Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Gladsmuir Chapter (No.1385.)
ended , the installation of thc Principals was proceeded with and carried out in a most able manner . The following officers were then invested : —E . Comps . Terry , First P . Z . ; Cocks , S . E . ; Hayward Edwards , S . N . ; Verry , P . Soj . ; Livingston , First Asst . Soj . ; I Iumphrys , Second Asst . . Soj . ; Cutbush , Treasurer ; and Goddard , Janitor . Several
brethren were proposed for exaltation . The visitors present , besides those named , were : Comps . Binckes , V . ' A ., Sec . Boys'School ; West , Berry , Wright , P . Z . 22 ; Heard , 11 . 403 ; and Shilcock , 403 . The companions afterwards retired to a sumptuous banquet , provided by the host , Bro . Fisher ; a most agreeable evening was spent .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Thc General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday , 25 th February , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Major Creaton , vice-patron , presided . Among the brethren present were : —Bros . A . H . Tattershall , Walter Wellsman , F . W . II . Ramsay , Raynham W . Stewart , VV . Paas ,
J . A . Rucker , Bcnj . Head , Jesse Turner , Joshua Nunn , Thos . W . White , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , and R . W . Little , Secretary . The resignation of Miss Davis , the head mistress of the school , was announced to the committee , and the vacancy in lhe office was declared as from June next .
A grant of £ 20 was made to a late pupil of the school ou her obtaining an engagement . Several mailers connected with the school were discussed , and one petition was read , the little girl thc subject of it , passed her preliminary very satisfactorily , and was placed on the list for election , after which thc committee adjourned .
FREEMASONRY IN J AMAICA . —On the evening of the 22 nd Dec , the Worshipful II . P . Thompson , Master elect of the Seville Lodge , St . Ann ' s Bay , on behalf of the members , presented the Right Worshipful Michael Solomon , on his retiring from the chair , with a Past Master ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented to the Worshipful Michael Solomon , by the members of the Seville Lodge ,
as a token of brotherly love , and as a mark of his attachment to the Craft , on his retirement from oflice . Lodge Seville , 530 , St . Ann ' s Bay , Jamaica , 1 S 74 . " Bro . Solomon thanked thc brethren , in an eloquent speech , for the manner in which they had marked their appreciation of his services while he occupied the chair as Master , and assured them that he would ever feel that lively interest iu the Seville Lodge which he has felt since its organization .
MASONIC BALL IN LIVERPOOL . —The third annual ball , organized and carried out by some of thc leading spirits of the Alliance Lodge , No . 667 , and other lodges , took place on Wednesday evening , the 24 th ult ., at the Royal Assembly Rooms , Great George-street , Liverpool . Happily named "our" ball , it proved one of the most enjoyable of the season , antl thc Alliance thereby maintained its
nameand fame as being one of the most fraternal in tins part of the country . This was thc third of the series of balls got up under the same auspices , and was largely and fashionably attended , those present including many prominent members of the Craft . The arrangements were of the most satisfactory kind , and everyone seemed to enjoy the merry meeting . The scheme was inaugurated
and carried rut by Bros . W . Doyle , P . M ., Treasurer , 66 7 , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; A . Bucknall , 66 7 ( who most efficiently fulfilled the combined duties of Hon . See . and M . C . ); II , Gregory , 667 ; II . Firth , 66 7 ; A . C . Morrison ; 594 ( Downshire Lodge ) , and Carter , 66 7 . Amongst those present were Bros . It . Brown , S . W . 241 , Secretary to the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution ; T . B ,
Myers , S . W . 1182 ; R . Martin , J . W . 1182 ; J . Jackson , S . W . C 67 ; W . Savage , 241 ; as well as representatives of Lodges £ 94 , 673 , 1356 , and 1393 . Bro . Eve , Lime-street , supplied the supper and refreshments , and his catering , both as respects quantity and quality , could not have been excelled . Mr . Martin ' s quadrille band furnished excellent music . Dancing was kept up with spirit until after three o ' clock .
UxiiiuuGE IEOMANRY CAVALRY . —The annual ball in connection with this distinguished regiment took place on Thursday , 25 th ult ., at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James's , under the patronage of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Cox anil thc officers , Thc company began to assemble , and dancing commenced about nine o ' clock , and was continued with great spirit , to the inspiring strains of the regimental band , under the
direction of Bro . Herr Folkey . Thc members of the regiment ( a considerable number of whom arc brethren ) , mustered in great force , and the handsome uniforms , and truly soldierlike bearing of the men , were the theme of universal admiration . The arrangements were perfect in every degree , ' and reflect the highest credit on the
committee , of which Bro . R . Perkins was Hon . Sec After supper , which was of the most substantial kind , and gave the greatest satisfaction , and the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been given and responded to , the company returned lo thc ball-room , where dancing was resumed until a very early hour in the morning .
IIOI . ' OWAV ' S 1 ' n . i . s . isi ) OINTMENT . —Dangerous Calarrlis , Iironchilis , Asthma , and Inlluciv / . n , are rife at lliis season of tlie year . Hepatic and rcn . al congestions frequently occur as lhe result ol checked skin action , giving rise to serious ' symptotns ; ind preventing atlentioii lo lmsim-ss or pleasure . , \' o lime should he lost on lhe liitt appearance 01 any indications ol' the invasion of these
• lisca-cs , for lhe symptoms may lie cheeked ellectuuily bv lhe use uf these valuable remedies , ilie penetrating local ctfect of the Ointment acts surely in the ahecteil parts , and restores ihem lo a health } 'condition , and lhe pills , jndieionfly taken in accordance with the l . uid diiections , rcli' .-vc the congestive capillaries anil materially les : c . t the chance of serious mischief supervening . — Auvr ,
United Grand Lodge.
Tlie Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held last Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . There were several hundreds of brethren present , who , were probably under the impression that the Prince of Wales would preside . Thc brethren began to arrive at an early hour , and long before seven o ' clock , all sitting room was
occupied . By the lime the Grand Lodge was opened more than half the brethren present were standing , and they so remained during the conduct of Grand Lodge business . Thc Grand Master ' s chair was occupied by Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , District Grand Master of Bengal , thc G . S . W . chair was occupied by Lord Henry Thynne , M . P .,
G . S . W ., and the G . J . W . chair by Ero . F . Pattison . The Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , Provincial Grand Master of Staffordshire , acted as Deputy Grand Master , and the Earl of Limerick , Provincial Grand Master of Bristol , as Past Grand Master . To the right of the Earl of Limerick were Col . Burdett , Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex , Bro . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial
Grand Master of Herts , thc Rev . James Simpson , D . C . L ., Grand Chaplain , and the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past Grand Chaplain . Among thc other Grand Oflicers , nnd Past Grand Officers , were Bros . John Havers , John M . Clabon , John B . Monckton , Joshua Nunn , Capt . Piatt , Col . Whitwell , Thomas Fenn , Rev . A . B . Frnzcr , S . Rawson , Rev . I ! . ( . Simpson , lames Glaisher , Dr . Erasmus Wilson ,
ex-Sheriff 1 lutton , John Symonds , John Savage , Brackstone Baker , and Rev . Sir J . Warren Hayes . After thc opening of Grand Lodge , Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business , and afterwards the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 2 nd December , 1874 . He then read a letter from thc
Grand Lodge of Scotland , acknowledging the receipt of thc resolution of condolence passed in Grand Lodge on thc 2 nd of September last on the decease of the late Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland . The Earl of Shrewsbury then moved an address of condolence to the M . W . Pro Grand Master , the Earl of
Carnarvon , 111 thc sad affliction which has befallen his lordship by the death of thc Countess of Carnarvon . In doing so he said : —Most Worshipful Master and Brethren , I have thc honour to rise to move that a sincere vote of condolence be offered to the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , on the very melancholy suffering he lias sustained by the loss of his wife . I have been permitted , or rather have
been requested , to move this resolution because it has been thought that a personal friend of the noble lord would perhaps be thc best person to do so This was thought thc best way of conveying to his lordship our sincere regret at the great loss he has' sustained . I am well aware of what , his bewtavement is . I have had the honour and the pleasure of , first of all , being at the University
with him ; secondly , I knew the estimable lady who presided over his house for many years , and I would say , personally , I , in common with society and all who knew her , grieve for our noble and respected brother . I was unprepared to make this speech , but a set speech is not necessary , because as Masons we cherish affectionate regard for each other in every relation of life . We inculcate
those kind feelings towards one another , which makes us regard others' afflictions as our own ; and I am sure our sympathy will be extended towards our brother on this occasion . I might , perhaps , if I had been prepared , have addressed you in terms which would have moved you to sympathy , but I am glad to think that among our brotherhood there is no need of eloquence to excite you to
such a feeling . In your own hearts you will feel what ought to be said . The Earl of Limerick , in seconding the resolution , said : Most Worshipful Acting' Grand Master , I quite agree with what has fallen from the Right Worshipful Acting Deputy Grand Master , that it requires but very few words either to propose or second a resolution such as the present .
Not only does it require it , but I may almost say the fewer those words arc the better they are adapted to the circumstances . I therefore , Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master , will not detain you longer , but will simply second thc expression of deep sympathy which I am sure wc all have for the illustrious brother , thc Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon .
1 he resolution was then put and carried unanimously . Bro . John Hervey read a communication in reference to the formation of the Grand Lodge of Quebec , in which it was stated by Sir John Macdonald , K . C . H ., the representative of this Grand Lodge at the Grand Lodge of Canada , that all difficulties had been adjusted with the Grand Lodge of Canada .
I he Acting Grand Master moved that a reply should be sent to this communication , and that the Grand Lodge of Quebec should be recognised , and that representatives should be interchanged . The Earl of Shrewsbury seconded thc motion , which was put and carried unanimously . Bro . Staiidish Grove Grady , in rising to propose the
election of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as Grand Master for the ensuing year , said : Most Worshipful Grand Master , having had , as you have just heard from the Grand Secretary , the honour of nominating His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at thc last quarterly communication as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of our Order for thc ensuing year , it becomes my duty now , and
I rise with feelings of very sincere pleasure to discharge it , to ask you to confirm that nomination by your election of His I loyal Highness this evening to that office . ( Hear , hear . ) I do indeed esteem it the highest honour that I have been selected to discharge this duty , and I cannot attribute it to any persona ) merits of my own , but rather it may be to the circumstances that , not many
United Grand Lodge.
years ago , I had thc good fortune to be called upon present to their Royal Highnesses the first words of f-A come when the illustrious Princess , with whom the * M 0 " Worshipful Grand Master has so happily united ] , ; fortunes , first graced the shores of her adopted county . , and still more recently to his Royal brother , the Duke ' , ! Edinburgh and his illustrious bride , thc Grand DucliCs .
when he first introduced her to the loyalty of Her Majesty ' ' i subjects . And I again feel it an honour to discharge A j present duty and to ask this Grand Lodge , so numerous ]? and influential ! / attended , to confer on His Royal \]\„^ , ness the highest honour that the Craft can bestow on am ' of its members . I need not remind you of the position a our ancient Order ; I need not remind you that when 1
recent event rendered vacant the occupancy of our throat how thc voice of thc Craft throughout Her Majest y' ! dominions fell as one on His Royal Highness as the m 0 i , ( fit to occupy the throne and preside over our ancient institution . I need not remind you of thc manner h , which His Royal Highness , when waited upon by t | , deputation of the Grand Lodge , which requested hi .
acceptance of that oflice , how graciously , how handsomel y and with all truly Masonic feeling , he acceded to the wis ( J and complied with their request . I need not remind you of the report which has reached us all of the able and distinguished manner in which he performed one of our most interesting ceremonies on the recent occasion of the initiation of His Royal Highness thc Duke
of Connaught . Thc way he presided over the anniversary festival of our charitable institutions will convince you that we have in 1 lis Royal Highness a ruler who will add brilliancy to the Order , and raise it to a position cf prosperity to which it has not hitherto attained in this country . I need not remind you that the most Worshi pful Grand Master has still another claim upon our loyalty , and
our allegiance as Masons . He is descended from an illustrious line of ancestors , many of whose members have been conspicious at once for their attachment to the Order—( loud cries of " Time ; " " Time ; " and general signs rf impatience , during the continuance of which Bro . " Grad y could not be heard to complete his sentence . ) I am speaking in hearing of many brethren who knew his Royal
Highness ' s Grandfather , the Duke of Kent , who was also a Freemason , and his Grand-uncle , the Duke of Sussei , who was Grand Master of England at the time of tlie union of the two Grand Lodges ; and we only know the services he rendered to the Order at that time ( " Time , " "Time . " ) But brethren , His Royal Highness has still another claim on our allegiance and our love—( repcalej
signs of impatience , which Bro . Grady did not appear to notice , but continued speaking , although he was quite inaudible . At this point Sir Albert Woods conveyed a message to him from the Acting Grand Master , upon which he added—Under these circumstances , brethren , I shall not detain you further , but shall simply propose "That His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales be elected M . W . G . M . of Freemasons 0 L . Engl . u 1 d for the ensuing twelve months . " ( Cheers . ) 1 Bro . Grey , Deputy Master of the Prince of Wales ' s Lodge , of which His Royal Highness is W . M ., said in seconding j the motion : —After what has fallen from our brother Grady I feel that further words would be superfluous , I therefore beg to second thc election of His Royal Highness
the Prince of Wales . ( Applause . ) j The motion was put to the vote , when it was unanimously carried / amidst thc repeated cheering of the whole assembled body . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , Grand Director of Ceremonies called thc brethren to " Order , " and proclaimed the Prince of Wales by his full titles duly elected Grand Master for
the year . The Acting Grand Master : —Brethren I have to ask your attention to an order from the M . W . G . M . to the Grand Secretary on the subject of nominating certain Stewards to attend the installation of the Grand Master next month . I request your special attention to the letter while it is being read .
Bro . John Hervey : — " His Royal Highness has fixed the ceremony of his installation to take place at'fthe Grand Festival ou Wednesday , the 28 th of April , at the Royal Albert Ilall , and with a view to assist thc executive in carrying out the arrangements ofthe day , he proposes to authorise the . appointment of a certain number of Stewards in addition to the Grand Stewards tt
thc year , and to cause a jewel to be struck , and to permit the brethren who may be named as Stewards to wear the same . " ( Applause . ) The Acting Grand Master : Brethren , the next business before Grand Lodge : is the election of a Grand Treasure **
for the , ensuing ycaK - .. '* .. • . ' ¦ Bro . Dri Erasmus Wilson proposed the re-election of Bro . Samuel Tomkins to the office of Grand Treasurer , which he had so honourably filled for a number of years to the benefit and satisfaction of . the Craft . ( Great cheering . ) Bro . Ramsey : I have much pleasure in seconding the
motion . Bro . S . Tomkins was thereupon unanimously eleclcJ Grand Treasurer , accompanied by the most vociferous applause . The Acting Grand Master addressing Bro . TomkiiiSi announced the fact of his unanimous election . Bro . S . Tomkins : Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren ,
I thank you heartily for the honour you have done mc in re-electing me to this important office . I have now hnd the pleasure of fulfilling thc duties of that office for twentythree years . ( Hear , hear . ) During that time I have sec " a great increase in the numbers , and in the prosperity 0 l
Masonry ; and now , under the auspices of the illustrious Prince who has been made our Grand Master for tl , c ensuing year , I do not doubt that we shall sec a still greater increase of members and an increase of prosperity . Every man , every brother , who feels an interest in Masonry , aiw who wishes well to thc progress of thc Craft , must be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Gladsmuir Chapter (No.1385.)
ended , the installation of thc Principals was proceeded with and carried out in a most able manner . The following officers were then invested : —E . Comps . Terry , First P . Z . ; Cocks , S . E . ; Hayward Edwards , S . N . ; Verry , P . Soj . ; Livingston , First Asst . Soj . ; I Iumphrys , Second Asst . . Soj . ; Cutbush , Treasurer ; and Goddard , Janitor . Several
brethren were proposed for exaltation . The visitors present , besides those named , were : Comps . Binckes , V . ' A ., Sec . Boys'School ; West , Berry , Wright , P . Z . 22 ; Heard , 11 . 403 ; and Shilcock , 403 . The companions afterwards retired to a sumptuous banquet , provided by the host , Bro . Fisher ; a most agreeable evening was spent .
Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Thc General Committee of this Institution met on Thursday , 25 th February , at Freemasons' Hall . Bro . Major Creaton , vice-patron , presided . Among the brethren present were : —Bros . A . H . Tattershall , Walter Wellsman , F . W . II . Ramsay , Raynham W . Stewart , VV . Paas ,
J . A . Rucker , Bcnj . Head , Jesse Turner , Joshua Nunn , Thos . W . White , H . Massey ( Freemason ) , and R . W . Little , Secretary . The resignation of Miss Davis , the head mistress of the school , was announced to the committee , and the vacancy in lhe office was declared as from June next .
A grant of £ 20 was made to a late pupil of the school ou her obtaining an engagement . Several mailers connected with the school were discussed , and one petition was read , the little girl thc subject of it , passed her preliminary very satisfactorily , and was placed on the list for election , after which thc committee adjourned .
FREEMASONRY IN J AMAICA . —On the evening of the 22 nd Dec , the Worshipful II . P . Thompson , Master elect of the Seville Lodge , St . Ann ' s Bay , on behalf of the members , presented the Right Worshipful Michael Solomon , on his retiring from the chair , with a Past Master ' s jewel , bearing the following inscription : — " Presented to the Worshipful Michael Solomon , by the members of the Seville Lodge ,
as a token of brotherly love , and as a mark of his attachment to the Craft , on his retirement from oflice . Lodge Seville , 530 , St . Ann ' s Bay , Jamaica , 1 S 74 . " Bro . Solomon thanked thc brethren , in an eloquent speech , for the manner in which they had marked their appreciation of his services while he occupied the chair as Master , and assured them that he would ever feel that lively interest iu the Seville Lodge which he has felt since its organization .
MASONIC BALL IN LIVERPOOL . —The third annual ball , organized and carried out by some of thc leading spirits of the Alliance Lodge , No . 667 , and other lodges , took place on Wednesday evening , the 24 th ult ., at the Royal Assembly Rooms , Great George-street , Liverpool . Happily named "our" ball , it proved one of the most enjoyable of the season , antl thc Alliance thereby maintained its
nameand fame as being one of the most fraternal in tins part of the country . This was thc third of the series of balls got up under the same auspices , and was largely and fashionably attended , those present including many prominent members of the Craft . The arrangements were of the most satisfactory kind , and everyone seemed to enjoy the merry meeting . The scheme was inaugurated
and carried rut by Bros . W . Doyle , P . M ., Treasurer , 66 7 , P . Prov . J . G . D . ; A . Bucknall , 66 7 ( who most efficiently fulfilled the combined duties of Hon . See . and M . C . ); II , Gregory , 667 ; II . Firth , 66 7 ; A . C . Morrison ; 594 ( Downshire Lodge ) , and Carter , 66 7 . Amongst those present were Bros . It . Brown , S . W . 241 , Secretary to the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution ; T . B ,
Myers , S . W . 1182 ; R . Martin , J . W . 1182 ; J . Jackson , S . W . C 67 ; W . Savage , 241 ; as well as representatives of Lodges £ 94 , 673 , 1356 , and 1393 . Bro . Eve , Lime-street , supplied the supper and refreshments , and his catering , both as respects quantity and quality , could not have been excelled . Mr . Martin ' s quadrille band furnished excellent music . Dancing was kept up with spirit until after three o ' clock .
UxiiiuuGE IEOMANRY CAVALRY . —The annual ball in connection with this distinguished regiment took place on Thursday , 25 th ult ., at Willis ' s Rooms , St . James's , under the patronage of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Cox anil thc officers , Thc company began to assemble , and dancing commenced about nine o ' clock , and was continued with great spirit , to the inspiring strains of the regimental band , under the
direction of Bro . Herr Folkey . Thc members of the regiment ( a considerable number of whom arc brethren ) , mustered in great force , and the handsome uniforms , and truly soldierlike bearing of the men , were the theme of universal admiration . The arrangements were perfect in every degree , ' and reflect the highest credit on the
committee , of which Bro . R . Perkins was Hon . Sec After supper , which was of the most substantial kind , and gave the greatest satisfaction , and the usual loyal and patriotic toasts had been given and responded to , the company returned lo thc ball-room , where dancing was resumed until a very early hour in the morning .
IIOI . ' OWAV ' S 1 ' n . i . s . isi ) OINTMENT . —Dangerous Calarrlis , Iironchilis , Asthma , and Inlluciv / . n , are rife at lliis season of tlie year . Hepatic and rcn . al congestions frequently occur as lhe result ol checked skin action , giving rise to serious ' symptotns ; ind preventing atlentioii lo lmsim-ss or pleasure . , \' o lime should he lost on lhe liitt appearance 01 any indications ol' the invasion of these
• lisca-cs , for lhe symptoms may lie cheeked ellectuuily bv lhe use uf these valuable remedies , ilie penetrating local ctfect of the Ointment acts surely in the ahecteil parts , and restores ihem lo a health } 'condition , and lhe pills , jndieionfly taken in accordance with the l . uid diiections , rcli' .-vc the congestive capillaries anil materially les : c . t the chance of serious mischief supervening . — Auvr ,
United Grand Lodge.
Tlie Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge was held last Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall . There were several hundreds of brethren present , who , were probably under the impression that the Prince of Wales would preside . Thc brethren began to arrive at an early hour , and long before seven o ' clock , all sitting room was
occupied . By the lime the Grand Lodge was opened more than half the brethren present were standing , and they so remained during the conduct of Grand Lodge business . Thc Grand Master ' s chair was occupied by Bro . Hugh D . Sandeman , District Grand Master of Bengal , thc G . S . W . chair was occupied by Lord Henry Thynne , M . P .,
G . S . W ., and the G . J . W . chair by Ero . F . Pattison . The Earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot , Provincial Grand Master of Staffordshire , acted as Deputy Grand Master , and the Earl of Limerick , Provincial Grand Master of Bristol , as Past Grand Master . To the right of the Earl of Limerick were Col . Burdett , Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex , Bro . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ., Provincial
Grand Master of Herts , thc Rev . James Simpson , D . C . L ., Grand Chaplain , and the Rev . C . J . Martyn , Past Grand Chaplain . Among thc other Grand Oflicers , nnd Past Grand Officers , were Bros . John Havers , John M . Clabon , John B . Monckton , Joshua Nunn , Capt . Piatt , Col . Whitwell , Thomas Fenn , Rev . A . B . Frnzcr , S . Rawson , Rev . I ! . ( . Simpson , lames Glaisher , Dr . Erasmus Wilson ,
ex-Sheriff 1 lutton , John Symonds , John Savage , Brackstone Baker , and Rev . Sir J . Warren Hayes . After thc opening of Grand Lodge , Bro . John Hervey , Grand Secretary , read the regulations for the government of Grand Lodge during the time of public business , and afterwards the minutes of the Quarterly Communication of 2 nd December , 1874 . He then read a letter from thc
Grand Lodge of Scotland , acknowledging the receipt of thc resolution of condolence passed in Grand Lodge on thc 2 nd of September last on the decease of the late Earl of Dalhousie , K . T ., G . C . B ., Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland . The Earl of Shrewsbury then moved an address of condolence to the M . W . Pro Grand Master , the Earl of
Carnarvon , 111 thc sad affliction which has befallen his lordship by the death of thc Countess of Carnarvon . In doing so he said : —Most Worshipful Master and Brethren , I have thc honour to rise to move that a sincere vote of condolence be offered to the Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , on the very melancholy suffering he lias sustained by the loss of his wife . I have been permitted , or rather have
been requested , to move this resolution because it has been thought that a personal friend of the noble lord would perhaps be thc best person to do so This was thought thc best way of conveying to his lordship our sincere regret at the great loss he has' sustained . I am well aware of what , his bewtavement is . I have had the honour and the pleasure of , first of all , being at the University
with him ; secondly , I knew the estimable lady who presided over his house for many years , and I would say , personally , I , in common with society and all who knew her , grieve for our noble and respected brother . I was unprepared to make this speech , but a set speech is not necessary , because as Masons we cherish affectionate regard for each other in every relation of life . We inculcate
those kind feelings towards one another , which makes us regard others' afflictions as our own ; and I am sure our sympathy will be extended towards our brother on this occasion . I might , perhaps , if I had been prepared , have addressed you in terms which would have moved you to sympathy , but I am glad to think that among our brotherhood there is no need of eloquence to excite you to
such a feeling . In your own hearts you will feel what ought to be said . The Earl of Limerick , in seconding the resolution , said : Most Worshipful Acting' Grand Master , I quite agree with what has fallen from the Right Worshipful Acting Deputy Grand Master , that it requires but very few words either to propose or second a resolution such as the present .
Not only does it require it , but I may almost say the fewer those words arc the better they are adapted to the circumstances . I therefore , Most Worshipful Acting Grand Master , will not detain you longer , but will simply second thc expression of deep sympathy which I am sure wc all have for the illustrious brother , thc Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon .
1 he resolution was then put and carried unanimously . Bro . John Hervey read a communication in reference to the formation of the Grand Lodge of Quebec , in which it was stated by Sir John Macdonald , K . C . H ., the representative of this Grand Lodge at the Grand Lodge of Canada , that all difficulties had been adjusted with the Grand Lodge of Canada .
I he Acting Grand Master moved that a reply should be sent to this communication , and that the Grand Lodge of Quebec should be recognised , and that representatives should be interchanged . The Earl of Shrewsbury seconded thc motion , which was put and carried unanimously . Bro . Staiidish Grove Grady , in rising to propose the
election of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales as Grand Master for the ensuing year , said : Most Worshipful Grand Master , having had , as you have just heard from the Grand Secretary , the honour of nominating His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at thc last quarterly communication as the Most Worshipful Grand Master of our Order for thc ensuing year , it becomes my duty now , and
I rise with feelings of very sincere pleasure to discharge it , to ask you to confirm that nomination by your election of His I loyal Highness this evening to that office . ( Hear , hear . ) I do indeed esteem it the highest honour that I have been selected to discharge this duty , and I cannot attribute it to any persona ) merits of my own , but rather it may be to the circumstances that , not many
United Grand Lodge.
years ago , I had thc good fortune to be called upon present to their Royal Highnesses the first words of f-A come when the illustrious Princess , with whom the * M 0 " Worshipful Grand Master has so happily united ] , ; fortunes , first graced the shores of her adopted county . , and still more recently to his Royal brother , the Duke ' , ! Edinburgh and his illustrious bride , thc Grand DucliCs .
when he first introduced her to the loyalty of Her Majesty ' ' i subjects . And I again feel it an honour to discharge A j present duty and to ask this Grand Lodge , so numerous ]? and influential ! / attended , to confer on His Royal \]\„^ , ness the highest honour that the Craft can bestow on am ' of its members . I need not remind you of the position a our ancient Order ; I need not remind you that when 1
recent event rendered vacant the occupancy of our throat how thc voice of thc Craft throughout Her Majest y' ! dominions fell as one on His Royal Highness as the m 0 i , ( fit to occupy the throne and preside over our ancient institution . I need not remind you of thc manner h , which His Royal Highness , when waited upon by t | , deputation of the Grand Lodge , which requested hi .
acceptance of that oflice , how graciously , how handsomel y and with all truly Masonic feeling , he acceded to the wis ( J and complied with their request . I need not remind you of the report which has reached us all of the able and distinguished manner in which he performed one of our most interesting ceremonies on the recent occasion of the initiation of His Royal Highness thc Duke
of Connaught . Thc way he presided over the anniversary festival of our charitable institutions will convince you that we have in 1 lis Royal Highness a ruler who will add brilliancy to the Order , and raise it to a position cf prosperity to which it has not hitherto attained in this country . I need not remind you that the most Worshi pful Grand Master has still another claim upon our loyalty , and
our allegiance as Masons . He is descended from an illustrious line of ancestors , many of whose members have been conspicious at once for their attachment to the Order—( loud cries of " Time ; " " Time ; " and general signs rf impatience , during the continuance of which Bro . " Grad y could not be heard to complete his sentence . ) I am speaking in hearing of many brethren who knew his Royal
Highness ' s Grandfather , the Duke of Kent , who was also a Freemason , and his Grand-uncle , the Duke of Sussei , who was Grand Master of England at the time of tlie union of the two Grand Lodges ; and we only know the services he rendered to the Order at that time ( " Time , " "Time . " ) But brethren , His Royal Highness has still another claim on our allegiance and our love—( repcalej
signs of impatience , which Bro . Grady did not appear to notice , but continued speaking , although he was quite inaudible . At this point Sir Albert Woods conveyed a message to him from the Acting Grand Master , upon which he added—Under these circumstances , brethren , I shall not detain you further , but shall simply propose "That His Royal Highness the Prince
of Wales be elected M . W . G . M . of Freemasons 0 L . Engl . u 1 d for the ensuing twelve months . " ( Cheers . ) 1 Bro . Grey , Deputy Master of the Prince of Wales ' s Lodge , of which His Royal Highness is W . M ., said in seconding j the motion : —After what has fallen from our brother Grady I feel that further words would be superfluous , I therefore beg to second thc election of His Royal Highness
the Prince of Wales . ( Applause . ) j The motion was put to the vote , when it was unanimously carried / amidst thc repeated cheering of the whole assembled body . Sir Albert Woods ( Garter ) , Grand Director of Ceremonies called thc brethren to " Order , " and proclaimed the Prince of Wales by his full titles duly elected Grand Master for
the year . The Acting Grand Master : —Brethren I have to ask your attention to an order from the M . W . G . M . to the Grand Secretary on the subject of nominating certain Stewards to attend the installation of the Grand Master next month . I request your special attention to the letter while it is being read .
Bro . John Hervey : — " His Royal Highness has fixed the ceremony of his installation to take place at'fthe Grand Festival ou Wednesday , the 28 th of April , at the Royal Albert Ilall , and with a view to assist thc executive in carrying out the arrangements ofthe day , he proposes to authorise the . appointment of a certain number of Stewards in addition to the Grand Stewards tt
thc year , and to cause a jewel to be struck , and to permit the brethren who may be named as Stewards to wear the same . " ( Applause . ) The Acting Grand Master : Brethren , the next business before Grand Lodge : is the election of a Grand Treasure **
for the , ensuing ycaK - .. '* .. • . ' ¦ Bro . Dri Erasmus Wilson proposed the re-election of Bro . Samuel Tomkins to the office of Grand Treasurer , which he had so honourably filled for a number of years to the benefit and satisfaction of . the Craft . ( Great cheering . ) Bro . Ramsey : I have much pleasure in seconding the
motion . Bro . S . Tomkins was thereupon unanimously eleclcJ Grand Treasurer , accompanied by the most vociferous applause . The Acting Grand Master addressing Bro . TomkiiiSi announced the fact of his unanimous election . Bro . S . Tomkins : Right Worshipful Sir and Brethren ,
I thank you heartily for the honour you have done mc in re-electing me to this important office . I have now hnd the pleasure of fulfilling thc duties of that office for twentythree years . ( Hear , hear . ) During that time I have sec " a great increase in the numbers , and in the prosperity 0 l
Masonry ; and now , under the auspices of the illustrious Prince who has been made our Grand Master for tl , c ensuing year , I do not doubt that we shall sec a still greater increase of members and an increase of prosperity . Every man , every brother , who feels an interest in Masonry , aiw who wishes well to thc progress of thc Craft , must be