against his ( the District Grand Master ' s ) decision , from one ofthe brethren who questioned the legality ofthe order on which the case was decided . It was brought to notice thata Pole , named Monse , who had obtained possession of a Master Mason's certificate , belonging to a brother named
Bernard Schunk , had left Egypt for India lately . He was a man about 45 years old , ofthe middle size , dark complexion , rather quick in his manners , and had adopted the Jewish religion , or pretended to be a Jew . Masters of lodges were enjoined to take warning by this information . The business having terminated at about eight o ' clock , the District Grand Lodge was closed in
peace . After the District Grand Lodge was closed a procession of the District Grand Master and Provincial Grand Master of Western India and their Grand Officers was formed , and they retired between two columns , the brethren forming a wall on each side .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
On Tuesday last week , Bro . H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., of Derbyshire , summoned a Provincial Grand Lodge to be held at the Assembly Room , Market Hall , Ashbourn , thc arrangements being under the excellent management of the W . M ., officers , and brethren ofthe St . Oswald
Lodge . This is the first time that a Provincial Grand Lodge has been held at Ashbourn , and it is most gratifying to state that the number of brethren who obeyed the summons of the D . P . G . M . was equal to those in the habit of
attending the Provincial Grand Lodge at Derby . The attendance of brethren from Derby , Buxton , Ripley , Sec , was very good . At two o ' clock in the afternoon , after the St . Oswald Craft Lodge had been opened by Bro .
J . Bntton , W . M ., and his officers , a procession was formed of Past and Present Provincial Grand Officers , and the D . P . G . M . was escorted into the lodge room . Bro . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., then opened the Provincial Grand Lodge in due
form , prayers being offered up by the Provincial Grand Chaplain , Bro . the Rev . A . A . Bagshawe . The minutes of the previous Provincial Grand Lodge were read and confirmed . Bro . John Smith , P . P . G . S . D ., read the report of the
Masonic HaU Committee , and moved its confirmation , which was seconded by Bro . T . Cox , P . G . T ., and , after an interesting discussion , was carried . The site of the Derby Masonic Hall will be on the left-hand side going up
Green-lane , at the corner of Gower-street , and opposite to the Scotch Presbyterian Church . The cost of the building will be a little over •¦ £ 2 , 000 , a goodly proportion of the money towards its erection having been already raised ,
Bro . } . Smith , chairman of the committee , giving 50 guineas . The designs have been furnished by Bro . Sheffield , architect , Derby , and have been approved . It is intended to proceed with the erection of the hall as soon as possible . Bro .
Varley , P . M ., read the report of the Charity Committee , which was received and adopted . The Provincial Grand Secieury ( Bro . Naylor ) , read a communication from Wirksworth , inviting
Bro . Okeover to lay the foundation-stone of a new Town Hall , with Masonic honours , on or about the 14 th September . Bro . Okeover replied that _ it would give him great p ' easure to comply with the request , the arrangements being
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
left to the Provincial Grand Officers ; The Provincial Grand Chaplain and others made earnest appeals to the brethren to give all the support they could to the Masonic charities , more especially to the Boys' School at Wood Green , and before the Provincial Grand Lodge closed ,
Bro . Holland , P . P . G . S . W , expressed the great satisfaction the visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge had given the members of the St . Oswald Lodge , Ashbourn . He also thanked tho D . P . G . M . for complying with their request to hold it in that town .
After the lodge had been closed in foim , the brethren adjourned to the Green Man Hotel , where a most sumptuous banquet awaited them . The members of the St . Oswald Lodge had specially decorated the large dining-room for the
occasion . The walls were draped with crimson cloth , artistically relieved with wreaths of evergreens , and hot-house p ' ants were placed upon the tables , whilst to give effect to the whole daylight was excluded , and in addition to the gas ,
wax lights were suspended round the room . But one opinion was expressed as to the general arrangements , which must have entailed a great amount of labour upon the stewards . Mrs . Wallis provided a repast which called forth the
encomiums of all present . Bro . H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., presided , and was supported by the Provincial Grand Chaplain and other officers . Bro . H . Hillam , P . G . S . W ., was in the vice-chair . About seventy brethren sat down . The usual Masonic toasts
were given . Bro . Hillam proposed " The Health of the D . G . M ., " a brother whom the members of the Craft highly esteemed , and than . whom a better Freemason was not to be found in the province
of Derbyshire —( hear , hear)—or one to whom the Craft more looked up for guidance and support . Bro . Okeover had instigated the holding of moveable Grand Lodges , and had given them the opportunity of coming to
Ashbourn . ( Hear , hear . ) It was the first time they had met at Ashbourn , but he hoped it would not be the last , for the gathering was a most successful one and the arrangements complete . ( Hear , hear . ) The holding of Provincial Grand Lodges
at different towns in the province would be the means of cementing the union between the brethren more closely . ( Hear , hear . ) After alluding to what had been done in the lodge in reference to the erection of a Masonic Hall at
Derby , which , he remarked , the Derby brethren had been struggling to get for seventeen years past , he concluded by proposing the toast , which was drunk with all the honours .
Bro . Okeover , who was received with considerable applause , said he thanked them most sincerely for the handsome and kind manner in which they had received him—indeed , they had on all occasions shown him the greatest
consideration . It always gave him the greatest pleasure to meet them , whether at labour or refreshment It was with peculiar satisfaction that he complied with the request of Bro . J . Britton , WM . of the St . Oswald Lodge , to
summon a Provincial Grand Lodge here . He ( Bro . Okeover ) was glad to summon them to Ashbourn . St . Oswald was his mother lodge , he was born and lived in the neighbourhood , and he felt that anything he could do for the
furtherance of the noble art of Masonry , he should only be too glad . ( Hear , hear . ) Ashbourn was a beautifully-situated town , second to none in the county , and at this time of the year could not be excelled for its floral beauties and
charming scenery , and therefore it was a treat for them to have the opportunity of coming to a place surrounded by so many objectsof interest , amongst which was the fine old parish church . ( Hear , hear . ) The meeting that day had been a
great success , and some most interesting subjects had been discussed , including the proposed erection of a Masonic Hall for Derby . The last time the Provincial G-and Lodge assembled at Derby there was a dreadful war raging on the
Continent . It was then nation against nation . It was now more horrible—brother against brother . ( Hear , hear . ) It must be gratifying to those present to note that the Freemasons of Paris had put their shoulders to the wheel to
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Derbyshire.
endeavour to put an end to this state of things , and it was to be hoped that their efforts might be successful . ( Hear . ) Bro . Okeover concluded by remarking that he had only one wish , one
object in view , namely , that the Craft should flourish in the province of Derbyshire . Bro . J . Britton gave " Brother Colville , P . D . P . G . M . of Derbyshire , and the Wardens and other officers of the P . G . L ., " to which
Bro . Hillam responded . Bro . Varley gave " The Past Grand Officers of Derbyshire , " which was responded to by Bro . ] . Crossley . Bro . Okeover gave " The Visiting Brethren , " which was responded to by Bro . Sir
J . Alleyne , Bart . Bro . J . Smith , gave " The W . M ., Wardens , and Brethren of the St . Oswald Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Britain , W . M . Bro . 'Whitcombe gave " The other lodges in the province , " which was responded to
by Bro . J . C . Gribble , W . M . ofthe Arboretum Lodge , Derby " The Masonic Charities " was proposed by Bro . Shipton , and replied to by Bro . G . T . Wright . The Tyler ' s , toast , "To all poor
and distressed Masons , "' & c , brought the very agreeable proceedings to a close , the brethren leaving Ashbourn with the most favourable impressions of their first— but is to be hoped not last—visit to that town . The Midland
Company attached one of their saloon carriages to the North Staffordshire train for the conveyance of the brethren from Derby . Amongst the brethren present were : H . C . Okeover , D . P . G . M ., as P . G . M . ; Henry Hillam ,
P . S . G . W . ; Reginald Darwin , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . A . A . Bagshawe , P . G . Chap . ; Thomas Cox , P . G . Treas . ; William Naylor , P . G . Sec . ; Saml . Rowbottom , P . G . Supt . of Wks . ; John Vertezous , P . A . G . Dir . of Cer . ; W . H . Burton , P . G .
Purs . ; L . L . Simpson , P . G . Steward ; W . E . Holland , P . P . S . G . W . ; Thomas Horsley , P . P . S . G . W . ; James Crossley , P . P . S . G . W . ; Hy . Carson , P . P . J . G . W . ; F . Campion , P . P . G . Purs . ; Frank Iliffe , P . P . G . Dir . of Cer . ; John Smith ,
P . P . G S . D . ; Thomas Shipton , P . P . G . Reg . ; Frederick Britton , P . P . J . G . W . ; James Britton , W . M . 850 ; J . C . Gribble , W . M . 731 ; Samuel Taylor , W . M . 6 54 ; J . Armstrong , W . M . 456 ; George Cooper , P . P . G . Purs . ; G . T . Wright ,
P . M . 731 ; John Thorpe , P . M . 654 , Staffordshire ; S . W . Ready , P . M . 654 ; L . B . Twells , P . M . S 50 ; John Varley , P . M . 506 ; Henry Cupit , 1028 ; Sir J . G N . Alleyne , 1324 ; J . Allen , 1324 ; Fitzherbert Wright , 1324 ; W .
Jessop , 1324 ; George Staley , 1324 ; L . Darwin , 1235 ; Turner , 1235 ; Kinder , 884 ; C . Parkin , S 84 ; T . A . Jackson , 353 ; William Lennox , 8 S 4 ; J . Strong , 8 S 4 ; Henry Burn , 731 ; H . J . Foulds , 253 ; John Ridley , S 50 ; J . S . Whitham , S 50 ; John Hewett , 850 ; W . C . Whitham , 850 ;
G . H . Sheffield , 731 ; William Footman , 353 ; J . L . Gibbons , 353 ; T . Coulthurst , 731 ; Hazlehurst , W . M . Scarsdale Lodge ; Dusautoy , 731 ; Huggett , 731 ; Ward , 253 ; Lister , P . M . 850 ; Bradley , 850 ; and others , including several members of No . 1235 , who did not sign the Tyler ' s book . Bro . T . Cox acted as D . P . G . M .
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Berks And Bucks.
On Friday se ' nnight thc Freemasons of Berks , and Bucks ., to thc number of about seventy , asscm . bled at Aylesbury for the purpose of holding their annual Provincial Grand Lodge , at which the presentation of reports from the different lodges in the province , the appointment of officers for the
ensuing year , and other business , usually takes place . The brethren from Berkshire arrived at Aylesbury by special train , kindly granted by the Directors of thc Great Western Railway Company , and at one o ' clock the Provincial Grand Lodge was opened in due form at the Assembly Koom , under
the presidency of thc Provincial Grand Master , Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart , M . P ., who was supported by Bros . Sir . j . Warren Hayes , Bart ., Deputy P . G . Master ; R . T . Spiers , Deputy Prov . G . Master for Oxfordshire ; the Rev . T . Barton , Prov . Grand Chaplain ; thc Rev . T . O . Grace , & c
There were also present the following brethren , most of whom hold high position in the province or in their respective lodges : W . Higgs , I ' rov . Grand Seciet . iry ; HolJen , I ' rov . Grand Treasurer ; W . W . Hodges , W . H . Cave , J . W . Hounslow , H . D'Almaiue , W . Hedges , A . H . Simpson , \ V . C . Bland , G . Chancellor , J . Ellis , R . C . Hurley , R . Bradley ,