Article REPORTS OF MASONIC MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Mark Masonry. Page 1 of 1 Article Red cross of Constantine. Page 1 of 1 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 Article Scotland. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lative Mason , and concluded by again thanking the brethren for the assistance they had rendered him in his year of office . Various other toasts usnal at lodge banquets having been proposed and responded to , the chairman proposed success to the Masonic Institutions , coupling the toast
with Bro . Terry ' s name . Bro . Terry : In rising to respond to the toast of the Masonic Institutions I do so w'fi a very affectionate remembrance of the Burdett Coutts lodge . We are only five years old , but during that time we have not forgotten the Masonic charities . Our worthy
Secretary , Bro . Verry took in a list of £ 216 . Now that is not an inconsiderable sum . This year S . D . Crouch went up , and he took a list of between £ 70 and , £ 80 , so that we have contributed some £ . 3 00 . In commenting on the progress of the Institutions , Bro . Terry alluded
to the very rapid progress that Freemasonry itself was making in the country , stating that from the first of January in this year 59 S 0 Masons have been made up to the present time , which showed them that they wanted , 59 80 more subscribers to the Masonic Institutions . They
had joined a society of men who are banded together for certain charitable purposes , and they ought to have the opportunity afforded them of contributing to the good work . They appealed to the brethren present to do all they could for
the Institutions in the coming year They did not want this to be an ordinary lodge , they wanted it . to be a superlative lodge . They had done well in the past , but in acting for the future they must not lose sight of the fact that they took their name from an honourable ladv who
was honoured among other qualities for her munificent charity ; and he was sure that they would one and all do their best to obtain the same reputation for the lodge that bore her name . He trusted that it would not be lone
before they had an opportunity of entertaining the Baroness . There had been a long delay , but they had now hopes that an early day would be fixed by their patroness for the formal presentation of their beautiful chairs to the lodge , and he trusted that every member of the
lodge would feel it his bounden duty to be present on that occasion . Bro . Terry concluded with some general remarks upon the merits of the lodge , the efficiency of its ollicers , and the pleasure he felt at the presence of the Grand Ollicers and other eminent Masons who had
favoured them with their company on this occasion . Various oilier toasts were proposed and ably resnonded to—the whole being interspersed with very enjoyable tongs , and the company separated at a late hour after having spent a very pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . —luni'ki : Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The tegular bi-monthly meeting of this ver ) nourishing lodge , was held at the Masonic Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , September 241 ) 1 , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . James Malcolm McAlister , Mark Prov . Grand Secretary , why
was well suppoited by a numerous attendance of officers and brethren . Amongst those present were Bros . A . M . Dunn , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . L . S . Partridge , P . M ., I ' rov . j . G . W . ; Wm . Weare , I . P . M . ; G , Toller , jtiii .. S . W . •W . SeuJt ' iorpc , M . O . : W . H . Garner , Treasurer ; ,
F . J . Baines , Secrttaiy ; F . A . Wykes , J . T . Thorp , R . Waite , J . Edmunds , Stcw . irtl , G . 13 . Atkins , and A . Sargeanl . The minutes having been confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . Orlando J / aw , and S . Knight , as candidates for advancement , both of whom were unanimously
elected , ami being present were duly admitted to the degree of Mark Man , and afterwards advanced to that of Mark Master . The ceremony of advancement was performed , nnd the explanatory lecture of the degree delivered by the W . M ., Bro . McAlister , in the most pei I ' ect manner , and the duties of the various subordinate
offices discharged in the efficient . style lor wnieli this lodge has now become noted . A cin-. lidalc for advancement was proposed , and some business of a routine character IrausHClcd , alter whicli lhe lodge was closed , and lhe brethren paitook of refreshment . The subsequent proceedings were much cnlueiied by lhe excellent singing of Bros . Wvkc-s , Sra-a ml , Edmund-- * , and cither .- ; .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red cross of Constantine .
PREMIER CONCLAVE . —This Order continues to spread throughout the globe , as an example of which there are now four conclaves in New Zealand , all established within a year or two . The Original or Premier Conclave of England met at the Regent Masonic Hall , Regent-street , on the , 31 st ult ., but many of its members were out of town . Bro . Harrison was admitted as a
Guard of thc Conclave , and subsequently the Mount Carmel Sanctuary and Commandery were opened , and Sir Knts . J . C . Parkinson , F . W . H . Ramsay , M . D ., F . R . S ., H . Parker , A . Moore , T . Kingston , and Rev . P . M . Holden , were duly created K . H . S . and Knts . of St . John
the Evangelist . A banquet followed the proceedings of the day . On Tuesday , the 22 nd September , the opening meeting of the Bard of Avon Conclave ( No . 99 ) , was held at the . ane place , the following Knts . being present , J . C . Parkinson , G . Examiner ,
M . P . S . Designate ; Dr . Ramsay , Viceroy Designate ; R . Wentworth Little , G . Treas . ; H . C Levander , G . H . C . ; Rev . E . Brette , D . D ., G . A . R . ; J . G . Marsh , P . G . A . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , G . S . P . ; Hyde Pullen , Viceroy
Bective Conclave , No . a . \ , T . W . White , G . Preceptor , and R . W . Stewart , G . H . A . Bros . R . G . Glover , P . M . 181 , Prov . J . G . D . Middlesex ; Major C . Harding , P . M . 2 , 31 , Rev . A . HaU , Frank Richardson , W . G . Goodlilfe , and W . H . Smith were installed as Knts . of the Order .
The conclave was then dedicated , and the Officers were elected or appointed . Sir Knt . Parkinson presided at the banquet .
Scotland .
GLAS-JOW . —Sattia Lodge ( No . 178 ) . —Annual Picnic . —On Tuesday , Sept . 15 th , the brethren of this lodge , with their wives ancl sweethearts , held their annual holiday . The morning was unpropitious , but a goodly number assembled under the guidance of the committee
consisting of Bros . Matlnson , I . P . M ., Sinclair , P . M . ; Gardner , S . W . ; Salt , J . W . ; Jews , S . M . ; Higgins , Sec ; King , T . ; and Smith , Steward . Proceeding by rail to Greenock , they took lunch , and halted till the weather cleared up , when an omnibus conveyed the brethren to
Largis , a deputation of the brethren of No . 17 , 3 , coming in a carriige and pair to meet them . On arriving at St . John ' s Hall , the two lodges dined together ; the weather not allowing ofthe proposed drive to Fairlio Glen , they again took the omnibus to Greenock , where Bro .
Prince had a substantial tea awaiting them . Dancing wns then commenced , and kept up with such spirit that the railway bell sounded in vain . it being less attractive than the belles of the ball . GLASGOW . — Lwtge Si . George ( No . , 33 . 3 ) held an emergency meeting on Monday , Sept .
21 st , in St . Mark ' s Hall ; Bro . J . Winton , R . W . M . ; J . Mcl- ' arlane , D . M ., as S . W . ; J . Forsyth , J . W . ; and J . MacIntyre , Secretary . A petition was presented from a gentleman who was about to go abroad , and the ballot having proved unanimous in his favour , it was moved and carried that he be allowed to receive the
three degrees . At the requisition ot the lodge , Bro . Wheeler , 73 , conferred these upon the candidate . At lhe conclusion of the ceremony , Bro . McKarlane moved , and the R . W . M . seconded , a motion that in consequence of the services of Bro . Wheeler on this as well as on
former occasions , he be affiliated an honorary member of the lodge . lie also proposed that Bro . l . Ioytl , of . [ - /> , who had shown a great interest in the lodge should be admitted . Both propositions were carried with acclamation , and the brethren affiliated . There being no further business the R . W . M proceeded to close the lodge in due lorm .
( , i . \ . si ; ow . —St . Afmigri Eiiciiiiipiii .-nl . — the annual meeting for lit ; election of ollicers look place mi Monday , Sept . 21 st , Sir Knight R . Bell , ICC , in the chair , . supported by JI . I .
Sheild , K . C , Captain Shanks , F . Bates , and G . W . Wheeler , Recorder . After the encampment had been opened in due form , the Recorder read lhe minutes of the last meeting and explained ih . il the circumstance-, und . *!* which their ore-
sent M . E . C . had determined to retire , led to there being two Sir Knights put in nomination for the post of E . C . On the vote of the encampment being taken , Captain J . E . Shanks , 18 , was declared duly elected E . G ., and the
following Sir Knights as his office bearers for the ensuing year : —[ . O . Park , C . G . ; S . Scott , R . ; F . Bates , T . ; Rev . J . C . Stewart , Prelate ; J . Johnson , M . ; C . Mac Kenzie , 1 st A . D . C ; J . Louttit , 2 nd A . D . C ; C McClannachan , 1 st W . ;
G . McAlister , 2 nd W . ; J . May , C . C ; T . W . Brownlie , D . C . W . P . Watson , J . C . ; D . B . Fleming , D of Music ; R . Muir , S . B . ; J , Forrest , S . B . ; and John McDade , Sentinel . There being no other business , the encampment was closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —ROYAL ARCH MEETINGS . This has been a busy week in Glasgow , in Royal Arch Masonry , all the chapters having met for election and installation of officers . CHATTER 50 , held their annual meeting in St . Mark ' s Hall on September 23 rd , for the election
and installation of officers for the ensuing year . The following companions were unanimousl y elected , and had the honour of being installed by M . E ; Comp . F A . Barrow , P . G . Z ., ( who expressed the pleasure he felt in attending to instal the officers of his mother chapter ) , fames Miller ,
Z ., wns re-elected ; Wm . Bell , H ; F . J . Mitchell , J . ; P . Agnew , T . ; James Loutitt , Scribe E . re-elected ; J . Mann , W . ; and Colin McKenzie , Principal Sojourner , were then installed . CHAPTER 69 met in Killwinning Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 2 , 3 rd ult and proceeded to
elect as their officers Comps . Dr . T . D . Humphries , re-elected for the fourth time ; G . Herron , H ., re-elected ; D . B Fleming , J . ; Wm . Thomas , T ., re-elected ; J . M . Oliver , S . E ., re-elected ; Jas Gibbon , N . ; George Robinson , 1 st S . ; J . H . Fash , 2 nd S . ; R . Prout , , 3 rd S . ; D . Ramsay ,
J amtor . The chapter then adjourned , while No . 7 , 3 proceeded with their election . CHATTER No . 7 , 3 met in the Killwinning Hall under Comp . G . MacDonald , Z . ; and unanimously elected the following companions as officers for the year : —G . W . Wheeler , Z ; John
Tweed , H . ; J . Steward , J . ; J . Bannerman , T . ; Jas . Balfour S . E ., re-elected ; A . McKie , N . ; W . B . Patterson , 1 st . S . ; G . Murray , 2 nd S . ; Wm . McGregor , 3 rd S . ; Thos . Y ' ules , Captain of the Vails , and Wm . Jamison , Janitor . A deputation of members , accompanied by all the officers
of Chapter 144 , then appeared , and asked permission for their officers to be installed , as they had been disappointed in obtaining the services of the companions whom they had expected to instal them . This was at once granted , and Comp . Wheeler requested Comp A . McTaggart ,
M . A ., P . G . S . E ., to instal them . The P . G . S . E . said it would have given him much pleasure , as a member of 73 , to have complied with the request of their First Principal , but as , owing to the three chapters meeting , his time had expired , and he knew that their
P . Z . was fully competent to the task . He must ask them to permit him to retire . The ollicers of No . 144 were then introduced , having been previously elected in their own hall in the Garngad-road . The following is the list : — Jas . Annand , Z . ; j . McLeish , H .,
re-elected ; G . McAUum , J . re-elected ; J . W . Rotheram , T . ; Jas . Both , S . E . ; A . Heron , N . ; Jas . Appleyard , 1 st S ; J . Morrison , 2 nd S . ; Jas . Mills , . 3 rd S . ; J . Hughes , Janitor ; Comp . J . Balfour , Scribe E . and P . Z . of 73 , then proceeded to instal all the oflicers of the
three Chapters 111 a most efficient manner . Comp . T . D . Humphries , who was seated as H ., then addressed tlie united chapters , thanking the members of 6 9 for their confidence in him in thus for the fourth time placing him in the proud position , and pledging himself to do the
best in his power to carry out lhe princi ples of Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . J-lines Annand , seated as J ., thanked the members of 144 .. Thcry were the youngest chapter in the Province , and their first Z . had left not only them but the country . Their late Z ., Comp . R . Bell , had
worthily tilled the chair since his departure , and he wished he could have induced him to have continued lor another year , but having decided otherwise , he would do his best to deserve their favour . Comp . G . W . Wheeler could not boast of four years' experience in this hi-. h office like
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
lative Mason , and concluded by again thanking the brethren for the assistance they had rendered him in his year of office . Various other toasts usnal at lodge banquets having been proposed and responded to , the chairman proposed success to the Masonic Institutions , coupling the toast
with Bro . Terry ' s name . Bro . Terry : In rising to respond to the toast of the Masonic Institutions I do so w'fi a very affectionate remembrance of the Burdett Coutts lodge . We are only five years old , but during that time we have not forgotten the Masonic charities . Our worthy
Secretary , Bro . Verry took in a list of £ 216 . Now that is not an inconsiderable sum . This year S . D . Crouch went up , and he took a list of between £ 70 and , £ 80 , so that we have contributed some £ . 3 00 . In commenting on the progress of the Institutions , Bro . Terry alluded
to the very rapid progress that Freemasonry itself was making in the country , stating that from the first of January in this year 59 S 0 Masons have been made up to the present time , which showed them that they wanted , 59 80 more subscribers to the Masonic Institutions . They
had joined a society of men who are banded together for certain charitable purposes , and they ought to have the opportunity afforded them of contributing to the good work . They appealed to the brethren present to do all they could for
the Institutions in the coming year They did not want this to be an ordinary lodge , they wanted it . to be a superlative lodge . They had done well in the past , but in acting for the future they must not lose sight of the fact that they took their name from an honourable ladv who
was honoured among other qualities for her munificent charity ; and he was sure that they would one and all do their best to obtain the same reputation for the lodge that bore her name . He trusted that it would not be lone
before they had an opportunity of entertaining the Baroness . There had been a long delay , but they had now hopes that an early day would be fixed by their patroness for the formal presentation of their beautiful chairs to the lodge , and he trusted that every member of the
lodge would feel it his bounden duty to be present on that occasion . Bro . Terry concluded with some general remarks upon the merits of the lodge , the efficiency of its ollicers , and the pleasure he felt at the presence of the Grand Ollicers and other eminent Masons who had
favoured them with their company on this occasion . Various oilier toasts were proposed and ably resnonded to—the whole being interspersed with very enjoyable tongs , and the company separated at a late hour after having spent a very pleasant evening .
Mark Masonry.
Mark Masonry .
LEICESTER . —luni'ki : Lodge ( No . 19 ) . —The tegular bi-monthly meeting of this ver ) nourishing lodge , was held at the Masonic Hall , Leicester , on Thursday , September 241 ) 1 , under the presidency of the W . M ., Bro . James Malcolm McAlister , Mark Prov . Grand Secretary , why
was well suppoited by a numerous attendance of officers and brethren . Amongst those present were Bros . A . M . Dunn , P . M ., P . P . G . J . W . L . S . Partridge , P . M ., I ' rov . j . G . W . ; Wm . Weare , I . P . M . ; G , Toller , jtiii .. S . W . •W . SeuJt ' iorpc , M . O . : W . H . Garner , Treasurer ; ,
F . J . Baines , Secrttaiy ; F . A . Wykes , J . T . Thorp , R . Waite , J . Edmunds , Stcw . irtl , G . 13 . Atkins , and A . Sargeanl . The minutes having been confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . Orlando J / aw , and S . Knight , as candidates for advancement , both of whom were unanimously
elected , ami being present were duly admitted to the degree of Mark Man , and afterwards advanced to that of Mark Master . The ceremony of advancement was performed , nnd the explanatory lecture of the degree delivered by the W . M ., Bro . McAlister , in the most pei I ' ect manner , and the duties of the various subordinate
offices discharged in the efficient . style lor wnieli this lodge has now become noted . A cin-. lidalc for advancement was proposed , and some business of a routine character IrausHClcd , alter whicli lhe lodge was closed , and lhe brethren paitook of refreshment . The subsequent proceedings were much cnlueiied by lhe excellent singing of Bros . Wvkc-s , Sra-a ml , Edmund-- * , and cither .- ; .
Red Cross Of Constantine.
Red cross of Constantine .
PREMIER CONCLAVE . —This Order continues to spread throughout the globe , as an example of which there are now four conclaves in New Zealand , all established within a year or two . The Original or Premier Conclave of England met at the Regent Masonic Hall , Regent-street , on the , 31 st ult ., but many of its members were out of town . Bro . Harrison was admitted as a
Guard of thc Conclave , and subsequently the Mount Carmel Sanctuary and Commandery were opened , and Sir Knts . J . C . Parkinson , F . W . H . Ramsay , M . D ., F . R . S ., H . Parker , A . Moore , T . Kingston , and Rev . P . M . Holden , were duly created K . H . S . and Knts . of St . John
the Evangelist . A banquet followed the proceedings of the day . On Tuesday , the 22 nd September , the opening meeting of the Bard of Avon Conclave ( No . 99 ) , was held at the . ane place , the following Knts . being present , J . C . Parkinson , G . Examiner ,
M . P . S . Designate ; Dr . Ramsay , Viceroy Designate ; R . Wentworth Little , G . Treas . ; H . C Levander , G . H . C . ; Rev . E . Brette , D . D ., G . A . R . ; J . G . Marsh , P . G . A . ; Rev . J . M . Vaughan , G . S . P . ; Hyde Pullen , Viceroy
Bective Conclave , No . a . \ , T . W . White , G . Preceptor , and R . W . Stewart , G . H . A . Bros . R . G . Glover , P . M . 181 , Prov . J . G . D . Middlesex ; Major C . Harding , P . M . 2 , 31 , Rev . A . HaU , Frank Richardson , W . G . Goodlilfe , and W . H . Smith were installed as Knts . of the Order .
The conclave was then dedicated , and the Officers were elected or appointed . Sir Knt . Parkinson presided at the banquet .
Scotland .
GLAS-JOW . —Sattia Lodge ( No . 178 ) . —Annual Picnic . —On Tuesday , Sept . 15 th , the brethren of this lodge , with their wives ancl sweethearts , held their annual holiday . The morning was unpropitious , but a goodly number assembled under the guidance of the committee
consisting of Bros . Matlnson , I . P . M ., Sinclair , P . M . ; Gardner , S . W . ; Salt , J . W . ; Jews , S . M . ; Higgins , Sec ; King , T . ; and Smith , Steward . Proceeding by rail to Greenock , they took lunch , and halted till the weather cleared up , when an omnibus conveyed the brethren to
Largis , a deputation of the brethren of No . 17 , 3 , coming in a carriige and pair to meet them . On arriving at St . John ' s Hall , the two lodges dined together ; the weather not allowing ofthe proposed drive to Fairlio Glen , they again took the omnibus to Greenock , where Bro .
Prince had a substantial tea awaiting them . Dancing wns then commenced , and kept up with such spirit that the railway bell sounded in vain . it being less attractive than the belles of the ball . GLASGOW . — Lwtge Si . George ( No . , 33 . 3 ) held an emergency meeting on Monday , Sept .
21 st , in St . Mark ' s Hall ; Bro . J . Winton , R . W . M . ; J . Mcl- ' arlane , D . M ., as S . W . ; J . Forsyth , J . W . ; and J . MacIntyre , Secretary . A petition was presented from a gentleman who was about to go abroad , and the ballot having proved unanimous in his favour , it was moved and carried that he be allowed to receive the
three degrees . At the requisition ot the lodge , Bro . Wheeler , 73 , conferred these upon the candidate . At lhe conclusion of the ceremony , Bro . McKarlane moved , and the R . W . M . seconded , a motion that in consequence of the services of Bro . Wheeler on this as well as on
former occasions , he be affiliated an honorary member of the lodge . lie also proposed that Bro . l . Ioytl , of . [ - /> , who had shown a great interest in the lodge should be admitted . Both propositions were carried with acclamation , and the brethren affiliated . There being no further business the R . W . M proceeded to close the lodge in due lorm .
( , i . \ . si ; ow . —St . Afmigri Eiiciiiiipiii .-nl . — the annual meeting for lit ; election of ollicers look place mi Monday , Sept . 21 st , Sir Knight R . Bell , ICC , in the chair , . supported by JI . I .
Sheild , K . C , Captain Shanks , F . Bates , and G . W . Wheeler , Recorder . After the encampment had been opened in due form , the Recorder read lhe minutes of the last meeting and explained ih . il the circumstance-, und . *!* which their ore-
sent M . E . C . had determined to retire , led to there being two Sir Knights put in nomination for the post of E . C . On the vote of the encampment being taken , Captain J . E . Shanks , 18 , was declared duly elected E . G ., and the
following Sir Knights as his office bearers for the ensuing year : —[ . O . Park , C . G . ; S . Scott , R . ; F . Bates , T . ; Rev . J . C . Stewart , Prelate ; J . Johnson , M . ; C . Mac Kenzie , 1 st A . D . C ; J . Louttit , 2 nd A . D . C ; C McClannachan , 1 st W . ;
G . McAlister , 2 nd W . ; J . May , C . C ; T . W . Brownlie , D . C . W . P . Watson , J . C . ; D . B . Fleming , D of Music ; R . Muir , S . B . ; J , Forrest , S . B . ; and John McDade , Sentinel . There being no other business , the encampment was closed in due form .
GLASGOW . —ROYAL ARCH MEETINGS . This has been a busy week in Glasgow , in Royal Arch Masonry , all the chapters having met for election and installation of officers . CHATTER 50 , held their annual meeting in St . Mark ' s Hall on September 23 rd , for the election
and installation of officers for the ensuing year . The following companions were unanimousl y elected , and had the honour of being installed by M . E ; Comp . F A . Barrow , P . G . Z ., ( who expressed the pleasure he felt in attending to instal the officers of his mother chapter ) , fames Miller ,
Z ., wns re-elected ; Wm . Bell , H ; F . J . Mitchell , J . ; P . Agnew , T . ; James Loutitt , Scribe E . re-elected ; J . Mann , W . ; and Colin McKenzie , Principal Sojourner , were then installed . CHAPTER 69 met in Killwinning Hall , 170 , Buchanan-street , on the 2 , 3 rd ult and proceeded to
elect as their officers Comps . Dr . T . D . Humphries , re-elected for the fourth time ; G . Herron , H ., re-elected ; D . B Fleming , J . ; Wm . Thomas , T ., re-elected ; J . M . Oliver , S . E ., re-elected ; Jas Gibbon , N . ; George Robinson , 1 st S . ; J . H . Fash , 2 nd S . ; R . Prout , , 3 rd S . ; D . Ramsay ,
J amtor . The chapter then adjourned , while No . 7 , 3 proceeded with their election . CHATTER No . 7 , 3 met in the Killwinning Hall under Comp . G . MacDonald , Z . ; and unanimously elected the following companions as officers for the year : —G . W . Wheeler , Z ; John
Tweed , H . ; J . Steward , J . ; J . Bannerman , T . ; Jas . Balfour S . E ., re-elected ; A . McKie , N . ; W . B . Patterson , 1 st . S . ; G . Murray , 2 nd S . ; Wm . McGregor , 3 rd S . ; Thos . Y ' ules , Captain of the Vails , and Wm . Jamison , Janitor . A deputation of members , accompanied by all the officers
of Chapter 144 , then appeared , and asked permission for their officers to be installed , as they had been disappointed in obtaining the services of the companions whom they had expected to instal them . This was at once granted , and Comp . Wheeler requested Comp A . McTaggart ,
M . A ., P . G . S . E ., to instal them . The P . G . S . E . said it would have given him much pleasure , as a member of 73 , to have complied with the request of their First Principal , but as , owing to the three chapters meeting , his time had expired , and he knew that their
P . Z . was fully competent to the task . He must ask them to permit him to retire . The ollicers of No . 144 were then introduced , having been previously elected in their own hall in the Garngad-road . The following is the list : — Jas . Annand , Z . ; j . McLeish , H .,
re-elected ; G . McAUum , J . re-elected ; J . W . Rotheram , T . ; Jas . Both , S . E . ; A . Heron , N . ; Jas . Appleyard , 1 st S ; J . Morrison , 2 nd S . ; Jas . Mills , . 3 rd S . ; J . Hughes , Janitor ; Comp . J . Balfour , Scribe E . and P . Z . of 73 , then proceeded to instal all the oflicers of the
three Chapters 111 a most efficient manner . Comp . T . D . Humphries , who was seated as H ., then addressed tlie united chapters , thanking the members of 6 9 for their confidence in him in thus for the fourth time placing him in the proud position , and pledging himself to do the
best in his power to carry out lhe princi ples of Royal Arch Masonry . Comp . J-lines Annand , seated as J ., thanked the members of 144 .. Thcry were the youngest chapter in the Province , and their first Z . had left not only them but the country . Their late Z ., Comp . R . Bell , had
worthily tilled the chair since his departure , and he wished he could have induced him to have continued lor another year , but having decided otherwise , he would do his best to deserve their favour . Comp . G . W . Wheeler could not boast of four years' experience in this hi-. h office like