Article METROPOLITAN MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland. Page 1 of 1 Article Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Chap . 603 , Dc Tabley , Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , at 6 . Skelmersdale Red Cross Conclave , 77 , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 . Everton Lodge of Instruction ( 823 ) , Masonic Temple . Liverpool , at 7 . 30 .
Tuesday , October 6 . Lodge 993 , Furness , Masonic Temple , Ulverstone . „ 1476 , Blackpool , Clifton Arms Hotel , Blackpool . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , Masonic Temple ,
Liverpool , at 6 . Mark Lodge , No . 16 , Walton , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( 241 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 .
Wednesday , October 7-Lodge 673 , St . John ' s , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 .
„ 730 , Ellesmere , Royal Oak Motel , Chorley . „ 1013 , Royal Victoria , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . Lodge io 6 r , Triumph , Masonic Hall , Lytham , at 7 . „ 1413 , West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk , at 6 .
>> i 33 Si Lindsay , 20 , King-street , Wigan . „ J 354 , Marquis of Lome , Masonic Hall , Leigh . Chap . 477 , Fidelity , 55 , Argyle-street , Birkenhead . De Grey and Ripon Lodge of Instruction ( 1356 ) , 80 , North Hill-street , Toxteth-patk , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . Harmonic Lodge of Instruction ( 216 ) , Mona Hotel , James-street , Liverpool , at 8 .
Thursday , October 8 . Lodge 216 , Harmonic , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 . „ 786 , Croxteth United Service , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1035 , Prince of Wales , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , at 6 .
» 3 J 3 i Royal Preston , Victoria Garrison Hotel , Fulwood , near Preston . „ 1213 , Bridgewater , Cross Keys Hotel , Patricroft , near Manchester . Mariners' Lodge of Instruction ( 249 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 8 . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction ( 1182 ) , 150 , Park-lane , Toxteth-park , Liverpool , at 7 .
Friday , October 9 . Lodge 155 , Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1289 , Rock , Rock Ferry Hotel , Rock Ferry , at 7 .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW AND VICINITY . For thc week ending Saturday , October 10 , 1874 . All the Meetings take place at 8 o ' clock .
Monday , October 5 . Lodge 332 , Union , 170 , Buchanan-strtet . Chap . 119 , Rosslyn , Freemasons' Hail , 25 , Robertson-Street . „ 551 , Clydesdale , Sibbal . l Hotel , Laikhall . Tuesday , October ( 1 .
Lodge 3 s , St . John , St . John ' s Hall , Buchnnan-sf . „ 73 , Caledonian Unity , 170 , Budiatian-stiect . „ 87 , Thistle , 12 , Trongatc . „ 441 , Glasgow , 22 , Struthers-street . „ 68 , Doric , 44 , Church-sticet , l ' ovt Glasgow . „ 177 , St . James , Masons' Hall , Coatbridge .
11 233 , Hamilton , Spalding ' s Hotel , Hamilton . ,, 406 , St . John , Masonic Hall , Motherwell . Wednesday , October 7 . Lotge 4 , Kilwinning , 170 , Buchanan-street . „ 128 , St . John Shettleston , Freemasons' Hall , Shettleston . „ 117 , St . Mary , Freemasons' Hall , Paitick .
11 354 i Caledonian Railway , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 198 , Maybole , Royal Arch , Maybole , „ 331 ; St . Peter ' s , Portland-street , Galston . „ 443 , St . Thomas , Delmington , Eglington Hotel . „ 21 , Old St . John ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Lanark . „ 126 , St . Andrew , George Hotel , Kilmarnock . „ 1 G 6 , St . John , 29 , Grame-strect , Airdrie .
Ihursday , October 8 . Lodge 88 , New Monkland , Montrose , Town Hall Airdrie . „ 109 , St . Marnock ' s , Crown Hotel , Kilmarnock . Chap . 50 , Glasgow , 213 , Buchanan-street .
Fnday , October 9 . Lodge 18 , Kilwinning , Mission Hall , Dumbarton . „ 170 , St . John ' s , Public Hall , Alexandria . „ 427 , St . Clair , Masonic Hall , Cambusnethan . Chap . 144 , St . Rollox , Freemasons' Hall , Garngad-road
Saturday , October 10 . Lodge 28 , St . John ' s , Black Bull Inn , Kirkintilloch . » 3 ° 5 i St . John , Woodhall , Freemasons' Hall , Holytown .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . The "Freemason" of May 10 th and 17 th , 1873 , ( numbers 218 and 219 ) being out of print , the publisher will be glad to receive copies from brethren -who may have them . Stamps will be sent on rece ipt .
MASONIC ASSURANCEOFFICE, 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED IN 1 S 68 . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchasable value . Sec detailed prospectus . ABNER TORK 1 NGTON , Managing Dhcctor .
BRITISHEQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Capital—A Quarter of a Million . OFFICE : — 4 , QUEEN STREET PLACE , LONDON , E . C . NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT ; May , 1 S 74 . New Business . 2 , 307 Policies for £ 406 , 630 . New Annual Income , £ 12 , 236 . 192 Death Claims paid , . £ 33 , 111 . 26 Claims on Matured Policies , £ ' 2 , 987 . Paid for surrenders , £ 2 , 062 ; Laid by in year , £ 44 , 087 . In force , 19 , 111 Policies for £ 3 , 306 , 33 8 . Annual Premium Income , £ 104 , 996 . Paid for Policy Claims and Bonuses during nineteen years , £ 255 , 024011 1 , 584 Policies . Accumulated Fund increased to £ 355 , 202 . Mariag ' wir Director ami Actuary—William Sutton Gover , Esq ., F . S . S ., F . I . A .
Norwich and London
For Insuring against
With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CHARLES R . GIL . MAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
. . .
MONEY , TIME AND LIFE AHE LOST IN TUE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH . Provide against these losses by a Policy of the liaiUvai ) Itossfitprs' Issuvancc tfoinpanjj AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS . rite oldest , 1 ) 1 , 1 largest ACCIDENTAL ASSURANCE CUMPA . W llo . v . A . KINNAIKD , M . P ., Chairman . Paid-up Capital & Reserve Fund £ 140 , 000 ANNUAL INCOME , £ 160 , 000 . £ 810 , 000 have been paid as Compensation . Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' standing . Apply to the Clerks at the Hallway Stations , the Local Agents , 64 , CORNHILL , a .-d to , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . V 1 AN , Secretary .
A CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accidents . C . HARDING , Manager .
jV / T O N E Y— LOANS granted immediatel y from £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1 S 07 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Ncwcastlc-on-Tyne Agents Wanted .
Ayrshire Masonic Bursary , The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire intend to oiler a Bursary of not less than £ 20 annually , tenable for four yeais , for competition among the SONS of AYRSHIRE FREEMASONS entering tlie Arts Classes at Glasgow University in the ensuing session . Further information will be given by the Rev . Alex . Inglis , Kilmaurs ; or Mr . Robert W ylie , Kilwinning -with either of whom applications , with certificates of character and attainments , must be lodged not later than 20 th October next . Kilwinning , i-jth August , 1874 . ^ 6 "bllAl J ERS , " ^ c . ' - ^~ PersolT ^ l ^ ex ~ - perience in the Drapery business wishes a situation for Abroad . Address , —David Quigley , 5 , Gloucesterroad , Soutii Kensington . I
Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Ireland.
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland .
Now ready , Svo . red cloth lettered , prioe 2 / , also a pocket edition , limp cloth , price 1 / . THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE GRAND ROVAL ARCH CHATTER OV IRELAND ,
including those for the government of MARK MASTER MASONS' LODGES . Sold at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , or may be had from R . Spencer , Great Queen-street , or George Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
Province Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
FUND FOR THE BENEFIT OFTHB WIDOW OF THE LATE W . BRO . J . R . STEBBING , P . G . D ( ENGLAND ) AND D . Prov . G . M . PRESIDENT . —Tha Right Worshipful W . W . B . BEECH , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master .
At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod ge , recently held at Landport , it was unanimousl y resolved that a Committee be appointed for the purpose of raising a fund , to provide a suitable memorial to our late deeply-lamented Bro . Stebbing ** .
In pursuance of the foregoing resolution , a meeting was held at Southampton , which was largely attended , when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — "That the Ledges and Chapters of the Province and Freemasons generally be solicited
to subscribe to a fund , to be appropriated ? s the Committee shall determine , for the benefit of the Widow of our late lamented Bro . J . R . Stebbing , whose circumstances at the time of his decease render this appeal absolutely necessary . "
" That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to each Lodge and Chapter in the Province , inviting their co-operation , as well as that of Brethren and Companions generally , in obtaining subscriptions to the fund . "
" That a circular stating the circumstances be also transmitted to all other Lodges and Chapters in England . " The name ofthe late Bro . J . 11 . Stebbing is so well known in all Masonic circles that it
seems unnecessary to set forth at length his long and valuable services . For many years he was a constant attendant at Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , assisting the interests of the
Brethren , and Companions . He was Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes in in J 86 I , 1862 and 186 , 3 , and also an active member of the Building Committee of the present Freemasons' Hall , London .
He was rarely absent from the elections in the varions Charities , giving his valuable aid to the poor and distressed amongst the brethren and their relatives , contributing from his means to the advancement of those charities , in which
he had qualified as Vice-Patron of the Boys ' School , Life Governor of the Girls' School , and Life Governoi of the Uenevolent nstitutionj and it is sincerely hoped that the Widow of one
who was so actively engaged for the benefit of others ( herself a Life-Governor ol the Boys ' School ) should be placed in circumstances which will assist her in her present unexpected bereavement .
Subscriptions in aid of this fund may be transmitted to the Treasurer , Aldermoor House , near Southampton •or to his bankers , Messrs . Maddison , Atherly , Hankinson , and Darwin , Southampton . "W . HICKMAN , Treasurer . J . E . LE FEUVRE , Secretary
OCTOBER ELECTION , 1 K 74 , D OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR _ GIRLS ; The Vice-Presidents , Life Governors , and Subscribers , desirinu ; to Vote in favour ot * BEATRICE A . F . NEWMAN No . 4 on the List , are respectfully requested to forward their proxies ( after signature ) lo either Mr . John Bertram , Alexandra I ' alace , Muswcll-hill , N . j Mr . George Newman , its , Great Winchester-street , E . C ; or Mr . Henry T , Thompson . 85 , Palmcrstonbuildingti , Bishopsijaie-street , E , C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Metropolitan Masonic Meetings.
Chap . 603 , Dc Tabley , Seacombe Hotel , Seacombe , at 6 . Skelmersdale Red Cross Conclave , 77 , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 . Everton Lodge of Instruction ( 823 ) , Masonic Temple . Liverpool , at 7 . 30 .
Tuesday , October 6 . Lodge 993 , Furness , Masonic Temple , Ulverstone . „ 1476 , Blackpool , Clifton Arms Hotel , Blackpool . Chap . 203 , St . John of Jerusalem , Masonic Temple ,
Liverpool , at 6 . Mark Lodge , No . 16 , Walton , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . Merchants' Lodge of Instruction ( 241 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 .
Wednesday , October 7-Lodge 673 , St . John ' s , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . 30 .
„ 730 , Ellesmere , Royal Oak Motel , Chorley . „ 1013 , Royal Victoria , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . Lodge io 6 r , Triumph , Masonic Hall , Lytham , at 7 . „ 1413 , West Lancashire , Commercial Hotel , Ormskirk , at 6 .
>> i 33 Si Lindsay , 20 , King-street , Wigan . „ J 354 , Marquis of Lome , Masonic Hall , Leigh . Chap . 477 , Fidelity , 55 , Argyle-street , Birkenhead . De Grey and Ripon Lodge of Instruction ( 1356 ) , 80 , North Hill-street , Toxteth-patk , Liverpool , at 7 . 30 . Harmonic Lodge of Instruction ( 216 ) , Mona Hotel , James-street , Liverpool , at 8 .
Thursday , October 8 . Lodge 216 , Harmonic , Adelphi Hotel , Liverpool , at 5 . „ 786 , Croxteth United Service , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1035 , Prince of Wales , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , at 6 .
» 3 J 3 i Royal Preston , Victoria Garrison Hotel , Fulwood , near Preston . „ 1213 , Bridgewater , Cross Keys Hotel , Patricroft , near Manchester . Mariners' Lodge of Instruction ( 249 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 8 . Duke of Edinburgh Lodge of Instruction ( 1182 ) , 150 , Park-lane , Toxteth-park , Liverpool , at 7 .
Friday , October 9 . Lodge 155 , Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6 . „ 1289 , Rock , Rock Ferry Hotel , Rock Ferry , at 7 .
MASONIC MEETINGS IN GLASGOW AND VICINITY . For thc week ending Saturday , October 10 , 1874 . All the Meetings take place at 8 o ' clock .
Monday , October 5 . Lodge 332 , Union , 170 , Buchanan-strtet . Chap . 119 , Rosslyn , Freemasons' Hail , 25 , Robertson-Street . „ 551 , Clydesdale , Sibbal . l Hotel , Laikhall . Tuesday , October ( 1 .
Lodge 3 s , St . John , St . John ' s Hall , Buchnnan-sf . „ 73 , Caledonian Unity , 170 , Budiatian-stiect . „ 87 , Thistle , 12 , Trongatc . „ 441 , Glasgow , 22 , Struthers-street . „ 68 , Doric , 44 , Church-sticet , l ' ovt Glasgow . „ 177 , St . James , Masons' Hall , Coatbridge .
11 233 , Hamilton , Spalding ' s Hotel , Hamilton . ,, 406 , St . John , Masonic Hall , Motherwell . Wednesday , October 7 . Lotge 4 , Kilwinning , 170 , Buchanan-street . „ 128 , St . John Shettleston , Freemasons' Hall , Shettleston . „ 117 , St . Mary , Freemasons' Hall , Paitick .
11 354 i Caledonian Railway , 213 , Buchanan-st . „ 198 , Maybole , Royal Arch , Maybole , „ 331 ; St . Peter ' s , Portland-street , Galston . „ 443 , St . Thomas , Delmington , Eglington Hotel . „ 21 , Old St . John ' s , Freemasons' Hall , Lanark . „ 126 , St . Andrew , George Hotel , Kilmarnock . „ 1 G 6 , St . John , 29 , Grame-strect , Airdrie .
Ihursday , October 8 . Lodge 88 , New Monkland , Montrose , Town Hall Airdrie . „ 109 , St . Marnock ' s , Crown Hotel , Kilmarnock . Chap . 50 , Glasgow , 213 , Buchanan-street .
Fnday , October 9 . Lodge 18 , Kilwinning , Mission Hall , Dumbarton . „ 170 , St . John ' s , Public Hall , Alexandria . „ 427 , St . Clair , Masonic Hall , Cambusnethan . Chap . 144 , St . Rollox , Freemasons' Hall , Garngad-road
Saturday , October 10 . Lodge 28 , St . John ' s , Black Bull Inn , Kirkintilloch . » 3 ° 5 i St . John , Woodhall , Freemasons' Hall , Holytown .
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS . The "Freemason" of May 10 th and 17 th , 1873 , ( numbers 218 and 219 ) being out of print , the publisher will be glad to receive copies from brethren -who may have them . Stamps will be sent on rece ipt .
MASONIC ASSURANCEOFFICE, 9 , NEW BRIDGE-STREET , LONDON . ESTABLISHED IN 1 S 68 . This Company was the first to adopt the new and popular system of POSITIVE ASSURANCE . The policies being payable to bearer , render assignments , stamps , legacy duties , & c , unnecessary , and they have at all times an immediate purchasable value . Sec detailed prospectus . ABNER TORK 1 NGTON , Managing Dhcctor .
BRITISHEQUITABLE ASSURANCE COMPANY . Capital—A Quarter of a Million . OFFICE : — 4 , QUEEN STREET PLACE , LONDON , E . C . NINETEENTH ANNUAL REPORT ; May , 1 S 74 . New Business . 2 , 307 Policies for £ 406 , 630 . New Annual Income , £ 12 , 236 . 192 Death Claims paid , . £ 33 , 111 . 26 Claims on Matured Policies , £ ' 2 , 987 . Paid for surrenders , £ 2 , 062 ; Laid by in year , £ 44 , 087 . In force , 19 , 111 Policies for £ 3 , 306 , 33 8 . Annual Premium Income , £ 104 , 996 . Paid for Policy Claims and Bonuses during nineteen years , £ 255 , 024011 1 , 584 Policies . Accumulated Fund increased to £ 355 , 202 . Mariag ' wir Director ami Actuary—William Sutton Gover , Esq ., F . S . S ., F . I . A .
Norwich and London
For Insuring against
With Compensation for Personal Injury , Caused by Accidents CHIEF OFFICES—ST . GILES'S STREET , NORWICH . LONDON : 49 , MOORGATE-ST . Secretary : CHARLES R . GIL . MAN , Esq . London Manager : Mr . GEORGE POWELL .
. . .
MONEY , TIME AND LIFE AHE LOST IN TUE EVENT OF ACCIDENTAL INJURY OR DEATH . Provide against these losses by a Policy of the liaiUvai ) Itossfitprs' Issuvancc tfoinpanjj AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS . rite oldest , 1 ) 1 , 1 largest ACCIDENTAL ASSURANCE CUMPA . W llo . v . A . KINNAIKD , M . P ., Chairman . Paid-up Capital & Reserve Fund £ 140 , 000 ANNUAL INCOME , £ 160 , 000 . £ 810 , 000 have been paid as Compensation . Bonus allowed to Insurers of Five Years' standing . Apply to the Clerks at the Hallway Stations , the Local Agents , 64 , CORNHILL , a .-d to , REGENT STREET , LONDON . WILLIAM J . V 1 AN , Secretary .
A CCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY ( Limited ) , 7 , Bank Buildings , Lothbury , E . C . General Accidents . I Personal Injuries . Railway Accidents . | Deaths by Accidents . C . HARDING , Manager .
jV / T O N E Y— LOANS granted immediatel y from £ 100 to £ 2 , 000 at 5 per cent ., repayable over Three , Four , or Five Years , on Personal Security and Life Policy effected with the WEST OF ENGLAND INSURANCE CO ., ( Established 1 S 07 . ) Apply to the Superintendent of Agents , Bro . J . CROCKER , Neville Street , Ncwcastlc-on-Tyne Agents Wanted .
Ayrshire Masonic Bursary , The Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire intend to oiler a Bursary of not less than £ 20 annually , tenable for four yeais , for competition among the SONS of AYRSHIRE FREEMASONS entering tlie Arts Classes at Glasgow University in the ensuing session . Further information will be given by the Rev . Alex . Inglis , Kilmaurs ; or Mr . Robert W ylie , Kilwinning -with either of whom applications , with certificates of character and attainments , must be lodged not later than 20 th October next . Kilwinning , i-jth August , 1874 . ^ 6 "bllAl J ERS , " ^ c . ' - ^~ PersolT ^ l ^ ex ~ - perience in the Drapery business wishes a situation for Abroad . Address , —David Quigley , 5 , Gloucesterroad , Soutii Kensington . I
Grand Royal Arch Chapter Of Ireland.
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland .
Now ready , Svo . red cloth lettered , prioe 2 / , also a pocket edition , limp cloth , price 1 / . THE LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE GRAND ROVAL ARCH CHATTER OV IRELAND ,
including those for the government of MARK MASTER MASONS' LODGES . Sold at Freemasons' Hall , Dublin , or may be had from R . Spencer , Great Queen-street , or George Kenning , 198 , Fleet-street , London .
Province Of Hampshire And The Isle Of Wight.
Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight .
FUND FOR THE BENEFIT OFTHB WIDOW OF THE LATE W . BRO . J . R . STEBBING , P . G . D ( ENGLAND ) AND D . Prov . G . M . PRESIDENT . —Tha Right Worshipful W . W . B . BEECH , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master .
At a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lod ge , recently held at Landport , it was unanimousl y resolved that a Committee be appointed for the purpose of raising a fund , to provide a suitable memorial to our late deeply-lamented Bro . Stebbing ** .
In pursuance of the foregoing resolution , a meeting was held at Southampton , which was largely attended , when the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : — "That the Ledges and Chapters of the Province and Freemasons generally be solicited
to subscribe to a fund , to be appropriated ? s the Committee shall determine , for the benefit of the Widow of our late lamented Bro . J . R . Stebbing , whose circumstances at the time of his decease render this appeal absolutely necessary . "
" That copies of these resolutions be forwarded to each Lodge and Chapter in the Province , inviting their co-operation , as well as that of Brethren and Companions generally , in obtaining subscriptions to the fund . "
" That a circular stating the circumstances be also transmitted to all other Lodges and Chapters in England . " The name ofthe late Bro . J . 11 . Stebbing is so well known in all Masonic circles that it
seems unnecessary to set forth at length his long and valuable services . For many years he was a constant attendant at Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , assisting the interests of the
Brethren , and Companions . He was Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes in in J 86 I , 1862 and 186 , 3 , and also an active member of the Building Committee of the present Freemasons' Hall , London .
He was rarely absent from the elections in the varions Charities , giving his valuable aid to the poor and distressed amongst the brethren and their relatives , contributing from his means to the advancement of those charities , in which
he had qualified as Vice-Patron of the Boys ' School , Life Governor of the Girls' School , and Life Governoi of the Uenevolent nstitutionj and it is sincerely hoped that the Widow of one
who was so actively engaged for the benefit of others ( herself a Life-Governor ol the Boys ' School ) should be placed in circumstances which will assist her in her present unexpected bereavement .
Subscriptions in aid of this fund may be transmitted to the Treasurer , Aldermoor House , near Southampton •or to his bankers , Messrs . Maddison , Atherly , Hankinson , and Darwin , Southampton . "W . HICKMAN , Treasurer . J . E . LE FEUVRE , Secretary
OCTOBER ELECTION , 1 K 74 , D OYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR _ GIRLS ; The Vice-Presidents , Life Governors , and Subscribers , desirinu ; to Vote in favour ot * BEATRICE A . F . NEWMAN No . 4 on the List , are respectfully requested to forward their proxies ( after signature ) lo either Mr . John Bertram , Alexandra I ' alace , Muswcll-hill , N . j Mr . George Newman , its , Great Winchester-street , E . C ; or Mr . Henry T , Thompson . 85 , Palmcrstonbuildingti , Bishopsijaie-street , E , C .