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Table Of Contents.
„ _„ OF M ASONIC M EETINGS : — PAGE R C * mttM * lsont 5 r »' ^^' Mc ^ dRiu'AAZ : AAAAAAAAAA :: 11 , ¦ «« n 1 ? on ' oTisKciAi ^^ ra ^ iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA II iinlnnic Ball in Liverpool 94 nA , Tl \ Irisor * ic institution tor Girls . 94
V , ert KdwarirCommemoration Medal ..... ' ... ' ...,... ' 90 The Hi . * * * grades 06 ArcliKOloi-ical Progress 9 6 Masonic Exaggeration 97 American Freemasonry 97 ( " ( lRRKSl'ONnEN'CE : — The Installation ofthe Grand Master 9 8 Mr Bradlaugh ancl Freemasonry * . g 8 The Admission of Members 98
The Public House Question 99 The Status of Past Masters 99 Thc Apollo University Lodge , Oxford 99 The Right of Visiting Lodges 99 Official * Visits to Lodges 99 Koval Standard Lodge 99 Lodge ' Meetings for next Week 100 Advertisements i . ii , iii , iv . v , vi
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Ifitsonrg .
Oi . n C ONCORD LODGE ( No . 172 ) . —On Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., a grand ball took place at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , it being the 35 th anniversary of the ball , and we must say that it was the most distingue' and elegant assembly we have for many years past observed . The whole suite of rooms having been re-decorated and
beautified but recently , added much to the splendour of thc scene , and the arrangements throughout redounded highly to thc credit of all parties engaged in promoting this ball . The dancing was kept up with great animation and spirit until midnight , when the votaries of the light fantastic descended to the " Crown Room" which was
most brilliantly lighted up for their reception . After the company had freely partaken of the various delicacies provided , Bro . Speight , thc well-known Tyler of this lodge , acting as toastmastcr , proclaimed silence for the V . ? ., who on rising referred in feeling terms to the unavoidable absence of thc President , Bro . Vorley , through severe indisposition . Thc toasts being limited the Presidentin glowing
and eloquent language gave the toast of " Her Majesty the Queen , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " after which Bro . J . Emmcns , P . M . lhe highly respected Hon . Sec , who had on rising a perfect ovation of plaudits , shewing the respect in which he is held , proceeded to give "The Health of Bro . E . A . Masterman , the chairman , which was responded to in a most
enthusiastic manner . The worthy Sec . then gave the toast of the evening , viz ., "The Success of the Old Concord Ball , " and spoke in the warmest terms of thc support rendered by the patronage of the bodies whose presence and aid had drawn forth so large a party . Contributing as it did such benefit to the charities , thc proceeds resulting being at all limes handed over to some one of those excellent
institutions Masons hold so dear . Thc Secretary ' s ( Bro . Emmens ) health was then proposed by thc President , who dilated most pleasantly upon the excellent qualities and thc respect in which their Bro . Secretary was so universally held by his brethren , when Bro . Emmcns replied that he was much gratified that his efforts had given such general satisfaction ; informing the assembled company that it was 36 years
since he had had thc honour and pleasure of carrying out thc arrangements of thc ball . The President then proposed the health of the ladies , leaving it in thc hands of Bro . War " , S . D . of the lodge , and a junior member of the company to respond . Ample justice being done to the viands , which wcrc supplied by Bro . Francatclli in a most recherche style l ' , e company returned to the ballroom to
, resume dancing , which was kept up with great spirit until 4 a . m . The Stewards , were Bro . E . Dottridge , I . P . M . ; D . Devenish , S . W . ; G . Gurton , P . M . ; G . Watson , P . M . ; A . . I . Dottridge , J . D . ; S . S . Wood , S . D . ; W . P . Goosey , I . G . Bro . Frampton , who has been thc M . C . for many years , acquitted himself with his accustomed urbanity . The band , under the directorship of Bro . Marriott , added
very materially to the enjoyment of thc company by thc inspiring strains of music , from his repertoire of the most popular and pleasing compositions ot the day . LEICESTER . —J OHN * O' GAUNT LODGE ( NO . 523 ) . — The members of this lodge assembled at the Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday evening , the 18 th ult ., for thc transaction of business , which comprised the election of Bro .
Thomas Wortbington , S . W . Knights of Malta Lodge , No . SO , as a joining member , two raisings , and one passing . One of thc candidates for the sublime degree , who is now 'ravelling in Russia , was consequently absent , and thc candidate for thc second degree was unable to attend owing to domestic affliction . There was a numerous attendance of visitors to witness the excellent working , for which the
oflicers of this lodge arc so justly celebrated , and the W . M ., Bro . S . S . Partridge , Prov . Grand Secretary , fully realized the expectations of all present by his masterly manner of conferring the third degree . Amongst those present on ( his occasion were the complete staff of officers , and the following brethren : Bros . F . J . Baines , I . P . M , ; J . T .
Thorp , S . W . ; W . T . Rowlctt , J . W . ; VV . B . Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; T . A . Wykes , Secretary ; A . Ross , S . D . ; R . Taylor , j . D . ; W . C . Shout , I . G . * , A . Sargeant , Steward ; K . Waite , P . G . W . ; ] . W . Smith , W . M . 279 ; G . Clifton , VV . M . 1391 ; J . M . M'AIIister , S . W . 279 ; E . Mason , Sec . 1391 * , and others . We have much p leasure in observing that Bro . Partridge has been proposed as an honorary
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. member of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , in appreciation of his eminent services in this province . STOKESLEY . —CLEVELAND LODGE ( No . S 43 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the Cleveland Lodge was held at the Golden Lion Hotel , on Monday evening , February 22 nd , when Bro . Richardson , of Glaisdalc , was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed
in a very able and impressive manner by Bro . Knowles , P . M . of the Lodge of Philanthropy , Stockton-on-Tees , and G . S . D . of the province of Durham . The W . M . -then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . A . W . Johnson , S . W . ; James Coulson , J . W . ; W . S . Dixon , S . D . ; David Dixon , " j . D . ; Sharpc , I . G . ; Handyside , P . M . and P . Prov . G . J . W . - , remaining Secretary as before . Bro .
Watson was re-elected as Treasurer , and Bro . Harrison , who has been the efficient Tyler of the lodge from its commencement , was re-appointed as usual . Thc lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . Thc annual festival of the lodge , which had been deferred on account of the change of tenants at the hotel , was served up in excellent style by Mr . and Mrs .
Laws , and the youngest and oldest Masons all showed a reasonable proficiency in " the knife and fork degree . " The following toasts were then given , and drank with Masonic honours . " The Queen , and the Craft , " " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , G . M . of England ;" " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " responded to by Bro . Handyside ; "The Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . ; " "Thc
Health of Bro . Knowles , to which he responded in a feeling manner ; " The Zetland Lodge , " responded to by Bro . Suthercst , S . W . of that lodge ; " The Lodge of Philanthropy , " to which Bro . Thomas Bowron , P . M . of that lodge , responded * , " The W . M . during the past year , " responded to by Bro . Wilcox ; "The W . M . for the ensuing year , " responded to by Bro . Richardson ; " Thc Health of Bro .
Handyside , " in proposing which , Bro . Knowles bore his testimony to the valuable services which had been rendered by that brother in assisting to work the Royal Arch Chapters in the neighbourhood . Bro . George Markham Tweddell expressed the pleasure it gave to the members of thc Cleveland Lodge to hear the remarks which had just fallen from a brother of the adjoining province . For thc
information of those present who had just been initiated , he might state that twenty-eight years ago there was no Masonic lodge in Cleveland , and now there were four . He did not think that if there had never been a Bro . Handyside that there never would have been a Cleveland Lodge ; but he certainly was thc founder of the lodge , and for upwards of twenty-seven years he had rarely been
absent from the meetings of the lodge . Bro . Handyside responded . "Thc Assistant Officers of thc Lodge , " responded to by Bro . William Harrison , who also favoured the meeting with some excellent recitations . The proceedings were enlivened by songs from Bros . Watson , Purdy , Emerson , Wilcox , W . S . Dixon , David Dixon , Best , and others . The brethren departed about ten o ' clock in
peace and harmony . TIVERTON—ST . PETER ' LODGE ( No . 1125 ) . —The regular monthly stated lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , thc 18 th inst ., Bro . Thos . Parkhouse presiding . After the confirmation of the minutes of the former meeting , Bro . Mills , P . M ., Secretary , presented to thc lodge an elegant album to contain thc photographs of
the present nnd future members . On thc first page was a life-like cabinet portrait of their much beloved P . G . M ., the R . W . and Revd . Jno . I Iuyshe , which that gentleman had , on the application of Bro . Mills , most courteously forwarded . Thanks having been voted to the donors for their acceptable present , the lodge was opened up to the third degree , and Bro . Luxton , who had been duly
examined and entrusted , was raised by the W . M . to thc sublime degree of a M . M . On resuming work in thc first degree , a candidate was proposed for initiation , and thc lodge then formally closed . On Monday last , thc 22 nd inst ., all that was mortal of Bro . P . P . Beedcll , deceased , late a member of Fidelity Lodge , No . 230 , was interred in thc family vault in St . George ' s churchyard , in
this town , several brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge attending the funeral , wearing white gloves and having a black rosette on the left arm . Upon the funeral procession entering the church , the " Dead March in Saul" was performed on the organ by Bro . Mills , P . M ., P . G . O ; and at the conclusion of the service , the brethren passed round the grave , and dropped sprigs of acacia on the
coffin . DOVER . —CORINTHIAN LODGE ( No . 1208 ) . —It is the custom of thc Freemasons once a year to celebrate the advent of thc new Master and thc retirement of the old one by a gathering of the members of the lodge in connection with which thc celebration takes place , as well ol other lodges in the district . A celebration of this character
took place at the Corinthian Lodge , No . 1208 , at the Royal Hotel , on Monday evening , when the W . M . elect , Bro . W . A . Smeeth , was duly installed in the presence of Bro . Eastes , Deputy Prov . G . M . for the Province of Kent , and a large assembly of Masons . The ceremony of installation was exceedingly well performed by the P . M ., Bro . G . Adamson , sen ., assisted by P . M . Bro . J . Owen Rees
( who was on a visit to Dover ) , and P . M . Bro . Archibald Wilson . After the ceremony , 78 of thc brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by thc host , after which the W . M . very ably gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly responded to . The Deputy P . G . M ., Bro . Eastes , in proposing " The Health of the W . M ., " who had just been installed , in a very able manner pleaded the
cause of those truly charitable institutions , the Boys' and Girls' Schools , the Institutions for Aged Freemasons antl Freemasons' Widows . The Secretary of the latter institution , Bro . Terry , also advocated its claims on the sympathies of thc brethren , and he also availed himself of the opportunity of informing the brethren that the Corinthian Lodge in sending up Bro . I-l . M . Baker as their Steward , with thc excellent sum of nearly £ zo , had done great ser-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vice to this institution , and he hoped that example would be followed in numerous instances . A very gratifying evening was spent , and we may add that during thc evening the W . M . read a letter from Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Kent , expressing his inabilit y to be present , and congratulating the lod ge upon its prosperity ; and , just
previous to the opening of thc lodge , a telegram was received from Bro . Alfred Spencer , Prov . Grand Sec , stating his regret at being unable to keep his engagement . The following is a list of the brethren present : —S . Wiles , 1208 , W . M ., vacating chair ; W . A . Smeeth , VV . M ., elect ; W . B . Adamson , S . W . ; G . Adamson , sen ., P . M . 199 and 1208 , P . Prov . G . D . Cers . ; II . M . Baker , J . W . ; I .
Holmes , S . D .: C . Claydon , J . D . ; G . Adamson , jun ., I . G . ; J . Rose , Tyler ; Edw . Todd , Isaac Lester , f . D . 199 ; A . Wilson , P . M . 199 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Bourdeaux , J . W . 199 ; Peachey , Faecks , Chas . J . Long , S . J . Davies , II . C . Fuhr , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ; J . H . Welch , C . Waiter , G . R . Igglesilen , Herbert E . Wright , J . Crosier , E . Fenn , S . Court , Visitors—J . S . Eastes ,
Invicta , 709 , D . P . G . M ., Kent ; Hughes Hallett , Invi ? ta , 709 , W . M . ; R . Elliott , Invicta , 709 , and 874 , P . Prov . G . R ., P . M . ; W . Wood , St . Michaels , W . M . 1273 ; H . Greenwood , Royal Military , W . M . 1 449 ; J . Owen Rees , Peace and Harmony , P . M . 199 , P . Prov . G . P . ; H . Misken , St . Augustine , 972 ; W . Bell , Peace and Harmony , 199 ; James Kennett , <**; 8 , W . M ., P . G . S . ; C . Gosby , W . M . 1436 ;
F . Walker , W . M . 972 ; J . Sherwood , Temple , P . M . 5 Si ; J . Terry , Secretary , R . M . B . I . ; W . M . Cavil ! , 784 , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D . ; D . Osmcnt , 155 , P . M . P . Prov . J . W . ; John E . Apps , 784 , W . M . ; R . B . Eastes , 1096 , W . M . ; S . Olds , 784 ; G . W . Moon , 784 ; G . I-I Smith , 199 ; Adam Keeler , 1436 ; A . F . S . Bird , 784 , P . M . ; G . N . Chidwick , 199 .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( No . 12 S 7 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday , 18 th ult . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . James Forbes , who was supported by the I . P . M ., Bro . Staton , Bros . Bcscoby , S . W . ; Lancaster , J . W . ; Christie , J . D . ; West , P . M ., I . G . ; Webb , Treasurer . There were also present Bros . Reed , P . M ., Arkell , Hammond ,
Busgard , Tewkesbury , Freshwater , Harper , Owen , Bathard , Timberlake , Short , Robinson , Hawtin , and Hitchcock . Thc worthy Secretary , Bro . Jupe , was absent through illness . Thc business consisted of raising Bro . Ilawtin ; passing Bros . Short and Hitchcock ; and initiating Mr . Jones , thc candidate who was ballotted for at the last meeting , but who was then unable to be present . There were also
two candidates mentioned in the summons to be ballotted for , viz .: Messrs . Barnes and Jenkins . Punctual to time on the part of the officers , thc W . M . opened the lodge , and commenced by examining Bro . Ilawtin , whom he afterwards raised to the sublime degree , in a manner that portends well forthc future ; in fact , not only in this degree , but also in all the other business brought before him . Bros .
Short and Hitchcock were passed to the second degree after due examination , and Mr . Jones was then initiated . The ballot having been unanimous in favour of Messrs . Barnes and Jenkins , they were also admitted into thc ancient Order . The minutes of the last meeting were then read and confirmed . The W . M . having riser in tho usual manner , and no candidates being announced , the
lodge was adjourned to the month of March . At thc banquet that followed , the W . M . put thc Grand lodge toasts through in quick time , and these having been received , as is usually thc case with this lodge , in a truly loyal manner , " Thc Health of thc Initiates " was given . The replies from the new comers were very good , showing that the ceremony they had recently undergone , had left an
impression upon their minds . For that of thc " Visitors , " Bros . Baleson , Jones and Oldfield returned thanks , all of them expressing themselves highly gratified at the entertainment they had received . Thc W . M . then gave thc " Past Masters , " which was replied to by Bros . Staton , I . P . M . * , Webb , P . M . ; and Reed , P . M . "The Health of the W . M . " having been proposed , it was duly honoured with
thc fire of the Great Northern . After a brief , but humourous reply , the W . M . gave " Thc I lealth of thc Officers , " stating that he was not only proud of them himself , but proud of them for the sake of the lodge , and of those who had filled the chair before him , for they had done a great deal in getting thc lodge to its present efficient state , but more especially with regard to the officers . Bro .
Bcscoby , S . W ., replying for himself and brother officers , stated they , one and all , had made up their minds to do all they could to promote thc welfare and pleasure of the members of No . 1287 . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the evening ' s entertainment , which was greatly enhanced by the W . M . Bros . Webb , P . M . ; and Iked , P . M . ; and Bros . Arkell , Bcscoby , Barnes , Harper , Lancaster , and Owen .
HAMPTON COURT . —BURDETT LODGE ( No . 129 . - ) . — This lodge held its installation meeting at the Mitre Tavern , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the 23 rd January , when a large muster of thc brethren , members of thc province of Middlesex , assembled . Thc outgoing W . M ., Bro , Phythian , in a most able manner , initiated Mr . William Jones Burdett , a nephew of the R . W . Provincial Grand
Master , and passed two brethren to the second degree . Bro . Little , the P . G . Secretary , then took the chair , and installed Bro . Frederick Keily , as W . M . of the lodge , with that degree of perfection which renders his working so celebrated . Thc W . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . Pearse , S . W . ; Berrie , I . W . ; Rev . Shaboe , Chaplain ; Little , P . G . Secretary ,
Treasurer ; Buss , P . G . Treasurer , Secretary ; Southwell , S . D . ; Bindoff , J . D . ; Tindall , I . G . ; Gordon , M . C ; Woollard , W . Steward ; Coote , Organist . The report of the audit committee was presented , which showed thc lodge to be in a very flourishing condition , and a vote of five guineas was made to the Masonic Girls' School . After thc banquet , the usual Masonic toasts were given , and ably responded to , and in a few remarks made by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Table Of Contents.
„ _„ OF M ASONIC M EETINGS : — PAGE R C * mttM * lsont 5 r »' ^^' Mc ^ dRiu'AAZ : AAAAAAAAAA :: 11 , ¦ «« n 1 ? on ' oTisKciAi ^^ ra ^ iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA II iinlnnic Ball in Liverpool 94 nA , Tl \ Irisor * ic institution tor Girls . 94
V , ert KdwarirCommemoration Medal ..... ' ... ' ...,... ' 90 The Hi . * * * grades 06 ArcliKOloi-ical Progress 9 6 Masonic Exaggeration 97 American Freemasonry 97 ( " ( lRRKSl'ONnEN'CE : — The Installation ofthe Grand Master 9 8 Mr Bradlaugh ancl Freemasonry * . g 8 The Admission of Members 98
The Public House Question 99 The Status of Past Masters 99 Thc Apollo University Lodge , Oxford 99 The Right of Visiting Lodges 99 Official * Visits to Lodges 99 Koval Standard Lodge 99 Lodge ' Meetings for next Week 100 Advertisements i . ii , iii , iv . v , vi
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
toft Ifitsonrg .
Oi . n C ONCORD LODGE ( No . 172 ) . —On Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., a grand ball took place at the Freemasons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , it being the 35 th anniversary of the ball , and we must say that it was the most distingue' and elegant assembly we have for many years past observed . The whole suite of rooms having been re-decorated and
beautified but recently , added much to the splendour of thc scene , and the arrangements throughout redounded highly to thc credit of all parties engaged in promoting this ball . The dancing was kept up with great animation and spirit until midnight , when the votaries of the light fantastic descended to the " Crown Room" which was
most brilliantly lighted up for their reception . After the company had freely partaken of the various delicacies provided , Bro . Speight , thc well-known Tyler of this lodge , acting as toastmastcr , proclaimed silence for the V . ? ., who on rising referred in feeling terms to the unavoidable absence of thc President , Bro . Vorley , through severe indisposition . Thc toasts being limited the Presidentin glowing
and eloquent language gave the toast of " Her Majesty the Queen , His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " after which Bro . J . Emmcns , P . M . lhe highly respected Hon . Sec , who had on rising a perfect ovation of plaudits , shewing the respect in which he is held , proceeded to give "The Health of Bro . E . A . Masterman , the chairman , which was responded to in a most
enthusiastic manner . The worthy Sec . then gave the toast of the evening , viz ., "The Success of the Old Concord Ball , " and spoke in the warmest terms of thc support rendered by the patronage of the bodies whose presence and aid had drawn forth so large a party . Contributing as it did such benefit to the charities , thc proceeds resulting being at all limes handed over to some one of those excellent
institutions Masons hold so dear . Thc Secretary ' s ( Bro . Emmens ) health was then proposed by thc President , who dilated most pleasantly upon the excellent qualities and thc respect in which their Bro . Secretary was so universally held by his brethren , when Bro . Emmcns replied that he was much gratified that his efforts had given such general satisfaction ; informing the assembled company that it was 36 years
since he had had thc honour and pleasure of carrying out thc arrangements of thc ball . The President then proposed the health of the ladies , leaving it in thc hands of Bro . War " , S . D . of the lodge , and a junior member of the company to respond . Ample justice being done to the viands , which wcrc supplied by Bro . Francatclli in a most recherche style l ' , e company returned to the ballroom to
, resume dancing , which was kept up with great spirit until 4 a . m . The Stewards , were Bro . E . Dottridge , I . P . M . ; D . Devenish , S . W . ; G . Gurton , P . M . ; G . Watson , P . M . ; A . . I . Dottridge , J . D . ; S . S . Wood , S . D . ; W . P . Goosey , I . G . Bro . Frampton , who has been thc M . C . for many years , acquitted himself with his accustomed urbanity . The band , under the directorship of Bro . Marriott , added
very materially to the enjoyment of thc company by thc inspiring strains of music , from his repertoire of the most popular and pleasing compositions ot the day . LEICESTER . —J OHN * O' GAUNT LODGE ( NO . 523 ) . — The members of this lodge assembled at the Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday evening , the 18 th ult ., for thc transaction of business , which comprised the election of Bro .
Thomas Wortbington , S . W . Knights of Malta Lodge , No . SO , as a joining member , two raisings , and one passing . One of thc candidates for the sublime degree , who is now 'ravelling in Russia , was consequently absent , and thc candidate for thc second degree was unable to attend owing to domestic affliction . There was a numerous attendance of visitors to witness the excellent working , for which the
oflicers of this lodge arc so justly celebrated , and the W . M ., Bro . S . S . Partridge , Prov . Grand Secretary , fully realized the expectations of all present by his masterly manner of conferring the third degree . Amongst those present on ( his occasion were the complete staff of officers , and the following brethren : Bros . F . J . Baines , I . P . M , ; J . T .
Thorp , S . W . ; W . T . Rowlctt , J . W . ; VV . B . Smith , P . M ., Treasurer ; T . A . Wykes , Secretary ; A . Ross , S . D . ; R . Taylor , j . D . ; W . C . Shout , I . G . * , A . Sargeant , Steward ; K . Waite , P . G . W . ; ] . W . Smith , W . M . 279 ; G . Clifton , VV . M . 1391 ; J . M . M'AIIister , S . W . 279 ; E . Mason , Sec . 1391 * , and others . We have much p leasure in observing that Bro . Partridge has been proposed as an honorary
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
. member of St . John ' s Lodge , No . 279 , in appreciation of his eminent services in this province . STOKESLEY . —CLEVELAND LODGE ( No . S 43 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the Cleveland Lodge was held at the Golden Lion Hotel , on Monday evening , February 22 nd , when Bro . Richardson , of Glaisdalc , was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed
in a very able and impressive manner by Bro . Knowles , P . M . of the Lodge of Philanthropy , Stockton-on-Tees , and G . S . D . of the province of Durham . The W . M . -then appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . A . W . Johnson , S . W . ; James Coulson , J . W . ; W . S . Dixon , S . D . ; David Dixon , " j . D . ; Sharpc , I . G . ; Handyside , P . M . and P . Prov . G . J . W . - , remaining Secretary as before . Bro .
Watson was re-elected as Treasurer , and Bro . Harrison , who has been the efficient Tyler of the lodge from its commencement , was re-appointed as usual . Thc lodge being duly closed , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment . Thc annual festival of the lodge , which had been deferred on account of the change of tenants at the hotel , was served up in excellent style by Mr . and Mrs .
Laws , and the youngest and oldest Masons all showed a reasonable proficiency in " the knife and fork degree . " The following toasts were then given , and drank with Masonic honours . " The Queen , and the Craft , " " His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , G . M . of England ;" " The Army , Navy , and Volunteers , " responded to by Bro . Handyside ; "The Earl of Zetland , Prov . G . M . ; " "Thc
Health of Bro . Knowles , to which he responded in a feeling manner ; " The Zetland Lodge , " responded to by Bro . Suthercst , S . W . of that lodge ; " The Lodge of Philanthropy , " to which Bro . Thomas Bowron , P . M . of that lodge , responded * , " The W . M . during the past year , " responded to by Bro . Wilcox ; "The W . M . for the ensuing year , " responded to by Bro . Richardson ; " Thc Health of Bro .
Handyside , " in proposing which , Bro . Knowles bore his testimony to the valuable services which had been rendered by that brother in assisting to work the Royal Arch Chapters in the neighbourhood . Bro . George Markham Tweddell expressed the pleasure it gave to the members of thc Cleveland Lodge to hear the remarks which had just fallen from a brother of the adjoining province . For thc
information of those present who had just been initiated , he might state that twenty-eight years ago there was no Masonic lodge in Cleveland , and now there were four . He did not think that if there had never been a Bro . Handyside that there never would have been a Cleveland Lodge ; but he certainly was thc founder of the lodge , and for upwards of twenty-seven years he had rarely been
absent from the meetings of the lodge . Bro . Handyside responded . "Thc Assistant Officers of thc Lodge , " responded to by Bro . William Harrison , who also favoured the meeting with some excellent recitations . The proceedings were enlivened by songs from Bros . Watson , Purdy , Emerson , Wilcox , W . S . Dixon , David Dixon , Best , and others . The brethren departed about ten o ' clock in
peace and harmony . TIVERTON—ST . PETER ' LODGE ( No . 1125 ) . —The regular monthly stated lodge was held at the Masonic Hall , on Thursday , thc 18 th inst ., Bro . Thos . Parkhouse presiding . After the confirmation of the minutes of the former meeting , Bro . Mills , P . M ., Secretary , presented to thc lodge an elegant album to contain thc photographs of
the present nnd future members . On thc first page was a life-like cabinet portrait of their much beloved P . G . M ., the R . W . and Revd . Jno . I Iuyshe , which that gentleman had , on the application of Bro . Mills , most courteously forwarded . Thanks having been voted to the donors for their acceptable present , the lodge was opened up to the third degree , and Bro . Luxton , who had been duly
examined and entrusted , was raised by the W . M . to thc sublime degree of a M . M . On resuming work in thc first degree , a candidate was proposed for initiation , and thc lodge then formally closed . On Monday last , thc 22 nd inst ., all that was mortal of Bro . P . P . Beedcll , deceased , late a member of Fidelity Lodge , No . 230 , was interred in thc family vault in St . George ' s churchyard , in
this town , several brethren of St . Peter ' s Lodge attending the funeral , wearing white gloves and having a black rosette on the left arm . Upon the funeral procession entering the church , the " Dead March in Saul" was performed on the organ by Bro . Mills , P . M ., P . G . O ; and at the conclusion of the service , the brethren passed round the grave , and dropped sprigs of acacia on the
coffin . DOVER . —CORINTHIAN LODGE ( No . 1208 ) . —It is the custom of thc Freemasons once a year to celebrate the advent of thc new Master and thc retirement of the old one by a gathering of the members of the lodge in connection with which thc celebration takes place , as well ol other lodges in the district . A celebration of this character
took place at the Corinthian Lodge , No . 1208 , at the Royal Hotel , on Monday evening , when the W . M . elect , Bro . W . A . Smeeth , was duly installed in the presence of Bro . Eastes , Deputy Prov . G . M . for the Province of Kent , and a large assembly of Masons . The ceremony of installation was exceedingly well performed by the P . M ., Bro . G . Adamson , sen ., assisted by P . M . Bro . J . Owen Rees
( who was on a visit to Dover ) , and P . M . Bro . Archibald Wilson . After the ceremony , 78 of thc brethren sat down to an excellent banquet , provided by thc host , after which the W . M . very ably gave the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , which were duly responded to . The Deputy P . G . M ., Bro . Eastes , in proposing " The Health of the W . M ., " who had just been installed , in a very able manner pleaded the
cause of those truly charitable institutions , the Boys' and Girls' Schools , the Institutions for Aged Freemasons antl Freemasons' Widows . The Secretary of the latter institution , Bro . Terry , also advocated its claims on the sympathies of thc brethren , and he also availed himself of the opportunity of informing the brethren that the Corinthian Lodge in sending up Bro . I-l . M . Baker as their Steward , with thc excellent sum of nearly £ zo , had done great ser-
Reports Of Masonic Meetings.
vice to this institution , and he hoped that example would be followed in numerous instances . A very gratifying evening was spent , and we may add that during thc evening the W . M . read a letter from Viscount Holmesdale , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Kent , expressing his inabilit y to be present , and congratulating the lod ge upon its prosperity ; and , just
previous to the opening of thc lodge , a telegram was received from Bro . Alfred Spencer , Prov . Grand Sec , stating his regret at being unable to keep his engagement . The following is a list of the brethren present : —S . Wiles , 1208 , W . M ., vacating chair ; W . A . Smeeth , VV . M ., elect ; W . B . Adamson , S . W . ; G . Adamson , sen ., P . M . 199 and 1208 , P . Prov . G . D . Cers . ; II . M . Baker , J . W . ; I .
Holmes , S . D .: C . Claydon , J . D . ; G . Adamson , jun ., I . G . ; J . Rose , Tyler ; Edw . Todd , Isaac Lester , f . D . 199 ; A . Wilson , P . M . 199 , P . Prov . G . S . B . ; J . Bourdeaux , J . W . 199 ; Peachey , Faecks , Chas . J . Long , S . J . Davies , II . C . Fuhr , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D . C ; J . H . Welch , C . Waiter , G . R . Igglesilen , Herbert E . Wright , J . Crosier , E . Fenn , S . Court , Visitors—J . S . Eastes ,
Invicta , 709 , D . P . G . M ., Kent ; Hughes Hallett , Invi ? ta , 709 , W . M . ; R . Elliott , Invicta , 709 , and 874 , P . Prov . G . R ., P . M . ; W . Wood , St . Michaels , W . M . 1273 ; H . Greenwood , Royal Military , W . M . 1 449 ; J . Owen Rees , Peace and Harmony , P . M . 199 , P . Prov . G . P . ; H . Misken , St . Augustine , 972 ; W . Bell , Peace and Harmony , 199 ; James Kennett , <**; 8 , W . M ., P . G . S . ; C . Gosby , W . M . 1436 ;
F . Walker , W . M . 972 ; J . Sherwood , Temple , P . M . 5 Si ; J . Terry , Secretary , R . M . B . I . ; W . M . Cavil ! , 784 , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . D . ; D . Osmcnt , 155 , P . M . P . Prov . J . W . ; John E . Apps , 784 , W . M . ; R . B . Eastes , 1096 , W . M . ; S . Olds , 784 ; G . W . Moon , 784 ; G . I-I Smith , 199 ; Adam Keeler , 1436 ; A . F . S . Bird , 784 , P . M . ; G . N . Chidwick , 199 .
GREAT NORTHERN LODGE ( No . 12 S 7 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Freemasons ' Hall on Thursday , 18 th ult . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . James Forbes , who was supported by the I . P . M ., Bro . Staton , Bros . Bcscoby , S . W . ; Lancaster , J . W . ; Christie , J . D . ; West , P . M ., I . G . ; Webb , Treasurer . There were also present Bros . Reed , P . M ., Arkell , Hammond ,
Busgard , Tewkesbury , Freshwater , Harper , Owen , Bathard , Timberlake , Short , Robinson , Hawtin , and Hitchcock . Thc worthy Secretary , Bro . Jupe , was absent through illness . Thc business consisted of raising Bro . Ilawtin ; passing Bros . Short and Hitchcock ; and initiating Mr . Jones , thc candidate who was ballotted for at the last meeting , but who was then unable to be present . There were also
two candidates mentioned in the summons to be ballotted for , viz .: Messrs . Barnes and Jenkins . Punctual to time on the part of the officers , thc W . M . opened the lodge , and commenced by examining Bro . Ilawtin , whom he afterwards raised to the sublime degree , in a manner that portends well forthc future ; in fact , not only in this degree , but also in all the other business brought before him . Bros .
Short and Hitchcock were passed to the second degree after due examination , and Mr . Jones was then initiated . The ballot having been unanimous in favour of Messrs . Barnes and Jenkins , they were also admitted into thc ancient Order . The minutes of the last meeting were then read and confirmed . The W . M . having riser in tho usual manner , and no candidates being announced , the
lodge was adjourned to the month of March . At thc banquet that followed , the W . M . put thc Grand lodge toasts through in quick time , and these having been received , as is usually thc case with this lodge , in a truly loyal manner , " Thc Health of thc Initiates " was given . The replies from the new comers were very good , showing that the ceremony they had recently undergone , had left an
impression upon their minds . For that of thc " Visitors , " Bros . Baleson , Jones and Oldfield returned thanks , all of them expressing themselves highly gratified at the entertainment they had received . Thc W . M . then gave thc " Past Masters , " which was replied to by Bros . Staton , I . P . M . * , Webb , P . M . ; and Reed , P . M . "The Health of the W . M . " having been proposed , it was duly honoured with
thc fire of the Great Northern . After a brief , but humourous reply , the W . M . gave " Thc I lealth of thc Officers , " stating that he was not only proud of them himself , but proud of them for the sake of the lodge , and of those who had filled the chair before him , for they had done a great deal in getting thc lodge to its present efficient state , but more especially with regard to the officers . Bro .
Bcscoby , S . W ., replying for himself and brother officers , stated they , one and all , had made up their minds to do all they could to promote thc welfare and pleasure of the members of No . 1287 . The Tyler ' s toast concluded the evening ' s entertainment , which was greatly enhanced by the W . M . Bros . Webb , P . M . ; and Iked , P . M . ; and Bros . Arkell , Bcscoby , Barnes , Harper , Lancaster , and Owen .
HAMPTON COURT . —BURDETT LODGE ( No . 129 . - ) . — This lodge held its installation meeting at the Mitre Tavern , Hampton Court , on Saturday , the 23 rd January , when a large muster of thc brethren , members of thc province of Middlesex , assembled . Thc outgoing W . M ., Bro , Phythian , in a most able manner , initiated Mr . William Jones Burdett , a nephew of the R . W . Provincial Grand
Master , and passed two brethren to the second degree . Bro . Little , the P . G . Secretary , then took the chair , and installed Bro . Frederick Keily , as W . M . of the lodge , with that degree of perfection which renders his working so celebrated . Thc W . M . then appointed and invested the officers for the ensuing year , viz .: —Bros . Pearse , S . W . ; Berrie , I . W . ; Rev . Shaboe , Chaplain ; Little , P . G . Secretary ,
Treasurer ; Buss , P . G . Treasurer , Secretary ; Southwell , S . D . ; Bindoff , J . D . ; Tindall , I . G . ; Gordon , M . C ; Woollard , W . Steward ; Coote , Organist . The report of the audit committee was presented , which showed thc lodge to be in a very flourishing condition , and a vote of five guineas was made to the Masonic Girls' School . After thc banquet , the usual Masonic toasts were given , and ably responded to , and in a few remarks made by